Pro Speedrunner Reacts to NEW Minecraft 1.16 World Record by Illumina

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TMB_TTLG_TMW777 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
yo everyone what's going on curryway here and in this video i reacted to the new minecraft 1.16 world record by illumina this run was absolutely insane i reacted to it basically right after it happened on his twitch vod and i did this live so if you want to see me speed on minecraft into a whole bunch of other things check out my twitch i'll leave a link into it in the description below i really appreciate you guys watching this this was super fun to react to the run itself is just absolutely insane definitely go check out illumina obviously he's the best speedrunner of all time in minecraft bar none no question just absolutely the goat thank you all so much for watching i will see you all in another video soon peace out dude holy all right react to andy let's watch it actual react andy all i know is that he blinded early and then i watched endgame dude immediately i'm not like how immediately i'm thinking how is this a sub 3 enter is this a sub 3 enter i'm extremely confused he needs a lava pool or a room portal based on how fast i know his blind is like there has to be something else there's no way it's just a village and i don't even see a blacksmith dude what hotel okay nice wait he only grabs fight dude what an alpha i was like he doesn't he has only five beds that's risky those are the beds dude holy cow wait is this like classic or something oh he has a blacksmith okay he has double blacksmith okay so these are obviously good how good is good so we can enter here and he can obvi if he gets three oh my god dude so yeah he obviously just enters here right does he not even go for the fns does he just enter because that would be the play right you want to like you like you big brain this so you don't need to buck it and then you just have you just have this right you you just have um you just have your iron pick i guess you need flint and steel still he doesn't have anything for flint and steel so he probably still has to kill gollum yeah he's got the sword to kill the golem he's gonna get some food oh my god dude i cannot believe it sub 14 no f3 like what even literally what even man that's actually insane so he's got to kill golem one here i always forget to use the sword i i forget every time to use the sword no f3 insanity he makes a bucket too because he can he's good to go so oh wait no he needed the bucket any no yeah he needed the bucket anyway he would have needed a bucket anyway to get the the last piece of city and i'm stupid because there's no way he could have got the water okay so yeah sub three i was gonna i was saying dude how do you get a sub three enter on the seat and and that's how that's how you do it my goodness man so three minute answer lava bucket food doesn't have to worry about anything else in the nether spawns in a basalt excuse me [Music] with no e-ray with no e-ray with no chords no quadrant spawns in a basalt and this is world record this is the first sub-14 [Music] huh this seed sucks oh i think he sees sebastian or is that a bad no he sees fortress okay is that a bastion right there no that's just more basalt so he sees fortress okay so you go to left and try and find bastion so the question is is that wait is that the bastion like in the fortress or is that more fortress i can't tell dude this is why you play with gamma5 there's no way he does fortress first dude a luminous like show alpha illumina aluminum like literally okay oh illumina is one of maybe like three runners who would do fortress first here like maybe one of three like maybe feinberg would and like maybe benex anyone else like i like cannot think of doing fortress first ever how did he not get hit there what is that two for three chad help me count that's two for three right and he's better than me yeah no duh lumen is better than me aluminum is insane i suck chat my biggest secret is that for some reason you all think i'm good i'm awful at this game four for five and he's using a sword like what an alpha dude like oh like what just an alpha player the armor is helping big time actually maybe i would have done fortress first if i if i have armor and food because it's not like i have to worry about anything five for seven where's he going he has five rods sir but does he have six do i not know how to count [Music] oh my god fireboat what an alpha oh he won six or seven six or seven okay wait is that a bastion right there what dude this is this seat is loony it's treasure oh i feel validated dude i feel validated treasure pog you oh my god treasure best bastion treasure best bastion oh my god that looks dude what is this seed throw that down go here grab this make a helmet no no gold armor is he even on easy is he on normal right now i have so many questions sir the armor the gold armor you want to put on no there you go that works dude this is like the most alpha run i've ever seen in my life this is so alpha oh my god wait okay this is a new one is this new do i need to learn this or just like the illumina version i've never seen anyone do that before ninja brainer okay so that's new got it ninja brain shout out ninja brain dude that's bad dude this treasure sucks where are you going oh oh my god wait that's so sick wait that's actually so sick oh my god that's the coolest thing i've ever seen that's the most five head thing ever dude this treasure is pathetic by the way this treasure is god awful that was a dude that was what like a 5 for 10 treasure if that is that a 5 for 10 treasure he he doesn't need string he only needs to be in like one more pearl trade 16 and seven he just needs to obby nine dude you have 13 gold in your inventory put it back to them oh my god dude 22 goals for one obby that's free eight minutes and he's just gonna blind here dude what an alpha play this run could have been sub 12 if like i dude i gotta check the scene i gotta check the scene this is really smart too the so the benefit of playing with no f3 is that you can do dumb things like that and and make your portal there like while the pigs are still training because if it's bad blind cords you're never doing that but in this situation it's like kind of a time save if that makes sense dude oh my god blinds at 8 40. insane dude i think that's the second fastest blind ever i know feinberg's had an 807 i think this is the second fastest blind ever correct me if i'm wrong but oh my god i think ninja blinded faster that's not surprising ninja brain's insane next fast is 1830 ninja brain had a minute okay i didn't know about ninja brains dude shout out ninja brain insanely underrated oh my god man he ne i'm pretty sure oh my god this terrain sucks but he has so many pearls could this be world record wow no way chad do you guys think this could be world record do you think it has a shot this is insane dude these eye throws are so sad the angle is not changing at all whatsoever he had a fabric api in his mods folder dude i don't care it's still world record i literally i don't care i don't care if it gets rejected don't care this is the new world record i don't want to hear it if any dude if anyone i know i know why you're bringing it up and i like appreciate it but if anyone tries to hold that against illumina i need them to like calm down and try and get a sub one hour time first before they hold that against illumina because that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard of in my entire life if you will actually try to hold that against him obviously he shouldn't have had it obviously you shouldn't have had it but it obviously did not affect this run at all they're not going to reject it it's illumina dude there's no way and if anyone complains about it being like special treatment well dude i get like 10 world records first like illumina did and then maybe you can you can have the the leeway that illumina gets okay yeah exactly no even if it gets denied like no runner is ever ever going to say this isn't world record you're not going to go to like dylan's stream and he's going to be like oh well illumina technically didn't get world record like no one's going to say that no one's saying that oh my god dude that sucks though that that that just makes the situation annoying that's so nuts man so nuts this is just like the torture part though this is this is the this is the most stressful part in any run i think to me honestly like yeah everything like dragon is stressful nether is stressful but when you're just boating and you see your time going up and you're losing like world record pace to this just taking so long to get to it's tough and you just don't see anything you don't see anything i thought it was this light up here at first i thought it was that light up there but it wasn't you see it you can actually see it you can see the light this is it and i think that's what he probably sees right like when he's looking at this he's probably like oh wait yeah and he's like oh there it is oh my god that's insane that's so nuts also like mega mind play here i would have just entered which is why i don't have world record because i'm bad i would have just entered at a four-way here but illumina like the alpha player he is and like the alpha place he's made throughout this run goes and checks and actually oh my god dude this play is so good this play is like so optimal this run is insane this run is like insane there's like maybe at most like 20 seconds of time saving this entire run this is nuts this is so nuts dude oh my god you can see him shaking yeah dude he's probably freaking out and he's still got a five bed with literally no with with no f3 yet open expose is insane open exposed is super super underrated i think people are starting out i mean like runners know obviously like how good open exposes but like between this run and the davey run you really see like how good it actually is oh my god dude that's so insane you're out of top five i would not be out of top five in any other way i've never been happier to be out of top five dude this was also really good on him seeing the perch here this is such a that's such a subtle snap that is such a good play from him it is such a subtle snap i also would have vetted there the the balls dude oh my god he's so good at the game insane dude just insane just absolutely insane oh my god dude like by far like by far the best 1.16 run like period this is so nuts dude
Channel: Couriway
Views: 685,246
Rating: 4.9379358 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Couriway, minecraft java edition, minecraft speedrun, couriway speedrun, speedrunning, minecraft challenge, minecraft world record, world record, world record speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft wr, speedrun wr, couriway minecraft, wr, illumina, illumina minecraft, illumina world record, new world record, react, illumina speedrun, pro speedrunner, pro
Id: wJmWgZoVGN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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