You Will Never See An Easier Way To Hit Driver Straight

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I'm not sure how long you've been trying to hit driver straight but if you're like a lot of students that come and see me it's usually a long time and you probably tried many things but I don't think you've tried something as simple as what you're going to see in this video now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring you in on a very live lesson with a student of mine who basically at the start lesson is hitting driver absolutely everywhere and I share with him the simplest thing to help him hit it beautifully straight you know the great thing about it though not only did he end up hitting it straight he gave almost 50 yards in distance you're going to absolutely love it now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at least videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus as always you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below now let's come in and have a look at this live lesson with Tom and that's what's happening with driver Big Slice is that pretty normal yeah if I'm if I'm going to lose it one way it's it's more likely to be left okay cool um it's it can be really hit and miss on the round yeah and then you got right that would clinging to the the right edge of the fway like yeah yeah yeah yeah Okay cool so left right left right left right okay so it's a big inconsist very indicative of uh of so my swing on the course so what you've got with driver okay very similar to what we said with the irons okay the problem is with driver is you you can get away with it even less okay so what we've got right now is we've got the same path we're heading across the ball so we're going um from out to him this is what again that's why you creating slice because the face is opposite you when you matched your face up on on one of the shots where did it go straight but right yeah so now it's long right and then you're missing Fairway on both sides side okay we need to get it matched up but the other issue that we've also got is that your low Point uh which is basically your your attack angle here you're coming also down on it which is okay for irons and you get away with it CU you're in Bol Turf but with driver you've got this massively descending blow which is going to affect how how far you hit it as well oh okay okay so we drive her it's okay to down on it a little bit but you're like the 4.2 in um down on that on on that golf ball here attack angle 5.2 down on the ball right which is going to create lot of spin as well so you lose distance we want it to be sweeping yeah more round exactly exactly so just like irons you hold the CLI for a second what we're going to do if your path is where up here mhm and down what where where is set up here yeah we're too much here so we're going to take the steering wheel we're going to turn that steering wheel this way so the right arm now here starts to go higher doesn't it mhm the left down what's the left down doing and the elbows naturally no you know I'm just forceing it's naturally tucking in isn't it as you went around what's happened to your and your right hip now it's pushing this way shifted right exactly now what this does from this angle this is Shifting you slightly now behind the ball which is going to help your angle of attack now you're going to hit more level to up on it watch this there're there if I start to go back where you turn the steering wheel the other way what's happening to your angle attack now it's going you're coming down on it so that's yeah so so you see the difference yeah so this everything here is going to affect everything your line you're going to swing on your angle of attack simply by playing it that way okay all right let's turn the steering wheel that tucks that in that's going to shift that Circle from across to straight down the line all right have fun where's it gone mashed mashed and and how straight is that as a die yep and and it so it sets off online and it goes dead stet so you so by a simp simple changing setup the the club path and the face now are matching which gives you a straight shot where is it gone followed him down there with what is it slice with a little little drawer on a little drawer little baby draw delightful to see and where's that gone straight down the middle straight down the middle and now everything about your angle of attack now is only minus 1.6 just slightly slightly down on it okay look at your club path now zero fa the path one you just carried it 243 yards with a total distance of 272 and how and did it feel easy yeah that's it super smooth super simple now you might be wondering was Tom able to transfer what we did straight onto the golf course well before I show you what we did on the golf course let me give you a precursor of what we did to help him achieve that I needed him to get into a very very simple routine that he could to do over and over again remember Tom was angled like this creating a circle that cut across the golf ball creating a slice so I didn't change it start I said look Tom walk to the golf ball to get get comfortable don't change anything now once you're there all I want you to do is turn that steering wheel so turn it here so the the the swing Circle changes here get yourself set and then simply pull the trigger do that every single time so it's like set up normally turn the steering wheel pull the trigger simple routine he loved it and well let's have a look at the results just like that look how good that is is that a nice little of draw there Tom I absolutely love putting a smile on people's faces look if you want to see Tom's iend lesson check this video out right here if you enjoy lessons like this give it a thumbs up maybe share if one of your friends have come and join the channel if you haven't already it's completely free to do so by pressing that subscribe button right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week
Channel: Danny Maude
Views: 287,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing, how to hit driver straight, golf instruction, golf tips, golf downswing, golf swing training, beginner golf tips, Danny Maude golf, how to hit your driver straight, how to hit your driver, hit a driver, hit a driver for beginners, golf driver drills, golf driver tips, hit a driver consistently, golf slice fix, hit a driver further, how to play better golf, hit a driver straight every time, golf swing slow motion, tips, strike irons, ball turf, downswing
Id: hfd7W6nDTRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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