Moving with a Rifle | S12 Nashville 2019

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ready move whoo I got to do five spirity we dictate the pace I do not lose [Music] I'll step up to the line everybody online at one time the bullet goes in the pocket he's a gun up get the gun up when you're on the range you're doing various drills sometimes it requires having an empty gun so you can reload it sometimes it has one bullet and it goes dried and you reload it sometimes it it's another round count right so on the range it's even more important to double-check things right which gives you a good system built in because you learn to do that you build into the systems and you learn to always when you've spent some time away from the gun or something's changed to check that thing when it's applicable right administrative Lee so always know the condition of your guns so if I need to check it there's no gay [ __ ] like oh you you must be an inexperienced [ __ ] because you had to check to see if your guns loaded I don't play that game man you always make sure like if you ever get to the point where you think I'm so good that I don't need to check my gun all the time then I'm not gonna call your name but I think that's that's kind of ignorant we're all human like I don't know I don't care how high speed you are and what how much experience you have at a gun when you're doing things you forget the status of your gun that being said never lay down a loaded gun I don't care if you keep the gun slung on you and it's gonna be a hot range today so I'm not gonna make you unload every time you move around or when you come off the line as long as you're behaving safely right but if you set your gun down off your body we're gonna unload it never point your muzzle at anything that doesn't need the muzzle pointed at it what else do you not do until it's your time to fire just put your finger on the trigger so that's another redundancy right because if my finger is not on the trigger and it's not a hot round that's gonna go off on its own then I know I have to worry about it shoot me but the barrel is not pointed in anything anyway so if I do screw up that one safety rule then I've got a backup but I want both rules adhere to follow me so finger off the trigger until it's time to fire and that's very important once you get up in mixed age in the pistol I know I'm preaching to the choir here I was just numr me but you know when you get that pistol out a lot of people go straight to that trigger right away the rifle it's a little bit harder because it's kind of not pointed at your body a lot of times anyway you can get away with it for a long time and not be scary but you want to develop those good habits all right we're building up right some of this stuff is not going to be that advance but I got a I got a make sure everybody's on the same playing field right the idea is to start thinking about getting online returning fire now we could talk about all the different scenarios apocalyptic [ __ ] when you would be in a group like this and have to operate as a team and I don't really care to think about that I mean I know if something happened where I had to have a gun it seemed like you already subscribed to the idea that you need a weapon that is a rifle or you and have them so why would you have it if you couldn't use it for something that might happen so the likelihood of that happening it don't really matter to me the likelihood of of getting cancer may not be that high for me but you know I still don't around near power lines and [ __ ] right so this is gonna build up going towards team movement reacting to contact there's a battle drill in an infantry manual from the Army I was in the Army and it's called the 7-8 right it was like the infantry Bible they called it I started out in the infantry then I went at Special Forces later but as an infantry Bible we got in the wood in the field and did this [ __ ] all the time we had to contact as a team and people don't understand it's lost on them because of all the sensationalized flat range shooting that's cool it's great it builds individual skills and competencies but it's not putting everything together right there's only so much you can do on a flat range but one thing that nobody does really because a lot of times you're with people that you don't know and I don't want to run around with you if I don't know you and you got a gun I just don't trust you like that it's not worth the risk of me so we're gonna move towards that that's why we're doing airsoft at the end of these three days right the final day because once you actually start moving as a group I don't want you have to worry about your buddy killing you with a live round cuz you don't know everybody and that's understandable we're gonna use airsoft and plus the force on force dynamic changes the whole game if you've never done that before right you learn what suppressive fire is and it's not a bad word as long as it's effective semi acceptable accurate suppressive fire they get you to where you want to be right if I can't hit the guy I'm dead I'm not just gonna stand out in the open and let him shoot at me even though I can't hit him effectively I'm gonna make sure his head stays down and it's a very important concept that you got to understand one of those other concepts is getting on line with somebody right it's not just simply turning and shooting you have to be aware who's around you I need to orient myself and I need to find where the fire is coming from which is not always easy to identify especially if I was right here in somebody shot and there was an echo of some sort and I can't really tell and I didn't hear a whizz all right I don't know exactly where an enemy is I'd have to orient myself and then depending on where I am in a formation with others or in a group with others I can't just turn and shoot this way if my target is over there and err shooting that way what's the risk here so if air is looking that way shooting well I don't know what he might do I'm crazy if he's getting if you're getting shot at and somebody's hitting near you are you gonna jerk a little bit move around a little bit maybe he decided I need to get near that tree stump over there and I'm like I'm offline with him and I'm shooting right here and I'm just not a human is not fast enough to react to some of these situations when I'm shooting looking at my sights somewhat tunnel vision right freaked out this guy he's freaked out he's not looking left and right and worried about being online because he expects me to be online like I should be and he just moves and I'm shooting you think I'm gonna react and be like Oh almost got you right that I'm that turn switched on maybe that's possible to be switched on like that but under combat stress or stress of somebody trying to kill you and when I say combat I mean civilian anybody combat to me is somebody trying to kill you and you trying to kill them to keep them from killing you right so it applies to you so in that amount of stress and that in that situation I'm probably gonna shoot that guy and good thing you learn how to put a tourniquet on and hopefully it's not in this cavity or his body it's only one of his limbs so you can't put a tourniquet on otherwise you're stuffing but you'll learn about tomorrow which really sucks so we got to understand the concept of orienting ourselves getting fire effectively and aggressively on that guy so he can't dictate the the momentum right to us and he can't maneuver on us has anybody seen that video a couple years back I think it's a couple years Dallas what there's a guy shooting up people right and now there's a video online somebody's up in the hotel or a higher building and they were doing it with their phone and it showed uh one of the Dallas guys had his body armor on the cops he was behind a big pillar kind of outside and he's returning fire back and forth with the bad guy and he shoots around the pillar boom boom and he's like all right now he takes his eyes off the bad guy and he's kind of creeping around over here kind of aggressively not as aggressively as I I've come to know that you need to be in those type situations but he's moving around trying to get to the other side of that pillar good good thought he's thinking don't pop up in the same spot twice right probably like I shot from here let me get over here and get an angle he took too long that other guy was more aggressive than him and I think the guy used to be prior service or something the crazy guy that was killing people and he assaulted forward because he knew one thing and was able to implement it better than that cop at that time God blessing he's dead right he knew that I need to assault fighting the maneuver on him I don't take my eyes off the enemy I push forward I take the fight to him and I win in that moment I can't hunker down I'm moving forward and I knew and he knew that that this or a helmet or anything like Drew's got on here is not the cover is not the best cover if I'm running from the top of that hill down here this is your cover this is your cover because I'm gonna make you put your head down I'm gonna make you hug that ground I'm gonna make you hug something and I'm gonna be able to maneuver on you because I'm gonna put bullets towards you and that's what that guy did in that Dallas situation he came in that guy started going around the pillar like Aaron is now and this guy just a sausage boy went riding around behind him and shot him down right in his back and on the ground and then continued on so today real easy real basic [ __ ] we're gonna talk about moving online engaging quickly as quickly as you can so it's accurate right we're gonna do it slow so you can be accurate at first and then eventually you're going to see that you can't always be that accurate when you're trying to really defend yourself and we're gonna practice uh first standing and then go to kneeling right talk about the best way to do that and the best way to get back up and how you get back up what do you think about before you move not arrange ISM where you're like out here where the ninjas going like this right I don't do that [ __ ] all the time unless there's a reason our context for it when I shoot with guys I don't know I look at them to make sure they're not doing something crazy or if they moved off line I'll make sure they're not shooting from behind me right our context here is develop good habits as far as moving with a team before I make a movement I need to see where I'm going first and I need to make sure that I'm not about to put myself in harm's way or impede fire because my buddy's shooting is my cover if I have to move into open and he's and I'm not able to shoot while I'm moving right not accurately anyway he's my cover so we're gonna build some habits of seeing seeing what going on before I move and you'll see especially when there's a lot of fire going on when there's guys around you shooting you don't hear people talking yet you get real tunnel vision it's like being you ever held your breath went to the bottom of the deep end or socom wheels talking about it yesterday right so quiet alright it's like that you're in your own world because all that noise just cancels out and you're looking at sights you're looking at what they're doing you have to snap out of that see what's around you right now the stupid range isn't it that people do and don't even know why they're doing it but for a reason and then also we're gonna end up going to the prone and going to the prone could be dangerous and it can hurt you if you don't do it right right especially when you get in a hurry so we're just gonna talk break that down a little bit all right I've knocked a tooth out before going into the prone when I was a young private on a gun because I jumped down he's you know happy and motivated this rear sight just hit me right in my damn tooth knocked it out I can't fight and I spit it out didn't realize I lost the tooth yet it's our comeback later anyway so this is a progression the end state is you're going to be them to be able to maneuver effectively and safely as a team and you're gonna can I understand that dynamic within a fireteam which is there's two fireteams I'm not insulting buddy's intelligence but I'm just gonna give everybody the same spiel there's two fire teams in a squad nine-man squad has four or five guys in a fireteam there's a team leader on each two fire team and they report to the squad leader who's in charge Squad I'm gonna play the squad leader by the end of this three days and we're gonna run through this [ __ ] and we're gonna salt forward and know if I was on the streets and I met up with Aaron here and I said didn't know him from anybody I know how to organize us into a way that we can be effective and get a salt through the enemy and live out here if there was a context or the situation that dictated that right so I can meet up and say hey this what we're gonna do you're gonna be a I'm gonna be B you've been charged in man a you just move forward we'll talk to each other I'll say hey cover me while I move you let me know you got me covered you gotta yell man cuz like you know we're gonna be shooting and then I'll let you know if I'm moving and I'll let you know when I'm sitting firing for you when you start moving cool that's it man let's practice it a couple of times and then when we get out on the streets and the zombies attack or the guys trying to take all our [ __ ] because they don't got no more food we'll go kill them and we're going to do it in an organized manner organized chaos anybody know what the definition of a battle really is I don't mean to sound so Rambo right but there are some good things that I've got from the military that really apply as long as we think about them right I know that everything that we did in the military doesn't apply to the civilian world right and I know that everything is not just a fire fight but the definition of a battle drill there's a lot similar to anything that you're going to do in a life-threatening situation especially if you got your buddies with you a battle drill could be you and your pet your kids in the restaurant right somebody comes in shooting this is our battlefield y'all get down behind this big oak table that we're at and then start looking to try to get to that back door I'm gonna make sure you get out and then I'm staying here you get to the car calling I'll or whatever and I'm gonna do what I can to kill this right so the definition of a battle drill which I'll never forget I learned it when I was a private 20-some odd years ago a collective action rapidly executed without applying a deliberate decision making process can you have a collective action rapidly executed without applying to deliver decision making process without practicing and starting from the basics you can't do it so we got to get competencies build the competency get some preparation under stress and that's going to make us confident and we're gonna collectively take action and rapidly execute that [ __ ] alright so this is what we got let me show you how to love the way the civilian powers-that-be say that you need to be load and unload you need to have eyes and ears on ok something goes off while we're doing this I hope you got another yeah I'm not going to shoot but eyes and ears and everybody your eye protection needs to be wrapped around the best you can I see everybody looks good looks good we're pretty far away if we get closer still up there shooting close make sure if anybody changes glasses whatever you need to wrap around in case that that frag from that steel flies off the one side his still over there frags off over here if we were in it closer which I don't want to be any closer to 15 meters about with rifle and we're at 25 now I've got a really pay attention that stuff frag will hit you should be anything that's arterial bleed we got good steel out here alright so loading and unloading a weapon first way I do it administrative Leo viously if you're doing it under pressure you just do it fast and you get that in there and you got to practice that right but first I always know the condition of my weapon right so I got three things to check when I check that weapon first off I'll make sure it was on safe I like my eye bolt to the rear and I'm looking at three things my chamber my magazine will and my bolt face all right same thing with a pistol same thing I always check those three and you know what I could use common reasoning and say well there's no I just took the magazine out so why need to check the magazine well because seeing is believing if I take my gun and give it to you what should you do what if I just wrecked it you telling me I'm a liar you don't know you got to know your eyes and what you do tells you right so I check all three of those I pull out my source of feed also known as a magazine or I pull out my microphone notice my weapons pointed in a safe direction and notice I'm not going downrange but I'm relatively safe I can't keep my weapon downrange all the time and get used to this if I expect to use my weapon in a real-life situation right so I've got high carry if I was low I would be here right but I'm pointed any unsafe direction I've got control this weapon it's just inherently that barrel has got a point somewhere when I'm gonna operating in the world right so I got it out got my source feed I insert I give it a tug and make sure it doesn't come back out because sometimes they don't see it right might have a bad matter or something and I want to watch the bullet go in because see is believing now I don't do press checks when I do rifle because it's a little slower the pistol pistol goes a little faster the action does the bullet goes in before I can really see it and I do press check sometimes and make sure it goes in this goes so damn slow that I could see the bullet go in there so I don't really practice that for your knowledge all right I close my dust cover because once you get grimy and you're really fighting somebody out in [ __ ] especially a day like today [ __ ] will get in their gun and affect the operation of that machine it's just a gene you got to take care of it's like all right once I load it and I've seen that round go in I gave it a forward assist some rifles if you're real cool they might not have a forward assist mine does I just make sure that thing's seated because I didn't slam the belt home I kind of let it go forward and it wasn't a lot of pressure right so that's what that there that's there for all right now I'm loaded if I'm unloaded let me back up to if I was carrying a pistol like some of you guys I would load my secondary first there's a rule for that for a reason people's forgotten that [ __ ] so the one that's not in your hand make sure that's up whatever mine's on me it's loaded right as I'm holding onto this thing I'm also paying attention to where my safe is I don't care how you sling it whatever I just ask that part of that rule of knowing the condition of your weapon at all times as soon as I did something like I came over here I put a tourniquet on you and now I'm back up I come back and I put my thumb automatically goes to that safety selector right just to media I just feel it I don't have to hold it in a cool guy stance all the time I just I know that [ __ ] can knock that on fire so I just come back I check it all right and I can hold it here sometimes I turn it out like this that way I know nothing can affect that and let it sit there right alright so I'm safe make sense unloading but if you have to unload you have to put your gun down you got to take a [ __ ] or whatever you're gonna drop that source feed drop that magazine right put it wherever you want it and what I do I practice keeping things up in my workspace if you if you hadn't already noticed right because I don't want to get in the practice of doing this it's not a lot of awareness I'm here I hold my boat catch I release I walk look for the round to exit right cuz that's good confirmation but that's not enough for me because I got to know so I check those three points again one two three pillows night or if it was real dark or black because I've been shooting a lot I get a flashlight and I get my finger up in there alright and I've seen it happen I've seen it happen where people didn't know something's in there cuz it was black and it was shiny so I'll check it let it go forward and I don't do this every time on low but at the end of the day when I'm unloading putting my rifle away I get a good way lame shot downrange press my trigger and I might leave that for depends on how you want to carry your rifle right I watched where it went another good uh there just another good thing I was taught to that I'm not in a good habit of obviously is once your bullet goes down just step on it right quick while you finish up whatever you're doing so you step on it and it's right on your foot right it's good habit to have specially out here with this grass usually you're you're not worried about it but you can lose [ __ ] in this graph make sense everybody y'all step up to the line everybody on line at one time lock your gun to the rear up in your workspace go ahead do your three-point safety check just make sure you know what is going on it's good habit right there right good habit put your mag in put your mag here don't let it go forward till you rotate that gun and see that it goes in that bullet goes in to the chamber like it's supposed to alright once you got it insert it and you're looking see that bullet go forward let it go forward assist make sure it's seated mount that gun up in front of you make sure your sights are good to go everybody good everybody loaded make sure it stays on safe make sure you know the status you went for the rest of the day all right so I've already broken you up into groups one of you guys to be fired order so one of y'all stay on the line behind your particular flag your buddy just let your weapon hang let your weapon hang and get behind them oh those guys on the flag right now fired order one guys behind them fire order to and you're still lined up with one two three four five and six disregard the orange guy over there on the left right unless you just want to make it hard on yourself I can put you on that little I'm gonna walk you through put it on downrange by the way downrange I'll repeat the command make sure you don't shoot me I don't care if your gun your hands on your gun as long as you're not finger you want all kinds of stuff while I'm downrange because I don't know you're that good right I'm gonna have you be behind the flag the first firing order right I'm gonna have you identify and I might put you in looking one way or the other identify the threat which is always gonna be down here all right you're going to identify the threat I'm going to tell you to move you're going to move up online mounting the gun and going to fire so a little trick that I see a lot of guys even experienced guys they don't really do they stay here they go here before they worry about the selector with a rifle my hand I don't give up my hand is not on the trigger obviously but I'm constantly on top of that fire that semi and safe selector that's where my speed is right back and forth so that's where I stay I'm ready I'm mounted and y'all can see I come up my hands wide open but my thumb is on that selector can y'all see that that's what goes fast boom then I can jump to the trigger all right so we're gonna rehearse that a little bit I'm gonna walk you through it and you're gonna fire one shot on the steel that belongs you can you give me the commands identify move and fire identify move fire through it I missed the first Hey but that's what I want you to do if you miss clean it up right after I realize I missed and I hit it makes sense yeah do it all right questions on that just one shot unless you miss identify whoo all right all right stay where you are this is the next step you're going to do this every time you engage you're gonna go safe dust cover bear with me I know that you feel like an idiot doing that safe dust cover look left and right behind and then move off line and let it hang identify Moo fire safety dust cover left right behind move yeah firing order - you're watching you're watching if they miss you let them know they need to know where they're hitting identify Moo all right safety dust cover left right behind move identify boo fire it's ready identify move hi everybody on the count of three you're gonna say safety just cover left right behind move one two three left right behind move move this is important I know it feels elementary to you but when you're shooting there's a lot of people shooting near you and you're maneuvering you need to see everything around you your head needs to be on a swivel you have to do it you have to are you will one more time one more time this time facing back towards the cabin watch your muzzles don't go to your buddy's legs or anything you got to exaggerate whatever movement you're in and don't bring that muzzle up until this in a safe direction all right facing there all right I did a fine don't turn it all the way around just look over the shoulder move fire I relaxed safety dust cover left right behind moved and let them hang firing order to up on line identify new fire safety dust cover left right behind move identify move fire say it and do it identify mooo fire all right one thing I'm gonna add to these you guys we're gonna add this into it so I know I've given you a lot well since simple but it's kind of like you're listening to me say a bunch of [ __ ] right can I use you real quick Aaron yep stand by that flag so if I'm three meters behind him and I go you think this is a good spot maybe I know that I'm here he might not know right and I don't want him to my shot either even if I'm safe enough where I'm not going to shoot him I don't want to hit my barrel so I'd like to give him an indicator of where the I am too so that means can you see me here if I was here you notice with all right I don't want him noticing when he feels muzzle blast against the side of his face I want to know it I'm here right and keep in mind what my background is cqb was my main focus when I was in SF and you shoot real close to everybody but I don't I never shoot when I'm not on line or unsafe we stay a barrel length off of them right we call shot it makes everybody freeze if I'm doing something real risky across a room all right all of those risk mitigation factors were built in those safety measures even the best of the best to do it every day you've got to have those you've got to have them you got to be programmed to react accordingly so that my bandwidth is free to deal with the problems in front of me and not thinking about all the things that might make me unsafe and all the competencies and fundamentals they got to be built in there's got to be subconscious my minds got to be free for the other problems that's just got to happen follow me so this is your buddy make sure he sees my barrel past him that's him my barrels past him follow me make sense all right firing order to still identify move Brett all right everybody face towards me same thing did a phi mu fret identify over the shoulder move brett relax let them hang so for the rest of this time i'm not focusing on reloads right as you see the need to reload reload if you have a pistol on you and you're already trained and it's loaded or whatever you want to do you can transition if you go dry that's fine as long as you're doing it safely all right this is kind of an advanced station like I told you expect you to know a few things I don't care how slow or fast it is as long as it's safe alright so if you know that you shot I don't know 15 out of your 30 rounds you got a full mag and you don't want to go dry you can just conduct a tactical reload right just put that in make sure remember you'll figure it out real quick if you don't know some of these magazines they want if they're full they won't get seated on a bolt forward rifle you're right you'll figure it out though right and you're doing however you want not teaching technique right now all right I'll do it certain ways but just make sure you're gassed up and you take care of your gun appropriately alright knowing the condition of your gun right make sense all right so that's pretty easy it's pretty easy let's get five order one back up and I'm not giving you the commands I'm going to tell you threat and you move to the line and engage them one time ready but check everybody check your buddies that's what you're looking for all right same thing come on up stay up online all right face in that direction ready threat ready Brit facing the cabin ready Brit there we go see if you're looking around did anybody hey all you guys go back up here real quick George was here right he's figuring out what he's got to do he's getting his rounds on his target took a little longer than y'all no big deal I'm not pointing out for that reason but I wonder when you guys safe dust cover look left and right did y'all notice there's a guy still up here nope no notice don't just go through the process look for something look for what these guys are doing because that's what we're working towards not just looking cool on the range man I'm looking over here and I'm seeing is this guy doing what is he doing yes sir I was under the impression we should move once we cleared that's covering yeah you can't I just wanted to see if y'all noticed him he was still shooting he was still shooting I just want you to be aware not we're not just doing it the finger drill it you know what I mean look around see what's going on because that's what I'm looking for I'm looking because if I get up ready to move and I say cut me while I move is that I got you covered and I'll say you you got me covered and I'm like all right I'm going and I see him there I'll go behind him I guess right things like that that's what we're looking for awareness all right it's easy to see the dot and shoot something once you get that competency but that's not the whole firefighter not at all all right hey one more for you guys this one five rounds you're putting five on that guy five them because if I'm in the firefight I promise you you're not shooting one I promise you all right so from the position that you're in right now firing order one on the command of ready you're ready and identifying it whatever you need to do Mountain that gun however you want to mount it whatever feasible for the position you're in and then the commander threat you're moving for and fire and five rounds and then safety dust cover you're checking around you see what the [ __ ] is going on and then you're moving make sense everybody understand ready but here we go good reload all right ready but face it to your left ready all right facing the cabin if you're going hot carry mind that muzzle I understand it I'm cool with it it's minded ready ready helping things to keep in mind when you're around barriers it can determine a way that you knew if you got time to think about it I'm so close now we're talking tactics bad guys are really right here this is called a near ambush area I'm going to hangar it hand grenade range meaning if they snuck up on me and started shooting right now I'd be I'd be in deep [ __ ] I just need to turn and start firing like a hopefully I survived it right a far ambush meaning that I have a little time to read like if I live on top of the hill near that cabin and I get a pop shot down from this wood line I'd get down behind the cabin you know get a good position start looking at dinner fine I got a little more time to figure [ __ ] out right I don't necessarily need to run into the gunfire see the difference so don't take that into context right now for this situation we're just hitting this distance because it's kind of far for rifle it's safe and gives you a little bit of a challenge for the other things that we're working on that's it kneeling you're kneeling that's that's a determination you make based off of the effective fire you're receiving make sense like if I go I can buy kneel and feel safe doing that and I'm behind something I'll do it if I'm behind cover I want to kneel in a certain fashion where I keep myself from falling out from behind the cover right and I can have a good stable platform right without it's not anybody's intelligence let's just talk to it a little bit just some considerations so 5 kneeling I decided that the situation doesn't require me to be in the prone but it doesn't want we be standing anyway and me I've got kind of an internal instinct that tells me to neo anything anytime I have like I think it's programmed to me in the infantry when you got to reload you go you knew it was always in our mind like you just kneel get out of the way that way you're not in somebody else's way there's a visual indicator from your to your buddies that hey something's going on with him over there so I need to either pick up his spot or I realize that I need to pick up my fire because I got a gun out of the fight because he kneeled unexpectedly right so there's all kinds of contexts for kneeling we're we're thinking of it in just the context of staying small and giving yourself a better platform that's what we're talking about right so I can come down like this and sit back on my heels like I am right now right I can be up maybe the cover are something I'm behind I have to be a little bit taller right personally I like this position if I had to pick one out of all of them that just to do as default this would be my position because I have a good stable platform up here so I could sit this right there right and that and I could just rest it pull this in just a little bit and I've got a stable platform even if I'm breathing hard I'm just pulling a little bit in a sitting and that's bone to bone right I'm not balancing it with my muscle and not using fatigue potentially fatigue muscle right and working through that I'm just bone to bone foot the ground need to foot elbow to knee all the way up to my wrist that's just sitting on here and I could even do like this if I wanted you know some kind of special Carlos Hathcock [ __ ] whatever I wanted man hell I could sit here for a while the other side which if I was behind covers say I got cover here I'm shooting around behind it I'd like to put this leg up so I can also give myself some stability with this elbow sit on here but this is really not what affects my shooting anyway unless I'm jerking the hell out that trigger right this is the one that's got to bounce that the length of the gun out in front of me follow me so it is some stability here and I got in bone-on-bone contact but this is the hand doing all the work really you know but the advantage of doing it this way is that I could post my foot here behind the cover not go past it and I got like a kickstand that I can kind of lean out I can I get here and I got a little bit of movement and I'm flexible in that position and I'm not worried about somebody knocking me over if my buddies trying to get in the fight with I got that kickstand he tries to push me I just flex with him right just make sure my foot slides back behind that cover so that's the two methodologies are cut are the two thoughts of process concerning kneeling as far as I'm concerned right now both knees you could do it it's fine I mean it's it's up to you and usually don't go straight into this position a lot of times but I have found myself in this position because this got tiresome I'm sitting on my damn feet and I'm my busses are like this alright so I'm like this is more comfortable right and I can sit up so it's not usually my go-to but it is a transition position on the knees that gives me a little more comfort ability and I can last in that position longer or even switch you know what I mean both down back up make sense so what mess with them I'm gonna leave it up to you to figure out how you want to do I suggest tried both right quickly me I always default to this like I said boom because it's already rested here that's where I'm at that's my fighting stance that's how I shoot and I'm straight down all right if you're a wrestler it's opposite of wrestling because your front knee goes down in wrestling right so that being said we're gonna do basically the same thing I'm gonna get you ready but first before I do that I want y'all all of you at the same time you come up practice getting into that knee position real quick do both sides do both knees you got it no problem Steve Steve over the hill somebody took his knees away to be your dad I needed that all right so check it out on the knees Steve you'll still run through these you still standing cool all right so just try it out go ahead on you know shooting just going into the position that's a nice waterproof bag you got there and he's got a diamond earring in him I'm 71 and I got a diamond earring I'll be accomplished in life consider myself successful so the tricky part of this is easy getting down in the knees but when I start going in as a team and I have to lay down fire immediately I got to get there fast so pop up real quick and I want you to get there fast and don't hurt yourself make sure you can get down because I have to get down but almost Simoes downrange almost simultaneously I want to get fired on the target what it looked like in real life is you shoot and I don't know where the does bullets went that's that's the god-honest truth the shoot and I don't know where the bullets went because I'm getting rounds downrange so practice we're not gonna go I'm not gonna tell you hey don't worry about accuracy I'm gonna tell you try to hit that thing right but I want you to be as close to simultaneous as I'm getting down and I'm firing at the same damn time as I can right there's not a lot of time to be spared there it needs to be almost simultaneous so push the envelope if you miss so be it you got to miss a little bit in order to progress because if you're hitting all the time that means you're going too slow for your skill level push yourself a little bit further that's why I got a backstop out here and I want you just throwing rounds for the heart for the sake of speed but try to bring them together all right go a little bit faster try to big fast if somebody shoots at you and you got a gun in your hand and you know that I'm free to shoot anywhere down that way you will shoot rounds then that way and they will not be accurate all the time I guaran-damn-tee it alright identify your target ready ready make sure you look around you you see what's going on then you come up and back alright face it to your left base to your left ready but boo boo ready but you know line you know line ready ready right identifiers are already Brett ready but I feel that feel pretty good everybody need to jam mags all right I got 1048 let's take ten your smoker or something you got a piss whatever take ten jam mags smoke it I don't care if you smoke up there anywhere right well you you got no dynamite on your something like that right [Music] so we finished our 4-day class with ta target out here in Pennsylvania and I've never actually visited the shop even though we've worked with them for a number of years so we're out here today we're shooting a complete video start to finish how these things are made how they design them why they design them like they do why they're the best target on the market why we use them and of course we're visiting with the owners Jared Ethan and Kirby and you'll get to see in that future video start to finish how it's done [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we did standing we got that idea of getting online right it's very important got the idea or the concept of not coming up or getting offline or or dropping your awareness from what's around you before you move right taking that focal point being what's in my sights and then looking at everything else that is the real context to doing that stuff on the flat range so people mess it up all the time because they see one abbreviated version of some things that people did for particular reasons and they're like that's the way to do it who knows why you just do it it's for a few things right so you got to have it in the right context I hate I absolutely hate it when I see people doing that I'm like what the you looking at right and it's not that it's necessarily bad it's just what are you trying to get to what is your in-state that you're trying to train to why you're doing that stuff right you need to know the why so I'm not just looking around and even out on a regular ranges especially packed ranges where you got nothing but they say right and everybody's getting brat everybody the brass on you like I'm my head is on swivel then I'm looking all around cuz I don't know these guys I'm gonna what they're gonna do I don't know how he's manipulating his gun and freakin bringing it across my head right so that's my reason for looking around but through that I also before that ever happened I had the blessing of being in the military where they beat it into our heads that you don't move and I was scared too really because you got your buddy back there that you know dumbass that don't wash on the weekends you don't even know how to do hygiene and he's supposed to be shooting a live gun behind you and you're supposed to be doing some kind of strategic tactical drill and I you know I'm looking yeah I hear rounds and you can hear them zooming by you if there's some proximity of you you're looking around you know I'm not moving until that guy figured out what the hell he's doing what it's gonna might be looking back there to see if he's putting it on safe I don't know right so it's a good habit to have you guys yeah that that being said man Safety's all of our responsibilities so two things one just like he said if if you see an unsafe situation don't move into and the other thing is just call it out and you know and if there's something I'm sure of you know ask before you do it if you're uncomfortable with this devil it's everyone's job everybody whether you say an army everybody's a safety officer and I definitely like I might not worry about you being safe so much as long as it don't affect me but I definitely do be aware for my own life-saving survival techniques right so I need to make sure these guys are doing something safe - standing prone we know we're at in contact we're getting on line for being aware before we move our make a decision to do anything drastic when we know there's other people around us or other things going on around us so we need to get in the prone now right I know it's gonna suck it's kind of wet but at least it's not raining as bad as it was yesterday when we first got here so it's a silver lining the ways to get in the prone I don't want you belly flopping this shouldn't be so fast now when you're young and dumb and we were just saying this belly flopping he was mentioning it like you find any way to getting probably just so super out of a ting and dynamic you just are you diving and you pay for it I like I said I mentioned I lost a tooth I've had cake mud on [ __ ] I've broken things right my old sergeant major used to say you give a private an infantry private you know the lowest-ranking to steal ball bearings and tell them to cross the road he'll get across there I lost one of them and broke the other and if you know what a steel ball bearing is it's like that's how that's right so when it comes to this [ __ ] and being tough minded we get kind of aggressive in and you will break your [ __ ] so we got to have kind of a deliberate action vague idea equals vague action what I've been told and I found that it's true all right so let's have a deliberate way of approaching it and then maybe it won't work out that way but at least I have something and the semblance of a plan so I don't hurt myself or break my [ __ ] right so it's not that big a deal it's not rocket science but there is a certain way to it and Aaron's had six knee surgeries and that didn't come from him doing the smartest things he's probably just him being too tough for good all right if I had one knee surgery and back pain and some of you guys could probably attest to some of the stupid [ __ ] you've done in the name of being good at whatever he was trying to do at that point in time right so Gloria I guess or just looking better than the guy beside you which is really kind of what it turns out to be sometimes but so the way I like to do it for getting for the chicks getting into the prone I just modify what I do for kneeling so I already told you I kind of got a default mode when it's time to kneel I'm here and I kind of stay in my fight I mean I can't decide what foot forward but I know where's my best fighting stance is so I try to be there as much as I can right so I'm moving a moon and I just knew all right and I'm already here so why would I change that right all I got to do is move one leg out of the way and give myself another kickstand the problem here is it's different for different people and different gun setups like you got to have the ability with the sling slack right so it can't be tight to your body and you don't want to wait to react to contact to loosen up your sling right you're not here like I'm about to get down in a minute right so it needs to be loose enough so it can accommodate you and all the different positions that you might find yourself in but once I get here I got to kind of one-hand this thing it's up to you how you do it I prefer to use my support hand as my kickstand right so it requires me to kind of tuck this thing and let all that or at least hold it out here or use my sleeve and look how I'm using my sling see I'm not holding all the weight I've pushed it forward and a sling against my body it's kind of holding that weight up here follow me just like this see how my slings working same thing here same concept all right or you can just kind of muscle it right here it's a little bit harder right or you can tuck it in and then come down but I've got this kickstand and I'm going to soften my impact all right but what can happen if I just fall forward like this and let my gun absorb the impact right think about this if you're in the context of you and your buddies out in the woods fire fighting somebody is there any helicopters gonna drop you off extra magazines I don't know if you do that's a good plan I'm I don't have that plan and I don't think it's feasible for me right so what magazines I have I got to keep them I got to have a way to feed bullets into this gun if I break all my magazines I might have a bunch of bullets but it'd be a lot slower firing one boom right - all right you can do it but you better get good at it so I'm here I came down and yourself you if you want to go to both neither one I come down to the arm I already know one position so I'm not changing a lot of [ __ ] and I'm releasing this support hand tucking this or extending it or muscling it and I'm placing it down and coming down into the prone alright and I'm here and you'll notice because you're on the hill right now you're gonna have to raise your gun up a little bit you're not gonna be able to hug the ground don't you be looking down you so you might have to come up and support yourself that's fine whatever you got to do it's not going to be perfect make sense now the other option here is come down to your position whatever knee it is and then put the the your primary hand down it gives you a little more control over the gun right I don't like it so much right because then I lose track of the safety for one and it's just not the same for me right if I go here and this hand gets [ __ ] all over it that's my shooting hand alright I don't want to damage this hand I don't want [ __ ] all on there and and it's similar I guess seemingly small things but anything I do I try to do it with this hand anyway right so I still got this hand ready to go primary hand versus support hand let it support okay versus going here and then there's more things that I got out just now all right gotta come back here I got to get my hand out here it feels somewhere different because usually where my hand goes when I'm shooting it's not where it goes when I'm just holding the gun with that hand right I'll be in the center so now I gotta read in that hand and now come back in follow me get back up you see what I just did just went in Reverse basically right use that same hand kickstand push myself up right sometimes if you can't push yourself up you're heavy then I lift my ass and I bring my knees in make sense so that's an option if you can't push yourself up I suggest trying both of them coming back up just bring your knees up under you all right and I'll come to this position and then I go to my known and liked position and then I can just stand up I don't stand up straight off my ass obviously because it's a little hard I extend my hips a little bit and spread my white donbass' out and then I come up with just like a lunge makes it sorry Davis I know some of that stuff seems simple but I see people get hurt because they're not doing the right way and then what I could do is I have you do it without showing you some way that's feasible to do and then you spend 30 rounds figuring out how to get down on the ground and we're wasting that time follow me so that's why we're showing you there make sense for you guys if you don't cut the bullet I know you don't need to get down just stay standing and do what you got to do you're not couple with it you're in the practice of it don't try to rush it I'm a jujitsu guy the wrestling guy and there's a and the whole premise of those martial arts well not wrestling so much but you just do is leverage use right it's not just strength right so instead of trying to be stronger than the air and it lifts him right I'm gonna use my base give me some support and use that to my advantage versus just trying to out aesthetic or out strength somebody alright same thing here when you get older and you'll see why it's important I don't just get up any old way I was telling him yesterday you guys talking about how our knees were and I'm sorry I used to jump off with body armor and all that [ __ ] and they had an LM TV truck in the back of the LM TV trucks about this high it's a big-ass truck right and it's a troop-carrying truck you get in the back of it and there's a ladder they got to pull down the tailgate put a ladder on it and you're kind on the ladder and you know the pursuit of glory and awesomeness we jump out of the truck with all this [ __ ] on the extra 45 to 60 something pounds I'm like why did I do that to my knee that's probably why my knee is you know he's like are you wasting no time no patterns I'm jumping 5 feet down to the ground with all this [ __ ] on me it's not good man so let's do it smarter right so here instead of like springing up and doing that [ __ ] right just let's end your leg and push forward right just use a smart way to do it and you're gonna be doing a lot of reps so better to preserve your muscle make sense it's going up online we're not shooting right here we're just practicing the movement right don't worry about just don't point at me that's all you got to do and so come down to your natural kneeling position natural newly position now whatever hand that you prefer give yourself a kick stand on the ground as you're placing both knees your other need your up knee down so as I'm leaning forward I'm also going down to both knees and come all the way down on the prone and this serves another purpose as well make sure at this angle on this hill that y'all can get a good prone shot from here can everybody see their targets all right so in Reverse give yourself that kickstand to push back up onto them knees it helps if you bring that one knee up under you so you ain't got to push yourself all the way back so if you try to do this fast can you see where some of these pitfalls will be or where you might not get to that be careful don't slam your rifle on the ground be quick but you sense follow me because we're gonna get a little faster here right I want you to be fast it's gonna be important ready right thrown five shots check your come up on your own ray ready right ready be quick about it right here got to get rounds on you got to get rounds on you don't line fast put three on that sumbitch quick all right transition fast what do y'all notice and I see some of y'all y'all getting into the prone and I told you to do it safely but you got to get rounds down quick so I got to get it up there and maybe it ain't in an exact same spot that I put it in when I zero my rifle it's got to get in there some spot and you just see that red dot and put them on right it might hurt you might yank that thing in whatever it ain't got to be perfect it's just here it's like if you're going hi Kari you're coming in boom that's not perfect where I was zero but I'm damn sure gonna hit it follow me get a little bit faster knew it from these three prong three y'all good ready ready right I'll fill it out still kind of easing down so work out the kinks as far as you're getting down right it needs to be fast so a demonstration to fast I'm here and I come down that's how fast I wanted me to get down right there's some impact there but I'm minimizing it right but not I don't want to get hit so I don't want to come down and easy right make sense so I'm coming down and I need to get on there notice one thing I was just telling y'all look where my buttstock is that's not where I place my butt stop I don't get I'm kind of shoot my hand is not in the perfect spot I need to get rounds on him eyes in here right so I'm here I can shooting from that position I'm lining it up and I'm low as I can and I'm shooting it's acceptable it's acceptable position make sense so we're gonna go to the Newlin three prong three kneeling three prone three so straighten your kneeling so it's kind of building in that come to your to comfortable kneeling position and then alright I need to get lower because they're getting close and then I'm going to the prone so three from from kneeling three from problem ready yeah you just gotta got an acceptable platform there but I got to get bullets down there right got to or he's maneuvering on you and he's achieving fire superiority anybody ever heard that term I know military got fire superiority fire superiority gives you the ability to call the shots gives you opportunity if I have fire superior order over you I means I'm dictating what you do right I'm dictating the pace all right anybody boxing fans or anything like that the guys that usually lose boxing matches are the pace is being dictated to them right I make you keep up with my pace you get more tired because you're reactionaries everything I'm doing and I'm actively pursuing you making you react making you react you're doing defense and it's hard to be offensive when you're playing defense all the time right we got offense is the best defense we have to beat fire superiority that's why it's got to be fast we got to push shots on them we got to dictate the pace if I'm missing right now well when I dictate the pace I can make myself more accurate I'll start coming at you swinging boom boom boom boom and you're just covering up now I can start picking hello now I can hit him in the body are now I can kick him in the leg or now I can take him down because he's chilling up playing defense right that's what we got to do fire superiority we dictate the pace I do not lose I'm not saying that I don't I'm saying that's your mindset right we don't lose I'll put fire on you and I'll win and you're going to get all this magazine until I'm dictating what the you do because you're not going to tell me that I have to sit in place and sit here wait for you to come kill me right we have to dictate the pace make sense all right one more of those one more of those ready Brett [Music] where it's not progressing a little bit this is easy [ __ ] you kind of got the idea of the positions that we need to be in and how to get in on how to get out of them right we've got to speed it up a little bit it's gonna be ugly it's gonna be ugly yeah start working with your buddy a little bit you start gotta start moving now in addition to being able to get down and react fast I got to be able to maneuver all right so if I don't have cover files out in the open like this fields such as we are in right now my only cover is what like I said basically my shots or my buddy's shots it's cover me as I'm moving thank you that's my cover I don't want to spend a lot of time out in the open without me shooting why I'm in a field right here right I don't want to be up too long I don't want to be a big target for too long so in the military three basically movement positions that he teaches the low crawl high crawl and three to five second rush they call it right we're not getting in a low crawl high crawl I think it kind of it kind of happens I'll make it into it we'll see how it shakes out tomorrow give you a reason the biggest thing I can say about those is what people like to do when they start crawling is do this with their gun does it work good when your buddies beside you right so I got to crawl I got to keep that gun downrange I might have to get my hand up under it right keep it off the ground while I'm crawling to a certain position not really going to get into it it would kind of take care of itself and if your buddies paid attention like you should you're aiming at him he's gonna hit you with a rock or something inside your head for if I can aim at him I'm crawling like this my guns just like looking at him right so be careful with that so we're gonna get into three to five-second rushed up because it's gonna be applicable to what you're gonna be doing that last day specifically and he said it right there what we used to say to say you up you're up for three to five seconds that takes that's about how long it takes a guy to he's looking he's hunting he sees you he gets settled down enough and applies the fundamentals presses that trigger in three to five seconds right popping out of nowhere I'm over here I find you I'm looking I'm settling my settling my rifle down get my sight picture and pressing that trigger three to five seconds so what'd you say in your head is I'm up they see me I'm down I'm up they see me I'm down right so that's what we were saying our head all right some of that those talking points that keeps us on track well I'm not counting I'm not like 1,000 2,000 3,000 all right I'm up they see me I'm down right at the same time your buddies covering you and you're getting down quick right so if you took back to getting down in position pretty quickly so you can return fire and dictate the pace right also if I'm already got lined up on you because you got up and ran and you're saying I'll up they see me I'm down but you're down is you're still not down really right you see he's just like dropping to this point aim a little bit and just following you down and if he's smart he's putting about five or six and he's selling one of them hit you hopefully all right one shot one kill doesn't count any battle drills against another fighting opponent you give them a lot of bullets we give them a lot of bullets right tomorrow we'll be talking about yeah we want to dictate the pace yeah we're gonna give them a lot of bullets and be violent right violence of action wins a lot of encounters but it's not paintball either right I don't have a big jug of balls that I can get those electric triggers if you're that but there's anybody play paintball or watched it okay so paintball you get away with it's like there's not a lot of thought process involved because I know I got a ton of ammo so as long as I keep ammo at you and but I don't know one of them will hit you and I could move just you're not due to me because I'm shooting at you and I'm being so offensive right I can't do that in Regular Army because for one you can only carry so much ammo too you can carry a whole lot more but you're gonna hate life with all the weight that should be carrying right so you have to get to have rates of fire and be smart about it and that's another part of the team aspect like I don't need to win the war with a cyclic rate of fire meaning basically shooting as fast as I can or even a rapid rate of fire which is about one second bang one second bang one thousand bang one thousand banging without if I keep that up for a long time I got about thirty seconds for that mag change right long as it took y'all put a tourniquet on and that's one mag and if you got seven more like a basic load which I didn't carry seven more all the time I didn't know what I was doing like then you got how many minutes is that four minutes you got four minutes of shooting so you got to dictate that fire so you got to be strategic about how you place that fire right and you got to work together as a team while you're doing so all right I'll pick up my fire if I need to but I'm also listening to the response I'm getting from the bad guys if I start owning them I hit them I put them down then I can stop shooting potentially based off of what we're getting back the feedback we're getting all right so all that stuff's coming Tamar and you're gonna see it in in 3d with force-on-force so the up I'm see me they see me I'm down or three to five second so it's gonna put you through the motions a little bit of getting down getting back up and getting to another position and then engaging again alright it's gonna be kind of tough goes only as fast you can and what we're gonna do is gonna be moving online but the way I've got you spread out right here alright it's not real risk of you getting in each other's line cuz I'm gonna give you a flag to go to and a flag to come from right so you're running from one flag to the next and myself and Erin will be right on you and following behind you alright to make sure because somebody I was gonna get up and have a faster I'm up they see me that I'm down than the other guys so you're gonna gotta be stagger you're not gonna be in a perfect line but that's just how it goes as long as we got separation this way right we got muzzle awareness finger trigger our trigger finger trigger trigger finger discipline right and we're being aware we'll be fine Rae hey thanks Amy's that thing y'all clear on it second firing order all right kneel in one shot and when I say move up prone one shot ready Brett boo ready Brett move watch your buddies hey stop right there stop look at where you are what's that flag symbolize your buddy that you got to be online with all right so make sure you don't lie with him all right get past it get past it come on back ready boo second shot from there kneeling right pretty easy yeah yeah I know sorry man I tried to get him to flatten this [ __ ] out it didn't do it so we're gonna add something that's pretty easy man I'm not just this is not a PT session I'm not just trying to smoke you for the but it's just that's inherent with the task right its inherent with the task so what I'm gonna do is do two people at a time two people at a time to Buddy teams and you're gonna kind of watch we're gonna talk you through it I have everybody go through it once kind of walking and be giving you the steps like we did before and then I'll have you do a little bit faster but the whole time Aaron and I will be with with the teams okay so this is what its gonna look like let's do it slow here I think we need to ready for it I can't see [ __ ] help me while I move they see me I'm dead we loaded but I don't have any bullets let's go happy you say cover me I got you covered you move you come down the OS a set then at that point I'd like to be redundant so I won't say that I said that every time I'm firing I don't say now but the more I it's more of me getting those those processes in my head so I know that that needs to happen so what I'm telling myself is through those words is I needed he needs to acknowledge that I'm moving he needs to acknowledge that I got where I'm going and the way we use those words and those commands to each other not because that's how you do it all the time and it always works is because that builds in that that understanding follow me cover II Wasi they won't be seated Samoa he says all the check-in it but the concept that's really common in the military is talk with you know talk to guns communicating by that sound butchered putting down rain is very obvious that yourself ready Osamu that's our new reload and pick up fire pick up fire don't run out don't run out what's say get left I go left I go cease fire cease fire cease fire [Applause] check your [ __ ] go do your procedure come up do not run around or your weapon on fire got to go to safe you got to go to state not that anybody did just reiterate ready race on new - - - listen shoot don't watch for him shoot cease fire sorry man I told him to move I thought you said left side move oh my fault I'll sit right side what just goes to show ya you see what happened there we're close to each other there's only two heat two people shooting we got here in protection on that's made by scientists and you still can't hear each other now imagine if they were shooting and we're shooting and we're more than two people as a team leader at one time I just had to run two people and like grabbing like right the movement techniques are more for the leadership because I'm running over to this guy then I'm rolling like this not trying to die and you're telling this guy's ego it that way it's all and nobody moves that fast because nobody wants moves like I'm not moving if we're not organizing you're not shooting for me I'm not running anywhere ready but ah-hoo that's my move he's moving he's moving he's moving moving let's start the shoot reloading reloading let it go forward we're gonna start the check go to fix it fix it cease fire cease fire what's going on with he had a jam what y'all notice never [ __ ] down they both went down which is always bad one thing you started moving so I'm telling him don't be looking at him moving you just start shooting right and then also I see him get up there but I mentioned this earlier when I see him get up there doesn't mean he's covering me it he needs to get his [ __ ] situated and start shooting or I ain't moving right now as we get more advanced we might get into especially when you get less repercussions of dying because you're not using live ammo and we get airsoft y'all be up some walking alright cuz you like I'm not worried about it and ice it is acceptable to shoot and move alright especially at this distance like I got up to move I'm putting some rounds downrange - but it's we're not gonna get that point yet follow me believe me if I'm moving I'm not just counting on you shoot I'm shooting and that's where that I want to be accurate I want to be awesome but the reality is people aren't really that awesome that they just boom boom didn't hit a season still that big bobbing around trying to run their ass off to a certain another position they're just trying to keep his head down I'm just throwing rounds at him and hopefully that scares the got to him and he's see splatter and here's the zip and he don't shoot me makes sense that's the reality of it Aaron mentioned the point a good point we're all getting excited I like this is this I love this [ __ ] you got to look before you move alright at least that's your buddy before I move I'm seeing because he's really the only one I mean I don't want you to game it and look for somebody that's not here but I want you to get in a good habit of looking left to right and make sure there's nobody there especially if there was five of us think about it and I'm in the middle of the formation and I'm shooting I'm gonna have to look left and right and make sure if somebody didn't do some weird [ __ ] and you know I'm not in somebody's way I'm not running in front of their gunfire alright in this situation at least that Safety's for damn sure you just realized why we talk about the dust cover your guns getting all dirty right now if some of that [ __ ] got inside the I'm asleep well I'm saying it was open and he got a little dirty but as charging I was getting called a sling his back but uh at least get those down make sure your guns still gonna be functioning and you need to see at least your buddy where he's at and what he's doing maybe maybe you said like we did earlier somebody said moved I heard move and they're like I don't know left or right I'm moving and you look over there and your buddy's like and you thought you were moving y'all both were getting up you like I got to lay down rounds or he's gonna die so we got to have that awareness and there's a redundancy to it as the ears guns just gotta get all come into play got pie we got a how many left all right let's get up here and do it fair is fair go down open up he's down he's down every get the gun get the gun up you're gonna be fired look like I said before just two people here and how hard is it to communicate and you ain't even deaf yet right we didn't handle your pro we just started shooting we're just like I don't know saying you're gonna be like move alright so you got to be aware you notice you can't hear me so I'm kind of tap y'all and tell you and if you see something you're gonna have somebody usually or you're gonna be animated yourself you don't have somebody directing you usually there's a team leader or first squad there's some somebody's like kind of orchestrate everything but you might not have that so you're gonna have to meet each other right cease fire safety dust cover look around notice that gun went into the grass [ __ ] muzzle it just got great I haven't you shot it out but you got a little bit of muzzle in there it wasn't deep it feels deep thing out of gradual are but it's just grass come back up we'll talk about y'all see that they look pretty good huh kind of slower what why did it have to go slower cuz that's that's as fast as it'll ever be when you're maneuvering and this is like nothing in but there's no cover there's nobody shootin this is like it's never gonna go that fast when you're maneuvering on somebody unless y'all are just ambushed and you just turn and burn right and they listen for each other I know I was waiting and I've seen him hit the ground start shooting and I was waiting for you to notice that he's shooting it and you paid attention to that that was good I'm not like I said I'm not moving unless to shoot just cause he's there does not cover me gotta have bullets downrange one thing he did he didn't notice it was it super bad but going in and I understand it's slippery down there right and we're you can dodge a wrench you can dodge the ball right so we gonna we can do it in this weather on this terrain we can get down in the prone and a lot of terrain effectively but is his muzzle break went into the grass a little bit didn't get a chunk of mud which could be catastrophic to some degree for your barrel if it was packed bad enough right but it's just in the end right there and muzzle break and add some grass in it and it shot right out I've seen it I was like but I know it didn't I know it didn't get stamped into the ground right just be careful that be aware that especially at this angle slipping like you are and that's that's what we're being aware of think about all these things you got to be aware I got to be aware of what everybody else is doing I got to be able to fight through the fear that I'm having and shoot somebody and apply the fundamentals while I'm doing that so I got to be good enough to where I can do that subconsciously and I got to like make sure that other random foreign [ __ ] or is not affecting my ability to fight like my [ __ ] break in my knives hanging off my face which is happened before they come off the banging or smacking your face with a bungee cord and you're like alright but you got a fire because he's moving I don't give like I was telling you and I kind of hinted to it earlier when I get down that gun is not necessarily about my my best position or pocket in my shoulder it's there and I got it lined up and I can shoot that's all I got and it's ugly and it's not perfect we practice perfect so when we degrade under stress it might be a somewhat effective right but that's what it is that's reality you don't get perfect sight pictures you don't get perfect pocket great platform you don't end up in the best spots ever shits off you look like a dumbass I don't care how trained you are you get out in the ground and you're doing battle drills and you're assaulting through something working together and you're really firing and you're doing these movements like we're doing getting up getting down rolling try not to get hit it's so ugly everybody looks like [ __ ] you but that's the intestinal fortitude that comes and becomes involved where you just fighting through and you say I'm just got to keep fighting I got to make it work all right that's the reality of the [ __ ] that is the reality so if nothing else if you never do any more training after this three days that's involved with this context or scenario keep in mind this I must not get in losers I must win and that's not a bucket a bunch of bravado [ __ ] that's just a mindset you got to have because everything gets and you really want to quit because you're scared and it's and you're mad at this guy people how many times have you seen somebody you yell at another guy because it's not necessarily cause this guy soap just everything and you get some bad you want to put take it out on somebody and then you've tell each other lady I'm sorry I was a idiot but I'm just mad and I'm like move yeah it's very very intense man is talking truth very intense so look at all the things that could go wrong and all the things that you got to be aware hardship main reshoot what's up second concealed carry drums you're probably I would say in a real-world scenario it's probably gonna be a little bit slower because you're not gonna move without letting the guy beside you know hey I'm gonna I'm gonna move first I'll roll over to help ya hey cover me I'm going over there yeah good you first you feel like it was like it was like a it's like a medium ground like you don't want people over here having a conference we don't map and see yeah I'm gonna go right because fire superiority dictating the pace but I got to do something so I get over there I'm moving and shoot shoot sees me move put it through the two together and hopefully we get this [ __ ] done but that's the importance of training with other guys now at the bare minimum if I meet up with somebody that I've never worked with before and I've got to train with them the bare minimum I got to have the procedures down like hey this is what you're gonna do you don't moving for this you get online with me you never shoot from behind me especially in close proximity of me shooting behind me offline if your way there at that tree I don't give your online or not as long as I shoot in the same direction right but if we're here and you're here you scare me get away from me I'd rather not do things with you go fight the zombies on your own on the other side of town all right cool any questions on any of that I know it's somewhat basic guys but it's it's really a lot to it it really is well now what all that is is doing the fundamentals over and over and saying do them faster right repetition is the mother of all skills special operations they're special because they are a lot of money but they're special because they should be special because they do the fundamentals very well the basics the fundamentals very well that's all there is to it alright that's all I got it's 12:20 y'all are gonna be headed up the hill we're gonna eat lunch but y'all will be going to Mickey's position
Channel: CarryTrainer
Views: 104,174
Rating: 4.9238291 out of 5
Keywords: tactical rifle training, rifle training, tactical rifle, rifle training class, rifle training drills, tactical rifle movements, rifle class, rifle movement drills, rifle movements, tactical shooting, tactical training, advanced firearms training, firearm training, gun training, high speed training, move with a rifle, gun safety, instructor zee durham, s12 event, s12 nashville, shooting drills, zee durham
Id: p7hkorFaQYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 25sec (5305 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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