Hank Haney Fixes A High Handicapper's Slice LIVE

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anony nice to meet you nice to meet you thanks for doing this thank you you're uh a lifelong slicer is that lifelong how long have you played I've been playing about 40 years oh my gosh and you're slicing yep have you ever hit a draw by mistake sometimes I think it's more of a snap hook I is what you call pull hook yeah okay all right all right um we're going to get you fixed okay I got one simple step that's going to help you do this okay it's Al it's actually a little more than just one little step but it's going to be one shot and you're going to draw the GOL offall exced that's what we're going to do okay now um let me explain something first off okay here is why you slice there's only one reason why you slice okay you slice because your Club face is open relative to the path of your swing okay okay so let's just say I'm swinging straight through here okay dead straight okay if I swing straight through but my club face is one degree to the right of where I'm swinging my club face is one degree open to the path of my swing if I swing let's just say this is straight through or my hands going but let's say I swing to the left okay let's say I swing you swing a lot to the left sometimes that's why you hit that shot occasionally that pulls okay so you if it doesn't slice back it pulls you swing way off to the left five six 7° let's say you swing 6° to the left mhm and let's say your Club face let's say your Club face is pointed left two but it's only pointed 3° left mhm you're swinging 6° left your Club face is 3° left that means your Club face is 3° over relative to the path of your swing got your ball slices every time guaranteed so what we have to do is we have to get the club face more Square to the path or close to the path and then we need to get the path going more to the right to the right everybody always you know works on trying to get the path right the most important thing first off is getting the club face right okay so that's what we're going to I'm going to show you some little drill here on how to how to fix that um go ahead and address the ball first I want to show you one thing okay get ready to hit okay all right when you set up to the to the ball you have the club face very closed yes do you see it I do okay now if you hit that ball if you have a a square Club face M and a square p and a path that's going like that your ball is going to go over here so when you set the club down closed it pretty much programs you to open it okay and that's going to make that slice even a bigger slice if if anything you want the face Square too if anything's slightly open so you can feel like you're going to close it okay but you never want it closed where you have to open it understood okay so that's that's number one so I I just want you to set the club down on the ground just like it was made that's going to be number one okay number two when you take your grip okay your hands are in a relatively neutral position meaning the v's by your thumb and forefinger are pointed kind of up towards your chin I want you to maybe even weaker than that I want you to go more toward your right shoulder with both hands okay and then shake hands for a second this is how tight I would be holding on so it's it's not very tight at all understood okay pretty soft but your grip is more under with both hands this thumbs off to the side but grips under with both hands that's a that's considered a stronger grip the reason it's called this stronger grip is when you come in it's more likely the club will do this and when it does you'll get a stronger shot that's why it's called a stronger grip this is a weaker grip because your Club face is going to probably come in open and that's going to give you a weaker shot so grip more to the right ease up on your grip pressure both hands turned under like that right hand under left hand over okay all right now I want you to take a little practice swing for me just just just making a circle like this okay okay just make make a circle like that okay so just a clockwise circle with your Club good really good okay now when you do that and you make that Circle as soon as the club gets to right about 12:00 I want you to turn your shoulders back and once it gets to 12:00 there you go good good do that again y other way forward with the club clockwise Circle yes good a little more shoulder turn as you go back yep good now swing it all the way back and all the way through this time doing the same thing do it slow do it slow good yep great great okay now we're going to do the same thing hold on to it okay okay grip more under ease up on your gri pressure I want you to do the same thing but instead of making the circle this way I want you to make it over here okay so visualize the circle over here now okay okay okay make that Circle over there yep good good good now little more back swing all the way over your shoulder yep good now turn both your hands on the grip toward me start start over with your grip so like that no start over with your grip beginning both hands toward me right hand underneath too right hand more underneath okay more yep good thumb over on the other side of the shaft yep perfect good okay now when you swing back take the club right up toward me yep and keep going back turn your shoulders good like that good and then swing through beautiful okay same thing again same thing again do it again go grip towards your grip towards your right shoulder more with both hands okay good good now this is Center Field okay this is the short stop this is the second basement got it okay got it you're swinging to the shortstop I want you to swing to the second basement like you're going to hit it to the second basement okay beautiful good good turn your grip towards your right shoulder more more ease up on your grip pressure okay so like this like this yep ease up on your grip pressure beautiful swing it toward you toward me right I'm over by the second basement beautiful good do it again keep doing that Loop just keep doing just what you're doing beautiful do it again you feel like you're making a loop yeah okay well it doesn't look like it but you're used to making an opposite Loop that's why you that's why you practice the loop okay good now hold on to it okay grip underneath soft with your grip pressure now this is a key move right here as you're coming down you're going to turn your left hand and you're going to turn it this way and I want you that's look what that's doing to the club face oh yeah it's closing the club face it's squaring the club face right and I want you to do it back here right back here see see when you hit you hit with an open face right but eventually it closes gotcha everybody's does problem is it's closing over here way too late we way too late we need it to close over here so I want I want you to feel like you're going to close it early right and we're going to trick you and it's going to be closed just at the right time so you're going to close it back here soft with your grip pressure good turn your left hand turn it good okay practice swing good now where did you swing that time I think it was swung to the short stop swing to the second basement good you swung to center field but not to the second basement okay good that was you swung just to the left of second base but I want you swinging to the right fielder okay grip more towards your right shoulder both hands please under and softer both hands grip more more more good to the right fielder this time good good who's playing right field for the Yankees judge okay we'll swing out to them there you go grip towards me left hand towards me right hand towards me out to right field good grip toward me both hands both hands under toward me left hand turn it soft with your grip pressure before you get to the ball turn your left hand there you go that was it all right all right all right here we go one more practice swing grip toward me both hands right hand under more left hand toward me more your left hand's way too much on top of the club there you go keep it there don't move it there you go good more to the right please and before you get to the ball turn your left hand good good good remember this right here okay grip this way both hands before you get to the ball way back here turn it turn it okay turn it you got it got it turn it that's it that's what you want right back there that's the move more to the right you didn't he swung to to the short stop that was better okay set up to the ball grip under more toward me left hand toward me soft with your grip pressure okay one more practice swing before you get to the ball mhm okay hold on to it before you get to the ball this way this way this way okay and swing in that direction gotcha okay I didn't see it it's cuz you're used to looking right that one went that one went right down the middle with the draw that's why you didn't see it everybody else saw it though yeah huh all right let do it again oh my God okay grip under toward me did you see that one I did okay well the last one was just like that one and what you think you know the grip is a little uh got to work on that but it feels the swing feels good what do you think about with the B oh my gosh that's going to be like 50 more yards than what I normally get you're right about that all right rip under toward me the back of the left hand turn it good for you wow good job holy cow good job good job all right all right do it again one more great one here we go okay grip under review grip under more soft with your grip pressure you're swinging out to judge your right fielder turn your turn your hands before you get the ball turn it before turn it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it the back of your left hand the back of your left hand come on turn it good that's a hook well that's what happens when you set the club face down Clos to a dress and then you make a good swing okay I do the same thing again just relax just relax turn it turn it feel the direction you're swinging I do okay let's see you do it grip under grip toward me left hand your tendency is right before you take the club back you put your left hand too much on top your left hand's got to come toward me your left hand whoa whoa whoa left hand grip toward me turn it your hand oh yes thank you ooh I feel it it's so close feel the power on that shot now yes much more and way more like night and day more your explanation of the spin made a lot of sense to me grip Club face open a little more grip toward me with your left hand your left hand good club face open swinging to the right please good job there bud all right that's as good as I got today good job come on you can say it was the best that was good good job thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Performance Golf
Views: 273,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, golf, golf swing, golf driver swing, golf driver, golf slice fix, golf slice explained, golf slice correction, golf slice drills, golf slice driver, golf swing tips, golf swing driver basics, golf swing driver tips, fix your golf slice, how to fix a slice, how to fix a slice with your driver, stop your slice, one shot slice fix free, hank haney, hank haney driver, hank haney driver golf swing, hank haney backswing, rick shiels golf
Id: DFwz9o5QWzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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