Can I Spot The IMPOSTER?! | That’s Not My Neighbor

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yeah you're not easy full no oh there there he is flirting with me again see if only they would all get mad when I called them out on their mistakes that would be great please everyone threaten to eat me eat me please someone eat [Music] me [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not live for today we're hanging out with neighbors not the people on screen of this guy who is not actually my neighbor which is actually on theme with everything strangely enough that the neighbor theme runs deep in this episode uh for those of you who don't know this is not a creative director this is not an editor this is not my wife uh this is shocking everyone uh this right here this is Dan hey everyone I'm Dan just Dan just Dan uh Dan has for those of you who watch the final Theory U Matt Pat's final Theory over in game theorist um that's where I I talked pretty openly about Dan and his relationship with me uh Dan and I go way back how far back do we go Dan it was 2012 and we were co-workers yep and I did not care at all about your channel no one no one had had the company did they wanted you they wanted your channel to join but not actually didn't care about it and any no they're just like well you work here so obviously your channel must belong here and I'm like that's not true please let me be able to keep my side project side and my main work my main work yeah yeah but then Dan uh you were working with music uh Talent at the time right so I was working with music Talent trying to figure out how they should be growing their their channels and especially back then cover songs were some of the biggest creators were doing covers yeah this was back in the day when you can have a successful Music Channel on YouTube and you know the music industry wouldn't come and strike you down all the time and oh they were starting to but they were starting right but they were starting to but it was still like early days where yeah they had seen like oh Myspace was a thing people for half the audience SE going even know dated at this the music indust we saw Myspace became become so huge and and sell for a ton of money and they're like oh we didn't get any of that and YouTube was kind of the next version of that right and so they were like hey this is becoming a thing how do and like they're using music we should gobble up yeah and so um for for me and I was working in music and I left cuz I saw these people building a huge audience but no one was really helping them think through how to grow their career and so you know I joined the same company where where where you were working to to help creators grow and when I got there I didn't really know how like what a YouTube channel like I started a little bit but I didn't really know how it worked or how to grow and the first thing I thought is hey how does SEO work because in the cover song game it's so much yeah it was so much about people searching for like Taylor Swift lyric video or like you know uh John Mayor cover song or whatever no 100% it was very much a SEO driven algorithm game like it really was in those early days yeah and people would just binge the covers were so huge massive back in the day like yeah that was it was music was the biggest vertical back in the day it was bigger than gaming at the time absolutely 100% And so so I came in to kind of help them figure it out and also kind of figure out how it works with the music Publishers how to how everyone can kind of play nice and I I you know I started at the company and I was like I need to really understand how this works and then you were there I was there you were there I existed in the corner I was I was small little underappreciated employee in the corner and but very quickly I was like okay like of everyone here this guy is the most valuable like I want to understand for myself how YouTube works so that I can share that with a at the time manag were just were just dropping over their cents you were telling what to do and they weren't listen no one was listening no it's it's true uh this was so this was back in the days where you know game theory was was solid like it I mean it was it was growing really a couple hundred thousand maybe yeah we had a couple hundred thousand and I was finding out a lot of good stuff in the data I was experimenting with the audience and and everyone was resonating I was learning a ton about the platform and you know I was I was delivering probably like three or four hourong plus presentations to uh some of the biggest creators on the platform yes like 30 slides each of like this is your data and this is what it means and this is how you use it this and that and getting nowhere like no one they were yeah and you're like and because their channel was so much bigger than yours right they're like why would I listen to you exactly and and uh but you got it I got it because I was okay yeah it makes sense and I I also came from a place of like I you know I I don't have a channel let me let me learn and also I started applying the stuff that you were doing and it was working it was working right and so it was one of those things where Dan very early on started to have conversations with me you instead of me just like regurgitating stuff to other people you're like hey I want to learn so you then we try this yeah you yeah you would be like hey I can give my clients like the easy stuff that that you're telling everyone and then you that gives me time to dig deeper into it and find more interesting I remember specifically pink put out a song I forget if it was I think it was called it's either give me a reason or just give me a reason but the I think the hook is whatever the hook is the hook is different than the title of the song there was one or two word differences and then I went to Google Trends and search and I saw and I was like hey they are searching more for the for the uh for the the tag that is not in the title should I have my clients like like up their video with the wrong title but more searchable you're like absolutely cuz they'll they'll there'll be less competition for more popular search tourament yeah no you were you were asking questions that I hadn't thought about and I thought that was awesome like you were challenging me in ways that I hadn't thought about which was which was great and I'm like hey I I like this guy you like me and then we just started working together from there and and they told me they told us not to talk to each other as much they're like you're taking up too much of mass time and I'm like no please let me talk to him cuz he's giving me all these good ideas and also yeah he's listening to my one of the few that was listening which was cool but uh anyway and and Dan has been my manager ever since and he's been working in the background to make these channels function and run and and selling deals and stuff like that so yeah we did game lab and Global gamer a lot of fun stuff I was actually going to say uh you know we we'll get to that's not my neighbor here in a second but I didn't want to pull up Global gamer cuz that was the one where I think this was underappreciated back in the day but this was our 36 this was with Google was Daydream it was day wasn't it no uh it was around the time they had a jump cam which was essentially 16 GoPros in a ring yeah that would overheat constant all the constant overheating um it was the most like janky of things but they're like here fly to Japan test it looked neat it it looked like a UFO and we were able to film in locations that we shouldn't have been able to film in because no one actually knew that it was a camera we well so we had yeah we had to like get permission to say that we were filming I think we tried to explain hey we want to film 3 60 video and that plus the language barrier was just impossible but yeah we we ended up we did so much cool stuff we got to I think we went to Konami and filmed there which was amazing this was the this was the first ever 8K video this was either the first ever 8K video or at least the first ever 8K 360 video so on YouTube this file the file for this was too big to upload to Youtube if you remember we had to send it on a Google Drive or like a hard drive to an engineer to actually get it uploaded it was the it was the largest video on YouTube it was the largest video on you we had to get special limits put on our channel so we could upload it in its entirety it's also why it had to be broken up into two videos and this and that we did a lot of Firsts across the platform and I think that that's the bleeding edge we were very bleeding edge when when YouTube Originals back then YouTube R was like Hey you know do a 360 component you know VR component to your show like okay we've never done that let's try it yeah we were kind of like I would read a press release being like Oh Google's doing this thing and then I would email hey can we you know we often often you know Matt would come up with an idea for like hey wouldn't it be cool if we did this yeah and then I would think through okay let's figure out can we get a brand to sponsor it or often it was it was it was YouTube themselves yeah YouTube YouTube was really good at like saying yes to a lot of the crazy stuff that we had in our our head which was awesome or like you said you would hear news about them like with this weird camera or this 360 initiative or whatever and you're like hey we can do that and it's like yeah let's and so much I think so much of our success is being proactive and be like hey this is something we want this is something we want to do we hear you have this thing you're looking to do we can help sort of articulate why that's why others should know about it but but like certainly a career highlight was convincing Google to give us money to go to Tokyo and play around right and and I mean that's honestly what it was this this was it was literally like give us money we'll walk around with this wacky UFO thing in our back stuffed full of ice packs cuz again it it would overheat and so they're like their recommended way of using it was put ice packs in the middle of it to give you like an extra 15 to 30 minutes of footage yeah and that was it like it was insane it was insane so we're walking around through like shabuya station and stuff like this with this like wacky backpack oh yeah oh um no permits oh certainly not no permits certainly not so we're walking around and like okay it's it's one thing to walk around with a with one camera right you walk around with like an insane 16 ring and and so like especially uh in this video when we're walking around the temple and other stuff like like it's it's Matt walking and then everyone is just doing like like turning their head to look and yeah if you watch if you watch Global so this was Global gamer which I always said there needed to be a gamer travel show um which this was not a GL like it is but it it was a weird pilot because you know it's a 360 video but um but I always wanted to do a gamer travel show and they're like yeah do it but but do it in 360 um but yeah you if you watch this it's it's two parts it's like 15 20 minutes each and uh you you if you watch everyone in the 360 window you see people like as we walk past them you see them turn back and watch us go back it's so funny it's so funny to watch um this is also I think the last footage of robot like some of the only existing footage of Robot Restaurant that exists at this because so you you normally couldn't film in there right but we got I don't remember what we did but we I we paid someone like something happened where we actually got to film and not only film like film in in in in 360 yeah so you had the entire show which is also funny cuz it is so full of copyright infringement I remember we were sitting down down the way from guys who worked at DreamWorks and all of a sudden like bootleg Kung Fu Panda jumps out from behind the black curtains and I just hear a muttering like oh we're going to have a meeting about this next week or something oh my gosh cuz it's like Fu Panda fighting like a Transformer or something like that yeah it was non-sanctioned uh yeah and and this the Robot Restaurant is literally like five six seven floors underground and so you have all these fireworks and Mech suits dancing around firing off in this very low ceilinged building and I it was quite it was small quarters it was tight quarters it was tight um and I felt like the entire time the building was going to catch fire at any given moment but uh the reason I pull it up is Not only was this just highlight of things that we've gotten to do together but it's also like one of the rare Dan instances on camera so and that's one of the reasons why so Dan came out this week to celebrate uh my retirement my final video and so while you were here I wanted to get a chance to have you on the couch okay great so here you are all it took was you retiring for me to you know well now you can't do damage at this I'm just oh whatever no I'm just Happ I've been trying to get you out to North Carolina for years so I'm glad that you you took the time thanks man absolutely here I've watched so many of these so now I'm I'm inside of the I know you're in the Box intern yeah yeah you're in the box now how are you at uh promoting merchandise by the way oh good I I mean look I'm I'm an expert in talking points and reads and making sure that things are uh great you followed perfect uh this is not this is not a Dan sponsored read this is actually an us sponsored read so uh in the aftermath of of uh us just making really good merchandise over the years and really good apparel items over the years uh Dune has actually wanted to do an official partnership with us yes the the large movie popular movie Dune uh has actually done a partnership with us then we're we're making official merch for them now which is really cool uh so it's it's Theory wear X Dune and that's available now uh via pre-order in the link in the description down below but I wanted to show off a couple of the items down here we've got this awesome jacket where and these are ours like these are only made by us in theory where this isn't like Mass exive yeah it's exclusive to us which is really cool so we have this kind of like Sandy coat you know in the style of the sand dunes of arus but then inside of it you got like a cool sand sand worm the lining is the lining is beautiful which is amazing here uh and then this guy the one that I'm wearing actually is really cool it's it's inspired by the still suits that they have um so you have all the different straps and pockets and things which is it's like a cool utility jacket and again it's it's stuff that that we're like hey we like your movie we like your franchise and you want us to make stuff together like let's do things that are inspired by your world uh so that's cool and then lastly the lining is really nice on on the on the hoodie too yeah uh but you know like our goal has always been to to make stuff that is actual like apparel or has Design Elements to it as opposed to what it feels like most of the other ecosystem exists out there right which is like just spray a logo on it and pump it out you know get a bunch of blank hoodies spray a logo on it right like my goal has always and and we've made some of those because you know sometimes it makes sense to make those but like for the most part the stuff that gets us really excited and the stuff that we really want is the things that have Design Elements to it that are cut and sew that are that are different Silhouettes or things that you're not just going to be able to pick up off the rack and you know write buttons and zippers and places where you may not expect them but have some utility like where else are you finding a you know sandworm liner you know like I like things with interesting details and liners and asymmetry and Silhouettes you know and so this I I you know shout out to Dune and everyone there working uh to kind of give us the okay to like give us the faith and partner with us on this sort of thing we're actually looking at doing more down the line with them in the future which is really cool to be able to do this not just with like Five Nights at Freddy's and you know franchises that are like internet first and digital first but to actually get recognition from some of the biggest uh content producers and IP developers out there in the world to be like hey we see the good work that you guys are doing out there and and we'd be proud to kind of share the spotlight with you like that's really awesome yeah like you know it's it's really cool like we we've worked out with some of the biggest gaming IP and now some of the larger film ones you know dune's like number one movie this year so far I mean not like there's been a whole lot of competition but like it's it's really cool and and the movie is fantastic like I think it's an all-time classic when you look at like what are the movies that withstand the test of time and become like definitive moments in time in like cinematic history and I think like Dune part one and two is that so it's it's cool it's cool to be kind of have our little small part of that history which is awesome uh but now that all the business is out of the way uh I wanted to put Dan to the test yeah let's see how let's let them learn how bad I am at video games oh man today should be right up your alley it's all process oriented right this is all you know judging people ooh I'm good I'm good yeah I was going to say I feel like judging neighbors is like judging your neighbor judge Thy Neighbor are you going to be good with that yeah absolutely okay fantastic uh so basically your your job here is you're going to be oh look at that guy well right exactly and you would say that he's probably an impostor right he's kind there's a lot going on there yeah oh he's sus for sure yeah we've got ourselves uh this guy who is Roman stilinski stalinsky yeah oh stalinsky look great good one stalinsky Roman stalinsky he's but he doesn't have a hat on he doesn't have a hat on that's why we gotat he's wearing a hat suspect well let's see he's on one one Roman stalinsky mhm uh he's an accountant big nose one eyebrow scar on right chin long face where's a hat so one eyebrow scar on right definitely big nose hat big no huge nose right yeah so okay we're looking good there one eybrow where's the hat so now we need the number 48 3924 48 3924 48 3924 the 59 684 at the end Works 59 684 so I I need to do six numbers okay 05 I think I think it's good 059 6 great okay good and he's an accountant so let's check his paperwork Roman sski I'm a resident of the building I come from my job as an accountant we got a logo here yeah it's looking good got a logo here got a date here I feel like he checks out I appearance enter request he's on today's List complete so having played you because you play this before I what's the ratio to like imposters you know to it is still something that it's an unknown Ash Ash can tell you that we haven't had the the most successful okay here right Ash no there's been some skill issues okay okay we got Margaret bubbles 2 three Margaret bubbles okay she lives in the third apartment on the second floor okay two three yep third apartment second floor there we go Margaret bubbles uh SE just seem curly hair deviated left eye oh boy I know big smile okay deviated left eye she's not my eyes are ma'am and she's looking off to the side right okay everything else looks good do we check her number yet what do we say there she is I'll do the second half okay you got this one yeah yeah great checks out for me double double great great good and what's her I live on third floor we don't know her job but it also doesn't seem like we need to she looks good she wasn't wasn't she seamstress she is but she didn't say that do we I don't think we necessarily need to know that do we okay so here's a pro tip yes if you want it apparently we're supposed to be calling the apartments with the numbers every time um I don't think it has to be every time but for a situation like this where it's one person in the apartment if someone picks up then there's going to be a problem no get out of here really oh wow you got a dupe you got a duplicate 6431 yeah so I should call her up and see make sure at least do it for this one so that you know that you can do it in the future okay really wow okay we'll see so I'm expecting an answering machine is that a hangup the phone has gone dead someone it up the line's gone dead I I feel like I should be concerned that someone's killed the line that in and of itself is is that did not help me Ash I feel like that's the antithesis of what I was looking to happen there oh no and so what is what's the punitive uh thing if someone is legit and we don't let them in uh they die we kill them oh that's pretty big Stak yeah the the stakes are high if we if we let in an impostor the the residents die and and we die but if we don't let them in and and it's wrong that individual who is innocent also dies oh wow they don't just like have to wait outside awkwardly for a no no we have no I know this this High Stak it's a video game you know you go all in right so her idea looks good her appearance looks good her entry request is missing a detail can we can we get maybe what you were doing press her okay she doesn't say anything wrong with it which to be fair she's not incorrect she breathing heavy look at her she's breathing heavy even her skull is inflating that's what I'm saying right you can tell she's nervous she's not toess though I think we let her in I'm going to I'm going to live to regret this I feel like I'm going to live to regret this ash is like you fool what have you done what have I done Ash did I screw it up did you something let's call someone else because if it's if it's an answering machine versus a di tone Oh see yeah by process of elimination we can find out this guy's the Milkman I you can never trust the Milkman he looks tired he's the Milkman he's working hard early uh yeah Francis Moses Francis Moses 3-2 Francis mosses 32 yep I am a resident of building I come from my job as a Milkman that is correct uh we got a logo we got a logo we got a date 2 three5 oh okay you got the number uh I do yeah okay CL three two y number Works yep number works as well for me short hair where's the Hat tired okay tired eyes tired eyes see look even called out you know you're tired when a document used to identify you calls out the fact that you just look tired looks like you just got punched in the face long nose Tire thin chin tired eyes short hair where's a hat I mean it looks like him long it it looks looks about right I mean it's a long nose he has a Milkman he's all these things Ash told me to call the number 4122 we'll call the number just just for you Ash 4 One 2 make sure that no other Milkman answer the phone be like hey I've been here the whole time okay so one two and then a dial Okay so so the fact that all the lines are going dead seems like it's okay he's in I got you bud I think this apartment complex should maybe get a key fob system right I yeah like like an ID scan yeah or something oh boy see now this yeah this is suspicious I feel like this guy is not someone we should let in not to judge anyone on their appearance but yeah yeah this there's something mostly because he's not on the list oh let's be honest he's not on the list right now ID not quite matching no not quite will you believe it Dan I have failed this test multiple times uh we're going to say you know he's he's he's got he's got a whole lot of nothing right now his entry request is s though yeah yeah we see we're gonna we're we're gonna have to call on this guy [Music] oh yeah so so we should call the phone and see if someone picks up should we see what what that looks like just to see if uh no we're just going to call him and and we're just going to get this guy arrested okay he's dead oh oh yes oh oh so we call someone when they're uh yeah when we have an impost yeah this this is oh yeah oh let's ride him out absolutely yeah this this guy's this guy's going nowhere three three one two what happens to Mr impostor now he he'll he will die okay I'm I'm okay with that yeah are you okay with that he's trying to get in and kill yeah if it's me or him oh I forgot that I have to hit the emergency button sorry emergency button now I hit it three three I don't know why you have to have the extra step but there it is it's more dramatic it is yeah two I had to really think about that last number there for a second wait oh wait are we in February 1955 see now you're picking up on Clues that's a good question it took me what 15 minutes and I'm like oh wait like what what year is it it's all right you're you're just focused on the gameplay I appreciate that okay cleaning protocol is running right now ladies and gentlemen here we go see so it's being cleaned he's being purged from the universe and there he is got it so that guy's on our side hopefully who knows you know in true Game Theory fashion he probably isn't he's probably a villain we're probably the villain this entire time the impost what's this little clown uh car great question ever dream of this clown have you ever dreamed of this clown Dan definitely not no no other other similar clowns though I like that you had to think about it for a second yeah I I I work through all the clowns I dream about and then two four uh yeah you dream about clowns frequently anastasha miches I live here whatever my apartment is the fourth on the second floor like floor there we go there you go anasta mes is the name different no it looks right okay you got the number uh yeah yeah got it yeah good date date good he's there anasta miches she's always the one who gets me an aacha go back to her thing is there one there's one s in her name okay okay right okay you got it yeah I think so okay should we call up her her floor just to know 1346 cuz she's she's burned me multiple times she's a tricky one right I've learned Ash Ash told me to call people okay nacha oh boy my daughter is not home oh right cuz there's okay is she back I like that I give no response to that if I was the mother I would be very concerned about the fact that just immediately slams the phone on it I can't open that door for you have a great day ma'am please don't kill everyone well well well look who's back Mr Dr W Afton he doesn't have an entry request yeah sure you do and and because his name is Aton were're already suspect of him already this guy's already on our bad list like I might just call the number just to call the number on someone Nam Dr William Aton we don't know uh 250 489 got it yeah okay yeah got it okay Dr W Aton physicist robust eyebrows where's glasses short hair round nose square head robot looks good is he robust I I don't think I would have said that but they're yeah they match at the very least yes square glasses short hair round nose yep square head yeah yeah that looks good uh I'm a resident of the building I come from my job as a physicist 31 Dr Afton looks good got dates he's got logos he's on the list I think we're good we're going to say yes to him yes I guess we'll let you through this time Aton but don't you come back something tells me he will though he always does strange how that works oh boy didn't we see her so oh this is the twin this might be the twin definitely not the twin though her eyes should be shut should we oh let's say it hey ma'am yeah what's going on with those eyes right there they are normal human eyes see yeah we're going to have to we're going to have to dial this one right here yeah see now we let her sister in so the sister may pick up well that that could that's just an imposter of Selen Seline whatever you call her name so that that right there imposter duplicate but we let her sister in earlier so the sister may pick up we're not calling the sister cuz we know imp got it see you got you got it you're getting it you're getting it you're a pro okay so they clean her up nice yeah so she's dead now that's great that is great feel good about us we we've done good work here today excellent job us maybe we'll be able to complete a level of this game successfully maybe it's real Dusty out there huh oh yeah from uh from an allergen standpoint I'm glad there's like a glass thing in clothed yeah this this place is not Co compliant I say that the filtration system is not yeah they got to got a hea HEPA fan in there uh she went out visiting her mother one Lois stalsky she's not on the list hey ma'am you're not on the where's the checklist there we go not on the list oh I had to leave due to an emergency so this is the time to call right there oh y yeah I like it I like it uh what floor was she on she's on one one1 okay 1152 and we let him in 1152 so he better yeah you better have a good cover story what do we got show me what you're working with okay Roman hey hoser we're not expecting any visitors say no more sir get out of here get dunked on Lois I see now why it's to call yeah yeah get out of here and go get a haircut in the words of Genesis Genesis get a haircut and get a real job is that is that correct is that Genesis song I thought you were talking about like the biblical text and I was like I don't remember God's saying that I don't know that's why they got thrown out of the Garden of Eden fun fact really too long hair they were standards oh man Mandela effect I thought it was the Apple but noow Apple was you know just like a byproduct it a metaphor it was for long hair right no classic classic band Genesis no the prog I don't know what I can't dance I can't walk only thing about me is the way I walk I can't yeah get a haircut get a real don't be a slab I don't know see this guy oh that's an unfortunate condition that is a that is a walking nightmare right there I feel like we need to flash up like some what Trypophobia that's a Trypophobia right there that's not great like I don't even want to question this guy like this is just immediate there's no there's no doubt about that one friends that guy is just he struggle he's struggling hard he did not he did not come out of the the Clone kitchen fully formed that guy's a whole mess thank you well done thank you thank you appreciate that here we skip this there we go so anyone that doesn't have like human these are all human yeah okay yeah they should all look fairly human right to varying degrees of weirdness but yeah I think we got this I'm feeling good about our chances at passing this this day without having killed anyone another so okay we've seen her before we let her in right we let her in so hopefully hopefully we did not let in her doppelganger margarett bubbles I am resident of the ability I went out for my job as a seamstress now the other one when they she gave us the form it didn't say seamstress we might have let the wrong one in okay he does have the ey the deviated left eye you got the number uh one second okay yeah okay oh man don't you tell me this no not again I can't have this happening again because the the the the form it didn't have their job I thought it did have her job no it didn't say a reason I think it didn't say a reason the first time we we definitely screwed up in classic us form we have screwed up yet again I should have listened to Dan so is she just the there's a murderer just chilling okay margarette [Music] speaking uh wait now what happens now here's the thing we're not letting both of them in so she even if she's correct she's dead as far as I'm concerned oh got it so we have to kill her so we we've either made so so we're either making two mistakes or none right that's what we're doing here today ladies and gentlemen what's the threshold like how how many people are we allowed to get killed uh if any people die do we not move on yeah no if if anyone died like we're it's it's over 312 she's she's gone she's too yeah she's too late she's too late sorry you should have come in earlier someone has already taken over your life we're done and and and do we not know how we've done until the end yeah we won't find out the end unforunate yeah we won't find out until the end so we'll we'll see oh wow so you got you got to work your whole shift before you find out if you're fired uh yes exactly well not even fired but if if we find dead yeah we're dead oh that's a problem yeah just outrate dead how are we doing no no come on man man the SE stress so just because she didn't she didn't have the seamers on the car we let her in there it there it was dapples you allowed in it was her small mouth small Mouse wait was it not even the it wasn't it wasn't the seamstress it was the [Music] small who wait who was Mar I'm trying to remember if there is two people in this business with big mouths it's us we should have appreciated someone with a small mou wow oh no Dan not even our combined Powers could win this game iel like we checked through every attribute I thought we were so I thought we were so thorough you and I are some of the most detail oriented people I know I know right which is UN which blows my mind that I keep losing this game I feel like I am so precise and to be fair the other arounds that I've lost were like it didn't have a logo in the corner which is things I didn't know I had to check for or it didn't have a date which are things that I'm like oh I didn't realize that I should look for things those details so now I know to look for those things and I'm still not doing it D oh man maybe you have like the facial blindness where they all blend together yeah that that must be it well I I know I thought I thought we checked I thought we had it I thought we had it Dan and if anything I thought we were going to lose on on the last on the last we did we clearly did we lost like I think we I think you're right that we let in the impostor that first time but and so that's why she was already in the room and all that stuff but both of them were imposters oh yeah I know so the last one we were right to kick her out maybe I don't know here's the thing it doesn't matter we lost doesn't matter we lost yeah yeah it's over you know what I might not have you to thank for helping me win this round of that's not my neighbor but I do have you to thank for the last decade of fantastic videos this career and and me getting to to hang out and relax on this couch now it's been amazing man it's been it's been great I think like you know sometimes in life it takes you a while to find your people I'm glad we found each other I'm glad that we found each other too bud hey thanks for joining me on the couch course abolutely let's do this for uh not content at some point absolutely bud have a safe trip back I'll see you in a little bit yeah cool all right give it up for Dan Dan has left the building ladies well he's in the process of leaving the building ladies and gentlemen I I would drive you to the airport right now but uh I need to try one more time to beat this just to satisfy myself just to show myself that I can do it Ash I need you and all your wisdom to help me okay I'll help you I'm I'm back alone on this couch it's okay I got you from a distance but yes yes from a safe distance safely okay great Man Thumbs Up thumbs up okay here we go so now that Dan's gotten a little peek into this world and and sees how how hard it is how hard we work here right so hard it's so easy to judge from the other side of the screen but when you're here in the moment you understand yeah in the moment being like wait that woman had a small mouth what I can't believe that woman's mouth was that small that seemed perfectly average to me did you notice the small mouth Ash no I don't remember I don't think so why why are we so bad at this game I don't know I feel like we should be good we are so detail oriented right are we not present right now maybe that's what it is do we need to be more present that must be here okay let's be present in the moment Ash okay let's focus in let's wipe away all the stressors of the day-to-day life right let's wipe away all other emails and meetings and deliverables that we have to do today and just focus on killing off some doppelgangers right okay we're going to we're going to check some IDs yeah we're going to look for suspicious individuals yes and we're going to be very thorough exceedingly we've got this play again one more round I if if we lose this I I will jump off of a cliff okay it'll be a very small Cliff but it'll be a nonetheless yeah a large enough Cliff yeah yeah absolutely okay good afternoon all right Mr mou red boys we love mclo red boys over here in this business there's mclo red Boys 3 three all right 964 51 can you get the back half I lik how the division of labor happened there yeah got it yes shoot oh where was he okay well i' i' well I've complet it mat I'm losing the number my shortterm memory is failing me okay okay yep mine's good mclo red boys mustache big nose goatee smokes hat goatee big nose mustache goatee hat smokes great resident bilan come from doing the shopping he's retired so that makes sense 42 4242 we're going to call going to call his son we'll see if his son's there just double check right I we are getting it this time we being thorough as thorough as humanly possible to make this happen Okay phone has died so no one's there that should be good logo logo everything we're good and there's stamps on right there's stamps yes I saw it cool should be an order get out of here mclo oh boy look who it is our dear friend Margaret Margaret are you on the list Margaret bubbles 2 three classic curly hair deviated eye round nose big smile how's the size of her mouth though jeez do left eye big mouth I it looks big it's it's a hefty mouth big smile round mouth we're good from an appearance standpoint she looks good margarette bubbles you got the back half of this uh 8149 yep yep got it yeah seamstress 2 three I'm resident of the building I went out for my job as a seamstress got a logo got all these she's got all the things she's got all the things got a letter her in I don't trust anyone I feel like we should just not let a single individual into this building all of y'all are kept out oh no sir your appearance is a little bit odd yeah your face what what happened a yeah you have a paper on your face Bud excuse me sir can you can you can you I really sincerely must question you about the paper I love it I love him so can I let him in for committing to the bit for committing to the bit obviously it's tempting but it's tempting but he's yeah he's he's not he's no boy now that is that's awesome that's awesome this is my this is the way my face always looks what are you talking about what do you mean get out of here that's awesome cleaning do I get to keep the the little Post-It note the Post-it note face do I get to keep it that'd be amazing all right right if only they were all that obvious that'd be great no sir sir sir entry request sir yeah you did I shouldn't let you in just because of that sir you're not on the list sir sir sir you're not on the list they always say emergencies at work okay what floor are you on 2 one I like that I went one yeah 2 one 51 23 I'm going to have to verify this what's he do for work he's a writer an emergency at work that's what I'm fakeing what what do you got that's an emergency Mr writer Barnes & Noble had a deal my husband is not at home but why though I need to ask you more about this yeah you said that you're a writer what's your emergency I I don't like that she's like oh yeah he's not at home sure but big eyebrows prominent mustache wears a hat big eyebrows prominent mustache wears a hat yep round face short hair yep I Arnold Schmid oh he's not on here it doesn't even matter Arnold schmi okay got the number yes yep okay do we trust him his his wife said that he's not at home she didn't give me a reason which I don't love I think we let him in he's not on the list but he's going to say the same thing I'm going to let you in if you burn me I swear I will come for you I will I will Scorch your Earth I will ruin your crops I will hunt you down Albert ski beachman not on the list come on man come on whoa hey that is that's mature see if only they all had that obvious of a response that would be great yeah you're not eful no oh there there he is flirting with me again they always flirt with me like that and they're very explicit with it too oh come on three rotary phones in video games are unbelievably difficult to control see if only they would all get mad when I called them out on their mistakes that would be great then I would know that I'm doing good or bad in this game can you all have a temper please right please everyone threaten to eat me eat me please someone eat me this guy right here Robert Sky peachman you on the list Robert Sky you're also not on the list Robert Sky no you're not Robert sky are you going to get mad eat me I think you're wrong it's not there Home Slice one two I'm going to call up 2668 two ech go there we go all right what do we got oh Elbert ski oh brother's not at home you didn't can I ask for more information please uh big nose has a goatee I mean he he fits the part but the game's not giving me a lot of information like he's not on the list but he's like oh I should be on the list okay but you're not doesn't change the fact is there an empty spot there's an empty spot Big Sir yeah I know I should be on the list I mean that's what he's saying all right got the number number yes okay yep it's never the number for some reason for all the times we've done it so am I letting this guy in he's not at his house right there's an empty spot on the list everything else checks out I know I'm like what if something's wrong but he has the goatee he has the goatee long neck goate I feel he's just vague with his reasoning I know right can we ask just slightly more questions can you can you say X on the entry request and ask to see if maybe you could like yeah his entry request is fine I know I wish you could like press them on right I know ask for more questions oh I got to I think I got to let them in we ball I can't even look I can't even bear to look we hesitantly ball oh man if that killed this run I will be so sad I will be so sad Steven redbo Bo he is a pilot that is accurate everyone's favorite pilot Steven red boys 33 Steven red boys big nose wears glasses short hair small head big nose wears glasses yep I mean he's got all those things uh 4242 if we want to okay his number got it yep okay yes got it okay is he on the list he is on the list step red boys 33 and what was his 4242 yeah I thought it was yeah 4242 okay we're going to double check just because go the this better be the like best apartment building in the world the amount of stuff that's going on here mclo red boys son's not at home yeah he might be you never can tell never can't tell in these parts I think he's good this be the like the first time that he's good right the first time for everything he's a common impostor he is the most frequent impostor the award for most frequent impostor goes to senen for yep okay classic senen senen vers 14 she's got the whole thing on her right cheek pointed nose long slim twin I mean she looks right lips look right eyes look right everything looks right name looks right just check the number I guess got it mhm okay yep woo say she's a model do I need to ask about her job do I need to ask about the job yeah right I don't think I have to that's one of my questions is like does it matter she is on the list I'm letting in a lot of people in it's making me nervous I know it's getting to the you know what in a test where you answer like five bees in a row and you're like surely one of these is wrong right surely something is miss here they wouldn't do this right they're they're playing games with me Angus ciani Angus not on the list bud no you're not get mad at me eat me that's what they all say that's what they all I I've looked at the list multiple times you're not there who is this guy right 1 three this is classic Sani from the cion clam 5513 this guy better be an imposter dapple show me DPP oh oh there you there you go that's him I'm sorry sir get dunked on three three see oh yeah he's got a worm sticking out of his face I feel like need to ask him about that hey sir you got a worm sticking out of your face literally a worm yes worm worm worm worm I always have it it's not according not according to what I got going on ash you don't say worm as much anymore when I first met you you said worm quite often yeah like worm worm and I've been trying to refresh my uh my personal lexicon are you um excellent yeah you know I got to keep it got to keep it up ated people on their toes sure so worm has been retired I yeah worm is in the archives but we pull it out every once in a while as a nice call back I was going to say yeah for the fans right for the real ones yeah for the real worms the real worms the real ones this guy's his eyebrows are wrong he's seen something uh he's also not on the list also I called his apartment earlier and he he himself answered so I've got all sorts of red flags in this one yeah wrong eyebrow this he's he's just he's just wrong I'm you're just there's no explanation here you're just gone I don't I don't have time to wait I've spent so much time questioning people sometimes you just need to be decisive right sometimes you know an imposter when you see an imposter and you're like get out of here sir come on come on do it for Dan do it for Dan do it for Dan do it for Dan do Dan proud what would Dan do wwdd very redundant okay you no ID give it to me you did you should know better M stone is she on the list she is not I didn't think so man Mia Stone you're not on the list ma'am we can call William Aton about it we're oh we're going to call William Aton we're going to get him we're going to get him on the horn get William Aton on the horn ladies and gentlemen what floor is William on of course I guess okay Mia Stone 1425 is your wife at home William Aton is Mrs Afton there or is she too busy trying to revive your dead rotting carcass using Remnant all right Dr dubs oh not at home no don't you do this don't you do this to me game oh get out of here okay her face matches the idea at least okay you got the number yes okay mhm okay long hair small round nose freckles oval face thin eyebrows yeah she looks about right oh man oh life comes at you fast sometimes we're going to let her in trust in afon on this one right we have to trust William Aon get out of here never never what kind of cruel experiment is this right this is the worst mind game possible who knew worm who what Ash you're having to pull it out of retirement right now yeah no this is the moment this is the moment they're like you know what Ash hasn't said worm enough his name is Walter yeah don't call him just a worm that's Walter get out of here no ain't nobody got time for this ain't nobody got time for your worms his name is Walter his name is Walter thanks for asking people don't ask about him enough everyone's always asking about the fact that he's there no one's actually asking about the fact that he's had a rough day yeah there always asking what is Walter and not how is Walter no exactly Walter false that worm's name is actually Francis impostor the whole time for cry out loud why why does it never end all right Lois stalinsky floor 11 okay mhm got the number yes yep yep she is she is a housewife it's weird that they list that whole thing out big lips molan left cheek round face short hair left cheek big lips round face looks accurate to me she is a housewife and her one one resent the building I went out to visit my mother okay I'm going to call just make sure I'm 1152 I'm not letting this happen all right Roman is your wife at home okay she's not can you tell why she left of course you can't why would you does she own a worm is that worms named is that worms named Walter or is it Francis it's oh if it's Francis then you know you know she's a real one yeah oh boy okay nacha nacha mich's uh what is she at she's at two four she's a chef she says two4 Chef right eye blue left eye green blue green correct curly hair freckles round face cur I want to call that curly hair see here's the thing I wouldn't call that curly hair but it matches the picture it's more of like a wave in her hair maybe like a nice tubby scraggly hair I wouldn't say scraggly give the girl a break I mean scraggly in the nicest way possible before okay got the number yes okay mhm great all right numbers are fine resident building I come from a chef Notch Mel all right let her in oh man Matt it's getting real I feel like this is it this is the Moment of Truth oh hello hello wait I have I've seen a lot of people come this way what is the meaning of life the universe and everything else ah what is the meaning of life the universe and everything else making that sweet sweet content yeah is that it that's not the meaning of life [Music] ours um hanging out your fellow man uh love oh love wow love yeah love for one another okay oh no was there a right and wrong answer here I think it was that initial typo love for eni love for on oh my God worms excuse me excuse me let's talk about the worm worms oh they're not worms they're pimples uh they're Walters they're Walters look at all my Walters wait is there is there an answer we should have had for meeting of life now i' we got a rare Easter Egg and I feel like we we botched it it's okay it's okay what is it the number 42 is it 42 when they say like secret of life right 42 that's the the number that's always like oh the secret of life is or the meaning of life oh I didn't didn't know that well I like that number so that works for me number okay seven that's a lot of get topples that's no neighbors killed W oh buddy yes oh finally oh oh we did it we did it Matt oh my gosh woo yes no cliff jumping for us no jumped Cliffs large or otherwise oh buddy baby baby baby we did it look at that achievement what do we get S rank get S rank on one play through better than Henry suck on that Henry capture 100 wasn't there one about meaning of life in here make the peach meet the peach dger discover the secret of the universe collector unlock all the [Music] yeah boy we did it and with that I think we've done Dan proud we did it for Dan we did it for Dan I'll have to call him up later and be like Dan guess what did it I did it for you and be like good job bud yeah give myself a little pat on the back so anyway thank you to Dan for joining us thank you Ash for supporting me throughout all of this and thank you guys as always for making all of this possible and for hanging out with us as a friendly reminder the the Dune apparel is available for pre-order right now if you want to show your arus pride and as always my friends I will see you in the next upload so without any further Ado my friends remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 874,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thats not my neighbor, that is not my neighbor, not my neighbor, neighbor, imposter, phony, anomally, anomallys, papers please, indie game, indie, horror game, horror, scary, scary game, thats not my neighbor ending, thats not my neighbor clown, thats not my neighbor quiz, thats not my neighbor quiz answers, thats not my neighbor secrets, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live, matpat game theory, matpat gtlive, matpat final theory, matpat endings, matpat secret, gtlive matpat
Id: Tbea0LKKfOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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