Don't Look Directly At The Boiled One! | The Boiled One Phenomenon

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well worry not not we have a brilliant solution I didn't expect that that follows you after you turn off all the lights in the house I don't think I trust this [Music] guy [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today I don't know what we're doing I got off a plane an hour and a half ago and I've been in meetings ever since no joke such as the life of the theorist it is this is this is what retirement looks like no it's it's been awesome I was in LA I got to to meet some fans out there I got to have some cool conversations about like some of the upcoming projects that we're doing uh it was really exciting and super fun but uh but now I'm back and now there are theories that Happ thrown immediately Back Into The Gauntlet oh absolutely um and I saw because I pay attention to the subreddit you guys don't think I read the comments or pay attention to sub I do and I know that there are people being like Oh I guess Tuesday Thursday is the new GT live upload schedule these days it is not certainly no but we just we didn't have enough stockpiled for the amount of time that I was gone I took a vacation the other you want a well-deserved long overdue vacation it was nice yeah yeah great yeah that that's what happens did you miss me Lee I did miss you I miss you well you and I were having some spicy emails back and forth not with each other but about other things you can't just say we were sharing spicy mes we can we can share spicy messages is that a bad thing I might have to call HR what level of maybe they are phys no Matt mat he doesn't mean like he means like spicy oh spicy I thought we talking about spicy oh my bad yeah spicy or Sant and I very often share spicy emails too that makes sense often about chicken that is spicy or s or other food products that are spicy a lot of spice happen you and I spice and dune I was I was just about to actually bring up like yeah spice and dune like dude my eyes are so blue dude I can see the future so good right now right and that's an email that you would send me and that's a spicy email so hi I don't know if any of that was used what are we doing I got off a couch and off of meat or I got off a plane and off of meeting so what is this well um yeah so here yeah you go for for it everyone's so polite these days we're being very Gentile yeah on the whole I also don't know what this is oh my but hold on I love that you're like no you do no you do but uh the this thing this this this phenomenon known as The Boiled one The Boiled one The Boiled one started popping up in my YouTube feed and I was like what is this the thumbnails look enticing and spooky I would like to click on that okay but I thought I should do some research right so I researched it and it is a new analog horror series that people are reacting to and I thought I'd love to react to this with my buddy Matt GT live that's great so I asked Ash to look into it okay and then Ash in the Baton thank you baton received yes this is as Lee said a new analog horror series um particularly with the one called the boil one phenomenon has been popping off in the space um but this Creator Dr nowhere has actually put forward quite a few really creepy um shorter videos that seem to be in the same universe so it seems like there's some there's some Lord of pars out here oh you said the L word yeah your L word my not my L Word love lemons let me tell you let me tell you Ash loves themselves some lemons just all about them lemons love a good lemon power thirst oh do I remember I live power thirst Santi that's a theory for you that's a great one what is actual power I mean power thirst gives you the answer though power thirst is guns when when God gives you lemons you find God power thirst godberry King of the juice absolutely you'll be like a fighter jet made out of biceps it's amazing classic internet OG that's from when I was in Middle School oh many moons ago so that's that's epic that was one of the early that was what college was that College Humor back in the day I found that on YouTube so I'm not actually or no it was e-bombs world that might it might have been just one of those ones that circulated and then got reposted everywhere albino black she yeah wow um okay yeah so the boiled one spoiled one by Dr nowhere uh whose real name is apparently uh silus Orion I am 17 years old I make perceivable content oh perceivable content sometimes sometimes sometimes I feel like that's relatable to Ash that's just like me yeah you you like talking about being perceived all the time sometimes yeah sometimes right exactly occasionally can wait I liked how you said I am 17 can you say my name is silus Orion in your deep Lee voice my name is silus Ryan I am 17 years old I make perceivable content sometimes that's not that's an anime protagonist that was great that was amazing um and it it it looks um I'm trying to get this is referencing both back rooms with the wallpaper yeah it it has shades of of back rooms it it is shades of a b some of these Bo that's the one I was thinking of where it's it's that kind of like creepy uh weird almost like digitized person in this like half rotoscoped yeah the rotoscoping that's the word I was looking for yes and and yeah some of this like even um meat snake ask V car yeah V get some V carnis call back here too oh man I should check in on that V Carnes yeah it is only appropriate to check in on your meat snake on a five monthly Bas you got to keep your meat snake healthy we are pro meat snake Health here on DT live uh if you have no idea what we're talking about check out the the V carness playlist I'm sure there'll be a card somewhere it will appear in The Ether you will not be disappointed so many puns about meat snakes um so Ash then I guess is the one I should toss this out to should I start with from the very beginning or if if we're talking about the boiled one specifically should I go to the one that is labeled The Boiled one phenomenon I think you should start out with to starving. help okay and then has this ever happened to you just to get the vibe and then we'll start the boiled one and hit the other ones in a future video okay boy and the bath oh wow okay here we go okay so this is toe toe starving doelp all right so let's check it out oh oh already I hate this I mean I like it but I hate it right off the bat you know what this reminds me of uh Courage the Cowardly Dog this seems like like you know how like sometimes they do the Cutaway and be the like ultra realistic or like very oddly specific art style of something I loved that show specifically because they did that and they like used used different art styles to make it unsettling and this reminds me of that I absolutely see that 100% this is terrifying already the I know we are talking very briefly about uh back rooms and and the wallpaper here but even the design of this character with its kind of like scraggly wires and stuff reminds me a little bit of the the bacterium or the life form the life form yeah right life form fellow Canon now who who wanders around through the back rooms where he's kind of like this like viral Menace or whatever kind of has it but now it has face okay this is terrifying and a specifically human hand too that's very cool yeah this is not okay this is very unsettling I'm just appreciating like I'm seeing how they filmed this this is really cool cuz it look it looks like he put like a camera down on a on a table point it up and is just doing this right it's so effective all right there you have it ladies and gentlemen so is he saying anything actually audible I'm just hearing like mumbles yeah I'm just hearing a bunch of mumbles too uh I tried to see if Clos captions were available they're clearly not Ash you hearing anything through the headphones uh not anything super audible but I would guess it has to do with starving needing help hopefully not to this this person is very wiry really could be really you think you think it has has to do with starving huh I I don't know I've just got this weird little like inkling about it it is it is interesting cuz like the more you look at at the design of the character you see here actually bone it's a it's skeleton right it's the what is that the ol and the radius are the two arm bones up there isn't this tiia no tiia I think it's the the two bones are here and then it's just the one bone here right one bone two yes one bone one bone to two bone one fre yeah that's even freakier because it has the two bones up at the one bone spot but it but it does allude to the fact that this might be some sort of like humanoid creature or something like that anything in the description right trapped great there it is me when I'm in an aquarium and there's a fish I really like good one Rog wolf fishy a spider in my PS4 what you you are the reason why they say don't tap on the glass my friend Finding Nemo it's a it's a documentary right yeah exactly at the aquarium has this ever happened to you all the lights okay this the all the lights every last every last Light this one feels has this ever happened to you has this ever happened to you oh this one's gnarly it's getting dark outside that that happens to me almost every day grab glass of water and now you are turning off bottles you lost I do go around the house or maybe you got sa the electric feel that something is following you as soon as you turn off the lights that is actually very that that is a very uh uh oh God what's the word I'm looking for uh real feeling yeah you the idea of like I got turn and then run that was that was me as a kid all the time that was the word I was looking for relable it's been a long day it's I understand uh no I I as a kid I had that routine of like if I had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or something you you create the light chain yep and then you have to undo the light chain and you're like oh and there was always that one spot in the hallway where you're like well this is where I have to flip the light and it's going to be dark for a r yeah and you got to just book it man cuz whatever is lurking in the shadows it's going to get you and it will oh it's going to get you yes the fact that no one has made an analog horror game like or at least here's the thing there probably has been someone I was going to say I I've seen a couple reels on Instagram like bunch of really creative short form horror creators on Instagram very fascinating stuff and I've seen one specifically where it's like how it feels turning off the lights going to bed and they get someone like a full body black suit no and it's and it's the like camera set where the the iso is as high as it can go so you can like see the the barely the Shadow and it's like chasing this person through the kitchen and down the hall yeah it's super super cool well yeah this this is hashtag this is that this is that well worry not not we have a brilliant solution I didn't expect that Turn All the Lights in the I don't think I trust this [Music] guy I don't like it the that follows you after you turn you think they doest too much right you're you're overselling it at this point that was hor that yeah can we go back to that guy I I want to see that guy we can revisit him got to work on skin care if we got a style theory for him oh so I was I was surprised by the face appearing I was Disturbed and definitely freaked out by the eyes opening did not expect that one to happen and got me it's that same again going back to Courage the Cowardly Dog it's that same like we're we're taking an uncanny like animation style and like mashing it together y That's just looks like the dude filmed his eyes and cut him out and squished him a little bit and put him on something put him on a chicken nugget chicken nugget with teeth yeah it's actually version one of uh Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog movie that with his Sonic teeth like that's that was his original ug Sonic went on to have a very respectable career he did he moved on to the Chip and Dale resue Rangers movie which was fantastic it had no right to be that good the Chip and Dale if you have not seen the Chip And Dale's Rescue Rangers movie this is not a meme it's very good it's very good and the best character in it is ugly Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog trailer own it's insane apparently I was supposed to be Jar Jar Binks oh no way and they were and Disney was like no really oh I mean was like yo here you go that would have been incredible back to this though I appreciate you calling out his skare routine um he is he is very glisteny I feel like he might want toist moist yeah in all the worst ways possible feel like he could you know do a little like blotting cloth around there maybe highlight you know maybe add some contouring he's a little bit flat so if if we're if we're being serious about this one it looks like it it feels almost uh like uh someone who has been burned in some way like where when when you look at the the results of kind of like uh burn injuries a lot of times a lot of the detail of the face has been lost and a lot of the like tries up a little bit yeah there it becomes Tighter and more around kind of the the curvature of the face you lose a lot of like the fat around parts of like the nose you see how he's kind of lost a lot of definition around like the lip area and so it really kind of scales down around the skull that would be my guess here is is this related to burning in some way at a very at a minimum like he has been dehydrated oh they mentioned um water at the beginning getting the glass of water minimum he feels like he has been dehydrated CU that's very leathery yeah yeah he is not yeah he is not going to bed and getting his glass of water yeah he's not grabbing his cold glass of water right now he's unacceptable see you got to be hydrated before you go to bed because you breathe and the water goes out of your your body I learned that on a recent episode of film theory about Dune it was a spicy episode it was a spicy episode oh man excellent call back I hope makes it in yeah absolutely well we don't cut anything from these we barely cut anything do you think we do work on this channel get out of here Lee yeah Ash works very hard no Ash does work very hard you talking about us specific no we just pitch out things and you know hope hopefully don't put your foot in your mouth by getting too spicy um yeah know that this is cool I I also like the the idea of like it's playing off of the relatable horror that we were talking about and kind of going into like I I joked that they're protesting too much but like that makes this very unsettling the idea of like no there's nothing that chases after you there's nothing that chases after you right it is interesting though you're talking about water and how important it is to hydrate before you go to bed it's a double- Ed sword cuz on one hand you stay hydrated when you go to bed but on the other hand then you got to pee in the middle of the night and then you have to turn on the lights and then you're getting chased by Nightmare monsters I hadn't considered that right that's that's your trade-off so you have a nice dry night and you're safe in your bed the entire night or stay hydrated but maybe that maybe that's why he's saying there's no one who chases him because he doesn't drink water before he goes to bed so he's very must be very dehydrated uh I want to check out one more before we hop into the The Boiled one yeah these are going quicker than I expected these are fast and also I want to see another toe because I'm wondering if toe is the character right I'm assuming T yeah I'm kind of seeing the the silhouette up there yeah it seems like the same thing so I'm curious if toe is just like a repeated character in this in this thing oh wait sorry real quick before I didn't check the description um thank you Disney plus there is nothing there's not there there you go there's nothing there you go um close captains on this one to double check uh there were never happened to you but they're Auto generated so we're good there okay so let's try tow love Thumper which is spicy I was say spicy title uh so already it's giving so interestingly we're getting a date now 313 2005 so if this is maybe an old VHS tape that was recovered or something we're getting a date as to when it was recovered or when this was filmed so here we go hello hello [Music] hello what do you want what do you [Music] want is a TV or window right is I'm questioning that I'm also questioning so whereas in the first video he had human hands is this extensions of his armor or is he scratching at the window with these kind of like stick-like hands it's slightly different model go away I like how mildly perturbed that is it's not like I'm terrified of this creature outside if you wouldn't mind I I am trying to get some sleep here so right if you could please go to the next window yeah I just had my glass of water trying to have a nice night there nothing chased me no nothing chased me I'm I'm safe I'm just trying to like fall asleep to like a nice speedrun gdq whatever a nice hourong documentary on a retrospective of the Indiana Jones uh game franchise oh I've seen that video yeah right it's it's suggested to us all the time at this point now the thing I fall asleep to are the uh like Space videos like they like cool worlds is a good channel astrom is a good Channel 100% yeah anyway so like is this a TV or is it a window because if it's a window we're looking into something because there's light coming out of it right it right it it it is flipping the script a little bit on its head for sure please go away pleas please go away I will file plate to the neighborhood watch oh oh he's starting to he's starting to pound he's he's love something oh oh no what are [Music] we but we're turning up and down the volume but we're hiding in a closet so maybe this is like a point of view of like [Music] hello go away yeah please go away get out of here oh I hate this this is really scary these are [Music] terrifying okay yep you found me got got me the the body appeared untouched okay so raft bat if I were guess because this is a a tape that we or or there's the date I think this is a tape that someone is watching and we are that person watching the the like we there's a separate character watching this yeah that is how the volume got turned up and down sure that is what I would guess uh it that looked to me like it broke through a TV so yeah so we what you're saying is we're like three layers removed here so there is the toe what I'm going to call him toe cuz that seems to be the recurring theme here so there's the toe in the TV mhm there is the person in the room watching toe in the TV saying oh please go away get out of here like who was like filming this on some old camcorder or something right and now we are watching so we're a third layer now removed where we are watching the tape of the guy reacting to the thing right okay that is what I think is happening what I would guess I think that is fair which is a very deep layer of meta kind of like um oh my God what Harmony and horer we kind of concluded with that where the whole time you see the reflection of the TV yep that's terrifying I did not expect it to come out so this so it seems like the toe monster is a little bit like um what Samara from The Ring Sam from The Ring where or Gooby or Gooby able yeah able to come out of the TV right this has Vibes way more like samur but yeah interesting the volume is get to turn down right but I this first- person perspective and we hear a heartbeat we hear heartbeat which which presumably it would that be the heartbeat of the person watching this tape who is like because the volume gets turned all the way down right so you wouldn't be hearing like the person's like heavy breathing and heartbeat there right so the V I think that's again like that's a really interesting call out because you're you're dealing with all this metal layer so here so we're watching somebody's scared leave me alone please leave he pops out now he now I'm assuming this is still his he has run to he's running CL right but but yes because the volume's now down this sound that we're hearing is our heartbeat right yes like us as the viewer of this viewer of the tape yes as opposed to the person hiding in the closet correct yeah and its mouth is moving and we don't hear anything right do we hear any sound coming from this scene like when he jump scares us is there anything here The Door [Music] Creek the timing of this is really solid yeah the I was going to call it the animation is really yeah and you don't hear the jump scare you just hear a music overlay yeah yeah so that's just music added after the fact body appeared untouched so that's interesting so I initially I see this I'm like oh that's blood splatter but it's it's also the what's inside the TV or or whatever we're looking at yeah so we're looking at wherever toe came from here which is really fascinating and I'm assuming because he has died it was not like mutilated or anyway so so I'm wondering if it died out of fear if the the the person who was recording this or whatever like because we're hearing the heartbeat the heart yeah and we we we've done a lot of talking in other theories about like uh couple pitches out there actually right now I'm talking about like can you literally get scared to death yeah uhhuh which you can which is horrifying to think of uh it's very rare don't freak out um yeah make sure you keep watching oh interesting really canned laughter interesting huh like sitcom canned laughter that's fascinating I don't know what to make of that I mean it goes along with the TV theme right of it being like a a sitcom staged thing and so I'm wondering if maybe that's the TV show after or maybe that was the thing that he was meaning to watch or maybe toe similar to the ring is on a VHS tape that that you put in but like VHS tapes back in the day you would tape over them a bunch of times so sometimes you had glitching between the layers It's actually an episode of Friends that we're hearing yeah that is absolutely the laugh track coming straight out of Frasier pivot yeah right right there pivot okay interesting that's fascinating and we said that this was what 20 2005 was the date right yeah 2005 baking for five wow right I love the creepy duck please go away said the most chill dude in the world maybe the uh the laugh track is a commentary on people like us who laughed at that that's true please go away we are we are clearly lost um you know honestly I feel like I want to keep going through these cuz this is another it's going much quicker than I expected it to yeah and it's also there is we're we're getting some lore details out now I don't know how is going to relate to the boiled one but I feel like if this is the work leading up to the boiled one it's probably the boiled one oh my God the boiled one it's the guy from the lights video look look at the thumbnail and like how similar that is they are very similar and boiling would go with burning or scaling leather you boil leather yeah or uh if if like there's like boiling water and you're like it's ah and it boils your face or it's like scalded your face in some way yeah so good for us together when it probably should have been obvious the whole time or it's like immediately revealed as soon as the the video starts in true theorist form let us spend an inordinate amount of time talking about things that'll just be revealed to us if we just shut our mouths and kept watching there's no fun in that though that's the sort of content you come here to discover critical thought yeah let's make some friends shall we so there's a heart on a chain that's pretty metal not going to lie it looks like a boss from Binding of Isaac it does this feels like also looks like a chicken nugget it does also look like a chicken nugget it's a kid in there oo interesting that's would that be perhaps the kid who well no he they said the body was on put right oh okay so so once again we are turning up a volume on a TV and you can see the actual beveled edges of the TV yeah it's very Instagram Circa 2012 it's I like that very specific call oh good children are up bright and early wow 5:35 that's very early good that is a very bright child very bright and early child right there that is so bright that it's like not yet bright because the sun has no C certainly not that uh true story 5:30 that's about 5:35 that's about the time I had to wake up to go to to Men's Chorus in high school back in the day yeahhuh just think about a bunch of dudes hanging out in the choir room singing their hearts out at 6:15 in the morning that's spicy well we did good children play pretend okay nice dentist office I don't know I don't know if this is int why is this still flashing what is this cuz the video is not playing yet I have paused the video but there's still like a cursor happening on screen exit out real quick weird is that like what is that is that like the YouTube search bar or something what is that oh no it's the um is it the plugin to make it go faster YouTube be glitching now and plug in go fast as over here YouTube be acting funny maybe that's part of the horror experience it is it's messing with us now cool playing with Mr and Mrs Potato Head having a grand old [Music] time good children do not play with their food until it is all gone oh hello wait yeah there was that flash frame of a toe I [Music] assume yeah yep there he is hanging out he's going hey hey and I'm like please I'm just trying to eat my dinner man I I can't sure you eat it all before you play I can't play with it until it's all gone although I wonder if that's a reference to what uh toe is going to do with it like is is he the food in some way or is he the thing eating good children make friends so there's the TV screen so I guess the question is is this Gooby again is it right it's slightly more mature Gooby oh oh oh oh chat room oh man getting into car and Dominic are online missed their faces interesting oh buddy okay we're getting into Retro internet stuff now a retro internet this is a mix of Cano pet and Gooby wait was there a date in the um description for this one uh I don't believe so this was the they are friends or they're it's a kid in there right okay so let's see what we got so we got heartbeat yeah Dominic Ellie and and Bowers card I thought I said Bowser for a second that would been fun Carter and Dominic are online miss their faces use our new vid chat feature the old original the young the old original the young you smile Hood just as an ad that's interesting pal for life so it's like reclaim your reclaim it's it's a way of reclaiming your youth in some way that's the sort of tagline I would think like oh this is a new version of an old software like it's the it's we the original it's the old one right and this is for children I guess cuz it's also very like uh colorful in a way that you'd find and stuff like old school I want to say like cool math games right I I could see that interpretation the only and also smile hood is a play oned childhood the old the old original the young you interesting and and we also have pen Palace 2000 so this is again 2005 up here see what we got governmental Personnel viewing only huh so whatever the next ad was or maybe it was censoring smile Hood okay groovy March 13th so we're getting more dates here that was the same day as the other one yep March 13th yo man what's up been like forever seriously thought you were dead or something look you've been online friends for a while now are you my best friend I think he's got I think this kid is got replaced by by Toe I think he is to right cuz he's acting sus well also he's best DOT friends and this is making dot friends so toe like seems like when toe talks yeah this is toe making friends I see hey look no it's none of my business but it feels like you've been acting really distant lately been going through something if so solid friendship I'm here and you can talk to me man okay I like the thought that that's the way he talks like I said none of my beeswax and you don't have to say nothing but do you need some call please uhoh video call oh yeah I know you're right that's what's going to happen here it's like almost 1:00 a.m. where I am man whack time zones remember please no seriously are you good like I said I'm here if you want I'm here but I'm not really here like I'm not going to go f I'm not fa school starting school talk face hey no seriously I camped can't relatable really sorry tomorrow okay please let me friend oh no Dominic seriously are are you all right Tom please please please at a certain point it just evolves into apples I just see apples apples apples whoo whoo okay okay okay okay okay please please apples apples Co man what the heck what the heck please just be as quiet as possible like whisper yes not not suspicious my mom's a light sleeper remember please o starving so again starving health is back to the original this sounds like toe is a a hungry boy no though I swear if this is a weird hecking prank hated those they were never fun oh man are they going to send me like a weird screenshot of like the Exorcist fail oh my God that classic I hated that that was the worst I hated that tooo okay oh jeez super loud video chat here we go [Music] nope none of it makes any sense everything inside was gone like inside the body like I mean obviously like the heart there right this is very Walt and files esque animation I feel like yeah like interesting also the face wasn't on that one which is interesting no um the other thing worth calling out here is that I feel like this is your typical day on chat roulette back in the day when Chat Roulette omeg the omegal stuff like I I called people at 3:00 a.m. on Omegle it's like and you get this sort of stuff you're like okay this is fair um need to drink a glass of water that this is super cool this is great so I'm assuming so okay so we know bodies remain untouched and and somehow everything inside of them is gone yeah so it it feels and and that the The Entity toe is is hungry in some way so it seems like it sucks the innards out of your body your innards become innards yeah it becomes someone else's innards yeah and like it it it travels through the computer through online chat rooms which is interesting maybe what we were seeing earlier wasn't the TV but like the computer monitor maybe right yeah it's obviously one of those monsters that is transmitted through screens in some way is able to break through suck out whatever for its own sustenance cuz it's starving and then you know does it take on whatever does it at least assume the online identity right because it does feel important that this does not have a face yeah it is either the face is either gone or it's facing the other direction which is interesting very Blair Witch right yeah interesting so I'm wondering if it a I'm wondering if it assumes the face interesting idea like maybe this is like here's the other thing this later this could be the set later in the timeline or whatever because it has mhm yeah yeah it could be set later in the timeline and this could potentially be because it's a human hand could be a victim's hand like maybe the victim was brought into the computer into the TV screen because it's human cuz as we see later it has the it has B hands so maybe this is someone trapped inside kind of like um cheaper creepers a little bit right yeah uhuh just kind of like takes parts of of whatever it needs that it has the heart from one guy hand of some guy right interesting fascinating so that's toe uh now we hop to the actual boiled one right yes yes we're good to go hop into the boiled one okay so this is the boiled one phenomenon I'm I'm I'm assuming they're connected I don't know it it feels like it might be part of the connected Universe it feels connected so far media curated and brought to you by web U Industries with WB and U all capitalized courtesy of the eada the courtesy of the ephata branch you deserve to know you deserve better than credit yeah than credits and then shorts what is a I wonder what AA mean if AA means anything cuz that's a really interesting word fra monastic oo I that's interesting I already like that monastic community of German 7th Day Baptists founded in Pennsylvania in the early part of the 18th century huh okay that's fascinating means fruitful fruitful a very old tradition that holds Bethlehem okay I know this is probably just some linguistic linguistic work but I think it's interesting that it's very close to the word ephr oh that's interesting too yeah like it obviously does not mean fruitful sure right iFit or I I apologize the pronunciation there yeah um I've played Final Fantasy games that's a pretty awesome summon yep yeah the fire one love that one yeah he appeared he was one of the common one like he showed up in a lot of them that makes sense all right boiled one and if this is all about heat and fire I'm just saying maybe okay maybe maybe silus played Final Fantasy right uh I don't know if this is important at all but wasn't the other date also in March it was March 13th and so granted this is not 2005 but we have seen analog horror series in the past coordinate their upload dates with important dates in the story so the fact that this is on Mark it is notable to keep in mind at the very least yep okay here we go boiled one let's see oh hello oh oh oh well hello there's a luck one uh it's been curated with permission from Personnel at afada 228 interesting so afada also feels plural in some way so it does imply that this is a large group of something great care has been taken to keep the identities of persons involved Anonymous as they requested Elements which are known to cause mild to S okay we're getting into like SCP stuff I know Cognito Hazard is not necessarily only SCP but it is a very common thing in that franchise that's interesting right guaranteed safe okay following procedures so we can stay safe make sure you have the following vicinity oh okay so I I was wondering if the AA thing was just a reference or a random name they pulled but the fact that it is they're already calling out a standard Christian Bible yeah here I'm looking up that uh open to Psalms 9110 you also need earplugs a pencil a sheet of paper uh there shall there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee keep thee in all thy ways okay so protect our dwelling yeah going to cast cast out the evil spirit um also worth noting you there's been like they've erased something down here that might just be from an earlier draft or something but it is worth calling out this you could do one of those like screen grabs and crank up the the contrast to see if this it's like on a slightly different color of white or something but it is interesting to note that okay okay earplugs penc sheet of paper would just be the right button Psalms 9110 power of Christ compels us if something unusual begin speaking in tongues tangible to the naked ear insert your ear plugs and turn to your pencil and paper write the following on the page I can see this paper I can see my hand I can't hear the screaming of thousands I can't hear the feast I am a moving breathing human being on planet Earth yeah and then okay that's the that's the the psalm no evil shall befall you no plague shall come near your dwelling after these words are written recite Psalms 91:10 aloud if memories and imagery of something Unholy persists in your mind pray it's all you can do so and and you I was going to say I've noticed that the cross is upside down which is usually like Antichrist imagery or like it says something if it's like that feels like a drawing of some guy getting possessed not necessarily like saying that is making you evil y um interest interesting this is really cool I I love when like Christian lore gets brought in yeah absolutely in the event that you're required to carry out these procedures contact authorities immediately afterwards you'll be administered amnestics amnestics amnestics is that the way to pronounce it it's another CP sort of thing oh yeah things that cause Amnesia yeah it it like targeted Amnesia okay stuff many yeah many appear to lead a normal life afterwards appear to lead right not oh okay just just living my normal life next to the single flower and this clear grave yes right very obviously someone was buried here come [Music] on this is really cool I'm loving the they're really driving that home like you called out many appear to lead a normal life afterwards but not necessarily true all right and with that ladies and Gentlemen The Boiled one phenomenon that was just the Preamble so we're potentially rewinding 2 years it's August 13th 2003 so this is 2 years before toe tree of Heaven now this is toe to8 to8 right it's the whole collection of toes in the late 1990s an now classified documentary based television program would debut from a local station in Pennsylvania the program revolved around woodland plants and animals and was primarily directed towards children and again this is going back to what we were the afada stuff based in Pennsylania it was based in Pennsylvania so I wasn't sure if they were just pulling that as a name or whatever but it seems like they he's silus is either from that area or did his research neither would surprise me and is pulling from pulling from that German 7th Day Baptist okay so we'll have to make sure that we brush up on our seventh day Baptist lore the star of the show and narrator would talk about Wonders of Nature the dangers of it how to appreciate it and most importantly how to protect yourself from it okay interesting that protecting yourself from nature would be those Tre important those trees come at you fast when the program was taken off the oh the host passing away interesting maybe that was a grave then something odd happened on August 13th 2003 the 13th episode of the series began a rerun out of nowhere seemingly out of nowhere the 13th it's the spookiest of numbers which is the date of this video yeah yeah the following audio recording depicts the beginning segments of the episode okay get your Bibles ready okay video footage taking from episodes 3 6 8 10 and 13 of the program courtesy of the AFA Branch okay so we're going to see a compilation here we're venturing Into the Heart of the forest to find a plant that's as beautiful as it is deceptive poison oak we all know about it and here in Pennsylvania it's not as common but still something to look out for I love local access channels we aim to uncover all the wonderful secrets that nature has to offer no matter how minuscule or gigantic so let's get going those gigantic secrets of nature you joke but there is something oddly comforting about like oh this is like a high school level production oh no I I I I joke but also I don't J like there is there is a certain nostalgic Comfort yeah in the era of people just roughly cutting together like local access programs about yeah about like parks and and nature and things like that so it's it's very reminiscent of this [Music] era get your uncle to play some guitar for you primarily in deep North American Woodlands poison oak has many different names and places of origin also referred to as the tree of Heaven that in China and Taiwan one of these invasive species made its way to America in the 1700s okay so I don't know if this is necessarily related in any way but the fact that we're talking about invas species makes immediately think like oh this like is that a reference to this monster being an invasive species I think that's interesting again we have a The Tree Of Heaven which is referencing a lot of the biblical illusions that are happening here um yeah and I was double checking just to make sure that was like yeah poison oak actually true it it looks like it um yeah and also like again with with poison oak it's it's a it's something that is dangerous but initially looks innocuous you know it's like oh it's just another normal plant but it's like oh no it's it's actually going to give you rashes infect you whatever so I think just I don't the call it specifically of that plant is important during one of the interlude programs an anomalous broadcast would hijack the program this broadcast depicted videos of a red melted face that spoke to that spoke to the viewer in a warm yet deeply G disconcerting voice so that's our our M be hereby referred to as Finn 228 interesting phenomenon probably uh the face and its properties this is very SCP in the really like a really really cool yeah I was going to say this feels very SCP oriented this is really interesting when Finn 228 spoke clips of footage and even live camera feed monitoring hospitals and bedrooms would occasionally would be occasionally overlaid on the screen obscuring fin tutu's face creepy interesting bedrooms is interesting because of the right the if if this is indeed connected to to right I'm also wondering uh so what we watched earlier that like public service announcement I wonder if that is a clip of one of these sorts of moments or this this moment where f228 has taken over yeah if you see this it is the Unholy thing yeah right plug ears All That Jazz yeah maybe through the mo the most remembered fin 228 speaking English multiple non-speaking viewers remembered understanding every word that was spoken interesting okay so that that relates back to hey if you hear it speaking tongues and you know what it's saying yeah you're you're kind of screwed over it this also looks uh Japanese like I think you're right yeah it's kanji in Reverse I it's a reflection obviously right no totally right so we'd have to translate what that kanji is in Reverse which would be tough but that's I mean I mean you you flip it and then Google Lens right I mean maybe Google Lens would have its work cut out I I feel like here can you read the the complicated kanji symbols that are inside this person's ey reflection yeah blurry yeah I mean it's worth a shot but following CP is restored recording of the anomalous broadcast the duration of the clip has been shortened and the audio has been muffled reversed and dampened these alterations are absolutely necessary to suppress the Hazardous attributes as effectively as possible for maximum fa safety watch with blue light glasses and insert your earplugs taking it seriously wow oh man okay so the fact it's been reversed buff means that it's going to be some audio editing I was going to say it means that it's some I I don't know if some maybe after we watch this we should just look up to see if someone's done it or we could do it ourselves sure right cool or in the comments someone might have uh done [Music] it [Music] it's interesting this looks like a combination of that guy and toe it right it it's not quite the melty guy yeah it it it's very very similar yeah but you're right not quite the same similar head shape as [Music] toe I don't like that one hey how you [Music] doing this broadcast will be hereby referred to as broadcast what was it 813 813 okay 8:13 August 13th yep that makes sense 83 broadcast 813 was viewed by roughly 530 residents throughout the southern Pennsylvania area and upon viewing left many severely distraught aside from the discomfort and paranoia f228 television presence had brought to the viewers there were other side effects that these viewers experienced that were highly unnatural like anxiety paranoia many viewers reported not being able to keep the image of f228 honestly if this happened to me while I was watching TV I I would have especially as a kid yeah I would have a hard time getting this out of my mind no matter what weird Hypno Babble he's speaking to me maybe this is a fun commentary on stuff again Courage cowardly dog I remember return the slab I remember to this day yeah there's there's those traumatic moments in when you're watching TV and then something unexpected happens or spooky happens you're it's just burned in there right like so that's just natural yeah I was going to say this that is nothing unexpected about that like I it if this thing popped up in the middle of my daytime TV programming I would be traumatized for my my nice Public Access program talking about poison oak right then all of a sudden like like okay thanks M man requested remain Anon a victim who requested to remain anonymous uh claimed that the face was living in his brain and feeding on his SP spine ooh tasty another Des another described trumpets playing in their ears before they fell asleep oh wild you ever had bone marrow I I I do have bone marrow no have you ever eaten bone marrow oh you ever have bone marrow I hope so have you ever hadone BL uh I have eaten bone marrow in the past good it's surprisingly good it's it's it is good it is also not something that I would like actively seek out % it's something I I've had the one time and I'm like yep yep it's a thing yeah uh there is one of the Las Vegas buffets that have it served on the Vegas buffet yeah the Twisted Spoon I believe is the one in cosmop we've Steph and I being the optimizers that we are we've gone through Vegas and we've gone to a bunch of the different buffets to see like which one's the best uh Twisted Fork Twisted Spoon whatever it is the one in Cosmopolitan it it's very good but like slightly different or off thebeat foods like they have fried frogs legs and this and that but they're all very good one of bone and I'm like okay let me try this all right I've tried this yeah like like surprisingly good the I I can see why he would want to munch on the spine yeah the spine delicious scrumptious scrumptious none of these people knew that this was only the beginning the beginning of a whole new species of suffering that they would never understand species of suffering uh real quick before we move on to uh the next day yeah the next day I'm curious is there a like somebody who has like done the reverse boiled one oh there it is boiled one reversed there it is I was I saw that pop up earlier and I was wondering why hidden reversed message boiled one phenomena okay let's see what it says thanks London Lynch for saving me a couple clicks of us doing it ourselves cause a manifestation of my being I'm a manifestation of something I didn't quite catch the I'm a manifestation or I'm The Man in the station station of my being cause a manifestation of my like I read it as I'm The Man in the station interesting and my name is in Main and my name and my name is nature something or like human yeah you will be asleeping bed you'll be asleeping bed I will be there I'll be there watch over you when you wake any part of you wait when you wake what you will not be able to move any part of you you won't be able to move any part of you oh yep [Music] when find you they will not see me but you will and I'll see you to forever I'll see you so what what that just described is a uh um a a night terar shadow person yeah I was going to say which we're talking about in this week's film Theory by the way interesting interesting timing on that it's basically he's just saying hey I'm a night terror uh you will see me you won't you won't be able to not see me no one else will be able to see me and they won't believe you right and I'll watch you while you're sleeping and you can't move oh this is coming from Dr nowhere little fun fact so this is coming from the official Channel which is it's interesting that uh syus has gone into the comments to actually correct this so go for it oh yeah um uh little fun fact the audio is cut off from the beginning in order to obscure the full message which makes sense they said they were doing that the video full message is the very memory of my face will cause a manifestation of my being in the future oh okay manifestation of my being uh you will be asleep in bed I will be there and watch over you uh when you wake you will not be able to move any part of you when the doctors eventually find you they will not see me but you will and I'll see you too forever I'll see you H maybe that's why amnestics are needed like because uh this person this entity this manifest you could say yeah is like sapping their strength in some way that this is really cool that's really fascinating I like that he he hopped in to give us the complete answer too like that that was very nice and helpful 450 450 here we go okay August 14th 2003 the great Northeast blackout and this is one day after yes this broadcast 2003 after the anomalous frequency was detected by television okay w real fast detected by television station troubleshooters the nerk was ordered by the arrata branch to have all power grids local to the state of Pennsylvania disabled by 4 p.m. to prevent further escalation of the anomaly and the public knowledge of broadcast 813 so this is here do you remember this this blackout I do not this was big so I was in I believe High School yeah cuz I graduated 2005 yeah 2003 I was uh hosting our talent show actually uh or a rehearsal it was either a rehearsal of it or whatever I forget exactly when it happened but all of a sudden the entire Northeast interesting blacked out like every and and you had people just like wandering around cuz literally the whole like Northeast from like Ohio to like New York was blacked out it was a I heard about this in that Cas I didn't realize yeah and nerk is North American Electric reliability Corporation thank you but yeah this was very bizarre experience I remember from high school and so we're like in the middle of we're like well I guess the power's not coming on so everyone just kind of like walked home or like went out and like I guess we're done here it was crazy oh I can't go home yeah so that's cool I love bringing in Real World stuff that's really cool stylus right the outage ultimately spread to various parts of New York New Jersey Ohio and Canada creating the famous great Northeast blackout of 2003 almost 50 million people were without power so I'm not getting it back until days later I love love the little sad guy he's just a little sad boy this is so cool because like having not known that yeah I would have just been like oh what a cool fictional event yeah no 100% real yeah no that's super cool yep I think here's the I I believe they ended up laying the blame on a squirrel chewing through a power line real real and true yes yeah funny squirrel chewing through an electric line story yeah do you have one yes wow I like that I have the Northeast blackout you're like I got a squirrel chewing through electric line story true story 100% uh where the house I I grew up in basically um right across the street you could see the power line we like at the bottom of a hill going up the hill you could see like the power line going across yeah uh a squirrel uh chewed through the line enough that he sadly didn't make it yeah and that squirrel fried squirrel had his hand attached to the wire uhhuh months no for months this poor desiccated squirrel was just like what up fam no uh if if I had a camera better than my my Motorola Razor it's just all poor boy that's an indie cover album right it really is it's a Midwest emo Midwest emo song yep deep fried squirrel great yeah right oh man and did did the power company have to come out and fix the L fell off eventually no I know oh yeah oh yeah um no the power he didn't cut through it all the way he just cut through it enough enough to get shocked yeah wow I'm surprised that none of the like the local kids were like throwing shoes at it was pretty high up so like and then like if you were trying to throw anything at it it would hit somebody's like house or yard or something wow during the confusion caused by the outage all traces of broadcast 813 were anyway no squirrel anyway yeah we going back we're collected by the AFA branches seeming wiped from existence months he was up there for month months including news articles and the works from the morning after the Broadcast internet posts recordings and more cause of the blackout was promptly covered up and claimed to have been a combination of human error and the result of trees okay falling onto the S power Lin I I like the squirrel explanation better somewhere in Cleveland Ohio I feel like there's been a big blackout that was blamed on a squirrel at some point maybe I'm misremembering but I Cleveland Ohio that's where hey I was about to say it was you whenever there's a giant Nationwide blackout inconveniencing millions of people blame it on Ohio that's us that's my hometown astronauts and blackouts yep but the damage had been done after math 12 Days After broadcast 8:13 was blocked from the air a historical massive influx of what is this pseudo coma pseudocoma l i s occurred throughout the state of Pennsylvania leaving 509 people affected and many families in shock Lis I'm looking it up too yeah a locked in syndrome also known as pseudocoma oh okay what's that uh a condition in which a patient is aware but cannot move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for vertical eye movements and blinking o okay that is a creepy that's pretty terrifying that's yeah that sounds like a nightmare right I mean it like a real life night Terror yeah like extended even cuz night terror only lasts like the way night terrors work is like or it's sleep paralysis it's uh some wires get crossed in your brain as you're going in or out of Rim sleep and it only lasts you know 10 minutes max no this is like no bad extended exed extended bad prolong Badness extended [Music] bad Tuda is an extremely recognition which a patient experiences a c cerebral cerebral medul spinal okay so cerebrum uh medulla uh spinal disconnection leaving them to be conscious but unable to move so cerebellum is the The Movement Center of your brain medulla is your basic reaction center of the brain kind of like your your very basic uh fundamental core ideas not like higher level thinking and then spinal is just where it executes disconnection leaving them to be conscious but unable to move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis syus I appreciate you given us the answers in the thing and and years and years of training have made us go like oh we got to look that up immedately they're not going to tell us yeah vertical eye movements and blinking there it is this anomalous outbreak of such a rare condition was regarded as a spectacle by the US Health Department uh but was put under government investigation immediately okay great one thing in common with all the cases is that the patients had been at home watching TV the night the broadcast was aired oh thing yeah peeking up interesting I uh go back a little bit see that little black thing at the bottom I think it uh like moved up into frame really yeah oh it did very observantly oh yeah there there he comes he oh yeah he he come he's coming and that and that is him flash frame that is theed one it had the same uh freaky triangular shap yeah the little like hairs sticking out of his face is that also him hanging out in the background hey or bacteria right though the victims of the outbreak were unable to speak they were able to communicate through Morse Code by blinking more than 60 victims were interviewed that's that that would take a long time yeah many of these interviews held unavailing results often led to more questions and many others held results that required archival or termination oh termination of the results or termin of the person however full stop fairly late to the investigation the afada branch was notified of a particularly odd case revolving around one job Zamperini an elderly victim of the anomalous pseudocoma outbreak job or job go go BL G Jabar he specifically requested his Alias oh jeez he specifically requested his Alias be used in future records instead of his real name which will remain classified interest but you know instead of like John Doe yeah we're going with with with job Zamperini right oh that that that old so and so love that very common name very hidden name yeah it is interesting though uh since the there is bibl normally I wouldn't call this out but because this is a series that is clearly diving into some level of biblical references now all of a sudden you open up the the references to job uh who anyone know they job lore I do not sadly I used to I forget job job I know he had central figure of the Book of Job he got his own book uh he's called one of the prophets job biblical figure central figure in job yeah prophets there's more a lot more yeah I can't just solve that he a whole book he's got a book dedicated to it man back before the days of Fazbear frights you were reading the books of the Bible oh job love Mark's my favorite one my favorite character he's my favorite animatronic Zamperini was a warvet and fluent in Morse code putting him on the mark as a potential interviewee as soon as the outbreak was put under inv I was going to make a comment about like so many of these people know Morse code off the top of their head you show them a little thing and they can spell it you show them like that yeah yeah fair fair but also at the same time I feel like be like okay so what's the letter for e got oh yeah yeah you have to like show them yeah but still they're Wast that took very long after a very odd photo was taken in his backyard by his visiting grandson his family became deeply troubled and convinced that the house was haunted this led them to contact the local priest in hopes that the house would be blessed the following photo depicts Fen 228 standing next to the small Playhouse in zini's backyard interesting that they said like Finn said that you wouldn't be able to see me at all right and it appears that like is only visible in the photo right so like it appears that it isn't just like something happening in their head there's an actual entity happening here it is able to show itself through lenses scct a reverse vampire yeah exact yeah like a reverse vampire where you're not being able to have a reflection here it's like you can't see me physically but if I'm being projected through a TV or although oh this is different than toe so melted one would be mhm boiled one yeah boiled one fun fact you know why uh you can't can't take a picture of vampire cuz they're mirrors in a camera that's the whole that's the the the bit there also but what if you have a mirrorless camera no then you could see you got camera obscura going on see there you go those those vampires got to stay up with the DSLR Tech my friends anyway so about that squirrel hanging from the power line the photo itself has proved to be non-hazardous and safe to view though still anomalous in nature for most comfortable viewing experience where Blue Light Glass or View From a Distance of 3 ft or more we are over 3 ft we're safe we're in the safe Zone in the safety zone [Music] okay here comes are you ready it's going to like hard cut and like ready NOP oh whoa whoa oh huh huh that is not at all what I expected that is I obviously tomorrow right uh like right taking this like treating this like serious Canon L as interesting that like there'd be uh very tall grass apparently and also like a forest in the background there and also that he's very tall he's he's a big boy yeah he's he's he's tall man yeah oh wait or you know what actually it just said it was a photo taken in the backyard not necessarily of the house so it could just be a photo of a playhouse he's big though like we're even if that's just a playhous though he's still like 78t tall I was going to say he's at least 7 to 8T tall like he's he's tall man yeah that I like how my mind immediately went to like oh that's the house yeah right no it's it's definitely the playhous but still it's huge Ash you you're laughing over there in the corner you have thoughts he's kind of got that curve to him though he has he has excellent posture you do be swaying he's got that like male model like yeah right there it is the B's tea right a little bit get this man to walk in creators in fashion oh my God yes he would serve put this man in a Monty jacket this boiled this boiled man would be a phenomenon yo like like a a a boiled one leather oh yeah wearing the leather like his face creepy Zamperini claimed something horrible and unho and Unholy was with him and would hurt him and possibly others if he described it and what it was telling him uh one last thing that is worth calling out about the design of the boiled one is I also get some pin head vibes from him spikes with yeah with the spikes sticking out and and pin head was also like shaven and very gaunt and so I call that out because Pinhead was Notorious for being like uh the Hellraiser right like that was the whole movie series so again you had this entity tied to spikes and pins and things like that that is hellish in nature or tied to some sort of like uh Antichrist uh demones imagery yeah it's interesting this is also reminding me of like an obscure Marvel character called penance Al an interesting religious connection there who like oh yeah his whole his whole thing was like he could convert pain and energy into like offensive abilities oh man so yeah Penance Marvel um so he had like spikes in his suit going into his body that also kind of went out of his body that's creepy man yeah like fascinating stuff probably not intentional because this is a super obscure character but interesting nonetheless that is interesting very interesting he reminds me of Lord Zed from Power Rangers oh my God he does right the red mus the red muscly texture and like the the silver highlights and stuff excellent I'm Lord Z yeah Rita repulsa we're going to take over the Power Rangers after 10,000 years I'm back s claimed something horrible in oh cross is upside down also interesting the following is a recovered previously archived recording in which officer T Gomez of the aphr branch interviews job Zamperini oh hello hello Mr I'm officer Gomez give it to God and go to sleep what what a great just like motivational poster to have over your bed give it to God and go to sleep take it away God I'm I'm I I'm done for the day J just take the wheel yeah I'm I'm I'm passing out my friend hope you're doing well today do you mind if I ask you a few questions regarding your condition and possibly um unholiness within your home that your family had mentioned translation sequence Mor code okay let's see if it it actually okay ask okay first and foremost did you notice any onset symptoms before you lost complete mobility of your body face huh there was a face hm when did you begin seeing this face wow interesting after I thought on TV it never left me any of the people who have seen the broadcast that you saw on August the 13th described having Vivid and upsetting hallucinations do you think this is something your brain has created no can you please describe face to me horribly burnt not of Lord Christ I uh I still don't see have you been having any hallucination uh here oh H yeah B catch so give it to God and go to sleep is now transitioning to I something see you I can see you I can see you yeah from the face that's very subtle cuz all our focus is on the bottom of screen I hear screaming of many voices are these screams constant at night before before sleep oh constant at night before sleep I hear trumpets too thank you Lord Christ is you shedding light on this is helping more than you oh okay trumpet is a very uh common symbolism in The B I know you know this but like no no totally in the in the Bible like hearing trumpets is a very common symbolism usually usually associated with good things which is interesting huh Ian it looks like beams coming out of the sky to me or something right or yeah some sort of like Cloud Escape yeah oh oh he be peeking there's the tallboy hey guys what's up you want talking about squirrels he's in the window oh and then I can see you cool okay cool that it's outside the window too wonderful day the miracle of birth of fetal Fanfare and then that is a lot of Japanese yes there something that uh yeah that one Google translate should be able to handle uh how do I get to it on here I know right it's not it's not the easiest here we go we could race search with camera translate translate it uh uh fear the one and only watab bird wait what really fear the one and only watab bird is what it says to me yep fear the one and only watab bird bird what is a watab that you are asking the exact question you need to be asking Bud watab bird oh the bird Wabi a war criminal not the direction I was expecting this to go nicknamed The Bird by his prisoners do control F boil yeah I was going to say I have a feeling that z lisis z Zamperini Olympian lisis Zamperini in the World War II Section well in the military wanabi allegedly offered one man who reported to him to be punched in the face every night for 3 weeks and practice Judo on an epid dctom patient one of his prisoners was American track star in Olympian LS Zamperini Zamperini reported that wanabi beat his prisoners off and causing him serious injuries it said wanabi made one officer sit in a shack wearing only a fundoshi undergarment for 4 days in Winter that he tied a 64 65-year-old prisoner to a tree for B TI to a tree yeah this so this is a guy who could you scroll back up so I can see his name yeah I got you uh move so basically he was he he tortured prisoners what a he was a war criminal he was on wow he was number 23 on the list of the 40 Most Wanted war criminals in Japan he went into hiding and was never prosecuted in 1952 all charges were quietly dismissed from the guy in 1956 the Japanese literary magazine published an interview with him titled I do not want to be judged by America he later become an insurance salesman that's the dark do that's the darkest of timelines the only thing more evil than that would be like a used car salesman uhhuh I'm not seeing anything immediately like uh he boiled somebody yeah but I do feel like that this is obviously relevant in some way right like that this is going to require like some some like deep dive research but like right so is this implying that the boiled one is this guy so it's so it's either so there's two ways right it's either this is him or this is potentially one of his victims yeah right like it like hey I was a prisoner of this guy and I I got you know scalded in the face by hot water some yeah some torture or whatever wild okay I have another detail to add with this yes please um wanabi died April 1st 2003 mhm which is along the timeline of things that are happening inou that's a good call out yeah yeah cuz yeah 2003 was the date that we saw with uh it toe wasn't it August August 133 was the broadcast I oh was that the broadcast okay that's a great call out this is really cool I'm getting like similar like excited vibes from when we when we first reacted to uh V cares this new and different like taking a lot of ideas put putting a really really new unique spin on it and pulling in pulling in stuff I didn't expect right yeah listen closely listen closely do you hear it do you hear it you hear the laughter of thousands as the sky opens up do you hear the laughter of thousands as the sky opens up and there's the sky opening up you hear the trumpets play their happy sounds their trumpets and happy sounds blood flowing out of the sky that some classic blood rain right there and I'm not talking about that that bad PS1 era game about vampire Hunters yeah blood who blood rain reference he got that today blood rain Trilogy also a movie by uve Bowl yeah oh man classic God capitalize off those tax credits blood of life will pour down onto us all together we will be still together a [Music] connection if you can see this screen it means it is not safe to continue viewing program will in [Music] shortly protocol bra has been initiated [Music] 228 perform the procedures given to you during the introduction portion of this video immediately Bible earplugs I see the paper I hear the paper no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling that's the yeah huh fascinating so bravita seems to be an Italian translation of the word brevity okay interesting is interesting blood falling out of the sky hearing Trumpets the trets play their happy sounds and their happy sounds blood of Life pour down onto us all the what of Life see if there's a translation in the comments maybe or the description or something the urge to put this on a VHS and place the VHS on a shelf in is crazy that is chaotic evil and I love it oh right here oh I like Elliot Gabriel's expansion to the lore here wait until meet its Brothers the grilled one the roasted one the sauteed one the marinated one the steamed one don't forget the soused one the baked one the baked one mean something else the microwaved one The Boiled one's face is actually terrifying yes all right together we will be still together a together melded by love and purest Connection melded by love and purest connection yeah be still be still and then he's gone okay huh so he's giving birth to another entity seems like's crawling out of him yeah or or he has a weird little hand said fetal before right it yeah okay good call yeah that's why I was saying like the the the birth of whatever the miracle of birth the fetal the miracle of birth of fetal Fanfare wonderful day so it it mother monster here is given birth to whatever else fascinating this is this is really cool this is wild this is good I like this yeah there's a lot to chew on here lot to dig into it's a lot to think about it's sufficiently creepy art Direction yeah great art Direction super disturbing yeah I I find that in my opinion some Sometimes the best horror kind of really digs into the like very real dangers of something like yeah the uh U I've already forgotten the name the not being able to move you're still completely conscious yeah absolutely nightmare like scenario yeah and bringing that in paralysis yeah yeah that but like the permanent one oh yeah the the pseudo pseudocoma yeah something like that something like that yes pseudocoma we're going with that one is terrifying the idea of that is terrifying not be able to move or do anything MH oh no 100% And there's so many strange physical afflictions that can happen that it yeah it's you you can always find them somewhere and and the fact that it's a real thing that can affect you is is so powerful yeah this isn't connected to uh the like being conscious while you're asleep but have you ever heard about like the sleeping sickness from like 19 the 1930s oh there's some people who would just like like a whole group of people yeah like just went to sleep and didn't wake up didn't wake up but they didn't die they just didn't wake up it was like the Sleeping Beauty syndrome kind of thing yeah and like for years decades some of them didn't wake up y right horrifying this is cool I can't wait to dig into this right I agree this is fascinating I am very curious where they're going with it I'm also curious if it is related to toe or if toe is a separate thing cuz right now there isn't anything to suggest that the two are necessarily one and the same there was one other video that we haven't gotten a chance to watch which we uh I don't know if we have time probably not today but we could it's like 3 minutes or something your body remains unclean from the toils of yesterday okay you're okay so it is connected to the uh boiled one it looks like you're in no condition to sleep like this a shower will make you better least I assumed it was because of the the sleep but yeah just just likes doing creepy stuff about sleep sleep is weird and and spooky Old Point and click like seventh guest classic gameplay but it wasn't my fault BL me okay did you leave the bath bu overflow oh [Music] wait Dr nowhere's got a got a knack for character design tell you what why did you leave me here the he got all he got all pruny in the shower like I'm all shriveled up guys never existed just SL the door same though no thanks hard pass and hide on the covers same though Fair also interesting uh crib yeah I was about to say crib is probably the baby right I know you heard me it was all your fault oh no didn't didn't seem super connected didn't seem super connected still interesting is a short film about guilt it sure was it was it sure was I read that message loud and clear this will require a deeper di I I don't think that one's connected yeah uh require a deeper dive for toe and the The Boiled one to see if they are yeah this is super cool I can't wait to dive into this this is awesome this is definitely something I if we have if there's enough here I which it seems like there will be I want to do a theory on syus Orion good job yeah fantastic work uh I love and you you brought up SCP and then earlier too we it feels like anytime you've been coming onto the couch it's been it's been very SCP related I think what we're seeing is it and it started with Kane I think in a lot of ways but with Kane you started to see the generation of of young creators who grew up with SCP as a thing that they could grow up with yeah cuz SP was like 2012 somewhere around 2011 right exactly that makes sense 17-year-old and Kane is like 19 now that so that yeah so you have this this generation of upand cominging creators who were probably immersed in those worlds studying the scps creating their own monsters whatever and now they're graduating to being able to tell their own stories having their own equipment making their own monsters come to life and so that's why you're seeing a lot of those references a lot of that design it's it's awesome it's really really exciting and I think as someone who's who studies media all the time it's it's always fascinating to me to watch those turnovers of generations and seeing how the next generation of creators puts their own spin on on it and and takes it to the next level or evolves it right and and you're seeing that with back rooms you're seeing that with Dr and like um obviously this is much bigger budget but like you have you ever heard of the game control oh absolutely contr 100% And they were straight up just like yeah SCP we loved it so we were like let's make let do it 100% so this is this is really cool I think this is one of the reasons why you're seeing this as a huge Trend happening in the space right now and can't see can't wait to see where it goes from here uh you have a lot to research for so to watab yeah right teach me some teach me some Japanese military history my friend so good luck on that thank you I'm excited thanks for sharing this this was a delightful little surprise I mean you know horrific terrifying I'm going to go to sleep and see his face in my nightmares tonight so thanks guys for that hopefully you'll be able to move though hope hopefully hopefully if not don't expect any emails from me tomorrow morning rip I you know what that might be a net win for me so anyway thank you guys so much for watching and as always we'll see you the next video remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,377,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boiled one, boiled one, the boiled one phenomenon, doctor nowhere, the boiled one phenomenon explained, the boiled one phenomenon reaction, reaction, boiled one reaction, toe doctor nowhere, doctor nowhere toe, the boiled one audio, boiled one horror, the boiled one analog horror, analog horror, scary vhs, horror vhs, scary analog horror, analog horror reaction, horror reaction, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt live, gt, gtlive analog horror, matpat analog horror
Id: ptSzUblX8i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 19sec (5119 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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