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yo guys welcome to the best couple on youtube today myself and Talia are going to be taking on G and chip obviously we need a fair adjudicator so we have got jords in as the host thank you guys both couples a series of questions five questions each the other will be blindfolded while I'll be asking the question and oh [ __ ] it do you know what one thing I can't do inches pouches ever want me to do your intro for you please okay I'm gonna be asking each of the members five questions about the other member of the couple and they the other member will be blindfolded and have headphones on so they can't see or hear that person will then come over and have to try and match the answers the first person said very simple question what is tidy as bra size I'm a Christian man so I'm after I don't know bra sizes [ __ ] Natalya's why when you want to buy our little lingerie I don't know sizes numbers in this there's numbers in it yes like no don't die you are you helping me obviously Toniolo brother go down like this no the struggles someone you're gonna have to get them okay three I'm just gonna say be okay like a high number or a low number you were close okay to be I don't know I don't know what it is I don't know sizes would take that Oh screwed do you know the answer okay all right yeah diamonds better and selfish are all what songs Tally's in what order did these songs come out in selfish better diamonds what celebrity couple would Thalia can pay you that is really hard can they be from shows yes I'm gonna go with if they can be from shows my characters from a show okay and I go with Chandler and Monica from friends if Talia could eat from one food chain for the rest of her life what would it be that's really hard you know just the fussiest e or other than that you know I'm gonna just go for something like sticks and sushi sticks and sushi yeah that's what I was questioning like food chain is that a food chain yeah all right Christine number five what achievement is Thalia most proud of dating me all right the first question was what was Thalia Mara sighs okay now you know I don't know this no wait safe will be I don't know not be I said be and then they were like put a number in front of it question number two was better selfish and diamonds yeah songs by you of course Simon in which order were these songs released in selfish batter and diamonds and that would her selfish then better than diamond question number three was what celebrity couple would sound and compare you to and it can be from like a show us it can be character yes it can be if Talia could eat from one few chain for the rest of her life what would it be [Music] told you see fussy like restaurants have multiple different locations yeah okay I'll pick a sushi place I don't know where okay maybe sticks and see what was Tony's biggest achievement ever yeah what are you most proud of I'm just gonna say what it actually is my show in 2017 my upon I don't think he'll say that well done Simon similar are you gonna give it a real guess okay no what did you think oh it's not a big deal dating it did cross my mind I know that you would say that one loser yeah Team Japan G okay all right we have to team all right G finds you in a dressing room with a female friend he's in her underwear what course of action is G most likely to take take a shoe up and start bashing in the friend's skull leave the room and have a breakdown or kick you in the bollocks 100% all the makeup brands which is Jesus fragrance oh my god like if he's just all about the brand yeah yeah I bought some pilots before as well what were they one was H I'm just gonna have to send it and go to Sapporo cuz I don't know any of us which of the following would G says give you the most satisfaction her company why need clothes or gaming so what what satisfies me at those three things yes what's that spice you the most out of those do you think I'm gonna say company okay things even if he's wrong now he's done the right thing yeah what is the most likely two arcs for for her birthday a pony pony pony she don't [ __ ] shut up about something else now I'm leaving what she says is deep [ __ ] I had this issue before cuz I bought many shoes and she always wear size 4 what's that small don't fit it's not size 3 it's - what'd ya say - yeah because it comes into children's when this window she does have very smooth I don't shoot Holly doesn't know yet how do you definitely know that she is looking at might actually get it wrong - it's a - it's your final answer yeah that's the final question sir remove the blindfold are you ready the question number one was she finds you in a Jason moon she was a chip of course okay with a female friend and you know underwear yeah what course of action is G most likely to take take a shoe off and stop flashing in the friends skull leave the room and have a breakdown yeah or kick you in the bollocks leave the room and have a breakdown yes why did I'll have a breakdown jeez favorite makeup brand okay two-faced what'd you say I don't the following would you say gives the most satisfaction [ __ ] okay gaming your company hmm or buying new clothes gaming the Boyd I thought you knew it's a game no to be honest I thought you were gonna go for gaming as well Star Wars oh it's bringing you so much fun right now yeah that's like a week he's upset what is G most likely to ox or have birthday last question was what is G's shoe size and to be clear your actual right so three we could all right the second round is going to be jords asking a question and they will both hold up a shoe representing who the answer matches so the chip they'll hold up that shoe for G they'll hold up that shoe either seven questions by the way all right who has the better smile oh that's a good person you know oh it was a good one I'm gonna say okay who has the better fashion sense oh wow okay who is most likely to apologize first who said I love you first who has the most exes go peepees touching who is the most immature okay you ready yes who is the horniest [Applause] [Laughter] youngest who is the better kisser starts the most arguments Oh would you most want your baby to look like a few T ha ha these are horrible who is the messiest yeah I do that was so wrong the REE yes the ladies time all right question number one in what order would Simon rank these body parts Oh your lips yeah eyes and stomach we're gonna keep it civil Oh stomach what is the best present Simon has ever given you thing is it's like do I go for like the thing like he's bought me like holiday but I still think it's the I'm going to say the custom Pikachu like Pokemon feeders because it's really thoughtful that's like my favorite thing maybe custom Pokemon II feel bad I love I love all of them if Simon had an identical twin and they decided to switch places which of the following would make you most suspicious the fact that he cooked dinner yeah he did the laundry yeah or he actually learnt to dance because we could last night news I I hate doing this okay so it feels like a recent thing where's like I don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah what is Simon's favorite clothing brand clothing what is Simon's brother's dog's name I just had the maddest weekend ever number one was in what order would Simon these bloody pots I think Charlie's buddy play okay right lips eyes and stomach it's not saying you don't like any of them so it's fine taco why I think she'd say I'd say it's like mind games right now I'm gonna go stomach eyes lips yeah and what you said is exactly what I thought you were gonna say I was gonna I wasn't sure if it was stomach first Eliza to was what was the best present she had ever received from you I am awesome at present best present i'ma go for the bear I actually thought it was the bear is that better so you didn't remember the man Simon had an identical twin and they decided to switch places which of the following would make you most suspicious the fact that he cooked dinner did the laundry or a hundred I mean all of them but cook dinner yeah all right so Kristen number five was what is Simon's brother's dog's name [Applause] so that is a grand total off haha god okay which of the following lines to your sex life the neighbors know my name cuddles or my parents probably get more action oh I'll go of cuddles he's a big cuddler cute what these chips favorite shoot he's off-white president of a Presto's his off-white suppose ones these right now hey what would chip say is your best quality my best quality is that like 40 personality trait I still read Rosa um Bob Lee maybe probably I don't think he'll say that though what do you think he'd say maybe like loving or sight like that can I have like a generic thing because this is like a big umbrella engineering I mean yeah yeah loving is pretty generic okay what would she say you moan about the most this is a like current thing that he won't come pick me up in his car I like just that's why I wrote about the most of a moment so maybe that all sewing but like I don't want to travel to his in the cold okay yeah and question number five what yeah yeah yeah which of the following lines the neighbors know my name my parents favorite my favorite what is your best personality guys are we gonna give them back that is the same thing I yeah I'd let you have that surely I would say yeah and you have that no I'm like I don't know because we did say loving was kind of like I'm just a general thing question number three was what would chip say you moan about the most is that which one Wow there are so many things so many so many so many so many what was the most romantic thing right so just say nudging him forward but if he said the treasure hunt would we have given that that's why I was the Builder right so we finished all rounds now and we've got the final scores in what's your team name team pick a team we love Simon and Talia with 13 points we love Simon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] you get this phone wow that is an but my phone is like don't show me if [Music] just lie about what you like if you can't tell
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 4,052,698
Rating: 4.953702 out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog, couple, quiz
Id: e5QdrJUQ0J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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