Death of A Dinosaur! - Life of a T.rex | The isle

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Jesus what the hell is that good god whatever that is I do not want to see any part of that Oh God Delos big-big Delos holy crud whoo oh my god three of them massive killer okay my chance my only chance get far far away oh that's like a t-rex footsteps geez by Delos never let you catch me there they go stay low stay low [Music] look at him 1 2 3 4 of them for Delos and there was like a t-rex here as well oh is closed I can drink in peace as long as it going in the opposite direction to wherever they are that's all I care about and I'm glad that I missed with that t-rex I was doing the big thing that I heard running about it has to be a t-rex right the footprints on that thing were huge drink behind a bush that's the best thing to do nothing can see me you know what you can go I'm gonna go this other way they forgot Delos and t-rexes to the left so I'm gonna go to the who what's that there's like a Diablo Sarah tops or something over there oh the little little triceratops thing went this way though there he goes plodding along yep running away running away you know what he's probably not worth it there's plenty easier prey for me to catch out here than that thing not risking injury nope not me no siree I'm gonna live a long life versity you Beck's I was bigger house maybe a sub-adult I might have hunted it down he's on the other side ok hey even if he does see me which it probably does you can't get to me there's no Dino circus in the water anymore or at the moment right oh yes a lot of water here nope he's decided to go back towards the lake ok that's good we can we can carry on this way safe in the knowledge super virus is not gonna be the one that's gonna kill us at least what kind of theory video will an thumblr and a GP make out of this hold on we got something here to Utah and a fairly big one straight across oh just waiting behind a tray now are you sneaky bugger I saw that II I'm not going that way then a [Music] little snip then retire behind a tree so crisp and fresh looking I love it I just wish I was actually getting fresh air while playing it over bump into that Allosaurus again he just gives up his body he's like you know what you deserve this I'm kind of okay it's mainly food that I want but I'm not too hungry and what I want to do is put more or sorry more or less edited videos or edited em footage in the aisles because it feels like when you guys are just watching and there's no commentary it's really kind of immersive like what's over there can I see something for you guys to so it's not just me talking all the time hey if you want to see more of that otherwise listen to this Oh James you truly are insufferable hey I'm what I am no a I know nothing here at all guess I'll go back towards the lake then and look read plants where's the blue plants Tandy where's the blue plants the good old days you'd have to scour the countryside like blue plant points and then it was like super easy to level up as a herbivore for what for a time and it was just like huge Shan scaling or Kos Inge which was so annoying because to be a freaking Giga ro t-rex took ages and everybody else who would be killed as a carnival just became a shunt and did exactly the same because they were really annoyed right so this is the place that I was at before no no no oh well there's definitely more activity over here that's for sure oh no no yep what the hell did I do I went around a huge goddamn circle watch out for that Utah feel like I can I can hear faint heavy footsteps you know I've eaten a penguin which if for the layperson who isn't English a penguin is basically a Tim Tam two chocolate biscuits in between a layer of creamy chocolate covered in chocolate I remember I was like I said packs who is it VidCon I can remember and somebody had Tim Tams are like oh yeah you've tried Tim Tom's like okay I mean this is my god I was like wait this is a penguin because like Oh Tim times were amazing you've gotta have them all the Americans are like oh yeah Tim times like but this is a pink Jesus okay to circuses luckily super viruses aren't - oh no they are quite quick they are dead they must be big then they're just moving over to the next place okay that's interesting now it sort of gets me wondering what moved them off from over here maybe they're just looking for food the hell's with all this mist oh you're here oh that's fantastic did you just kill yourself no you've got yourself stuck fantastic join me to help you out please turn around the other way turn around thank you that count is a fish is this the the prime virtue of premature rare fish I've been hearing about Gandhi just skinned them as a taco okay so what we on seventy eight percent growth I may do it yet people oh Jesus as long as I don't get any sort of oh I might just throw myself off a cliff sorry what kind of temper just to hide in the bush now throw back the old ways of playing the aisle and you were just like too scared to do anything nobody's gonna be coming down from that way right it's a huge mountain I wouldn't have thought anyone's gonna sneak up behind me so I'll just keep my head like this praise Jebus Raptor Jesus they don't die [Music] I don't exist get one more food one more taco I'll be happy oh it's right here like right here there he is there he is there you are die yes okay now it gets him the drink and we can surely make it through the night put that stop make up a little bit yeah oh I think we can get 20% growth right with a full stomach of food and water right now all need to do bugger off into the jungle sit by a huge bush under a huge bush and I am done oh my god I'm gonna do it oh my god oh my god oh oh yeah go to the huge tree wait there's an Oreo no now we're already full on food we don't need it we don't need it huge trees oh no he's right near me as well the freakin Oreo I mean how much food do I have fine fine I'll kill you if you really want to die that badly there we go just a little bit of food look the skill the power there we go that's it all eaten verbally doubly hundred-percent drink hundred percent food sat in a bush night-vision on there we go okay I'm just gonna sit here and cut back to what are we on hundred percent 96 percent we can get 17 percent growth right and then we'll be this one really happen okay right number time it is it's still night we are on 92% so we've grown 10% and everything's took a huge hit in other words I'm probably not gonna make it to a sub-adult if I keep up this I'm malnourished apparently so that's not so good there is an Oreo however near me I have heard noises not too many noises what I could do is find out where this Oreo is and head for it so he's like really close so I think that's what I've got to do [Music] he's hiding [Music] oh here we go hello little Allosaurus I'd rather have your Oreo though and there it is right you're gonna let me have some or else I eat you okay we're good just give me a little bit I worked hard for this you big smelly t-rex yum yum yum Oh like twice the size of them very good very good mr. L oh no we are not friends you may eat the scraps though good boy there's another one near actually he's doing friendly calls you know we can be friends oh god it's raining oh that's not so good when I go to be good you put end up in my belly as you say you're gonna run away he's so small though no new addition no what new addition to nesting rules nesting in locations that are otherwise unreachable by all dinosaurs is prohibited wow that's this second okay I need water now because it's raining I cannot sniff I'm kind of keeping this guy close just so if I get ambushed I can outrun him what was that something something's here it's a Utah it sounds like a fairly big one there's a little bit more I'll do that'll do time to go time to go time to go sorry buddy I'm gonna leave you there ah yes success and I didn't kill anybody I could have but you know that's enough that's enough we're five percent off being a sub-adult once were a sub-adult I would assume even a fully grown utahraptor is wouldn't attack me or you know lightly anyway and they can't surf anymore so he can't follow me tracks if I'm lucky the little baby alo will stick around like an eaten when I get older I think I'll stay in my bush for like maybe four more percent seeing as now everything could start actually even I can't even see myself here so I don't think anybody else's day to dawn of the second day or third day I don't even remember okay we are back and it is day and we are able to grow we are a hundred percent growth and it's about time we did it bad news is the something big something big nearby has just been bellowing so well Wow there we are right it stopped raining so that's good this is the first haven't become a sub-adult yes holy crud that's that's the water okay just gonna make sure yep recording good because would hate to think I lost all that right something was like move and it sounded fake it's I I don't really know the calls too well anymore but it sounded like it cut might've being a hypo it sounded weird I can't say for sure though because I don't know what a hypo exactly looks like or even sounds like I mean I know what they look like that they're bigger bad so first things first is to find food and to find water it feels good to be big let's have a drink Wow not since the olden days of progression points have I being something up I see a taco should we trust test out on a sprint ability see how fast we can sprint let's make sure I've got all this three to what go [Music] but you are killed shurl I could just jump in one bite though right how much will this give me I'm assuming not much no no it didn't it really didn't okay next thing next thing to eat there's a lot of things just chipping away so that's pretty good could go the other side what is there anybody online no ninety-eight there's still like a bunch of people still so what do I have to fear maybe a pack of utah's maybe a pack of Delos you know a bigger t-rex it's just very hungry I suppose oh and foals clips no coming down clips now this is I've come too far for that also I kind of want to make the most of this because I feel like I'm gonna die I'm gonna die so quick on I I'm gonna feel overly confident go somewhere and then I'm gonna be ambushed and killed so this is entering the third hour of recording in one session will James lose muscle mass from his legs probably I do it so you kind of don't have to not the losing muscle mass no that's not a good up there it out is as the glitchyness and just hope whatever that big thing was isn't here anymore cuz that sounds like he could do me in something's very close I feel like I've been in the opposite of this situation calling out to something big and hoping it'll take me in when really also going through my mind is food food it's gonna be quick I would need to get the jump on it which I'm not gonna do cuz he could see me and I can't see him but we have footprints oh hello what we got here then footprints footy-prints oh look at the hot breath Oh looks so good [Music] oh hello well I see him or at least I see another one my little didn't didn't snack can't hurt too late buddy [ __ ] bite you know oh come on don't play hard to get you little bugger you come here hello Eko Jesus oh hello utahraptor how are you doing I'm gam gam yes I know who I'm tracking oh he's gonna be taking himself as new news are wrapped around here mister quickly got a drink and run off yeah I would have just run straight away like straight in the opposite direction and that looks to be exactly what this person did oh damn he now knows my true intentions though to eat what well it is indeed foggy today just like every other day look at that on the T Rex's tail subsurface scattering Oh lovely big t-rex like me you ought to all be very afraid this is going down but I mean I can come to water anytime it's food that worries me at the moment you can't tell me it's going night already really I know it can't it can't be huh there you are buddy gotcha yeah eat x num nums or what little you'll give us anyway oh wow actually a fair bit let's go find that tacho as well can't sustain myself for measly meals like this I need proud prime meat there he is didn't even call out but I found you oh oh is it cuz I'm too high now to crouch down to eat you I guess it makes sense I wonder I can get them full speed ahead towards the water to pistachios and one Oreo not bad for a day I suppose oh hello that was a little pistachio being scared by something oh hello mr. Drye oh I'm not hungry so you might want to you know go away though sure we just follow him I'm not hungry but may as well bless him he doesn't really stand much of a chance does he up being chased you shouldn't run away from me I wasn't hungry you run straight into the jaws of death from something else hello hi mr. raptor you're gonna be a bit annoyed that ice I'm hungry he knows he's done for he didn't run away he didn't run away hmm oh he's already bitten and scratched oh maybe I'll stick with him let's see I'm not hungry but when I do get hungry I'll kill him oh okay sorry could just die he must have been bitten by something careful we've got a genius over here Oh Oh No oh now I feel kind of bad well your meat will not be wasted what he's just running out of food who's like an adult right um yum yum rum there you go are we full nope nope 91% keep going yeah there we go wow wow wow I wonder if that was the same guy that we saw before that we try to change geez what is going on why is everything going in my favor I mean I wasn't that hungry but I'll eat him I didn't want to risk injury but then seemed that he was kind of bloody those like he's probably gonna die anyway and he did die it's kind of at the point where I don't think much can kill me except for an adult Giga or an adult t-rex so I mean I could be very wrong yeah but this seemed to be that way Wow 2 hours and 40 minutes that's crazy that's I mean this is how long it takes so it takes about like what three hours or even longer like three a bit hours to get to an out t-rex well I'll tell you what at least it's not like eight hours of something that it used to be to get a t-rex oh my god it's ridiculous are on 83 people now so I'm assuming he might have logged off when he died I love a sip of this river why not tell you why it's gonna be so cool when they get Deinosuchus in here Belov and jack horner saying t-rexes were purely a hundred percent of scavenger not me not not Meg just as my hunger goes down an Oreo calls out perfect I spy with my tiny ah allow allow oh come back are you I'm sorry buddy a little bit hungry now damnit no I see now see where you went you went up into the trees into the mountains and you make all out damnit lost him but it wasn't sniff it I was doing something when I saw him and I couldn't run at him huh I knew he went this way ok run all the way down here yep there he is little footprints still he's going he just bolted hey stay run a zigzag path little bugger where's he going it's going all this way I found him again well that was sheer look yeah you went up this way it's still cold and over the distance must be terrifying having a t-rex on your tail especially when it's starting to go day oh I can see his footprints all the way over here uh-huh oh there he is did you just kick me yeah a cheeky scamp come back here you oh my god he's actually quite big as it ran out stab all I have to do is just like take him on his inside lane and just like save my sprint you best be careful buddy I've got sprint now son god damn it he's too quick ah just ah all right well I've found something else to eat not the dry Oh something over here no you keep running over that way the carnivore over there there he is [Music] yep sorry buddy yeah there you go oh my god he turn into like a salami what rip his skin up oh yeah sorry buddy had to be done I'm very hungry well there we go we paid off fine I suppose think I got a rest here for a second good God well this stuff finally killed some room it wasn't a I that's all I can say that's aisle 101 never call unless you have to you're gonna go next to me in kickers again what's he doing what are you doing you want us to be friends is that it's like I'm gonna eat the bush oh [Music] you cheeky little gates taunting me is he one to be friends as at it you want to be friends well 83% I've become a title t-rex I'll chase you down a Gillian I mean for now look we could say we live in peace times you know keep my eye out oh we've got an a low hold on we got a low Oh bless me doesn't stand a chance I'm so sorry dude sorry I'm so sorry he's like Oh God he knows he freaking knows I can't eat him if he goes in the water well you'll run out of stamina my friend and you'll drown he's like Oh God he knows he's screwed come here you don't you go in the water again I will kill you actually well you know for nicotine you hahaha ah he's too clever for his own good I just keep in the war to the drones I'd rather you drown mate die by your own hand really really you want to bite me you want to bite me there you go sergeant I may be without food I am not without honor hmm little tonta he knows the closer we are to danger the further we are from harm and that right is that the philosophy you live by but you just kick me again Yin woo one of these days t-rex and the dryer what's he like alright then [Music] yeah yeah not so big now are you huh suck it kick me up the arse all the time ah Dave death to you oh that's what you get you jerk oh great you mess with the bull you get the horns oh my god that was beautiful well you should have lain down thought I wouldn't bother him thought we were friends and then he just said to kick me up the ass the second time well I'll give him credit that was entertaining oh they utah's they probably killed a taco or some no the Tigers still calling out right oh my god I'm gonna have to be forced to engage there we go [Music] oh the lorry Oh misty bye oh this foods my buddy there you go through my prowess I can kill things and eat them nom nom oh they told you to like you go left I go right don't start a chance one bite from me can kill you all no you pucker off go away this is my lake mine I don't know whether I've got the same bite force of when I first grown or when I am a better bit better now lord knows but I'm not hungry so I'm not gonna hunt them where they get a little bit more hungry the tables might just turn but we will have to wait and see oh it's so good so all this farik I love this like Cohen guys and you already know I don't need to say anything it's take it's taking me over three hours to get here well technically I suppose to two hours just because the first hour I died but in total it's been three so must take three hours to become an adult t-rex then ish would say maybe not for I was over exaggerating I'll get Dandi say look stop saying it takes ages sure do what that suka - did and just like wait by here to serve if anything comes I just look like a pile of mud really we go over towards you the lake where we saw a Utah's may as well [Music] bless you it's an awl oh and it doesn't start a chat oh no it's all the baby Rex's oh look at them go they know that it's time a chance tell you what I'll only kill one of you how's that sound just one of you well I wonder which one you are going to kill so sorry dude no dear bloody mop I am hungry sorry did not mean anything by it I know I'm sorry I'm sorry I know I'm hungry though I've been trying to find fruit for ages [Music] oh it's happened to me in the past alright you did call out gotta be careful when you do that well that's a hundred percent food but you know I died enough times they don't need sympathy ah you watch my previous video Scott Thomas Oh guys I'm actually uh I'm gonna log off now and I'm gonna have something to eat before we continue the life of a t-rex so maybe this is the end of the episode maybe not I don't know whether it's the same episode I don't know but like she got the recording working so apparently it's like a problem with the aisle that like the recording the manual button doesn't work so you just have to have it recording the whole time I mean I've waited out the night and now we're on to the day you know I've spent so much time here I want to explore the world a little bit because I've got pretty much full everything so yeah please ignore the flashing icon in the top right is usual get used to it don't worry just put your face closer to the screen that you're watching it on you won't see it trust me you know the funny thing is there could be people in these trees and I'm given them a proper rush of adrenaline like who called you by TV but I have no idea being on the receiving end it is kind of interesting I'm not even thinking about it and yet they maybe that might be the whole world at the moment oh god please no TV please no TV more landmass nothing too different here oh there's water over there oh great well we can make a pit stop oh no we can definitely get up there Oh fantastic oh whoa exciting let's go oh wait please don't tell me I break my leg on this oh I don't oh please don't even die don't don't even joke about that interesting that we've got this flowing from an actual waterfall yet it looks like stagnant water Oh let's follow the waterfall down shall we Oh can I go up here oh-ho I am your ruler me okay I was kind of pathetic but hey seems like a very underdeveloped map if you look at this it looks so plain oh I don't trust that no working it we're gonna go over this way this way it looks a lot better like it's not the only way I can go can I even go oh I can't go down here okay so it's gonna have to be up some more water before I go yeah that's a bit a big bit of the world explored god this river goes on forever as I go through it 88% wow it's really really slow oh you seen me sukham i'ma say are they hungry really they want to go oh the please whoop-whoop oh dear Oh God oh dear I'm dead oh dear didn't realize I was gonna die like this what are you serious suka - a fish eater killed me the body has lost the comrades have lost is that how we're gonna play isle a fish eater killed me it can't even fight it there's a snapping it's Joran half and it killed me I wasn't the same size as it what - look - oh my god I well well after everything that's how it ends killed by a Sukkah - that has like the same speed yes I was a sub-adult you could argue that I'm sorry that was awful Tandy man what are you playing at making the sukkah - oh I get it it was a big carnival and threw weight classes this is super famous well guys there was that's how we're gonna end it apparently so enjoy this video leave a like until next time I'll see you later bye bye [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 839,851
Rating: 4.9525194 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver
Id: L2oJLdsAP8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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