Predators Of The Plains! - The Isle

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oh he's going he's going give him credit look at him go hello one became beaver and I bet you're excited on you cuz I'm playing the aisle and I haven't played this game in a long while oh and a long while it's me Lou it slowed to change that happened I'll just sort of that have a brief sort of go over why I haven't played it not it wasn't like any particular reason and the thing is I don't want to play a game where it's boring for you guys to watch because if it's born for me to play I'm gonna imagine it's boring for you oh okay so in order for me to play the terror mob I need to disable all other mods Wow okay you've got to commit then I am only playing this server whoever's idea it was to make progression last like a friggin year the message of the day no killing for sport oh that's what Kos thing is I've just been killing on side walls can't corpse guard carnivores can't defend him so this is a list of everything I'm gonna see inside the game this is like roleplay like I guess if it's realism which I think it might be there is like one thing we'll just get out the way right now guys is the whole UI like that's really cool I like that like how you can well just address the elephant in the room this is Jurassic Park this is the switches the Ellie Sattler turns on and then the power shed there's no getting around it that's what this is oh oh this is pretty cool though so you can select the skin why is it at night god damage light sucks okay he says far Iike zoom out wow this is like huh oh Jesus okay you either see the grass no trees or see the trees no grass we're gonna be eating straight away I was gonna say would they go after shell oh my god this is awful who put the camera this close God like I can zoom in yeah I can get this close I have a cute call though oh my god so can I end now oh why is the point of a night vision if like it looks like that yeah ten out of ten this is this is what I want to see when I'm playing the aisle yeah that's great just loving Gras there's a t-rex over there you know I I feel like every time I come on and play this it's night and I don't know how or what but they they just like this game has not got night to look good I get it like you want to be able to make it realistic you know you wanna have a night vision it adds a extra little thing to it like an aesthetic look but this is not night I look like I'm lit up completely in daylight except for certain parts like the skies night but I the whole screen should be blue like dark blue and then when I click night you can go like sepia tone but blue or green or something I mean I think they're gonna do that I think or maybe it's just this map I'm not sure but night so far that's what everything freakin is I feel like these dinosaurs were not bit like good behaved this way they were just all hang together okay maybe I'm wrong I ain't no paleontologist though should we just hold on hold on I got an idea I'm gonna hide in the corpse don't see me nothing's up nothing's behind me okay go go go go to the corpse go to the corpse I think it's a dead Maya oh well at least it looks like it's turning into a sort of de gay progression I have oh okay I have four points okay so class adversary tops class rice or class Gallimimus class Mysore class and cut so can I just progress into anything cuz I want to be a Camarasaurus cost 300 though I think we need 80 to be a galley okay let's let's get up to 80 I want to find that cool place of liquids from trespasser look awesome never see me unless you like had trampled damage or something hello what just walked by me okay you want straight into me I can see if I'm glad oh now this is cool actually because now I feel like I'm in my own micro world because you've got this you had the big planes with big carnivores and then here you've got like such tall grass that you can literally see nothing but there are is life going on in it the fact is I can't even freaking see myself and I know that it's gonna be frickin dinosaur I'm gonna kill me you need to be a dry out via galley and you're just wasting your time cuz I'm pretty sure you can't save up 300 points as this thing an ultimate ultra miss Oh drew meais Oh odd old Romeo sand just randomly get to Cumorah source that can't happen that way surely so I think we're probably just wasting our time but last time I was on this game which was a fair while ago I'm pretty sure that drop dry well together super Bluebird probably that one I don't pick that one Oh God is a raptor spawn right in the velociraptor great ok let's let's drop this bad boy off like a bad hangover again I have no friggin clue where I am I guess I've just gotta walk along and and hope that I find gee what's with the cliffs no I'll be freakin leg oh the turnin this was I'm just gonna have to hide on I oh bugger me no please it's gonna get his sprint on come on you ha ha psych no don't chase me stop it I worked hard to become this trial okay stop it no he's going to spread again no fine oh god you run into a tree Oh God multiples of socket you're suckers Raptors Oh No a babe gonna die to the maritime he's you're the one oh there is God you guys really do suck don't you I'm not running anymore finally that's right I'm in between trees what you gonna do now you're heartless you kill the thing that's squeaked you [ __ ] as a person who does this for you know a job it's kind of impossible unless you want to spend hours and oh oh yeah is it okay if I just born here always trying to befriend the Hara I'll be your friend me jabbers haha you're so big can you still fight while crouched oh look how big his head hey I'll I'll be I'll be a baby I'll do it don't don't don't try to get his love I'll do it so thin - progression points I can turn into a dryer so what is the point of me being this then unless it goes into certain dinosaurs yeah that's right you stay with me I'll get you banned the admin will you'll come on there was the hyper erection kill you cuz you not play by the rules man no I get I do get it oh look at that wart stomp stomp stomp bit stiff but I'm not actually kind of works how like jittery it is like this the stamping now look at this light this Lighting's beautiful oh I look so adorably cute I really do gorgeous look at me this is where the game shines in this sort of lighting why bother making nighttime when you can't get it right first like wait for it to to be good wait for something to be made or implemented in the game that makes nighttime good and then put it like loads I've seen loads of maps that just don't have nighttime because they just don't I personally feel like I don't think they can really do justice oh look at this we're in the Serengeti these trees wheeze trees these trees no these look like pretties don't eat the prickles hello didn't didn't didn't didn't didn't today oh oh he's telling me to get down I think this is like oh my god this place is run by Sukkos oh this is cool look at them come over like hey buddy what you doing I best quickly run into the into this bush and just hide here Oh are they tea bagging to be like that friendly oh this is awesome need to be like David Attenborough now I surely can't see me oh good god the suka - who's playing friendlies and then all of a sudden he's like now I'm gonna kill you oh oh I didn't he's killing him I think he's just warning him away but that was terrifying and aloes gone running yeah are they after him who they are oh this is cool we've got it we've got to check this out guys we've got it a pack of three suka - taking on hollow are they killing him oh they killed him yeah I think that's him if it might be a rock actually should we go and have a look if they did kill him yeah that's definitely his body yeah he's dead Wow look at that aloe for some reason I don't know why thought that the suka my missus wouldn't kill him with three of them charging towards you you think to run oh that guy doesn't deserve to be on the server he's not very real that's gorgeous are these monkey puzzle trees or I don't know either way I'm entering in my own little miniature Kingdom here because I could be like Harrah's ah Stroh's and God knows what else where the hell is all the veg you got oh oh that way - that won't go that one vanished can I eat this oh wait what's with the disappearing yes finally God okay more of agent Oh white there's nobody here eating it just vanishes stop vanish wait you go oh the dry I was running he he's not gonna get far oh he's going he's going credit let him go well I have 16 progression points so I think I'm doing well I kind of hope I can get 300 and just become a chimera oh no two of us so I shot at the star of the video and a dry over there and I've seen so many Sukkos aloes Utah's spy knows and there's their first star is an aqua can thesaurus so where the hell is all the herbivores I think the carnivores are just eating each other that's how they sustain each other that as a sukham I was just running about beautiful as always don't worry he's probably running away from the acro yeah that's it if you're if you don't have any friends don't play this game this is the only way you can play other dinosaurs cuz otherwise you can get nested apart from that you ain't playing anything else oh oh the Sukkos the acro is killing the Zuko the Zuko is sat down not moving an inch oh you're gonna bite on the yutori think or did it oh I think you might have no doesn't mean no I don't think he's bleeding nah he's no he's burning up running around but there's a Harrow Ostrow over there too can I get in the water is that possible or what I died what I drowned is this the water glitch is it is the fact that you can just go into the water and actuary carnotaur we're over there I can squeak I'm cured yeah you look like a zebra especially with the Sahara background looks awesome so to fact pudding put put oh oh I got an invitation I guess I'll accept you'll never escape my love now maybe have anybody ask you for the real one always answer maybe oh my God look out you're like a huge house know how we still move away whoa where is this place like in the Caribbean somebody crack open the Sun Tan Lotion please yeah that's a thing they were just saying about how you can't eat me why did you do that somebody kill me I'm spawning somewhere I don't want to mm-hmm just just spawn it again oh oh you know you know when you just spawn in and like and and this come on it's like freakin dead bodies everywhere do you have to please don't do this I just spawned in I mean it took me two seconds to really become this large but still dude no turning stop you should be able to keep your your points even if you die like I mean save up five hundred so you can just you know go from one dinosaur to the next really quick so if you just wanted to be a tiny dinosaur like this then there's no harm in it because let's say maybe next time you play you want to be a Camarasaurus you could become a kumar's otis because you've saved up the points I don't feel like but at the same time you would just get people being hypose over and over and over but they would just die over and over and over so so one thing I gotta praise this map for is the variety of landscapes and foliage it looks awesome different like habitats so we're probably just wait till progression and become another Drive will we become oh my golly probably not cuz I'm not gonna spend another hour playing this game spawning we're like a lookie this oh there's the car no fudge don't you dare see me again can't believe that he just has to wait there though the amount of people like you must just get spawning in his little hair rows and stuff pistachio oh oh all the hadrosaurs ran away clip because there's now like a is now an acro here so this place is no longer safe anymore fantastic I get here and everybody bug it off I do like this I do it's awesome I do like this game just get annoyed when you die as does most people I would imagine for progression do you get like oh god there you go I need the red plants I do I get points feeding the red plants I think I did that didn't I 9 oh my god you can just harvest progression points oh this is awesome crazy cat food cat food quickly eat the food your food you know we get quicker oh this game is gorgeous look at I could see all the like the shimmer on that dry saw back ah God it's one thing I can't fault the game for it does look beautiful and we are on 48 points only 1222 left 32 left to go sorry well I'll get there eventually oh there's a big stone archway go go go I like it I know I don't want to like leave this I don't wanna I don't like cutting the video sometimes because you get more of a feeling for the game if it's longer because if it just cut cut cut it's then you just see an edited version if you don't see all the planning all the thinking all the time that's invested and that's what really makes the epic is when finally something goes down it's like oh oh what's this then again I can see why it could get boring so you've got to find the right balance between what makes a good content is in video oh Jesus look at all these red plants oh I'm busy keeping the Micron's see oh my grunts right now all the matters is that we need to survive okay I am on 54 points awesome really I need to stay ahead of the shant because that shunt I mean the head is where it attacks so if anything's gonna go up to me if I'm behind here's to turn around to attack I want to see for being store or is it here axe yeah you probably want to get moving like yeah that t-rex is gonna get on your tail I'll run with you dude I'll run with you into the bushes here sorry little taco you're probably best to stay down nope nope nope nope nope I'm wondering if he's gonna go get food where I am I don't think he is I'm gonna have to turn around and and find food that is good for me from one voice to the next we go back into the Sahara Oh dry out I see another dry oh hello Wow to the same species this is cray-cray mm-hmm now let's just not get eated come on 62 points that's awesome let's keep going I had a fright there I thought he was like a raptor now we got a crows I don't think the a crows will bother going for me I'll just reject that for now because I'm with the the shan't really just nine more plants and then I can becomes the legaly yeah what an achievement that's it that's it we're done yeah also okay let's progress that's it time to be a galley Oh an orange galley yes don't be one of those yay awesome I finally becomes something that's pretty darn big and I'm probably gonna die straightaway aren't I boon out who tells us Oh a berry great yeah let's just run I can kick him I suppose I have a kick attack don't I yeah oh he's all the way over that big hill I think it's probably best to just run for it isn't it I've never been here before so I don't know nothing's chasing me which is good I'm gonna go towards nano nano tyrannous cuz he's a champ good job I kept his friend requests otherwise oh what the hell is this okay this is a big place there is yay look at me I'm glorious add more legs okay what what else is here though oh look at that Valley that looks also gonna eat stuff though oh is he heading over to that Lake oh please let there be food there for me Oh another shant awesome wow this place is filled with just like hell befores I can't eat those ones can eat this bush no I can't eat that bush wow it's the first triceratops I've ever seen he's by himself bless I can't drink the water from all the way over here awesome that's one hell of a long neck I've got well guys I think what was that oh there's an acro behind us fantastic yeah great oh and the server can crash well well well well they there you go that was yeah he actually was gonna end it around about there so if you enjoyed this video guys leave a like and I'll see you later why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 902,452
Rating: 4.9219198 out of 5
Keywords: The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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