Best Bots to add to your Discord Server in 2021

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hello everyone my name is washikrab and today i'm going to be showing you the best spots you can add to your discord server in 2021 before we get started i'd like to invite you to my server it is about this youtube channel if you have any questions or comments about the video you can feel free to send them there or if you want to join a cool community with lots of stuff you can obviously also join through the link in the description or there should be one up on the screen somewhere thank you the first spot i'm gonna be showing you today is amaribot um it is in my opinion the best uh level bot that you can get for at least as the free uh version goes um so i'm thinking well what about arcane it has a web dashboard and it's pretty you know it does its job and i personally prefer amari for a few reasons um one of those being uh it's uptime it's up like i don't think i've seen it go down at all in the time i've had it i've had it for about a month now um the support server the support for maribot is great um whereas arcane you have to be a donator to ask for help um and there's not a lot of bloat it doesn't have like moderation stuff it as you can see here it just does the levels so it's really cool um anyway to get started with it uh click invite me uh authorize it in your server head back to discord you should see it in here its default presets prefix is a colon and a question mark you can run colon pre colon question mark help and you can see all the commands here um to get started uh what the first thing you should know is besides this command is how to set up a role reward and to do that you do our level add and then you can say level so i already have a role set up that i want people to get when they reach level five right here let's go to fun color uh add five at level five so now when someone left reaches level five um they will get that role obviously you can see a lot of commands here but to see all of them you can head over to amaribots uh webpage that link will be in the description and click on commands and you can see all of the commands the only donor commands are cool down it changes the cooldown between messages that'll give users xp i believe that it automatically has a cooldown but this will be so you can change it modify xp add or remove xp from specific user you can still modify their level just with this you'll be able to modify how much xp multiplier for rolls or channels and allow it easier to earn xp through bushels so it's not something you really really need to pay for but so i had a lot of stuff that you can just get for free the second box we're going to be talking about today is the counterbot counter well there's no e so to get started head over the webpage that will of course be in the description click on invite with this to load authorize it in your server this is basically the best counter bot there's not a whole lot of competition i think you know maybe there technically is but its default uh prefix seems to be c exclamation mark so you do see exclamation help so you can see a lot of commands you can you see next iteration setup set up and now it automatically creates accounting channel uh please also give the boss management manage permissions permission on this channel before starting so as you can see let's go over here counter you might as well just give it all the permissions it's a legit bot it's a ton of servers so it won't do anything harmful you know i figure why not just give it all permissions and so you can do its thing you start with one and then you can't count count to back you can't count back to back but everyone can count with you it's not it won't add reactions to your messages it's just good old count and then discord so i think it does this job real well not a lot like competition again c execution help and there's a lot of stuff here if you need any further help this is right here check out the documentation uh i mean it does what it's supposed to do so the next spot we're going to be talking about is of course dank amir dank never is a really well known bot but even if you haven't heard about it uh that's what it is it's as it says join millions of users around the world in discord's largest fun economy bot it's a really cool bot and it's you know it is probably the largest fun economy bot to invite it click invite now authorize it in your server it'll automatically uh redirect you to this thanks for adding dank memer right now you can probably just click on commands these are all the commands you can use um its automatic prefix is please pls you can do please help and see lots of stuff through there um you can work jobs you can work all sorts of stuff there's lots of way better videos on youtube for how to set those up i might do one in the future if they add something crazy but um you can see all their commands right here just a heads up they do have an nsfw not safe for work uh category with some pretty interesting stuff in there but if you want to disable that for your server you get to pay for it but if you want to disable that in your server do please disable nsfw and also do this with oh how do you plan to disable stuff already disabled i already i did another take of this and i disabled it so um but yeah it's a really cool bot and you should definitely add it to your server the next discord bot we're going to be talking about is mod mail mod mail is a really cool way for members to contact staff directly and privately if there's something they need to report in the server um it's not there's are some more common bots but i prefer this one i like you know i've used it as a member and a server contacting staff and i've always really liked how it works so i started out it's my own server and i like it from the other way too so basically you can do is add to discord this will be in the description authorize it in your server thank you for adding you can click over to commands for now but as you can see it is in here its prefix is equal these all these all these prefixes can be changed by the way i do set setup set up mod mail log uh everything everything is in setup next up you can give your staff access to mod mail commands using access role rule so say i want to do access role at i don't have a staff rule some say uh i'm saying moderator so now moderators can uh moderates now can access the modmail logs they can help out other users um so once when someone mod when someone direct messages mod mail so say i'm a member i want to message them i say hello hello i need help you're sending this to watch the wonderful world that's my main server no i want to switch it up i want to send a message to tutorial so i'm going to react with six hello i need help message sent and now if we add our tutorial you can see a thing has opened up washicrowd9628 that's my username and discriminator hello i need help oh what can i help you with with and then i get a message back and it says this and you can do help there and then once you're done you can use extra dash or um sorry equal sign close and then it'll close you'll the member will get a dm saying to get close no reason to provide it unless you get a reason and it'll be in the mod mail lock you can pay for premium to see the transcript of the chat but as long as you trust your moderators that's fine but it'll for now it'll just say ticket closed no reason was provided unless they do give a reason if you need any help with it you can see all the commands right here i kind of showed you the basic the basic stuff the bare the bare minimum but if you need help with this you can always go over to their support server it's a perfectly fine server uh you know you can get help from people and um yeah it's a really cool server uh it's really cool sorry really cool i bought i have it in my server it's really helpful i've had a lot of people contact that to get help and i like it a lot so you should definitely consider adding that to your server if you want people to be able to get in touch privately and quickly with your entire staff team as opposed to them just going around direct messaging individual staff members the next spot we'll be talking about is logger bot it does have a dashboard it looks a bit clunky but it does the job so basically when you do is go to the server selector you can run commands for that too but it's easier for the it's easier with this for most people um server selector doesn't seem to be in the server that i want it to be oh i haven't because i haven't invited it yet so let's say invite in the top right corner tutorial authorized it's in 114 000 servers it's a really good bot so now it's in here we can head back over to this refresh the page and we should see tutorial this uh x right here this uh you know the symbol is because we don't have a server logo so that doesn't mean anything which means you have to set up a server logo otherwise you should seen it pop up right here it's a configuring tutorial is um basically so you can see all these channel create when a channel is created update you can just kind of hover over these and i'll tell you what this means so say you don't want it to log when a channel is created channel update you don't want to log any stuff about channels so say that and then you can set these to different channels so when a let's say when someone gets banned let's just for simplicity let's just say killed ban ad in general uh let's click submit to save on both um so now the modmobot is back in our server we can try banning it again and it should send a message in here as you can see mod mail was banned um none reason unprovided it'll show the user that was banned and the perpetrator which is my id so it's pretty helpful for just login stuff i prefer it you can be really like specific like in my server if we scroll down here you can see we have a join leave log i um messages log voice channels log mod logs that's for next spot we're gonna show but i like it a lot it's pretty handy the next spot we're talking about is wick bot the link will be in the description um this is this is by far my favorite moderation bot i have ever found it has anti-nuke anti-writing spam verification moderation and as you can see a whole lot more um they recently came out with a dashboard that's really helpful it does everything you need to do go to the site click add wic i should i prefer to do this add wick add it to your server authorize it give it yeah admin because it needs to moderate everything um you see this dashboard pops up you can see it is in our server first thing you want to do no matter what is type w exclamation setup now i've already done this so it will take actually sorry i need to give it permissions again one moment so once you give the ball all the permissions just check everything um you can run the command w explanation setup wx mission is the default prefix that can be changed welcome to wix setup setup will start in three seconds and it'll just send this message initializing quick setup checking permissions and then you if you haven't done anything else you'll get this message place wix own roll higher don't give it a higher roll uh blew the roll it created higher okay so basically what that means is go to the roles you want to move wake to the top so it can moderate everyone now we can try running again wick exclamation setup it'll do the same thing this usually takes about 30 seconds for me when it goes the entire thing checking if there's an existing meat roll i already run this so it will find that if not it'll automatically make one and set all the permissions for that um sitting at the meat roll across all channels uh check in if there's of this in quarantine role i'll explain that more later i already again already have this that that will set one up for you as well it will auto also make a wic logs channel this is for stuff that the wik bot specifically does like quarantine people or mod logs which is basically um like kicking banning that stuff uh set up finish setup successfully finished in 25 seconds this could be longer i've seen it go up to like 40 seconds and i've also seen it at like 20 somethings like low 20 seconds uh proceed at the following documentation and yes for this you can just and also you'll receive a dm with everything you need to do the rescue key is very important click to show i'm not going to click on it but um basically if you lose access to your account you can dm the owner of the wikbot you will find that later if you go into their disk uh server and kind of check out that which you can also see right here no it's a great server um but that just kind of like helps you get control of your server again um and yeah so if you go back to your server or sorry go over to the dashboard you see all this stuff it's you know a lot of stuff you can just kind of click around mess around join gate is really helpful verification is really helpful it's just really advanced and it's really advanced auto moderation stuff that you will need support for i would say uh so you go to support server it's a super nice place really nice people um see the wic is yeah right here you see who is talking all the time a lot of really helpful things that you can look at in here this is an example on my server bump bus verify here so a new member joins it'll give them a captcha at least outside of my server it'll auto mute like suspicious accounts kicks suspicious accounts it's really customizable and it's really handy it's my favorite um auto moderation bot that's my only moderation bot that i have in the server see right here the next spot we're talking about is giveaway bot this is the best i think it's pretty safe to say it's the best giveaway bot for making giveaways and discord to add it to in your search bar or go to their website the link in the description or you can just search that up it'll be the first link add a discord you don't need the premium it works fine without it there's some things that might unlock but you don't really need it let's see access head over my server you see the giveaway bot is in here the default prefix is g exclamation mark and then you can do help it'll send you a dm and this is just kind of showing you everything you know to create a giveaway do g execution create is like the interactive menu or you can do other stuff that you it you can see the dms so say g exclamation create please type the name of the channel you want to be in the server let's create a new channel called give aways so let's say x or hashtag giveaways please enter the duration of the giveaway in seconds so let's say we want it to last one minute 60 or you can also do integration as minutes so you will do if you want to do one minute you'll do one m need the giveaway lasts one minute how many winners should there be we want there to be one winner what do the prizes be um my respect of course no one will probably enter the giveaway because it's not much to get um starting giveaways so you can see this will pop up uh click this and then in a minute it will announce the winner and you can give them their prize please do give the people prizes don't scam people but it's the best spot for this it's not very complicated but it's definitely the best that's going to be all the bots that we're going to talk about today guys um if you if you add anything adding any of these bots or you hear about some new bots let me know in the comments let me know my discord server again the link to my discord server will be in the description or you can go to discord dot io uh slash washi crap um but yeah yeah again i hope this helped you and if you enjoy the video make sure to subscribe and leave a like thank you
Channel: WashyCrab
Views: 5,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord bots, discordbots, amaribot, amari bot discord, double counter discord, doublecounter discord bot, doublecounter bot discord setup, best discord bots, discord mods be like, discord mod speedrun, discord memes, arcane bot discord, noumenon bot discord, giveaway, giveaway bot discord, discord server, tutorial, discord servers to join, wick, wickbot, wick bot discord, wick bot setup, wick bot discord setup
Id: pL8XffjIhYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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