How to setup Dyno Discord Bot

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today i'm going to try and go through dyno as fast as humanly possible while showing you how to actually set it up properly and not blow up your server so to start off you actually need to have a server obviously and you need to log into once you do log in click on the server you want to add dyno to click continue then you have a whole bunch of permissions if you're just using dyno as your single bot for admin and a whole bunch of other stuff moderator although you know just leave these but if you're using dyno for like reaction rules and stuff like that then you can remove a lot of these permissions that don't pertain to your specific use case basically these are very dangerous permissions to grant a bot so if you don't need them then remove them but in this case i'm just going to click authorize because i don't care click i am human let that go through and now you notice that the bot has joined my server and once again there it is so on this specific server i have a couple of channels i have images mod log spam logs and those would be in admin section so for this specific server i have admin mod vip and i have dyno which is automatically generated i'm going to stick dyno above vip you can stick it above mod and admin but once again you start getting into a little bit of a scary area regarding permissions click save changes then press escape and now it's basically kind of set up for your server now you need to actually manage everything so to start off this is the dashboard page pretty worthless to be honest the main thing you want to look for is recent activity if you have admins controlling the bot and also this section here where you can change the nickname of dyno you can change the command prefix so you have multiple bots you want to make them different so they don't cross contaminate and react with each other then you have time zone just set it to your time zone so in this case it is america slash no not that one but whatever there we go and once it sets the time zone it'll automatically save and now you have modules down here i am going to gloss over modules that are really important and i am going to focus on modules that are afk not important you can figure it out yourself action log very important enable it go to settings then action log basically just shows you what happens on your server so you can specify channels for each event which i'm going to do specifically now but you can also just turn it off and have a channel that will show all the logs that happen on your server so i'm going to click specify channels and what this allows me to do is i get to select which event shows on which channel so in my case if i go back to my discord server i have mod logs and spam logs and this is kind of like two different hierarchies i want mod logs to be less frequent but more important and spam blogs to be all the other stuff that i really don't care about but i still want to log so if you're a small server you probably care about people joining and leaving but there's a lot of people that might join and leave so stick that to spam logs for both of them then you have member band this is pretty important i would set this to mod logs remember unbanned very important set it to mod logs message edited this could be in spam logs or mod logs depending on how active your chat is it's a good thing to look at because some people could have a normal message then edit their message to something racist and that's something you have to deal with so i would set that as maybe spam logs and spam logs for message deleted as well bulk message deletion i'd put that in moblogs just in case one of your admins or mods decides to just delete a whole bunch of random comments or messages channel created that's pretty important i'd call that mod logs channel deleted mod logs roll created mod logs roll deleted mod logs this is where it gets a little bit more tricky though roll updated once again mod logs but roll given in rule removed is very spammy i have a whole bunch of color bots on my channel and color rolls so if i go there real quick and i go to get rolls i have a whole bunch of rolls that you can get and the unfortunate thing about this is that it fills up mod logs significantly so if you have a small server you can totally just turn both of these on to mod logs or spam logs i would leave them off nickname change that would be in spam logs to be honest because a lot of people change their nickname but you do need to pay attention to it in case they change it to something racist moderator command use that's modlog's 100 member join voice channel this is all up to you i really don't think it's worth having enabled and the same thing with member left channel maybe member moved to voice channel would be important but that very much depends on what goes on if you're afraid of admin abuse put it in mod logs if you don't really care turn it off and if you do kind of care then spam logs it's all up to you log invites and invite info i would stick this on modlogs because it very much helps if people post invite links to your server for example i usually don't allow invite links but when people spam it i want to see what they're actually trying to send if it's like nsfw or something that's a pretty quick ban if it's not then you know i could just tell them we don't allow links here for the next option there's ignored channels now this is good if you have for example an admin channel and you don't want changes in the admin channel to show up on mod logs that's available to all staff basically it's up to you what to use this for but i specifically use it because i have an admin chat and in the admin chat i might say a couple weird things i might edit a couple comments and i don't want that to show up to the rest of the staff i.e promotions and other stuff like that so ignore channels set it as admin chat or whatever you want ignored roles i personally would not turn any ignored roles on because you want to pay attention to what your mods are doing what your admins are doing maybe yourself you could turn it off but it's always good to have a paper trail so you know what's going on and that is action log now announcements is just a fun little thing to do if you turn it on it'll allow you to enable join messages leave messages banned messages and you can send those messages as a dm honestly don't send dms because it's really annoying unless it's absolutely required and you have different channels and different variables and stuff and you can custom code this yourself i'm not going to go over it in too much detail because it's not very important for the function of dyno next up there's auto ban auto band's pretty advanced i personally don't use it because i think it could be a little too kind of sensitive but if you create a rule you can set whatever you want for the name but the rule type is basically if someone has a username that matches something you don't want i.e raids then you can ban them instantly if someone's username is an invite for example ntts or something then you could also ban their account instantly or if they're a new account if you're afraid of you know people just making accounts and spamming your server you can ban them instantly as well now the main thing i want you to keep in mind is that this all depends on your server specifically if you have a big server you'll probably implement a lot of these if you have a small server then you might not implement any of these and it also depends on the context of your server i have a very much help channel based server so a lot of people might not use discord right away so they'll make an account and join my discord and if i ban them instantly because they haven't had their account for an hour then it seems pretty counterintuitive so keep that in mind next up there's auto delete now this is helpful for specific channels i wouldn't use this for anything that's like oh like if someone sends a message delete it i would do that through discord and make it so that people can't send messages with a specific role and people who have a specific role can send messages so just ignore that completely from dyno but this is great if you maybe just want your bot commands to like delete after a while which i mean can be useful you could always set it up better but this is how to use it you select the channel you want to delete messages from general for example and you add a filter and in this filter you have a whole bunch of settings links invites not invites images not images there's a lot the main thing i would personally want to do is remove bot commands from the general channel so select starts with and then implement your prefix which is exclamation mark and click match all filters and press add and what it will do is show you this black screen you need to refresh and now if someone puts exclamation mark command in the general chat it will automatically delete mind you auto delete will not delete messages by bots mods or admins so keep that in mind there's auto message which just kind of sends random messages at whatever time interval you can look at that but there's auto mod auto mod this is where everything gets very advanced so enable it and go to settings so to start off you have enable auto mute and basically this is just i have no idea what it does it seems pretty pointless but then next up you have disable default banned words and if you go to bandwidth you'll see all the default banned words the main thing about banned words that i want you to focus on is that if you set your banned word to this word rhymes with yum but starts with a c then it works well if you set it to the exact word only but if you have it so it matches any part of the word it can send a lot of false positives for example there's this word but then if you type in documents it also has that word in it so if you add this specific yum word with a c to match any part of the word what will happen is words like documents will actually be considered as a bad word so keep that in mind if you have a bad word make sure it's not actually like implemented in a specific word so for example if you set this specific word down here to have it as match any part of the word if someone puts cocky which is not considered that bad then they will also be banned or muted or whatever punishment you set so just keep that in mind most of these are going to be default full bandwords where if they type out the full word and any one of the variations of it shown here then it will count as a bad word going back to settings we have a log channel this one you want to set to mod logs 100 and now you have filter options and this is where it gets really really awful so for filter options you have a whole bunch of different scenarios that can occur there are high severity scenarios medium severity scenarios and low severity scenarios at least in my head high severity scenarios would be someone saying the n word low severity scenarios would be someone putting in i don't know maybe spoilers but it's like just normal text and people just goofing around so to start off bandwords high severity what you want to do with bandwidth is you want to delete them warn the user and after maybe they say a couple bad words all the time you ban them or you mute them so in this case i am going to have it where it deletes the word it warns the user and after three times of them putting in bad words it will mute them for 10 minutes so click on delete then click on warn and now you have options of auto mute instant mute auto ban or select all you want to have auto mute because auto mute will activate after a certain amount of warnings and then it will mute someone next up there's all caps generally speaking i just warned someone because chances are people are going to put in caps for a joke or something but if you do care about people spamming caps all the time you can't have it as a delete but your mods your real-life mods should be able to pick that up next up you have duplicate text this would be a delete and a warn this is kind of like a medium severity thing where people could just be spamming the same thing over and over again so it's always good to delete it and warn it and maybe if this is a massive issue you could also turn on auto mute next up there's fast message spam i would just have it as delete and a worn and if people continue doing it once again you can have a really strict auto mod or you can have a pretty relaxed one in my server my auto mod is very much based on if you say a very bad word you get muted very quick and if you do any of this other weird stuff it's pretty lenient but it's all up to you how you want to set it up i'm going to let fast message spam just kind of be okay for now might seem counterintuitive but it's all up to you you have your own choice discord invites i usually just delete and warn if you have a whole bunch of people spamming all the time discord invites you could have auto mute once again there's links i let links go it's completely fine next up there's mass mentions and i absolutely hate when people do this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on it and click instant mute now what this will do is if anyone mass mentions it will instantly mute them for however long i choose now i'll show you how to set the duration and stuff later on towards the end but let's continue on to link cooldown if someone sends a whole bunch of links i usually just want to delete and mourn and if that's an issue on your server you could have auto mute it's all up to you image spam i feel like image spam is really annoying so i'm going to delete warn and auto mute emoji spam really don't care about so basically just go through this however you want most of the bottom ones are very much not really important and self-bot detection you might think wow that's really useful it doesn't work it just sucks straight up sucks i've never seen dino snipe a self-bot out of general chat so like i said before you can actually set the duration and how many warnings someone gets before they actually get muted or banned at the bottom section here this applies to every single one of the filters here that include auto mute or auto ban so for example for banned words i want someone who says two band words to be muted but if someone spams duplicate text three times i want them to be muted and the same thing with all the other ones that have auto mute i want it to be you have three strikes then you're out so in this case i'm going to have three mute slash band violations i'm gonna click update and that's going to apply it to every single one of the auto mute but i said before that i want banned words to only be two so i'm going to click on the settings menu here and this is where i can set a whole bunch of different options so you can disable channels or disable roles but the main thing i want to focus on is mute violations count here i want it so basically if they swear twice then i'm going to mute them for 10 minutes and that's how you set that up click save and now that is applied only for banned words so anytime you click on the settings cog for one of these filter options it only applies to that specific filter but the things at the bottom will apply to every single one and it will overwrite every single one so just keep that in mind do the cogs at the end do this at the very start now a couple more options are link cooldowns so this allows you to set how many links can be sent in however many seconds so this is one link per 10 seconds then there's max emoji count and mass mention count i would set this to four because if anyone mentions more than four people um they're probably mass mentioning anyways scrolling down you have ignored channels so you can do this specifically for staff chat or admin chat or maybe tickets or whatever very useful if you want to instead of being an offensive standpoint and saying mean words it's more of an analytical standpoint for example for ban appeals or staff chat but if you have really mean staff you might just want to leave this blank but for now i'm going to leave it blank and you have a loud rules once again i personally would just leave this blank because this is a very risky thing to do then scrolling back up to the top you'll see link blacklist and link whitelist if you have all links disabled this basically means every single link will go through dyno but if you have a link blacklist on top of that it will block any specific link you add to the blacklist so click on link blacklist you need to add a new link and i'm going to do the hub but the one with the p in it and the horn all you got to do is just type in the actual link click on create option then click save then it will add it to the list and you refresh the page and you should be able to see your new link now this will work if you allow every single link and it'll allow you to block out specific ones but if you go back into settings and you delete every single link so if you set this to delete then you need to use the link whitelist to allow certain links through so if you delete every single link but you want people to like put out youtube links or whatever then you need to add youtube to the whitelist and when you do and click create option and press save now every single link will be blocked out except for links zooming back out there's autoresponder now this one's just kind of fun you can have it where people say a specific thing you can react with a message an embed or an emoji we have it all the time on my server where basically if you go there any type ntts or whatever it'll show up with reaction rules it'll probably appear somewhere in here there we go so yeah it's just a little fun things that you can do or you could have it where someone puts help in the help channel it'll give them you know an explanation saying we need a lot more than help to actually help you out next up there's auto rolls and uh basically auto rolls suck don't use auto rolls on a single bot because dyno is down all the time and if you use auto rolls to kind of block people out of content or allow people in content then at some point the bot's going to go down and then people are going to be stuck infinitely with a role that they can't get rid of so avoid it then there's joinable ranks and this one's really straightforward just select a rank then click admin or whatever click add and they can join the rank however they want and you have a couple settings here that are pretty useful now next up there are custom commands now if you want to see custom commands that i use just let me know but the main thing with custom commands is that they are very intricate very tricky but they're also very useful for example i don't want my trial mods to be able to give people the early supporter role but i do want my trial mods to be able to add people to the blacklist for our ticket system or add people to the blacklist for our dj system so to remediate that i can't just give them a permission for specific commands because it doesn't work that way with dyno i have to create a custom command that only the staff can use so the trial mods that actually overwrites any permission and allows them to give people a blacklisted role or whatever i could go into detail on that in a whole different video but for now there's a lot of options and you can do whatever you want next up there's the fun tab now for the commands for fun you actually have to go to commands and click on fun uh just leave them on you can turn them off later next up there's message and better and if you go into settings i've talked about embeds a lot but you can have only up to three with dyno and it's pretty easy to go through and it's self-explanatory next up is moderation this is pretty important if you click on settings it will actually bring you to this section here the reason why this tab is super important is because specifically of lockdown if you ever had your discord server rated you know how painful it is to try and stop people from rating it and if you lock a channel they'll just go to a different channel lockdown allows you to set specific channels to lock when you use the lockdown command so in this case lockdown you want to set it to any channels that people can openly access so general and images and mod logs and spam logs would be in technically in a staff category that's not public to everyone else but basically what will happen is if someone calls the lockdown command it will lock general and images and if they want to end the lockdown they need to do question mark lockdown space end now moving up just to the less important stuff there's moderation log channel moderator roles and protected roles basically these are just important things that you could have so you could have a vip protected role where they can't be muted kicked or banned kind of dumb to be honest so i'd leave that blank moderator roles i personally think leaving it blank and having more customization in the actual commands portion is good and there's mod log channels don't worry about all this stuff but the main thing you want to do is you have a couple options up here you can dm users on kickband or mute which is helpful delete mod commands after executed respond with reason a whole bunch of options here the main one i have is this one here now you have this next tab called auto punish and basically if someone gets a certain amount of warnings you can mute them you could kick them ban them or you could add or remove a roll which i think is pretty cool i personally don't use this now there's this reaction roll thing here and basically what it allows you to do is set different reaction rules an example this would be in my server if i just go to get roles it'll be up here dyno has an embed and if you click on one of these roles you get a specific role and it gets called out in the announcements channel very straightforward and honestly i mean it's all up to you this is kind of the fun stuff you tinker around with and it takes like 13 hours to do there's reminders turn that off it's boring there's starboard if you care about starboard you can look into it i personally think it's a waste of time it's just easily abused and it's something you could set up it's up to you i think it was worthless at the time and i just keep it disabled tags are pretty cool it allows you to set like a macro so you could call like question mark tag help one and when you execute that command then dyno will automatically paste in a whole bunch of text and put it into a message and send it so it's really good for calling up like specific lines of text or whatever frequently asked questions for example if someone says like what's your setup you could do question mark tags set up and then have that pre-programmed where it'll tell everyone you're set up and for the last option there's welcome now you have short-term memory loss this is also available in announcements so i don't know why there's two different ones once again dino is just kind of weird and now for the meat and potatoes of everything which hopefully should be quick enough is commands now commands you have a whole bunch of different commands and basically this is all up to you to choose because i could tell you which ones i use but in reality most of them are straightforward just find what you like and find what you don't like but i'll show you how to customize the permissions for it so going into the manager tab you see a whole bunch of different commands and if i go into settings this will actually apply a whole bunch of permissions to every single command here so i click on it i have permissions of allowed channels disabled channels allowed roles disabled roles this is dangerous this is a very dangerous thing to do because if i click allow roles and i do admin and mod because i'm like yeah you know this is pretty important mods need some of these commands i press save what happens now is that admins and mods have control of every single one of these commands and a lot of these are pretty dangerous for example you wouldn't want your mod to deal with auto mod you wouldn't want them to configure it but you might want your mod to actually do purge so to fix that what i highly suggest you doing is going into your settings and if you know for a fact that you don't want mods to have all these commands but some of them turn off mod because you'd rather add permissions to people than subtract them because if you forget to subtract a very important permission that could be exploited later on and bite you in the rear end so click save on that and now mods cannot use any of these commands but there are some helpful commands for example purge now for purge maybe i want my mod to be able to purge a whole bunch of spam because someone was maybe spamming and they couldn't get banned because it wasn't severe enough so you muted them all you need to do is go to allowed roles then click on mod then click save and that will now give your moderator access to the purge command and the main thing i would highly recommend you doing is focusing on set nic as well for moderators and you could do that for every single one of these and that's the command section of dyno now there's custom commands like i said before which uh you can have 25 they're pretty advanced they're kind of hard to set up and i would not focus on them right now especially if i'm just glossing over a lot of stuff then there's logs at the bottom which is really important because if you have maybe an admin coming in here changing stuff at least you could figure out what's going on and revert the changes in case they were a mistake i'm looking at you clocks then you have warnings at the bottom now for the warnings tab this is the important part that you want to keep your eyes on this allows you to go through warnings very quickly so for example if maybe no text to speech was being mean and i was like worn and then i copied his id because that's the easiest way of doing it and i said spam then i will give them the warning dino will give the warrant and if i refresh the page now you will be able to see the warning that was sent so the time the warning id the user the moderator and the reason which is helpful now chances are this really isn't important because you could also just do this in discord yourself like it's not that hard warnings and then i could see the warning and if it was a false warning i could just copy the id then all i need to do is question mark dell warn and then paste in the warning id and it will delete the warning and now i won't have to worry about it if i refresh the page it is now gone but the only downside is that when you do actually send a warning and you go into your mod logs that warning will still reside it's kind of like a it's a permanent record and i guess while we're in the server we could look at the mod logs so once again i have mod logs showing you know commands and also that's basically it just commands but if i go to spam logs you can see that i deleted a whole bunch of messages too and a member joined so having your blogs kind of split is really good at making sure the important stuff goes through like whoa this guy's using mod logs a lot and he deleted a warrant and he he warned someone and deleted it like what's going on versus wow he just deleted his message it's very hard to go through the spam logs so having your mod logs as important and precise as possible is the best possible thing you could do and that's how you configure dyno to at least a decent amount where you could run a server for a couple months the main thing you want to keep in mind is just focus on your permissions and make sure you don't overwrite anything or give anyone too many permissions because if you do it could bite you in the rear end anyways that's the whole dino tutorial i hope it was helpful if it was let me know and subscribe if you want to but that's it i love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 44,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dyno bot, discord dyno bot, discord, discord dyno bot tutorial, dyno bot help, how to dyno, discord dyno bot support, discord dyno bot help, how to setup dyno bot, how to setup dyno on discord, how to setup dyno bot on discord, discord bot, how to setup discord mod bot, discord tutorial, discord moderation bot setup, discord bot tutorial, how to use dyno bot discord 20201, how to use dyno bot discord, bot, dyno, how to use dyno, discord automod setup, dyno automod
Id: n1sV1jYWxzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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