STOP SWINGING 'OVER THE TOP' FOR GOOD! (3 simple swing fixes)

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the sentence I hear all the time how do I stop   swinging it over the top well  this video is going to show you how what does swinging over the top means it  mostly means that you're swinging it out to in   and on occasions it's steep which causes the ball  to move from left to right if you're a rander and   also it's that feeling of a slice that nobody  particularly likes everybody wants to swing it   shallow more on the inside to get that feeling  of drawing the golf ball but why do we swing it   over the top I think it's the thought of I've got  to hit it hard got to hit that ball hard from the   top of my back swing so in this video we're going  to talk about why you do it and the swing thoughts   that you can use to make that ball go in the draw  Direction so I'm going to show you that over the   top swing you get to here and then the club moves  out can you see how the club head is outside my   hands and then it comes across the ball to the  left hand side now as I mentioned I think a theory   to this is at the top of your swing you think  see ball hit ball I want to hit it as hard as   I can and you almost have that nailing it into the  ground feeling of yes I'm going to hit this really   hard and that's what makes the club go out another  reason I think is that there is a a swing thought   that you need to open up you need to open up your  hips open up your body really turn through it so   people get to the top and then from here they  just turn their hips and look what happens my   hips are wide open my club head's out here  so there's two reasons I think why you swing   it over the top now I've got to try and change  those myths with these ideas I'm going to give   you some swing thoughts that you can use prior  and during your swing to stop that over-the-top   motion firstly let's think of other sports think  about David Beckham if you're into your football   or Owen Farrell if you're into your rugby when  they're kicking the ball with their right foot   where do they stand when it comes to a free kick  or a penalty they stand to the left hand side of   the ball because they want to be coming in at this  angle and especially with Beckham how he gets that   right to left swing that draw he wants to hit the  ball from the inside so his foot motion is this   way you won't see them stand over here to kick it  right footed that's what you're doing when you're   swinging over the top it's so um oh would have to  go this way just doesn't make a lot of sense so   in order to get the whip on the football or the  rugby ball or in this case the golf ball we have   to imagine that we're going to be coming at the  ball from this angle this inside angle so think   of it that way what does David Beckham do he comes  in from this way and he hits inside of the ball to   the outside of the ball to generate that right to  left curling spin if you're a right-hander and you   want to draw the ball the next thing to think  about is not necessarily opening your hips at   the top of your swing I know I can't believe I'm  saying this but I don't want you to open your hips   I want the feeling of them staying closed so if I  bring the club down now and feel like my hips are   still closed pointing this way I can get that club  more behind me into that slot that I was talking   about earlier rather than opening everything  up so just allow yourself to stay more closed   pointing this way with your body in the down  swing so we've thought about what the club does   we've thought about what the body does now we're  going to think about what the arms do or the hands   really nice thought this in your golf swing  that from the top of your golf swing we're   going to try and put your hands into your back  pocket into this right pocket if you're a right   hander so from the top put it in there you can  see then the club head is now behind my body   rather than out in front of my body so that is  over the top and steep this feeling I'm closed   used with my body I'm thinking about David  Beckham not a bad thought and then putting   my hands into my right pocket there everything  is then suddenly behind me in order for me to   swing from in to out so there's three things  I believe you can think about pre and during   your swing to stop you swinging over the top  and to get more of that draw feel shallow feel   that everybody wants I hope this video helped  and you can transfer it onto the golf course   thank you very much for watching the video  please like comment and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: HowDidiDo
Views: 22,297
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Keywords: sophie walker, howdidido academy, golf tips for beginner golfers, how to fix a slice, fix your slice, fix a slice with driver, how to stop hitting fades with driver, fixing a slice in golf, why am i slicing it?, what is a slice in golf, stop slicing in golf, best ways to stop slicing in golf, Swinging On The Inside, Inside swing path, swing path, in to out swing path, hit more draws, how to hit draws in golf, how to hit a draw, hit driver further, stop swinging over the top
Id: -W0SuL_SX1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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