How To Make A GREAT Discord Server (Full Setup)

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in this tutorial i will show you how to make  a professional discord server similar to mine   this is going to be a long video so strap in  the first step when it comes to making a discord   server is to obviously create the server itself  do you see this little add server button right   here i want you to go ahead and click on that  one there should be four options just go for   the first one create my own you can just skip  this name your server i'll just call this one   uh stacks's second server and i will upload  my icon right now you can do this later   it doesn't matter i will make  my icon that and click on create please note that you don't have to make the  server from scratch if you don't want to   you can always just use a template a good  place to find templates is   which is today's sponsor go to click on templates   select the template that you want to use i  will go for local communities use new server   wait till this loads return to your discord name  your server and add the icon if you would like and click on create now you don't have to worry  about setting up text channels reaction roles and   more let's get back to creating the other server  from scratch if that's the way you're going to go   when a discord server is created discord  automatically makes one voice channel   and one text channel for you what we're going to  first do is rename that category well let's just   name it i guess general just do general for  now that'll be okay we can change that later   this can remain voice channels let's add a couple  more channels let's add like a media channel   commands etc i think this is good enough what  we're going to do next is actually enable the   community feature so go to server settings scroll  down enable community and click on get started to   keep your community safe make sure every member  that joins has a verified email and scan media   content from all members and this will exclude  not safe for work channels click on next just   leave these as create one for me one last step  set default notifications dimensions only and   remove moderation permissions from everybody and  by setting your server as community server you   agree that your server complies with the community  guidelines just click on i agree and understand   because i know for a fact you're not going to read  the community guidelines it's okay i have not read   them either and click on finish setup discord  will automatically create two new channels for   you rules and moderator only and there's a new  message this channel has been set up to receive what we will do now is quickly create a  information category which is where the rules   announcements and maybe an uploads channel of  your youtuber will go so let's just drag the rules   channel into there and sync its permissions with  the category i'll just leave that there for now   let's add a couple more channels  like announcements uh information and i guess let's do an uploads  channel just for the sake of it this is going to be a very very quick  second part and it is decoration   you can add emojis to the channel names  like this i wouldn't it looks a little   too over decorated if you want to do it  go for it just don't over decorate it   what i would recommend doing is adding  emojis to the category names like this i'm just going to quickly do  that for all the other categories and just like that that looks way better you  might think that we're probably done now but   look at this i don't have any roles that's  because we haven't created anything let's   make some rolls go to your server settings roles  create role let's just make an owner role for now   owner uh let's set the color you can choose  whatever color you want i will do like a   what looks good i like that blue let's do that   be sure to display this role separately  from online members and we will just give   it administrator for now because basically  you're going to be the only one that has it now that you have created the owner  roll give it to yourself by clicking   on your username tapping on the plus icon below   no roles and then clicking on owner your  username will now repair the color that   you chose your role now that we have the owner  role set up let's make three more roles staff a member roll and finally a bot roll this one does  not have to have any color but still   make it separate from online members now  that you have a staff role created let's   make a staff category we'll just name  it staff make it a private category   just hit skip and drag the moderator  only channel into here and sync its   permissions let me just add some emojis to  that just to make it look a little better   before we move on to the fourth step let's just  add some permissions to some of these channels   like the information channel where only people who  have like admin perms can send messages so go to   the category settings permissions add everyone  scroll down until you see send messages and   hit the x just like that let's just make it to  where people cannot send any files in general   chat so go to the permissions add everyone  attach files just like that hit save changes   let's also make it to where they  cannot manage the server like   they can't manage to channel the permissions the  web hooks uh embed links mention that everyone   manage messages let's just save the changes there  and quickly make that into the general category now that we have the permission set up  for every channel let's add some bots   bots i would recommend adding are b6  which has a very good moderation system make sure that all these permissions are  checked because they are required for the bot to   work properly dyno which has a good moderation  system carl bot which has very good reaction rolls be sure to keep this page open just for now  we will configure the bot a little later   wik bot which can make your server more secure rhythm which allows members to  play music and voice channels dank memer which is known for its economy system   and finally atlas which is what  we will use for leveling system   since we still have the carlbot page open or i  hope let's just configure it click on get started   add a custom prefix you can keep them at question  mark or exclamation mark i'm gonna make it a star   or an asterisk uh none reaction roll  templates i would recommend colors   pronouns and probably that's it and just for  the sake of it i'm going to do zodiac signs   if you go back onto your discord server you will  notice that carl created a channel called get   rolls which shows all of the reaction rules  that we just set up just drag that into the   information category and sync the permissions just  to prove that they work i will just quickly test   that's not going to show though what is your  zodiac sign i am a scorpion and just like that   they are working just like that then if we were  to unreact karl bot will remove them hit next   what channels should the mod logs be posted in  we'll just skip that for now set up automated   moderation just keep that as off and then we  are good enough we'll configure the bot a little   more just in a bit but let's quickly configure  wikibot so go to its page which is you can close this dashboard select your server scroll down and let's  go to join gate and click on configure   what we will first do is make sure that wik  kicks every member who does not have an avatar   kick members whose accounts  are less than a week old   and kick members that seem suspicious  we can go back to the dashboard and let's quickly set up a verification system  by clicking on verification and configure   we will make the mode that the action i want  wick to quarantine accounts that fail the   verification we will quickly set up  the quarantine role in just a bit   duration give it two minutes target  i want wick to verify all accounts   joining now let's move back on to discord and  fully set up wick just so wick is able to set   up properly i forgot to mention that i created two  new channels staff chat and staff commands just go   to the staff commands and write w exclamation  mark setup create the channels first obviously you probably noticed that wik created two new  channels mod logs and wik logs just drag those   into the staff category and sync the permissions  thing i forgot to do was actually enable the   a great way for your members to stay active  is by having a leveling system in your server   create a few leveling roles like i'll  just do a few simple ones like level   5 level 10 level 25 so this will be our level five be sure to drag these rolls higher than the  reaction rules but just below the mod rolls   now let's actually set up the leveling system so  go to or xyz if that's how you say   it if you're uh one of my american audiences  which i believe half of you are uh stack's   a second server be sure to enable the leveling  roles just like this let's just add an awards uh   where is it be sure to drag atlas's role above  the level roles so it can hand it out to members you can you can change up the notification  to how atlas is going to announce that you   leveled up you can make it to where they  dm it instead but just leave it for now for   default you can change this up later i'm just  going to make it simple and we are almost done   we just have a few more things to do so  let's get on to the final parts of the video   i should have done this at the very beginning  of the video but there's one thing i never added   rules i never ever added server rules common  rules and servers include no nsfw no advertising no memes in general english only there's many of them make your  own rules be creative don't just copy off   of me here same goes with the information  the information category is like different   in almost every server i've been in some of  them don't even have an information channel   but typically they will list like obtainable roles  uh the perks the leveling system roles which you   should definitely add just be creative with that  as well the staff list and more stuff i'm not   gonna go into detail here's a video you can watch  that will actually probably help you out very   well if you want very good looking information  channels but anyways another thing we never added   are emojis we never added emojis we have to  do that go to or any emoji list   or even make your own emojis but i'm going to  use's emoji list and look at that   they have emoji packs let's do the minecraft  ones let's do the pepe ones maybe favorites   trending emotes we'll do the we'll do this  lol keck poggers i guess i'll do the f boy one   go back to your discord upload the  emojis to your computer just like this i'm just gonna have to quickly unzip those  other packages so i can get to the other ones   okay i have unzipped and extracted  all of the emojis so i'm just going   to quickly drag them in here  and add them to the server and just like that we now have emojis and  also animated ones you can make your very own   the amount of emojis you can have in  a server go up depending on how much   the server has been boosted i believe it is 50 for  just a regular server 100 for a level one boosted   150 i think for maybe 200 i do not remember i  will add it on the screen the correct number   for a level 2 server and the level 3 server is  250 and this one you're going to have to have   at least a level 1 boosted server to access  this stickers so i'm completely unable to   add the stickers anywhere a good place to find  stickers as well is of course the one and only you're probably not wondering where the heck can  i put this out so people can join there are plenty   of places you can go you can go to many many places i'm just going to do just for the sake of it so i'm going  to quickly add the server add the bot very quickly   and okay we need to first do is server name that's  what we'll do primary language show in the public   list select role remove roles after yeah a short  description this server sucks don't join hit   long description i know exactly what we'll  do lorem ipsum dula sentiment can sectors this is getting super damn cringy next keywords  we'll just do stacks youtube i guess that's enough   that one's optional just like that it has been  added and yeah if you want more members that are   active buy their premium option premium is 9.99  a month that's probably in us dollars get gain   an average of 2 360 members each month featured  on your front page pinned on all tags and listing   pink and purple server accents exclusive  discord roles in channel a premium badge   and support our development and then  the advanced which is 14.99 a month   that's in us probably gain an average  of 3 100 members a month everything from   original premium featured 75 more often red server  accents exclusive discord roles and channels   premium badge and support our development anyways  that is going to wrap up today's video if you   enjoyed it please hit the subscribe button maybe  join my discord server follow my twitter follow   my twitch follow my reddit i have too many  freaking social media accounts and goodbye
Channel: Stacks
Views: 1,083,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a discord server, discord server, discord, how to make a good discord server, how to make a discord server 2022, how to make a great discord server, how to make the ultimate discord server, how to make the ultimate discord server 2022, discord tutorial, discord server tutorial, discord server tutorial 2022, how to make the best discord server, how to make the best discord server 2022, stacks discord
Id: b4dX9oYh-Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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