Murdered on Instagram Live by her Influencer Boyfriend

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in the summer of 2023 Instagram followers of a Bosnian bodybuilder Got a notification that he had just began a live stream he was a small social media influencer in the fitness Community he went live often to share tips with his followers but today's live was very different instead of answering questions about his gym routine today he was broadcasting live the torture and eventual murder of his ex-wife Nama hovic she'd recently tried to get a restraining order out against him she'd called the police frequently begging them to help her but she was let down by the authorities of her country they allowed her to be slaughtered on camera by her ex-husband for over 12,000 people to tune into live but she wasn't the only murder victim of nurman sulam manovich after killing his ex-wife he went on a violent murder spree and this is the story of the life and crimes of a bodybuilding Maniac quickly before we get into the case I want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible June's Journey long time Ellen O'Neal viewers know just how much I adore this game and of course you're sat here listening to a true crime story so I'm sure you will love it too in this game you play as a detective a woman named June Parker who is trying to solve the murder of her own sister there are hundreds of beautifully crafted scenes with that 1920s Glitz and Glam aesthetic and you are tasked with finding hidden objects hidden Clues perhaps in each of these different locations jun's Journey has everything you could ever want from a mobile game they have engaging diverse characters that spooky undertone that's not too scary but it's still a little mystery and there's even a decoration element of this game as you earn coins in the levels you can then use them to upgrade and decorate June's Mansion however you want I'm not going to lie mine needs some work please don't judge my Mansion I'm waiting for some more coins to come in and then I can expand outwards June's journey is my go-to bedtime game or bath time game basically whenever I'm trying to like wind down and relax especially after a long day I love it it's just so chill and I love that it has that like spooky mystery undertone to it without being scary cuz not going to lie I'm not good with scary games people always find that really funny that I am the True Crime girl on YouTube but I can't do scary games this one's not scary it's detective e it's got a mystery storyline but I'm not scared I'm relaxed at the end of the day so if you want to try out June's journey I really recommend that you do it's brilliant you can download it for free right now on iOS or Android or you can even play it on PC on Facebook games if you want to download the game you can click the link Down Below in the description of this video or you can scan the QR code that's on screen somewhere I love doing that the future is here you know thanks again to June's Journey for sponsoring this video now I hope you're all not too distracted playing June's Journey because we're going to get into the video quickly one last thing before we get into the episode I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that we talk about in this episode everything that I'm about to say is public publicly available information that myself and my research team have found online and compiled into one big episode today we're going to be covering a lot of especially sensitive topics including suicide and domestic violence domestic abuse is going to be a really big theme of this video so if any of that sounds too triggering too intense for you then please do click out of this episode now hopefully I'll get to see you again some other time with a different episode but please look after yourself while we make every effort to back to check our sources and make sure that all of our information is correct no action should be taken in Reliance upon the information in this episode and I want to take this opportunity to remind you all that these are real people's lives that we're talking about so please keep everything kind and respectful in the comments I know that you will I know I don't even need to ask for that just a reminder that all opinions stated in this episode are mine and mine alone and with all that being said let's get into the case an Instagram live broadcast with a horrifying twist so today's case takes place in Bosnia and Herzegovina more specifically in the northeastern town of gret um please be patient with my pronunciation in this video I've tried my best I've looked everything up a million times but I have to say I can't even pronounce my own name on The Best of days so please be patient and this case was another pretty difficult one for our research team to dig into it seems that it's only rarely reported in Bosnian news so it's quite hard for to find English documentation of it all but I think this one is so so important to talk about I really really wanted to cover this one even though I knew it was going to be kind of a hard one for the research team sorry to those guys um but like I say it's going to be really really worth it because this woman was so terribly let down by her government and by the authorities in her country and I I'll be honest I don't know too much about Bosnia and Herz Goa I don't know much about what goes on there or what their um authorities and their legal system is like but I want to talk about this I want to get this onto our side of the internet because This Woman's story is so heartbreaking and it really worries me because this is a really really recent case just from last year and it terrifies me to think that that is still going on over there and that other women might be in her position and being let down by their authorities right now as we speak so that's why I felt that this was a very important case for us to cover but yeah just in case there are a couple of like gaps or a few questions that you might have yeah this one's been a bit hard for us to research and we've you know what I think we've done a pretty good job at piecing it all together so let's go like I said this case was a very very recent one it happened just last summer on August 11th 2023 that day a 35-year-old Bosnian bodybuilding social media influencer named nurman began a live stream on Instagram so far so not nurman was a micro influencer he had about 10,000 followers which it can be enough to make a little bit of extra money if you can get brand deals brand deals can be kind of hard to get when you're about 10,000 followers but he was managing he had a few different Partnerships with like gymwear Brands and protein shake companies so he was probably making a a little bit of extra cash on the side with this with the side Hustle but his main full-time job was as a fitness coach I mean I'm sure you saw that one Co nurman lived and breathed Fitness and bodybuilding and gym he was absolutely Wham and when I say that I mean massive huge like exactly how you would imagine a bodybuilder he was so tanned and viny and he even had a bald head that just looked like a third bicep he looked like he was just all muscle everywhere but he was super super passionate about Fitness and bodybuilding and health in general and he was always posting on Instagram and on Facebook he followed a bunch of other men just like him and he would follow them and stalk their Pages for hours it was honestly like his biggest passion was just thinking about and reading about and looking into fitness his full name was nurman suam manovich and like I said he was 35 years old at the time of this case he was born in 1988 in Bosnia and he had a terribly rough childhood when he was born the Bosnian war was already in full swing and it was in full swing throughout a lot of his early life before the age of 10 nurman didn't know peace he was born into and grew up in a waron country not knowing whether he would survive whether his family would survive whether everything would be okay that is such a damaging space for a child to be in during those developmental years on top of that his family were also very very poor they struggled to put food on the table they struggled to keep their house they struggled to work and look after the kids at the same time there were a lot of struggles for him growing up and it was also around this time that nurman found himself falling into some bad circles other young boys that were starting to take a a bad path in life they were getting into petty crime and drugs and that that very quickly snowballed out of control there have been allegations and accusations that we haven't been able to confirm so just keep that in mind but there have been accusations s that nurman was involved in drug Rings drug gangs or organized crime like big operations big criminal operations and that started from when he was a child and yeah it's annoying that we can't find the details on it I don't know how involved he was and I don't know if he was still involved with anything like that at 35 my personal guess is that he probably wasn't because he seemed to have his life sorted out kind of quote unquote he had a job he had a group of friends he had a house house he had a child um which you'll see soon which is a devastating element of this case that there was a child involved that was affected by everything that nurman went on to do but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself there basically nurman had a a terrible childhood and upbringing because of so many different reasons so many different elements made his life so difficult and scary and he had to find all of these different ways to feel in control of his life whether that was joining a criminal gang or becoming a bodybuilder maybe nurman really found solace in Fitness and bodybuilding in giving his mind something else to focus on something else to work on that made him feel stronger maybe that was a big part of why he really got into bodybuilding that packing on like physical muscle could help him to feel more in control of the danger and the chaos that surrounded him maybe felt like he could hold his own in all of those situations now as he got older nurman dedicated more and more of his life to Fitness well to be fair as he was getting older it was less Fitness and more so bodybuilding because those two are quite different things Fitness is more so about like General Health and making sure that your muscles are all being used and you know everything's working well whereas bodybuilding is way more about how you look it doesn't matter if you got there in a healthy way because that's not the aim the aim is to just be as big and as muscular and as tanned and viny and bald as you can be not necessarily bald but nurman was bald and like I said his head looked like a third bicep I really couldn't get over that but yeah like I said Fitness and bodybuilding are two very very different things because the way that nurman was doing bodybuilding was so unhealthy there were a lot of allegations of steroids and again we couldn't quite confirm this um but we think there could have been steroids involved and the allegations are not just normal steroid use they are like intense steroid use loads of different types of steroids like high dosages and I was thinking this as we were like looking through this case he is mixing all these different steroids you don't know what that's going to do to your body like even I try not to mix too many alcohols on a night out cuz I'm scared of what it'll do like I don't know where he was getting the steroids from and I don't know how many different types he was on if any um but I feel like that's quite a dangerous thing in general is to just mix a lot of different substances in your body all at once and if these allegations are true then it was probably on a daily basis that he was mixing all these different chemicals inside him which is just another another scary element to this but I think he felt like he needed those steroids because he would get so much praise for this really unnatural body that he had that he had built for himself he would enter body building contests and win them he was gaining loads of followers on social media of like other young men flocking to him that admire him and want a body just like him and they're they're willing to listen to every tip and trick that he has because they want nur's body and I think nurman really liked this power and control this popularity that his body and his social media profiles would bring him nman felt like a God at this point in his life he had the physique that so many other men were admiring and aspiring towards and this newfound micro was going to his head at rapid speed of course his followers only ever saw his bests side which is quite typical for social media influencers they only ever saw nur's like super tanned like tense up gy picss oh my God oh my God okay girl they only ever saw him you know flexing and paing but they never saw the darker parts of his life just in general like the fact that nurman suam manovic their favorite influencer was a dangerous violent abuser he had intense anger issues that he had never learned how to control and he had allegedly a lengthy criminal history but of course none of his social media followers knew anything about any of that they literally just took this man for face value he was a bodybuilder and that's all they cared about we did struggle to find out about nur's like criminal history and his past in general I'm sure you've figured that out by now with me throwing out like allegedly left right and center but a lot of his past is steeped in rumors and mystery we do know for sure that he has had a lot of altercations violent altercations he has been done for assault a lot of times and I don't know who that was against at least one of them was against a police officer um so this is just a generally quite violent and aggressive man but I think a lot of the anger and aggression that nurman was experiencing in his life was because of his bodybuilding or more specifically because of his alleged steroid use I'm not sure if there ever has been any proof uh that he was a roid head but YouTube viewers especially that have seen the pictures of this man you think so too right he just has that look that unnatural very tight skin with bulging veins and like I I don't know there's some very muscular people that look very naturally muscular and there's some where they look like they're about to like shrivel up and explode at the same time and I don't know how that's possible but he looks like that he really looks like that but my point in bringing up all of this like heavy steroid usage alleged heavy steroid usage is because it could well have caused something called Roid Rage which you might have heard before this is a very big phenomenon when it comes to people taking steroids and experiencing excessive anger and aggressive outbursts it's a very irrational kind of anger that is not very easy to dispel it comes on very quick and sometimes like practically out of nowhere these people that take a lot of steroids and and have Roid Rage they are very easily triggered and like I say sometimes it is practically out of nowhere sometimes they're triggered just from nothing so the chemicals that he allegedly took to alter his body and pack on the muscles they didn't just affect his muscles they affected his brain too he became very emotionally unstable and he was actually dangerous to the people around him at the time of this case nurman was actively stalking his ex-wife nzama and she was trying absolutely everything that she could to get away from him Nama hovic was 37 years old at the time of this case she worked as a nurse and her baby daughter was her whole entire world that's right Nama and nurman had a child together they had a daughter that I think was a couple of years old in 2023 that was another thing that we struggled to kind of determine concretely about this case is when the baby was born and how old she was at the time of this case I think she was a toddler we can safely say that she was a toddler at the time of this case and at this point so the two of them Nama and nurman had separated we'll get more into the details of that in a second but nzama was really worried not only for herself but also for her baby because nurman could not accept that she was leaving him and he was still following her everywhere and trying to get in contact with her and trying to see the baby and nzama was worried like really scared I'm not sure how long the two of them had been married before this but it was nzama that initiated the divorce it was her that left nurman because he was so violent and aggressive and angry he was very very abusive towards her and she'd putten up with it for a good few years in that marriage but the final straw that made her leave him once and for all was the fact that their baby daughter was getting caught in the crossfire of this really dangerous violent relationship now he had abused nzama his wife for years and she realized that if he could do all of that to her the woman that he said he loved the woman that he he gave a ring and said vows to and promised to love and cherish until death do us part or whatever I don't know I'm not married but if he can abuse her like that then what's stopping him from abusing their child like that he would psychologically abuse Nama physically abuse her he would beat her up often and again she was just so so worried that this Behavior could be taken out on her daughter too and so when Naz finally built up the courage to leave her rotten husband he didn't like that not one bit he'd had complete control over Naz for at least a few years and this was her first Act of defiance almost and it made him so angry and actually quite panicked that the one person that he had full control over the one person that he always used to take out his anger on basically his punching bag was now growing legs and walking away from him he couldn't have that control over her anymore he had made nama's life a misery for the years that they were together and even now even when she built up the courage to leave him he kept making her life a living hell he followed her everywhere she went he kept trying to get in contact with her kept contacting her friends and her family finding ways to stay in her life and keep her scared of him and I don't think it's like he was trying to get her back either I really don't think this was a case of him like I don't know running after her until she agreed not to leave him genuinely I think he was just trying to scare her and intimidate her you'll see as we get further and further into this case that nurman suam manovic loved to have power over people that was one of the things that made him feel all right in life was if he had control over the people around him and I guess maybe there's a connection between his this kind of psychology and his excessive bodybuilding he's trying to keep control of everyone in his life so maybe if he looks physically intimidating and dangerous and scary then people will just bow to his every demand you know over their years of marriage nzama had filed several police reports against her violent husband and even after the split she still had to contact the police because like I said he never left her alone it was incessant this stalking this intimidation was never ending it was almost every single day and Nama was scared for her life at this point because he didn't seem to be calming down even after weeks and months were going by he was still just as angry as the day that she left him my point being that the police in their area in gret they knew what naz's situation was like they knew that she was scared for her life they knew that nurman was violent and dangerous and aggressive and was stalking her following her trying to control and abuse her they knew the police knew full well they had multiple reports of this but they were doing nothing to protect nzama or her daughter they just kind of well they didn't do anything they didn't do anything Nama had even tried to file a restraining order against nurman but you're not going to believe this it was actually rejected how on Earth would the courts see all of this evidence all of these different police reports and see nzama standing there crying begging them to help her and they still reject that case I honestly cannot believe that especially considering that nzama got the divorce on the grounds of his violent Behavior like there is it's all documented which is why I find it so hard to believe that that the courts could look at this woman and say go away it's just so haunting and so devastating that nzama could see where this was going she knew just how violent and dangerous her ex-husband was and she could tell that he wanted her dead and she knew it was going to end up at that point if she didn't get some help she was begging for that help and not receiving it just 5 days before this case naz's grandmother saw her for what would be the very last time and she said that her granddaughter looked anxious tired very thin she was just very scared she wasn't herself at all Nama told her grandmother that she hadn't been sleeping or eating properly lately because of the baby because because the baby was waking up all the time but her grandmother knew that there was definitely something more to it something that nzama wasn't telling her whether that was because she didn't want to worry her grandmother or whether she just didn't want to get into it but her grandmother knew that it wasn't just the baby a day after that after she last saw her grandmother that was when nama's restraining order was rejected and 4 days after that nzama would be brutally murdered by the man that she had been trying to get away from the fateful day was August 11th 2023 nurman followers Got a notification to say that he had beg a live stream on Instagram but as they all started to tune in expecting to see their usual Q&A kind of thing they very quickly realized that this was not their usual content nurman wasn't on screen normally when he started a live stream it' be right onto his face and it' all be like oh hi guys you know as you would expect a live stream but nurman wasn't on camera this time and the energy of this live stream I mean viewers couldn't quite make out what the PO camera was pointing at for a little while but the energy of the live stream was very intense it was very it was off like viewers could tell that something was wrong and quickly the live stream took a very dark and disturbing turn nurman points the camera at a woman who is sat on a bench on the back porch of a house viewers are horrified to see that this woman is absolutely covered in blood her face is all swollen in fact so swollen that her mouth is open this whole entire time she can't close her own mouth she'd clearly been terribly terribly beaten and as she sat there on the bench viewers could see her kind of Falling In and Out Of Consciousness she was very dazed she she wasn't all there she was borderline unresponsive she was almost passing out this woman looked like she was actively dying in front of everyone and what was even more disturbing was when the camera panned a little bit further and you could see the ground underneath where this woman was sitting there was a pool of blood a pool of her own blood she had been sat there bleeding for quite some time and I'm sure you've already gathered at this point that this poor beaten woman was nzama hovic his ex-wife but none of the viewers of this live stream knew that at this point in time they had no idea who this woman was nman I don't think ever really posted his family so it's not like they recognized her as soon as the camera went on her everyone was so incredibly confused but so incredibly disturbed no one had any idea what was going on but everyone could immediately sense that it was horrific whatever was happening it was was an absolutely horrifying scene to be broadcasted live onto the internet but very quickly it started to build a lot of traction soon enough 12,000 people were in that Instagram live broadcast watching this real life Horror Story unfold in real time like I said of course the audience have no idea what is going on in this broadcast but it is very obvious that just before the camera was picked up just before this live broadcast began something awful had happened in that household something terrible had happened to that poor woman and it seemed like it was at the hands of nurman because he didn't seem to mind he was the one holding the pH pointing it at this woman if he was worried if he was panicked he would be calling the police not on an Instagram live so there was a very very Sinister energy there were a lot of people that clicked on this broadcast for the first time saw this harrowing scene and clicked on straight away like it is traumatizing a lot of people wouldn't want to see that but there were quite a lot of people that that couldn't click away kind of like how people describe watching a car crash like you don't want to see it but you almost don't have a choice it's like your brain and your body decide that for you that you are going to watch this car crash it's probably some sort of evolutionary instinct when you think about it like we sense danger and we feel the urge to like stay aware of what's going on at all times if we can see the source of the danger and we can monitor it and and keep tabs on it then maybe it helps us to feel a bit more safe and like I know that this was all going on on people's phones it wasn't in their immediate reality but our animalistic brains haven't developed anywhere near as fast as our technology has we're not adapted to understand it on on like a brain level yeah the sight of blood still kicks us into subconscious hypervigilance even if is just on a phone screen like your animalistic brain can't quite tell the difference that the threat isn't immediately in front of you because well I mean it is it's just on a little rectangle so these 12,000 people that have logged into this live stream are watching on in horror as the camera lingered on this woman for a moment on nzama she's not doing or saying anything I mean she can't she is so beaten and swollen but then a child starts to cry in the background of this live stream of course we know that that will have been his daughter their daughter nzama and nur's child that they had together is laying witness to this horrifying scene this this little girl is seeing her mother like this who knows she might have even watched her father beating her mother beating her into this state as well where she's she can hardly even hold herself up she can hardly even open her eyes did Norman's followers even know that he had a child I mean maybe not but the addition of this crying child in the background of the live stream made everything so much more horrifying and then nurman makes it known to this live stream broadcast exactly why he is doing this to his ex-wife and it's seemingly out of Revenge not revenge for her leaving him not revenge for her wanting a divorce but Revenge because she had contacted the police on him and this is one thing about nurman he is one of those men that hates the police [ __ ] the feds you know that kind of thing he must have had as we were talking about his like elusive mysterious criminal past earlier this makes me think that there's a lot of Truth in that criminal past because yeah he has a a disdain for the police he hates them they're like his number one op his biggest enemy is the police force and the fact that his ex-wife had reported him to the police to his worst enemies that made him even more Angry than anything else she had done than her divorcing him in general so he points the camera right at Naz Arma and demands that she tell him why she involved the police just a few days ago and she struggles out a response she can barely talk her face is so swollen and she just tells nurman that she feared for their lives for her life for her daughter's life and I don't know what he expected her to say because obviously that was the reason reason she involved the police he knew that was the reason she involved the police anyone could guess that that was the reason but I don't think he was asking that question because he wanted a genuine answer I think he already knew the answer but he more so just wanted to make it known to the broadcast why he was so angry with nzama it was a rhetorical question he wasn't actually looking for a genuine answer he was morea saying it so that the Instagram live audience knew that she had called the police on him and he wasn't happy and it seems that's why he was doing all of this that's why he had beaten her within an inch of her life and then broadcasted it to thousands of people across the whole entire world he wanted to to hurt his ex-wife maybe even murder her and he wanted the whole world to watch it happen nurman then points the camera at a table that has a pistol laying on it and as he picked it up he addressed the audience on the live stream saying hey guys you're going to see something you've never seen before a live murder it's a massacre and with that he raised the gun barely giving anyone time to digest what he had just said One Singular shot ran out he had shot nzama in the head at Point Blank Range 12,000 people saw this murder happen live and they watched as nama's body tensed up into the fencing position and viewers heard her make quote terrible sounds as the life left her body by now the child's screaming was even louder after what she had just witnessed she had just watched her father shoot her mother in the head and she had also heard those sounds she had seen her mother die and nurman actually pans around the camera and points it to his toddler his little girl who's about 2 or 3 years old who is now collapsed on the ground wailing in anguish she has just watched him murder her mother the one woman that was there to love her and protect her her father didn't treat her like that and she had just watched him get rid of of her whole entire life her whole entire universe when you're 2 three years old your mom is everything to you and maybe at 2 3 years old you don't understand what a gun is and and maybe she didn't understand everything that was going on here but children understand what death is and it it's a very intuitive thing to to see someone tense up into that position to make those noises and then to go completely still she might not have understood what a gunshot was or what had just happened to her mom but she she was very aware that her mom was gone now and I just think it's so insanely vile that nurman then turned around and pointed the camera at this poor child just so that the audience could what see her reaction to what he had just done as well how sick and twisted what a [ __ ] horrible thing for that child to witness it breaks my heart so much every single part of this kisse is so so heroin this woman had been begging for help from police from authorities for years to save her from this violent dangerous man but she had been ignored and now brutally murdered by the very man that she knew was capable of something like this and she wasn't just murdered she was humiliated she was tortured broadcasted live for thousands of people to watch her die and it just tops it all off that he made their 2-year-old daughter watch all of this happen in person and then show the [ __ ] audience her reaction to her mother's murder this is honestly one of the most sick cases I've ever come across and you guys know I've been doing this job for a long ass time there are hundreds of videos on this channel yet this is one of the worst that has like kept me up at night I I I've thought about this little girl quite a lot this week and I really hope she's doing well I mean I I'm going to give you a full update at the end of the case on where she is and how she's doing but holy [ __ ] it this is just I I hope you guys are doing all right the audience at home because this is [ __ ] heavy isn't it and it doesn't even stop there it's actually going to get a little bit worse and then we're finally done talking about this live stream after nurman had panned the camera and shown their baby daughter's reaction he then says the coldest and most devastating sentence I've heard in a long long time he says here someone come and save the child moving on with that the broadcast ends and nurman leaves the house leaving his 2-year-old daughter stranded locked in that house with the dead body the fresh dead body of her mother I'm not sure how long it took for the daughter to be you know found and rescued and she was don't worry um I think it all happened quite quickly I think the the scene of the crime was taped up quite quickly because bear in mind this had been broadcasted on Instagram but in that short period of time that that little girl was left with the dead body of her mother we don't know what she was doing but it just breaks my heart so much to think about what was going through her mind or what she was doing there were some reports that she had even crawled through the blood which oh my God like it makes oh my God this is quite a unique element of a case we don't we don't see this all that often where there is like a child abandoned with a murder victim's dead body that it makes it's making me feel sick to my stomach we're going to have to move on I've got tears in my eyes I've got I've got to tell out the daughter was eventually recovered by a man named Amia who was a friend of nur's in fact he was actually the owner of the gym that nurman worked at so does that make him nur's boss his boss went and found the murder scene and rescued his daughter we don't know what exactly had led him to the house whether he'd seen the live stream or not or maybe he'd received some texts from people that that had seen the live stream I don't know because actually a heartbreaking element of this case is that a lot of naz's loved ones and just a lot of people that knew them in general did see parts of that live stream cuz I mean of course the word spread very very fast as soon as this live stream began and people noticed that something was drastically wrong people started texting around people started talking about this even nama's own grandmother you know the one that we were talking about earlier that was already so so worried for her granddaughter even she caught a glimpse of someone's phone with her granddaughter covered in blood on it and everyone was trying to hide their PHS from her grandmother but this is what I mean so many people saw it so many members of the family so many friends so many people that loved nzama watched her murder live on Instagram and that was the extent of the horror that was inflicted at the house but nurman wasn't finished yet in fact he he was only just beginning nzama wasn't his only murder victim that day after murdering his ex-wife in the home on the edge of gret he then jumps into his BMW CU he had a BMW I I sometimes I forget that he was actually like an influencer on the side and like a PT or whatever personal trainer like he was minted he was traveling around between murders in style so he jumped in his BMW and drove about 20 30 minutes to the center of town hungry for more targets that he could take out this violent anger on whilst pacing the streets of grits nurman actually murdered two more people he shot and killed two completely randomly chosen completely innocent men it was actually a father and son that he murdered later identified as Jenis and Dennis and they were 55 years old and 23 years old respectively they had just gone out together for the dayer and now none of their families were ever GNA see them ever again they were just so suddenly randomly viciously murdered in the street by this bodybuilding maniac and can you believe nurman still wasn't done there that day he was going after anyone and everyone he was shooting he was he was assaulting he was doing [ __ ] everything those three were the only murder victims he had that day but he tried to have a good few more there were a few attempted murders he shot at a load of people in the street one of which was a police officer that he successfully shot but they survived he really was trying to Massacre the whole town he was trying to make a spectacle of this whole thing it seemed he loved the idea of the attention and the infamy I mean I think it speaks for itself actually the fact that he live broadcasted the murders on in stagram and actually that wasn't the only live stream he did that day he went on live stream for a second time after committing the other two murders to like give his followers an update at this point he didn't like consciously know that the police were pursuing him he must have had an idea though like when you're live streaming on Instagram in between committing crimes you just kind of like walking the streets shooting at people you've got to expect that the police are on their way but like at this point either nurman didn't care or he just like wasn't thinking about that and he goes on Instagram live for a second time and obviously that's going to help the police locate him as well they're getting like realtime feedback on his surroundings so it's only going to help them get to him quicker but at this point I don't think nurman was even trying to avoid capture like like I say he was just trying to make this Grand spectacle of everything I think it was more about showing in the world and and the police as well his biggest enemies how dangerous and powerful and ruthless he is he doesn't care that he's going to get caught at the end of all of this it's more about the statement that he is making and in this second live stream nurman sounds even more deranged than he did in the first one the way that he updates his followers on his second round of murders was by saying I killed two more enemies a father and his son now this bit is especially fascinating to me the use of the word enemies when police believed that he didn't know those other two victims he didn't know the Father and Son prior to killing them but enemies is just so like venomous and specific it shows like a personal gripe with those people but we don't think he had one it's very interesting it has been speculated that maybe this father and son could have been involved in nur's like past criminal circles if we are to believe the allegations of like drug rings and organized crime then it might make sense that he does have some enemies out there on the streets of gret so maybe he did know these two men before he killed them maybe it was more intentional than police think it was or maybe maybe maybe nurman was delusional I don't know none of these theories have been proven I do just want to say like police still believe that nurman had no idea who that Father and Son were and his use of the word enemies is just I don't know that's just a word that he used police don't believe there to be anything to it and maybe there wasn't but then this is what makes me think that nurman could have just been like mental like actually mental I mean you have to be a level of mentally Disturbed to commit these kind of murders and and plaster them all over Instagram and film a a crying child whose mother you have just murdered that's the that is [ __ ] sick and twisted of course this man had mental issues so that's a theory that maybe he just thought that the Father and Son were enemies of his and and like maybe they weren't maybe he had nothing to do with them at all but maybe he was just mental and delusional and and he thought something that wasn't real but anyway after after that little section I've only told you one quote of this live and I got completely sidetracked so after he tells the audience that he's killed two more enemies he then says the baby is safe I'm not a kid for someone to play with I'm not a kid she hid the child from me and reported me to the police maybe I skipped someone but it's too late now now I have 10,000 followers I'm popular you have to bear in mind that that quote was a lot more like disjointed and jumbled and like he wasn't very coherent on this live stream but the part of that quote that I just read that really stuck out to me was thought I skipped someone but it's too late now what does he mean by that that he was meant to kill someone else and he skipped someone but it's too late now he doesn't think he has time to kill that other person and if there is truth to that that he was planning to kill someone else but didn't have time then it makes me think that there is truth to those two men being his enemies quote unquote enemies the way that nurman is talking about this second leg of his murder spree it seems very intentional he's calling people enemies and and saying Oh I thought I skipped someone it makes this Killing Spree seemed quite thought out but then again circling back to my theory that he was just delusional he was just crazy then you know that could explain a lot of the ramblings on his live streams but one thing that is very clear throughout all of this is that nurman loved the attention that this was bringing him he was now popular as he said himself he had 10,000 followers that was how he ended his second live stream I assume his follow account had been going up and up and up throughout that day as people had been like finding out about this story and trying to follow it live and it actually sickens me to say that a lot of these followers I think a lot of his new followers were actively encouraging his dangerous violent aggressive murderous behavior in these live streams people were commenting especially on the first live stream when he was videoing nzama people were encouraging him saying like yeah shoot her kill her she deserves it all this horrific stuff the internet can be a very scary very sick and twisted place at times well especially in certain corners of the internet and nurman Instagram page had become one of those Corners it had now become a hub for these awful evil people to all gather together and and Echo chamber his behavior but there was one bombshell that women dropped in that second live stream just before he logged off for the final time he told his followers these are not my first murders I don't talk much not his first murders the three murders that he had just documented pretty much live were not his only kills he is implying that he has committed murders before that day and he has just been getting away with them for however long police went on to him and well what if he is telling the truth I'm so torn when it comes to what I think of nurman suam manovich and especially like his ramblings I don't know whether I think he is just like delusional and and a bit mentally unwell and he maybe he doesn't know what he's saying properly but there's another part of me that thinks that very mysterious criminal history that even we couldn't dig into even us even my research team that I think is the best research team in the whole entire world even we couldn't find out [ __ ] on on his criminal past so that makes me think that it possibly is there but he was never caught for things my own personal theory is that he was probably very much involved in stuff and so maybe he is telling the truth about having committed murders earlier on in his life but has just never been caught for them I I don't know what I believe I don't know whether I think it's delusion or whether I think he is actually being truthful and he's just confessing for the first time police never ended up pinning any other murders on nurman suam manovic just these three that we've talked about today um but I don't know I'm I'm still not fully convinced because like were the police even looking in the right places like what if they just missed something because also especially because of how the police in that area were with nzama when she had an issue I just don't think I trust the police in gret at all you know they don't sound like a very good police force with the way that they handled this case so I can't imagine they handled anything else very well any previous crimes that nurman might have committed maybe they didn't care about those either well anyway that was the end of his second Instagram live stream a cliffhanger ending that's for sure he just dropped the fact that he might well be a serial killer and then that is the last time he ever speaks to his online social media following ever again because once he'd ended that second live stream nurman lifted the very same pistol that he had did use to commit three murders that day he lifted it to his own head now and shot himself to death perhaps he had finally realized the gravity of the crimes that he had committed throughout that day and and maybe it started to panic him maybe he realized that police had to be on their way they had to be closing in on him and maybe he felt like this was his only option as we've been saying nurman famously hated the police so a lot of people think that him taking his own life here was him taking himself out before the police could get to him he didn't want them to win he didn't want to give them the satisfaction of capturing him maybe in his head if he killed himself first then that was still him winning and there's a part of me that Wonders that maybe this had been nur's plan all along maybe he knew that before he even started that first Instagram live showing nzama on the bench maybe he already had it in his head that he was going to take his own life by the end of that day because once start broadcasting your [ __ ] murders live on Instagram like yeah you're going to get caught for that definitely so maybe he was doing all of this stuff all day like broadcasting and and shooting at anyone he wanted in the street because he knew that that was his last day on Earth he knew that he was going to die before the police got to him so he was just doing whatever the hell he wanted up until that point but now that he had taken his own life mass murderer nurman suam manovich couldn't hurt anyone else now his re of Terror was over but now Justice could never be properly served because he was gone and just because he wasn't alive anymore just because he wasn't a danger to anyone else anymore that doesn't bring back the three people that he savagely mured there were so so many people that were affected by nur's actions that day there were so many victims and um I just keep going back to that little girl it breaks my heart I can feel the tears coming into my eyes again I'm going to have to stop stop talking about that I'm sorry there were people that lost their lives there were people that almost lost their lives remember he committed a lot of attempted murders shot so many people so many people had to be hospitalized and had to take time off of work and had to go through therapy after nurman actions on this one day last summer he ruined and took so many lives there were so many people left grieving without their loved ones and like I said there was a little girl that had to grow up without her mother and now one day with the knowledge that her father was an evil murderer that killed her mother in front of her oh my God I hope I hope that live stream was like burned I hope there's no evidence of that online because if she was to ever come across that online it really [ __ ] breaks my heart like I really really hope she doesn't remember that at 2 three years old you would hope that her brain would like block it out and she wouldn't remember that as an adult but even if she doesn't consciously remember what she saw that day the human body takes Scar and and she's going to have a lot of subconscious Trauma from that day when when she was barely even a toddler it's just so [ __ ] heartbreaking to me no child should ever have to witness anything like that and the last thing that nzama hovic ever posted on social media before her brutal murder was actually a photo of her daughter's little foot her tiny little foot and the caption read a baby will make love stronger days shorter nights longer money less home happier clothes more shabby the past forgotten and a future worth living for and that just makes me want to cry so bad a future worth living for that she had left that horrible evil husband of hers that was abusing her within an inch of her life for years and she finally thought thought she had gotten out of there and that she had rescued herself and her baby daughter and now they could have a life together away from that man that awful man and yet this still happened I am going to pull myself together now because there's other like things that we have to wrap up about this case so of course we said earlier that nurman boss or like someone from his work the guy that owned the gym a guy called emia was the one to come and recover his daughter from the crime scene the one to rescue her and once this part of the new story hit the internet I don't know how the internet found out about this or like found out who rescued the girl but when they did find it out they actually turned on him some of those same evil sick twisted people that had been encouraging nurman to commit further and further acts of violence they had now turned on Amia giving him grief and and threatening him for saving a 2-year-old baby like what what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people Amia was actually receiving threats and and just horrible horrible messages from people he actually got one saying as of tonight the hunt for you is on just so you know thankfully no one ever acted on those threats emia was perfectly fine the daughter was and is perfectly fine she is still alive she's reportedly being raised in the sole care of nama's sister which which is sweet I I mean that's about as happy of an ending as I guess she could get and as I say I I really hope she doesn't grow up to remember anything that she saw that day but as for the wider reaction towards this case the public reaction in Bosnia was huge not only because of the super unique and horrifying circumstances of this case like a murder on Instagram live but also the biggest conversation around this case was actually that nzama had been been trying to get help for years she had reported nurman to the police so many times and they had ignored her they had done [ __ ] all to help this woman who was telling them I think he is going to kill me I think he's going to come after me and my daughter and they didn't care the authorities didn't care the police didn't care the the courts didn't care I cannot believe they rejected her restraining order just a week before he then went on to murder her the way that nzama had been dealt with in the years before her murder just made everyone so so angry she had been let down by the law by the police by everyone that had a hand in enabling Norman's actions that day and there was already a lot of criticism in Bosnia at the time about how they enforc their domestic violence laws or rather the lack of how they enforce their domestic violence laws because clearly as you've seen in the case of Nama they don't [ __ ] do anything nzama had done everything right she had tried to save her own life she had tried so many times she had kept reaching out to those that she thought could help her in her times of need she kept updating them on different things that nman was doing but they didn't care the government had actively kept this woman in danger until the day that she was murdered you know what I hope all of the people that rejected that had a hand in rejecting that restraining order I Hope they've heard about this case and I hope they've had a long [ __ ] hard look in the mirror nama's death was absolutely an avoidable tragedy it didn't have to happen but as you're probably aware if you're an avid True Crime Watcher time and time again victims of domestic abuse domestic violence are ignored until it's too late we actually did a video not too long ago about a man named Tom crestman who was murdered by his girlfriend who was the the stylist for the royal family here in the UK she murdered him after one particularly violent argument that they'd had at home but earlier in that day before she killed him Tom had been calling the police telling them that they needed to come and help because this was going to end badly he knew that she was going to get violent and that he could die no officers ever came out to speak with him he didn't even get a call back that night to check that he was care and that same night his girlfriend murdered him literally the night before his body was found he rang one of his friends complaining about how the police weren't taking him seriously and he said the words they only care when there's a body bag and it is so heartbreaking that such is proven to be true time and time again it's so disappointing when police and law officials never seem to learn from these kind of cases do they in just England and Wales alone there are two women every week that are murdered by their current or previous partner per week two women a week and I really wish I could end this case on a slightly happier note but this is the harsh reality and as I was saying in the beginning of this video that is why I wanted to cover this case so badly it is so important to talk about especially when it's happening in different countries places where admittedly I don't quite understand the the legal proceedings and how the police work I think it's so important for for us to be telling stories like this from everywhere to open up this conversation for women all over the world not just women in the UK or in America or Australia women everywhere if you have any other cases that are similar to this that you want to see as cover then please do put them down in the comments we're always checking the comments and we're always taking case requests from there as well we do have a case request form that's linked down Below in the in the description but yeah we are always checking the comments as well so please do let me know if there's anything similar to this that you think would be very important to talk about maybe cases that haven't been spoken about on YouTube all that much I would love to to give other stories a bit of a platform and and to open up those conversations but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video and I do apologize that this is a very sad ending to a case this has just been a a really effing harrowing case but thank you so so much everyone for watching and thank you to June's Journey for sponsoring this video remember you can download it for free on iOS and on Android and it's available on PC on Facebook games so go and go solve that murder girl but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you want to watch another one of my videos there'll be one on screen right now for you to click on or if you want to subscribe to my channel WE Post brand new content every single week either True Crime similar to this or True Crime adjacent where it's not quite as heavy as this and yes we're definitely going to need a Freaky Friday episode ASAP but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 929,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, ellie neale, usual disclaimer, Bosnia and Herzegovina, influencer murder, influencer turned murderer, instagram live murder, nermin sulejmanovic, nermin sulejmanovic instagram video, nermin sulejmanovic live video, Nizama Hecimovic, true crime stories, true crime youtubers, solved cases, woman killed by ex husband
Id: GbirGGtL5es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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