Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Will Give You NIGHTMARES! | Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 (Full Release)

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you better get moving quickly we'll keep in touch how about you introduce yourself and by the way my name is Ali nice to meet you oh don't you dare oh don't you dare oh don't you dare Oli oh boy oh oh by the way my name's olly that is why [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not live where better late than ever poppy playtime chapter 3 is finally here it it feels like we've been waiting for this one for for a long long time and not just because it was delayed from December to the end of January right now but also just because I I don't know in a world where you have The Gardens of band ban of the world where it seems like there's a new game update every two months 3 months or even back in the day of like Five Nights at Freddy's right where you would have like two games every single year granted it's been a long time since they've done that but the indie horror space and this like mascot horror genre has really survived and really thrived here on YouTube because one it's it's super clickable two the games tend to be like the right amount of gaml but then three is just they they keep in your mind right there's constant updates there's constant things to engage with and more often than not there's like a new game right on the horizon uh and so for poppy to have taken kind of like a pretty substantial break between chapter 2 and chapter 3 I'm really excited about this I thought chapter 2 of poy play time was fantastic and the the team over there has done a really good job of dropping the occasional analog horror video on their YouTube channel has done a lot of args in the background that have been covered by other channels to seed along the hype and keep people engaged with the franchise so that way hey they have sustained us through all of this and based on everything that they've released up to this point chapter 3 really seems like it's set up to be kind of a turning point for poppy where before it was like haha goofy mascot horror but chapter 3 seems like it's really leaning into the scares and the horror of the situation of like hey people are being turned into toys you know and the toys bleed and there's like blood and viscera and it's gross so I don't know uh but I'm really excited about it the imagery leading up to this has been so powerful between like the red poppy gas the like references to old Mickey Mouse like gas masks back in the day all of this stuff so today that's where we're at my friends is uh we are starting our journey into Chapter 3 of poppy Play Time chapter 3 deeple sleep apparently as I'm seeing on screen right now so I'm just I'm just thrilled uh it's been really nice to have this to look forward to and I'm really curious where they go with it this is one of those franchises that you know you see having a lot of potential and and have already started to execute on a lot of that potential and so I'm I'm curious where they take it from here um cuz really outside of FNAF like this is the other like big boy in the space at this point right yeah I'd say so right like cuz cuz bendy's kind of run its course and we'll see I think later this year they're releasing a bendy thing hello neighbor you know exists uh Garden of band ban is kind of like the the meme that we all like to point and laugh at but patiently tolerate and so poppy is like next to FNAF are like the two that are like Hey we're we're trying to do things we're trying to make big things happen and so I I'm I'm optimistic um Ash anything that I need to uh talk about before we kick things off or no we're all good um I don't think there's anything to talk talk about um but I think once we get a little further into the game I have a poem for you a poem yes a poem a poem is it a haiku a sonnet uh no I wouldn't say so I think it's more of like a free form thing okay interesting all right well with with that tease I'm intrigued with that tease out of the way here we go chapter three poppy Play Time finally deep sleep in the aftermath of the train crash so you'll remember at the end of chapter 2 we were running away from mommy long legs and we hopped onto the train in uh we hopped onto the train and we were sent down through the tunnels and it wound up going off the rails crashing kind of getting out of control and now we're outside of play care I believe um so in the aftermath of the train crashed you now find yourself stranded in the depths with a new goal in your sights new game all right let's do it what's the time Play Time play time okay this guy we get to watch it one more time they were proud of this they're like no no we're using it all the time great smileing Critters love it classic I've seen this on Twitter we Analyze This the wind's really scary [Music] I can't sleep hey we'll be okay guys I promise all winds blow away eventually that is true all wind is is the rising and falling of hot air in the environment once you understand that a lot makes sense about weather patterns it's fascinating cuz hot air rises because it's less dense and then the cold air swoops in to take it over and that's called wind right we need it C help us sleep sleep sleep terrifying love I still love [Music] this yeah you know classic ha Bears adventure oh so it's interesting so all of this everyone knows Huggy wuggy and Poppy playtime but are your children safe from playtime CO's latest toy what you've seen here is playtime CO's own smiling Critters is that actually something to celebrate the release of the toys sharing its name yet both now face the fire sparked by the inclusion of one key member this is catnap and of his line you just pull his little tail and seems innocent enough poof of air however parents across the country report their children experiencing strange and often violent nightmares to S their little grinning catnap doll now with controversy growing I love that this place looks like Willy won Factory of all catnap toys from The Smiling Critters line His Image cleared from all promotional material Dage already done will disappearing be that easy the exact cause of these incidents still unknown only one thing appears glaringly certain your children children are not safe with catnap cool that's cool I like that chapter three deep sleep a fun I'm so excited about that that's really cool that's really really fun oh I I got to say though as a toy what are you doing man right like not even catnap not just catnap but like all the toys all of them are horrific yeah I mean in design but also in terms of how you're playing with right pull the toy and little poof of air hello hello bloody pipe hey oh hey there he is there's there's the boy the one and is that the one and only catnap okay hey hi hello what is this oh hello oh no ah trash compactor get out get out the way I'm not going to be able to get I'm not going to be able to get on this AR I no okay oh there you go go go pulling a Star Wars get out okay here we go ooh hello yeah you can't squeeze me oh oh but you like but I can phase through the trash compactor itself apparently apparently that is a thing that is totally possible for me to have done uh H uh I may have broken the game Matthew we just started the game may have broken it we just oh have broken it this is why I can't have nice things oh yeah I I cannot do anything are you kidding I I kid you not okay what what if you punch the ground and see if you can like push yourself yeah I'm I got nothing I got nothing man all right well we're oh no way oh no oh no that flip from last checkpoint which was the beginning oh no oh no I I made a boo boo I made a boo boo okay here here okay we got it this time we got we we got it here I am here's the trash being compacted so I'm going to step into here this will keep me safe I'm assuming yeah okay now everything's squo great so now I can go down to the lower level oh look around for objects to pull yourself by holding okay there we go okay no apparently that's not an OP that I can pull myself with how about this this ladder feel like the ladder is a good one nope how about this thing this glowing other bar this other bar that is glowing okay there we go sorry I was confused by the the sheer volume of bars that were available to me okay big old piston probably should be riding the Piston down right this is that would be a far jump for me yo oh well I guess it wasn't I I guess I was okay really starting off strong here Ash this this is this is really quality gameplay you are a talented man that I am delivering only the best in uh premium AAA gameplay experiences right now that no oh I didn't really want to go down there but it sucked me it's fine let me just go down into this deep dark hole with a piston we're good oh I have again no no okay trash compacting here we go third times a charm Mash compact that trash please okay here we go right look at you feeling all right yeah I feel I feel fine I've just had a bit of a slow morning are you going to be okay with uh that that poem that's coming up later I I'll do my um breathing exercise off camera I should be fine by then let's see where we going to next this looks like a thing that I can pull cuz it is also glowing yellow but I am incorrect in that assumption okay where do we want to go exactly don't worry we're get we're going to find the rhythm of this we're we're going to get back into the rhythm of everything it's okay beep doing doing some fourth times a charm Ash fourth times a charm oh my God what is the vibe today wait something's something's in the water today Ash oh man something is definitely off we are we are not feeling it this morning clearly no oh no okay fourth times the charm and I don't want to go up apparently I I do feel like hopping on a piston the brightly colored piston tops there we go look there and then here so I wasn't wrong there we go yes yes fourth times a charm we got it easy every time except for the first three times in which case it was very difficult see control Crouch there we go see I had the right idea yeah okay encouraging us to run go over here run cool oh hello oh there's a little little boy hey bud apparently I cannot interact with you it's very dark dear game developers of horror games these days it's okay you can turn up the brightness just a little bit just just a sco right like I know everyone's really excited about doing the whole like look at the dynamic range I find myself and and let me know down in the comments if I'm the only one who does this but when a game tells you to like set the Shadows so you can just like barely see the like logo I'll actually opt to push it over a little bit more so I it's a bit more obvious to me at this point because I feel like the dynamic range of TVs stuff that they're expecting you to have I guess just are so big that I find myself having to like squint a lot and like really have to look and it's it's a bit too much yeah I would I would agree with that especially from the like content recording in streaming perspective Oh Yeah from the streaming perspective for sure where these are not optimized to be recorded um or you know taken from One display and put into another right right so when you get that there's absolutely going to be like let's say for um FNAF help wanted to like it was dark for you it was super dark for us really yes and like Matt and I had times where we'd stop and we'd just like tweet with the lightings and settings but like it still would barely do anything so maybe it's just the vibe and the aesthetic that's going on now but you know I've certainly sensed y'all's frustrations with um certain games being a little too dark right right and it is one of those things where there's only so much adjustment we can make right okay so we got oh we got the the spooky poppy gas so I I'm assuming if we fall into the poppy gas we are we are going to die right so we got to do some some expert platforming there you go thank you thank you Mario Jumpman Mario for years of platforming experience okay woo nailed it nice look at that I'm making up I'm making it up making up for lost time there won't have been anything secret up there that would have been a loss right if I gotten crushed by the Pistons probably here we go do a little Swing Swing oh oh no no no no you you stay over here you stay over here there we go perfect and Crouch and Crouch there we go this is totally safe and fine oh hi what are what are you supposed to be you seem important cuz I fell down almost on top of you but I do not know what you are all right well have a good day one day you know I I I like to do a lot of Escape rooms and so I've seen a lot of different like techniques and tactics and there's a lot that like force you to crawl between rooms through like a small little you know small little opening or whatever I would love for there to to be an escape room that is literally just like vent navigating through ventilation shafts oh gosh that is like Peak claustrophobia oh absolutely it is 100% but just to live out that fantasy that every video game put you into which is like hey do you you you think this would be cool huh going going through a ventilation shaft like this well let me tell you something friendo claustrophobia Central and just to get a sense of like how much room you'd actually have in there okay where there we go so that's not the right way this is the way I came from so really it seems like it must be one of two oh no I'm already crouching so I I can't Crouch any further H there's not many places for me to go I am I am trapped in a ventilation shaft so oh oh wait really oh great that took far longer than than it should have that was far more difficult to find than I expected okay here we go now We're Off to the Races candy cat snack some dino dots nice delicious little employee break room people just never clean up though you know unacceptable what is this clear clear Harper debrief CLA Harper debrief oo got lot got a lot of bloody handprints just all over the place lot of bloody handprints that is concerning stay energized thanks flower all right Miss Harper please explain the situation spare no detail well luck in and out all the children were getting sleep it was peaceful quiet catnap had the Red Smoke in the room then suddenly there is this scream not me happen I know but this I mean dilated pupil and quivering lips the way her eyes darted around the room and I swear her hand in mine it felt like her blood was spoiling beneath her skin she saw something too something horrible she I'm sorry I don't mean to no it's all right this is meant to be a debrief it's okay provide the very best care we can offer you have my word that is not true this is important they will not provide the best care happen to describe what she saw Yes a monster she said said that it was colorless colorless colorless a poor little heart pounding her it was right there in her movements there was a wild arms flailing legs [Music] kicking I wanted to talk to her colorless doing just that's a weird one like a just that would not be advised Miss Harper there are many concerns we must address at this time but vital show normal and we'll continue to monitor she'll be okay me I'm wow that was a strong all right yeah all right well that was that was a feel-good tape right there I that tells me that the visuals are important and we are not getting them yeah it feels like some restraint must have happened to prompt that like visceral of a scream right yeah that was that was a very although at the end she would calm down again like her reaction was like no but then she's like pardon me so on one hand I see her point of like oh they must be like restraining her and like taking her away kind of thing because she knows too much but at the same time it's like I think that's I think that's just like someone who really cares for the kids you know yeah it's just like the flip-flop is interesting too the flip flop is interesting for sure like going from 100 to like 15 yeah she very abruptly oh there there was a there was a big big big old shift right there come on show me a trophy you're letting me open these cabinets that means that there's going to be like something Secret inside of them right maybe maybe maybe no but I can't do dishes so get excited for that Get Hype dishwash simulator got a battery anything else up here no okay bunch of stuff here it is enter the battery Boop cool I need one more presumably see what we got over here oh Easy Battery grab it teach me how to use my hands appreciate that o and [Music] activate so this is where catnap dropped us off right so catnap dropped us off through here at the very beginning of this there's bunzo not real not a big fan of bunzo not a big fan of candy cat so really so really uh it seems like catnap is is pretty aggressively defending his Turf and doesn't want anyone else around it oh here we go I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you d you is that lore secret an elephant always remembers want to know what I remember about you I do give me that lore oh yeah I remember that too that's right how could I forget I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you that's great elepant always good talk Bubba Bubba Fant good oh hello phone please please leave a message why is my answering machine not on I haven't checked my tapes in a while clearly that's the problem here I need to like clear the answering machine at this point is it hiding somewhere the way it's ringing in the corner makes it seem like I have it on my person like oh this is clearly an item that you have in your inventory great oh okay we've got this apparently it didn't cuz I remember these from last time there we go good oh there's hey there it is there's the phone hey hello hey hey can you hear me Gregory kind of lost is that Gregory to die so I'm going to help you check this out look at the tube thing on the back wall ready booom what you can use that battery to open the door booom Gregory this kid okay hold up I don't know what sort of Mind meld was happening between poppy playtime and and FNAF but a kid that sounds a whole heck of a lot like Gregory just called me and I guarantee that this kid is going to betray me this kid is not a kid this is probably catnap I'm just calling it this kid is probably catnap and he's luring me to my Doom right this dude is in every single Plex you can imagine all the plexes the the pizza plexes the play plexes the poppy Plex yeah Gregory gets around okay the grimmick gets around oh that's so funny like the Beach Boys yes like the Beach Boys yep round round get around they get around yes thank you get around round round they get around they get around get around round round get around round round woo woo that I mean that's the that's the lyrics you're right cool Gregory I opened the door for you I even love that it's I'm talking like I I know it's there's certain limitations that you would be working within and so I talked to Gregory through like the Roxy walkie talkie and here I've got like the poppy playtime like goofy toys te telephone a lot of similar just saying there's a lot going on here he likes plexes and Telecommunications did you do that I did I guess that's where catnap found you yeahhuh I know you're probably mad at poppy for not letting you escape yeah she needs you we need you you are our mission together we can save a lot of people can we including you play care is straight ahead I don't it's the home of catnap one of the smiling Critters there used to be eight of them I think now it's just him I have a feeling that the others are around Church his hunting ground his church whatever he wants it to be you better get moving quickly we'll keep in touch how about you introduce yourself and by the way my name is Oli nice to meet you oh don't you dare oh don't you dare oh don't you dare Ali oh boy oh oh oh by the way my name's Oli that is [Laughter] why I do be watching out for this Ali character trust me I know alies very well and they're squirly you can't TR you can't trust them as far as you could throw him I also know that alies are obsessed with robots and pretending to be other things yes so if if this Ali is like many of the Ali I've spent time with let me tell you we can't trust this guy oh wait a minute this is interesting is this um oh this is the uh similar to a project playtime right isn't this the project playtime like station it looks very familiar right it looks very familiar or like one of the places that they kind of drop you off in interesting oh man up do I get to sit in front of this giant Suite of TV screens and shut security gates is that what's going to happen here oh hello you are lit in a way that makes me think that you're some sort of collectible but you are not even though you are very well lit okay lies I man there's an there's a Gregory and his name is Ali and I don't know how to feel about it that is so bizarre outside of just severe distrust don't trust any of it okay I see a glowing line there so we'll we'll have to probably charge this up hello else we got going on over here oh thank you door okay grab the handle and rotate the beam where where's the beam I guess the beam will activate once I grab the handle a wait hold up aim the beam at the power input while touching the power source and fire okay hold up so here okay oh what okay hold up so what you want me to do okay so I'm rotating the beam so if I rotate the beam this way NOP it has to be this way can I just and rotate the beam with Q what you mean q and E what beam am I rotating rotate the beam I I feel like the beam is very direct where you going where you going okay you're going over there so I need to connect you to this other thing right is that what I'm oh hold up this thing oh rotate the beam okay this way there so now right so now it should be this and this there we go okay nice I get it grab the handle and rotate the beam all right cool activated this hello everybody how are we all doing can I hop through here there we go so I activated something over there I guess I have to activate another thing elsewhere to turn on that computer bank so let's see we've got oh Party Time Lemonade excellent you know who else likes lemonade OE probably evil robots too hey I'm chicken chicken want to go outside and hang out for the name like kicking chicken I just want to dip you in Buffalo sauce and consume you I mean you're not wrong right that's like I mean I feel like that's every like hot sauce in every Bar and Grill known to mankind I'm a kicking chicken get yourself some kicking chicken R outside it does look pretty rat outside you're right I've never been outside before Oh this is some deep lore Happening Here kicking chicken will you come with me uh I'm scared oh this is sad I bet he screams Bloody Murder in the next one here follow me I'll step out first you know this this chicken it was the first it's saw everything whoa whoa I'll step out first Suzie kicking chicken is chica Suzie I was the first I've seen everything [Applause] God maybe they're all vampires and they step out into the sunlight and they're like ah it burns that is somehow less horrific than the alternative it it is right strangely strangely enough treat yourself at playtimes New Park oh man they have themselves a fun park it's Fall Fest that's fallfest 1970 there it is I'm I don't know I'm seeing a lot of parallels happen in here friends I don't think I'm not I'm not looking to compare everything to Five Nights at Freddy's contrary to popular belief that's not what I'm going for but when I see parallels I am going to call them out Fall Fest it is totally Fall Fest all right close open Joy oh I like Joy activate Joy backpacks left suspiciously around next thing you know there's going to be like a digital entity that pops out and jump scares us and that no one knows what it's l connection this mixes what does mixes mean here we go what do we got here oh the hour of Joy yeah that's nice let's go let's go H I don't want to like go in here is this going to pull me away oh no it is so I didn't get the screens activated should I have oh no we just no we're just inside the cart then hello hello hello my name is Elliot lwi great the world today you know I could probably w one thing do you think it needs more fun I asked around once money I never have enough understanding I can never get any faith the common man has lost it each answer was different and I could perhaps see some little truth in each I feel like all of those are valid also missing something I think probably money though something simple fun you see not one of them could muster a smile wow wow oh man oh man a smile look at your surroundings a smile is love a smile is understanding and there is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile to be the spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams or it is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world one where our children need not be afraid one where they are protected after all this company and its toys are nothing without them these children deserve to smile deserve to love and they deserve a safe home oh okay that is why it is with enormous pleasure that has the founder of playtime Co I announce this is very Bioshock play care my own onsite orphanage oh beautiful it's not only that never seen the L School a playhouse a place to belong our own ecosystem beneath the surface dedicated in every inch and detail to ensuring a child's smile why does it have to be underground though why underground though mother and father those kids are going to be lacking a lot of vitamin D all of that in you may play care bring joy inspiration and smiles to all who enter these doors okay for what gives life its meaning if not a smile thank you cool oh hello olly hey olly it's me again Oli hey cool place right the kids used to live here now look at it anyways do you see that statue in the middle of the room room take the stairs that go under it there's a really cool room in there that powers literally all of play care I can give you a key down there can you are you going to give me a key what about all the blood splatter I'm seeing I'm seeing a lot of blood splatter too should I should I be concerned about any of the blood splatter no yeah that's that's giv me some strong Bioshock Vibes also like when you're entering the bisphere and he's like rapure and it's great it's a great sequence um I also do got to call out the fact that you know here's the Rich toy Tycoon businessman being like a everyone thinks they need money but what they really need is a smile I appreciate that he was like a smile can bring hope and joy I'm not going to address the money thing right yeah right Faith they'll have faith in the toys the money thing they'll they'll deal with itself you know you know what they say money doesn't buy happiness so yeah happiness that's what it is oh got to love that hey classic is there is there a tissue box under there is there a tissue box there is can you like pass that to me yeah thanks did you just need a tissue yeah I did okay great well there you go I I thought I didn't know if you were crying off of the moving message of Elliot lwig no no I'm just a little stuffed up I suppose I understand feels like it's going around these days like the Beach Boys getting around round round get around it gets around it does you think I can jump in this water well the joke is you I can't because I it won't let me so there you go my my question is moot cool very excited about this this looks like a fun place to explore here's the thing I don't I don't hate your idea of like taking in the orphans and giving them a nice home and a place to learn and grow and that's that's very nice ni of you I I don't get why it's underground though like why is it got to be underground Bud that seems that seems like a poor idea that seems very silly and shortsighted of you sir here let's let's do what Oli told us and we'll explore later hoppy Hopscotch unafraid to hop where others might sit hoppy is the friend everyone needs to maintain their energy and enthusiasm while sometimes loud or impatient She'll always hop beside her friends even if it means slowing up once in a while to keep their Pace I'm Hy Hopscotch want to try hopping to the Moon with me I I feel like that's uh a pretty far hop I'm Hoy Hopscotch you want to try hopping to the Moon with me yeah pass thanks but no thanks hello authorized Personnel that's me cuz presumably I'm part of the company that made all this horrific stuff happen that's the lore and I that's the lore I'm going with until I'm proved otherwise let's see okay I've got some suspicious glow wires see black and white is it possessed by the nightmare own is that the puppet is that night is that nightmare Huggy what nightm nightmare Huggy glitch Huggy oh no he's possessed the vengeful Huggy wuggy the vengeful Mommy Long Legs oh man oh hello ooh Keys thank you this is this you got the key now the question you're probably asking yourself is where does it go well head back out and you should find a door just to the left of the cable car you took down here Ollie you know a lot of things olly your knowledge of this area is very suspicious to a degree that I have a feeling you're going to betray me at some point just just calling it like I seiz it i' I've been at this Rodeo Oli I don't know if you're you're aware I've explored other ruins fairly recently and uh it didn't go super well for me just don't ask me to get on an elevator okay oh boy if you ask me to get on an elevator we're going to have problems hi hello uh pardon the abrupt cut there uh I had to run at the end of that last recording very quickly and so things had to end a bit abruptly so I didn't get a good like segue or sign off or anything and you'll notice that wow I magically have a new haircut and a new outfit mostly because it's cold up here today uh so we're we're picking things back up where where we left off uh but it had to be broken up a little bit just didn't want you confused or why we had done this magic trick uh we're picking up uh the next day cuz I wasn't able to get back to it later today so now I feel like we're we're ready to make some progress right Ash you know I am so ready to make some progress we we we're like do we cut it where we left off and we're like no we didn't do anything like we barely got out of a trash compactor that is not a satisfying upload so here we are rounding out out at least this first episode and then we're going to continue moving forward so here we go let's continue my friends so uh real quick because last time we were kind of like pushing ahead and I wanted to spend a little bit more time exploring here uh but now that hey we're we're restarting and and we're able to do this again I I did want to explore around this Central Area a little bit more cuz it looks like we're missing one of the statues and it fell off and I'm assuming this is I'm assuming this is catnap then here we got bubble bubble Fant he's the brain of the critters bright and attentive he keeps his friends steady and always steers them to make smart choices that way they all might grow up to be bright and Brilliant each in their own right I'm bu bu that's beautiful hey I remember you huh to really lean into the whole I remember you hey hey I remember you we' got crafty corn a conscious Observer of both color and creativity in the world crafty corn understands the importance of art sharing it with others crayons pencils paint or words on the page unicorn uh can see beauty and in anything imagined hi I'm crafty corn can you help me with my painting pass me the blue please okay be happy to hell I'm not the most artistic but sure we got uh py pigy piggy sure what's more important than play and learning pigy piggy knows the answer a playful body and Keen mind fueled by what's it put into them which is why we encourage her friends to eat why she encourages her friends to eat a well-balanced diet secretly PB and JS are her favorite food I like that she secretly has a favorite food like I encourage everyone to be healthy but really I like the good stuff all right piggy piggy it's okay let's talk about things hi there I'm piggy piggy let's eat great hi there I'm piggy piggy let's eat we got dog day uh this is dog day the sunny strong and determined leader of the critters each trusts him to find the bright side in any situation and to have a friendly word of encouragement should they feel down he'll always keep his friends going no matter what says fet excellent that's weird what usually there's like an introduction right just says yeah he's still has to go do things man he's he's the leader he's got he's a leader okay he's got places to be and things to do bobby bear hug a kind caring Soul bobby bear hug shows compassion for everyone and for everything people and places and things large or small one are are all receivers of her love each is enriched by their attention and affection and in turn so she hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you how much yes how much tell me tell me how much you love me Tell Me Your Love hi I'm bobby bear hug want to know how much I love you apparently not enough to actually tell me just leaving me on a cliffhanger Bobby and then there's everyone's favorite K chicken the chicken wing it's a sauce at Buffalo Wild Wings this is kicken chicken the cool kid of the crew he maintains that sense of cool throughout anything even the most tense of situations knock him down he'll pick himself up brush himself and off and ask what's next hey I'm kicken chicken want to go outside and hang out I do I have a feeling it won't end well for you though you'll get like burned in the sunlight and then here's here's our little catnap fella I also wanted to call this out as a detail that I as we were getting things warmed up again the fact that all the lights are BR the dinosaur smart I like that it's a cool little detail all right I'm assuming everything else is going to be locked up and that we're just going to discover it later so I did want to get familiar with those character intros cuz I thought that that's a good thing to be aware of but I'm assuming we'll explore the rest of this in more depth later so now I feel good about moving on to this so here we go so we went through here and we're going this way oh look we're at the exit already going behind the scenes behind the magic oh okay fair thank you poy play time loading I like that every time it goes to like a VHS tape like are we watching this on VHS it's it's an interesting aesthetic it's an interesting choice watch your step always remain aware of your surroundings Falls may be lethal that's fair all po bunzo what we got here don't forget your mask employees always wear a gas mask whenever the red smoke is present great that's not concerning at all there you go there's caty having a grand old time just slurping it up what a random poster to put there hey look at all this undecorated Factory by the way have some fun enjoy yourself a little childhood childhood fun okay so it looks like you know whether it's catnap or whoever whatever was Rampage and got all the way back here welcome to the gas production Zone the beating heart of the whole evil play System I've got a gas production Z for coming from the machine is made right here in the factory it's called the red smoke the red smoke right now it's all headed off to the right we need to make that red smoke go left instead do we now that's how we can get to him the machine will probably have a few dumb safeguards for you to work around few dumb safe you can do it I'll call you once it's done thanks thanks thanks for putting me in charge of that one olly activate certainly not okay Ali Gregory whoever the heck you are no power he he sounds a lot like Gregory just saying okay so we need to find some power it needs more power so let's find it shall we anything interesting up here around here I'm not seeing any like Easter eggs or trophies or anything so okay let's go in here here oh big ominous machine oh hey catnap talk to me catnap I was wondering if you wouldn't talk to me oh sounds like catnaps been hitting a little bit of his sleepy gas too leave me alone five more minutes great I have a feeling we could probably speed some of that up I have a feeling if we like take that audio and then like speed ramp it a little bit you might be able to get something out of it oh was the battery just there I mean here we'll put this away but I would like to explore that a little bit more here is a battery oh that open up the other one hold up it's not that easy there's got to be something something else hidden in there it's not just like oh the the very obvious battery is obvious like there's got to be something else in here all Personnel secured behind them okay so that's more of like an air lock thing I noticed this post on the door watch your step okay don't fall off don't die anything up there we got this whole catwalk area up here no okay you're tantalizing me with all these catwalks and upper areas for a second there this looked to me like a pixelated version of The Crying child I see the crying child there oh my God I see it do you see him I hate what this has done to me right for brief moment as I was flashing around I'm like wait a minute that's a pixelated version of The Crying child oh my gosh that's him he's sad there's his big there's his big square eyes his little brown hair oh yeah absolutely it's actually a bunch of pallets I love I love what the internet and these indie horror games have done to us Ash we we are so broken at this point oh yeah point of no return right when you start seeing pixelated characters of dead kid like pixelated versions of dead kids around you in your day-to-day life call for help yeah you know I feel like in regular circumstances you'd go to a psychiatrist about yeah that's like that's like brain rout right there right there happening exactly exactly for us it's just symptomatic of the job everywhere I go I see dead pixelated children excuse me what so there was so there was legitimately nothing in there I'm wondering if we're going to activate that machine at some point I'm hopeful okay big old handprint I know in the trailer they showed like there's like a jumpy hand or something so I'm assuming we're going to use that here in a second but maybe that's what we're in the process of unlocking ooh okay VHS tape which means there's going to be a secret tape around here somewhere usually those are in close proximity oh there it is and there you have it green plus green activate oh I didn't look at the name oh what a fool I was sorry I'll have to rewind it my bad that was dumb of me I was so excited to find something oh just talking about the working prototype extended wire length thank goodness cuz my wires weren't long enough swapping hands is easy it's as easy as dropping it down this say air Jets okay yeah this is the Launchpad then to break long Falls [Music] so simple but watch where you land yeah don't land on spikes okay so no amount of Breaking of My Fall onto a spike is going to be fair this is see this is if we had more game lab episodes if we had more game lab episodes that would be fun to test people falling onto spikes and how deadly spikes are hear me out hear me out okay cuz I think that if you're falling from a spike onto a spike from not a far distance it's not going to kill you you can just stand on that Spike or you could like lay on it you know well let's talk about the point factor and the size of the spike right right yes I feel like that has a huge impact on your impact oh it has a huge impact on your impact no totally well it's also like the idea of like resting on a bed of nails and stuff you know right whoa oh that's cool that's really fun but like a bed of nails right like because the nails are so close together you're totally safe you know it's a little bit pointy and as long as you're gentle with it it's not going to poke you right you know cuz your surface area is distributed across a long you know a bunch of different smaller points whereas if you're laying on a single nail yeah that's that's dumb you're going to get punctured yeah but I feel like you know video games are all about like oh falling onto spikes is going to kill you all the time so you can't launch yourself all the time it's just on special pads that limits it a lot um but you know just take some of my friends some of our fellow co-workers other people from the YouTube space and you know drop them on a bunch of spikes from various Heights and see what happens yeah I think I'd like to stay on the production side for this episode are you sure yeah I think so okay your call cool I mean if you insist I mean were you were you thinking I would be a participant I mean if you wanted ooh hello that's less gassy and more just like ooze no one said anything about the red ooze the Red Sea it's biblical we should split it that's that's the solution it's not about you it's using your grab pack to like make a gesture to split it across okay so I'm here and then I would like to bounce can it go this way doesn't seem like it can oh oh There was a bottom all right I see what you're doing there I didn't make that shoot sorry coming to okay so here it is Leap should I leap onto this pipe I feel like that pipe is the safer option pipe okay oh got it okay YOLO now I'm going to am I going to pull you back you can come back to me do I need you over here maybe that's my guess going to launch you yeah over there okay yeah nice smart making us use the same thing twice I see what you're doing there game a here we go here's some quality puzzling dead Huggy wuggy lot of lot of how many people did they kill like how many how many human bodies does it take to make a successful you know living toy that's one of my questions cuz there's a lot of living toys in this world and a lot of like dead blood spatter everywhere and I feel like it's got to be taken up a lot of humans you know there's a lot of living toys a lot of Dead toys a lot of blood splatter everywhere so how many people are they actually like working through in this whole thing also in this universe is there suspicion around whether this Corporation is killing kids right like are you that's another Factor too how many can you get through before people are like H you know no 100% it's this idea of if are they actually if they're actually selling these toys right and they're like oh don't worry family and friends yeah like a kid at some point has broken his toy and that toy has like leaked or cried out in pain let's be honest mommy my toy is leaking it's like oh my God that's blood my toy is leaking it's leaky Mommy I don't like my toy okay here we go can I get out here oh there we go so now if I shoot here this guy okay so oh I got to pull it okay can I pull it from here that'd be Nifty if I could pull it okay I can't pull it from here give give me my hand back I require my hand please beep okay so now we're going to pull you how many so I need to go this one there we go I bet I could have done it from there actually can I double can I CH these that'd be awesome if I could all right two and I need the yellow or green hand that work like it should have did it work feel like it just misses it a okay there we go feels like that's pretty direct right like right there it also kind of like locks into place there may we need to do it from down here are you are you are you kidding me right now you you kidding me small guess I have this guy which I can do come on come on hold on one this is okay so he doesn't go there no this one's going to go here so this guy needs to go from here to there and then this one is going to go here to there right like right there that's where you're going to head unless I'm doing a big old thing here and if I go I mean I could do that I suppose that seems excessive though that that seems unnecessary but we'll try it okay disagree game disag I I see I I get that you had a mechanic that you wanted me to to follow through but at the same time I think my solution also worked and I think that's that's part of the confusion there so this is like that time when I corrected the standardized test in Ohio you what yeah I was that kid yeah I I was that kid where I'm like hey standardized test in Ohio this this question has multiple answers for X I was in fourth grade and the teachers are like you're the you're the only one who talked to us about this but you absolutely right I'm like yeah thank you I I I wasn't like that but like you would hope that they would know better you know yeah wow I didn't even know you could consult them about questions well I brought it up to my teachers oh okay you know what I I'll be fair actually I I was incorrect about this so I see the eror of my ways cuz what I didn't realize is that these are required to go through you'll notice that the the top goes up so I retract it I don't think it was made super clear that that you needed to go through them so that is my point but you'll notice that similar to past in past episodes of of poppy where you have to kind of loop your electric arms around the the posts you have to do that here too so okay I was incorrect so here we go so okay so to be fair I was mistaken I Now understand why I had to go through both so I apologize for my Brash attitude and my overconfidence that was wrong with me okay here we go we go there and there see okay so now once I knew I had to do that that was hard it's just more figuring that out okay cool what do we got no signal great awesome here we go well we made it back here but did that do anything for me did I find a battery of some form so I've got these all power over here everything's charging it's only a blue battery though don't I oh I mean I guess all the electricity is flowing in it hello 90° c ooh got barometric pressure all okay generator status online oh no not again I just went through all of that yes hello now it's just dark man oh olly Ollie call hey Ollie what's up oh no someone killed the power it was you wasn't it I sent you another key you thought I was in an elevator statue use it to get into home sweet home then once you're inside find the building's backup generator good luck yeah really I like that he just like leaves me he's like oh don't worry I I will never let you see me I'm just going to leave you Clues along the way I'm just going to leave you a little Keys every once in a while so we went that whole way and did didn't really accomplish anything did we even stuff like the battery like there was still a blue like that missing blue battery section so I'm assuming we're going to go back there at some point huh very strange okay so now we're back here he said under the statue hello under the statue it was over here key no hey old man hey old man we have an established place to put things oh oh oh he sent it through like numatic tubes H is this guy the Prototype is is Oli the Prototype is that is that what we're working under here what that would be wild him as the Prototype yes yeah why because he's also the mimic and so like so so small children Doppel ganging as like or or sorry real real giant robot monstrosities Doppel ganging as small kids I yes also love the term Doppel ganging Doppel ganging you know it's it's it's the classic uh doofen Schurz mean like if I had a nickel for every time it happened I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but you know strange that happened twice uh okay I forget which one is uh the one we're going to but instead of looking at the map which is the lame wave doing it I'm going to do it the cool way by running around and randomly trying things cuz that's called strategy so cool only the coolest kids run around flailing uh I curious what's over here though I see a treasure chest and I'm attracted to it look at those sweet v-bucks sorry pcks oh my gosh gonna trade those in for a new emote a new dancing skin here we go nothing over here the I'm noticing the recurring of the the red blue and yellow I don't exactly know if there is any significance outside of that's just the colors of uh playtime Co you know but who knows oh this is this is an ominous this uh this is ominous one but two this is also very similar to where we found Poppy before right where when we oh hello spooky right I'm like ooh random Fade Out um but yeah when we found poppy in end of chapter 1 she was in a building like this uh where there was a lot of uh this sort of like old timey wallpaper I'm assuming these are our kids aka our victims oh she's in a ball pit I'm like what happened to this poor child she went into the pit oh and she time traveled see time all that kid looks really happy to be with bunzo also wearing makeup that is very similar to to the puppet oh my God that's the this is this is clearly Charlie this is the marionette also the spirit inside of bunzo Charlie Charlie Emily is also bunzo go oh hello oh I'm not allowed to go in there hey I read the safety instructions I am not allowed to go in there without my gas mask thank you very much either that or we this is now suddenly become dark souls and I'm going to enter this fog gate and suddenly a dragon with a stomach for a mouth is is going to attack me I've played enough Dark Souls to know what happens when you go through a fog gate just saying I guess I'm just going to run through it I guess this is a bad idea was I supposed to do that I mean you did now so I mean I did I feel like everything in the game was telling me not to do that I mean what where else could you have gone is the question back up and maybe Ali would have given me a call oh hello oh what so am I allowed to just walk through this room cuz I was running through it in the hopes that like I wouldn't get gassed but now I'm just able to explore it don't worry about the mysterious gas that you're just inhaling this is fine we're all we're all good here this is totally a healthy thing this going to be like scarecrow gas right it's going to cause me all these nightmares oh buddy hello no nothing okay oh this is this is just primed for a nice jump scare sequence isn't it h also at this point I'm assuming that we can't trust anything that we see because we're high on the gap gas now or we're like subject to the [Applause] gas hello small child hello hello nope nothing okay it's just the gas what's this Nick Jane leir Nick Hicks I don't know what this is they're on a train or something interesting okay else do we got going on over here this morning as of 9:45 a.m. local authorities report that the body of a young boy has been found on the estate of the late aliot ledwick the esteemed toy maker and originator of the Playtime company AIT official conf got listen found in an upair bom in a large bag officers on scene report that the remains appear to have been Disturbed organs as well as keybo Bones from the skeletal structure were reported missing from the oh that's disturbing unnown at this time whether this extraction was in fact the cause of death oh so is that is that Elliot lwigs is that Elliot Ludwig's uh child I thought it was a girl that he had as of 94 that's interesting so uh do I go down the path of more scratches or less scratches let's go more scratches just for the heck of it following recent events playtime Cole was asked for any comment regarding the discovery this is what they had to say quote it's sickening Elliott lwig was a great man and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence let alone what others now claim he had a deep love in his heart for children like this one making the actions of whoever planted this body all the more look forward to clear his good name both in the public eye and in the eyes of the law stay tuned for more that's creepy that was creepy that was a good effect that was creepy huh so a body in a duffel bag so is that his kid is that one of the orphans that's really creepy and sad honestly that also looks like a delicious cake by the way I know nowadays we're all about these like store-bought cakes and stuff but like that's that's a banger of a homemade cake can't be beat okay here we go I'm assuming this is a scripted sequence and that there's like there's no right way or wrong way through this maze go this way this is the darker way it's spooky maybe I shouldn't have gone this way okay too dark too spooky much dark too spooky hello Olly is that you olly hello Olly is that the duffel bag it's not but that' be terrifying if you wound up at the place with the duffel bag that is a loud and aggressive phone hello you need to run thanks Ali oh did you not see that no oh my God it was catnap oh was he there yes oh oh no oh no oh shoot I darn it he was too well hidden hey catnap Hur you up bud Kat ni is just sleep boy it's the thing is everything's so dark and murky I'm having a hard time making things out these old eyes times proclamation of lck's Innocence many believe his reclusive and mysterious nature displayed over the previous decades W suspicion to this claim when questioned mwi's neighbors indicated that he would often return to his home in strange hours of the night andart again before I mean that's just that's called being a businessman thats that's that's just it seems to keep all name with brand regardless what is sure to be a long leer battle will follow I was told not to move an inch by this the the mysterious radio man but I feel like in order to progress things forward I kind of have to move a couple of [Applause] inch oh this is this is upsetting huh ooh ooh I'm going to go this way this way looks more interesting it seems slightly brighter a little bit oh hi hello hello hello is that my GrubHub delivery yes please been waiting for a while thank you this creepy oh there he is that's creepy see I saw that one I saw it that time it was spooky it haunts you wait guilt haunts you guilt haunts you like me are we are we Elliot lwig this whole time we've been saying that the Elliot lwig is prototype go this [Music] way guilt haunts me again we've just entered PT now welcome to mascot horror PT guilt haunts me awesome yeah that's that's a very pts sequence where you're just like looping around and around and around a bunch of times oh I could go down there or I could head straight let's go straight I'm going to head to the light I'm so curious if there are multiple routes here if there are hidden things guilt haunts me so this does very strongly seem to support what we've been saying this whole time right is that we were a worker at this company and not just a worker but one of the like big employees at the company like one of the the heads of a department or a vice president or something like that um so to see that you know catnap is like giv us these like nightmare sequences and we're seeing a desk and guilt haunting me and stuff like that I might not be Elliot lwig himself right I don't think that would make a whole lot of sense and that would be kind of strange but I do think that we are very clearly you know an employee who helped make some of this happen right even knowing some of the the atrocities or scary things that Elliott had done you know we're still working for him we're still participating in these experiments things like that but that's that's a huge clue right there that's a huge confirmation it feels like of like hey look at you man look at what you're doing get up I I am Up Get Up Stand Up Stand Up For Your Right get up this house is is is seeing some uh some disrepair I will say there's definitely some drywall issues here that I'm looking at some severe water damage very concerned about the state of this house I keep waiting for something to jump out at me from one of these holes in the wall some to like grab me this is crazy get up that is disturbing it's very sh shining esque the slow opening like elevator in the distance all right well that was a fun little romp wasn't it oh happy and fun happy and fun why was it done and we got the lab experiments being done on everyone either this is to figure out what the gas does or maybe it's to figure out how to convert people to toys I can see that also still I don't have my hands indicating that we are still in this kind of like dream sequence State it's also worth noting that Ali is the reason we're here that he pushed us into this area oh hello welcome to playtime thank you thanks guys all right got Huggy oh look at little boy hey Huggy greetings employee welcome to your first day here in playtime we're certain that in the the days to come you'll find your new family here every bit as loving and supportive as your own yep feel free to wander the hall I just wed a lot of hall or watch our children Play and Learn to their little hearts content join the Innovation for the bounds of science continu I like that that's the same thing as the Disney imagineers play whose diligence and care for our children will help shape a brighter future just you see now everyone of you has your part in that was ominous so should you come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are or what you've done for your supervisor is here what have I done I want to know more and uhuh should you come back years later hey conscience finally getting the better of you yes may you descend into the dark in the dust awesome finding all that awaits you are incomprehensive ible hores each hungry for your return each eager that they might find you perhaps they'd smile at you from a shadow their smiling mouths full of tears oh I can't even turn away I can't turn away plastic watching and waiting patiently for their turn at welcome that's great or perhaps they won't allow you such time to figure your place in the world World you'd left a world that's theirs now welcome home thank you oh no way are you kidding me are you are you kidding me that's awesome that was so good oh that's nuts oh I there was no way to escape was there oh crazy CRA that was great that was awesome and and so cool cuz it confirms exactly what we've been theorizing about this entire time right that we've returned it's it's cool that it confirms that we you know that we felt guilty about things and we wanted to like make amends for the the sins of our past or whatever and also the fact that like hey you know you might be coming back but there's nothing you can do right like that ship has sailed my friend so that's locked so we're seeing all the I'm wondering if these are like developer kids like kids who were involved in the production at all or like you know family or maybe like old photos of everyone Seth Jones that's interesting to have like a very clear like name front and center there lot of Seth Seth Jones is on a lot of these interestingly okay so that one's locked and that's everything okay cool I feel like this now is a a better point to break right we've done some puzzles uh we've gotten some lore bits and we got a good a good jump scare we got a lot of L bits actually I'm so hyped about that sequence that was super cool and I hope that we get more moments of this so what have we learned we've learned that Elliot lwig was found with like a dead kid in a duffle bag and that you know he was starting to extract like key materials from him to put into toys to to live forever who knows it's not confirmed that he did anything right it was just that it was around where he was so kind of leaves open the possibility that it was planted there or maybe he discovered it and was trying to fix things um so that's real creepy we're also not sure if that was you know was that an orphan kid was that his his own kid from you know the the was that the first tragedy that started everything and then yeah we have gotten confirmation that we used to work here and now we're trying to make amends for what happened um so I'm very curious about where they lead that but really really awesome a little bit of a slow start I will say like it's it's been kind of slow and a lot more kind of like protracted than some of the starts of the other episodes of poppy play time but I don't hate it right so overall a bit of a slow start but really solid right it's very atmospheric you could tell that it's taking its time it's building out this world it's building out the lore you have the whole like bisphere sequence which Bioshock did so well and you could see them doing here so across the board I'm very intrigued there's also been a lot of things that have been seated out to us that I'm curious whether they're going to pay off before the end of the chapter right we're still missing a battery from that like opening puzzle section the the computer screens or the security screens that we passed at the very beginning they didn't really lead to anything or I wasn't able to activate anything so I'm wondering if I'm missing stuff I hope not but also it it seems like it's still early I think they said online that this is supposed to be about 4 hours um and feels like we're kind of like the first hour into it which feels about right um so I'm excited to do more I've been looking forward to this for so long I love where it's headed I love how they've ramped up the atmosphere and the scares and it isn't just like woo jump scare or whatever this one feels truly Sinister and creepy so excuse me so I am eager and excited to continue playing I can't wait to to get to the rest of this I know this upload is going up today and then uh hopefully we get another one out for tomorrow uh cuz I'm eager to hop on to this one so thank you guys so much for watching uh I hope that you enjoy this journey with us and I hope you come along for the the next couple episodes with us and uh we can solve this one together friends so without any further Ado my friends as always I remind you it wasn't a live stream but it was a Oh wait we didn't do your poem no we didn't do my poem no we we can't we can't leave sorry sorry forget everything I said rewind it I was I was tossing to the end card and now retention time has dropped off I'm so sorry it's it's okay it's okay do you have a poem for us I am and I'm I'm a little frightened Matt cuz I I tried to I tried to recite this earlier and I I I just worry I hope it's not too late I don't think it's too too late okay we've teased it from the very beginning so we we got to we can't let them down okay so this is a poem written by our dear editor Shannon okay there is a section where you're walking in it feels like a green maze Imagining the architecture for such an area would upset you the sheer abundance of scratch marks is sure odd far too many for an average cat one may say some lore may be heard regarding the Playtime co- Personnel being asked for comment seems like they prefer things being kept in the dark that was deep yeah snaps snaps very free form yes well I'm glad that I waited until the end cuz none of that would have made sense I guess or it would have teased us I guess it sounds a lot like the area that we were in I was going to say it looks like what we went through just now or perhaps more so which is why I tried to say it earlier well I think I appreciate that sorry about that it's okay no I I didn't know that there was going to be a bunch of radio signals I know I I know the the lore in front of you I understand well maybe we can have another poem for the next episode ooh poems with poppy po poems Poppy's poems Poppy's poem time yes there it is I love it okay so now that we've recited the poem yes now we're good to go so that being said guys remember it wasn't live stream but it was a video a video and a poem for you see you [Music] a
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,642,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, poppy, catnap, poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime chapter 3 ending, poppy playtime chapter 3 explained, poppy playtime chapter 3 lore, poppy playtime chapter 3 full game, poppy playtime 3 end, poppy playtime catnatp, poppy catnap, poppy playtime secret tapes, poppy playtime notes, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live
Id: oGOsU_N4wys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 37sec (4897 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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