The Best Christmas Moments! On The Graham Norton Show!

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welcome all you all have a lovely Christmas we had a lovely Christmas right it's Christmas of all time very nice and Jamie Dornan party clothes in the wash particles he's saying your brown sweater is a bit [Laughter] I don't even have a defense you just thought that was good enough yeah it's like the opposite of a zoom outfit they're like I wear my smart trousers what an old jumper [Laughter] you haven't really thought through television um that would have been great for a walk-on but sadly we're not and how was your Christmas you how many did you cook for last year there was a bit of an intervention and the whole family said I wasn't allowed to get involved in this I'm allowed to do the salads now all the big stuff is done by the kids these days I and that was such a success last year that we thought we'd do it again this year and I loved it is it because you micromanage or is it because you know what that's exactly why it is yeah good guess it's because I'm a total pain in the ass in the kitchen and my whole family hate it and they've had enough I'm very excited I've wore a suit not to show up Jamie but my mum specifically phoned me and said you are not famous enough to wear a t-shirt on Graham I truly think he'll be absolutely if I should be like he's been in films it's like do not stand in front of Graham Norton one of your horrible Bob Dylan T-shirts you first love mustard socks is a mustard sock nice eye for detail well is he because he told me he only wears mustard socks he pointed it out to me on something that's the first thing I thought that's fascinating I hope you had a pen I'll forget this we all love Christmas but someone on this couch loves Christmas a little more than everyone else oh yeah that would be no not you you think you love Christmas till you encounter Jamie Foxx king of Christmas I am the king of Christmas you love Christmas look I think it's the greatest and you know what I've been doing a Christmas party now for I think about 17 18 years in La like people couldn't get back to their family so about 18 years ago we started having that Christmas party every like is this one is this one the outfit comes out oh yeah I mean that's that's crazy that's a whole lot of eggnog right there it's not even stapling [Music] I said the bad what do you call it the ugly sweater contest and all that yeah yeah so we we get out we get out for Christmas no and you know you see those ads where people put the lights on the house you know and it all looks amazing David his house does look amazing that's your house right yeah it's magical isn't it like I want my kids to feel like it's Disneyland Disneyland right one bulb with that whole thing is shut down you've been in the dark how long does that take to put up I mean obviously it takes about a month it takes about a month you're kidding me you did it all by yourself my bare hands through the strength of Jesus thank you Jesus I have to get out there myself like provides you right yeah the things it's not as easy as it looks because so we found some evidence uh pictures that are out there so here's someone who bought the lights right they bought the lights but that isn't enough uh you really need to do it okay we're going for an icicle theme it was like finished yeah that did not take a month I do fell off a ladder there's a process and I bet you Jamie Foxx's neighbor might want to do this one this is quite clever this where they just sometimes people do put a lot of work into it but they I think they don't really get into the the spirit of Christmas look at this one like that's not Christmas [Applause] [Laughter] and then this one I love someone someone on a Town Council somewhere must have been fired when they turned on the Christmas lights on Main Street and found this [Applause] but actually now because I haven't seen this picture yet but Usher you also go quite Christmas crazy well last year was a new space for me and I decided to go um blue that was the thing okay so um I was I'm competitive too I wanted to have like the lights of the neighborhood yeah I might have blown out the entire you know okay we've got a picture we've got a picture of Usher's uh house I think oh my God are you kidding me yeah I go hard man oh you saved that was obviously he was like looking at your house thinking yeah that's funny that's good yeah I'm gonna show them my house Harry the secrecy thing how have you managed to keep I mean did they give you a script did they give you a script they gave me a script for about three hours and waited a you know out yeah by the gauge and so it was a lot of pressure to I just looked for my bits no idea what context it was in nothing and I still don't know so uh you know I I don't know it was awful but I told him no no I I and I kept the secret so she's so rubbish she told me because I knew I'd do the show one day and it would help me I was the people joking people be talking about Star Wars and I'm thinking I know what happens Steve yes but before that a year ago she told me yeah everything everything oh my God [Laughter] I can't believe I have all the people to dress with a secret I'm not the one Wonder does he help me to stay there he's tired okay no he'll be fine should we ignore him absolutely act like nothing happened he's having a weight of the time he is doing yoga I don't believe his schedule but I know the thing is we do know that he is a Star Wars fan oh that's right we've seen some pictures of Gary because here's Gary uh [Laughter] and then who put the wig on him was that you I don't remember well if somebody put a wig on him that doesn't look good that's a great holiday gift oh here's another great brother if you've got a cat you're thinking what will I get my cat for Christmas you could you could do worse then get your cat a lightsaber have you seen the Jedi cats oh my God have you not seen Jello cats Curry no oh there's actually if you Google Jed I got through loads of these videos but this is our favorite video someone goes to quite a lot of trouble to make these of uh of Jedi cats here's some Jedi cats foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes there is someone I haven't seen this gentleman ever so if you're watching please listen up um he does a lowest Lane impression whenever I'm walking my dog in the park and and he screams at the top of his voice shouting help me save me Superman save me still never seen him yep he's been at 20 25 times like annoying but also quite funny yes it's tough not to smile and uh now when your Beefcake sandwich yeah [Laughter] but these are flowers flowers you've got two hunks destroyed you it's as simple as that quite a stride Rob the Knight is Young we are old friends yes but Henry obviously you know Man of Steel Etc but Rob Rob you have man of what oh no will you have an Accolade yes as a certain sort of man or where is a very special honor in Wales oh I know where this is going yes the Western male wasn't it yes they have a thing in Wales the the sexiest the 50 sexiest men in Wales and shut up this was about 10 years ago and I came in at a very respectable 47. the article here there you are where are you 47. look you're looking so sultry down aren't I just beside John Humphreys is that something when you say sexier than John Humphreys only just best friends that was your very first acting job you've never acted before never acted so presumably you're doing that thing of just learning on set yes absolutely yeah that was uh I had you know I was very very focused on being successful so I learned the entire script and I learned everybody else's line and I knew everything about it and if you watch like the first four or five episodes you can see I'm mouthing the other pieces like you said no way I'd be like and I was like oh my God but it's like people nobody noticed because psychologically you're looking at the person who's talking but it's terrible like I can't I can't bear to watch it makes me want to go back and watch them but going even further back before the acting before Fresh Prince there was music there was music yes and I was going through my record collection only the other day oh no this this is wow unbelievably this is 30 years old that is 30 years old this is 30 years old [Applause] yeah that was 18 in that picture wow and like look at my face like what am I trying to accomplish okay I'll tell you what you want your 11 o'clock sausage because then you want you to you'd have hit record while you were still in high school in high school yeah the the uh the single from this album is called uh girls ain't nothing but trouble and it's not true it's not true but it was the it was the single that came out in the last month I was in high school so I was a I I was a uh a senior and had a record out for probably about 30 days that is too much power for one man to have yeah it was so it's that's awkward though like when you're in a place and like like DJs think that's cool like if you come in and they put your song on it just makes you just look stupid because you can't be like whoa you know sudden you got to be like yeah yeah and everybody's looking at you like it's an Awkward Moment DJ shouldn't do that so Emily are your kids how are they with it well I think um I mean my youngest my two-year-old has a sort of attention span of a fly so she watches the trailer but um hazel who's almost five has seen it and just absolutely loved it and sort of wants to talk about it all the time now and yeah it's just really weird if your mother's Mary Poppins no I don't think she's I think she just thinks it's normal she's like well that's what's this is what Sonny's mummy does and this is what my mummy does you know it's just sort of like quite conversational for her is it going to help or hinder discipline at home oh hinder really yeah I think so because she know she already knows I can't fly she's like well she's paid but but she did ask me to do the voice the other day just out of nowhere because she was quite sort of impassive watching the film just sort of didn't just sort of didn't reveal much of what she felt and then the other day she goes do your she's American of course sounds American but um she goes do your Mary Poppins voice and I go spit spot and off we go and she goes and it was just so sweet and they say quite like impersonating me in the bathtub well where I say to the to the dolphin no no not yet and now the two of them go no not yet like is it your eldest son he was on Saturday yeah he was on set I bought him for every musical number so he has a very skewed view of what his dad does for a living he sees Big Ben and goes daddy climbs that for work and uh but it was it was it was magical because he was two turning three when we were making this movie and it was their very formative sort of memories and also the physical sets it wasn't all oh yeah or anything oh it was near the office yeah he was on Cherry Tree Lane he was you know trip a little light fantastic yeah our kids sort of explored all that together but you already must have been quite a cool dad because of your Disney associations yeah yeah I was a Moana dad for a while yeah you wrote the music for Moana yeah oh but the thing is that's got to get your brownie points at home it does and that was his first movie so it was a lot of your welcome around the house and you know I mean that's the kind of song you can only write for Dwayne The Rock Johnson because only he could get away with it and you're like what a Charming Man uh he's the only person who could pull off he is an amazing job you've just worked in them I did just work with him yes we did we just had dinner with him last night it was really fun what does the rock eat well it's sort of like gruel sort of hash lights yes it was combination it was very different from what we were eating yes what was it well you sort of had one big cheap night a week yeah yeah he sat yeah oh because when he worked with me he didn't he was like he was burning calories while eating lunch and he would just he would sort of stand and eat this giant chicken I was like do you want to sit and he's like no man I'm good last night he relaxed yeah yeah he loves tequila though oh does he oh yeah oh good old rock yeah absolutely Ben have we ruined your Christmas oh because I was told what my gift is going to be by someone backstage yeah what our research was so good yes we found out what Ben was getting for Christmas and then told him yeah you guys are really good yeah no how did we find that I have no idea I don't know you know sometimes you talk about stuff but this is something I've told my wife Christine who's backstage back in New York a while back that I was sort of interested in getting a skateboard for Christmas and like like an old one how old are you to use or what do you well it's a vintage one from back when I used to skateboard as a kid and it was a Fool by Harvard it's just a way yeah yeah um and so I saw one on the on online on the internet and it's an old vintage one and I mentioned it to her so it really was going to be something that she was going to surprise me with but it was basically my idea in the first place well you're getting it yeah yeah hello Ricky are you do you do Christmas shopping is it presents for all are you very generous I hate Christmas shopping I I do the only oh it's the only thing apart from sort of animal cruelty that makes me want to kill I hate it I hated it before I was famous before I could afford anything I hate it now when people look at me if I'm buying what if I'm buying high-heeled shoes from a girlfriend and they they are for my girlfriend and people just look at me funny do you know what I mean so I don't like it well now she knows what she's getting I'm so bad that one year I'd left it really late and I've got a big family lots of brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews and there's loads of them like 40. and um I left at the last minute and I got them all scratch cards someone some lost it's lovely see a 10 year old girl one crying and one sort of winning and going down the shops and getting some more she was hooked it's a life lesson I I I can't stand it no I think you've helped yourself to gifts Rebel um well I think these were free so are you going back to Australia for Christmas I am yeah and it's summer this time in Australia so um hopefully my mom's place doesn't have fleas again foreign I come from a family of professional dog showers so there's a lot of dogs in and around the house and that comes with fleas I know and I'm like Mom like you knew I was coming why didn't you flea bomb the whole house um what did you just do it for herself but for the dogs what sort of dogs are they beagles I know when you say like a lot how many beagles are in the house um like about ten wow yeah and did they get presents at Christmas um yeah um but like not really good ones because they're dogs and I don't even think it's Christmas what do fleas if you have fleas what do fleas do to you do they bite um they bite your legs they suck your blood don't they yeah really good life I lived a sheltered childhood yeah sleeveless yeah they're not as bad as ticks and if ticks like I know what ticks are ticks are bad yeah yeah and there's lots of ticks in the bush [Applause] doesn't it [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 589,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, talk show, british talk show, funny celebrity moments, celebrity interviews, best celeb moments
Id: 3_k_RFV0N68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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