How To Create Repeatability In Your Golf Swing

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what's up everybody today I've got a special guest Aiden gaspi today is a unique lesson we're going to be giving a bit of an insight into how to get better as a junior golfer I practiced my butt off for 8 hours a day as a junior golfer for 8 hours a day I practiced all day long and sometimes it was really difficult most of the days it was really difficult but I really never knew how to practice to get to the next level and so today's important topic is essentially how do I take this man over here and get him not only just better right cuz we all want to get better but get him to a level where he can play at the college level and even professional level this is what you do to enhance your practice to a whole another game so today there are going to be a couple things we're going to go over I'm going to be helping him out giving him a couple lessons a couple tidbits of information here and there but also how to practice at a more efficient level cuz again like I said before I practice 8 hours a day and it was super inefficient there was a bunch of drills but there was never any practicality behind it never took my game and was able to transer erred from the golf course to practice and from the pra practice to the golf course so it's always got to be this EB and flow of practice back and forth and how do you make that even more efficient by learning how to gamify it here on the practice range we're going to be going over repeatability number one how many times can you be consistent with certain shot and then two how to gamify it essentially on the practice range how do we take a couple posts out here and make a fairway out of it how do we take a bush nail measure it off take the conditions the grass the side slop whatever it is and how do I hit that golf shot closer to the hole you game of y it on the practice range suit taking the golf course bringing it here so that you can take the practice range and bring it to the golf course next time that is the most efficient way to practice but what I want to get into first and how I figured this out was that it wasn't about the one good shot that I hit it was about how many times can I hit that again and again and again how repeatable was I and so sure I could hit it five times in a row very well a certain shot shape three times in a rail well with the other shot shape it was always about how do I hit it more consecutively again and again and again and again and people think it's really boring oh I'm so bored of practicing well then you're not challenging yourself you're legitimately not challenging yourself enough if I say to myself I'm going to hit this 10 times in a row and I do it and I accomplish it why not go 11 it's just like when you're in the gym and you go 10 reps like oh there's no more and then you just take a second break you got that one more in you and you just that's just that one more if you've got that one more mentality that 1% better mentality there's no stopping you why are you going to stop at 10 so my goal in repeatability is hitting one shot shape for you which is your favorite shot the stock cut I want to see how many times you can do it in a row the exact same way I'm talking be as nitpicky as possible if it doesn't curve the same amount you start over you have to get your mind into a place where it's going to happen every single time no matter the situation if you can do that there's nothing that's going to stop you when you're on the golf course and that's the goal of the game of golf it's not about how good your good shots are it's about how good your bad shots are and if you can be super precise and barely Miss hit it with that bad shot you're going to be one level up from everyone else so the goal here is I want to see if you can get five shots just to start five shots in a row the exact same the way you envision so what what's your shot shape so let's let's really be precise here what's it going to do what what is it exactly going to do uh just start left of this blue blue pole yeah but how much so let's let's make it easier I want you to start it at the last guy in the range and ended up on the yellow flag okay can you do that I'll set the target for that white guy in the shirt yeah on the far far right of the the range yep exactly so zero do you notice how that it immediately put pressure on you if you don't give yourself specific targets to test yourself upon you're really lying to yourself in practice if you're super focused on the target of hand and saying I'm going to start it here and end it here and you cannot do that how are you going to do it on the golf course this is important this is how you take the golf course and bring it to the practice range especially as a junior like this is what I wish I knew as a kid okay even though that was a mishit it still landed within the area that you wanted to land in so that's okay let's see how many times that's one that's number [Music] one that Drew stay in that area it wasn't the shot shape so I'm going to have to I'm going to have to get you back down to zero you got to get good enough to do it on command every single time so think inside your your brain and just focus on the feel what it is to make it happen you see you see the shot shape you see the the way it's going to move where you're starting where you're lining up but then go into your mind and focus on how am I going to move the hands in the body to create that shot every time okay that was perfect good shot that's one how many more can you do in in a row okay Miss hit but it's still within that parameter I'll give you that that's two being generous make sure it starts those bags and comes [Music] back let's go let's go that's three I'll take that oh just started a little r that's so close but I can't give that to you all right back to zero so you're going to do this until you can hit [Music] five chunk and that's out yep so really focus on you don't focus on like oh I got to hit the shot you know what shot to hit and you know what internally makes you hit that shot focus on what you feel to make that happen every time okay sick one that's how quick it should be you see the ball light like out that's it let's go let's keep going you know it should be that quick here's the best part how long does it take you to go play a golf hole right and hit the same shot from the Fairway every time will take you probably four five holes it take you like over an hour to hit the same shot again right yeah because you know in the golf course there's couple different variations you got hit but I would say every single hole it takes 15 minutes at least 15 minutes for you to hit that same exact shot that you just did there whereas you can rep this out but still have the same intent I think that's where people miss it is when they're so focused on I got to go play the golf course you know where to hit it don't hit it in the water hit it left of the flag if there's water right hit it to a little bit of a safer location it's not too difficult when you're at a plus two right when you are that good as a junior getting to that next level as a college Elite level athl athlete even to a professional is how many times can you do it in a row I know we can hit a shot I'm not worried about that what I'm worried about is how many times can you do it that's the key and this is what we're training here you striped it tell that's okay though that's all right it's still it's what you kind of wanted to do it was within the parameters we set even though you miss it a little bit you recognize that and you're real with yourself which is f fantastic that's two let's make it three you yeah I wouldn't uh back to zero I wouldn't count that one all right so let's do let's do three in a row and then I'm going to go on to the next one with you cuz this could legitimately take all day until you get good enough to where you can H three three in a row five in a row boom right in 15 minute intervals that's how I set my perimeters of how good my game is those that's my Benchmark if I can hit five shots on row very pretty much exact same way with every club I'm good if I can only hit two or three that's what I'm like ah my game's at a sea level what's really important is that you're learning about yourself you're learning how to deal with pressure you're learning how to come up with better systems to feel it to to move the golf club in a way where it's more consistent so you're learning more about yourself than anything in this drill and I think that's the most important thing about golf yeah it's great to hit golf balls you hit it straight you to perfect whatever how many can you actually do in a row and the difficult part about it I'm just going to be straight up with y'all is that everybody's golf swing is different and I'm not going to be one to say what's going to work perfectly for him right I can kind of give him a little piece of advice here maybe a little bit of this a little bit of that but the most important piece for aspiring Junior golfer that's getting really good is that they're ingraining the right things well what I know is right is the repeatability side of it being able to hit the same shot over and over again I can't tell you what works for you I don't I don't know everything that you've gone through what you've worked on what you've done to get here what I do know is your consistency level and I think that's super valuable and important with any Junior golfer or anyone is that if you can hit a golf shot consistently three times in a row that's powerful you can use that on the golf course now clearly if you're hitting a shot offline and you just can't do the same shot then you've got to go work on your Technique that's the first part you got to know how to hit the shot once you hit the shot like you know how to hit a cut then learn how to become consistent with it and find ways in your body to become consistent with that shot that's the most important thing left you like drawing it though huh don't you all this is by the way is feedback there's nothing more than this it doesn't mean you're going to play any worse or anything like that this is only going to show you what you can do okay that's it just feedback that's pretty that's beautiful that's one I'll give you that it was pretty straight almost might have drew just a little but you know what we'll call it one big cut come on here let's see Ni little cut oh come on Cut N back to zero look this beautiful now that's right what did you do to make that happen like I released my hips small okay so let's do that let's continue to do that [Music] yeah oo that feel more consistent yeah okay that's two now the pressure's on it's three you don't want to go back down to zero oh no come on [Music] dude right here let's go on the third one what happened be honest with yourself were was it you a little pressure a little bit of pressure right now you were thinking oh I got to hit a cut well the most valuable piece of advice I could give you is when the pressure comes about go internal go into your head and go what do I need to feel to hit that same exact shot even though there's so much pressure I'm nervous my hands are shaking everything what do I need to do in my head to make that shot happen again and again and again ah it's the that feel I'm going to go off of that feel nice that's it that's a shot what' you do there okay cool so for every body that's looking for piece of advice if they want to cut it low left hands really good thing to do for cuts oh that's two guess what that pressure's on it's only number three what if he's at nine shots in a row right how much pressure you have then that's way more pressure than going playing golf and trying to figure out a slop or lie but are you sure you ready have you lined up are you are you intent and focused on hitting the shot yeah you don't seem like it you notice how I'm icing him he shouldn't even be focused on me right now but I'm icing him it's a good little test stay stay that landed on it I think I'm going to have to give that one to you very nice but how' you feel there though lower left my point in this whole thing is that if you're struggling to be consistent you got to find something that works for you immediately so that you can go hit those three shots in a row the same so important so this is kind of the same thing um just with a driver we're going to put a fairway out there but he's going to have a certain shot that he's going to hit into it and you got to again be able to do it consistently repeatedly one two three you know in a row and focus on that so the Fairway I'm going to give you is between the yellow and blue sticks all right so that makes sense not the not this first blue one the light blue one on the left all right and I want you to hit right down that Target line now you're like getting a cut right so start a little left start at the left Edge pretty much the light blue stick and cut it back into the middle let's do it three times and F focus on that one feel that gets you to repeat it okay most people are focused on oh my gosh I got to go Play and Learn the course that's great go play the red te's it's fine learn to strategize out there but if you want to get better with your golf game you've got to be repeatable you have to repeat motion again and again and again it's the most important thing and giving yourself targets kpis benchmarks uh to reach is a super critical thing to repeating motion and controlling your golf game and getting yourself to uh be better ah good draw what do you got to focus on to make that not happen low hands low left beautiful that's one that's a stripe good stuff that was right down the middle come on let's do it right here right now sometimes this could take two three hours guys this is this is serious stuff this isn't just like get good quick that's two thank think I think stay in stay in yep very nice here you go that's two okay three uh hold up hold up not ready to go yet you're not ready to go are you ready to go yes you sure yep well I just got you out of your Rhythm so why are we listening to me come on this is for three three in a row you're laughing you're not ready to go you're laughing oh he almost did it come on that's too ah that was close that by the way is very important for anyone that wants to play at an elite level cuz there's going to be so much stuff going on you're just going to have to deal with it I've learned throughout my career how to deal with a lot of stuff and it's it's an important part in getting good it's just blocking stuff out still all right that's in just to kind of recap the video you got to find what works for you as a junior golfer or just a normal golfer as well you have to find out what feel makes you repeatable with a certain shot shape one very important two how repeatable can you be two simple things sick good Stu all right sure you ready for this there's water right water left people talking your backstroke cut cut oh no what does that make you feel like how does it make you feel just I want to get better that's a sign of a champion golfer right there I like hearing that that's one give me two Focus internally you got to focus internally can't uh worry about anything else when people are annoying you when people are saying stuff you got to go into your own mind beautiful see how quickly you can next thing let's go next ball cut little cocky man I barely was in nice job okay so considering you know you play a lot of golf on the golf course as well right you practice quite a bit you're great Junior golfer incredible Talent at 14 normal practice really doesn't test you right you're just focused on it's just it's boring right it's no fun and that's what I experienced as a kid although I was a bit of a weirdo and I liked torturing myself and going eight hours a day drilling it out this is different than drills this is focused on realtime competition it's putting pressure on yourself so that's a good lesson for everyone if you ask those questions of yourself and you be honest with yourself you're going to become really good quick way faster than playing golf on the golf course that my friends is is what I would do to help out an aspiring professional golfer little man great [Music] stuff
Channel: Bryson DeChambeau
Views: 407,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Take Your Game To The Next Level, bryson dechambeau 58, bryson dechambeau, i gave a junior golfer a lesson, grant horvat, #1 junior golfer in the world, good good, gm golf, garrett clark, bob does sports, paige spiranac, i gave paige spiranac a golf lesson, i gave rick shiels a golf lesson, rick shiels, good good desert open, golf lesson, swing tips, junior golfer, liv golf, pga tour, bryson dechambeau golf swing, golf, How To Create Repeatability In Your Golf Swing
Id: rBwB1HEkAXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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