The Amazing Digital Circus: Pilot Group Reaction

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we are back in glitch dropped a new pilot the amazing digital circus and y'all are hyping what the hell is there audio Yeah do you guys not have audio I do not have audio well maybe you shouldn't have angered the why did you it's all your fault big sad Billy went from Big to Big sad take ownership also why does this look like an N64 game okay thank you I was like this looks like the beginning of Mario 64 bro welcome to the amazing digital circus oh my name is k Master and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping heart stopping mindbending paraphernalia you've ever laid Your Eyes Upon isn't that right bubble that's right Kane I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today well let's not waste any time that's like a chain CH yeah this must have been inspired [Music] by okay this is like in the Mario beat yeah this is definitely inspired by Super Mario 64 [Music] 100% I mean visually it looks great so they've just been living there for eternity and don't know why duh is that what's happening like this song is I like this cuz it's is this like seems like this seems like this is going to be a very sad show and it's very happy up uplifting so I like this already I mean it's glitch you picked you picked some good timing to say that because I feel like shit's about to go off the rails yeah I mean this person's in tears bro like Kane is this one of your NPCs or is this a kill the nonbeliever it's a new character we're going to have to redo this whole theme song I'm not oh they are not pleased my it appears a new human has entered this realm that's a human how do I take this headset off just keep grabbing at it that works for all of us are they in VR I think augmented yeah it what's going on I wish I could do that v i put on some weird headset and now I'm yeah it's some Sao [ __ ] who are you people why can't I take it off where am I let's just try to calm down everything's going to be okay new stuff we've all been this you just need to get your head what the fu is going on now my dear we can that foul language around here the amazing digital circus is a place to be enjoyed by all ages you my friends stumbled into an incredible world of Wonders where anything can happen except for [Music] swearing that's awesome oh my god well how do I you know leave well don't freak out about it or anything but uh we we don't exactly you can't what Shut Up Ja but yeah he's right welcome to your new home and your new body new that would be a bum what do you mean guys don't be mean we've been stuck here for years old kinger over there supposedly been here the longest did someone say something about an insect collection that's why he's crazy uhuh oh okay now I get it this is a dream and I'd lose it I don't think I'd last a week yeah what do you say kid they broke my comedy mask that was your own damn fault so K you having a new adventure to with a new be or what I'd like to give our brand new member a tour of the circus grounds first off we go yes show me the wall this is where where your living borders are as well as all sorts of other activities these activities may include ball pits Golf and four and here we have the ground was that a glitch drown yourself in the digital lake or engage in ridery at the digital Carnival night it's all okay the choice is yours a cosmic Buffet is that all there is of course not this is the void we don't Venture when you fall through the map not even I know what's out there that's we stay right here where I can keep my hundreds of allseeing eyes on you yeah that's hello oh so he's I love you get out of here before the moon gets frisky wait what's that wait that door whoa clean up on IR you I'm on it boss yeah somebody oh I knew it I knew it was going to happen one one of them is keeping them in there wait wait was that an exit door I saw out there is that a way to leave what exit if there was a way to leave I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by yeah what are you talking about uh uh I assure you there is no magical exit door you're probably just experiencing digital inations from your mind's transition to the digital plane I swear I saw digital hallucinations how about we talk about something else n what your name my name my name is uh oh God why can't I remember my name nobody can remember their name once they enter the digital circus is this like Spirited Away where it's easier to get out if you remember your name maybe I can help you with is coming up with a new one what's my name don't you worry your little head your new name can be anything name and may not reach dig LIC agement stating that your name may not include objection content OB content incl is not to sexually expit material of defat or un cont or profanity what are you thinking okay I don't glad that disclaimer went off let's see everybody has to sign the Ula before you play what do you think of I you're right terrible let's try that again what do you think of PNE uh sure I think I just God zuk's are right jack we should have a brand new adventure for our new member pomy I said that like five minutes ago you do you like Adventure activity Wonder danger paining angel food cake you parasite around here we're going to make it a simple in House adventure to warm you up to how things work around here I love how like unsettling it is because of how like upbeat and joy FL is with the small little like I will murder you if you don't fall in line well I feel like some he he's not actually the one calling the shots here so someone above him well yeah I think he's involved there's someone above him though that agree well I mean you saw he his hand was kind of like you know like jittering or whatever when she was talking about the exit outside and and and kind of looking around so yeah man man's got the secrets like I said he may not be the one in charge but he's definitely like he's being watched he's in the line somewhere yeah no God I don't want an inhouse adventure don't worry zubel I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with today's adventure is gather the GLS that's are we sure he hasn't been there the longest be infested with and you got to catch them all but what are they I'm glad you asked bubble they're soite they links are small mosquito spitters that steal anything and everything they run into why do these humanoid has do this you stop them that's for you to find out now good luck and have fun my little Superstars and you just disappear huh yeah my man gave them the mission and then sent them on their way now that's just one of Kane's Little Adventures they're just something fun to do to you know prevent us from going insane speak for yourself if anyone needs me then [ __ ] off also this is like so well polished it is especially for a pilot yeah I mean it shows right like that you know things are going well clearly with their other show I mean we love it and you know I mean they're they're they're clearly taking that success and and running with it which is great to see haven't watch murder drones go do it okay I mean dude I I love that we're in this cuz we're in this weird position of the internet right now right where like people have been bitching for quite a few years now that like H cartoons have been on the decline right like you know Nickelodeon is floundering and just rerunning SpongeBob all the time Cartoon Network is floundering and just rerunning Teen Titans Go all the time uh I don't even know what the [ __ ] this is doing currently I mean I know that some Mak live action gargoyles apparently yeah you know they're they're kind of leaning into the live stuff and it's like I feel like you know we we have people like you know Amazon right like putting out things like Vox mchina and yeah um you know invincible and then we have internet people you know doing like hell of a boss and has been otel is coming out on Amazon shocker you know what I mean and like now this and murder drones and like I don't know I I like it because they're the these do not feel lesser like if this if these were shows that were released on a a streaming platform like this is not oh yeah it's good for YouTube animation no these are just good no they're good and well the idea too like with patreon and like fan funding and and like they don't have like a boardroom and board members like breathing down their neck to like you got to get this done by this quarter yeah like no like most people for the most part you know there's there's some there's some like this is theiry people out there like no most people are like yo like I want this to be as good as it can be like finish it when it's people mind waiting like most people I think the only thing they don't like is false promises right like in the sense of hey we'll get you next episode next month and then it two months three months goes by and you don't get it like that's what people don't like but if you can deliver fairly consistent things and I think having those separate projects allows them to do that cuz well you know I mean like look how clean it is too like they started like this like N64 feel and then all it just flipped the switch and was like N I got you perfectly beautiful 3 I think they like I'm I think someone mentioned that they're doing this in collaboration with another Studio as well oh that's cool so I think it's another one with them on this so more hands Les work oh no they killed zubo anyway you guys want to go get something to eat oh wait we should go check on kmo I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet py my impenetrable Fortress check Ono no not really I'm getting earthor gy vibes from this dude I was thinking that spoke with him he was rambling endlessly about some exit kind of like you pomy you might be going insane too but wait all wouldn't that more likely mean the exit does exist could also mean you just have a jump starting losing your mind wait what about well I think yeah yeah I see it yeah yeah huh exist huh could also mean you just have a jump start and losing your mind what about well I think I'd like to ask him about it they don't give a [ __ ] about if this was real which it isn't because it's a dream she still thinks this is a dream uh why are you looking at me like that I'm fine with doing whatever as long as I get to see funny things happen to people okay I've already had enough of these things you he's like okay funny things are happening to me now that's not cool which leaves crybaby and hooa together to go handle the zubal situation do you think pairing them up together is a good idea of course I do they're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together come on ladies let's let's go harass the clown y he's tweaking my comedy mask is broken again oh gangle you startled me so this is where we all live oh well where we all sleep at night even though we don't really need to sleep it's some why are eggs take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine yeah for what the [ __ ] oh she's already got a door bro I still don't understand about the adventures why even go on them at all why not try to find way yo yo chess boy was exed out but I swear but I swear bro he was not exed out hold on where so he was let me see here so he I'm pretty sure we saw him prior and he his door wasn't exed out but then they showed his door xed out which makes me wonder okay so there's also like a plain mannequin thing on this door and then like another door on the left when they're walking by too yeah and I I think the mannequin is what I thought was him but the question is if that mannequin is not xed out but the chest piece is xed out I wish that YouTube yeah like see yeah right there yeah so either either he just got got no no that's Queen that's the queen oh you're right maybe that's why he's crazy he lost his he lost his what why not try to find good catch well we usually do is what the [ __ ] that's crazy and there's another mannequin this must be for character yeah blank characters some who has been added yet yeah that's weird well we usually do when we first arrive but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy and eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen yeah yeah existentialism like that but that's not something we need to deal with today above anything else the adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated thank goodness this is all a dream right PNE yo I love this yo yo calm down yeah I no I I understand that I get that mood what are we doing we're getting one of our friends you sure about that huh maybe he's not in his room I hope he's all right don't worry dollface I've got a key to his room wait why you you you who shouldn't have keys to anyone's room nah I've got keys everywhere and you've all been fine by the way I may have left something in your room today so let me know if you find it you're not afraid of centi feates are you J literally my only fear why do this what it could be a cha question you'll never know until it's too late oh no oh NE exit exit exit oh he's a glitch I've been looking for this thanks for keeping an eye on it cop I'm going to head out see you oh K's been obstructed that that's okay what is that uh it might be that terrible thing I was talking about earlier when you reached your Breaking Point huh okay wait maybe there's still time to fix him if we get Kane wao listen I know we didn't always get along like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes I'm concerned somebody's about to get murdered I was bit of a bad day and a little excited holy [ __ ] sh the crazy part was that was so clean thank you help me out here I understand don't want to I already love this dude I oh wait what it's like a virus yeah [Music] oh hey yo that is awesome was it made out of crayons it kind of broke like crayons yeah and it their sound effects have just been on point too we saw GL carry one of zub's pieces down there remember oh yeah thank you for the recap boy we're not very good at this are weop fellas Jack we found the zubo hole cool how is kmo do I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his jokes oh he's doing great oh he through that wall I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before well it's good to know he hasn't completely lost his mind he actually asked me to give you this what oh wow oh all right he did well he followed them down there I don't I don't know how to feel about this dude radical cold yeah [Laughter] yeah oh okay insect collection I think it's a nest oh what the [ __ ] ragata that was your name [Music] right hey look I'm I didn't mean to leave you behind like that I she stuck in the spiderverse look at my hand I I didn't know what to do it's okay what you need to do right now is find he'll be able to fix me up and take care of okay but where can I find him her hands fix you see her nose okay stay right there maybe it was just for that scene yeah I think it stabilized for a second hangang there I'll be right back I promise cool Al so I'm so sorry your first day here terrible yeah well don't worry about it I'm just going to go get Kane now how do you even find him like you summon him hello [ __ ] like satanic Circle please come is mouth eye man damn oh a whoa a carousel for oh god oh again two time like when you accidentally open the same door in resent evil and it's got something terrible in there H what for of NS Mass dares presumed presence in the nest of the Glo Queen oh is that who you are you know you could have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting this is pickable a rabbito that runs its mouth in the presence of my Royal figure well as a royal myself I would like to kindly ask if oh look there's zubo hi zubble help me you idiots kind a rude zubel now I don't want to help you I always lose yeah cuz gotcha uh you mother that'll be fine it feels like he's like seen this before like he knows it does yeah kind of has that feeling right like he knows what to expect here uhhuh there's going to be monkeys in that Barrel yes you were right watch there's a barrel of monkeys you're telling me you didn't have a barrel of monkeys when you were younger oh I definitely did exactly oh no God where is Kane purposefully not here what why is an exit what what to a waiting room to another waiting room it's weird cuz this like it looks real like normal another waiting [Music] room damn you foolish assortment of colorful characters do you not realize that everything must be GLS I am GLS you will be GLS go that sounds like us when we're talking about Billy this is dumb and weird link even yet you're still watching it I'm not here for the adventure or anything I'm just here to hide from the yeah that thing oh thank God you're okay you didn't experience a game show in there did you I what are you talking about yo it's just smacking the [ __ ] [ __ ] you Queen back hand it's glitching it too don't worry about Ito abstracted nah he's fine really how are we going to get out of here you guys over there oh okay fair enough ladies first no wait why would I say that damn he a dick [ __ ] not here wasn't this whole thing for her be quiet I can't hear the [Laughter] escalator [Music] yeah this would make you go insane yes it's literally like [Music] PT huh what oh oh wait was that their VR station maybe like that was that was their computer that's what I was wondering yeah cuz pom you said I put the headset on and I came here oh the void about you know what I'm going in the void it's full of [Music] stars if you would just accept it it would be like a drug trip what what oh bubble you always know how to make me say this exact sentence yes I'm alert on my wacky watch at this hour what wacky watch oh no someone's venturing out into the void they'll get totally spoiled wait what is that phone number they'll get spoiled wait 18004 document phone there you go bro what now what the heck happened around here oh yeah my doing Kane Kaa went through a sort of cmosis and abstracted kmo abstracted why didn't anybody tell me and into the cellar what what oh my God I can't believe kfo just gave up like that I mean no offense ker but I always thought you would be next thank you guess go to show you can't rely on ker for anything I am in so much pain wait huh wait why I do have to apologize for lying about the exit I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one but you know I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put on the other side and ended up never quite finishing if and you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work especially if it leads you out into the void anyway looks like you defeated the Glo Queen so I guess the adventure's over your reward is a delicious digital Feast cooked by our head bubble Chef made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give you know you didn't even do anything so why I can still be hungry well not really because we we don't need to eat drink or sleep in this digital world so the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating yeah that's enough of that's fine good you mean I can eat as much as I want and not get fat like this this place sounds awesome like not bad not [Music] bad they're going to next episode like yeah I know this is so sad it's just someone like just falling slowly into madness well it would shatter like it would shatter your [ __ ] reality right because like she was convinced like oh there is an exit finds it gets thrown into the void and then like dude finally admits like yeah I kind of lied there there was an exit but doesn't actually bring you anywhere I made that and it's like that is [ __ ] because then you just have to accept like yeah I'm here now well what's crazy I want to go back after we're done with this and look at look at each one of those rooms because like looking at that VR setup I I want to have a closer yeah true yeah I'm down I didn't get his about ra up I'm like waiting for there to be like a [Music] teas oh so the bro we didn't even have to go back yeah that was 100% the station son of a [ __ ] they knew they knew where my mind was yo a goddamn monitor though God that was so good I I am still going to rewind but that was good also I is this new I don't I've never seen this before I haven't yeah yep I'm absolutely doing that got to get those abely doing that we've done it with a lot of glitch to stuff like yes I will gladly support them even more go check out glitch link will be in the description box below for sure to check it out if you haven't seen their other show murder drones it's also [ __ ] awesome and there's way more episodes so yeah I do you think everybody that got trapped is here yo what if the worlds are interconnected oh that would be sick what if this is like a digital world in the murder drones Universe what if this is like oh that would be well what's the what's the stuff on the left I'm trying to figure out what that is um it looks like audio equipment like an old radio of some sort I mean it's all just old [ __ ] right like I me this looks like an old VR headset those headphones look ancient right like this computer is old as [ __ ] obviously like I don't know but everything humans before they what's what's weird though is that means that he replicated this realworld room in the digital world using their potential memories maybe bro I'm they they got my interest man like I am I in all honesty I think that was a better pilot than murder drones yeah I agree M murder drones was really good but I feel like it took um three three or four episodes I feel like to find its footage yeah it it it took a little bit of time before it like really got going I like I feel like everybody was kind of iffy about it yeah so we got pins we got shirt the plushies have just been ordered I just they take my money already order well you you pre-order you do that sh till December I can't do that they can see my information okay just take my money I want this stuff all the pluses I got my little glitch birdie back bear he's just chilling you can't see mine but yeah go support them check it out hope you enjoyed it yes we will be continuing this this was awesome and uh you know on the the bright side now that there's two I mean I'm not saying we're going to get you know this was the pilot I'm not saying we're going to get episode one or whatever super quick or anything but between this and murder drones and hell of a boss and you know I we're going to have more of a constant flow of these series which is I'm excited for that too I am too cuz it's I feel like in the beginning right it was like hell of a boss like once we caught up it was like multiple months of waiting and they've started pumping things out quicker and then murder drones showed up and they've they've released things pretty quickly like I mean murder drones I mean we're what 10 months into the year at the very least I mean they've released what six or seven episodes so far so like yeah I don't know the exact I'm actually kind of curious where they're at here um or is it five cuz the murder the murder drones pilot released oh eight months ago they have a video with trying to find it it was it was a year ago the murder drones pilot so in a year I mean they had the pilot no they had like a teaser for digital circus see with pomy yeah they did I don't know how I didn't realize that no I I mean I guess you could it just didn't okay okay that the episode did I guess I'm hyped though man I'm I'm excited to see more and excited to see like more of what glitch does and I mean more of what just digital like to come internet animat like it's just such a cool like thing to see happening on YouTube especially cuz I feel like I feel like people have found a a healthy medium cuz I know that animation used to be really popular on YouTube but the problem is animation very expensive takes a lot of time and YouTube does not reward short videos um it's especially now that over 30% of all people that watch videos are on the TV like there's there's there's a high possibility that 30 plus perc of y'all that are watching this video right now or watching on your TV in your living room or something which is crazy because that was not the case years ago and because of that YouTube is very much promoting longer 20 plus minute videos so weirdly enough like a TV length episode it kind of works out obviously it's way more expensive but I mean with the support they're getting I I'm not saying this paid for it but hopefully between that and you know people supporting via merch like I mean this this show can pull a wider reach than murder drones can think like if I'm if I'm being completely honest no swearing no violence like everything was kind of animated more like I I think there's going to be violence dude literally the show's called Murder drones and like within the first like couple bits like things are straight up getting like merked and like blood's Dr like it's it's very it's also sci-fi sci-fi sci-fi isn't for everybody either you know when it comes to that kind of thing like going that rout though like I could see this show going a very dark route was dark like it wasn't bloody dark but it was dark it's it's got that comedy dark feel to it where where they're going to they're going to shine a happy light on it but it's going to have very dark undertones yeah and like that's that's what the most of this episode was I mean hell if you listen to the intro of the song that's that's what it was well that's like when she was out in the void he was like I don't want you to be spoiled and like brought her back so yeah I'm excited man I I I can't wait to see like how it unfolds cuz this this was a lot of fun like I I want to see more for sure let us know your thoughts we'll see you next time Billy later there is no exit Billy go click the next video yeah bye no exit no exit
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 392,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zIsAiy5fIgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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