Is it True Joe Biden is Not Going to Take Your Guns Away?

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"...literally what Hitler did" (cut to Holocaust survivor giving testimony)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ImJustaNJrefugee ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow. I thought that character in the Chris "Handsome" episode of The Boondocks was totally made up. I had no idea it was based on a real person.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GunzAndCamo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you know too often i hear people say that joe biden is an anti-gun and that he's not coming for our guns and that these people also don't realize that he has a whole gun control plan on his website that proves he is and has been saying and trying to do these things for years and for years i've been making videos proving this so let's go through joe biden's gun plan major point by major point using videos i've already made destroying each of these points for starters joe biden plan says that he wants to hold gun manufacturers accountable when joe biden says this but my friend and my right and others have in fact also given to the gun manufacturers absolute immunity joe biden is blatantly lying about a federal law called the protection of lawful commerce and arms act the law says that you can't sue gun companies simply because a criminal used that company's gun or bullets to commit a crime congress passed this law because anti-gun groups like the brady campaign were constantly bringing frivolous lawsuits against gun companies that would eventually make fighting them so expensive they wouldn't be able to do business anymore in fact having this law to protect the gun industry was so important even the department of defense said that it strongly supported the law because it would help safeguard our national security by limiting unnecessary lawsuits against an industry that plays a critical role in meeting the procurement needs of our men and women in uniform i want you to think about that for a second even the department of defense was like nah y'all need to pass this law or there won't be any gun companies left to make the guns we need to protect this country and joe you're not black if you don't vote for me biden you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or trump and you ain't black wants to repeal this law joe biden wants to ban the manufacturer and sell of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines a lot of you pandemic first-time gun buyers bought ar-15s to protect your family understand when joe says assault weapon he's not talking about machine guns those are already restricted he's talking about ar-15s like the ones that you just bought to protect your family during all of this chaos and the chaos that is sure to get worse during and after these elections you don't need an ar-15 it's harder to aim it's harder to use and in fact you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself oh and i almost forgot with that assault weapon ban comes a high-capacity magazine ban so all of you pandemic gun buyers out there who bought handguns that have magazines that hold more than 10 rounds those will be banned too this means that when criminals take advantage of the rioting and chaos that is sure to come after and during the election you can only have 10 bullets in your gun while the criminals run around with as many bullets as they want joe wants to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the national firearms act recently democratic presidential hopeful joe biden released details of his assault weapons ban and it calls for ar-15s to be registered rather than confiscated owners of these weapons would be given a choice to sell their guns to the government or register them with the atf so essentially joe we can do this the easy way or the hard way give up your guns voluntarily or we'll just force you to register them and then take them later congratulations joe biden you are now officially the booty warrior of the political world i like bowie johnson went on to tell our crew how he used to satisfy his sexual desires when i go see him i say you come here i said i'm telling you what uh i like you and i want you and uh we can do it the easy way out of the hallway joe do you think we're stupid i mean you clearly do because for you to put this moronic impotent plan out there and to think that it's somehow different from robert francis simulia's plan is insulting so the consequence for not voluntarily selling my gun back to the government is that i have to register it with the government so that when enough time passes and we're all used to having to register our guns and our memories fade and another shooting happens you can then turn around and say well that didn't work so now the buyback is mandatory that's not me speculating either because that's literally what hitler did we also had gun control we had to register our guns all the government said guns are very unsafe children are playing the guns and there were many hunting accidents and and we also had murderers again and the only way that they could track the murderers was by the serial number of the guns bring them to the police station everybody had to bring their gun to the police station so they could identify the serial number well we were still law abiding citizen and we brought our guns to the police station and they took down the serial number wasn't much longer that they said no it didn't work we still had murderers and they couldn't track them the best way that we would have no more crimes and no more accidents nobody would get hurt bring the guns to the police station and then we wouldn't have any more crime they already knew who had guns and if you didn't bring your gun to the police station capital punishment i didn't see any heroes keep your guns and buy more guns joe wants to require background checks for all gun sales i.e universal background checks first comes universal background checks then when it does nothing because criminals buy their guns illegally they'll say well we need a registry to enforce it then when the registry doesn't work because like we all know and have been studying and proven time and time again that criminals get their guns illegally they'll say well that didn't work either so now we're just gonna have to turn in all your guns and we're gonna use the registry to get them because we know exactly where they are congratulations and i know this will happen because it happened in australia the uk and nazi germany and a bunch of other countries joe wants to close the charleston loophole first of all the charleston loophole is not a loophole it was a very deliberate safety measure put in place to prevent the federal government from arbitrarily denying people's second amendment rights by simply not completing background checks in a timely manner without it the fbi could just sit on your background check as long as they wanted to not to mention the charleston shooter didn't get a gun because of a loophole he got a gun because the people responsible for processing and running the background check system i.e the government dropped the ball had nothing to do with the loophole someone failed to put the right information in the right place so when they went to look for it it wasn't there that's not a loophole it's called government incompetence joe wants to incentivize state extreme risk laws i.e red flag laws now as a new gun owner i want you to imagine a few weeks or months or even years from now you're sitting at home with your family the very reason why you bought the gun in the first place and the police knock on your door and tell you that they're there to take your guns because somebody you didn't know about had some secret meeting with the judge and told them that you're a danger to yourself or other people and should have your guns taken away but you're a little confused because you haven't committed a crime now you're asking yourself how can i do that i have a second amendment i have a fourth amendment and i have a 14th amendment right i haven't broken any laws how the hell can the cops just show up at my house and take away my rights without even charging me with a crime i'll tell you how red flag laws red flag laws or extreme risk protection orders as some states call them are state laws that allow law enforcement family members friends romantic partners co-workers or close associates to ask courts to confiscate the guns of someone who a judge believes is a danger to himself or others based on a one-sided story of the people asking the judge considering the most recent spate of mass shootings by people who we later learned were dealing with mental health issues i can see how the masses might be seduced by the idea of red flag laws however red flag laws are like a lot of people's tender profiles on paper red flag laws look great but in the real world there are flaming hot catfish with massive teeth and an appetite for devouring civil liberty anti-gun politicians and anti-gun special interest groups like the brady campaign mom's demand action in every town two of which were started and funded by a billionaire anti-gun politician want you to believe that red flag laws always work like this however they don't talk about the reality of red flag laws red flag laws are literally laws based on a movie where they had gifted beings with supernatural powers making the decisions about someone's future crimes and even they couldn't get it right most of the time all three precognitives will see an event in the same way but once in a while one of them will see things differently than the other two are you saying i've haloed innocent people i'm saying that every so often those accused of a pre-crime might just might have an alternate future red flag laws take inherently flawed human judges and expect them to become these quasi-fortune tellers based on a one-sided story joe wants to give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs your licensing requirement is not meant to save lives it's meant to be an unnecessary obstacle to those exercising their fundamental right i.e making gun ownership so hard and expensive most people won't be able to do it thus creating an elite class of people who can own guns while the criminals continue to get their guns on the black market like they always have and completely bypass any punitive gun licensing requirements that you may dream up don't believe me new jersey has the same licensing scheme and new jersey has made it even harder and made it more expensive over the years just to acquire this license joe wants to put america on the path to ensuring that 100 of firearms sold in america are smart guns joe i promise you right now no one on your secret service team would want to use a smart gun to protect you you wouldn't want them to use a smart gun to protect you hell i doubt the inventor of the smart gun would want to use a smart gun to protect himself you couldn't pay me to use a smart gun for my protection and you want to know why because it's stupid this glock 19 is one of the most reliable handguns on the planet and even this gun has failed on me more times than i can count for various reasons sometimes it's a magazine issue which come to think of it was probably because you banned the number of clips in a gun sometimes it's an extractor it could be the way i'm holding my gun it could be because it's dirty it could be because of the ammo any [ __ ] knows that adding something as complex as a biometric reader to make a gun function is just another malfunction waiting to happen and we haven't even perfected the mechanical reasons why guns malfunction in the first place and now you want to go all high robot on us and force us to use smart guns if you had even a fraction of the gun knowledge you should have you'd know how dumb of an idea that is but you don't and this is why you say stupid like this lastly we should have smart guns no gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger i barely trust my iphone to give me proper directions i damn sure don't trust a smart gun not to fail on me when i need it the most for the people who agree with this moronic statement ask yourself this one question how in the world is a smart gun gonna stop gun violence computers get hacked every three seconds it would be nothing for a criminal to hack a gun and make it work for them matter of fact it would create a whole new black market for it not to mention who do you think would be affected the most by this smart gun requirement yup you guessed it low-income people guns are expensive as hell as it is you think smart guns are going to be cheaper the current smart gun on the market is 1700 with 1700 i could damn nearby three of these things and this is considered one of the best guns in the industry joe creepy biden you have absolutely lost your mind joe wants to require gun owners to safely store their weapons biden will pass legislation requiring firearm owners to store weapons safely in their homes i.e you go to jail if you don't lock your guns up now on average over 3000 people die from accidental drownings mainly kids every single year and less than 500 people die from accidental shootings and that's including the accidents that storage laws would not have prevented so i have to ask when was the last time someone was thrown in jail for six months because a child died in a home swimming pool accident exactly firearm safety and responsibility is paramount to me and look i understand wanting to incentivize people to be responsible gun owners but locking me up for not locking my gun up when i'm at home is not how you do it no one accidentally shoots themselves on purpose it's a lack of firearm education not storage laws that cause a lot of these accidents and if i'm going to be honest there is no epidemic of accidental gun debts that weren't throwing people in jail for not locking up their guns in their homes personally i don't like being legally mandated to lock up my guns the whole point of me having a firearm as a firearm owner is to be able to have a gun at the ready whenever i need it things don't go down in real life like they do in the movies in the movies the criminal will send a note that he's coming show up ring the doorbell before he kicks in the door and then start monologuing about how he's coming to kill you as he slowly walks up your staircase in real life you have seconds to get to your gun in a home invasion situation not to mention you're usually caught by surprise all of the odds are already stacked against law-abiding gun owners and that's my problem with gun storage laws they only account for the possibility of accidental shootings but don't account for the reality of a defensive shooting which is more likely to happen than an accidental shooting and there you have it joe's gun control plan for all the people who swear this man is not anti-gun even though he has one of the worst gun control plans i've ever seen the ones in this video are just the main ones this video would have been an hour long if i included the other ones so if you're planning to vote for joe biden because you think he won't affect your gun rights you might want to think again and for those people saying weren't you talking about the other candidates gun control plans well i would but they don't have any joe jergensen is vehemently pro-gun and notwithstanding yes this morning we also completed the process to issue a new regulation banning bump stocks or this that is why i have called for red flag laws also known as extreme risk protection orders trump has said nothing else about gun control so there look vote for who you want just know that if you're voting for joe biden you're voting against your second amendment right now there's a culture war against the second amendment which is why i need your help spreading our message to counter their message you can help do this by leaving a comment sharing this video and clicking the bell and subscribe button let my voice be your voice and let them know you want to keep america tactical because the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed wasn't a suggestion it was a directive also if you're wondering where to purchase your ar-15s are essential i will not comply i am the militia i lost all my guns in a boating accident and your state-specific keep america tactical shirt click the link next to my head or the link in the description section or if you're watching this on a mobile device tap the small triangle on the lower right hand side of this video and click the link in the description
Channel: Colion Noir
Views: 1,151,468
Rating: 4.9299617 out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, MrColion Noir, Concealed Carry, 2nd amendment, second amendment, 2a advocate, the right to keep and bear arms, joe biden 2020, trump 2020, 2020 election guns, gun control
Id: 9rJPo8GauK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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