sentencing 100 kids to life in school prison

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all right so now we're checking out the only game where you can cause 100 children to be homeschooled by a group of psychopaths it's the Sims for The Sims recently had a kids room update and that made me realize that we haven't ruined any young lives in quite some time oh and hey today's insanity is sponsored by Ray Con earbuds once again since just telling you about them would be boring and today's theme is crushing dreams I'm going to run them over with a 5200 pound truck but more on that later I downloaded a mod that allows us to home-school the children so I guess we're gonna find out how long my sims can actually manage to form a schoolroom before the authorities take all their kids away don't get me wrong these people can't go two weeks without either getting set on fire or spontaneously dying so trying to pass their survival traits along to the children I mean it's not going to go too well before we begin to add the children that will no doubt become the ruination of our entire planet we need to build an appropriate classroom for them to learn in by just making the beginning of a special learning area this doesn't stand for high school or home school it actually stands for the name of the school it's gonna be hell squared actually here let's say let's go ahead make that official I think this is gonna be the perfect door for the home school the child height claw marks really lets everyone know exactly how well we do it our job I understand this door may make the entirety of the the home school look a little ominous so here's some cancerous wallpaper okay we need kids to have rooms to be able to learn anything they want so first is science I have no idea what this is but I'll bet the kids will love it Jesus it looks like this thing that made the Hulk oh this is nice it gives it that sterile you're probably never going to see your family again look at this point I don't really know if I'm teaching my children science or if I'm causing them to become super villains and then we'll do some cryogenic pods let the children have a place to sleep in case you're wondering why I put ladders everywhere it's because it immediately brings light to the room and I'm lazy and ladders are awesome all right now we need a math room I hate math so it's gonna be the schist and smallest room but we got here can straw bridge support wait logic physics help or two of these down I'm gonna give the kids a bookshelf but I don't actually want them to read so I'm gonna put it like I'm gonna put it right here let's go ahead and make it as inaccessible as possible oh here we go a robot that calculates digits of pi for fun if there's one thing that I've learned about robots it's that they inevitably end up battling children for the right to survive actually you know what why just have one there's got to be something here about math oh here we go I just thought about this if I put a bunch of fake trees in here the kids will feel like they're outside since you know they'll never actually get to go there I gave him some windows too so that they can creepily watch as their friends sleep right math rooms done I told you I hated math in fact Malthus such here's a bathroom door that's the entrance right now we need a place for history I was mostly gonna make it a bunch of dinosaurs because the only thing cool about history was the dinosaurs the rest of it was mostly just death and depression but my one dinosaur looks as high as hell okay let's see we need a globe and we're going to need a full liquor bar there we go it's a historically accurate full liquor bar I just realized the inside of this globe is alcohol this is the most relevant globe I have ever seen you know what kids hold on you're gonna need a bunch of these I'll give you a real globe too but you got to use it over at the bar throw down a pirate ship in here because pirates are historical well there's a wizard set it's totally belongs in a science room it's a lot like science only for people who abuse more drugs this battle station has a warning that says that it's a choking hazard I'll take three of them all right history is done all right now it's time for my favorite class art the great thing about art is you can boast your way through most of it all right we can do a DIY wall mural the kids can figure out whatever they want to put there there's a floor one I've got this easel over here for painting but I've also made an octagon so that children can fight to the death I think that combat is also an art form plus blood shows up really good on like the cream-colored canvas I'm gonna make this like the ho MEC area - might as well keep it as flammable as possible oh here go a cupcake factory it's fun and it will give everyone diabetes there we go put this nice campfire inside because what could possibly go wrong flame resistant cooking supplies give the kids some instruments too I'm gonna put next to the fighting pit this way they can play like their own Final Fantasy battle music alright back over in the art area we've got a set over here with whole wheat blue actually I'm gonna grab a bunch of these I think every kid should have access to glue and now for the subject that I almost majored in and would have regretted for the rest of my life in college literature put a bunch of these up because why read books when you can watch them well private journal contains the secret dreams and wishes mostly it'll just contain trauma but I think it's important for the kids to record it I'm gonna put a poster of this incredibly depressed cat in here all these kids are like I want to be a writer when I grow up in this catch like don't do it okay now that I have the learning area I can build the upstairs which will be the home area oh I just realized there's a giant hole in the ceiling I'm sure it'll be fine I want to really get that school cafeteria feel get a nice synthetic food rug and here's a place for the kids to get burritos if they want cuz I I love burritos actually since it's a cafeteria I might as well just put a full acre bar up here - you know what let's make them really entitled here's the Starbucks bunch of restrooms incredibly creepy gnome to watch you go into the restroom more child stasis pods and since everyone seems to die unless they have a bunch of privacy here's some prison showers alright home schools ready these are my rake on everyday eat 25 dear buds they're half the price of normal ear buds but somehow they're still alive they come in many different colors but I chose red because it is now covered in the blood of its ear blood enemies I'm serious I have food processors these ear buds I've frozen them in a block of ice you can see the scars and yet somehow they still manage to exist if Brandi were here she may tell you that she uses rake on earbuds she may also tell you why the hell are you about to run them over with a truck because that's what we do here I'm not gonna lie to eat when t fives have held up through way too much I am really impressed let's run them over crank on earbuds have seamless bluetooth pairing and they would be able to pair with my truck one last time at this distance alright edit you gotta be kidding me that crack in the case is the newest scar but they're still in one piece so if you ever want a pair earbuds that can go through the rigors of life you know like running them over with your car if you go to buy recon comm slash gray still plays you get 15% off thanks again brake on for sponsoring the channel and allowing me to do dumb like this okay we have our first 50 children I figured I would start with 50 just to make sure they don't break the fabric of reality I also have to take a moment to mention that in order to get these 50 children I had to mess with some of the aging mechanics in the game a little bit so my original man family ended up getting aged down and then aged back up and it has changed them Australian man has turned into a prep with a fine blazer like jacket and a pair of washed out jeans Florida man has he's turned into this I really don't know what to say Bab Ross ended up getting some sweet prison tattoos as well as having a stroke on the left side of her face LSD looks like Harry Potter if he got into a fight with the misfits and then ate a unicorn and Kohinoor looks like a 35 year old guy cosplaying as an 11 girls this wardrobe selection is amazing you can see the only one half of tonsils looks fairly concerned and spleens can only look on in horror because she knows that by the time the day is over some juvenile will be on fire all right kids it's home school time everyone enjoy the facilities yeah I know there's two buildings over here that I totally didn't do anything with yet I'll figure something out oh you know we don't have yet detention I know what you might be saying you may be saying yourself gray that detention looks a lot like a prison cell yes yes it does alrighty there we go detention is ready I know you may be asking yourself great putting barbed wire around the children doesn't seem very nice it's for their protection all right all the kids are starting their school day over here you can see this young child over here is doing a fantastic recreation of a crime scene everyone loves being a pirate as I had expected and this young girl who looks rebellious as hell immediately went over to the alcohol globes I went to go see a Florida man was watching the children he's not he's watching TV explain it's over here she's like I smell young souls to ruin young child is over here asking Siri how to make crystal meth that's very good what they're actually doing is making fake urine so LSD can finally pass a drug test I like how I've given all of my Sims a ton of public restrooms but Australian man feels most comfortable using the prison toilet all these kids are over here they're like Florida man tell us why all Pirates like rum and he's a gladly gather round children and I shall tell you a tale of high adventure okay tons of people are reaching level to creativity and motor skills meanwhile this kid has legit been making like baggies of cocaine for the last two hours okay kids it's like it's like midnight it's time for bed LSD you're an adult can you like tell all the kids to go to bed and be responsible it's like hell no I'm going to draw all right over here in the art area many children have taken up various culinary skills to include eating scones and an entire bowl of peas okay a lot of children have begun urinating on themselves but everyone's still alive and no one's been taken away by child services oh and because I missed it before I'm not really sure when but Whitley turned into a diva since no one's burning alive that means that we're going to have to add the other 50 children [Music] so I had to age up all my Sims again after I brought in 50 more kids um baburaj turned into Elsa LSD became this it's like every time I age Whitley up she wears less and less clothing and : O's shorts are continuing to get shorter as our flora demands and : o now has a receding hairline alright kids welcome to home-school don't set each other on fire actually go ahead and set each other on fire I need the insurance money there's like tons of children that are just crying themselves to sleep right now no one ever likes to come into the math area there's two girls in here and they're both like what do we do I can see someone started to use the campfire that's fantastic I'm sure nothing ill will come of that all right so lunchtime over the cafeteria we only serve one dinner here teas Eloise acquired the mental skill this is the hottest most preppy child I have ever seen in my life his child's over here he's like oh I'm not saying I'm better than you I'm just saying you're lesser than me oh this is fantastic we've got another young case of Breaking Bad on her hands this young juvenile right now is learning rocket science and spraying Gatorade all over herself I like how she just stabbing something electrical with a screwdriver this girl's like my favorite I really appreciate that I put so many toilets down and all of my children just enjoy pissing all over the floors Reilly successfully swiped an object without drawing any unwanted attention oh that's good my home school is teaching children how to become criminals this is an uninspected and very very welcome side effect okay we now have children reaching level three in different skills young young girl you're making like a volcano I don't I don't understand how soldering something is going to improve this she's like well I'm just trying to become very industrious you never know when I might have to break out a prison ah Asia finished her school project very quickly she's been given extra credit well done Asia you made a very beautiful volcano that looks a lot like a collapsed lung god she hates it so much she's crying oh my god I came up stay Aires to see how things were looking it's awful it's just puddles of urine and rotting food everywhere oh my god it's like a trio of puddles of urine over here how are you people pissing right in front of the bathrooms they're right there you couldn't go the extra two feet all right we have our very first attention he over here Brady did not finish his school assignment in time and thus he may understand what it's like to be socially ostracized by his peers enjoy walking around in human excrement and being alone he's like actually nothing new I'm sorry little children but visiting hours are over okay we had kind of a delay on the volcano but the chemical reaction finally started and I give it a C+ how you doing there spleen she's like Oh fine just on your front lawn okay unfortunately we had a bunch of unruly children today so the the prisons I mean the detention cells are at maximum capacity look at the homeschooling does these kids just watch TV all night long they're unbathed most of them just sleep on the floor dear diary it's day 35 and I still haven't figured out how to escape yet please let me die more crime that's good I'd like to take the opportunity to show y'all what the current environment of the school looks like most of the children are sleeping in puddles of urine some of them are doing a fantastic job learning others are doing a fantastic job dying some of them don't even get dressed anymore to come to school this kids just wearing a bathrobe ah crap one of our teachers just died I liked how she died and like this child just absorbed her soul due to neglect Jefferson is being whisked away to see the culling has begun okay children are getting abducted all over the place right now who will be left in that look at spleens she's like my best friend oh no you can't take the children that are in detention they haven't learned her lesson yet it's like some sort of home school-based rapture I can't click on all this fast enough that's right children even though half of your friends just got taken away by child services that doesn't mean that school is over keep working today's homeschool assignment is make holiday crafts Asia is like my best student she completes her homework ahead of time she doesn't pee all over herself and she hasn't been taken away yet by child services look at this perform a puppet show play basketball practice typing did that one just say spray graffiti for two hours pretend I didn't see that what the hell are y'all crying about Oh : Oh is literally drowning right now baburaj this side to end it all is life oh god my students are starting to drown to death they've all figured it's the only way out of homeschooling all right there's a lot of educational TV going on that's fantastic kids are learning school is working out well again after we cleaned up all of the dead bodies we do have a couple more drownings happening right now but I mean that's just you know that always kind of happens right around 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. I never thought that the math area would get so much attention could you all please stop intentionally drowning yourselves to get out of your schoolwork that's nice we got the double drowning now no Constance my rebel okay there there's a fire the fire has started kids there's a fire run I like how LSD is oh here she's like everyone remain calm meanwhile Whitley just she just literally died from that Florida man Jesus no oh the final culling has begun I guess this girl got pretty close okay the rest of the neglects are happening right now Australian man just died I mean good news kids I don't think there's gonna be school tomorrow all right another round childhood reintegration into society is happening right now we'll see who's left after this one there is now only one child left there's actually only one adult left and it's Elly it's Ellison this young girl here I need to take a moment to mention something the girl that ended up surviving is like the worst student we have she didn't get any skills in anything and this is her overall school well Stephanie did it she is the sole survivor and during her time in homeschooling she's managed to learn absolutely nothing you know what I may actually aged her up and bring her in as part of the family every once in a while so I'm gonna get I'm gonna get you guys involved whoever wants to come up with a name for this girl whatever is the most liked name in the comment section I'll name her that as long as it doesn't commit demonetized I'm gonna leave you with an image of the home school burning down and any folks hope you enjoyed this episode of The Sims 4 until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 5,150,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, no laws, city simulator, city life, city life simulator, the sims 4, the sims 4 mods, the sims 4 2019, the sims 4 mods 2019, the sims 4 cheats, the sims 4 game, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 funny moments, 100 people, sims kids, sims children, 100 children, the sims prom
Id: bKrb4N7dSnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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