Asking YouTubers questions fans are too scared to ask W/ Simon, Talia & Josh

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This video was a banger and could've just been a podcast episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xreapart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They should all come on individually, I feel like it would be too much if they came on at once.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jstcurious01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
I think you should when people don't know boundaries like we were in the cinema and someone took a picture of us with flash and they ended up leaving the movie before it even started because okay so I am here today with three special guests Oh their names are Simon Talia and Joshua sorry Josh today we are doing a video where fans ask youtubers questions the fans are too scared to ask I've done similar videos over on my channel with pallets is queefing atonal alright okay and also Becky or common and voice isn't it completely completely so check those out as well the link will be in the description most people on Instagram to send in their questions so I have a list here and we're just gonna go for them how are you guys feeling are we excited somebody else I'm nervous yes question one is how do you stay motivated to post videos don't I've stopped YouTube this is my end video this is a to announcement video the title is why I quit YouTube I don't honestly that sounds so bad but like if I don't feel motivated to video I just find something else that I can do so you think productive in another way oh like move my motivation over to something else I got do it tick tock oh I'll stream or I'll write a song and obviously I try and stay motivated in post videos but sometimes you just don't have an idea and I I can't force myself cuz I don't think I'm a natural you twofer I love that confessions of a youtuber I think it's just keep the ball rolling as soon as you stop it so much harder to get back into it guys medium century yeah when you're posting all the time ideas just come to you and then you know you not a few youtubers ideas as well inspired like by like seeing what other people are posting is like a big thing as well like just to kind of keep me wanting to place because very learned habit now you just learn to wake up and get to out your toy he's like I always say like yeah like I go to bed and I've done something productive then it was a bad day my brains wired just wake up and do something whenever that's like yeah well it could be could be anything what is a typical day in the life of a youtuber I didn't like the way you said that I wake up like one then sip of my computer until one Simon David go film provide what 12 to about 8 2007 10 M others to achieve or concept is it was travelling somewhere and then yeah a normal YouTube day is wake up wave time you gonna wake up and then just sit at your office desk for as long as possible realistically now people calling out the editing that could be me ins on the sky that could be emails that could be anything maybe when first starting off what's a good way to get your videos out there for people to see with baby I mean I would definitely prove that it's being clever with the trial so that people can do I always click papers like but was it were you just done when you place on estimation of the competence good enough that they stay yeah but clickbait the hell out of it I I would say copy trends maybe get your channel out and then like get traction used to be no they're not as good as easy but they still definitely I get that maybe they're not about beat though the club songs that are like make sure you check out this person now is like a throwaway comment about yeah they was gonna be on that channel to check out you one yeah those are just more its people usually ask more youtubers so like hearing a collab you're not like in the study nah there's a new person on YouTube what editing software do you use Sony Vegas he's final cut Sony Vegas Pro me afraid you really happy if I finally got to say it your Braille answers I'm leaving I use that on my movie feel like the first year it's pretty those that I maybe yeah does it annoy you when fans come up to you in the street yes you are more than to like someone is much better than just like you're looking for I'm pointing or like anything or like saying their name loud enough that you can hear yeah I ever said that my only like pet peeve is like when like me and you Alexei at dinner and we're mid dinner and like people will come up and like say hello or like they'll want a photo and you're like chewing your food like you're mid eating and like it's fine like I get it but just wait until he's finished you know and then it's fine but yeah like that I don't know why it oh it's always got to me like even since I think you should when people don't know boundaries like you know you're in the cinema and someone took a picture of us with flash and they ended up leaving the movie before it even started because it's like just don't you could have just said I can I get third yeah yeah well no I think maybe maybe she didn't know maybe he was just trying to get yeah so basically like approach them don't like touches go like yo what's good how are you I need to say that love we do anyways that's it don't like it's very very obvious when you pretend you don't know who someone is like when someone's like oh look it's Carrefour easy like to you not funny it's been done a million times yeah but you can tell when it's shown you in you can tell when someone's joking and it's like you that joke swimmer in spike is it just so all we do is like yes stop asking me where case I have a track what's it like living in a house with other youtubers I really liked it although it was obviously a gamble I think some youtubers might not have been as pleasant to live with it's my cuz I think people don't realize that you guys didn't you hadn't you didn't know that that well and you moved on from that's always a gamble in a sense that I think like we all please spend like fern in your half of our earnings on the rent we paid which was a gamblin itself we kind of believe it why the only menu like two or three times I met Vic once so it's like moving into a house of them is kind of risky cos what if we did actually like we haven't met that much we've spoken of let's get moving to a new area trust me because I picked the house viewed the house find it all and then make you think that it helped your charm tunnels at all being in one house because we kept doing the like the group videos in the kitchen the third house I was termed as the factory by everyone really because like we would just pump out content non-stop and that was our thing but people still had people around you who but you'd wake up and some of the videos so now I rap and be remotest go and then or Jays are filming or fixed to it something fixed until 5:00 p.m. via minecraft and my harsh as they often do more backstreet my mother will do something if everyone around you is like super hard work and always been something you naturally just kind of gravitate towards that way if your whole friend groups very much like let's do nothing that's got pie in denial for us it's a big part of anything I think is making sure your friend group is ideal that's what you yeah how do you deal with hate online doesn't bother me I feel like yeah 99% of the days it doesn't get to you nice not quite no I'm senator did you ever know from the get-go really it randomly because you definitely went through a stage where it's like the whoa one video for me just went mental and I was getting attacked non-stop and I was like wow this is annoying for me it wasn't something that was like learn I've never really been not bothered yeah I was just a bit like well I know I'm putting these videos up I know people are gonna say horrible things so like mm-hmm I do think it depends on the day because some days I am literally laughing like okay but sometimes I'll read it and I'll be like it's when it's something pertinent securio yeah for the most part it's funny because it's like wow you really sat there and breathe all right it's all about like the perspective and how um I'm not 64 some days it gets to me a lot like Oh like the size of your channel and also being part of the thirst side then you're gonna get it every day yeah but it's like whatever happens jay-z just just don't look cuz there's every now and then with him free zone where you can tell these looks at the comments yeah and it's like only it's I'd say it's like once every like three four months it's live like a day if that and it's always for something very specific whereas yeah okay hey comment so it gets me I think more like in person about me that you could say something about mind look how I look or how family doesn't bother me like more than happy and couple who I am I think anything's ever get to it when I believe in a product if I believe are going to suddenly is very very good good product yeah and if people go against their doesn't I think science is bothering me I'm Karl I'd like you not get it frustrating you can't kind of comment to get towards me is right things were I think something's good and it's not so like different opinions the opinions are opinions on where I can't accept that I'll actually read that as well it's not normally like if I get a comment on a video about the other person in the video that really gets to me because I'm like what they've seen it I don't know if they're gonna be outside yeah and I feel like I've just created a video that's no good I get like protective well just because in my head I'm like I just caught some people not been around long enough for that yeah a way that I find has helped me because I I mean I I've not really like ever been bothered by it so the fact that like it would get me down but have days or like moments where I'm like I don't know it's get a little bit annoyed by you I get more annoyed than upset I think but like the way that I see it is like I put myself in their shoes and I'm like wow it could never be me like I could never sit there and be like I could and it did almost like were like this person is is either really sad or they're just very very young and it is not emotionally mature but I've actually watched someone brighten a comment so someone I used to work with we don't [Music] name yeah anyway he worked for a celebrity that he didn't like and I remember we were sat down he was like oh look I do this thing and I go and I have like a food count and like he very really like not very nice comment and I was just literally sat there like I've never witnessed someone do this is why he was like like he was laughing like like it's so funny like she's gonna read this and I was like and I was that was one of the first things that made me realize like I do not want to work with you this is freaking weird like how do you carry on posting when you're going through a hard time in your personal life videos I'm making videos and work in is escaping itself like I attribute a lot like I said before like when my parents got divorced I always say that the reason why I've got some good at certain games I just lock myself in my room yeah and I played Cod for eight hours a day the ultimately is like the start of my youtube career yeah so anything like that like putting yourself in your energy into something else that's how negative energy into positive energy pin it somewhere else is the best be anything like say like if you're going proud of time you pull the energy in that is in doing anything you'd like can you enjoy difference before whether that's like makeup over that it's going to whether that's anything that's betting you but the open sea level it's it's they don't build inside of you yeah that's it again I think depends your personality some people like so like when you're sad is one of those things genius and sad songs which isn't happy songs just people around you because like varies awful now if anything happened like say for example Jay Jay lost to London he would have been in like a pit yeah you would have had to still decide my videos yeah boy yeah yeah and then we will make fun of him and hopefully he was done laughing anybody that we learned to blog [Music] yeah do sir this is a good one oh well the others been okay oh is it hard to have a privacy and how do you strike the balance between your private life and your public life this is a good one no I mean all of you but for people in relationship relationships I think is important to talk about because it was obviously a long time we haven't anything private so like when I started YouTube I was private so no no but I was private as in like I did to my face yeah so an iPad it is the Hannah Montana effect where like I went to school I was someone like I was taught in school I allowed how about SeaWorld still and then yeah then I said you came along and I've kept you a secret for a good five years but I like it I've seen it so many times that people will make they go public their agent ship and then it all falls apart because you're exposing silence a world of a lot of information and just like especially I'm not used to it I got to be when I met you like a year after amazing crazy your questions you've been you a quite a lot of things are we met in 2010 you are so you go ahead never any problem okay so like everything that we kind of done it just happens like at our own pace and and so like when we were like when I thought I finally was kind of like public and your girl girlfriend it wasn't like a massive deal slowly people kind of found out it's easier to kind of trade off and its rest of the world cuz today it was harder to hide someone now I know who people are way more interested I think when you hide it then when you don't Olly was different though because she was already doing YouTube and everything so I mean we still were public for likely six months yeah something like that there was like weird little things where I was like so videos oh that I think that's what made it more like it's not worth being private when you have to actually physically hide it like when you're just doing like Joshua would be filming videos in his room and so in cod beer is whether it wouldn't be natural to be like oh phrase in the background he doesn't have to like push her out to the side where's like we'd be at an event that we'd both be filming and it's we'd have to sort of be like okay right or you thumb over there I'll come over here Oh glasses of Lachlan you make sure we're not together in a block like that makes it so much harder and then when you accidentally do show someone everyone tombola everyone Twitter's like youtubers do girlfriends but like they are private so it's like some people do keep it completely apart in our social circle as well just like as we go to a lot of group events do not things together it's easier when you're not both on anything if you're going to YouTube is I think it's almost impossible I think everyone's a gamer and wonders like yeah fashion videos maybe yeah very specific but so how much time does it take to make a full YouTube video filming editing and everything it doesn't really depend on the video I would agree like I do the gaming videos we used to do was like you could chord it for an hour it's been half an hour to an hour editing it you're gonna pull out the same amount of time it could to record it but even for like context like what about men some like anywhere three hours to three days yes of the film in the Edit we actually outhouse the other thing that's been anywhere between like six hours and five days on average but one of my videos where I sit in my room and I make our film maybe two hours and I'll edit for two hours yeah without any breaks and stuff because I like to film and then I put all my content into premiere and then I cut it up and then I'll have a other side stop and I'll straighten all that whatever and then like the next day I'll I'll go through and like do I'm not like grinding through the edge but you know you're not a hundred plus videos d yeah so I feel like the more videos you do the quicker and quicker yeah the more efficient you get you I need to get the next one - next one kind of thing yeah I think realistically you could do a video end in 10 minutes but you never answer for that question there is no real answer such it could be anywhere it could be like a month it could be how do you not let numbers define your worth in a numbers based industry there's a very good question some it did for the first like four years that's the thing they don't you find your worth they define your business I think that's why I separated I see YouTube as much as I am being myself it's still a business yeah making music is a business I don't see it's like oh they don't like me it's like okay that wasn't good for my business when you see this I like say Frick for example like if a video doesn't do as good numbers as it did the last one or like the next one how do you like not let that kind of effect you can put your personal feelings and rely on machines now that I'll give you what you want because like very easy to be consistent with your view like me and time with now okay I know I'm going to get this many views guaranteed and there's a chance they may go higher and you would never never never really go lower where now you can such locked rating numbers yeah because you're relying on now them to actually feed people your video I don't see it's an extra thing though but I do use numbers as a way to show your business and I think this a little bit silly when he would like I don't keep tabs on my numbers to solve it's like well if you see this is business you kind of should just keep a rough idea you don't have to be like I gain this many followers today this minute but does it have to be like that you should know roughly where it's heading like what helps you and what I never check socialblade I never check things like that I don't like that it doesn't make me feel even if I'm doing good even if I'm on the up how many use did you ask me a different way okay it's finding the number that's your goal Sophie you money the money numbers to go because it's like that's my motivation whereas be you guys it's like it might be a view number cuz it's like okay this is doing better for my channel which means ultimate growth in the end yeah I think everyone should have some sort of goal that's trackable and numbers are the only thing that is trackable that's why people go to numbers yeah go to any new motivation they spend I imagine like in future this is a numbers world which it is if you're like a small company you're gonna look at your profit opportunity or sales of products I need to be they're all the same numbers we look at as a business you should treat it like business and you should look at numbers well I serve I look if I go through all my analytics whoever I look my main channel will literally I did my last video dual right that's it my second channel will go like oh how my videos been doing that compared to the others but like a little bit more though like my podcast Channel I'm literally like I look at every video and look at like yourself that's gained because you know I wanted to do god yeah at the twitch clips wand and I'm literally there like how much is these video done how many subscribers in like long yeah person approach I think we find new like that's we've always done if anything we've got my assignment things like so Boston is this same thing that you kind of like you when you have taken new and exciting it's fresh like you do the new numbers yeah it's new and it's fresh okay well from that can you explain the concept of earning revenue through YouTube like how does it work what does it mean I mean there's copious amounts of variables there like advertising revenue alone obviously you watch video you'll see a typical voting I further started to do skippable for five seconds that earns X amount of money which we don't even know and the chat there's a video the style of video the content of video where you're wearing cleats from if that person's seen your channel before the most valuable adverts you exist are mid roles that are adverse that you see between diverse watching so it could be a free minute six minutes 10 minutes could be a marathon those things what kind of annoys you happy video is once earning the person you're watching the most but Google does Silesia have like a company comes in and goes I have 100 grand spelling adverts I want to target two males in 16 and 24 Google is tracking everything you do likewise Facebook is they'll find all 6 24 year olds out there and just feel like videos mean sign videos anyone who like any kind of content so I get like Gillette adverts on TV content and that's why I make up videos you at L'Oreal content like theirs you'll realize that there's brand the target audiences and so now money then I guess is shameless booted from the top from Google getting it and then spreading it to us at the bottom and we gonna do a penny drops per you are like it's tiny amount of you and they're so different there was there and we aren't told by YouTube we just know this that we've been it for so so long like we still don't really get what determines a good CPM and a CPM is like money that you get per thousand users right that's what everyone looks at CP yeah every every no channel it's a CPM because not roofie no help you being a youtuber slash influencer yeah like being someone who earns their money through Instagram YouTube etc do you think that doing that is more stressful than doing a normal 9 to 5 I think it depends on the person you can let you decide if what you want to be yeah you actually more free you can and you could be someone who posts once every two weeks then it's basically looking at how much fun you want to make yeah if you're satisfied of earning what you'd earn a nine-to-five that you can probably work a certain level and gifts a little one stop and kind of like okay this is one comfortable I can enjoy my life because then you kind of put yourself against other people and also maybe other people in your job like being like a youtuber like you kind of feel pressured to be doing like I would find 95 stressful because I don't like the idea of like conforming to something that I have to do like if I have to be at a job at 9:00 I have to leave at 5:00 and like baby normal when I worked it was part-time but because I have to be that week and I knew I was like every single Saturday for the next four months five months I know I'm doing and I hate knowing I'm doing a Hollister I would do my shift on a Saturday it was 2:00 to 10:00 shitty shift but I did it and then at 10:00 I finished and that like I shut up whereas this job you feel you edit and then you're constantly being okay no anymore yeah yeah exactly and I think that's why because really well yeah that's funny it's personality based like I generally do feel stressed if I'm like not can't work more because that sounds ridiculous but as in if you're in a job where it's like you know exactly where there's a ceiling where you are I don't like having a ceiling on me I feel like that puts pressure on me to be like yeah I would agree they're like now that I'm doing this like full-time I'm like yeah this is like I can I have the ability to like as much as I if I put my mind to it I just feel like it's it's less stress but when you are stressful it's higher amounts of stress but when he's stressed it's like five is like more stressful with general yeah when you're a youtuber is stressful the stresses wait more but it shouldn't be you make it more stressful it is because realistically if I'm stressed on my ID I'm a video today like I don't have anything to post the time you stress nothing changes yeah like things right you have anyone to tell you what do you want to remind you to like do something you don't have a paycheck every month you can rely on things like that and that's how stressful carry and yeah obviously that sort of thing does change like you might not be stressed about money if you do biggie you get because you kind of as much as you don't have a paycheck you could still not know per month then you'll be fine because of everyone like the content you made up until that point I can imagine how stress a lot of people with the whole demonisation thing we were quite good at because obviously for one we're very comfortable where we are that people who like had the holy beings come with a cross very quickly that's quite scary I imagine that like having the looming pressure of knowing that someone else continued no of course of course do be like dog barf you're not where a point where we could yeah like where Simon is we could make a whole people make Cybercom and make our own video platform we can like we could be there on our we could go we could modify we can monetize so different things have our play that we have ours that's why the wave I said anyone who does our staff might make sure you put money everywhere yeah because they don't allow an address you want to have like you want to have your merch we're all trying to think new this isn't as much because you might do as well from that right yeah do that but literally they'll do anything however they can monetize okay guys thank you so much for watching this video and all of their links will be in my description box below I will see you guys in my next video goodbye I was lucky catch
Channel: Freya Nightingale
Views: 2,462,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freya, freyanightingale, josh, zerkaa, simon, miniminter, taliamar, talia, youtubers, question and answer, q&a
Id: Wv4qU5cEHIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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