You Won't Believe How EASY This Makes Hitting Driver!

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this lesson proves how easy it is to make really big improvements with your driver swing with minimal changes yes we really believe this lesson is going to be a big eye opener for you now before we get into the lesson if you've not yet subscribed to the channel and you want to make some big improvements to your game make sure you hit the subscribe to never miss a video let's get to the lesson and show you how we helped Andy let's see some shots straight down at that yellow flag in the distance very nice all right so 11 handicap Andy figures is the is what you want to get down to yeah exactly yep and I got more of a fade uh slice Miss so Trying to minimize the boomerang minimize the curve on that one yeah very nice so there's a good example of a really good shot for you tiny bit of fade but nice strong flight there it is okay so there's the one that's a big Miss I mean we we're probably 50 to 60 yards off there but that's the one that's the the one that's gets you in trouble okay let's let's tear another ball up for me um and then what we're going to do is we're going to go through my thing my job today is to just you want to be more consistent we want to take the big miss out of out of play I think we can do that relatively quickly um but I also think we can gain some some yards and some performance out of the driver certainly the strike there's a couple of mish hits but Priority First is I want to take out the right side of the course so let's and you're happy with the fade you said didn't you you quite you quite like the fade yeah just natural to me so I want to embrace that so a fade is good if if if you can consistently hit that fade it's absolutely fine so let let's just set up for me there and I just want to go through a couple of things first thing we're going to do don't move a muscle for me and this is this has been consistent on every single shot that you've hit today I'm just going to place this down I roughly want to get these parallel so just just step back probably not quite step back and just have a look what where these parallel lines are actually pointing to yep in relation to Target more of a close stance more of a close stance every single shot that you've hit today has had that Clos stance when we look at the full swing the average path was one degree to the right but when we look at the golf swing the golf swing on screen we saw that your club was over the top the back swing was really really nice on plane but on the down swing it was more over the top on the way down so the path was left from a plane perspective but the the full swing saying it's right the only reason it's saying it's right is because we're aiming a long way right swinging over to the left therefore there's a bit of a mismatch really now if you want to play a fade it's really really hard to do it when you're aiming a long way right you have to swing a long way left to do that so the number one thing that we're going to do is to start with I'm going to aim you maybe a little left of Target just completely open you out because then whenever we whenever somebody aims right consistently intuitively we know the target's over here so we'll we'll swing in that direction it's okay maybe if the the feet are a little closed but if everything with the feet the hips and the shoulders tend to point that way it just shifts the whole path that way and then we have to make compensations so the number one thing that we're going to do to start with is I'm going to get you aim left but then I'm we're going to do a little bit of work on your down swing because your back swing is so good I want to see your swing working back and down on the same plane it's going to help with the height it's going to help with the strike and it's going to help with the distance as well but overall consistency is going to be huge and if you have a look down the range where does it feel like you're aiming there definitely more left more left yeah yeah maybe right to the right of that green flag okay we might do one more change in a minute in the setup but the first thing I'm going to do is just get to hit a few shots from feeling open when it's actually pretty parallel to Target let's see what happens okay that's the first thing but then we might do one more change in the seter which will really help the height and then we'll get into the golf swing cuz the down swing is there's no way you can change your down swing by aiming that far right cuz if you swung on plane aiming that far right would it would hit it even further right yep so Mak sense yeah yep so let's hit a few shots then for Andy okay so when you look at that shot it's your fade it's your Miss but that miss when you aim to the right is your 50 y right that one there your aim straight you've missed it slightly that's what I want to be able to do let's hit a few more of these okay there you go now that's what I really wanted to see a shot like that that's still faded still faded slightly but it's missed to the left of the target yep but now what we're going to start to see is when we look at the full swing we're going to now see a true path so when we look at club path path now it's 5.6 left because now you're aiming Square we're still swinging over the top but now we know the path is to the left now so what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to show you where your ball position is so the ball position is um a little further back in the stance yeah so I'd like it to be think about this as well let me just swap places again sure the more the more the ball is back in the stance because the club's working on an arc the more the ball is back in the stance the more the face is going to want to point to the right now if we move the ball Way Forward in The Stance let's say it was outside my left heel from here if I swing down now the club face is square but as it goes past my left Hill the club face is now going to be pointing left by moving the ball forward in the stance it actually gives you more time to square the face and less chance of it going to the right the next thing I want you to do now to completely take the right out of it is we're going to get the ball position somewhere close to this front Hill the minute yours is about here I want to get it all the way up here back the he so next few shots Ball's going to be forward we're going to be aiming in a good place it's going to be really hard to hit the ball right now oh baby okay very very nice just interesting that what we've got there we got a path that's one degree left now and we haven't even really we haven't touched a gol swing yet probably the best shot you've hit today yeah height on that one just interesting enough I mean that was I'm not sure the path I mean look at that is zero two left now wow and you're not what because you're a good golfer we're intuitively making changes now without you having to consciously do it that last shot that you hit there was 72 ft Apex earlier it was 49 49 average that one was so much higher that was really good and that's probably a function of me also coming back up cuz the ball's a little bit more forward correct yeah yeah yeah yeah one thing I just want to maybe quickly check with you Andy there just want to get if you notice if I put a line across your shoulders compared to the the line on the ground there where did you notice that is I'm aiming left okay so let's just get these matching the on the ground all I want you to do from here don't change anything okay but this I'll lean back it's not necessarily lean back it's maybe a touch it's just drop this right shoulder back so now what we've got the forearms are are more parallel oh gotcha so it's actually dropping the right sort of twisting the body without the legs moving so much it's more of the shoulders got it it's going to feel a little weird it's going to you're definitely going to feel a bit more behind it so just come this way there you go that's it now get the club next to the bo still there you go now if we look down there here now now we've got everything we come to this side forearms and shoulders are all parallel now to the Target line so it's going to feel really weird but this is going to help the height but it's also going to help the path hook okay first one You' hit to the right there and again so not as bad as the original M that is the height that we wanted you hitting the driver and that's I would say it's going to be somewhere close to mid 80s 78 so just short highest one you've hit though that one already from a good strike yeah path on that one 1.3 to the right so your path now is actually going it's going the other way the way I'm I'm trying to do it and we don't the thing is for for me now as well I don't want you to try and change the path at all because if you want to play a fade we want the path left so we don't have to have any conscious thought of let's shift the path let's close the face we're just really giving your body now and your mind going ah I can free things up now because I know that it's not going to go right and I know that the situation and the aim is in a real good place how does it feel Andy feels great definitely feels more open I got to keep inching my way back a little bit to get to the right spot so that I got to just practice I think I could bring this to the tea box this would be perfect there you go okay now look at the difference in height I mean that's that turn into J Johnson not Charlie there's there's your best one for me best one there 2 233 83 ft on that one 83 ft let's keep going so one thing as well that I just encourage you to do now do you know when you got the sky shots earlier Yep this is why you have it a little low what I'd encourage now on your on your practice to gradually work work your way up a little higher higher but with where you're Swinging with how you're swinging it now this is going to encourage a better motion from your new setup so from going from steep Andy would see the ball low cuz that would help him hit the ball at the middle but now we've changed his setup we want to encourage a more shallow approach a low if the ball's on the deck you're going to you're going to swing even steeper when the ball gets higher it encourages a shallower motion so as we gradually move this ball higher on the te now it's going to encourage Andy to move in a slightly better way think about this we're letting the environment shape how you swing so your setup with the alignment your ball position where that is TE height it's all conditioning you to actually swing in a better way without you thinking turn the turn the club swing to the right you're doing all that actually without having to think about it yeah and even just having the ball forward more it feels like it's going to be easier to hit hit a higher teed shot exactly you're 3 de up on that one in terms of attack angle so just just watch where this carries to Andy I'm cured okay let's take a look then on screen at the difference between the before and after obviously now what we've got is we've got the alignment now perfectly parallel we've got the shoulders a little squarer in the in the setup and as a result of that now from the from the seeing the shots and making those adjustments the down swing now is a lot more closer to playe hence the slightly higher ball flight and also the difference in carry awesome work awesome work thank you so much great stuff guys look if you enjoyed that then make sure you check out this video is really going to help and also don't forget to download the M my golf app and we'll see you next time
Channel: Meandmygolf
Views: 66,275
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Keywords: meandmygolf, me and my golf, golf, golf swing, how to hit your driver straight, driver swing tips, driver swing, golf tips, amateur golfers, back swing, golf instruction, golf for beginners, pga tour, you won't believe how easy this makes hitting driver, hitting driv er, driver, the driver swing, hitting driver, golf lessons, live golf lessons
Id: _W_xh1UTZ2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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