14 Nasty Habits Screwing Your Golf and How to Change them

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we all have things that increase our score little things that we do that screw our game up I'm going to run you through 17 things that you do wrong and how to fix them to 10x your golf game without even hitting a golf ball the first negative habit people have is that we hit a shot that we didn't intend to hit and then we just leave it at that thinking that we suck what you can do to eliminate this is to replay a good shot in your mind the way you had envisioned it and Replay that in your mind just for a few seconds after your shot standing next to the tea while someone else is hitting so that you imprint on your mind the shot you actually wanted to hit so by the end of 18 holes by the end of a month you've seen in your mind and in reality more good shots than bad shots there's something a lot of us do not do and that's resetting when we're not comfortable or something feels off can be your glove feeling wet can can be something poking you in the glove can be something in your shoe one shoelace being tighter than the other it could be anything you think oh well I'm not good enough to reset so I'm just going to go with it it's fine and you Duff the shot people think it's going to take more time to reset and just go through the process again you know it takes more time hitting more shots so if you hit a bad shot now you're angry you hit another bad shot another bad shot and actually you play over a longer period of time taking more time if you reset you hit a good shot you actually reduce the amount of time you take on the golf course a habit that's killing your score is not understanding the PGA to a putting make percentages this is like 20 ft 18 18 ft or so the number of times a PGA tour pro is going to make these putts is very very low so all we need to do is get this ball to tap in range and then accept that we're not going to make all of these putts now that's a very good Putt and I've left myself a foot let's say you put it 2 ft away another habit that kills your score is not taking these seriously enough and just coming up and rushing them assuming that you can just take it in your social game because you're taking the time to take the shot anyway just at least Orient yourself as to where you're going to go that way you're going to add another 2 or 3 seconds to your shot instead of just coming up and taking the shot anyway and missing it because you're anxious cuz you just think oh well it's a gimme anyway these aren't gimmies especially when you're play in competitions so just find your line I'm going inside the left side and just hit the same part you would anyway but just take a couple more seconds just to get it right so you don't end up missing it and like I said in a fairway hitting another shot taking more time one of the chief complaints you'll hear from people as to why they don't play good golf is they say they're not consistent but that's actually a fallacy you are very very consistent your Swing is generally the same the only thing that changes your swing and changes the way you hit the ball is in your mind when you start focusing on what you fear or you start focusing on what you don't want to do which creates the inconsistency where you change your spine angle from anxiety where you come up and look up before you've hit the ball when you get anxious about putts and you miss them to the right right because you're so anxious and scared because in your mind you said you're so inconsistent the only thing you have inconsistency of is inconsistency of your thoughts if you keep the same positive thoughts with a process and a way of playing the whole way around the golf course you will be much more consistent in the way you hit the golf ball too of course you're going to hit bad shots but if you think you're inconsistent if you wait for the failure to come it's going to come I know I'm going to be great with a six9 I'm consistent now if I came here and think well I'm scared of chunking it and I'm not very consistent and I come over the top and all these nonsense thoughts well what kind of shot am I going to hit a lot of the time we're thinking about everything except the shot if you can get into the Zone where hopefully you walk the golf course the 20 yards before your ball 30 yards even 50 yards before your ball you're starting to get into the shot Zone you're starting to assess the live of the land you're starting to assess the distance the environmental factors you're getting in the shot you're not thinking about nonsense you're not thinking about how your wife's going to leave you because you don't make it enough money you don't think about how you can't afford only page this month you're not thinking about how much fenel you need to take because you saw a good good video You're Just in the shot you're trying to assess everything you're getting in the zone you get your distance 155 I got nothing else on my mind except 155 from a great line in the Fairway what do I normally hit 155 I normally go second hle of the day we're going to go 9 iron because 9 iron my 160 Club later in the day lose 5 yards I'm in the shot nothing else is on my mind I get my club in my hand and all I want to do I just want to feel nope you see I don't like that there I want to feel myself clipping the turf now I'm ready for the shot I find my target I hit a pretty straight shot with a nine iron so I find my aiming line in front of my ball to aim my club face up to aim my feet up to that line I know this is going to be a great shot and it is absolutely in the [Music] damn honey one of the least talked about things that you can really do quickly to play better Golf and do anything is to get rid of any victim mentality it's not a nice thing to say and people often tune out when you say the word victim mentality but a lot of people see the world against them they see everybody else has more Talent More Money More ability more whatever more time we all have the same amount of time we're all born out of the womb not swinging a golf club you can do anything you want to do on the golf course you can do anything you want to do but you have to get rid of the idea that you are somehow underprivileged or unable to do anything don't blame other people for things that go wrong now you see that's my Caddy's fault the gigantic error and the Habit that we may all have is that we think we have to be perfect all the time and we're supposed to be hitting perfect shots like the PGA Pros do every single shot this is just not going to happen even for a PGA Pro you're going to hit bad shots if you can accept that and make that part of your mentality where you understand a bad shots going to come and all it does is create an opportunity to show off how good you are at escaping those problems man you're going to play much better golf much better golf it's a Non-Stop problem solving equation it never stops there's no destination in golf even at your very best you're going to still have problems you have to solve find joy in solving those problems now let's say we hit a little a very bad shot okay well that actually turned out to be really good I tried to fade it into the trees but I'll help you there anyway okay so you've hit a bad shot we're in the right hand rough we're nowhere near the Fairway On a par five we blocked ourselves out completely on this hole now often what we want to do is we want to hit a hero shot and this is the Habit that's going to kill your golf game you may say shortterm how it's great to pull of one hero shot around and shoot 148 but long term you're really going to get frustrated with that so the best thing you can do is eliminate the need for a hero shot also known as a stupid shot after a bad shot get the ball back into play with what you can see in front of you rather than hitting the hero shot the other aspect of a hero shot let me just consult my notations when you have a hero shot just think about the best case scenario after you pull off that hero shot best case scenario I pull off that shot then what what then we have to understand what happens after you pull off this heroic shot and if it's actually any good cuz very often the hero shot you're trying to pull off through the trees over the tree it doesn't actually amount to anything actually puts you in a bad position worse position than just punching it out sideways 99 times out of 100 your bogey from a punch shot is way better than anything else you would have done now let's compare that to our favorite distance which is a 9 iron to 100 Y where I can hit a perfect 56° no partial sh getting as close as I can to the water nothing nothing outside of my comfort zone I want 100 to 120 yard into this hole and that's going to give me a good chance of saving this hole do you see how easy that shot was too cuz I don't have any pressure to try clear some water or some insane distance I've given myself the perfect shot in and I feel so stressfree something that we all do especially in the beginning of golf is we want to be the longest hitter that we know we want to be the biggest hitters we want to be comparable to the to a pro but it's a bit difficult to do that so try not to use your ego distance try use the distance you hit the ball most of the time that's the best way to plan around your way around a golf course so that you can actually leave the ball in a place you know the distance so you don't have to try overextend yourself or try prove to yourself how long you hit the ball confidential another habit you can do is take a little more break than you normally see most of us underere putts by probably 50 60% you can always take another inch or two giving it a chance to go in rather than just go across the front of the hole which is what a lot of amateurs do that makes you very frustrated because to watch it go in front of the cup like this makes you feel weak impotent no good take more break let it get in the ho a major habit and it's something we probably pick up during school or whatever when you focus on what you fear and when you focus on what you fear you bring that into existence we have big bunkers there in front of us big ass motherloving bunkers we don't want to go in them we fear them because you're going to have a long shot from deeply under the green so what we have to do is eliminate what we fear don't think about what you fear think about what you want to do instead all these bunkers are short of the green or in line with a pin so I take one more club that guaranteed even a mediocre strike is going to clear those bunkers easy peasy lemon squeezy the other thing you could do is just misdirect yourself hit the ball away from the danger instead of taking it on and focus on what you want to do on the left side of the green or over the back of the green focus on what you want to do and not on what you fear the more you focus on what you fear the more is going to come into existence the higher your scores just do that not even hitting a golf ball change your life got an extra Club here going to go over the PIN to the back Edge easy again on the green like a baz a very quick habit you can develop is to buy water player gear without water player gear you're never going to play your best golf you got this maximum drip over here absolutely fantastic amazing looking So Divine what a player golf.com a way to absolutely change your entire existence is to have the most fake confidentiality start believing in confidentialised if you believe you're going to make a putt you have a higher chance of making a putt if you think you're going to miss if you think you're going to three putt you have a higher chance of doing that a very quick simple way to make more putts is to just believe the line you've chosen and believe that you're going to make this putt I go with first instincts on my putt I'm going outside the right here it's uphill so it may break a little bit less I have to believe I'm going to make this putt if I don't I'm just not going to make it it's just that simple putting is all about confidentiality look at that many golfers have a habit of trying to emulate what the professionals do and this is one of the worst habits you can have in golf because you start to do things that are unnecessary for amateur golfers our most Basic Instinct is to do stuff that we can do not stuff that we have to push ourselves to do on the golf course because there's this belief that you have to push yourself all the time this is not business this is not school this is golf golf is is a completely different thing play in your comfort zone we don't have to hit massive shot shapes if we don't want to we don't have to work the ball both ways if we don't want to we need one shot shape we need to use the reliable clubs and shots we have putting the ball in places that we're going to score from instead of trying to fit into a mold and that is what makes you frustrated by doing things you know you shouldn't be doing and then pushing through to do it anyway cuz that's what expected of you this is it's not high school having said that I'm going to hit a big slice here because I actually feel like it cuz the driver is too long for this hole I'll hit in the water now here's a quick one you can Implement immediately start learning this and implementing on every shot it's going to serve you so well to get you down into the low 80s into the' 70s it's called the LW system lwd lie elevation wind distance how is the LIE of a golf ball that's going to determine what shot you're going to hit 130 yard from that lie is different to 130 yard from a Sandy lie it's different from 130 yards from a deep rough lie it's different on top of grass or sitting down in the grass the LIE determines the shot then you look at elevation this is 131 yard shot playing 136 yards because the green is above us then you look at wind the wind is slightly into us off the left probably hurting us by maybe one or two yards it's a very light breeze so we have to take that into consideration so the distance now is playing 136 plus 2 for that wind 138 we also have a great lie here not much to complain about if it's a bad lie we may have to adjust our club to a nine iron or 48° even a 52° depending if it's a flyer or not then you have the distance that's the final factor which we calculated at playing about 138 so I'm going to take my pitching wedge instead of what I would normally hit here a 48° so that changed my club instead of just looking at one 31 taking a 48 and leaving it well short like AMU so we hit the pitching wedge one more Club than usual and there we go with an absolute Beauty right on the green all because I employed the Lew system to avoid copypaste golf which is one of the worst habits in golf playing to a distance he has a habit to get out of really quickly to just start enjoying and playing a gol and that's to stop taking any Mulligans I know because I don't sleep well at night cuz I take 18 Mulligans per round you don't want to take Mulligans anymore the more Mulligans you take the more your conscience knows that you've been taking retakes and knowing that your scores don't actually count means that you're going to have stress and when you have stress you're just not going to enjoy it you're going to start anticipating bad shots because you know you can take a mulligan but if you don't take Mulligans and you count your full score you actually start to realize and you start to prove to yourself you're good enough not to use Mulligans when you don't use Mulligans you put in a real score you feel much better and you start to see those scores come down way more cuz your confidentiality grows knowing that you don't need them you can come back from anything but constantly taking Mulligans just proves that you're losing all the time and I mean I really believe this is the biggest one stop taking Mulligans okay here we go little bit left to raer little left to rer down the hill ski Bo can I take a mulligan now those are the habits we have that prevent us from playing good golf and I've shown you how to get out of all of them or become aware of them so that you don't do them anymore for some more mental tips check out this video over here it's going to change your entire game you're going to be a BOS welcome to the promised land
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 92,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: si7WJwrddcA
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Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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