The BEST Discord Setup Tutorial 2021 - How to Setup Discord Server with BOTS and ROLES

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so i didn't really plan to do another one of these videos but discord has really changed a lot since my last video about a year and a half ago and the video is definitely a lot harder to follow than it used to be so this is going to be my updated how to make a discord server video for pretty much the year 2022 since there's only a couple months left in this year but before we get into the video let me take a moment to tell you about how you can make money off of your discord server through the amazing sponsor of today's video in nordvpn nordvpn is one of the leading vpn service providers with over 15 million users worldwide and recently they launched a discord partner program through this program you can start earning money through commissions inside your discord server and it takes no time to set up at all simply sign up for nordvpn's partnership program by going to discord grab some links and promotion material for your server and then you can get all your commissions for every single purchase paid out through paypal wire transfers bitcoin and even more the commission rates are extremely generous and they're paid out once a month so if you're interested in making money in your discord server for completely free head to the top link in the description and sign up for nordvpn's discord partnership program today now let's get on to the video so to make this uh even easier to follow than i ever have before i'm actually on a brand new discord account this time so it's completely brand new i have no servers so this is literally if you just downloaded discord and you want to make a server right away this is going to be perfect for you the first thing you're going to do is come over to the top left you're going to click add a server um you're not going to join any of these you're going to click at the top create my own now this is where you want to decide are you making a server just for you and like maybe a small group of your friends or are you someone like me a content creator and you want to make a server for your community or a larger group of people maybe like for a school club or something that's where you're going to pick here for me i'm going to pick the first one and we're going to change the name to let's just do a test server and we're going to create if you want to upload an image you are able to right there to start but you can go back and do that at any time if you want and now you've got your brand new server by default you're going to get a general text channel and a general voice channel to make this a little easier for beginners to follow the first thing we're going to do is set up all the channels and then after that we're going to go and do the permissions and then we'll do the roles later on in the video we'll get onto the bots so we're going to base the server off of what my server is based off of is a community server for all the uh people that watch me on youtube so you you may not set up the same exact channels as i set up but i'm just going to show you how to do it give you a bunch of examples as we go so to make a new text channel what you're going to do is come up here to the plus button where it says create channel and you're going to simply type in then you're going to select if you want to be a text channel or a voice channel then you're just going to type in the name of the channel you want so for this one we'll start off with a rules channel um you're just going to create it and then boom right there you've got a new rolex channel and then to show you guys what it's like to make a voice channel you just come in and let's make one for music create channel and that's going to give you a new music voice channel now later we're going to set up some different categories and you'll be able to drag these uh channels anywhere you want but first like i said we're just gonna set up all the actual channels first so this pretty self-explanatory mega channel boom text your voice type in what you want for this one we'll do welcome and enter and boom your channel's made i'm gonna go through and go ahead and set up a bunch of channels it's super self-explanatory so i'm not gonna sit here and waste your guys time showing you every single one i make so we're gonna fast forward to after i get all of them made okay so now you've got all of your channels made as you can see i just have a whole list of them here it's very unorganized so now i'm going to show you guys something called categories and then we're going to jump into how to quickly edit the permissions of all these channels so categories are basically what you see up here text channels and voice channels it groups everything up for you so you can neatly organize all of your channels on your server so we're going to make a couple different categories real quick and to make a category it's super simple simply right click in any of the empty space over here and click create category and then you can name it whatever you want i'm going to make one called welcome and create category so now you can see i have a brand new category down here and what i'm going to do for the welcome category is basically put all the like introductory stuff to the server down here so the welcome channel will be there oh if i could drag it down there right welcome channel will be there the rules channel will be in the welcome category i can't seem to drag these down here for some reason there we go uh we're also going to put the updates channel down there and i believe that is all we will put there for now for some reason i actually made two update channels but i'll use it to show you guys how to delete a channel if you ever want to delete a channel you can come into the settings and click delete order do it a little bit quicker right click delete channel dewey channel that easy so next up i'm going to make a category for these channels for my mods and my admins these are going to be the private channels that i don't want everyone in the community to see like regular members i only want the people that are my mods and admins to be able to see um so we're going to right click create category we're going to name it my admin click enter and we're going to drag the admins text channel in there and the mods text channel in there as well so again i don't want to bore you guys with this it's super easy to do i'm going to go ahead and finish setting up my categories and then we'll pick it up in just a second okay so i've got all the categories set up already so as you can see right off the bat it already looks super organized and way neater than it was with everything just stacked up all together now if you want to organize a little bit more you can actually drag everything in the category by just grabbing the category name and you can pull it all the way down and you can drag the entire category down and it'll pull everything down for you so i'm gonna keep the voice channels at the bottom i'm gonna move this up underneath the welcome i'm actually gonna put the welcome on top and put the gesture category which is like my stuff right my content everything's gonna go uh in these two channels here so i got the welcome my content category my regular general text channels the private channels voice channels and the private voice channels so next up before we jump into permissions on these categories what we're going to do is make a couple roles so we can actually give those roles permissions so to make a new role you're going to come up here to the top left click the drop down arrow click server settings and the second option is going to be roles down here is going to display all the roles you make since we have none we're going to click create role and on the left side as well you can also see all of your roles so we're not going to mess with any of the permissions because i'm going to show you guys an easy way to do that through the categories so you don't have to come in and change every single permission on every individual role that'll take you forever so we're just going to make a couple of test rolls here again you guys can set up as many as you want i'm just going to do a few so i can keep this nice short and sweet we're going to make a member roll and then right here you can actually select the color you want for the roll you can quick select a color or you can click custom color and you can actually change it to whatever color you want we'll do a light blue for this one and we're going to come down here and display roll members separately from online members i'll show you guys what that's going to do in just a little bit once we actually get the bots in here but for now just make sure you check that on all of your rolls when you make them we're going to click save changes and we're actually going to make a couple more rolls so we're going to click back we're going to click create roll and we're going to make a moderator roll we're going to make the moderators purple and we're going to display them separately from online members and we're going to save we're going to create oh yeah i'm sorry you don't have to click back you actually create roll right here so create roll uh we're going to make admin we're going to make that uh pinkish red display separately save changes i'm gonna create a owner roll that's gonna be for me uh we're going to make it a seafoam green and display separately save changes and lastly we're going to make a role called bot that is going to be for all the bots in the server and we are going to make that yellow display separately and save changes so basically what these roles are going to do if i come back to the main screen of my server and over here on the member list i can right click my name click roles and i can actually select owner give myself the owner roll now you can see instead of it saying online it now says it now gives me the role title and it actually changed the color of my name to green so if i type a message in here it's actually going to be green and you can click on me and you can see all my rollers right there on the screen if you come back into your role settings you can actually drag these however you want so you're going to want to keep the members at the bottom obviously you're going to want to be at the top you're going to want your moderators to be right there and your admins to be right under you you want to click save changes now we've got all that set up and now we're going to set up the permissions the permissions are going to let you decide what members are going to be able to do what and see what in your server so obviously we don't want everyone to be able to see these mod and admin text channels right so we're going to do is instead of updating the permissions for each individual channel you can actually right click on the category itself and you can go to edit category permissions and you can actually edit the permissions for that entire category and anytime you put a new text channel or voice channel in that category it'll automatically update the permissions of that voice or text channel to the permissions for that category so a super easy way to keep everything organized and neat without having to go through individually and set up permissions for every single one because that would take you forever so we are currently editing the permissions for everyone in the server hence the name at everyone and basically since we don't want anyone to see these servers you can do this really easy view channels just click the x on it and boom it just made it will tell you it makes it a private channel so basically we don't have to sit here and go if you have ocd and you want to x every single thing you can but by clicking the x on view channels you can click save and no one's going to be able to see those channels anything in that category but you don't want to stop there as you can see up here the only people that can see this channel is me and no roles can see it the only person that can see it is me but we want our mods and admins to be able to see these channels so we're going to click the plus button and we're going to add our moderator in there and we're going to make it where our moderator can see the channel and that will allow them to do anything they want in the channel if you want to come through and make it where they can only do certain stuff like yes they can send messages send messages and threads maybe you don't want them to manage the channels you don't want them to edit the channel names or anything you can disable that feel free to go through read all of these permissions and set your setup how you want your server to be set up right you might want your mods to have less power than i want my mods to have you know so i'm not going to waste time and go through and change every single permission for you guys i'll let you do that on your own it's pretty self-explanatory but that is how you change it and you can see now up here who can access this category anyone with the moderator role can now access that category we want to add one more roll to this we're going to click the plus button again we're going to click admin and we're going to make it where our admins can view the channels so we're going to click save changes our admins and our moderators can now view at these mod and admin channels as you can see they are private channels because at everyone cannot see them so you're gonna have a little bitty lock symbol on top on the top left corner of the channels so i'll walk through a couple more with you guys we're gonna jump into the permissions for the text channels uh text channels edit category permissions um so these are gonna be a little more in depth than the others uh so we obviously want people to be able to view these channels yes at everyone we don't want them to manage the channels we don't want them to be able to change the channel's names or descriptions we don't want them to be able to change permissions and we don't want them to be able to manage web hooks i personally do want them to be able to create invites i want them to be able to send messages messages and threads create public threads create private threads um they can embed links i will let them attach files i'll let them attack add reactions i'll let them use external emojis and let them use external stickers but i do not want them to be able to mention at everyone at here or all roles that basically means that anyone that joins your server would be able to type at everyone and they can send a mass ping out to everyone in your server obviously you don't want them to do that so we're going to we're going to disable that setting for them we don't want them to be able to manage messages not not manage threads we do want them to be able to read message history we don't want them to be able to send text-to-speech messages those can get extremely annoying and we don't want them to use application commands next up for the voi any voice channels inside this category we do want them to be able to connect voice channels to this category we'll allow them to speak in these channels we'll allow them to share their face cam screen share or stream a game in these channels we're not gonna let them start activities we're gonna limit that to the moderators um we'll let them use voice activity priority speaker i'm not really even sure what that is keep that you can just keep that like that uh mute members we don't want them to have the power to mute other people nor deafen nor should they have the power to move other members so now we've got all the permissions set up for the at everyone in this category so we're gonna save changes now another way to make this a little easier on yourself if you don't want to come through on every single uh category and set up your the permissions for your moderators what you can actually do is come back to your server settings and go to roles click on your moderators and you can actually set up permissions inside your moderator this will bypass all the category permissions because the role itself has these different permissions like if you want your moderators to be able to manage roles you can check that if you want them to be able to um all this stuff up here is basically managing stuff inside your server so go through and set those up how you want but if you want them to be able to do things like um manage messages in every obviously they're a moderator so you're gonna want them to manage the message be able to delete messages or pin messages in every single text channel across the board so what you can do is you're in your role permissions you can actually come in and set up all of that inside of your um role permissions that way you don't have to go through and obviously we want them to be able to mute members deaf members and mute move members who are being toxic so that you can save changes and that way you don't have to go through and set those up on each category because the role itself has it hopefully that makes sense i hope i explained that kind of well and then your admins a really easy thing for your admins it's a one-click fix um your admins obviously you're going to want them to be able to do every single thing that you can do these are your most trusted individuals the only thing they cannot do is delete the server only you can do that so if you go to the permissions for your admin role and you come all the way to the bottom you can check that box and that will give them every single permission in the server you can even see this is a dangerous permission to grant so you want to make sure you only give people the administrator role that you trust to be an administrator i trust all my admins so i'm going to save changes the admins can now do every single thing that can bypass every single thing in the server so once again kind of self-explanatory right a little bit complicated but self-explanatory i'm not going to go through and set up every single one of these with you guys because i'm gonna let you guys set them up how you wish um i walked through two of them with you i'm gonna go ahead and set up the permissions for the rest of my channels or the rest of my categories i'm sorry and we'll get as soon as i'm done with that we'll jump into the last segment of the video bots all right so i've got all the categories up just go i'll show you guys one more time what i did for like the welcome category um i wanted to allow at everyone to view the channels but that's all i wanted them to do is see the content in the channels but i didn't want them to do anything else i did allow them to add reactions or use external emojis and read message history so they can read messages before they join the server but i don't want them to be able to do anything else besides just read the messages so i x everything besides those four or five settings there so just wanted to show you guys what that looks like now let's jump into the bots so as far as the bots go i'm going to give you guys maybe two to three different options for bots but as far as the tutorial goes i'm gonna walk you guys through the main bot that i actually the only bot that i use on my server which is me six so all you're gonna wanna do is come to me six dot x y z you can just type in b6 on google and it'll take you straight here if you're not logged in already then log in up here on the top right and then you can go to my servers and you should see your server here you want to set up your server and it's going to pop up a box for you to add the bot add me six into your server it's basically inviting them you click continue uh we want me six to do a lot of things so we're gonna give it permission to everything in our server and we're gonna click authorize confirm that you are not a robot oh my god i actually have to do this hold on train train train next train train next oh no i missed one oh i did okay i okay i i don't know what's happening anyways so then you're gonna be brought to this screen if you come back to discord you're going to see over here on the right that me six is in your server and you can see a welcome message that discord put in there now we're gonna go ahead and give me six the bot roll you guys know how to do this but we did make a bot roll earlier it's just something i like to do to help recognize what are bots especially if you have a lot of them just right click on music go down to roles and check the bot box so now you will see his name is in yellow and he now has the bot roll and for this message if this message popped up in another chat for you guys like general or something if you come up here to the top left and go to server settings the first option right here system messages channel you can actually change that to your welcome channel that we made and that and it'll give you it'll do all of these things for you right so it'll uh when someone joins the server it'll automatically put a message letting you know hey someone joined the server and you can pick whatever channel you want that message to go to anyways back to setting up the actual music spot here on the dashboard the reason i'm going to give you guys a couple different bot options that you can use in tangent with me six is that some of the features you guys may want like social connections down here basically i'll notify people when you go live on twitch or when you post a youtube video or anything these are premium features and it looks like these are the only five premium features right but when you actually start getting into it like click on the levels almost every feature in the levels plug-in is a premium feature right so from the outside looking in it doesn't look like there's a lot of premiums but a lot of stuff is hidden and deep inside the actual plug-in so as i set this bot up if you guys run into something like if you want these social connections i'm pretty sure either carl bot or dinobot can offers these uh these features for free so you can go get carl by i'll have the link in the description you can get carlbot and dinobot and you can add those into your server and use that feature for free just use those bots for that feature specifically but i'm not going to walk you guys through everything on here there's a ton of features in the me six as you can see i'm gonna walk you guys through a few that are the most important just to get your servers set up and running and then later on you guys can come through and check out all these other cool features that it offers so to kick things off let's start up here at the top with server management we're going to mess around with the welcome the main thing that we're going to use here is give a role to new users i think some of you guys might like this feature basically what this is going to do is as soon as someone joins your server me six can automatically go ahead and give them a role or multiple roles um so if you want someone to join your server and instantly get the member role you can do that right there and as soon as you do that you can click save down here at the bottom right and as soon as someone joins your server they will automatically get the member role for now on so that's all i'm going to set up here in this section we're going to go back to the dashboard up here and we're going to set up reaction rolls real quick what this basically is uh if you don't know what reactions are on discord if someone sends a message right if i just send a message like that and i right click on the message you can actually add a reaction basically add an emoji to the message right so i could do 100 and that's that's what a reaction is on discord right so what a reaction role does i went ahead and joined my server uh my main server on this alt account i actually have reaction roles here here in the rose channel we have a halloween theme going on sorry but basically what it does is these are the reaction oils right here right so so you can react with a red circle to get a lot get the live stream ping roll and basically i use that role instead of adding everyone whenever i do a live stream i'll just come in here on my live stream channel i'll send out at live stream ping uh basically if you want to you can do this for anything you want but this is what i use them for is live streams and uh my videos also with the camera flash so you can come in here react to that and react to that and if i scrolled all the way down to find my name on this list it would be right here you can now see i have the live stream ping and a video pink roll so those are what reaction rolls are um to set them up it's really simple you're just going to select the channel that you want the reaction roll message to be in so we're going to do uh we didn't set up a rolls channel so ideally you would want to set up a roller's channel for this uh we'll just put it in the rollers channel for now because why not uh you can you can type in whatever you want message you want here react to this message to get a special role you can change the color of the uh little embedded part of the message that me six is gonna see right here we'll just do purple um and now you can add a reaction um so let's do a thumbs up and the thumbs up will give you the oh wait for now let's just do a bot roll and we're going to get this error because what we're going to have to do is come back to discord what that message is telling you is that me six is too low on your roll tier list to be able to uh give out the bot roll so we're going to come into our server settings we're going to go to our roles and you're going to see you have a new me six role in here now right so what you're going to do is drag this above every row that you want me six to control in this case i want it to be able to control me as well i use that for like level level features and stuff so we're going to drag it to the top and we're going to click save changes now we're going to come back over to me six and you can see that message is gone if someone reacts to the message with a thumbs up then they will get the bot roll uh i think you can set up yeah you can set up up to two in one message so you can also set up the smiley face and member and that would give you up to two you can get up to technically two reaction roles per message so after you're done with that you're just gonna click save and we're gonna come back to the dashboard and we're gonna set up the moderator plugin enable the plugin and what this is going to do is basically give you an auto moderator while me six will actually automatically do stuff for you like delete bad words and then down here you've also got commands like easy quick commands that your moderators can use so if we scroll back up to the top you're going to select a role for the moderator role we're going to do our moderator um you can do your admin as well but if you gave your administrator role that administrator privilege at the bottom then you don't have to worry about that at all so the moderators can now be able to use all of these commands down here and you can come in and edit the commands disable commands you don't want and it also allows you to set up a audit logging channel basically what audit logging what an audit logging channel is is discord actually has one built in if you come up here you can go to your audit log and if we turn off streamer mode um it's just basically a list of events that a list of events that happen in your server right so you can see i updated the roles for me six um i added me six to the server basically it'll give you this but in uh inside a text channel so if you want to add that feel free to if not it's not a big a deal you already have one built into discord so pretty self-explanatory so far right let's go back to the dashboard and there's like i said there's a ton of things you can do in here utilities you can add statistic channels um you can search things on google um if you have premium you can do all these social connection plugins what we're gonna do now is set up the music channel now this one's pretty self-explanatory what it lets you do is listen to music directly on discord so it's really easy to use you have all these lists of commands right here and you can go in and edit them if you want um some of them are premium but you can still use the basic features so if we join the music channel that we set up so if you come in here and type in exclamation point play and the name of a song and click enter it'll join whatever music channel or whatever voice channel you are currently in and it'll start playing music for you right there and it'll give you a now playing message and if you want to when you're ready for it to stop playing music just do exclamation point stop and it'll automatically leave the channel and stop playing the music so pretty easy to set up right not too bad so now you've got all that set up that's the most basic features on me six right just to get you started come in here and feel three feel free to mess with any of these settings there's tons of things you can do um inside each different plug-in there's literally so much different uh stuff in the plug-in so definitely experiment see what you can come up with and whatever makes your server the most fun so the last thing i'm going to show you guys is a way uh something i use to kind of spice up the look of your server right it's a website called and it's got a ton a ton of different symbols that you can use at the beginning of your text channels for instance i already copied one so if we go to edit channel i can paste that symbol at the beginning of the channel name and click save now you can use emojis to do this if you want but if you want uh something that's a little more simplistic to make your server look really neat then i definitely recommend checking out this website because there's so many so many different and then obviously it's got all the actual emojis right but as far as just random symbols and characters it's got so many cool ones that you can pick from so as you can see i went ahead and added in the symbol to a bunch of my channels and it gives it a really neat and clean look and you can get really customizable with these you can even come in and add one at the end and it just gives it a nice clean and professional look so i think that about wraps it up for us guys honestly i can make this video an hour an hour and a half long if i want to show you guys everything about discord but i don't want to take up that much of your guys's time um discord is an amazing tool and it has so many features and there's so many third-party features that you can use inside your discord server but hopefully i was able to keep it kind of short and sweet for you guys and able to help you guys get your own server set up and now you can in the future in the coming weeks you can jump in and just change things up and really make it a nice cozy home for you and your community but i think that about wraps it up for us guys really quick before you click off the video make sure you check out the top link in the description head over to discord and get signed up for the discord partnership program and that way you can start earning money in your discord server for completely free if you enjoyed the video please feel free to consider subscribing i do a lot of different streaming and gaming content on this channel as well as i have a side channel i'll have that link below at the bottom of the description um i do a lot of variety gaming content on that channel and if you guys want to join my discord server that link is also down there you guys can join it get some ideas for your own server it's also a really cool place to hang out you know we've got a lot of people in there always chatting throughout the day so definitely feel free to check it out but i hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day thank you for watching i really appreciate it peace
Channel: Gehsture
Views: 17,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord setup tutorial, discord setup guide, discord setup guide with bots, discord setup tut, discord, discord bots, discord for dummies, discord server setup 2020, discord server 2020, discord tutorial, best discord bots, how to setup a discord server, gehsture
Id: oQAztZ5uzfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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