Who Is The MYSTERY Killer?! | The Rainman (All Endings)

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I love this really cool updated version of oh the rain [Music] man hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today Ash is going to tell us more about their novel oh yes um here is my vague novel Easter egg of the day okay vague novel Easter egg of the day this is our ongoing mystery throughout the month of November so last time we heard that it was something that you initially did not like and so you pivoted it to something that you did like yes that which is the most vague of vague explanation so uh for those of you who don't know uh Ash is participating in the hey write 50,000 words in the month of November uh so you can get started on your on your big novel project or writing a book and uh so we're trying to piece together what Ash is writing about yep so what is what is our clue of the day Ash um there's three it's a are you writing a Trilogy I'm not writing a Trilogy okay not a trilogy but there's three that's your hint the Holy Trinity father Son and Holy Ghost Bible 2.0 no the DLC no Bible plus that probably shouldn't come from me anyway the Bible plus be interesting be a choice it's a strong Choice wow the the character turn that you didn't expect from Ash you know you know what book I feel like right in this November the Bible okay great so there's three there's three three main characters and animatronics are there animatron anics involved there are no animatronics thank goodness okay yet there might be I don't know I haven't gotten there yet how many words have you written at this point I don't um probably like thousands thousands Okay thousands yeah all right that's fair out of the 50,000 sure thousands yeah there's thousands that's not bad all right so there you go let us know down in the comments below what you think Ash's mystery novel is uh so we've we know that it's not the Bible so we've successfully narrowed it down there and there's no animatronics yet so for now it's not a tales of the pizzax book right then again I don't know there's some of those Tales from the pizzax books that do have like fasu and there's no animatronics whatsoever so maybe still still up in the air hey Ash what are we playing hey Matt hey so today we are playing um we're playing a game but I think it wow are we I thought we were going to be playing a book no not today really a move no no playing a movie nope Tiddly Winks I no Tiddly Winks darn I know I know you really looking forward to that I was I was hyped for the Tiddly Winks episode but I think you're going to be hyped about this as well I don't know I'm more hyped than Tiddly wings I I mean I it's it's steep competition hoop and stick hoop and stick hoop and stick like like the old 1920s page Boys in New York hoop and stick I mean we could do a hoop and stick GT live there's a lot I feel like we're get I feel like we're we're starting to cross into the era where we're going to do like ye oldie Time games between the last episode where I'm like hey here's an Atari like Space Invaders Let's do let's play of Space Invaders In Tempest and now we're talking we're talking about even old pre video game days hoop and stick fun fact uh when YouTube Originals was pitching things back in the day and they're like hey give us ideas for YouTube Originals I had this one that I'm like this would be a and they're always looking they were they were always looking for things that incorporated a large chunk of the YouTube community and felt very youtuby of course they never went with any of those ideas that's why they don't exist anymore um and they're instead like hey Katy Perry do our special here and let's overpay you for it uh but instead uh it was one of those things where one of the ideas I pitched them and it it was very casually done so I I never expected to go somewhere but I thought it was a good idea which was like YouTube Generations like what if YouTube had existed in the 1920s and it's like an hourong show or whatever where you have a bunch of different segments all about like what YouTube had it existed in the 1920s 1930s 1940s whatever would have looked like right International and so you know in the video game vertical or like in the video game genre you'd have something like hoops and sticks or jacks or whatever and you had like whoa dude and you have like a skit of people playing like legitimately hoops and sticks or whatever oh my gosh it's like your face really big on the thumbnail doing like a you know mouth open and there's just like a jack like flying with motion blur W or like epic Jack move or whatever you know like giant hoop you know small stick versus giant hoop I but no I I had that and then like there in like the beauty segment you would have like them doing like today I'm doing my hair bob or what you know whatever the the 1920s aesthetic was at the time like oh get ready with me this is my you know courses and my pet coat and my whatever and my whatever apply my Rouge with extra lead yeah right oh o this Mercury really colors my my mouth so nicely I I loved that idea um you know tech for the tech channels you would have like whatever the new tech was back well it's the steam engine and you have like Marquez brownley like taken apart a Ste steam engine or whatever you have Mark Rover roll in and he's like doing ye oldie like cart and horse or whatever like it's got one horsepower wink wink you know like I I I always thought that that was a really awesome idea for an era where YouTube couldn't wrap their head around like what YouTube Rewind was anymore but we're looking for like fun interesting Originals ideas and I'm like this is this is it that would be a really fun thing where we get a bunch of creators together and on one day everyone uploads a video in that style and we just make the homepage like that sort of experience right wouldn't that be fun that would be so fun for a day you have like um you have like reaction content or something like that you're reacting to like ye oldie news stories or like old news real footage or whatever it's like Charlie chaplain's latest skin yeah right right and yeah and then I'm dissecting a frame by frame where I'm like let's theorize about this and this but yeah so anyway that was that was always an idea that I had I don't know why I went off on that tangent but that was fun fact yeah that was great one of my YouTube original ideas that never came to fruition but probably should have and maybe at some point we can do it I hope so maybe I don't know we could do like 20's weekend 20's weekend across the channels yeah we could do that across the channels because we have game film food and and uh style so we could like you could do like a retro era across all of them we could do a surprise like weekend GT live for it which isn't really a surprise but like you know got him yeah lead in with Friday that's a good idea we could do that that'd be fun 1920s hoop GT live hoop and stick weekend look we've already discussed doing like crossword live streams I feel like this isn't so out of range we're kind of unhinged lately with the game recommendations and the thoughts like well we could play more like FNAF or or connections right or we could play some connection speaking of I haven't done mine today how you doing oh I haven't done mine today either I haven't done mine yeah I know I know all right well we'll get there we'll get there uh in the meantime though what are we what are we playing first before we get to connection before we get to connections um okay so okay two words but the first is an article so we're just going to throw that away um second word first syllable are we playing charades playing charades for me to identify the game well I thought we were going with the whole old timey thing I mean we don't have to anymore it was just more of a conversation but sure go for it okay okay first word article second word is the one that matters first syllable yes I love that you're gesticulating to me and no one can see any of this describe I'll I'll I'll show it for you Shimmy Shake Shimmy Shake snow rain mhm rain rain would be more like you saw me moving my fingers there was no Jazz there were no Spirit fingers there there were there was a decided I let it be known there was a decided lack of spirit fingers he's gaslighting me yes there was those fingers lacked Spirit they were so much Spirit not enough spirit in those fingers all 10 no wiggling around get out of here I no it was more this it was like this it was like window washing in effectually I was doing both cuz you know how sometimes wind moves the rain not this direction what sort of rainstorm is this okay look the but the fingers had the spirit in them and I think that was the big yes yeah okay okay ineffectual window washer what's next okay so second second syllable yeah um ooh uh she they no rain she yeah man mhm rain man yeah yeah okay the the Rainman yes as in like the classic 1980s like Oscar Best Picture Winner didn't it win a best picture at some point I it probably W something but it's not directly like that I would hope not I would I would be very curious what a game based on the Rainman or I I guess it was just Rainman right yeah it would be very it's a good movie it's a great movie um in fact a little little dated for its time for sure but like performances are pretty solid um storyline is good but I haven't watched it in forever so I take that with a grain of salt yeah but uh you know I think the world's become a bit more woke since that movie came out um but it's one of those things where I remember liking it and I would be very it is a very strange movie to make a game off of so I'm assuming it's not based on that uh no but I'm going off of what you're telling me about this movie having never seen it have you never seen the rain man no oh it's a one of the it's one of those like cultural Touchstone Moment Like This was a very important movie for the decade it was released in yeah so it's so it's it's worth the for your cultural edification it's one of those ones that's like important enough to remember you know where a lot of movies kind of get lost of time or you know you moov past it or didn't have the staying power that's one that was like very important for the generation that it released in yeah yeah good to know cuz it was one that like dealt with Brotherhood and like you know uh abnormal psychology and and and things like that and so yeah I think it was for a lot of people the first time that they're like oh people think differently than we do or like you know so one of those yeah but uh what is the Rainman so we are or sorry what is [Laughter] the yeah that um so that what you're seeing on camera yeah um it is a I was going to say it's a game but then you were going to get on me for that so I'll refrain um this is an experience where you are a young girl living in a town that has recently been afflicted by a lot of murders of young women wow yeah so I'm going to be a little girl exploring the murders of my town yeah gra the Rainman let's go hey got it to work copper bolt o hello skip prology ooh spooky okay escape from menu whoa couldn't tell if that was Thunder or a gunshot I have to get ready for work press e and space to continue There we go take sandwiches take purse brush teeth I can run nice okay oh can I talk on the phone I cannot I can I can't leave yet okay I like the graphical style already that's super cool I also love how efficient in my houses that everything is very nicely flowing into one another got a sandwich achievement unlocked look at that run upstairs Note 10 I will be back by Sunday don't forget to lock the doors love Mom Kubo Kubo oh hello 5 is it 5:30 good for her waking up early start starting her day off right bright and early okay run run through everyone else's B bedroom this is where Dad keeps his gun oh thank thank you for that little detail never liked it great I I should leave for work at the diner don't want to miss the bus again okay let's go I have a feeling that gun detail might be important at some point I'm able to Sprint with the shift key how very human is she a robot oh no Susie's a robot child Mr Craven as in West Craven afternoon Susie off to work be wary of the rainstorm tonight afternoon Mr Craven thanks I'll be home before the storm stro street so already for those of you who who don't just retain a lot of useless pop culture knowledge uh Wes CRA Mr Craven probably a reference to Wes Craven famous horror movie director stro Street would be a reference to oh Ash it's all right don't worry about it wait no no I feel bad no no it's fine it's a reference to uh the original Halloween movie and the main protagonist of it Lorie Strode who is like the prototypical like babysitter in danger and and uh becomes kind of like the main character throughout both like those initial batch of movies as well as the well hey there uh as well as the remakes uh sorry Susie I tripped I uh was looking for my watch sorry about before Megan is just a friend I swear what oh man Andy if you say so so uh is our date still onto this oh if there's if Andy and Susie are are in a relationship and he's like hey Megan's just a friend it's not he's lying don't believe that it's just a she's just friend the boy's a liar boy's a liar don't trust Andy already I can tell you date on this Friday I'm in a rush Andy talk to you later I guess okay wow I'm a far away from the bus stop here we go can I keep going fast I'm curious what else is in this city oh newspaper the peace the pul pul town of Happy Hills is being plagued by numerous murders so not really that peaceful is it the latest victim was killed with a coat hanger oh jeez holy jeez that is a brutal way to go killed with a coat hanger thanks thanks for that one guys all right yeah huffing and puffing you told Mr Craven that we'd be home before the thunderstorm the graphics are are fantastic by the way just like again I know I said it earlier but I love this really cool updated version of oh the rain [Laughter] man oh yeah very 1980s ass horror scream so well he's at the other bus stop so I'm doing okay I don't have to worry about him cuz he got off the other way creep hello there Miss how about a fun night oh jeez this is what happened to this peaceful town of Happy Hills stay away from me yep I agree Joe's Garage Dave's Diner so very very enthusiastic leprechaun man happy Dave this town I I don't know how I feel about this town man kind of scaring me finally on time Suzie start by serving coffee to the guests love hey Dave right on it serve coffee to every guest everyone in this institution's getting a little mug appreciated there Susie everyone coffee for you you didn't creepy Joe you look exactly like her just as pretty oh my gosh why is everyone in this town creepy and weird what the heck this is terrifying thanks Susie Dave the you ual please I want one of these people to be like I ordered I ordered soda ma'am I don't want coffee rude guest took you long enough thanks everyone I wanted to die in Coke bless you sweetheart detective Parker thanks Susie right see uh any suspicious folks around here lately yes literally everyone in this town is suspicious right now everyone well it's a diner sir it's full of them why do you ask could could it have anything to do with the rampant murders that are happening in our Happy Hills Home clever girl what am I Raptor from Jurassic Park 3 I'm looking into the Rainman case Rainman don't want to Spook you but it seems that all victims passed this Diner keep your eyes open because it's a two-dimensional town and everyone has to run past here in order to get through this Diner keep your eyes open Susie it could be anyone anyone thanks Tech technically it shouldn't be any of these people cuz they were all off of the bus uh you know they're all here while Rainman was on the got off the bus at the bus stop just saying Susie love hamburger and fries for the guy in the corner serve food to Joe creepy Joe hey creep Joe are you not the guy I think you had to take the food oh sometimes I just assume the food is given to me okay there we go hey creepy Joe have I got some burger and fries for you that looks delicious sweetie best be careful Miss he takes girls wow I you know I'm I'm hey Dave Dave I'm not dealing with this table anymore okay I don't care about the tips I'm just moving on this guy's serving himself he takes girls just like you previous waitress found out the hard way enjoy your meal sir oh Je jeez wow just a real standup collection of people we got here Susie would you fetch me a box of burgers from the back glove get box of burgers wow this is a very very hazy very hazy refrigerator or closet or whatever I don't even know what I'm locked in someone please open the door oh this thing this ain't great this ain't great okay what are you making all that racket for somebody locked me in there the door wouldn't open must have fallen into the lock oh like a person a new guest came in just take his order [Music] love says creepy Dave with his blood soaked attire also look at all look at all those nice pizzas we offer here at the restaurant oh look who it is Andy you can't keep showing up here I'm just hungry Susie can I have a waffle please sure but that's all you need to leave after that you can't avoid me forever Susie oh man one waffle please Dave come right up love great just I feel so empowered as a woman in this game three hours later look that woman came back she came back hey good to see you why don't you head on home Susie don't want to miss the last bus thanks Dave have a good night good night Caleb okay so one of these PE so basically they're very clearly indicating that one of these people is going to be our our killer dour right who do we think it is Caleb seems too nice Caleb right Caleb seems to be the like they included him so that way he's there and oh look at how nice and non he's not like so in the focus again if you're if you're creating like a mystery narrative you always wanted to be the guy whose like secondary Focus Fades into the background a bit uh that is not immediately obvious but then you're like oh yeah that guy I saw him a bunch of times no wonder uh I have lost my ability to Sprint do I think it'd be fun if it was granny that would be incredible actually if it was granny or just friendly woman or whatever oh man latest Rainman victim revealed the last victim's identity has been uncovered her name was Ashley Turner a former waitress at a local Diner well and with that I'm just going to head on out hey there's creepy man hey creepy man oh okay I can run out here I'm not allowed to run in the diner hello anyone over here wrong way do appreciate that they make that very clear any serial killers around here hey everybody bu Joe's Garage oh no no no what do I have to do now oh she missed it see I shouldn't have gone the wrong way I could talk to Rude guest well that sucks Miss guess he couldn't see you there sorry about my manners at the diner miss going through a rough marriage going going through a rough not a rough divorce or a rough patch just a generally rough marriage he's like yeah man I'm sorry my wife sucks right uh apologies but she is the worst in in the words of what parks and wreck my wife is the worst no problem sir did you miss the bus as well oh no my wife is picking me up take care now miss oh well she must not be that bad huh she's the worst oh nice oh thank you okay oh I could talk to Caleb Caleb that's a real bummer Susie would you like to borrow my umbrella I'm waiting for Dave to close up anyways I can give you I can give you a ride lady if you know what I mean yeah I'm an out I'm an outdated stereotype uh I'd rather walk creep back off dude you're going to be oh yeah Caleb absolutely yeah right yeah absolutely 100% this guy's the killer yeah like the nice guy who's like there and defends the women's honor but in actuality he's stabbing them behind the back yeah exactly you going to be fine then Susie I like to walk in the rain thanks for the umbrella umbrella get umbrella obtained all right well let's run away from The Killers shall we we also it also is Caleb now knows that we're walking home and he knows that you're doing it alone yep look at this look at my ability to keep that umbrella so still wow that is and not move that arm at all it's really impressive awesome skills uh-oh hello all right all right moving this oh oh it's just a little guy just a little doggo yeah just a little perer I like the I like the stuff in the foreground you know there's going to be something creepy there oh Krueger pass again another reference a frie killer beware me uhoh Joe's Garage hey you're the M from the diner what are you doing here all alone I um miss the bus got to walk home is it pouring rain oh no let old Joe give you a ride except Joe's ride no I don't think we accept Joe's ride no all right then Z yourself oh man Ash what's up the Seas the Rainman Seas all is so first off the killer presumably is going to be in the foreground watching me at some point here I would assume that would be a great scare but secondly does this have different endings based on my choices you know uh it could I bet it does it could I bet it does oh man so my choices can decide whether I I live or die and who goes on to tell my story exactly oh I'm heing oh spookies oh not great wa oh a parked car in the middle of nowhere looks familiar woo creepy this is effective hello is someone there walking home was a mistake i' best turn back to the diner and ask Dave or Caleb for a ride no keep no I don't want to let me keep going oh [Music] wrong way oh I like that where just not moving at all all right and and we're going back this way whose car does this look familiar for I don't know whose car that was oh he was in the foreground you guessed it I knew it you don't you don't have foreground assets like this with shadowy figures for no reason you got to use that don't have this was dumb this was this was a mistake here oh no oh who are you what do you want from me please just walk away I will tell nobody what the oh jeez run oh oh oh it's bad news oh it bad news no a no no oh Jee oh jeez oh no oh no what what where am I how nice of you to join me Susie make yourself comfortable why are you doing this what have I ever done to wrong you you know damn well what you did to me all the blood is on your is it now whoa you served me coffee when I didn't want it oh really all the blood is on my hands I am reborn as will you cleansed by the water wash away the guilt wash away my hate for you farewell mother oh really I got one choice and I I botched it watery grave ending two of seven use your a that should not be killing her right now use your abs lift lift with the ABS Susie Susie crunch do a crunch Susie engage your core Susie right engage engage oh jeez I died I should have ridden home with the I had one choice and one choice only Ash all look you got to say yes to creepy Joe I guess I do do you want to skip the prologue this I this was not my first place so yeah we're going to skip the prologue I guess wow I made one choice and it was immediately dumb wow why don't you head on home you miss last bus Caleb you son of a gun it was Caleb we all know it's Caleb I guess I got to put my got to roll the dice with creepy Joe and and the creep Squad be like Caleb or the um the weird boyfriend the boyfriend I feel like the boyfriend's a bit too obvious is the only thing I mean at the excuse me at the beginning yeah but like he he kind of disappears like he shows up and then he's gone he does I mean that's fair or like I don't know what the deal was with that old guy at the beginning with the bus stop oh this guy yeah the rude guest he's going through a rough marriage he's having a rough marriage take my wife please thanks Rodney Dangerfield all right hey guys hey so also here's the suspicious thing about Caleb right Caleb Caleb gives you the umbrella which incentivizes you for walk to walk right yes like he's like take this umbrella since you're walking home so he knows he's also coming from this direction so I I I still think Caleb is is definitely suspect number one this is more real world talk rather than game physics of course I don't know if it affects game physics also like running with an umbrella sounds like it would slow you down it does seem like it would make it significantly harder oh see there's the car driving past that we get stopped by later there's dog oh running with an umbrella the worst mhm what a terrible idea just miserable it's not fun for anyone it becomes less effective and it's added weight and aerodynamics right she could have used that umbrella though she could have folded it and done a little stab stab stab fight back ooh Little Weapon yeah yep uh creep Joe hey the Miss from the diner I missed the bus got to walk home is it pourn rain let Joe give a ride I'm going to take a ride with Joe how on in Miss Even though you're creepy roll with the Joe that's fine oh we're going we are Wow We are booking it good thing I saw you walking there and that awful weather thank you sir call me Joe listen sorry about my behavior at the diner I'm not really a people's person it's not really you being a people's person it's about you being a little bit too much of a people's person like getting a little too aggressive there don't you mind what I said about that killer or you know the the very obvious uh assaulting remarks that I made at your expense it's just that go on then I can take it well they're always young brunettes just like yourselves I'm not spooked that fast I know why would he come after me of course he won't just saying maybe dye your hair blonde or something sorry please just be careful this town has seen enough death thanks creepy Joe I like the little I like the little accent you gave him little little shoulder Wiggles as you go hey it's me creepy Joe you know how you know how Joe go classic Joe go thank you Joe very kind you're welcome Miss take here now some crazy folk oh miss there take my lighter may help you feel safe in the dark great thank you for that you didn't didn't drop me off exactly at my house oh detective Parker Susie sorry to startle you on a dark evening detective what are you doing here am I a suspect what are you doing out here by yourself in the cold night in the rain I just got off work detective why do you ask just a little on don't you think girl like you should be inside safe at home thank you detective Parker I I'm about to until you showed up in my doorstep fair enough Susie my apologies have a good night that's suspicious he knows something he knows something about Susie [Music] [Applause] here did you lock all your doors and windows if you didn't uhoh o this is a that's a spooky part of the house right [Music] there I'm just going to lock lock the doors here oh there's a lot of dark places in my house I don't like that too many dark place in my house oh no do you like scary movies hi Mater well then thanks thanks for that I'm going to go get my [Applause] gun he both reach for the the gun the gun the gun the gun this is where my dad keeps the gun I yes I know I went there for a reason no okay that's fine no it's my only option to just go downstairs and wait to be attacked great great yipp no here's the thing if if I get a phone call and all these people are like hey you're the next victim like basically telegraphing to me that I'm the next victim I am barricading my this house like my life dependent on it right here because it does yeah right cuz it very well might and so if the detective's like oh don't worry I'm just taking out your house for no reason and if creepy Joe's like hey no worries he just likes to kill the brunettes and if everyone's like oh by the way everyone all the victims came from this Diner I am literally every single house like every single door every single window locked down I got to say though I love that we're developing a weird man defense Squad where it's like creepy men being like you got to look out and then detectives in the bushes being like you need to look out like we're just Gathering weird guys right yeah all our all our allies in this game are the creepy men the ones who are explicitly labeled creepy or are jumping out of my bushes let's be honest all right well let's watch some more I don't I don't care how good this show is right now I do not care a he did it he did it hello Susie what's your favorite scary movie Jessica that's not funny haha I'm sorry suie just messing with you girl thank thanks how did you make that creepy breathing sound Anyway by breathing creepily breathing what Brea breathing just ask about your favorite scary movie stop messing with me it's been a weird night speaking of weird you still going on to date Andy no wait he really messed it up what would you do Jessica hello Jessica GH again getting the gun they both reached for the gun the gun the gun NOP great well thanks I will say the line cut when we heard about Andy might be a red herring but could be well I'm just going to sit here and await my eventual [Music] death oh somebody's at the door at this time of night no can I check the peephole checking through the peephole it's Andy what's he doing here open the door no no I don't trust this I'd best ignore him I [Music] agree no is there anywhere I can hide apparently not this is just Bad News Bears Nothing All right so I'm going to go and sit and watch more TV fantastic so I've ignored Andy I'm not letting him man cuz I feel like that's a bad idea barricaded [Music] [Applause] everything um Crystal Pine news good evening Crystal Pine Grove my name is Todd Lumis Lumis reference to the Halloween movies as well the Dr Lumis police unveiled news about the Rainman get this folks his very first victim her name was Mary Baker police couldn't identify her immediately she was found too mangled Mary was found in her bathtub drowned and all cut up so this bathtub thing is a repeated Motif huh seemed a little more personal than the others so that's mother so he's he's killing people who remind him of his mother is that what it is maybe if it was the F cuz she's a brunette he says take this one mother and so he's like doing this the whole like mother killings she was just released from a mental institute where she was admitted after drowning her teeth teenage son his name is Jason Baker he was dead for 8 minutes but was revived he went missing short after police is unsure about if the sun has a connection what do you think what do you think police police is unsure if the sun has a connection with the Rainman the boy's father's whereabouts are unknown that woman Mary she looks just like me that Sound came from upstairs investigate the noise great I'm going to go investigate the noise strange I swear this window is closed oh where's the gun Susie where's the gun oh bad oh bad oh I hate this I hate this so much oh hello Susie why don't you take a good look in the mirror find a mirror no apparently my gun is just gone at this point so that sucks find a mirror I don't I I don't like this this is this is incredibly uncomfortable I am very paranoid about this even though it's a bunch of just pixelated Sprites this is not okay I I have to go to the bathroom right and then he's going to put me in the bathtub yeah hello Suzy is that there's someone in my house the detective outside he can help get help from the detective the gun it's gone ah how did he know is it my dad it was my dad the whole time get help from detective Parker oh oh apparently he was hiding in that other bedroom join me Susie make yourself comfortable oh I know why you're doing this I remind you of her don't I your mother you must be Jason Jason Baker ha C called it ah suie don't use that disgusting name Jason Baker is dead Caleb is that you yes mother my name is Caleb I am reborn after you drown me as will you mother wash away my hate for you Jason listen I'm not your mother your mother is dead what your mother did to you wasn't fair but drowning me will not take away that pain just let me go Jason let it be over you're ruining it Susie you're ruining it all saved my life somehow for now how do I get myself down hold up I still have Joe's lighter in my pocket I can burn the rope okay oh great let me just hey hey bud let me just bond with Caleb the killer over here that's a song my mother whistled when she was about to hold my head under the water oh my oh jeez she was all kinds of evil I'm sorry that happened to you Jason leave Susie the ladder takes you to the old lumber mill you'll know the way way you will never see me again oh okay why do I not believe this beware me me beware me killer oh oh hello Susie are you all right yes sir I'm fine how did you find me we got a call from your boyfriend he gave us the license plate of the Killer's car Susie where is the killer how did you get out I managed to escape when he was away I don't know where he is I don't know where he oh he's literally down in the lumber yard like we were just there less than a minute ago I don't know where he went to officer well I'm glad you're all right let's get out of here washed up Mercy ending five of seven we did it Wahoo okay didn't expect that one to work great just had to do a little psychology on him yeah it's wild that we covered for covered for Caleb though or Jason or whatever right right hey this guy nearly like was on the verge of killing me but I'm like yeah it's all right you know I don't know where he is yeah what that's CRA he's killed mult I get it he's gone through some stuff but he's killed multiple women at this point that is terrifying that's not okay all right Dave I'm still waiting for the ending where the the old woman is the killer oh that'd be fun wouldn't that be fun it's Mary in Disguise that would be amazing not the only killer no no no what do I have to do now okay let's talk to the old man okay now talk to creepy guys over here get an umbrella get an umbrella run away run away be frightened by everything I mean I will say this does a fantastic job at capturing just how scary it is to walk alone at night yeah like alone oh you are just hyper Vigilant of everything oh 100% this is terrifying legely legitimately horrific being alone in a house it's the worst I mean it's like if I'm in this situation I've have pepper spray in one hand you know I have someone on the phone with me you have you have your hidden weapons in various places yeah except the ride okay we're going to go with creepy Joe like we did last time so we got a good ending and a bad ending two and five so there's seven Okay so so here we go riding on home thanks take my lighter okay so I got the lighter creepy detective is going to pop out hello creepy detective or what if I keep going actually I'm curious bu stop nothing over here all right so I guess the the what I can do this time is I can let in my boyfriend or I so the big question is do I let in the boyfriend or do I go out to the detective we can try the detective next time cuz we know he's in the house okay here keep breathing oh that's not upsetting at all sorry wrong number breathing is creepy all right well well nothing to say there I'm just going to go back and sit down on the couch and watch some more this is fine hey hello oh it's Jessica stop trolling me there's is women that are actually being murdered on a regular basis in our town it kind of [Music] sucks okay oh someone's at the door it's my creepy boyfriend it's Andy what's he doing here don't open the door I'm just going to go [Applause] through I'm going to go through and try to get the detective this time we'll see what he does I feel I feel good that I solved the problem though that I survived wow that's upsetting windows closed that's not concerting in the slightest oh hello want to take a good look in the mirror suszie all right here it is oh no is that there's someone in my house okay the detective is inside the gun it's gone okay we're going to go downstairs you going to go outside he locked the door oh no except but can't you unlock it from the inside it's cold it's cold you can lock it unlock it from the inside oh well I'm uh guess I'm dead now no oh who who's there stay back I'm warning you there's cops outside you're in trouble I have to run the garage oh oh not great not great oh wait shoot oh shoot I A A sharp screwdriver I could use this as a weapon I can face him head on or Escape through the garage door uh embrace the killer no no you don't embrace the killer although again oh there we go Jesus Andy what are you doing here I found a dead cop outside your house no not the detective and I saw a creepy guy lurking around thought you were in danger he just happened to be around when my house is getting invaded trust me me Susie that's just a coincidence I'm not a stalker we should run to the police station it's just a block away trust Andy Andy did call us for help yeah in the last one but do we trust do we really trust him that is the question huh I'm going to say Do We Trust Andy no stay away from me Andy okay I'm going this way we're getting out of here I don't trust him oh man where I I don't know where I'm necessarily running to though to to be fair oh no Caleb Susie what's wrong I heard screaming Caleb oh thank God someone's after me what where is he I don't know he was inside my house I managed to escape I'm on my way to the police station good call Susie my car is down the street much faster follow me no don't do it nope nope no oh man a oh no oh I don't want to trust this guy I got to say that was a that was a great quick change that was right I that man did theater here's my car Susie hop in no why are we trusting him why wasn't don't trust Caleb an option wow Caleb this really doesn't seem like the police station Caleb Caleb I like that you and I were able to identify the killer the whole time yeah from the get-go I'm I'm proud of us we're theorists we are put together the pieces hey let's go into the clearly I got to talk to the cops that are down in the sewers of this abandoned lumber yard where are we going it's the old abandoned lumber mill no one's been here since 1979 the Rainman will never find us here don't you worry yep that's a totally legitimate excuse I uh never never mentioned the Rainman you're as sharp as a knife Susie I let that one slip didn't I you you're the Rainman I trusted you I don't know why you trusted him never trust strangers Susie even if you do know their name which you don't now be still mother we're almost there you notice the screwdriver is still in your pocket oh oh mother mother blood in the water got him that's crazy what she's just like shank shank wow all right we're just plowing through these endings aren't we yeah man this is fun I like this the endings don't go in the way that I expect them to here I'll skip this can we skip like all the other pre stuff that'd be cool if you just got to skip to the some of the key decisions what would you do [Music] Ash I mean I'm in this situation I don't know I don't I probably would have done the first path I think the first path yeah where it's like I would not have gotten in the car right I feel like going in the car with the creepy guy the whole the whole moral of the story which is if you don't get into the car with strangers you will die I feel like that's the the antithesis of the message that we want out of this I think I the moral seems to be trust the guys who are being upfront about being awful as opposed to the nice guys as opposed to the nice guys who are secretly awful and also worse right that's what it is the devil you know beats the devil you don't true that's exactly it except the ride yes hop on in Miss creepy J all right this time I guess we're going to trust uh the boyfriend even though again it's established that he kind of like cheated on you so again really all the Shady men in this story are bad or are good all the Shady men are good and all the good men are bad great thanks thanks for that one Gabe right the police detective hey hey it's me detective Parker hi lucky for me I got a screwdriver okay I hope no one calls me and starts breathing creepily into my uh phone shoot a there went that that nightly goal I also like that I'm still in my uniform that you know I I've still got the whole let me put paper and pens and stuff in in my little apron here scary movie oh no so scary very let me just watch some more TV I I really don't want to miss this guys it's a very enticing program I really don't want to miss this this is the best part is that someone at the door checking through the peephole it's Andy what's he doing here let's open the door we haven't spent much time with Andy Andy what are you doing here I was just walking around I was just walking by Susie saw some creep lurking around the house you just happened to walk by my house Andy please stop this Susie trust me this guy was really shady believe me oh oh my god oh oh my god oh no Andy holy cow he got the power can't see crap wait I still have Joe's lighter in my pocket the gun the gun in my parents room got to go get it oh no he's inside the house oh jeez oh my gosh I should probably turn off the lighter if I'm hiding under a table I might be giving away my position in this instance maybe you're very skillful well oh no I'm dead oh okay what oh the gun's empty find the ammo ammo is in the garage no oh I don't know I don't know how I got stabbed and survived and also hello don't mind me oh okay can I go down the stairs please okay thanks thanks Mr killer man oh wait this is my bedroom shoot went too far nope okay three I I don't know I don't know what was going on there I couldn't get past him well then how nice of you to join me Susie why are you doing this you killed my boyfriend exboyfriend that idiot did not even give you an umbrella like I did Caleb it's you but why you know damn well what you did to me all the blood is on your hands wash away the guil my hate for you farewell mother okay see I feel like the reverse psychology ending could work oh this time he watched me so sunk in Secrets ending three okay so it was slightly different that time I feel like all the reverse psych or all the psychology endings could really spawn off of that one where I'm like hey I still know what your mother did to you cuz we watched the we watched the news reel I guess in that ending we didn't watch the news re no not there so there you go I couldn't be like I know what's going on Caleb you're such a nice guy thanks for your umbrella don't let the demons win Caleb you're better than this don't let the demons win you got it okay so we've got ending where's ending one right we haven't gotten to ending one yet we've gotten two no no no what do I have to do now is that anyone if I don't talk to this guy I was kind of wondering that right like it's a weird it's a weird thing okay here we go right how do I get the cuz ending two is based off of that choice where I don't hop in the creepy car so it seems like it must come sooner I mean it feels like you just have to not cuz if you go and talk to the man um The Creep and Caleb are off screen and then that's what allows them to SP like spawn in that's true it's a good point so maybe there's a world where you don't run home with the umbrella right that could be and I'm not given an umbrella at all Joe except the ride umbrella so this time embrace the killer yeah I think embrace the killer or run with a or or run with the boyfriend that has to be the three right like Embrace a killer trust Andy and then don't do anything at the beginning yeah don't talk that's what I feel like that's what it's got to be leave the man in his rough marriage alone right he's just he's just living his best life detective Parker embrace the killer Embrace he just needs a little hug just need a hug he just need a little baby hug he just was going through some [Music] [Applause] stuff here we go I am your father would you like a lozen sir lozen perhaps okay thank you I like how long she tolerates the creepy breathing on the other end without it responding either for all we know that could be her creepy breathing yeah oh cuz she's not saying anything either she's not like hello hello sir right anyone there it's them just breathing at each other right two two creepy people breathing as you do okay this time Andy we're not going to open the door to Andy I'm going to ignore him we're going to embrace the [Music] killer the Rainman okay investigate the noise upstairs oh no windows open go downstairs there it is look in the mirror oh no look in the mirror oh no he's in my house that detective outside can help get help from detective Parker oh no he locked the door who's there stay back and War to you there's cops outside you're in trouble I have to to the garage okay get to the garage get to the garage get the garage okay all right Susie think think sharp screwdriver use this as a weapon I can face him head on or Escape through the garage door let's face him embrace the killer this a terrible idea by the way just just putting it out there love The Stance oh oh he did he just like push me ow you stop you stop stabing me with your screwdriver that kind of hurts Phillips no Flathead o oh right you will pay for that oh oh oh thanks Andy Susie are you all right Andy what what are you doing here I found a dead cop outside and heard fighting and screaming thought you were in danger oh Andy I'm so sorry sorry for everything so am I so am I oh did you also did you double tap the the killer after rain comes sunshine face think they just watched together well there's a dead body in the garage look it's fine there's a dead detective outside of my house and a dead serial killer in my garage but no we got to finish this movie we really got to finish that movie oh that is so funny that was amazing best ending ever um okay so this ending I'm going to do nothing I'm going to try to do nothing here right I'm going to miss the bus okay wrong way I also didn't read the newspaper on my way out the door so how little can you run no no I'm coming no see what they're still giving me the umbrella darn [Music] it thanks for the umbrella after the umbrella can I go back to this guy maybe now I talk to him that sucks Miss guess you couldn't see there huh what what's ending one I mean there might be one where you have to escape like I did not do a good job of escaping my house during that ending where Andy was killed so there's a world where I just need to escape during that ending or get outside great thank you just watch my programs I'll talk to you on a commercial break oh my gosh everyone calling me tonight jeez so tired just let me sit and watch my horror movie in [Music] peace now there's someone at the door what an eventful evening it's Andy don't open the door for Andy we're going to go through this learn about the news we interupt this broadcast to tell you some Exposition he's a killer it's my it's your his mother watch out for this close this strange this isn't creepy at all I'm not concerned about this in the slightest no there you go might want to check the mirror Suzy I will check the mirror oh no that's concerning there's someone in my house oh no detective Parker he locked the door even though the locks are supposed to go the other way who is it stay back and morning you the cops up outside I got to run to the garage okay all right Susie think think going a screwdriver embrace the killer no Andy what are you doing here I found a dead cop outside your house and I saw a creepy guy lurking around thought you were in danger you just happened to be around when my house is getting invaded trust me Susie I'm not the stalker we should run to the police station it's just a block away yeah sure trust Andy we're not going to make it though oh there's oh that's that's the wrong way clearly come on Andy come on Andy I love that we just passed the detective all dead that's an impressive way to have killed the detective too just by the way that was one very dead detective let's climb over this fence Susie it's much shorter to the police station all right give me a Boosty boost oh great oh this is a dumb idea police station almost there Susie this way a little bit further we really are just doubling back though oh jeez what the heck oh man continue running we're so close how far is this police station hey help me please wow wow calm down there miss what's wrong it's him he's after me he killed my boyfriend he's at the gate outside who's after you who's outside the Rainman he's here all right Miss sit tight I'll take a look sorry Miss there's nothing outside no body of your boyfriend either wow he works fast you have to look better he will kill me listen there's nothing I can do listen listen I've looked outside no body nothing I can do I'll have you protected and we'll look after little look for your boyfriend let's go home miss unknown Waters ooh o unknown Waters we don't know about the waters no those are those are questionable Waters Highly Questionable Waters all right so that's six of them do you know how to get the seventh I mean if it's not with the guy then when we were going through that sequence with the lighter yes we got stabbed thce and that was an ending right I was going to say so we have to do that one without getting stabbed Thrice I think so okay and then we can put up an episode and say the Rainman all endings whoa we can people people love people love them all those are all endings we got to be completionists about it you know yeah absolutely it's going to be awesome for us this is terrifying this this this this whole concept is terrifying to me it's very scary this reminds me of oh no I don't want no filter the scar of all endings I like that she's just still walking automatically now get okay there we go let's take a ride with the creepy guy man the cops are completely useless right hey ma'am I I looked outside he wasn't there I can't imagine where he could have gone to well he's not in this bush right he was in within the 5 metor 5 yard radius that I looked so uh yeah sorry lady I don't know what to tell you guess you got to go back home to your obviously insecure house good luck have you tried like locking things that's my recommendation clearly not enough how can I be expected to lock things I need to watch my program my precious [Applause] [Music] program okay one more time one more time with the creepy phone calls can we make it that's the grudge you ever see the grudge I have what you think of The Grudge uh I don't remember that much no yeah do you ever see the Ring The Ring or ring yeah no oh classic you ever see audition no oh man okay well then I have nothing more to say to you okay all right let's open the door oh no he died oh man I love that he like kills him and then shuts the door he cut the power I've got this lighter I got to go get it he's inside the house okay okay okay he's there do you think I can can sneak past him in this moment or do I need to wait for him to go to the bedroom well that's not going to help me out too much like when he's on this other side how what is his range exactly come on bud do a little creepy creepy okay here he's getting closer go okay I guess I guess this is safe for me to to go at this point okay it's empty see okay so he's getting close I hear my heartbeat okay moved away I guess you really got dive bomb under that thing huh okay yeah right you just got to launch your body some ammo and a spare key to the front door screw it I have to go make sure he doesn't see me leave can I leave underneath the garage door that's obviously open no apparently not all right this is it crap hold it right there I'm armed shoot or leave uh shoot right sure shoot shoot again great Oh Oh wrong way oh well that didn't work did it well poop illusion of oh Mr Craven Susan get down oh oh jeez all right you all right Susie heard a gunshot hey The Gunshot it worked woo it's okay he can't hurt you anymore he is dead there we go fish in a barrel what what what no and that's just the ending and that's just it and that is the final ending that we got yeah excellent excellent don't mind me I just pulled off my pulled out my saw off shotgun I knew he was there the whole time wow well I'm glad that I fired the gun at him to signal to my neighbor the the gun officient AO that uh that there was someone after me well there you have it that right there is the Rainman a little bit uh belated spooky game for this uh spooky season that was really fun I like that it was short and sweet to the point reminded me a little bit of uh Clock Tower back in the day the like old SNES horror game that was really slow but you had this like guy coming out and chasing after you with like giant scissors really solid this was really a lot of fun um a nice little indie horror experience uh what would you do in this situation I would curl up in a ball and just be so sad and so scared so sad so scared so so sad so scared um so watch out for any uh nice guys in your life and make sure that you're hanging out with all the creepers that's the moral of today's story so uh support the creepers in your life uh make sure that you report all the nice guys to the police and as always I will see you in the next episode so without any further Ado guys thank you so much for watching and remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see you [Music] w
Channel: GTLive
Views: 508,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainman, the rainman, rainman game, rain man, rain man game, rainman all endings, the rainman all endings, the rain man endings, rainman end, rainman gameplay, scary games, horror games, pixel art, pixel games, pixel horror games, indie games, indie horror, indie horror games, the rainman game, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live, gtlive indie games, gtlive scary games, gtlive tgisgf, tgisgf
Id: p2LIi5v2J0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 35sec (4295 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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