Discord Setup: Community Tutorial - How to Create the BEST Server and Add Moderation Fast

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hey hey what's up nerds keon here from nerd or die and despite how awesome my mom thinks i am like a lot of you guys i'm out here trying to do my best to create a community around my live streaming and content creation so where do i build a community twitter instagram youtube all are viable options but i personally find the best way to interact with your community is a discord server which is why today defrag and i are going to be walking you through the steps to create a discord server and build up your community using the discord community features built directly into their app and before we officially dive into this video let me remind you that we do this sort of thing all the time so if you could play tag you're it no tag backs with the subscribe button and hit the notification bell we'd really appreciate it so strap on your knowledge brain cap things grab a non-sponsored beverage because we're about to get into this now the first step to starting a discord community is obviously installing and setting up your discord server time to create a server baby that's that's really what the script says huh i'm not kidding defrag wrote this part and this is how he thinks i talk thanks bud appreciate it anyway click the plus button on the left hand side name your server and use an image of your choosing usually your face or your logo will be a good place to start as you want people to associate it with your twitch twitter youtube or whatever else you're creating content on once created the first thing you should do is establish some auto moderation you don't have to do this but we recommend it going up to the top clicking the server name and going to the server settings you can see a tab called moderation click here and we're going to recommend setting this to medium for now not that you'll get flooded with any bot accounts but this definitely is worth putting in place now so you can make sure you're not stuck purging bot accounts later for right now don't worry about the scan media content filter because when you're using the server as a community server it actually requires you to have scan media content from all members turned on anyway after this head down to enable community in here we want you to click get started and check these boxes hit next and we're going to set up the basics you should have a rules or guidelines channel or whatever you want to call it so people can understand how you operate your discord community some people find these sections a little bit redundant but we tend to band those people sorry the second field is a community updates channel this basically will be for you and your moderator's eyes only discord will send new updates and information on features patches fixes etc to whichever channel you select here for this since it can potentially have sensitive information about your own channel it's best to trust this with only yourself and your mods so creating a private channel for this is a good idea on the third and final page of this setup you'll have a few more decisions to make the first is regarding default notifications have you ever just been casually sitting at your computer doing whatever it is you do when you're shooting at your computer not judging and you hear this sound you hear it once twice over and over and over so you finally go to the server where all these notifications are coming from and immediately mute the server or perhaps you take the more dramatic approach type buy in the main chat and leave the server now if you're the person running the server you'd probably like to avoid both these scenarios so to avoid putting people off it might be a good idea to set default notifications to mentions only that way unless you mention a specific user or role you won't bother everyone and they can check on the server without the constant they can check on the server without a consulate without it constantly notify all right i don't need this you keep doing your little ping thingy i told you to change the default settings and we're back moving down to the second checkbox we can remove permissions from the at everyone role such as admin manage server basically anything you don't want everyone to have access to there's nobody on our server at the moment but probably a good idea to check both of these last but not least is the community guidelines from discord themselves if you haven't reviewed this and let's be honest we know you haven't it's not very long and while most servers will naturally comply with these guidelines you don't want to be the one time a guideline is broken so be sure to give it a quick look and then check this box and hit finish now with all of that done you'll be greeted with this lovely page there's a few things you can do here one of the coolest initial features of setting up a discord community is having access to the welcome screen pop-up that's basically a pop-up that welcomes people to your server but it's not like i had to tell you that i'm just kind of excited about this because i literally learned about this feature while working on this script so let's set that up clicking the setup welcome screen button will immediately give you an example of what that is you can highlight a few noteworthy channels on your server that you think newcomers might want to check out here and put in a custom welcome here message we don't have a great deal of channels set up just yet but even something as simple as having a prompt to introduce yourself in the general channel or even having an introduce yourself channel is a great start and here of course is where you can write the little blurb about the discord server i mentioned before once you enable it you can preview it and continue to tweak it and make changes until you're happy now while it's useful to have a rules channel so people can refer to the rules at any given time something that discord has given community owners access to is a membership screening page a lot of discord setup guides will show you how to set up your server with a bot that assigns a role once you've reacted to a post this of course is a way to screen members before they join the server making sure they've read the rules or at least glanced at them for two seconds before deciding they're the perfect human beings that would never ever ever break a rule you know who you are anyway membership screening lets you put all those rules you want to cover on a pop-up page that people will have to read through and accept the terms before joining your server to set that up we're going to click on you guessed it delete server big bold right at the bottom you obviously want to click membership screening don't alt f4 your server this early on like that guy yeah buddy this is what you get for blindly following a tutorial you're supposed to absorb the information first then apply once again discord does a great job of giving you an example of how it would appear for your new members let's hit the setup membership screening button and get to it when you begin to set up the rules discord will actually suggest some rules for sticking in your screening page you can of course just add in your own rules like not talking about the color green the word color can only be spelled the european way with the extra u that serves no purpose to the word commas are banned upside down exclamation marks only you know the usual stuff once you're happy with it hit save these other features here are grayed out at the moment so we'll cover these in the future once discord makes them available and finally one of the most recent additions to discord communities is threads threads allow you to have a sub discussion within a discord channel that is compacted into its own little mini section right under the main section if if that's confusing in the way that i described it it'll make sense in a second oh uh defrag throw up an example of what a thread looks like yeah something like that this means you can have a long discussion on one subject with whoever wants to join in and it won't vanish in between other conversations going on on the channel let's be honest how many times have you been discussing the socio-political climate of the united states in the 1960s only to be interrupted by what somebody had for lunch that day too many times if you ask me you can also use threads to give support channel tickets so a troubleshooting session doesn't need to fill up an entire support channel when others are also asking for help on different issues you can use threads to run special recurring events like monthly or weekly competitions it's still one of the newest features so if you have some interesting ideas for the threads function let us know in the comments below we'd love to know your thoughts on this feature and that's it your discord community is finally set up and you're ready to go start sending out those invites and building your community if you found this video helpful or learned something new go ahead and hit that thumbs up button let us know if we're doing a good job and if you want to always be kept up to date with our helpful little tutorials that subscribe button is looking awfully smackable over there isn't it why not go ahead and and give it a little love tap we won't tell and finally if you'd like to join our discord community that's right we have our own discord community hop on into our server where you can surround yourself with like-minded individuals once again we've been kion and defrag from nerd or die and we'll catch you nerds in the next one [Music] you
Channel: NerdOrDie
Views: 93,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord setup, discord setup welcome channel, discord setup verification, discord setup guide
Id: w2gaDmb88eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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