Something DARK Beneath The Surface...| The Bunny Graveyard (Indie Horror)

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so what do you say are you up for the job partner yes no no I'm always Fascinate what happens if you say no in these games please no please [Music] no [Applause] hey guys before we kick off today's episode I just want to tell you that there is a survey down in the link below right in the description there if you can go down there fill it out it'll actually help us for a future style Theory episode we're looking at crafting the ugliest Christmas sweater of all time and we need your help to do it so click the link let us know what absolutely repulses you just disgusts you what makes you want to vomit at the mere sight of that so that way I can put on a Christmas sweater for the Delight of all of us happy holidays my friends a couple months early but you know it'll be it'll be fun don't go fill out the survey while you watch this episode it's a banger see y hey guys and welcome to GT not live where today Tom is on the C we're in a new space and I'm back baby we flew you across the world to be here in the new space absolutely to witness the glory that is this new space how how is the glory that is this new space it is wonderful it is a much more spacious room feel far less cramped it's right it's it's it's an interesting dichotomy because Ash and I have gone on record to say like it's simultaneously smaller but also larger yeah so I I see that right I absolutely see that so can we turn the can we turn the camera just show people what's going on here I feel like 10 minutes going no don't don't do it Ash don't do it never mind no it's fine no don't worry about it okay here we go let's turn this camera check it out there it is so people can understand where we are that that's where ash sits now you get in that that's just stephy's leg okay that's just Stephy I didn't anticipate that there were viewers from international waters here I love that this is just a pan of the floor so directly behind this did not showcase anything as I hoped it would no it's no no it's no hey guys look at the studio yeah right it's it's the there's the green scen look you could show off the old blue couches back there still we still have it we still love it it's still there green screen for all the shorts and also also here wait oh and my microphone's not traveling with me oh jeez this I've got it I've got your but worst decision I've ever had we so many so many mistakes were made this morning also right behind here that's where I record now that's that's my little recording you can't see it cuz it's really dark this little I think it works yeah it's my little El I mean it's my recording El Cove now and so everything is up here it's exciting are you excited I'm excited so now we've shown you everything you've now witnessed the entire space that's it and that's it so now everyone downstairs there's room for all of us to like meet downstairs says in the back rooms yeah so at this point what I know it's such a I'm so sorry forward I'm so sorry so s let me cross my legs for you Ash so what was the old GT live room downstairs is now referred to as the back rooms cuz they are in the back and that's where some some fan favorites like Sam and Josiah hang out these days um Ash Ash's official like working space is back in the back rooms yeah I'm in like the back room of the back yeah you're in the back of the back rooms yeah the back room squared I'm like the bacteria you're living in the back you are hiding in the shadows The Entity I'm going to be running away from you and you're going to no clip me through through a wall somewhere yeah that's the goal yeah and and now everything and now which is cool because I am like I wake up and I come upstairs like this this is like my new Hideout it's just really isolation upstairs away you don't get bothered quite so much now true last night last night I was up here recording and it's nice and quiet and Stephanie came up to drop off a McFlurry cuz I wanted a McFlurry and she's like oh I'm going out anyway so like a might as well pick it up and and she came up and she's like oh it's really quiet up here I'm like I know it's you know when no one's up here and no Productions going on it's like oh it's nice and peaceful instead of me going down to the basement where it's scary everything is happening well every one everything's happening down there now but also everything's like I would go down and record at like midnight yeah and you're way down there it's all dark I could turn on the lights I guess but you know but like it would be dark you don't expect people to come there and then like if Steph or olly or whoever like pop down it's like oh my God that's why I got a lot of jump scares down there yeah well that's the thing you hear like a door Creek open and you're like well and you were in the back room so you're like right at the back so you can't hear people like coming down the stairs as easily whereas here the stairs are so much easier like just there you can hear you get a CU to where things are happening in your vicinity so crooked as I'm so sorry it's okay Ash it's okay don't worry about this one will just be crooked and we'll fix it between oh no here we go you can't do that you can you can do it well Ash gets things ready thanks for joining me on the couch Tom you're very thank you for enjoying this little tour with all of us um what do you have in store for us today Tom what do I have in store yeah what have you brought across the pond for us to oh well you see um uh no it is uh bunny graveyard is a new game started up the interweb between me flying here I saw it and I was like that that's the game that's the game for us it's got bunnies it's got bunnies is it scary I mean it's got graveyards it's got I mean you know it's got to be something I mean something has died maybe bunnies and graveyards feel like that's like you know on point for us I it feels like one step removed from FNAF so there exactly there is there's some 8 bit mini games like let's not stretch ourselves too hard come on like we've got a brand up we should make a wall can we maybe put this on the to-do list at some point can we make a wall of like games that fulfill the GT live checklist and it's like is purple check Animal theme maybe check children check bonus points if dead check robots animatronic glitches you know I feel like there's a very clear roster of 10 to 12 criteria and we don't have to fulfill all of them but there's maybe a percentage ranking and then you rank them it it helps us rank the game quality for G it's going this is about this is like 60% GT approach childhood horror things like that you know analog maybe it's a maybe it's an XY AIS dear everyone on the subreddit I feel like you can probably do this for us but I feel like there might be an XY AIS here of I'm trying to think of what they would be one would be analog horror yeah of course analog horror is like your Mandela cataloges and back rooms and stuff so one is kind of like ranking that like atmospheric and then one is the gaming more side like the FNA indie horror like mascot horory and then that's your XY it's like whoa so if you come up with a mascot horror game that has analog horror elements you're golden and then because I've seen San's been on the couch a lot you've then got your Zed AIS which is your random Z AIS see this is why we fly you out there you go such cute things like Z access which is all your food or style related extra things and it's like if you can fulfill that as well you're in like the 3D World of perfection GT you're you're operating in three dimensions at that point wild and then style theory is like the time Dimension there you go the four now you're now you're activating wormholes and stuff who knows so bunny graveyard flying to us all the way from the UK although I don't know where it was originally made so I have no idea fantastic super horr played it I think and he's from Britain so therefore there so therefore therefore it is from Britain now great decided great fantastic well without any further Ado now that we've gotten our seamless tour of the space and our delightful spectrum that we're going to be charting and graphing here Ash is in so much pain right now Stephie do you see what they put me through yeah I did okay yeah the chaos I show up I'm just chaos Ash Ash is in pain are you okay Ash do you need to do you need to talk about your feelings right now you know I've got some appointments set up for later in the week I think I'll be okay brought to you by better help # absolutely not but so anyway yeah we'll talk we'll talk later this week sounds good we'll make it we'll make it work we'll set up with some one-on on let's can we set up an XY Z access axis axis in what context all of them I want graph everything all graphs all the forget fan art fan arst so 2013 YouTube charts and graphs welcome welcome welcome to YouTube in the entrepreneurial age where everyone's about charts and graphs and keep no I still wellness and Chaos this is all this is all what's the Zed what is the Zed like thought distortions thought distortions wait what what wait sorry what was x what well wellness and chaos chaos Wellness isn't wouldn't wouldn't chaos and wellness be on opposite sides though I mean very order isn't it all opposite to the end of the world order versus disorder cuz cuz at the end of the day the coordinates that you're charting is Ash's wellbeing right that's true so that so the coordinate the XY coordinate is Ash's mental sanity which I feel like all of us are throwing into remember that time that Tom came in and was like hey this is a relatively short game we could probably get it done in one which which one but this feels the game that we're here which one Tom try to stay with the through line I mean I mean there this is not the first time this hased though we've also had a game where this is going to be fast my Wellness coordinate is suffering right now my my confusion coordinate is through the roof like Tom like just follow the through line I blame the jet lag sure just blame other people for your problems absolutely it's never my fault that was what my dad always told me wow bunny graveyard here it is here we go let's do it let's go uh save and save and quit action interact oh no what enter Z interact okay Z interact cursor speed four feels appropriate great we're done we're done here should I make this big screen I feel like this should be big screen I I feel like there make it big screen did that do it what did you just break I broke it we're having a great start this morning the hey just had to click a couple times we're all golden here we go let's do it oh man it's Amanda the adventurer uh we're in front of haunted computer screen yeah the haunted computers with Post-it notes and I guess vines or something growing around it this is looking for a signal yeah right this cobwebs we got to clean this off no signal that sucks can't to the internet that's a blow that's a blow it's brutal okay can is this paint yes oh sweet uh okay here we goo little greenop look at this yes there we go look at that look at those great art skills oh the days of Ms pain oh buddy brilliant slap that on there that's an eraser is this paintbrush yes oh this is amazing Tom I'm so glad you brought this game over to us there you go see Nostalgia Nostalgia hit from across the seas can you add some purple for G live I haven't I haven't oh my gosh people well I'm putting it in before you forget and move on I haven't I haven't I haven't done the quadrants yet we're getting to the quadrants look there's there it there it is obviously obvious and then you got know what that green and you got red yes and you got yellow and you got style Theory blue and then you got live for oh oh no it goes by refuses to the game theory logo persists above all it dominates all can I print it print that was actually a trash can damn it I mean I I shoot crucial mistake it's fine the audience can screen grab it and that thing can be immortalize does that not look like a printer I think it right I would say printer you have the little top little top enter tray you got the printer and they got the little tray underneath ex that's not a trash can doesn't it look like it comes in towards the bottom like if this was a trash can it would be straight to anyway anyway okay okay pixel art annoyances a sign it's fine here let's click on this Mickey Mickey Mouse uh oh there a what it's huh really oh oh no oh no we got two bunnies we got sans's Bunny and Nest bunny oh no they got two eyes we got one with a hard eye and one with an orange eye interesting okay o it's say it's saving it saves every time yeah you it saved a few times oh unknown power source detected shut down failed okay that's not suspicious unknown power source okay so presumably this is the thing we got to click on got to play the one game we downloaded today come on hey yeah I appreciate someone who keeps their desktop clean okay that's true I do not have permission to access this application please contact your administrator okay I'm assuming try again if at first you don't succeed oh oh there we go I I do not have access to it okay I think oh I saw purple purple bunny glitch glitches baby check it off on XY z alpha AIS oh God we're introducing oh oh we've summoned Glitz draa clearly go yeah Blood Red Sun is your is your weather is that the trash can upside down clearly it's a printer Tom printer what what's a blue button I okay huh we oh hello so oh is that a little oh look at I'm a I'm a floating finger woo can I go any with those otherwi I assume follow it yeah I mean you assume you assume that but you don't find the lore by doing that I know I'm aware all right all right finger what if I go why I go the wrong way right what if I go the wrong way this okay doesn't matter so restarts okay is it a manta ray it looks like a little like floating like manta ray yeah oh they trying to deceive us now yeah that one's blue oh the one that so you want the one that flashes blue what about if I go this way though I cannot okay all right oh left you think it was left yeah yeah yeah it's like a meant I think man yeah I got the little I was going to say anteny things but they have whiskery things don't they not I'm thinking of Pokémon I think oh oh we we we be busting through this screen who's going to emerge uh-oh is it a is it a purple evil bunny made of glitches are we are we entering into oh you I'm checking all the boxes right now this is eight bit mini game check check oh oh the finger pointing at us the bunny Garden I feel deceived right clickbait was told that there would be a graveyard in here lies the bunny Garden here let's start game sure hey maybe this is Pleasant maybe it was all like dark and mysterious to like lead you to full sense of security and now she's going to be the most Pleasant of games we you know what we could stand to have a little bit more like positivity on this Chanel a little bit more uplift it's true little bit more like touchy feely give each other a hug oh my hand has died that is not a button that corresponds to any went through this at the beginning of the game game I told you what my inputs were okay I'm breathe breathe the hand breathe hand breathe is oh another hand hello that's cute actually this is adorable huh a glove just like you it's wearing a silver ring on its index finger looks like he wants to show you something let's find out okay I'm a very slow hand oh we have we have Sprint oh we have energy like stamina yeah oh no what is this everybody loves the stamina mechanic there's no going back now oh that's not ominous at all huh interesting this reminds me a little bit of Glover for N64 back in the day it was a PL it was a very strange platformer where you were a living glove it's very exciting is the m interpretation yep North handy hell cabin Skies Garden East the Labyrinth ooh when you say Labyrinth that's exciting to me this area seems to be off limits okay anything else over here no no no huh interesting hello looks like something was buried here there it is there a see this burden tree can I add a burden tree no I cannot oh mysterious entity going down the well evil bunny rabbit there's something suspicious about this well you don't say game there is always something suspicious about well right I feel like every well in every video game yeah it's always hid in some secret always it's never water at the bottom rarely which is rarely which feels odd does oh oh look he's playing he's playing his little paddle ball looks fun it does can I shoot basketball hoops I cannot shoot the Hoops that's a missed opportunity I feel like absolutely here we go handy pal cabin okay we're going to check that out that looks that just little fence this is adorable I do like having a hand is actually quite a funny little like icon to use you get all the movement like pointing this way and knocking and picking things up you're get yeah you're getting a lot of like expressiveness with a simple hand which is fun still no answer okay no answers there okay we're going to leave that alone he's playing his little padle ball oh tripping the tree very busy hands a strange looking sculpture oh seems very impressive to be honest its shape seems to remind you of something a bunny that mysterious thing right that we no one nobody ever sees what could it be well they're they're a bunch of hands who knows Society understands the concepts of bunnies so is this a post-apocalyptic future where bunnies are like a rare sight and gloves have evolved too look look at this even in bun there this is the this is the villain evil bunny Little Bunny Fufu hopping through the forest scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head that's right then long in the good fairy looks pretty tired even in hand Society you got these layabouts as you would says you would right see I'm I'm speaking everybody needs a rest Matt everyone needs a rest at some point not in hand Society no here we go what do we got going on here hello oh there an actual per I mean person bunny what oh that's adorable hey there partner name sky sky the bunny I'm guessing number eight brought you here right that's great makes me so happy to see little hands like you hanging out around here I mean some of y'all don't even go outside are you talking to are we breaking the fourth wall here you talking to me talking to us on the couch I feel attacked right now personally attacked always watching TV and doing nothing anyway I think I'm getting a bit srack now that you're here and all I'm going to be honest with you looking after this place by myself and my handy Pals has been a pain in the butt I mean don't get me wrong they're all really helpful but sometimes they get pretty lazy we've seen that one seen them I saw layabouts all over so I was thinking how about you help me out here too maybe you and I can make this little garden something special it'll be fun I promise so what do you say are you up for the job partner yes no no I'm always Fascinate what happened if you say no in these games please no please no don't say no is the achievement all right yes sir well then message received I guess we're up for some gardening huh awesome well see you there bud H that's not suspicious that's not right I was going to say that's not concerning in the slightest that's fine I love it bunnies truly are the evilest of the creatures clearly clearly video game law that's how this works that is that is accurate I got to say um it used to really stress me out in video games to to say no to like do the thing that obviously the game doesn't want you to say but now I feel like I'm I'm mandated to do it just to see what the game's going to do yeah and but now you feel disappointed when it doesn't do something fun right where is where it's just like it puts you in a loop you're just like oh oh okay fine you're here welcome to my garden since this is your your first day help me out I'll teach you some of the basics come on let's start planting some flowers all right I'm I'm ready let's go I have no idea this is fascinating this is like every I'm not expecting anything that happens next this is great just keep I'm all I'm all aboard I am hooked day one we're doing we're playing horror horror Harvest Moon five days at bunnies put it on the list day system how many days multiple days hold g hit the interact button or left click when the yellow ring touches the gray Circle okay it's the ironic moment on that day system where FNAF right now is is breaking that room right that is iric modern FNAF well someone's got to be on the bleeding edge right okay here we go here we go oh okay I see what you want you want button dig nice button dig nailed it button dig button Tom Tom came in this morning and you you I was in the garden actually you were yeah so this is actually very aopo it was it was before everyone arrived cuz Stephan's only time to to Garden is either on the weekends with Oli which is very slow or before the H arrives or before everyone arrives and so it's like well dropped Oli off we got like an hour of time let's build a garden shall we absolutely how long have you been Building B Garden well a garden is a is a commitment in a lot of ways that's true that's fast yes nice work looks like you're done with dig the digging part I'll call up one of my handy Pals to help you out with the next part so here's my question is in again in true indie horror game fashion obviously you have to play through it and get like perfect score and maybe that gets something and then you got to play through it and get like terrible score yeah cuz the green bar up top is to the bunny right and so if we know the bunny makes people mad and like kills them or something number eight come here for a sec what do you mean you can't find number eight just give me number 42 then hm who's number eight what what where where is the question okay tap tap tap boom nice perfect score I need a combo I need like a Max gardening combo right now perfect boom got them look and I I love how well spaced our plants are honestly this is this is quality right here and tap and here we go and boom nice Pro gardening oh wow lot lot of gardening going on wow these are impressive flowers fast acting flowers right here very good if only that's how it works right beautiful garden in minutes so many people would get that dopamine hit right away good job there it is there's your there's your combo thanks Perfect combo oh you done already wow thanks so much for helping me out here if you excuse me I'm going to do something important oh well well when you have an ominous pause in your in your dialogue there Sky makes me question the dot the dot dot dot man just with your Sinister grin don't worry in the meantime you can all get to know your handy Pals see you all righty then interesting oh our house H not mysterious at all oh can't I can't can I go check out my garden I'd like to check out my garden um flowers are dancing something about the flowers are moving in a specific yeah so red goes left Blues go right that's going to be something M code or right left right right right right yeah maybe they're trying to tell you something right left right right right right I'm assuming that that's this right can you get through the flowers behind I wonder right yeah no left right right right right oh so yeah so now it's registering yeah it's just now we keep going that way I think cuz it was only one going the other way that way [Music] interesting [Music] oh oh you have to keep going I think right left and then just keep going at this point right there it is that is a very unusual lock that's usually how that works okay cool there's a shovel inside the shed grab it no I mean we've opened it I know so we can get it I guess if we grab it okay we got it wait we got to find that bury thing that thing that was buried before that's what it is find number eight right maybe number eight was buried o look at the pretty flowers many them sunflowers they're beautiful a dopamine hit man getting it I love this okay here we go I could talk to my friends or I could get ready to dig where something was buried H there's a lot of Handy Pals over here here and here looks like it's time to meet your fellow handy Pals or bury Secrets I could play that basketball game oh no they're tempting you we got we got to get the berri what's oh it's getting dark it is was it through here into the left I was going to say where is how like it was like was it before the handy pal stuff yeah I thought it was or was it just to the left here hello handy Pals no it was yeah it was before yeah it was before this can we put the shovel back or cuz we can't get through the fence right now or it doesn't seem to be anywhere right why can't we go down here did we solve the puzzle too early no that no certainly not certainly not rarely is that the case Tom you know very well that that's not the way this works we're last to solve the puzzle every time without fail right okay is there somewhere else that we could dig and be buried I'm very eager to see what was dead and buried over there the game be telling me that there's Secrets shoot okay have we done it too early or maybe the question is can you put it back that's the other question H okay here we're going to try to put it back for now so I can play some games I guess nope no certainly you have now got it you that's all right well I'm just going to go meet my friends and play some basketball while holding this trowel it's fine just like that's not threatening at all no just why have you got that no reason don't you worry about this in the slightest here we go coming home back hey Fred B yay hooping score 15 points Before Time runs out let's be hooping all right let get those got to get those three pointers oh jeez oh there's no world oh this oh this is never going to happen oh that is not that's not a good one yeah it was bad okay we be hooping okay so basically just launch it vaguely up pretty much full full power right that's yep that's basically that backboard is doing a lot of work these are very dead basketballs let's put it that way just the the densest of balls there is there is no balce in these at at all nope that was that no that was that was bad one we said that it's like launching Boulders yeah the amount of like is that like a memory foam backboard just like absorbing all the force regardless how hard you throw it elasticity is is tricky okay oh that was beautiful that was almost like swoosh nothing but but n yes that's what we want and I said swoosh I meant swo swoosh swoosh the fact was though I know so little about sports I I just went along I was just like I guess that's the thing yeah swoosh swoosh swoosh that makes sense to me from the makers of Nike Swoosh good job man I'm beast in these little mini games got to make all the friends you found a piece of paper are we going to play Rock Paper Scissors is that what this is sh either that or this is a wingdings code oh no okay we do be hooping so we we got our Hoops so they all by the tree oh he's oh yeah rock paper scissors I think it is come on well done thank you well done well done anytime there are hands involved rock paper scissors is just mandatory okay time to show number 17 who's boss choose your attack uh I mean everyone always starts with scissors so you got to you got to rock it baby yeah well they were all clipping the tree earlier as well weren't they is if that this is what it's is that just telling us what they're doing I'm assuming that was okay so now it's going to [Music] be it keeps doing oh it is telling us it is literally telling us which seem why is it telling why is it telling us is it just going to keep doing just going to do scissors over and over again this feels let's let's let's I mean I get that this this guy was like chopping is he wasn't track minded he was just like I was scissoring the tree earlier so let's just die so it's just telling us that he's he's going to do scissors and more scissors oh we got some they're moving some rocks there we go finally that was a very strange intro to this game this is very strange mechanic you can just make it random you can just have me play Rock Paper maybe it was and maybe the AI is not strong enough yet another piece of paper doing you know sign language is picking up a cup of tea the British way the the British way it's still see layabout it's still and you notice that it had the the dot dot dot the ellipses there so you know how we feel about him still laying there just saying he's going to be the next he's going to be the one that disappears next it is I I think you're right actually okay find the handy friends before time runs out oh oh oh there he moved there how does one find the handy friends oh wait there's one got him how many am I looking for six oh thank you yeah I see it come on handy friends there's a lot of places they could be like hiding behind geometry that I do not see okay let's go up to the upper area I guess here we go this the thing how far do they go where are you oh oh that's a good one oh very nice that was good that was a good hiding spot there I'll give you that friend that was that was impressive this guy's not messing around he's pulling a a pet of malark from Hunger Games right there he is disguising himself like a rock oh there we go like a boulder here we go three kind want a trees classic right this can't go wrong with that here we go is one going to be like trying to pretend to be a flower absolutely yes there he is but butt come on what are you doing oh there's one and one down and one down in the right as well he's doing the paint thing oh another paint thing boom he's like I got that other guy it was some spare paint it was he's never going to check for the same thing twice no certainly not okay we found another piece of paper oh it's purple and swirly now oh no I love that purle has just become this the signature indie horror this is a bad thing going on up left where are you going friend H oh there's my map okay one handy PS is heading to the well you should go and find out what's going on with our trusty Spade cuz it was by the well so this is sign language yeah I mean so up up left down Circle right I know but there but these are also letters in sign language right uh well I wouldn't know cuz ASL is different from BSL so we have a different sign way interesting cuz I think it is ASL is much more one-handed I think whereas BSL is two really yeah it's a lot of doing like this sort shapes and things like that that's so interesting I um I learned a lot about ASL when we were doing the Broadway play over the over the um over the summer where cuz the uh sign language director uh they had they had a whole separate person who was in charge of doing sign language for the the show which was great and the show was set in the 70s cuz you're visiting this historical house and and the girl the like ghost girl who uses sign language is you died in the 70s this anyway this that and the other but sign language has evolved since then where it used to be more spell out the word and now it's more symbolic they're short hands for it and so it was just fascinating talking to him and learning the history of sign language and how you think of it as oh it's like any language you know it stays or it St it's not like any language cuz language evolv too but like you think of it as this static thing but no it too evolves with time which is just endlessly fascinating yeah it's like um so my sister-in-law is actually a um BSL interpreter so that's where I learned about about that but it's like your name so you can just spell out your name but a lot of people have a a short hand which might not actually be your name because obviously you can't just like go well uh Tom is other than spelling it you can't do a like Tom sign but you'll have like something that maybe is associated with you oh that's interesting like someone we know like loves Cactus and so Cactus is their Shand for their name so they use the cactus sign which I can't remember I think it's that possibly don't but again because people make them up as well well you understand that like this means Cactus cuz Cactus stand like that or things like that it's like people do them differently fasinating it's a it's a fascinating World okay based on this i l b i l b o I think this is o i l b o that's definitely o i l b o and then this is he's [Music] tucking is that right is that uh X oh is yeah the thumb yeah i l b o x ill boox ibox is there an m and an a that's missing and it's mailbox I mean it could be Oh Yeah from the front end from the front that's why yeah right Ash coming in with a save I mean or it could just be like a directional thing because each of the arrows and the dots has like a different so it'll be a code later on it could be just be a key okay so this is let down I don't care about you right now yeah where's where is where is my buried treasure first let's do this there it is got to get that nice nice this is exci this is actually cool this is really Charming I'm really enjoying this a buried treasure you found a not buried in the garden oh purple swellies purple swirlies 15 important Discovery I just noticed a couple of really tall rabbit-like creatures gardening I can't see their faces but I do not intend to get any closer from here this might be the strangest thing I've witnessed on this journey see huh interesting have we seen a mailbox uh I don't know if there was one in front of the house but I would right I was going to say let's check the house before we progress the story got to hunt for that law we got to hunt for for that lore you know we do that's not a mailbox that's just a sign isn't it we don't have mailboxes so I'm like what do they look like Po postal slot no answer yes post box but it looks like there's someone inside so now there looks like there's someone inside where there wasn't before handy P cabin okay okay no fine mailbox have we seen a mail can I go around the side here or no I cannot okay yeah that's why the biggest secret of was just hidden like behind that you cannot find you just go behind click a and hope for something yeah playing playing all the old school like especially Super Nintendo era was big in that where like the Mario RPGs of the world had the oh yeah there's all sorts of secret hidden items back behind the level geometry that you never see yeah because it was before the age of the internet as well so you couldn't go online and look for Secrets it was very much you happened to find it and you would then tell all your friends that it would spread and that becomes like a sou piece that everyone knows about huh this wasn't here before some of me have dropped it by accident what is it computer calculator phone yeah some technological device flip flown there's no going back now definitely not we we found a spade can't go back now no certainly not where sh I'm bummed that we don't know where this mailbox is I'm sure it will reveal itself in time it's at the bottom it's at the bottom of the well oh no friend don't do that do not recommend told you there's never water at the world certainly not there oh no no bunnies allowed are weting the evil glove coat oh buddy this Colts this this reminds me yeah check out Colts this is reminding me pretty strongly of uh Kingdom Hearts where you go into a cave and all of a sudden there's like a portal to A Whole New World oh yeah no it's exactly that right I I figured you appreciate I appreciate the Kingdom Hearts reference that's how you get out the well I know great okay so that's good to no anything else here knock knock hey no bunnies no bunnies no bunnies oh no oh is it going to be the Sim mailbox wait oh oh it is yeah look you're making the sign so it is the same signs as before so what was it right left right right right uh was it was it left up down Circle oh you're talking about oh you're talking about that P that that the one where we fig out sign I think we were being very clever doing the letters and like took sometimes the obvious answer it's just a key oh okay here we go I still believe in the mailbox Ash no it's going to pay off I I guarantee I can already tell up left down interact right it's either he or it's like he which is it if you head inside you won't be able to go back to the Garden Oh head inside anyway I don't think cuz we did the puzzle with the shovel and we got the note I feel like and we found the little calculator thing it feels like I don't feel like there's much more I mean unless something has changed since we opened this St but I think we did a good job I think let's go let's do it this is great I'm I'm very much enjoying this I'm very intrigued of where it's going this is a good start good start to a game yeah they've sold me I feel like more horror games 2 could use like pixel graphics and and use more of this kind of aesthetic yeah it's is an underutilized aesthetic for sure the art on the wall says no bunnies allowed it does it does say that the big X does imply that oh there it is IH heart box huh there's a bunch of spray cans on the floor and a small wooden table the down the wall says I love box oh so so I box yeah I love box is the code okay no more rules Dar wall says no more rules okay getting that angst teen Vibe take down the system huh oh hello that was a full person or either that or a B I feel like that might be a bunny I'm just saying that has snuck in yeah I feel like there might be a bunny here with a is that a box on his head to hide that it's a bunny are the gloves fooled by that yes yes clearly they are sup dude so you found my secret hideout huh that's kind of impressive not going to lie but I'm going to be real with you for a sec something's about something about you seems kind of weird in the dude I don't want to judge or anything but I've never seen a handy pal as pale as looking as you dude I'm not getting the Vibes I normally get with all the other handy Pals did she run out of gloves or something she and again remember we're in a video game right now which is also important to remember like yeah we started as a computer didn't we right and then we went in a portal yeah so there's there's a couple framing devices here that we just need to keep aware of out drop right you know what I got a little challenge for you my dude we're actually starting a competition in a couple of minutes so if you like win the competition you'll earn my trust sound good uhoh he's been tempted what no really really come on man you're going to miss out on all the coolest on the coolest event of your legma dude okay okay okay but what if but what no pro pro okay you're just messing with me messing with boxers oh his name is you said no multiple times to boxers there we go there you go now we know what his name let's just go I prefer that there was one game I played in childhood it was The Matrix Game Neo I think it was and it offers you the red blue pill and if you pick the the blue pill he goes I'm sorry you feel that way and then it restarts from the opening cinematic and it's just a cinematic and then that moment so it just resets the whole thing you have to sit through another minute or two of exactly until you pick the the red that's amazing bad at least it guess goes okay come on man awesome name's boxers all right time to go great let's do it let's Go Lego oh hello oh no looks like it's starting to get dark outside the handy PS are starting to get worried the cabin's door has been locked for a while what's going on in there uhoh Shenanigans are our foot uh just to reiterate if one of y'all gets past that Labyrinth things are not going to go well around here you understand your actions will put all your pals at risk so don't even think of going down there again H look at the time my little handy pal has been waiting for hours now I'm sorry for making you all wait so long I'm going to head home now but you should all take a nap and you I didn't like you you number eight number Eight's the one that found us to begin with the one with the ring right okay the one with the ring one ring to rule them all so go through the Labyrinth and it puts everyone at risk huh interesting I love that the hands need sleep by the way yeah perfect like the absolute anthropomorphic hands uh oh uh that's it well look who it is the one and only number eight a purple eyes purple bunny sign of evil sneak it out again are we seems like you don't understand the severity of this situation do I have to teach you some matters I'll take that as a yes this Al is oh oh oh no no oh no no number eight I mean oh it broke his heart too I did wonder cuz it was like there's number like 47 or something you're like there's only like five gloves so like what happened to all these numbers oh man the coil games oh yeah that was just the intro that was the prologue look at this this is awesome this art style is great yeah it's really Charming this is awesome fun well we completed the beginning come on oh there's fre perfect things that I need to see shoot rewind pause see what it said I trust the comments to let us know what's going to happen there immediately I do too well uh I thought this thing could go faster anyway I want to spoil the fun but I wanted to ask have you ever like fought someone before no always no oh well I I might have to teach you a few things then unless you're too scared to handle it no no I am foolish and Reckless I just do whatever oh looks like we're here great sounds like plan all right let's go to the training room here we oh hello okay little dude here's how this is going to go so here's the thing this is actually a fighting competition pretty cool right right this is what our Fighters look like these are well the hands makes sense fits and this is the head when you're in the ring your objective will be to hit the head if you punch their head off you're in okay however these Fighters know what they're doing the hands and the head work together as a team so punching their head off won't be as easy as you think cuz you'll need to watch out for their punches too if you beat all of our fighters tonight you get to stay here with us and if you lose you get kicked out now that you know all that how about you show a little Stewart over here what you got don't worry he'll be fine okay how to fight go left or right to dodge any the incoming attacks oh oh my gosh so he attacks centrally oh this is this is punch out I mean this this is like punch out rules love it punch hold the AC oh okay so when he moves the side he's about to attack okay hold the action lock hold the action key oh the other action key okay not the interact key the action key got him okay nice oh yeah this is this is like old school punch out this is fun great all I need is my Mario referee and we're [Music] golden got him got him in it a yeah I I I I beat Mike Tyson okay impressive oh I I played the heck out of that game oh nice nope likey nope likey you're no Don you're are no Don flamco there you go come on let's go two three NP oh good there we go no one more knock out TKO knockout finish him well uh looks like you're taking this seriously my dude guess you're ready for the real deal now what was I not supposed to do like was I not supposed to do that meet me at the planning room all right I'm ready I will knock the heads off of anything and everything you throw at me there's some small text on the bottom of the logo it says the official handy pel Fighting Championship remember winners stay and losers go a TV seems to have a VHS player on it but there aren't any tapes to watch that you know of uh-oh there will be tapes to find VHS tyes check it off the list in the coordinates of the Zed axis most likely used by Fighters plan their strategies okay here we go wacky I am so curious where this is going just a couple of Handy Pals hanging out looks like one of them is super excited good for him you know it's important we're so glad they're having fun right it's important for you think you can handle us talk with boxers if you want to fight with us but remember if you lose you'll be on the world's biggest losers list oh no trust us you don't want to be there oh no it's like high school all over again just a handy P hanging around with no one seems like not all of them are extrovert Rel I feel you man right just a couple of Handy Pals right yeah don't have to be just because you're in a boxing tournament with other floating hands doesn't mean you have to always be extroverted there's a reason it's not a team sport exactly this entrance is blocked okay well cool I'll fight I'll I'll I'll fight someone I'm ready to go let's go fight YouTuber boxing here we go Creator Clash creat let's go all right I'm done with the other Fighters you're the only one left and you're new you got to tell me what your entrance going to be like maybe an elegant looking entrance or an epic one this game is throwing all sorts of turns that I am not expecting I didn't expect right plan your boxing entrance that one kind of cool also but there's a spooky one ah I don't know man you decide so spooky adako epic so to be fair uh we we were invited to go to Creator clash and it was incredible earlier this year and Harley from Epic Meal Time entered from the audience where he was he was Solid Snake of course he was he he was in the audience and you couldn't find everyone else entered through tunnels but he was just hiding on the stairs and the spotlights find him and then all of a sudden like the theme for Metal Gear Solid plays and he's dressed in the Garb he's got like a cigarette and it was it was wild it was it was pretty incredible Epic Meal Time living up to his name right uh what do we want what do you want um you're you came all the way to do this game I did I mean epic does look pretty fire can I send you back now I'll leave it's fine I see myself thank you I'll send myself out are you sure you want the Epic ENT no problem is we keep going down the no list it's just going to here what what or do we do or do we do spooky I mean Spooky's on brand spooky brand epic we'll doep we'll do epic for you well let the hand pales know about this okay last thing I need a like a fighter name for you of course maybe some like finger breaker super puncher X or something like that oh no you get the point okay oh no there's too much choice now you gave me multiple choice and now it's open-ended okay what do you think we need a good hand or finger pun guys oh finger pun the fish finger I don't think we have enough spaces for that FY FY FY FY FY please say we gety space no that's capital no that's check [Music] FY B we is it why are I oh no we're out we're out the FY pin F FY just FY yeah fingy got him well there you go all uper we're yelling FY FY FY yeah that is perfect we'll strike fear I love that his options that he gave us were super long and that it was like you have like six characters it's it what is that thing on the ground next to him is that like evil mask what is that a bag bag maybe or a spotlight I don't have a clue all right I'm going to go hype up the crowd you stay here till I call you okay see you in the ring my dude I thought it was a bunch of Post-its on the floor floor I think it was colorful towels but I was like Post-it room is happening we have been so hurt so traumatized my dudes are y'all ready for the best night of your lives yeah oh the two the Clapping what is this game I mean that's true it would take two of you to clap yeah that's true all right earlier today we decided on having iron punch as our main Fighter for SE we couldn't have that many characters unfortunately haven't heard anything about their whereabouts but don't worry number eight number eight I think is iron punch but don't worry dudes cuz I found someone else and unlike previous contestants this one looks like they have some guts but I know you're thinking can they actually take out all of our fighters tonight wow oh animation well it's time this looks I mean this looks great this looks great would he have been allowed his ring in the ring that feels like it would have been like brass knuckles yeah un FY FY peace son baby that was my epic did you see how fire it was handle bags okay that was I also yeah we are fighting as single hands against double hand faces so again there's going to be left right now cuz we got punches from each side oh oh yes you have so you got Dodge to the right side you got to dodge to the side they are punching from yep interesting oh yeah okay that's great n TKO oh wow there's even counting everything oh they get up can I can I recover health in between rounds oh so they've got so you can they can only go down three you have to go down three times yep either that or they they need to stay down yeah you knock them out so bad whing on them mean oh block usually that's to Y nailed it that's right that's right King Hippo fell to me little box face stands no chance if Mike Tyson is no match for de's hands de's hands have seen some things who needs to block when you can just dodge everything there you go come on absolute you are getting wrecked bald bald bull ain't got nothing on this there it is I love that there there's a handle in there oh oh yeah you have to oh cuz the hand is under the box cuz there was a handle under the box that the glove was holding on to yeah that's so funny that's what a weird world so really it's three hands you have left hand right and the hand in the middle that's operating thing it truly does bring a new meaning to the word phrase throwing hands looks like handle bags couldn't handle the pressure he but our next fighter won't be as easy to beat cuz you'll have to make sure to keep them in sight oh they going to be dodin are they going to be I mean that one really like it was basically punching or being hit in the face awesome I love the it is fire it is just oh hand sight weird weird weird weird call but sure I'm not sure I get the pun but hand sight let's go I mean I guess hand eye coordination okay he's he's a little bit faster oh not dodging he's blocking occasionally but I say as you just proceed to like Pummel him oh oh he he you oh okay here we go okay so now this is where block might come in handy no we're not blocking get out of your time what are you okay I mean that is my mentality like why would I block when I can punch you just go on the offensive nope okay NOP oh shoot see wait until it's attack there and Stu void three four no come on there we go okay left okay there we go got him yeah I just got the thing is I just need to take more time with it that's all it's just it it is it is literally like punch out back in the day where it's like oh hello oh no oh okay oh we can't see his hand we're doing it Bas from body Lang oh yeah okay there okay there okay no okay oh he duped you but you got him okay there we go going going attack there we go okay done it done it yeah I got him can't see this hand woo good Jobo nailed it yeah I am beasting this bunny graveyard glitch game about boxing it's like we've done gardening we did an eight bit chase scene now we're boxing it's like looks like hand sight Lost His sight that was that was rough yeah I'm glad he accept he admits it but now it's time for our last Fighter the most feared fighter of all okay last one Mike Tyson that would be awesome M Tyson with a box on his head just to like finger taker that's pretty funny that feels very Undertaker I like it it feels very um oh princess and the frog that it has that kind of vibe to it with the skull hat okay okay he's big he's big boy he's also he's also got the iron Knuckles like or this the brass knuckles like you call why is that allow do doesn't seem fair no it's certainly not okay there you go well then there you go oh he didn't go oh oh he didn't go down oh he didn't go down at all o I don't know what that meant that would have probably double damage no this is this is going to be a uh oh oh no oh no what's going on what's going on get out of there get out of there okay oh my gosh yeah he is okay so don't don't don't get hit is basically the moral of the story no other way shoot so if you get hit by so if you get Spar hit by the sparkle glove that happens the struggle wow right okay he's going to slap himself up we need to hit him during the sparkle I think you reckon I think so no by the way shoot take my time take my time yeah if this is going by Punch Out rules Sparkle meant that it was like a Super Attack yeah yeah so it's back oh oh no he is oh hold up yeah up there we go get up so no he is getting it is technically knocking him down though actually if you see the in the upper right corner M yeah yeah it's counting as being taken now it's just not oh so we just overthought it oh well that wasn't nearly as hard if I had focused more on actually fighting I would have got knocked down I could have gotten another achievement could have gotten three oh oh that is UN that is an illegal move sir what finger taker's back back and he wants revenge oh oh come on got a bottom Match Baby thank thanks Tom for your your support I've got to I feel like I got to do something get out of here you stupid glove epic Victory good job I like that it just like Happ good job yeah again this game I I can't tell anything about this guy this was fun wow dude that was awesome I'm sure all the handy Pals loved it too it's been a while since I've seen them like that actually before you showed up one of our Fighters literally disappeared but thankfully you showed up at the right time I would have given you the costume too but I had to get you ready in time anyway now that the show's over I guess you can wander around the place for a bit but if you want to take a nap you should go to the room down the hallway oh and you can all also use the elevator now if you want that's it have fun my dude and thank you will the elev take us into the cabin oh no cuz well I guess not because he had to leave didn't he he was is going to he iron knuckle number eight was going to leave what do we got uh here uh so yeah that was this was the training room wasn't it yeah okay anything new here question mark on the white board black board I suppose is it a black board if it's green technically yes wait why am I not getting it consistently though train with steart again nah I'm good I'm good I don't need steart anymore I don't need unless this is one of those times where like steuart is now superpowered yeah you know how a secret achievement which I could absolutely see being the case with this this this game seems like that sort of game that would do that sort of thing hey bud can we check we can check out the other room yeah sup dude you want to get on the ring and fight again n there there there's too much to explore here my friend right let's go this way is the Undertaker is this going to oh I was wondering if this going to be like The Undertaker's room hello someone's room D4 handle Banks's room a mirror it's so high up you can't even see yourself on it to a boy H what's that mean that means that this place wasn't originally for bunnies or or this place might have might have originally been for bunnies or maybe humans or maybe we a human and we can't see ourselves like that feels the fact that we can't see ourselves it tells me a lot of things yeah they're trying specifically to say that you can't see yeah right okay this is handle bank so these will be all the extra rooms I from the fighters yeah yep oh ghost hand ghost hand and he just oh no who was that that was the ghost hand hand sights room that's the one this is handlight costume so it is yep that is indeed handlight costume thank you next thank you next D2 finger taker hey dude I know it's been a hard couple of days but I'm sure he'll be back by tomorrow please keep please stop avoiding me we miss you stop avoiding us we miss you man know it's been a c hard oh we got a different save yeah mattress okay so this room is very starkly different right the walls are cracked there's also some bricks lying on the floor so is he punching the room in Anger is this to do with number eight or another or is there a potentially some secret hidden behind that part of the wall eventually interesting cool next the door is locked maybe the keys can still be found somewhere in The Hideout okay uh there we go message received right duly noted all right so we're going to have to find a key I to go through those back right I know these back rooms I need the back rooms back rooms everywhere man is this where we have to Super train against him to get the key maybe right super train Rainer what is this thing can we check it out change your intro and fighter name uh yes we're going spooky next time spooky entrance we're still FY though go of course got to be FY always FY always FY oh fing where fingy this is very important okay it's important to the law there now we got the spooky entrance nice anything else interesting down there shoot it's not telling me what what that thing is though I was curious what that one sterious was yeah cuz it's stood out it did right it feels odd you can't get to the chest you can't speak to anyone I could go back up I could retrain again and then he said the bed is down here yeah hello I mean this this is a very comfortable place to sleep I will say so that's yeah the bed that we can sleep in but that will progress us you won't you won be able to go back to The Hideout so we need to find that key no I I love the more I wish more games made it it clear when you're Crossing one of those one of those boundaries yeah cuz it's normally only like the final Boss by the way you get it in the game and you're like that's useful but yeah right and you have to use your gamer senses to like figure out when you're going to need something the worst part is when you you think you're being smart go I think this way is the correct way so I'm going to explore this way and you explore the other way and then that ends up being the correct route and then you've like missed the other route that you didn't go down or whatever it is that exact reason super tra like catches fire and he just like be amazing Maybe not maybe maybe he is still he's still just maybe do would we have to do the tournament again to win the key no that feels that would feel like a lot that would feels like a lot and we did a really good job the first time yeah unless you do have to have Flawless Victory Flawless Victory the whole time that seems that would be weird for them to give you like a key to a room though just for that yeah yeah for sure it might it must be hidden somewhere that's my guess yeah must be train with steart again now see and and also it's worth noting there's that VHS like there's still that TV with VHS tapes that we may or may not need we could also go to the surface can we yeah remember he said you could go up back up oh use the elevator the up Upper Floor Oh I thought it was up to like the the bunny Garden again but there's another floor see there we go all the secrets we must unearth the lore oh yeah here this feels more like it o secret Jazz Room amazing love me a jazz room do you now I do I like adding that to your personal L that's great I'm I'm a Hu big jazz fan handy pals are so talented this guy's having a rough go this guy's twitching yeah he is he is not having a good time I mean I get it Jess isn't for everyone it's like Bud you doing all right you doing okay all right let's check out down here what do we oh so this is the tunnels yeah we're back through the tunnels now could we go back to the surface then but then where would the key be where is the key right we we have to find it yeah before we leave absolutely you can't not I guess it would be here let's maybe it's the base of the well and go back to it and it will be there no more R oh oh hello hey bud it's finger taker what's finger taker doing down here he seems to be staring at the boxer's graffiti art best not to bother him are you sure I feel I feel like bothering him might give us the answers we need right I was gonna say I I feel like that's not necessarily he's looking at the IH heart box I love box so again that note was from box wasn't it that we found in this room so here let's see right where could it be hello flashing ominous flashing light you can't go back to the Garden yet well okay then well this one is flashing I don't know if that means anything but like in ah good job game good job that was great well done why are there so many boxes here yes oh good that's well done good game design makes me so happy there's something inside the Box grab yes is it a key mysterious key look you know what that was worth me not saying no to yeah that was worth it awesome good sign posting game way to be not super obvious with it but just obvious enough good job that is oh you don't get enough of that these days no that is so actually legitimately great I feel like I solved a puzzle and it wasn't given to me and that makes me so happy can I talk to him now look dude I got a key so I got a key want check out my key no it's glowing purple come on man how many how often do you see that check this out bud it's pretty sweet man so let's talk about those brass knuckles you were using yeah it that doesn't feel fat yeah right that was uncalled for man also just so you know I would have beaten you if I had actually focused on just so you know absolutely thash yeah you you were you were not that hard actually it was just I was distracted by your shiny glinty gloves okay let's let's check out what's behind this mystery door that's that's not that's the rough sorry just wanted to delay it just I'm just yeah I'm tanking it for the content we're tanking it for the content it's fine we're good here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go the mysterious key you found earlier appears to be intended for this door use the mysterious key to unlock the door yes I what too hard to say know at this point I worked too hard I went upstairs ooh Mysterious Room you open the door to the Mysterious Room here's the thing I'm noticing that there are two different saves that happen in the bottom right corner sometimes it's purple and with a bunny sometimes it's blue with like a chest piece which feels important like when we found this earlier yeah it was the it was the blue with the with the chest piece or whatever something do with bunny vers oh Super Saiyan actually looks like Bardock which is quite funny actually it's an iron punch poster looks pretty old looks like the other Fighters left some presents here oh so this was the that was what the note was talking about right yeah iron punch gone for a little while but which must be number eight can I be Iron Punch Yeah can I take on the mantle yeah can I can I cuz I think he died if I'm if I'm being completely honest here I think he's dead I think he may not be around right rest in peace iron punch okay can I ask people about iron punch now like do I have new information that I can share with people so people love to iron punch although no it can't be the one who died cuz the one who died was eight right number eight yeah and that door was what number one either one or seven it was one yeah you're right I don't know whether that was just number one fighter or like the first one I don't know do I want to fight again I mean I don't think I'm going to be able to be Iron punch so I'm going to say no I was just hoping that he would is it just like cuz it's saved so obviously it's like something it's and it's not a mandatory thing to do no so it feels like it's going to unlock something at some point maybe right maybe either that or these are these are L Clues I go talk to him I want to ask iron finger or killer fingerer finger finger taker we got we got that yeah I do want to talk to him to see if there's something there no tell me about iron finger yeah what do you know what do you know about iron finger tell me no all right nothing really I guess not yeah what's it's all right just got more it's one of those things where it's so hard to know if it's meant to play in now or it would just be something of later because we got that we are able to right or if it's not none of those and it's just here's an Easter egg that you find for the lore that doesn't necessarily give you more conversation topics with other people it's just for you to solve and get a um achievement yeah so all right all right guess bed yeah time to sleep I feel like we've uncovered all the M the Mysteries just waiting just waiting just the pointer finger as well just like not flat relaxed hand not it's just pointer okay let's go to bed if you go to sleep now you won't be able to go back to the hide yeah I think that's fine I don't think I I don't think finger taker would tell me anything more if we beat him without getting knocked down I don't think so I think that's just it is what it is I think you just have to beat him in that sentim a which then it's like hm again connecting the docks between right I love box I love box I Love Lamp okay see we get a purple spinny now also it's a purple spinny with with the heart and not the so the blue one at the beginning was the one with the heart the orange one was the other one on the other side yeah with the circle interesting cuz yeah the purple one feels like almost a normal save right and then it's like this it's just like like it's like this it's like you woke up it's like new scene normal qu normal save hey so um I know this is sudden but I need to let you know about something come did you break in to iron fist's room right iron finger sorry not Iron Fist very different yeah no very different level of power there only one finger at a time if you break out too much fist then like you're going to be asking for trouble oh he's got the conspiracy BS oh does he have it's the Labyrinth it's going to be the you see we're actually planning to get out of this place and I don't just mean The Hideout I mean the Garden in general I'm sure you're wondering why and uh well sky has been slowly killing some of the handy Pals or at least that's what we think recently she's been guarding the Labyrinth like crazy and after some research we figured out that it was made to hide some kind of way out of this place but ever since we found that out handy pal has been going missing in fact this morning number eight also in missing and we can't just leave without him this was his plan after all so I'm going to ask you for a little favor please look for him when you get back there look I would never send any handy Pals to the Garden but you're not a handy pal I don't even know what or who you are but I do know one thing you are strong and I know you can do this so please bring him back to us I don't think I can bring him back to you like he got he got torn a Sunder yeah that's going to be okay thanks a lot the fighters already know about this but we need one more day to prepare ourselves so you'll have to stick with Sky for tomorrow it's okay though we'll meet you at the Labyrinth next day be careful out there my dude got to love an isekai story where you just like show up into a new world right and so we are so we're a cursor of a video game or of a computer that's fallen into the game and the way out is through a labyrinth is through a labyrinth that ultimately gets us out of the computer you can't go back to The Hideout okay yep it did warn us it did that's fine yeah I still like there's still that thing where it's like you can't go this way I'm like I want to go that way right well we'll go that way at the end so the this thing's gone so the little calculator thing that's gone Sky's lovely Garden interesting this area seems to be off limits yeah that'll be the Labyrinth later okay and just just make our way back hey everybody hi don't mind me everybody I've been here the whole time let's check out the cabin the cabin let's see how the cabin's going the door is locked the handy Pals might still be asleep okay so we're just going to go back to the Garden I guess guess so H where are you are you anything exciting happening here no the flowers telling us something new right was going to say is there any any other any other L bits around anybody got some lits no oh oh you made me uncomfortable welcome back partner did you miss me cuz I sure did start to miss you sorry just trying to stay positive oh it's raining oh it's raining don't worry though we can still do some gardening today I think ah who am I kidding I can't plant with this rain oh my gosh I feel sad for the murder bunny the animation is so good that's great wait I have an idea a raincoat an umbrella how dare you that's thinking outside the box right there yeah I know right watch this call me call me revolutionary oh yeah hand Pals I have some exciting news for y'all we're taking a trip to the lake they're so terrible man you guys are no fun oh see look at that little rain hat so cute F little fishing outfit oh we're doing a little like Scouts onor friends oh see ominous Woods oh yeah oh someone just got ripped to shreds oh my huh just got I literally cannot predict where this game is going every corner looks like we're almost there handy Pals where are the other three probably got lost again can you go and look for him please I don't know about you Sky bunny it's so like the graphics are so Charming but but that little just like face the fake smile a shotgun shell but why is it here why do we there got chest piece yeah right that one's a chest piece so there's like there's like oh I've solved a piece of a p like there's two different puzzles going on right the me the Mega puzzle shotgun shell huh interesting anything over here this feels feels like I should be able to get over there no okay again in true hiding things behind other assets fashion there you go all right what do we got over here hello oh big you have chosen to focus on this very heavily this Boulder is blocking the path if only there were a way to remove it I think that might be a puzzle I think I suspect H could it be okay so we need do we get the shotgun and we have to blow up the rock I will have you know I am very good at punching things so I can punch it punch through Mike Tyson style yes so shotgun shells we got got big boulder big rock got big boulder big rock we got very uh complicated and winding pathway through here I I saw someone literally get ripped apart here oh there's one hey bud I find it interesting that when you go through like The Tall Grass uhhuh It Go your hand goes blue it's like like to show where you are but I wonder whether there's like a hiding secrets in our midst hide in the grass oh at some point yeah yeah it's a cool effect I like that it's nice it is very ni like it's very this game is charming it is it's great I I feel good about this I don't know is this a Tom as the person who brought in is this is this a full game I think so why come back here come back here no no no I see you yeah I see you trying to go can I I know wait I think I think what okay where you come on come on get back here you did he was he oh there he is y am I am I supposed to like lure you no there we go stunned one more hand one more handy what oh looks like the handy Pals need your help maybe they found something important a bazooka that will take out the RO wait so should I find the last one though I think that's maybe it's crushing the other one or that's what they're pointing to oh maybe oh that could be it hello hey guys what's going on oh okay teamwork okay thank you for just okay let's move that oo mysterious pathway fun no music cue as well hold up though before I go there I didn't finished looking down here I was distracted you got distracted by a flying hand yeah the flying hand Drew my attention away and so I you know if I was hiding secret lore in a game about a murder Bunny and some hands that may or may not be also like tied to a computer program for some reason I would hide it down here oh are my are my eyes fooling me or did I just see a giant fish with a giant mouth at the lake that's it I think I'm leaving this place for good see it was the same person each time yeah see and that was number 16 16 the first one was 15 yeah well there you go your your your your gamer instincts were right right there a secret down at the bottom those gamer instincts man paying off big time huh okay so we we we got some gamer instincts going on got some lore found a there's a giant fish apparently that's involved in this with a giant mouth giant yeah big is that is that yeah well well you know cuz you could have a giant fish and can have a tiny mouth that's true and that's that's comedic not law oh hey oh that is a oh oh no huh I don't like that handy Pals could y'all hurry up please I ain't got all day you know is it going to transform back into a normal glove or was it I was waiting for it to just like you saw nothing you're what was that the glove turned into a monster a spider with a giant mouth all righty Pals before we start I need to talk to an old friend of mine so I'm going to need yall to wait here for a bit I'll be quick promise I'll be quick I promise okay hey guys hello where is the giant fish I've heard rumors about this giant fish so is that our third friend should I have found our I I guess that was our third third friend that became who became it's too dangerous to go back there huh right so our third friend just became a random giant evil villain creature oh hello go inside the cabin no say no for now at least yeah okay I guess I I guess to I guess we're going to the cabin it's a very small area there's not must someone over no I can't go back I was like maybe I can go oh hello Secrets oh that's a little stable area I think back there no right unfortunate perfect place for Secrets I know right so many Secrets head in where is he anyone home what that shotgun shell is that c oh what oh there you are how you doing Nelson where's Ben Ben what happened to him don't play dumb with me you stupid rabbit last night he went to the woods looking for you and he's still not here is he also a spider monster right is is he is he a floating hand perhaps is he a spider monster Nelson don't don't worry that hand was my best friend I'm sure he's probably hunting right now or something look you trained him for this didn't you I think we both know he's already old enough to take care of himself right look at the cinematography I love that I'm just the floating and here watching all this happen I'm sorry Sky don't worry I know it's hard to be a parent but Ben's a great kid I'm sure he's doing fine oh is Ben the giant monster with the giant mouth Maybe could be look how about we forget about all this and go fishing for a bit for Old Time sake all right but if you ain't back home after this I'll go look for it myself he'll be back Nelson I'm sure of it h oh thank you thank you giant frog man okay this feels like we're opening a whole new door of things yeah so this this to me seems like a good breaking cuz we've been going for this is actually significantly longer than than I expected yes as it is for me as well so Tom why didn't you warn us Tom I'm just here for the ride man just here for the ride good job way to be here for the ride sir thank you well uh this is great I'm I am very excited by this is cool I like this a lot I like this I love the art style I love the cinematography I'm intrigued by where the story is going it's smartly put together there's a lot of different gameplay like across the board I'm very impressed with this no way of knowing where this is going really I am very intrigued loving it great so across the board thumbs thumbs up thumbs up my my handy Pals say thumbs up to this one uh we'll be back for the back half of this I guess uh next time so uh let us know what do you think where do you think this is headed down in the comments below no cheating I'm sure other people have covered this in the like two days that it's been out Ora so don't cheat okay let us know what you think and uh we'll be back for more soon so Tom thank you I'll see you back on the couch shortly absolutely and you I'll see you back in your home shortly not in a creepy way though I promise except for the one person there it is a creepy way and I'm watching you he's in your walls I'm in your walls as we speak so anyway thanks so much for watching we'll see you in the next video and remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] y [Music] w
Channel: GTLive
Views: 713,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bunny graveyard, the bunny graveyard chapter 1, skye, the bunny graveyard gameplay, the bunny graveyard game, bunny graveyard, bunny, the bunny grave yard, bunny graveyard secrets, bunny graveyard secret pages, bunny graveyard ending, the bunny graveyard ending, handy pals, bunny graveyard trailer, bunny graveyard chapter 2, bunny graveyard 2, the bunny garden, the bunny graveyard new trailer, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive horror, gt live, game theory live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 31sec (5311 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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