How To Make A Discord Server 2021 [Step-By-Step] - Discord Server Tutorial 2021 [With BOTS & ROLES!]

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what's going on YouTube my name is nathan earl AKA Prospera geek and this video is going to be the only video you need to watch to learn how to create an awesome discord server alright we're going to be talking about how to set up a welcome page that when someone reacts to a post they'll get the rest of the access to the rest your discord we're gonna be talking about setting up rules making the actual discord server look awesome adding in a bunch of cool features we're gonna be using a bot to handle a bunch of this different stuff and it's just gonna be simple smooth and awesome and by the time you're done with it you're gonna have a really really good discord trust me so if you're excited to learn that make sure you subscribe hit the bell icon so you can see the next videos coming out this is actually my first video on this channel but I've been doing YouTube with other clients and stuff like that for a few years so I decided I'll start teaching YouTube growth and just like some tech stuff to streamers because gaming and streaming has always been kind of a passion of mine and so now I'm actually gonna be applying my skills towards my own YouTube my own twitch speaking of which I stream Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. as often as I possibly can so if you wanna check me out on Twitch go ahead and follow the link below if you guys ever have questions about youtube or just doing some techie stuff like that or video editing graphics design that's what I'm here for I'm gonna be applying those skills and teaching streamers how to do a bunch of this stuff and just helping them grow with YouTube cuz that's that's what I'm really passionate about is just doing video editing just helping channels grow so I figured I also love video games and I used to stream so now I'm gonna be getting back into streaming so here I am to teach you pretty much everything I know so if you want to follow along you're welcome to join me for the ride alright with that said let's go ahead and jump in so the first thing you're gonna need is to download the actual discord app on your computer which you can see right here boom there's my discord app right so I just set this discord up I've got a few friends in there that have just kind of like tested a few things out for me but what we're gonna be doing is basically setting up this exact same thing alright so I'm gonna show you guys a little bit of a simplified version I'm gonna cut a few corners that I didn't exactly do I'm gonna improve upon a few things that I didn't do and then I'm just gonna have it set up nice and beautifully for you guys all right so what you're gonna need to do is get a discord account and get discord on your computer all right so once you've got discord ready to go what we're gonna do is go ahead and come down here and hit add server and we're just gonna create a server all right so I'm just gonna go ahead and call this YouTube tutorial server because why not so if you want you can copy this you can invite a bunch of people I'll just leave it for now you're gonna get this invite Lee later on and it's probably better to invite people after you've got to built up a little bit all right so first thing I want to do is actually create roles okay because what we're gonna be doing with roles is we're gonna be building out the categories so when someone clicks onto your invite link and they jump into your discord the first thing we want them to see it's just a little read this first to be let in all right and in the example of that I'm gonna go ahead and show you over here on Sam's so if we come up here read me to enter so what he's got is this little thing right here if you tick this what its gonna do is it'll actually tag you change your role and all the rest of this stuff will appear all right so this is a Sam would halls - uh discord if you don't know who Sam would challah is he's pretty awesome he's a awesome video editor does some work for alpha gaming but yeah we're basically gonna be replicating a similar setup of a little bit different but yeah so what you want to do is we're going to go ahead and click into your server and then we're gonna go to this little icon right here and hit server settings and then we want to go to roles all right so with roles you're gonna see right here you're gonna see an @ everyone all right so with that everyone basically one what you want to do is you want to just get rid of all of that so change nickname yeah they can change your nickname if they want manage nicknames know breed sure we'll leave that for now send messages yep we don't want them to embed links or attach files because they're just some random people they haven't technically confirmed themselves in with the rules or with the rules so and that's something we're going to be going over here shortly so read message history that's fine no we don't want them to be able to mention at everyone or anything like that they can use reactions and external emojis that's fine connect speak no video you use voice activities so that's fine all right so now our at everyone so as soon as someone joins before they do anything that's their permissions all right so now what we want to do is we want to actually have a members role so when someone joins and they read your rules and they're gonna go yes I agree boom what's the what's the member tier they're gonna move into and that's where they're gonna be able to see the rest of your discord all right so let's go ahead and just make this member for now but I mean do something cool so do like I don't know do like like a mafia crew or something like that just like whatever whatever is your brand so I've seen people that do like like hatchlings or like go and then they like move up from a hatchling to a chick or from like dough to a cookie or to like a cake like I've seen all kinds of different craziness with the top being the administrator or you as the owner alright so what I'm gonna go what I'm gonna do is just do members you be creative alright you go out and you figure out hey what is my group I so like me personally my prosperity eek alright so I'm kind of like why not go with the Geek Squad we're out so I've got the Geek Squad members okay and then I've got like Geek Squad leads and/or Geek Squad leads and stuff like that just because I figured hey you know what I'm kind of a geek about technical stuff and like making money online and do an online business so that's that's just who I am that's what I like doing but you you do you accordingly alright so let's go ahead and give them a blue color and what we want them to do display that role separately allow anyone know so administrator what we want them to be able to do is change their own nickname pretty much everything is fine here don't want them to send TTS manage messages now they can embed leaks attach files it's fine use external emojis yes add reactions yes connect yes yes nope we don't want our we don't want our standard members to be able to use video just because they could jump in one of your chat channels and just start streaming to your audience and we don't really want that we're gonna be able to use some moderators for that later on but it's basically it so we're gonna go ahead and hit Save Changes it suite and now we're gonna do like new role let's do I don't know you could do like subscriber roles so this is somebody who's like subscribing or like somebody who is a part of a community but they're not quite a moderator so that's like a little bit in the mid-range so we'll go ahead and do them a different color we'll put them above member and then basically the same thing we'll just go ahead and do this quickly you did to do okay and we'll set up a different thing specifically for them well there we go so let's just go ahead and add your so this is going to be your moderators so whatever name you come up with moderators I'm just gonna do it like orange so what I'm doing is also stacking them tiers based off of who's gonna be higher with more control over the rules underneath them all right so just put the moderators in the admin at the top and BOTS above members and you're fine okay just remember that so with moderators we'll leave it there Oh stepping back we want to always make sure the display members separately because that'll show them different on the members panel it'll break them up so yes we want that to the show separately moderators yes they want to be able to view the audit log manage servers manage roles let's do see right here ID it or delete roles lower than this one so this is what it means when it's saying lower it's its meaning literally lower on the totem pole all right so we want to be able to manage channels kick members band members create invites let's do manage nicknames because if someone changes their nickname to something inappropriate you want them to be able to do that man it's web hooks and emojis yes that's fine yes I'll let them do the TTS messages manage messages yes embed links attach files mention everyone they will be able to use video mute members deafened members move members and then I'll leave priority speaker off for then all right so last one we're gonna go ahead and add admin name it what you want again these guys are kind of kind of top dogs so then what you want to do is display role members separately online and administrator just gives them everything all right boom simple as that okay so now that you got your role set up what you want to go ahead and do is we're gonna actually delete the voice Channel so we're going to delete that category we're gonna delete this channel we're gonna delete this category and this channel as well so what we're gonna do now is we're going to come up here and hit the new category so this category is gonna be the welcome category and it's not gonna be private it's just gonna be for everybody so we want to come in here and create a channel and for like emojis if you're on PC you can just hit Windows semicolon on your keyboard and it'll open up this so this is gonna be we're gonna do like an emoji we're gonna go here and do like a hand okay so right here we'll just do that so so we could do read first answer so with this if you hit space it'll it'll give you just like a standard dashed line I always like to do underscores just because it makes it a little easier to read the text and just makes it look a little bit cleaner so we'll just do read first to enter boom there we go so that right there is something that everybody will be able to see all right but the next thing that we want to have if we come back over here we'll have like a welcome and announcements so I want to set up a create a channel that's gonna be a text channel this is gonna be a private one they can all see it so this is gonna be my welcome one we'll come down here to do a little wave it says welcome create we'll move that here permissions and then I also want to add in announcements so we're gonna go go ahead and do this I like the little bugle horn make a phone whatever you want to call it and we'll just call it announcements I'm thing we want it to be seen by these guys create and we'll just go boom you current permissions here we go so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna set up the category for kind of like the community where everybody's gonna be hanging out alright so this is going to be called I don't know pick whatever you want but like I've got here I'll just show you so in mind I've got the Geek Squad community right there and that's where a lot of my text channels are going to be at so what I'll do right here is I'll just say create category yes it's gonna be private we want members subscribers moderators and admin to be their category name is just gonna be something community or whatever like primary community don't do don't do generic names that are like general I mean add some personality to your discord so let's do yeah I'll just do an example so like Geek Squad community cool so then we'll just go ahead and hit create so once you create that we'll just go ahead and hit create Channel private same thing we'll just do that once and then I'll show you a shortcut to make this a little bit easier so this is just gonna be like Geek Squad chat we'll just have it as like a hangout all right and then if it if you hit this little arrow or the the plus sign and it doesn't show up there's this little arrow right here just click down there we go we'll go ahead and go own channel what do you want this one to be let's say we want this to be like meme it up because we want to show people memes right so then we'll go ahead and do clone channel again let's say share your content we'll go ahead and have like that and then we'll do a YouTube discussion just because I'm all about YouTube so we'll have that and then you can do so here's some of mine so I've got speak squad chat content creator mastermind I'll share your content stream ideas meme it up YouTube chat share your set up links and media levels up or level ups and then we got the lounge so you can add as many as you want I'm just gonna go ahead and create a voice channel I'll set it for these again and this is going to be like the lounge or whatever you want I what that's gonna be is that's gonna just be a place for people to get in hang out and talk about whatever they want if you want you could just go in here and like add a little thing add a little emoji adds a little bit of personality to it and we're just gonna go boom and we're just gonna go sync permissions and now you have your little community thing that only people who they're gonna opt in and they'll be able to come down here and see that all right for voice we're gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna go through it really quick now so I'm gonna go ahead and speed it up we're already in a little bit so I'm gonna try to make this as fast as I possibly can so create categories so this is gonna be like your vocal channel or like your voice Channel all right so this is gonna be like a gaming center I like to add like some controllers or something so I'll take one of those that's gonna be the gaming center same same things you only want your members and above to be able to come in here and then we'll just go ahead and create a voice channel same permissions this is gonna be like game lobby one for your channel and then if you want you can actually come in here not what I wanted you can come in here and say edit so with here you can actually come in and you can say like I only want five people to be in there tops so what that's gonna do is limit it so that only five people can be in there and I'm gonna edit the channel game lobby what I like to do is put headphones on mine just so people know like hey that's an audio spot that you can be in there and hang out with all right so there we've got our game lobby one I'm gonna clone it game lobby two loan game lb3 all right so that's a place that they can come in and hang out we'll set up a text channel and the text channel is gonna be like a meet new gamers so what that's gonna do is allow people to come in there and chat and hang out and talk about whatever they want basically if you really want to have fun with it just take your time with this kind of spice it up make it your own add some funny stuff in there use emojis sparingly they're they're a decoration not a necessity just kind of like sprinkle them throughout and just make it look clean it's fine if you do it just don't go overboard with it so if you look at my discord what I've also got set up so I've got my community in there and then I've got the streamers thing so there's my game rooms I've got a private room so a private room if you want to be in there streaming I'll do like a voice channel private admin only and then I'll do like a check the channel for like geeks safe room right so what that is is like a safe room so right there basically only I can go in there or an admin they could jump in there and that'd be fine and then another thing that I would really recommend you guys do is we'll go ahead and create a channel we'll do a voice channel and it will be mods only so this will be like moderator lounge create should have gone down in here boom permissions and then we'll do create another channel voice channel private and then we want admin so this will be like the admin lounge so only admins can go in there so what that does is literally just makes it so that there's a moderator place so moderators can go in and chat and talk about whatever is going on and then there's an admin lounge okay and then you can do the same thing with text channels if you really want you can just go in and add whatever and then I just got a bunch of bonus stuff down here so I'm gonna have like bonus content bonus training all kinds of different stuff that'll be kind of cool for people to go in and use I'll do like livestream training where I actually review people's youtubes their YouTube channels I'll go in there and look at their stuff kind of give them feedback on what I think they could improve on as far as like thumbnails titles topics their editing methods just all kinds of different stuff so if that interests you my discard link will be in the description below so if you want to go check that out I'd be happy to have you obviously this is a brand new discord but it will grow so if you want to do that all you have to do is just add a chatroom so you can come down here I'll just do it in the community just to make it simple so it'll be like bonus stuff so private and what that's gonna be is like that we're gonna go ahead and hit create channel but if we go in and hit permissions we can go in here and set them specifically so members maybe we don't want them to be able to post soon I mean so we don't want them to be able to do any of this stuff we don't want them to embed we don't want them to manage links attached files we do want them to read history because it's something you'll put in there and so on reactions are fine yeah so that will allow them to read but they won't be able to post all right so now if you want you can go in there and this bonus stuff when you post stuff people can go and read they'll see it but they can't actually reply to it so that'll just kind of like be a file if you will for stuff that you want to put in there alright so now for the fun part what we want to do is we're actually going to add you bot it's gonna manage some of this stuff for us alright so what you want to do is you want to go to m ee 6 XYZ which is gonna be like this so make sure you log into discord in your browser first and then create an account over here so what this is gonna do is allow you to add that channel so I went in there logged in and refreshed so I'm gonna go ahead and go right here to setup me 6 yes this is the one we want so we're gonna go ahead and hit continue just leave all that check because we want it to manage everything hit authorize I am not a robot but you are alright so here is your plugins so this is your leader boy whatever plugins so when you login it's gonna have you like it's gonna look like this you can just go ahead and click on go to dashboard and then it'll take you to your dashboard go figure so here it is alright first thing we want to do we want to make it so that when someone jumps in they're gonna be taken straight to the read first and what they're gonna do is they're gonna make sure they read it and then they will be able to agree so what this is is a reaction roll so we want to enable this plug in the channel that we want is we want this to be the read first enter we want to turn off in bed but what this is gonna be is it's gonna be like your roles or your rules right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 alright so write out your rules rules rules rules I don't know it's late and I can't talk so make sure you write these out and then if you want to do stuff like kind of separate things which kind of like helps make things look cleaner you can just do stuff like that and then you can come down here and say if you've read these rules and you're and you agree to them and want to join our community use the Y yeah so that needs to be boom and boom okay so what it's gonna do is say if you've read these rules and you agree to them and want to join our community click the white checkmark below okay so what that's doing is that's telling us hey there's going to be a reaction below and we want them to click it and when they click it they're gonna be given a rule all right roll oh so here it is there's one we want and then we want to give them a specific role all right so we'll go ahead and hit the members thing we're gonna go ahead and do is we're gonna go ahead and hit save boom and then if we come in here so we go to the read first there we go so you'll actually have this and there's another way to do this you can actually go in and set up a zebra bot which will allow you to do that specifically with a different bit of coding I just figured if you're gonna do with a bot you might as well just have one bot now you can use Zyra and if you want me to do a video later on on how to do this where you can put up the post yourself and then any reactions on that specific post the Zyra will go in and make the adjustments if you want me to do that video leave a comment below and i'll go ahead and take care of that I'll get that video get out to you guys as fast as I possibly can so what's gonna happen here is people are gonna show up and they're gonna go read first to enter alright cool so we'll click on that and then they're gonna sit here and they're gonna read that and they're gonna go okay cool boom and then what they're gonna do is they're going to become a member so what that's gonna do is we'll actually add them so if I click on roles the member thing will be ticked it'll add that role okay so once you've got that set up the next thing we want to do is want to welcome someone when they join so we'll go ahead and set this up I usually don't do the the private message you can totally up to you I'll go ahead and show you if you wanted to use it but I mean you want to be careful because you don't want to be basically just spamming everybody with everything so for the server we're gonna go ahead and set this up and we want to have the Welcome I was gonna say hey user welcome to boom and that's gonna be the name of your server well the rules and have a freaking good time boom so what that's gonna do is it's going to add a message it's gonna pop that up and say hey this person has joined so they can be like hey everybody what's going on and then instead of welcome to alright yeah so you can you can set up a welcome card if you want it'll just put up a little picture type thing I'll show you in here so this is what it will look like it'll just be like hey boom welcome to the squad alright so then we'll just if you want to get premium you can I have it on my other server that's fine do what you want with it and then just go ahead and hit save so now when someone joins and they subscribe or they become a member now it will welcome them over there also another thing you want to do is you want to go into your channel settings so I'm going to go ahead and our server settings I'm gonna go to roles and I want me to be me 6 I want me 6 to be above subscribers and members so these are the people that it's gonna manage alright you can put it clear up here if you want but I would just leave it basically right there we'll go ahead and hit Save Changes and what she's gonna do me 6 is basically just gonna manage like all the members and subscribers or whatnot alright and of course if you were a streamer you probably want to notify people when you go live alright so you can come in here enable plug-in you can do a actually let's add a channel for that so we'll go ahead and do the add one here and we'll just say like going live create a so what we want to do is go ahead and refresh that because we just set that up now what this is gonna do is it's going to tag at everyone so they know hey you're going live so what this is gonna be a twitch channel so let's just do spirit geek type in your twitch and it should actually show up right there alright so this is gonna say boom is now live on and it'll give them links and I'm gonna say go hang out because it'll be a good time I post in channels so this is where we want it to be the going live and then if you have premium you can set that to where if somebody follows you through discord on your twitch you'll get that notification for it totally up to you if you wanted to use it so now anytime you go live your discord will pop up right here in your going live Bing it'll tag at everyone and it will notify them that you are in fact going live we'll go ahead and go back to plugins now if you're following me and if you learn from anything that I say if you're a streamer and you're not using YouTube to create some type of content either bring value or entertainment or something to people you're messing up if you're not doing that you should be putting stuff on YouTube and creating YouTube channel that will not only build an audience with you like as you go and in its content that is searchable but you should also just be able to bring a value to people that watch and it will help really build your twitch alright your audience is people who know who you are and it's really hard to build organically on twitch itself and I know people say differently but trust me I work with a good amount of people that will say the same thing that are actually quite a bit more successful than I am on Twitch so we'll go ahead and add YouTube and what we want to do is add a channel you can come down here same thing you may be separated a little bit but I'll just do like new youtube vids boom go up here we're gonna go ahead and refresh this just because I created a new channel let's say I'm ninja alright so since this channel is brand-new this twit or this YouTube channel I don't have any videos on it so it won't show so if I if I go right here and I type in prosperity eek Gaming I guarantee you the channels not gonna show up see so don't freak out if it doesn't show up it's just because your channel is either too new there's no videos or whatever so you might have to wait and just keep putting content on your YouTube so I'm just gonna go ahead and say I'm ninja just for it just because why not all right so what this is gonna do is go hate at everyone the YouTube channel I'm gonna go ahead and remove these just posted a new video and we want this to be posted and new YouTube videos so what this is gonna do is anytime ninja or your channel it should be your YouTube channel anytime they put a new video on YouTube it's gonna tell everybody hey there's a new YouTube video go check it out go watch it all right and then of course you can always add your Twitter same thing you can add tweets you can do all kinds of different stuff but to finish up your channel what you want to do is we're gonna go ahead and change this so what we want to do is we want to go into server settings in overview basically what you want to do is you want to have default notification settings you want to change this to only mentions okay so at everyone will take them and direct mentions otherwise all messages people are just gonna start getting pinged constantly and then if they don't know how to go in and change that it's gonna be a nightmare so just go ahead and say add only there are only at mentions and you're gonna save your members an absolute nightmare all right now if you want to add an image you can just click on this right here and it'll bring up the browser all right so we'll just go ahead and use that one right there it apply so you can use JPEGs you can use PNG with like transparent backgrounds to leave like a shape so I'll just go ahead and save changes and you close it out and you can see it's like that so just like a couple of these other guys and then you can also use gifts so if you've got a gif of like your logo like alpha gaming that's pretty cool few mouse over it and then this little poop emoji her little emote dances all right so if you want you can go ahead and go that route right now I've just got my face just because it's brand-new and I haven't done a lot on it so now you've got an awesome looking discord server you've got all the functionality you need you've got automations with the bots one last touch if you really want to you can actually come in here and you can go to server settings roles give yourself a pretty cool role all right let's go ahead and add a role you're you're gonna say that you're like the top dog right and you're gonna be like red because nobody's above you and you're dangerous I don't know whatever displayed differently administrator hit Save Changes now what we're gonna go ahead and do is we're gonna give yourself that role that you just right click on your name roles top dog boom there you are and now you always a show up above everybody else and you've got a custom title for yourself and people will be able to see if you've got thousands and thousands of people online they will be able to see hey the server owner is on the streamer the top dog whatever top to your person that person's on and they'll be able to see that right there now that's good because if you have streaming enabled people will be able to click on that with your streamer mode and they'll be able to see that you're streaming and jump over to your twitch remember I stream on Twitch Monday Wednesday and Fridays 1 p.m. through 7:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time I might do streams on Saturdays if I've got people in my discord so over here in my discord if you've got general health questions stream help or YouTube or even review my channel one of those streams or even if there's a couple people I'll jump on on Saturday and I'll actually go on live and review your channel I'll review your just your designs I'll check out your YouTube channel and check out the optimization and I'll just give you honest feedback I've been doing YouTube for big big clients and bigger channels and stuff like that for a couple years so I would love to give that back to you guys it's not bribing it's giving value so I just want to like help you guys out for helping me out and supporting the community it's just gonna be a good time so I think it would be really cool to be able to hang out with you guys give back help you guys succeed on YouTube help you guys to grow your Twitch's and obviously you know yeah I'd love to grow but it's all about helping each other out so with that said you guys now have an awesome discord if you guys want to join my discord you can click the link below you can check out my discord feel free to copy and you some stuff don't just copy and paste and make it your own but feel free to use it as a template and just have a good time with it I just really want to see you guys succeed with this and I want to make sure that you guys get the best out of your discord all right so if you guys have any other questions make sure you leave them in the comments below don't forget to subscribe take that Bell icon like this video leave me a comment all of it helps especially since this is a brand new channel I know this was kind of a long video but I just wanted to make sure that people got everything that they needed to have an awesome running discord again if you guys want me to do a video on Zyra on how to do reaction based automations and stuff like that off of your own posts i will do that on a video as well so with that said hope to see you on Twitch I'll see you there
Channel: ProsperiGeek Gaming
Views: 60,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make A Discord Server 2020, how to make a discord server, how to set up a discord server, how to setup a discord server, how to make a discord serve look good, make a discord server, set up a discord server, discord, ProsperiGeek, Gaming, Twitch, Discord for Twitch, Discord Server Tutorial 2020, how to set up discord bots, set up discord bot, bots, discord bots, discord bot tutorial, discord roles, discord tutorial, streamertv, discord server, discord server tutorial
Id: u1LZziwkOuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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