Features EVERY Discord Server Should Have! (2021)

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every discord server is unique and different in its own ways however there are certain things which i think makes a server a whole lot better before we get into our first feature i want to quickly mention that these are for and only for community servers if you have a simple server for friends to hang out with these tips are of no use and you don't have to add all of these these are what i think these are my opinions and yeah let's not waste any more time and get right into the first feature number one verification and anti-rate protection imagine you wake up one day and all your server channels and rules are gone absolutely nothing all your hard hours of work that you put into your server all gone in an instant that will suck that's why having an anti-raid bot like wikbot or security bot is helpful i personally use wikbot but you can use whatever you want from a website like top.gigi and about verification a simple click on the reaction to verify is not very safe you can make an advanced system by letting them type a certain command to get them verified what i use on my server is this server capture verification bot which has you fill in a captcha in order to verify let me know in the comments what kind of verification you use for your server on to number two we have ping rolls if you're using at everyone pings for literally everything happening in your server your members are gonna leave if you think that makes your server active it doesn't and all it does is encourages members to click the leave button you should try to ping it as little as possible and for super important stuff only what you can instead do is make use of reaction rules make a ping roll section there and make different roles that you'd ping for different occasions this way members can choose when exactly they'd like to get pinged number three member count it's not really much of a big feature but it definitely helps the server look good if you have a public server i highly recommend adding member count whether it be a channel or a category it automatically updates so it's quite a nice feature to have you can use a bot like surface stats to make this with ease if you're enjoying this so far make sure to subscribe because it helps me out a lot and it's just a matter of seconds it doesn't cost you a dime and you can always change your mind later number four logging user actions this is something that i really think should be in more servers you see when you're moderating you want to make sure that nothing slips from your site every action that happened in your server should be recorded you can use a bot like call bot and separate events into different channels carlbot's amazing logging system will make a web hook that will automatically post every single thing done on your server in a certain channel that's awesome and really helpful number five guide for staff your moderator should know what exactly to do on what violations that's why i recommend making a staff guide for your new trainees to let them know how moderation works around your server it might not be the same as what they're used to but hey we all gotta start somewhere a guidebook for staff also helps you set up certain rules for staff which makes it a great thing to have in your server number 6 choosing the right staff how do i get staff members on my moderation team you might be asking yourself and to answer that i'd say you can never 100 trust somebody especially when it's about online moderation however you can surely get close to that 100 percent and always use staff applications to choose staff i'll say it once again always use staff apps keep the questions there right to the point and easy to understand you get the idea right number seven suggestion system no server is perfect there will always be flaws and some things might not look like a flaw to the owner or the staff but the members will know it right away the members have a completely different perspective of looking into your server hence they are the perfect to ask for opinions feedbacks and reports create a suggestion system on your server where members can suggest different features that they like in your server and other people can vote on it and you can make your decision number eight tickets and mod mails you can use either one it doesn't make much of a difference having a well said ticket system or a mod mail system makes it easier for the members to contact staff members can use it to ask important questions report users and who knows even sponsorship giveaways if you have a fairly large community server i highly recommend getting one of these comment down what you prefer mod mails or tickets i'll really like to know your opinion on this also let me know if i should make a video about this because there's a lot to compare number nine using embeds a really really great way to add heck a lot of professionalism to your server is by using embeds for important channels and official messages for example the rules you can embed them by using disk hook which i have a video on in the description if you would like to know how i make them i am absolutely obsessed with embeds you can check out my server and you'll be able to see how beautiful everything looks and even our staff guide book is embedded number 10 never copy others i know okay this is not a feature however this should be an important quality of your server every day i come across so many servers that just copy paste our infos and calls it dares the infos i spent my time in my precious time when i could be watching the 900th episode of one piece or something it really brings a super repetition to an extreme low point please write your own rules or don't have rules at all the choice is yours and with that i hope you enjoyed today's video join my discord server to talk with me i'm always active there you are more than free to take inspiration but copying nope not at all tolerate it like the video if you enjoyed and subscribe for more useful discord videos with that i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Roonie
Views: 85,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord tutorial, discord server, discord memes, discord meme, discord mod speedrun, discord server tutorial, discord server tutorial 2021, how to make a professional discord server, how to make an aesthetic discord server, how to make your server look good, how to make your server beautiful, discord moderator, discord mod meme, discord moderators be like, how to make a discord server, how to grow your discord server, discord nitro, discord bot, discord partner
Id: nr7znBHe6Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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