These Foods Make You Fat & Sick

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i'm mad as heck and i'm not taking any more family if you walk around any grocery store and look at the ingredients on food on medicine like i do it's downright scary and the sad truth is these brands these manufacturers they don't care about you they care about profits over people and that's true when you look at the ingredients in there they're making us fat sick and nearly dead and heck some of the ingredients aren't even considered real food it's super bad news so what i want to do is walk around and show you some of the things we're talking about and of course give you a better option to swap that out because we can't stay on this path because it's completely unsustainable so less talking more shopping let's do our thing when it comes to lunch meat you're giving your kids you're having it work you guys know i only buy the organic turkey breast from costco and i'll show you something interesting in a second but when you go to your traditional ones like hormels oscar meyer lando frost you're not getting much meat to be honest so let's just go to my baloney has a first name it's oscar i think we all know this is probably not the best quality meat but it's really not good quality at all so when you see mechanically separated pork right there it's essentially lips and buttholes it's the stuff that's attached to ligaments and bones they mechanically have to separate no bueno and they add in there a little bit of corn syrup there and a bunch of preservatives and nasty stuff so just in case you didn't know how bad it was there we go it's really bad now if you trade down to this lando frost here at 6 15 which is actually kind of expensive this is about as low cloudy turkey as you can get so this is turkey forget about the fact that it's gmo low quality it also has yeast extract a man-made flavor enhancer but look at this sure it has brown sugar sure it has gmo corn starch to hold the meat together sure it has maltodextrin the gmo preservative but also has nitrites which we try to avoid and sodium erythrobate sodium erythrobate its main job is to preserve lunch meat and to give it a nice pink color bad news so a nice thing to do if you want to trade up a little bit is this oscar meyer natural is it bobby approved no but at least it doesn't have those nasty nasty ingredients in here right it doesn't have the nitrites carrageenan anything like that it's just gmo turkey hello lights where'd you go i'm still here bobby's still here oh ah there we go but here's the deal this natural here is 14 ounces for 9.75 that's over ten dollars a pound my friend yes that is cheaper than like the bobby approved section here for applegate organic but at costco i pound the table on this one the organic meats and watson turkey breast is eight dollars and change a pound it's the best quality turkey meat you can get on the planet and it's cheaper than the cruddy oscar meyer one even almost as cheap as the um the uh the really cruddy orlando frost one go to costco go with your friend have your friend buy you a gift card so you can go by yourself that is the kind of lunch meat you want you don't want the cruddy stuff for you and your family because it is mystery meat oh give me a break i'm sorry lebron james is not eating flaming hot cheddar and sour cream ruffles here this is sad and here's why i actually came over here all of these chips in this category sure they're fried in cruddy vegetable oil here they also have look at that msg monosodium glutamate which is a chemically made flavor enhancer in artificial colors to get that flaming hot color and artificial flavors the same is true with chester cheetah msg artificial flavors artificial color for that nice chester cheetah color and doritos nacho cheese same bs or actually this is worse i'd say because look it has the msg there it has the artificial flavors and colors but also see at the bottom disodium inosinate disodium guyanulate that's actually two other forms of msg that are just as bad okay number one if you ever see me put my face on anything remotely dirty like this you have the permission to punch me in the face lebron that is sad number two if anyone tells you that msg is actually not bad for you it's good for you wrong okay there's two types of msg there's naturally occurring msg coming from soy sauce tomatoes parmesan cheese that's great but man-made msg is a chemically made flavor enhancer that's called an excitogen it basically hijacks your taste buds and sends brain waves to get excited and want to crave it more it's super super bad for you my friends these are horrific for you snacks shame on you lebron just come down here and i know it's a little expensive but if you want to get just a regular unflavored chip it's better but if you want best in class this is delicious kettle cooked chipotle barbecued chips fried in avocado oil no msg no artificial colors this is the way to go let's take a quick break from my rant video here because birch living who makes that mattress right there uh wanted to sponsor the video they're a big supporter of the channel and um a lot of people hear me talk about a non-toxic home when it comes to dish tabs soap shampoo conditioner i'm very big on non-toxic beds because if you think about the amount of time you spend sleeping on the bed and the materials used for most manufactured beds it's scary vocs endocrine disruptors those kind of things mess up your hormones it's bad news well this is the birch mattress from birch living it's organic it's non-toxic but most importantly it's really really comfortable it's made with four materials here in the usa on a hot summer night it's very breathable because it's all natural and it's super cool because my promo code right now gets you 400 off your mattress of choice and fans are always dming me and emailing about it but what's cool is you order online the bed comes to your door it's very easy to set up but they have a 100 night sleep trial so if you don't love it after 100 nights they will pick it up from your house and give you your money back and there's a 25 year warranty the mattress is fantastic so if you're in the market for a new mattress i know a lot of people are use my link down below flav city 400 off your mattress of choice uh two free pillows and you get the 100 night sleep trial and the 25 year warranty the mattress is great non-toxic organic it checks all the boxes and it's super comfy so uh check them out i'll put the link down below canned fruit it comes in handy when certain fruits are out of season it comes in handy for certain recipes you would expect it just to be fruit maybe in its own juices or in water right well no there's a couple problems here so this is a tropical fruit here anytime you see the word light syrup or heavy syrup run forest run because it's fruit sitting in a syrup they make it sound sexy ooh a light syrup it's just sugar water here i gotta say sugar and also they're like yeah this fruit doesn't have much enough flavor let's throw some natural flavors in here but here's the problem 11 grams of light syrup added per half cup so you think you're having something healthy and lo and behold you end up consuming three teaspoons of light syrup aka cane sugar in your fruit cocktail or whatever bad news three teaspoons is horribly gut disruptive adds to the amount of teaspoons of sugar we eat every day hello type 2 diabetes and it kills your gut microbiome this is not what you want and you probably don't even realize it because you think it's something healthy but don't be fooled my friends have something that says no added sugar oh that's good bobby said don't get sugar well in this case they got rid of the light cirropa and they put sucralose sucralose is another name for splenda the man-made chemically made sweetener that is horribly disruptive to your brain and your gut no no no just look for any kind of fruit in its own juice pineapple and pineapple juice do we see any light syrup do we see any natural flavors no so something as simple looking as canned fruit is not simple but now you know if you're going to do it go for juice danger will robin's in danger juices for kids and you might be like bobby no i'm a great parent right i buy the best for my kid i get honest organic whether it's this one or that one well have you read the ingredients because it's great to have organic fruits like this because some of them are on the dirty dozen but if you read the ingredients here oh they're hiding behind the plastic one second look what's going on here you're not getting one but two a double dose of organic natural flavors my friends what is wrong with apple and grape and strawberry and cranberry that they have to add a double dose of natural flavors in case you're new to the channel hello i'm bobby welcome a natural flavor is basically another word for artificial flavors there's nothing natural about them the fda only says you have to start with the real thing like an apple or strawberry then you can take it to a lab and use up to 100 synthetic chemicals to adulterate the flavor any way you want it's the biggest lie in the grocery store so that's a no you're much better off just going for a real juice look at this martinelli's do i wish it was organic yes but this is apple juice not from concentrate and it's from u.s grown apples which is actually a big deal because a lot of juice makers number one are from concentrate and number two use chinese or foreign apples here and it's very hard to spot it let me show you here so mops for example they don't put where the apples are from here but they do put that there from concentrate which is a problem i'll tell you about but if you look here look at this they make it so tricky trick there it is look at this those little sneaky you know what i mean concentrate from usa poland moldova and turkey but sometimes it's from china and other countries have an inferior farming practice and some chinese concentrates have been known to have high levels of lead and other heavy metals concentrate juices are garbage it goes through such a processing process to get it to a concentrate and then reconstitute it you want juices never from concentrate us apples is the way to go don't get that other stuff that looks healthy because it's not when i see stuff like this i want to punch the wall they have the american heart association healthy symbol here on corn oil cholesterol free this is one of the worst oils you can use and the opposite of being heart healthy the same is true for wesson canola oil vegetable oil how the heck do they get a heart healthy symbol on that money my friends it's literally profits over people that kind of stuff those tags on there those hearts those symbols they're pay for play you give them money they slap it on there that is one of the most gmo inflammatory highly processed oils you can put in your body and the fact that it says cholesterol-free is funny because inflammatory foods and oils like canola oil and corn oil cause high inflation the inflation there is very high inflation cause high cholesterol because cholesterol's job is to put out inflammation in your body and if you're eating a chronic inflammatory diet full of canola oil and corn oil you're going to have high inflammation and high cholesterol this is literally a joke and one of the biggest lies you can do get this crap go get this crud out of your diet go for extra virgin olive oil the opposite of inflammatory go for pure avocado oil go for virgin coconut oil stuff like that fizz me off so much this one really bothers me this is for my plant-based butter friends out there when you read something that says plant butter with olive oil and i can't believe it's not butter olive oil you would expect it to be olive oil based this is one of the biggest lies you can find so look at the ingredients here the primary oils are gmo soybean oil palm oil palm oil again then olive oil then natural flavors and then monoglycerides which is a preservative my friends yes there is olive oil in here but it's the last oil the first oils are the most inflammatory processed gmo oil you can get those are terrible and terrible for you you pick up country crock olive oil again where's the olive oil well it's in there but first is soybean oil and then palm and then olive natural flavors once again and you pick up smart balance supports healthy cholesterol levels because it has omega-3 from from what okay so it's canola oil-based the omegas are from the flax seed olive oil is good but that's the last ingredient more importantly it has artificial flavors so they're saying it's actually supporting cholesterol levels because of the omega-3 fatty acids but the primary oil canola is the most inflammatory gmo canola oil around my friends this is ridiculous now if you are plant-based and you're looking for the best out there i'd say this is one of them and miyoko's but still they're not bobby approved because they put sunflower oil in there but this is one of the cleaner ones out there the other ones are straight up lying that they're olive oil because that's not even the primary oil in there it's so processed so inflammatory so gmo so bad for the environment because palm oil is devastating to the rain forest it's one of the biggest lies it's horrific for you either go for the two other i mentioned or honestly you're better off not even eating that at all oh what is going on there's like a major run on the cough medicine here in the pharmacy maybe because everyone's getting sick this summer speaking of getting sick have you ever looked at the cough syrup or the medicine ingredients that you're putting your body a lot of people don't because they just want the relief but the stuff is scary you can pick up any bottle of cough syrup both kids or adults this is robitussin the stuff i grew up on choking that stuff down tasted terrible almost always look at the inactive ingredients it's going to have artificial colors red number 40 artificial flavors sucralose splenda which is terrible for you sometimes it has high fructose corn syrup both are equally bad and then a bunch of preservatives in there and it has sorbotel too terrible terrible for you i'll give you a better recommendation in a second but the same is true for kids look at this this is robitussin's kids ages six and over and for your kids to get the same inactive ingredients there wow wow wow that is super bad news um by far the cleanest one for kids is a brand name genexa genexa is phenomenal rose had a fever when we got back from jamaica a month and a half ago we gave her their version of a set of metaphene liquid fantastic stuff for kids and for adults also beekeepers natural makes a honey based one and maddie's maddie's makes another fantastic one between those three genexa maddies and beekeepers you're good to go more importantly read the ingredients in this in the tylenol and the pills you put in your mouth they all have artificial colors they are scary alright family that's it my rant is over for today but the sad thing is we only scratch the surface i can spend another hour going through more products that have horrific ingredients that aren't even food and they're making you feel bad on a daily basis but i hope this video helps scratch the surface and help you maybe read the ingredients and get the better for you options but unfortunately the deck is stacked against us the food manufacturers and makers don't care about you they care about money so that is it from the grocery store i leave you like i always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 973,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foods that make you fat, bad foods, bad foods to eat, avoid these foods, avoid these foods to lose weight, worst foods, food swaps, food swaps for weight loss, food swaps healthy, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: MKvAgP4O5H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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