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okay so I mean there it is like there's the video game right there they even showed you the menu of it Jack ratha Jack and all oh je was hold up was that Jack Black it sure [Music] was [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today we are doing something completely different it's nnf woo oh my gosh mindblowing and to be fair like there's been a lot of FNAF on the channel just because the leadup to the movie there's been a lot of news obviously it does well it's a franchise that we all collectively care about but and I'm selling merch about it actually Music Man uh we have our FNAF collection that's available right below this video if you're interested uh we got a lot of cool t-shirts jackets hoodies reversible stuff it's it's awesome um so go check him out uh but the the reason I bring it up is that today we might have found ourself our new FNAF we might have found ourself a new franchise that takes over everything uh there can't be any such thing oh there can and there might be many have tried many have failed but uh based on the response of this thing it's it's wild and I have been wanting to watch this and react to this since I saw it drop and apparently a lot of people have watched it and reacted to it uh this is uh the new series by uh glitch glitch Productions they're the ones that did murder drones uh we covered that on film Theory not too long ago and we were a little bit late to the game when it came to murder drones murder drones is one that I've been watching and had on my radar for a while and for whatever reason we just never got around to doing a theory about it I think it was because I was a little bit late to it and and we just kind of kept deprioritizing and we weren't sure when drops were going to happen and so we're like there there was never a real timer like we got to hop in uh but we are on the ground floor now because glitch just released their newest series uh which is the amazing digital circus and the response to this has just been unreal like it's been amazing right now it's two weeks ago as we're recording this and it's like nearly 50 million views that is wild wild and I've been seeing memes about it I've been seeing like talk about the characters I've been seeing so many requests from you guys uh when it comes to like hey uh can you react to this can you theorize about it and so that is the plan of the day my friends is to react to like to actually watch through this and react to it and and do some live Theory crafting right because as I understand it this is just full of theories oh Theory dense dense Hefty theories yes robusto with the theorizing uh so that's the plan for today uh it's it's a long episode 25 minutes uh so I'll you know we'll we might cut around a little bit uh from an editing standpoint also you know obviously you should go watch it on the original channel uh but it seems like there's been no shortage of people doing that uh but yeah we'll go through it in real time I'll toss out some ideas that I'm considering for it uh some things that might strike me as interesting or some plot threads that we can go off of and then from there we'll be working on a film theory in the background uh so without any uh further ado here's the amazing digital circus per your request uh and let's let's do some live Theory crafting shall we uh so before we start I'm I'm just noticing this uh the amazing digital circus is a psychological dark comedy about cute cartoon characters who hate their lives and want to leave oh that's hashtag relatable right I think a lot of people are like I get that I also love this thumbnail right here you need therapy great what your favorite amazing digital circus character says about you oh no are they all are they all parts of of like psychological trauma or something let's go glitch production elegant music playe oh that's interesting okay that's that's already interesting to me uh cuz look you have you start off in what is very clearly like old school 3D layout like this is like you look at the pixelation this is like N64 era Graphics right like early computer generated Graphics early 3D Graphics uh I I remember like educational games like this is the era of baldi's Basics if you remember baldi's Basics like I look at this aesthetic simple textures um you know rough lines like there's not enough polygons in the system to make like the rounded trees and stuff uh and so this is like early early video gaming which is interesting and the reason that's important to call out right is we know it's a digital circus but you cross into it and there's a transition so there's already at the top of this a framing device that is hey this is a computerized world and now we're transitioning into it it reminds me a little bit of uh a theory that we're doing on the the bunny graveyard right where it starts you off with a computer screen and then you enter in and you enter into the like realism of the world but you always have to remember that you're entering into the digital world and there's a framing device around this is not all the Polish and and smooth textures and stuff is not the world as it is we've crossed into this world welcome to the amazing digital circus oh my gosh this guy looks like uh what Mario Party 5 or six like the there's like a hat character like a ring leader yes yes um I think that's Mario Party 8 you're thinking of is yeah right yeah I mean this is him in a n like in a nutshell also I'm getting uh some joyville flashbacks but with the eyeballs in the mouth uh this is so reminiscent of like early again like I'm I I'm fixated on this like early 3D animation stuff this is like those weird characters that you would get in those early like mascot 3D games where they just like here's Glover and it's literally just like a very rudimentary glove running around a 3D environment and doing stuff my name is Kane I'm your ring master and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping heart stopping mind bending paraphernalia you've ever laid Your Eyes Upon isn't that F that's right Kane I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today well that's amazing I love this isn't that right bubble that's right K all right I was just looking at the world anytime there's a wide panning shot of like a world and an environment it's always like oh this is a great place to hide a bunch of stuff this is great all right I love the chain chomp I like the bubble chain chomp very clearly and again that's where you know you look at this and it's like oh if this is early 3D animation right you have uh like one of the first video game characters right was uh chain chomp bouncing around and chasing you around and Wrecking his uh cage in Mario 64 can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today well let's not waste any time let's get right into the [Music] show awesome amazing so catchy offe the clown did not show oh man oh no wonder no wonder already you can tell there there's like edit marks and stuff on the screen C oh buddy I can already see all the all the theorizing where's CMO the clown right oh and it glitch oh it's the repeated oh that's so smart so again in the early days of computer generation you would create these Sky boxes right but the textures would only reach so far so you would basically overlap them to fill up all the space and so oh this is this is um what worth less than a minute in this is smart this is so good already I love this because yeah you can see how they're overlapping the textures here to fill out the space but you can see a little bit behind it this is clearly like like Truman showes World where these people are caught and maybe they they're not aware of what's going on um but you can already see this stuff also just so you know this is like live reaction I recognize for those of you who've never been here before I'm going to stop it a lot one for copyright reasons two because I don't want to be Sniper Wolf and I want to actually contribute to the stuff that I'm consuming uh and then three you know and then three of course is uh just because that's what we're here for you could watch this on your own but this is one of those things where it's like I'm giving you my thoughts in real time uh which feels additive feels transformative and also this is where my mind would go to so this is me double doing double duty of creating content here but also working on potential theories down the line um the fact that it's glitching so this is an imperfect world the the choice of objects I'm very curious abouto so we have an i which seems to be like the ring Master cane was a pan is that a pan or no a it's a teapot yeah teapot pyramid gramophone and flower wondering why stock assets could I mean it could be nothing it's just an interesting yeah glitches yeah so they're really leaning into this idea of this being like an artificial World in early 3dy too [Music] andit just disappears oh oh yeah okay so they're not even trying to hide it I mean obviously you know the theme song is glitching so they're not hiding it but like this is very clearly drawing attention to it uh While We're stopped this guy looks like um if I'm thinking early early 3D animation or like early 3D video games uh with like that pixelated Graphics again I think back to like this would be Knights like kns into dreams um which was for Sega right and you would fly around these like Carnival Carnival circus themed levels and have to like collect gemstones and stuff and so it's this and especially with that that abstracted style yeah nice dream oh that's like um the what is it uh salmon Max huh salmon Max is the the bunny you just have chess in early video games like every every early video game system had like all 3D chess or whatever so I'm wondering if this is riffing on just a bunch of like video game characters all thrown together anyway Kane is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker cuz if it's a new character going to have to redo this whole theme song I'm not doing that again my my it appears a new human has entered this realm okay so there is okay so ring leader new human all right how do I take this headset off just keep grabbing at it that works for all of us what's going on I put on some weird headset and now I'm here okay so this is huh that's interesting so it's it's VR headset right presumably you know like uh Sword Art Online style I put on VR headset and I'm trans transferred in um that being said if this is the era of what what year was Mario 64 was that 97 U Mario 64 9 6 I was going to say 96 and then nights into dreams nights into dreams was what was that release date 96 yeah 96 so if so it's interesting right because if they're talking about putting on a like a VR headset but the graphical style is of like 1996 era video games like early 3D animation video games like like baldi's Basics and things like that you did so this is actually would be drawing from the earliest days of VR uh cuz I don't know if if you're aware Ash I don't know if you know this either but like VR has existed much longer that than I think most of us realize um VR nowadays right it's it's all about like all the Oculus and this and that and and it's really taken off in the last 10 years but when I was a kid I got to experience VR um at the Great Lake Science Center in Cleveland they had a special touring exhibit on like the early days of virtual worlds and and early VR and it required this massive computer and they had cables hanging from the ceiling and you had to go into a special pod and the headset was massive and and like it it required a lot of power to run but it was VR back in these days actually um I would have been what uh that would have been me at like a little bit before or it would have been a little bit after this I think I was like 13 when I first experienced I was maybe early high school or late middle school but I got to go into a VR headset it was my first time and it was unlike anything i' ever seen but it was mind-blowing right cuz it's like oh I'm in a video game and the the textures were super simple you know I remember there being just like a green green simple texture grass and like some purple mountains in the distance and you got to walk around a little bit and things passed by you and it was cool um so this is drawing from like the early forgotten days of VR so I that's already really interesting um and so now they're they're trapped in VR they're trapped in this digital world have they been scanned in is this glitch trap s situation I'm curious but okay let's just go what's going on I put on some weird headset and now I'm here who are why can't I take it off where am I let's just try to calm down okay so she knows enough so she knows enough about her history that she knows that she put on a headset but she doesn't know oh she got inter everything's going to be okay new stuff we've all been through this you just need to get your head to is going on huh so it's it's it's censored in the world that's interesting and they've all been through this okay what no no no my dear we can't have any of that foul language around here the amazing digital circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages is a video G you my friends stumbled into an incredible world of Wonders where anything can happen except for swearing adorable this is great oh my god well how do I you know leave well don't freak out about it or anything but uh we don't exactly you can't here real quick I again riing off of this this character design here is absolutely of that era right where like people were just getting textures and objects and shapes and just throwing them all together and so well some of them have like very cons like this is raggedy an from like early early cartoon days um and early early toys so it's interesting that she's here she she doesn't remind me of any existing video game from this era but like this character where it's just a random assemblage of pieces and parts and stuff that was a lot of character designed back then cuz like what 3D we don't know what we're doing let's throw it all together cool but yeah he's right welcome to your new home and your body a new home what do you mean guys don't be mean we've been stuck here for years old ker over there supposedly been here the longest huh did someone say something about an insect collection that's why he's crazy a oh and I said earlier that's salmon Max here in case anyone doesn't know because again I I can't these are some older games right so I can't expect people to be able to know some of this stuff uh s Max but like I mean legitimately like it is the exact same like he's taller obviously different colors stretched out and all that but like very clearly the very simple aesthetic the very tall simple ears all of that yeah there he is salmon Max classic oh okay now I get it this is a dream and I should just play along until I wake up right but that's a theory yeah know whatever you say kid they broke my comedy mask so Kane we having a for the new no so uh this one reminds me of a reboot um anyone did you ever watch reboot back in the day I I would remember that and I certainly do not oh what is this this is this is an experience that you that you owe to yourself like this to me I think this in like early Transformers like Beast War like this was early computer generated cartoons right and it was all about these characters in a video game um in this digital world and you your main villains were like oh God he was a he was a this guy was a virus and he had these two little henchmen um but there was hexad and everything was computer themed uh oh there she is heximal um she was this character who would switch masks to Showcase her different personalities and every once in a while a Game Cube would drop down a giant purple like electric Cube would drop down and the characters would have to compete in a game and if they didn't win the game the that part of the world would be deleted or destroyed or whatever so like it was it was Big St it was an awesome show but very very clearly in this I but the reason I bring it up here is um heximal reboot it was it was great and and for early computer generation it's very much of this aesthetic but yeah you have this character who's would switch masks and she would be like very unhinged very emotional and like would switch between them all it's awesome so anyway I I see this ribbon character and I'm like oh that's kind of like heximal with the masks newbie or what I'd like to give our brand new member a tour of the circus grounds first first off we go here we have the tent this is where your living quarters are as well as all sorts of other activities these activities may include oh [Applause] [Music] jeez here any of the hardware or software it's just plan continue disable Okay so this is giving us computer C ball pits many go the fact that it's dialup internet also sets us back in this like early 2000s era before like DSL internet and like wired connections and stuff or I mean when all connections were wired and they were going through your telephone line so that a automatically is telling you a lot about this era um the fact that they're cycling through kind of like that blue screen of death that's very like n Windows 97 era so again everything is really reinforcing this idea of like this is a early 3D video game and more and here we have the grounds drown yourself in the digital lake or engage in ridery at the digital Carnival it's all okay the choice is yours a cosmic Buffet is that all there is of course not this is the void we don't wait hold us stuff in here of course not this is the void we don't venture out into the void not even I know what's out there okay that's we stay right here where I can keep my hundreds of allseeing eyes on you oh great hello k I love you get out of here before the moon gets frisky wait what's that exit door okay whoa clean up on Isle you I'm on it boss awesome why are you like this wait wait was that an exit door I saw out there is that a way to leave what exit if there was a way to leave I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by yeah what are you talking about this this is giving me I'm pretty Invader Zim Vibes that Jo Zim invader zim freaking out even getting choking or whatever it's it's kind of like this like funny yeah what are you talking about awesome I assure you there is no magical exit door you're probably just experiencing digital hallucinations your mind transition to the digital plane I swear so your mind's transition yeah so okay so the question now is is this person really experiencing this are they actually trapped here is this like again Sword Art Online where a bunch of people put on a video game headset and then were're trapped there and if they die in the game they die in real life is this a copy is this real digital hallucinations how about we talk about something else what your name my name my name is uh oh god oh yeah why can't I remember my name nobody can remember their name once they enter the digital circus one of the few things I don't have control over are your minds so all can help you with is coming up with a new one what's my name so that's interesting so she remembers putting on the headset but nothing before that so far but like if if you're if you don't know your name that's kind of a reference to it so so it's so that reinforces the fact that like either again this is a human who's lost all connection with themselves or this character is created the second they put this on and now it's a duplicate Persona or something something that's been scanned into the system don't you worry your little head your new name can be anything name digital circus us liement stating that your name may not include objectional content OB content includes what is not to sexually expit materials obene Def lient and or un content or profanity what are you thinking I don't care just pick anything let's see what do you think of I don't you're right terrible let's try that again what do you think of pomy huh uh sure I think I just God zuk's you're right jack we should have a brand new adventure for our new member pomy I said that like 5 minutes ago you do you like Adventure hold up there was a good ref our new member P that like five minutes ago anything interesting there not really I just I just noticed there there's a lot of really clean Reflections all over also just calling this out this might this is most assuredly nothing uh but this wallpaper or sorry this uh rug is actually very iconic um for uh where is it oh yeah right here so whenever you see and this is something that's just like one of those good things to know when you are looking at Media or just one of those like deep references to just have anytime you see like red and orange hexagon patterns usually that's a call back to this like the carpeting of The Shining is very iconic and and is talked a lot about in media literature um for a lot of reasons um in a lot of way like people have overanalyzed this in a lot of ways but this shot of of the boy riding through The Shining hotel horror movie um in case you've never seen it a horror movie where where this kid has uh basically the shine a little uh psycho psychological Powers uh but you know sees all the haunted and dead spirits that are roaming around this haunted hotel uh but it's very iconic this floor and so you see film reviewers Sometimes using it as their background in stuff uh you see it referenced a lot in other media uh but here seeing something similar to it just immediately draws to mind like The Shining um and this idea of this place not being everything that it seems or having hidden secrets underneath it or whatever do you like Adventure activity danger paining angel food cake ooh you parasite uh I don't really since you knew around here we're going to make it a simple in-house adventure to warm you up to how things work around here what no God I don't want an inhouse adventure don't worry zubel I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with today's adventure is so we can choose to involve or not involve gather the GLS this is so reminiscent of uh rocket again any of these but like rocket robot on wheels for N64 a game where you are a robot running around a circus and you have these different missions and you ride a roller coaster and you go through all these environments and the mission titles were very much of this you know like sanss uh comic Sands style early 3D stuff I mean even um what was it even pet scop kind of was riffing off of this era a little bit where you had these these kind of like early like PlayStation style things the entire Circ tent will be infested with GLS and you got to catch them all but what are they I'm glad you asked bubble they're small what do they do they out it LS are small mischievous Critters that steal anything and everything they run into why do these humanoid hash browns do this that steal anything and everything they run into what's that more oh those his eyes he said he's got like thousands of eyes watching your every move is that more of him it looks or those mouths those is that his mouth yeah it's unclear um I don't know if like I think the color scheme of the eye is weird right he has heterocromia yeah um so each of his eyes are different colors right I've noticed that too where he's he's rocking the he's rocking the the the tiger rock you know baby like everything that we've been talking about in C lately about like baby one eye is blue and one eyes is green and blah blah blah and he's he's rocking the whole like hoch chromia thing which is like oh that's interesting yeah so these eyes here um are the eyes that are just not attached to him yeah like different colors to differentiate what they are or what um which is strange because he has eyes all over but he's also not omnipotent right he's yeah that is a good call out cuz he says he controls basically everything but not everything yeah and so he doesn't know what's on the outside of the Void at least according to him he might be lying right then that's always a possibility but at least the and I think that's important right you always got to approach these things with the idea of like people might not have complete information about their situation and so he doesn't know what's outside the void he can't control your name he doesn't necessarily know what you want to call yourself things like that so he's mostly omnipotent but not quite which and those it's the and with characters like that the limitations of their powers are sometimes the most interesting cuz they're going to tell you the most about the world that you're in why do these humanoid hash browns do this how do you stop them that's for you to find out now good luck and have fun my little Superstars through the textures and objects glitching through it's great what did any of that mean oh that's just one a Cane's Little Adventures they're just something fun to do to you know prevent us from going insane speak for yourself if anyone needs me then off oh God pleas help oh no they killed zubo anyway you guys want to go get something to eat I killed Kenny oh wait we should go check on kfmo I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet py my impenetrable Fortress you want to come with us to check on kmo no not really I think cmo's gotone insane last time I spoke with him he was rambling endlessly about some exit kind of like you pomy you might be going insane too but wait wouldn't that more likely mean the exit does exist could also mean you just have a jump start and losing your mind what about Zu well I like what's the ribbon character's name I like the ribbon a lot I like a little hexad small ribbon they're cute oh my gosh I'd like to ask him about it uh if this was real which it isn't because it's a dream oh not a dream she still thinks this is a dream I mean here's the thing modern day theorizing and modern day storytelling the equivalent of dream is digital Recreation like that's the funny thing about it is at this point with everything being like so AI oriented and you know virtual reality oriented and hey we're creating worlds within worlds and everything can be like perfectly replicated via computers and stuff the the computer simulation is the new version of like is the new version of the dream right The Matrix really brought that into focus and ever since it's been computers have risen to that level and now it's like oh this is actually a real thing uh again subtle details and you're seeing this a lot throughout the show but again you get the like textures glitching through each other or objects glitching through each other which is so indicative of of that early like game design stuff it's really smart and you're seeing it a lot but even these background details really really cool uh why are you looking at me like that I'm fine we're doing whatever as long as I get to see funny things happen to people okay I've already had enough of these things you me and pomy will go check on kfmo which leaves crybaby and hooa crybaby and there situation do you think pairing them up together is a good idea of course I do they're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together come on ladies let's go harass the clown love it the characterization is so good my comedy mask is broken again gangle you startled me gangle gangle so this is where we all oh oh jeez here we got a big hallway again wide shots with a lot of details it's like oh this is World building okay so what do we got we got her room we've got a blank mannequin that's interesting one of those um posable like it's it's the posable dummies right you saw that a lot in Sister location um the the mini renas uh but that's interesting so there's is that a blank or is that another character they haven't been mentioned it's interesting that they' it seems like they've mentioned the complete cast of characters it has been mentioned here's more of his eyes watching so I like that little detail of his name was Kane right I like the idea of Kane's eyes watching everything and then here it looks like you have someone who has an X over them so maybe they've been like booted from the game live oh well where we else oh yeah oh yeah you can see it right there actually so you have this like pink bubblegum monster right there and then you have what is whatever this thing is he's got a Green Dot on him which is interesting yeah it looks like to me from my like the angle I'm looking at this it's like a clown outfit but made of like a bunch of different rainbow balloons right I was going to say this actually kind of looks a bit like pom's layout in a lot of ways like maybe pom's been here before or been booted into the system before or maybe this right CU of the shape you see the jesture cap almost or the what is it coxcomb I think is the name of the official name of Jester cap is a Cox coxcomb so you see that and the coloring is very similar so yeah but you think it might be made of balloons I don't know it just the the coloring of that reminds me of a bunch of different rainbow right and it does have these like green and blue spot like I don't know if that's like what's tacking it on very round rounded so these are characters who have probably been here and then got ejected in some we all sleep at night even though we don't oh yeah you get this like anteater guy a dog just and dog just random Dogo need to sleep it's sometimes nice to kind of take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine you know I'm sure there there was another mannequin there'll be one for or oh look you already got one I still don't understand about the adventures why even go on them at all why not oh that's weird Adventures wait but he why even go on them at all oh no this is different this is what the the queen oh that's interesting so that seems to imply that there was a queen that probably came in with King hinger was his name so oh and you can see that it's got the little eyelash detail there which usually means it's a female right you have the the female Queen style and it's a different color robe and all that so kinger came in with a queen probably and the queen got axed out why not try to find a way maybe that's why he's going crazy more eyes to leave I'm getting I'm getting some serious like welcome home Vibes to it where there's eyes everywhere and it's like oh I'm seeing the details of the ey eyes watching you that's funny well we usually do y there he is there's ker so the eye color is different the Design's different yeah so he it seems like you might have come in with someone else when we first arrive but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave chasing an unattainable goal we'll start driving you a bit crazy I know I'm so it's so I'm wondering if the blank mannequins because we have characters that are established we have characters that are it seems like the roster of the characters is who we're seeing plus kmo and that seems to be their Community they're not referring to any of these guys I'm wondering if these are blank standin and so when a human you know gets scanned in digitized in winds up in here this suddenly becomes that character right so if this started as like she started as one of these guys but then when whatever human is ragi or whatever her right was ragi um whenever she comes in now all of a sudden the the the wooden mannequin is is no longer blank and has this created over top of her so this is like your temporary standin maybe and eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen uh but that's not something we need to deal with today above anything else the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated thank goodness this is all a dream right PNE that's that is the reaction gifts here are fantastic by the way these Gable moments we here again what are we doing we're getting one of our friends another blank there's a lot of blanks I love that eye secret eye there that's cool huh spotting maybe he's not in his room I hope he's all right don't worry doll face I've got a key to his room wait why you you you shouldn't have kissed anyway one's room nah I've got keys everywhere and you've all been fine by the way I may have left something in your room today so let me know if you find it you're not afraid of centipedes Are you jck that's literally my only fear why would you do this what it could be a completely unrelated question you'll never know until it's too late that's interesting so he knows her deepest fear so does Jack somehow have greater access to the information or is he cuz he if he's got key if he's got keys to everyone's rooms and he knows her deepest fear and is able to Target it I wonder if he has some sort of like administrator access or something or maybe he's the omnipotent one yeah right or maybe yeah where whereas the ring leader Kane is the one it looks like he's the one kind of manipulating everything this is the one who's actually in charge or like the secret leader behind everything but and and he has been kind of like sarcastically dismissing everything but not necessarily denying a lot of stuff so maybe he knows more like it seems like he knows more than he's letting on and is probably in more control than he thinks but the idea that he's able to secretly know this information and has keys to everyone that feels really important and one of those details that I think could be easily lost as you're just watching through the story and like oh he's just like the trickster character but hm that's that's really interesting to me okay so we got a bun so he's obsessed with the exit oh buddy oh buddy oh buddy okay hold sorry there's a lot of stuff here okay so creepy C I mean already we're entering like Creepy Pasta land uh this is like a the set of an indie horror game immediately this like an exit this the exit door maybe like the idea of like someone running away no exit so he's obsessed with the exit what is this flower man again I'm giving me some strong joyville Vibes oh he's Drew Kane a big drawing of cane with evil evil imagery no way out okay so oh and there he is running away oh Kane's trying to eat him huh as he tries to escape what did so everything else is exit exit exit exit so that means that anytime you're seeing something that is something else what did something say what did do we do we see that V from a different angle here uh What did the what did the exit say what did the exit say to the it's a joke it's a joke setup right what did the say to the what looking for oh it's what did the exit say to the clown oh also it okay what did the exit how did you know that did you see it in a different angle or did you look it up um no it's on that painting that you're on oh what did the exit say to the oh yeah what did the exit say to the clown huh weird no way out maybe it's and then it's the answer is no way out interesting also interesting is okay so you have this weird digital monster and you see it recreated here in one of the existing paintings look at this thanks for keeping an eye on coffee I'm going to head out see you oh kof's been obstructed that's okay is that uh it might be that terrible thing I was talking about earlier when you reached your Breaking Point huh okay wait maybe there's still time to fix him before we get Kan wo so this is C so okay so all the X characters then are presumably people who've been abstracted is what what we're saying here so when you go insane you become like this crazy abstract monster and have to be dealt with by Kane huh and so all the people with x's over top of them have presumably been gone through the same thing I know we didn't always get along like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes I swear I really did think they were funny I was just having a bit of a bad day is that is that such a sin to fake laugh at someone's joke is that bad I then my fate will not be good right I feel like the abstraction monster would eat me to death if I I have things to apologize for well like I feel like me fake laughing at your joke not you in general but like the general you joke uh is is a is a courtesy more than anything like I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you yeah and so like it would be I feel like it's more thoughtful to fake laugh at someone's joke J yeah you know I I'm doing this cuz I care about you and I I appreciate your attempted humor and it's going to be uncomfortable if I don't laugh at this right and it's better than just like the huh right yeah you don't want to G horrible or like Dead s like and show me more do better like like that's that's mean so I'm right there I'm right there with you ragath 100% also uh apparently there was a weird doc clown weird dog clown anyway there was another clown here that was because that's not kmo right no so you have so this hallway is full of a lot of characters who've abstracted I think that's really interesting there's a bunch of them who've been KN out of this oh oh [Music] jeez thank you help me out of here I understand you don't want to o huh that's interesting so if someone is glitching out so there's abstracted which is I went insane basically and I need to get out of here like I'm so desperate to get out I go kind of crazy and that's that abstraction thing she's undergoing something else which is like almost like glitch death where she's been beat up to such a degree that she's you know know like being booted out of the system or something like that and that's able to be passed along that's that's really interesting I think that that is an important detail and an important distinction here there are multiple ways of basically leaving this simulation or this digital world I'm sorry oh no well didn't matter in the end anyway oh wow and we're passing all sorts of doors what is this purple this one doesn't does it have an X I guess it does you can kind of faintly see the a it's like weird purple creature that's a two-headed monster there's Al wow this is so full of it's uh it's a little ribbon guy right it's a different version of ribbon guy though cuz we saw actual ribbon guy at the end um but this is a different one so it so it does seem like maybe there are multiple version like this also looks it might be another version of the clown so we've seen multiple versions of the clown or a clown we've seen multiple versions of the chest piece now we're seeing multiple versions of the ribbon huh that's I don't know what exactly that means like are they drawing in the same character and and iterating it multiple times like if this is a digital simulation right one of the things that that simulations do is they learn like the the AI can learn and grow based on small changes with each iteration so like we get a a little bit further and we get a little bit further and we get a little bit further it gets a little bit closer to perfection Perfection Perfection until the problem's finally solved and then you've done it but you fail a bunch to get there so I'm wondering if this is related to that at all huh oh and wait there was another there was another gesture gesture gesture gesture thing there too oh no that's pom's [Music] door this is awesome this like this like better than a Pixar movie this is epic like this is really good glitch Productions have always and it the hand is still glitching speaking of glitch Productions the hand is still glitching so it's something that sticks around permanently after it's been touched or at least it takes a long time to wear away that's funny oh there it is yeah thanks to draw attention to it I also notic a poti I don't know what I'm looking at here we saw GL carry one of zil's pieces down there remember oh yeah thank you for the recap All Stars boy we're not very good at this are we love them oh my gosh they're great Su fellas ja so why is he running I mean this might be me completely overthinking things but we last saw him teleport away so if we think that there's more to Jax than meets the eye last we saw of him he opened the door he's like uhoh there's an abstracted monster here I got my bowling ball by and he teleported away so for him to enter on the next scene running and out of breath it's weird especially when we just got done with this like big chase sequence with an abstracted monster just mysterious we found the zubo hole go how is kough mod doing I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his CH oh oh he's doing great in fact I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before well it's good to know he I mean that could him being sarcastic or hiding has completely lost his mind he actually asked me to give you [Music] this mysterious I don't trust this Jack's character what radical that's awesome little bonus points super cool oh this is welcome to merch cave you you two can support the financing of the series H again classic references to all these old video G like you had classic bowling games and stuff right hello insect collection I think it's a nest weird hello awesome ragath that was your name right he that's pretty rough look I'm I didn't mean to leave you behind like that I definitely did that that that was not an accident I didn't mean to leave you behind oh you most certainly did like you even apologized you said sorry and ran away like that is not I didn't mean to leave you behind that is hey I was fearing for my life peace out I tried to protect myself girl hush yeah look at my hand don't make excuses make improvements or just be honest with yourself it's okay I I didn't know what to do it's okay what you need to do right now is find CH right you can look at him his eyes right there take where can I find him uh literally her nose was playing pong love that love that detail look around call for him I suppose okay I'll get them you just stay right there not that you can really move or anything uh just hang in there I'll be right back I promise cool oh so P I'm sorry you're your first day terrible H yeah so this this is a weird Okay so there's a purple dinosaur like Barney Purple Lizard purple dinosaur uh another of the mannequins they're everywhere that's really interesting I still think they're probably like blank slates of something uh I the reason I this though is the framing of this just feels very specific and intentional it's probably nothing but people ask a lot like oh where do you get theories from or like where do your you know like where do you find the evidence for things this is one of those times like if you notice this shot she's not centered she's slightly offc Center and you have this like like almost an unusual amount of focus put on this picture on the left here and looking at it I'm not seeing anything about it like I'm trying to see if there's like any pattern in the colors that could spell out something or like indicate something like binary or whatever or like this like an in the negative space you have like an f and then nothing like I was wondering if maybe there's something written in the negative space But like I see this shot and the fact that this is so in focus and so large and is sharing so much screen real estate with the main character here that in in a world of otherwise like kind of busy and chaotic pictures this feels very specific I don't think it is anything now that I've paused it but that's the sort of thing that I would usually signal me as like oh they're trying to hide something there and they're like indicating it to it but not in a super obvious way but I guess not well don't worry about it I'm just going to go get Kane now I love the fact that she's like oh I'm sorry your first day here sucked as to oh I'm sorry that you're literally trapped here for the rest of your Digital Life Kane we have a bit of an issue here see so he's ignoring them cuz like he has eyeballs everywhere we see the eyeballs in the pictures so this is all intentionally done by Kane like he could probably intervene whenever he wants and I think that's an important detail like whatever simulation or thing that these characters are in and if it's cane controlling a lot of it all of this is being intentionally done by him for I I guess pomy s to see you know to educate her about the system or learn something from her or something like that oh jeeez H and that shows you that the mannequin creatures are at least moving and active to some extent Rising scream [Music] Kane oh still going I look that he is his cited as cough we go what form of non M dares presume presence in the nest of the Glo Queen the GLS I love how all of these characters by the way way are just giving me the the most solid Gard a band band Vibes just like selling me on Gard of band band right now like a bunch of bowling pins that are fully characterized except these are cute I would buy the heck out of a stuffed animal like that adorable old phone back there just interesting oh is that who you are you know you could have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting oh dis a rabbit toid that runs its mouth in the presence of my Royal figure well as a Roy myself I would like to kindly ask if oh look there's zubel hi zubel help me you idiots kind of rude zubo now I don't want to help you I love the fact that it's still ribboned I think technically the scissors would win against the ribbon also strange factoid Ali obsessed with rock paper scissors right now really loves it he will play it with you endlessly huh yeah wow endlessly I don't know why the other day we were at one of his friends's birthday parties he just started to play with me and literally it spread to everyone else in the party it was like a big rock paper scissors party all of a sudden his class is just really into rock paper scissors don't know why and it also to his credit it'll take him 10 games before he starts pulling out black hole or missiles or glue missiles missiles oh you know when when you pull I'm trying to convince him that you have to let something beat black hole and I'm saying glue is be bleed black hole but he's not convinced I didn't realize there was DLC oh there's that oh have you never played rock paper scissors with DLC no you just played by the standard three good for you yeah thank you good for you I'm a traditionalist as you should be it's a perfectly balanced game all of a sudden you start introducing black hole and everyone's like oh it's all chaos missiles you know lightsaber lightsaber yeah it's like what are you going to do man lights paper can't fight against lightsaber paper can't do any of that man it's tough it becomes unbalanced that's the problem with DLC it always unbalances the game right you know Super Smash Brothers great then all of a sudden it's like let's throw in these op characters that weren't balanced against the rest of the crew then what are you left with chaos chaos oh I always lose yes anything here this is just an interesting pile of garbage back there a lot of number I'm noticing in this cave there's a lot of numbers it's not anything that I'm like oh clearly there's like a number code or anything no it's normal gotcha oh you mother that'll be fine oh he's glitching huh so again you have jax that was amazing that was awesome that was that was really fun so again you have jax knowing more than he's letting on that's interesting so very clearly he's hiding some secret or like when he notices things glitching he's a he's aware and knows more than he's letting on got to hide got to hide got to hide ooh moment of self-reflection deep so this is the first time that she's seeing herself glass Barrel monke sure good shot o God where is Kane he's everywhere so the exit doors just kind of appear hello oh so now we're at like an office environment but it's still in this like we've exit but we haven't right this is still part of the simulation it feels like this is a false again if we're training PNE if the AI is trying to do something to train pomy or the the simulation is trying to train something to pomy into this in some way there's this world where all of these cuz Kan again Kane can intervene at any point here so he's purposely seeding out this exit for her to go through to teach her a lesson of something or force her to confront something and it looks like that's a real life circus in the in the pictures oh man we're in the we're in the back rooms yeah it is it's like the back rooms they did the zoom out it's like infinite oh that's funny good they're like well since we're still waiting for Kane's series might as well do yes we haven't had a back rooms update in Forever you foolish assortment of colorful characters do you not realize that everything must be point a great character love this you I also love the M too God will be point this is dumb and weird well yet you're still watching it I'm not here for the adventure or anything I'm just here to hide from the oh thank God you're okay you didn't experience a game show in there did you uh I what are you talking about huh game why that's that's odd that's an odd call out you didn't experience a game show inside the Glo character H I wonder what that's a reference to I wonder if that'll pay off at some point that's a that's a really strange thing to have said what's happening it's just kmo don't worry about it C abstracted nah he's fine you're right how are we going to get out of here guys over there ladies first no wait why would I say that that the worst wait P's not even here wasn't this whole thing for her be quiet I can't hear the escalator can I just say I I watching a ribbon creature riding an escalator is very triggering to me triggering yeah why didn't you grow up in Mortal fear of being trapped on an escalator trapped well not on but like in like being basically strewn into it like spaghetti and then you're stuck in it when it like goes back under is that what you're saying yeah so you get like sucked under like your shoelace gets caught right like my parents I don't know if any other kids have had this but my parents growing up they're like you better if you are stepping onto an escalator with your shoes untied you are taking your life into your own hands like we have signed you know what hands off we we've signed away on your life cuz you're just going to get sucked under by the the ongoing steps and your leg's going to get sucked in there and you're going to be turned into human spaghetti oh my god did you never have that no wow wow I always I always Steph Steph has definitely had this experience I y'all are wild for that maybe maybe that was just kids of Our Generation were taught to fear escalators yeah I that's I mean that's weird but maybe I and maybe the weird one yeah I always wanted to go up an escalator with like only socks on um because then you'd go up to the top and then when that top stair that you're on goes back in and you feel like those ridges going up and you just kind of like slide back I've always wanted to know what that felt like no yes oh you're full you're and then by my generation your toe is getting caught in in that suction that like point of contact where one is getting some like tectonic plates one getting some subsumed under the other and then your toe and and your sock is going to get caught there and your foot's going to get caught in and then you're just going to slowly get get extruded out I take off the article of clothing you're you're you're stuck there's no hope at that point you're done your life is not it's over you lose that sock you lose your life game over friend but no so going back to the reason I call this out is I see this ribbon creature and this ribbon creature is primed for getting sucked under I mean that makes sense just being invited into the underside of that escalator I mean you see those lines in there those indentations I know like if she steps sideways whoop just gone yeah just terrible like the shoelace like a shoelace except a ribbon creature there it is also are do you ever quote unquote polish your shoes whenever it's one of those escalators that have the like brushes on either side you know sometimes they have like the little brushes on the sides yes and so and so then you hold your shoe against it and then it's like oo I'm polishing my shoes no no I've never done that you're missing out you can polish your Crocs asash oh a little Croc polish a little Croc polish a cish the craw please tell me I'm not the only one please you guys at home let me know like one were you were you raised in Mortal Terror of the escalator and two do you Croc polish or not polish your shoes cuz free free shoe polish right there let's go so pom's in the back rooms there's an In-N-Out box so this is clearly an office space I mean you can tell that largely based on some of the filing cabinets and stuff but really here this like really affirms it right in and out huh actually that's an In-N-Out less of like an In-N-Out on your like office desk this is more in andout like inpatient and outpatient it seems like cuz if you think like patients have their individual file folders and they all have a different spot so patient in patient out so maybe it has to do with like hospital or psychiatric word or something that's interesting it's a very specific detail cuz you think of In-N-Out boxes right on a desk like oh here's the paperwork in that I have to process and it goes into the outbound that's a different style of organizational system get out the back keep going keep going PNE you got it oh now we're going upside down that means we're going into chaos yeah so this is again if this is Kane showing PNE this specifically on her first day is to show that there is no Escape right that this is like breaking breaking you down to show you like you cannot leave there's a bunch of computers hold up that's that's super important okay what do we have here so there's a huh so old old CRT monitor old CRT Tower so again this is matching up like the technology the computer technology you'd have I I swear growing up my family had these set of speakers or a speaker very similar to this like the two that you would control separately because this was before they were built-in speakers right and so this is very reminiscent of like that old school computer setup and then you have here here's your VR headset and the screen's off but other screens are on and she and she Los uses it that's interesting I H this and and what's even more I think what I I'm very eager to hear your thoughts on this one Ash because what's most interesting to me is if all of a sudden this whole thing is like I need to get this VR headset off of me I need to get this headset off and everyone's like yeah it didn't work for us either you would assume that you would see someone inside of a VR headset here right right and the fact that the VR headset is there means that that isn't real that that the whole idea of like there's a headset on me whatever that that's not true so that could lend Credence to the idea that these aren't actually humans trapped in a simulation like like Sword Art Online style but rather these personalities are humans were once were once humans and now their like brains or whatever have been scanned in and these are just like digital replicas of them yeah there's like fabricated memories or something like that as they come in um right like the fact that she can't cuz again her memory seems to start the second she puts she's like oh no I got this thing on but you ask her about her name and we haven't heard her like struggling to remember her backstory but at least she doesn't know her name so it's one of those things where her memories begin the second she jacks into the system maybe that's because that is truly where pomy the essence that is pomy began like maybe she has Remnant human memories but she is this new cre are born out of those also important to note this computer is dirty oh it is it is this is rancid it so like I don't know if this implies that there's like a lot of of time has passed and kind of like what you said with the headset you would expect that to be on and the fact that it's like off and especially off to the side right like I don't know if this is a setup that pomy is familiar with and expected it to look a different way cuz we have like in the back right there we have a computer on um and isn't like as yellowed as what we clearly see in the far back right yeah it's interesting that there are computers that are on that are in more of like a traditional cubicle setup and then yeah you have her ancient computer cuz again the fact that she's reacting to this computer specifically shows that there is a connection here between pomy and this computer right yeah and so she's reacting to this specific one it's ancient it's off as opposed to every other one that's on and and yeah the headset's off to the side all those are important details here to symbolize this connection so you know it's it's real this is it's a really interesting scene and I think it's really well done um just all the all the paper is all over the floor and the clear like indication that time has passed and that there was an expectation here and a familiarity that has not been upheld um and the fact that it like it incites just instant you know the the this the Catalyst of in sanity yeah it's it's really compelling how impacted pomy is by this right well and again like if this I I see why everyone was asking us to to react to this because like I I had on my to-do list of like oh this is a big video I should watch this and see if there's anything here but the amount of people flooding in and saying like hey do a theory about this react to this whatever I see exactly why there's so much here and there's a lot of hints at the deeper story what's going on and there's a lot of layers and directions to go with it it's very very cool um but yeah this is just like this is actually just like a very horrific emotive moment it's it's really really exciting to see right it's ancient that computer hasn't been touched [Music] forever yeah it's it's her breaking point right CNA Caine and Abel I mean c we know we know there's a c named Kane and then you know you think about Cain and then it's always Cain and abble in the biblical story there's there I don't know um but yeah Kane and Abel were the first uh the the the sons of Adam and Eve right and Cain kills his brother Abel nothing I can't imagine there being anything here I haven't seen any religious imagery but that is interesting CNA so that is this is the company oh man and her hand is still glitching through all of this so Kane has to be the one to pick this also worth noting so she ends up in the void this is the same coloring that happened when Kane first showed her the void and he like got in real close and like I don't even know what's on the other side and so this blue tone this like blue shift that keep happening seems to be happening at like key moments or moments that are related to like escaping the void or something I'm not they're using it in very specific moments that I can't quite wrap my head around like why or when this is her this is her [Music] Escape [Music] wild oh wild go in there oh wow and and so you have a lot of these mannequins oh bubble you always know how to make me say this exact sentence huh so again this feels like it's a loop you always know how to make me say this exactly I mean that's obviously played for laughs but also this idea of if this is a simulation and these are digital copies of real humans now all of a sudden you have lines like this which is like oh we're in this Loop and we're iterating right if if if this is some sort of simulated reality created by a computer that's running a simulated Loop over and over again and trying to learn how pomy as a character how these individual characters behave and react and trying to see you know get them to whatever end point they're trying to do it would make sense then that Kane's like oh yeah you always know know how to get me here cuz this same sequence of events has happened so many times and yet bubble is still there able to say the thing that gets him to that same spot that's interesting yes alert on my wacky watch at this hour hold up wing dings oh buddy oh buddy order now the wacky wacky watch 1999 yeah clearly wingdings uh one two three four five six seven seven I mean can you actually call this I'm I'm sure this must have here first let's check the wacky oh buddy I'm sure this is getting inundated with stuff and I think this goes without saying um oh hello Wait f footage was recovered glitch Productions hey Kane what's up can't talk makes sense you're probably getting ready for the big release of the amazing big release of digital circus why don't you show the folks at home a little what you've been working on huh okay so I mean there it is like there's the video game right there they even showed you the menu of it Jack ratha Jack and all the je was hold up was that Jack Black it sure was was why the gang in The Amazing digital circus an immersive experience like never before in this wacky Place New Friends learn Jack Black as around replacing C CMO is CMO like going to be voiced as Jack Black why is Jack that would be crazy that's weird every corner and with our new experimental Hardware that it'll probably pass inspection gets you awesome visual and lifelike audio it's like you're really stuck stuck in there with everyone buy it now and you'll even get a limited edition digital circus glor why the glor offer in valid in New Jersey the amazing digital glor stick circus your adventures are limited only by your imagination [Music] huh huh that's interesting that was really interesting so I mean that the way they talked in that one made it seem like they actually are like trapped in there I don't think they are like I I don't know if they are I am not sure about that one very interesting wacky but you definitely saw that it's absolutely a video game um here can I view page Source I had here a second ago view page Source there we go I'm just GNA I don't know what exactly I'm looking for yeah right there's there's a lot yeah there's there's a lot miss the days when you could look through source code and just you knew like and was and you were just like oh there's one line it's very obvious what it is so yeah you could do something like near the top here about the software like in comments or something but yeah to dig around probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense wacky watch huh and then okay so what's this wingdings stuff going on here so wing dings show me this you're going to be numbers res okay that's not it show me oh jeez show me oh come on man man where oh my God Wing ding's translator right is this here this is the way to do it my god oh come on oh my god oh come on this shouldn't be this hard what is right click and open image yeah right uh copy image open image there we go there you go there are so much better that's what I was looking for okay so what do we got we've got folder mailbox hourglass or like file two two um hourglass is six yeah two eight oh there's Mouse so here okay 1800 here we go let's let's see how it goes I guess we're calling this yay 1800 I love calling mysterious numbers on my phone 40 what was the paper uh two two 402 oh man I'm GNA get some weird spam thing it is it is the right number of numbers for a phone number cuz usually you don't have it uh mailbox hourglass Mouse mailbox is oh Dash maybe that's how they're saving it oh Dash yep mail blocks oh wait or comma the flag is up so it's Dash Okay so I guess I can't call it that's that's good I was for their sake six Mouse 68 that what was the last thing it was the phone in the circle circle open parenthesis see okay so I guess it doesn't really translate to anything I wonder I wonder I wonder if it there's something there ooh you're even getting coordinates is this a coordinate uh oh oh wow they're going all out here 5432 degre something right I'm not exactly sure what that is it does feel like it's some sort of coordinate thing though oh no someone's venturing out into the void they'll get totally spoiled spoiled spoiled spoiled that's that's a weird word to use there that's a weird verb huh spoiled as far as what's coming up they're not so either they are fresh and they will see what's going on and it'll like ruin them as an experiment they'll they'll see what's coming up down the line they won't be able to be tested on anymore spoiled that's weird huh there you go so he didn't actually intend for that to happen now what the heck happened around here oh yeah so what did she see Kane CMO went through a sort of cmosis and abstracted kmo abstracted why didn't any anybody tell me also her hand's better now just from T tell me see her hand's not glitching anymore just from him like touching and into the cellar you go huh oh wow there's a lot of them man I can't believe kmo just gave up like that I mean no offense ker but I always thought you would be next thank you guess it just goes to show you can't rely on kinger for anything I am in so much pain yeah see it's just all better I do have to apologize for lying about the exit I for lying about huh so pomy chose so I'm wondering if there like like if if they're running iterations of this right I'm wondering if there maybe this is some sort of test for pomy of like hey are you going to save ratha or are you going to try to get out of here like are you prioritizing yourself or are you prioritizing other people and maybe the iterations are trying to get her or this creation or whatever to a point where she's able to prioritize other people I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one but you know I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put on the other side and ended up never quite finishing it and you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work especially if it leads you out into the void so he created the exit kind of just as like a false hope huh okay anyway looks like you defeated the GL Queen so I guess the adventure's over your reward is a delicious digital Feast cooked by our head bubble Chef made with all love I'm legally allowed to give know I am I just like that performance it's just how it how it petered off at the end it great pretty hungry you didn't even do anything so why I can still be hungry well not really because we don't need to eat drink or sleep in this digital world so the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits she lay off it since when are you and expert on the digital world expert on the [Music] what delicious yummy oh wonderful hilarious polygons right I love that it's like Last Supper setup too where they're all like lined up one of you will betray her right I mean is this this is last supper right it's just a reference I don't think this is anything symbolic but if we're going if the whole can enable thing like this is actually a religious reference if there is a can and aable sort of thing like this the whole I mean this is the classic setup right of facing the T like this table facing outward oh my gosh Come on there we go huh huh what no I'm just there's a lot to say about how color is used yeah in this show and with pomy we see a lot of blue and red um and like the combinations of two colors is really interesting here just because like pom is Central and Christ in this painting is also Central yeah I was going to say yeah no Christ really interesting yeah no pom is absolutely in the in the gesus position which I and it's interesting pulling this up I never really thought I love I love you calling out the color because I wouldn't have noticed it but the red and blue yeah in in the cloak that's fascinating there's a lot of color dichotomy that we're seeing in this whether it's like with Kane's eyes or the red and the blue um in basically P's entire outfit and even like Crossing in the eyes rather than having one like it full like everything is separated in some way right it is really fascinating and even the back right the background right now is all red and blue too yep like everything is like fractured and like separated yeah they're not quite I was wondering if they were making like similar sorts of poses but not not [Music] particularly name that [Music] expression huh h Huh okay so this is the real world very obviously you you have the sun coming in through the window it's so we saw the simulated version of this inside of it but this is the exact same thing headset's still off so if this was pom's desk or a desk that she relates to there's still no human here right which is real again real suspicious the fact that there's still no human here again I think is really reinforcing this idea of even though they're saying like there's something on my face I don't think that's necessarily true computers on so this is the computer that's running this simulation huh I wonder if this is like if this is a computer that each of these people who are trapped in there have used yeah or or you know if it's more of the classic analog horror thing where it's like a game or a program that you run and you get sucked into that or if it's all in this one Central machine like is that implying that right it's yeah I I'm curious about that it's also I think what's really important to call out here right is in pom's nightmare in the back rooms when she loses it it's off but here it's on whereas in the simulation all of the all the computers were on so I wonder why why why this dichotomy of them being on verses off that's really interesting all right that's that's the final image great this is so good this is so good I love [Music] this smooth [Music] jazz turning down the copyright reasons yeah I was going to say oh they're so cute right oh my gosh hey they already got the merch ready to go interesting that they chose Jax Ju Just calling out that the hey we have two character cuz to me I would think like pomy and ragi would be your first first two choices it's interesting they call it Jax so again if Jax like it shows that in the minds of the creators Jax is a very prominent and important character and obviously he's like one of the main guys that you follow in this episode but I would actually have pit Kane or ratha is more important so the fact that these are the first two plush he sold tells you a lot about like hey he's he's probably more important than he lets on kind of like what we've been guessing this whole time I'm having a moment Matthew yes so like the way that they are all um colored here like the choices that they make um there's all some kind of variance of red blue or a combination of both right like Jax is by far prob the character that has the most like color Unity yeah where there's nothing that's really split like we have two yellow gloves and the two yellow buttons and then like the reddish pink overalls and the bluish purple um kind of like fur right it's kind of like a union of these colors and I don't know if that symbolizes some form of like acceptance or some like I don't know if that's some sort of like grounding or you know understanding or like okay I've I have an understanding of what's going on here right like if that's an outward representation of that um but just how they use color here is like making it's making that click for me now yeah um I just I saw I was like whoa oh my gosh so maybe that's nothing um no it's you you call out the unity thing and that's I think that's really interesting because if you look and and who knows it could be a character design thing but he is the only one that's symmetrical every everyone else has like you said has this like inbalance she's pom's all split and even her eyes if you fold her in half her eyes don't match up right he is perfectly symmetrical and and perfectly unified and he matches the background here ragi has one eye Kane has one eye or the two eyes that are different colors yeah so he's not perfectly symmetrical um you go over to the this next batch obviously zugal zugal I think it was is a complete mismash of everything you have uh kinger who I noticed like his eyes are a skew and this and that that again that could just be like wacky character decision to make him fun but like he's off-kilter and then again you have a character made of ribbon which is kind of flexible and whatever but has two different masks two different shaped eyes all that stuff yeah and with kingar we saw that glimpse of the queen figure who had the inverse eye layout yeah so her opposite eye was higher and so if you put them next to each other then there might have been more symmetry there might balance yeah oh hello right so again it it and and the reason that's important right I think it goes to to calling out right the reason that's important again is because it sets him apart it sets Jax apart relative to everyone else when in theep episode itself he is also the one with the keys the one with the extra information the the guy who is kind of like confidently playing everyone else and hiding details like he has repeated reaction shots that are unseen by everyone else where it shows that he has some sort of power or whatever so very interesting uh it seems like the show is kind of lying to us about a couple of key things uh it's lying to us about whether or not these are actually humans trapped into simulation we see that at least no one at that desk is actively wearing that headset that seems very intentionally shown to us it shows us that Jax might be more than just a a random character here so that feels important um it it feels like maybe this is a simulation that has run multiple times or multiple iterations to try and get some sort of result out of these these characters um so I I am very intrigued I don't know how long this is going to take for them to produce another episode I don't know if this is going to be on the same cycle as uh murder drones which you know they have one release and then there's a pretty long Gap in time before the next one I think what Mur we said murder drones has been going for like two years and has six episodes so it's very protracted timelines there um but man it's great I am so excited to see what else they have in store because this is this is really solid there's a lot to chew on uh so you can bet there'll be a film theory about this coming up in the near future uh so thank you for recommending it let us know your theories down in the comments below let us know theories over on uh the game theorist subreddit or the film theorist subreddit either one works uh I follow both game theorist is just the one that's bigger and has the wider reach uh and this would be totally fine even though it's not a game it's just general theorizing uh but let us know it'd be nice to mix up that page anyway uh away from just FNAF all the time and throw some of this in here because this is fascinating there's a lot of different directions to take it uh so thank you for bringing it to our attention hope you enjoyed our reactions and as always my friends I will see you in the next video so without any further ado remember it was a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,938,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing digital circus pilot, digital circus, the amazing digital circus reaction, the amazing digital circus pilot reaction, the amazing digital circus, amazing digital circus, pomni, caine, jax, digital circus lore, digital circus explained, the amazing digital circus reation, the amazing digital circus easter eggs, glitch productions, digital circus pilot, digital circus episode 1, amazing digital circus ending, game theory, matpat, gtlive, matpat amazing digitcal circus, gt
Id: AAOUctZo030
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 15sec (5535 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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