Thanos Particle Effect Tutorial in Davinci Resolve 17 - FREE PRESET

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hey guys nick here welcome back to another video today in davinci resolve we're going to be channeling our inner thanos creating like a particle dissolve effect let's take a look so we haven't really messed with particles on this channel before just because it's such a complicated topic and then you just do millions of videos on how particle systems work and honestly i would more likely do particles in a 3d application rather than fusion for a lot of things anyway but we're going to do it in fusion today and show you how to create that cool little dissolve effect it is going to be pretty complicated so i'm going to assume a bit of prior knowledge before this tutorial so i'm not going to cover how fusion works but i'm going to cover everything else for this tutorial so let's jump in and show you how to create this sick effect all right guys so here we are in davinci resolve now to create this effect that we're looking at before you see the text kind of just dissolves and looks super cool we're going to have to do a lot of complicated things that maybe we haven't done before especially on this channel so let's get into it first off what we'll do is we'll break down the fusion composition that i already have made all right so we're going to go into fusion just so you can see so this is the node structure that we're gonna end up with okay um it's not as complicated as it looks this little bit here that's all the particles so it's just four nodes and then obviously the most complicated part honestly is this bit here which is the masking that we're going to use to i guess make the text disappear but let's start off by creating right clicking in our media pool and going new fusion composition and call it whatever you want we'll just leave fusion composition one drag it down onto the timeline now you can make it as long or short as you want we're just going to leave it at a standard five seconds with it selected gonna jump over to fusion now for this particular tutorial we are going to want two viewers so you just want to make sure that you have this one here if it's two have that so you've got two different viewers and yeah let's get started by creating our text node so we're just going to grab that text one there drag it down and link it with our media out and type call it whatever you want i'm just going to call it endgame and just change the size a little bit now the first part we're going to do is the masking to have the text disappear all right so now we're going to create a polygon mask and that's going to make this text look like it's disappearing so it's going to jump to frame 0 let's drag a polygon mask down from the tool here and display it in the first viewer by clicking and dragging and what we're going to do is we're just going to create like a toothy kind of pattern a jaggedy pattern again not super exact this is just to make it look like the text is being bitten away and then all we're going to want to do is click out and around like so weird little shape again it doesn't have to be super specific this is just so looks a little bit more interesting and while we're on frame zero we're going to set a keyframe for the center and the size and we're going to move forward to the very end click and drag this front section of the shape and we're literally just going to click and drag it so that it covers the whole text and if you notice that some of it's not covered you can just add an extra point and make it so that the whole text is eventually covered by this shape here and if we play that back what we end up with is this weird shape that kind of grows over the text so if we were to select the polygon we can see it here that's pretty good might add an extra point here just so that it looks like it's coming out a little bit more this is just a bit of trial and error but again this is just to make it look like the text is being bitten away now the thing is the way we have it set now is if we were to use this as a mask plug that in there you can see that it sort of does the opposite right so the text kind of gets revealed by the shape which in itself is kind of like a cool little effect and if we were to invert the mask well then we have the opposite happening the text so we don't want that because this text is going to act as our particle emitter so every time the text is on the screen particles are going to be coming out of it and although this would work it means that this would be having particles flying out of it before it's getting chewed away by this mask so we don't want that what we're going to do let's just change that invert is we're going to basically make a shell inside of this so that we have just a weird mask sort of line so if we were to have a look at the original one that we did you can see how this mask here is just this weird line right so that's basically so everything white is going to be visible everything black is transparent and as that white goes over the text you get to see the particles looks pretty pretty cool so to do that we're going to do something kind of interesting but before we do that i do ask that if you enjoyed this tutorial guys make sure you hit that subscribe button down below i do appreciate it and it allows me to bring more interesting tutorials like this one to you guys so what we're going to do is we're actually going to create an instance of the polygon it's similar to duplicating except that it shares the exact same properties animation and everything so what we're going to do is uh command or control c to copy that polygon node and then we're going to go command shift v or control shift v to paste it and what we get is this instance polygon here all right and what's weird is if i select either one so we could have one displayed here and we'll have the polygon displayed here as i move one you can see the other one moves as well and if i was to select the polygon and move it it moves two they're completely connected all right so what we're going to do is create a merge node so we're going to drag this merge node down here and this is going to be the most important part for you guys to follow along with so with the merge node selected we're going to drag the instance into the background and the polygon this square here into the foreground now we have to change a few things so with the merge node selected we want to change the operation of it from over to x or or xor what we want to do let's display this merge node here is we want to basically have the instance we're going to play around with the border see how we can do that and it's creating a border we want to play around with that however at the moment if we change the border parameter for the instance as we talked about before it will change it for the polygon as well to fix that we can right click on the board width of the instanced one and we can go d instance now that d instance thing is on a per parameter basis so now when we control the border width you can see we can we're getting that effect that we're after that will only change on the instance so everything else in terms of soft edge will be across both of these different masks that's done now so we're going to increase the border just a little bit and we're going to give it a slightly soft edge but nothing too crazy and honestly that's pretty much it for this little section now we can jazz it up a little bit by adding a noise so if we go shift space we're going to type in fast noise we're going to use this one here i'm going to add and we're just going to connect this output to the merge all right and place that merge in here now what we notice is currently it's like on top of the whole thing that's not we want what we want so we're going to change the operation from over to in so it's only going to apply it to inside that mask there and we can just play around with the parameters of the fast noise so the reason we're doing this is just to make it a little bit more interesting as i was saying everything that is white is going to be visible everything black is going to be transparent so by let's like we bring up this bring up the scale a little bit then you can really see what's going to go on all right we can bring in up the contrast bring up the brightness so there's a little bit of black this black area here that's all going to be transparent so the only reason we're doing this is by it's just going to create a little bit more interest i guess when we're um having this go over the text right let's just add a little bit of pizzazz now what we want to do is turn this whole section into a bit bitmap image so we can use it to control the visibility of the text what we're going to do is we're going to go shift space and add a bitmap all right and we're going to just drag that into the input there that's going to create turn this basically into an image that can be read by pretty much everything else and it's not being treated as a mask anymore it's being treated as an image which is what we want and we're going to probably disconnect this now create what's called a matte control so shift space going to go matte control all right we want it directly after the text and we want to plug the bitmap into the garbage matte input which is going to be this bottom triangle here you can see if you hover over it says garbage mat so drag the square to the garbage mat you can always check down this bottom right hand corner to triple check you got the right input okay so as you can see if we play this through currently we're kind of getting what we want but it's the opposite right because all this is visible so basically what it's doing is all the black is now visible and all the white is the transparent it's the opposite to what we want so if we select the map control go to the inspector under garbage map we drop the arrow we just invert it basically now we're getting exactly what we want you can see we're getting only the text is visible and that's the text we want now we can start playing around with particles guys and this is the fun bit so what we're going to do now is after the mac control we're going to go shift space and we're going to type in p emitter with the p emitter selected we're going to shift space type in p render and that's going to basically take the emission which is this one here you can see it's a 3d scene and turn it into a final render but with it by default the p render node if we go to the inspector is set to a 3d scene as output just drop that change it to 2d so now if we go to the peer emitter it's a 2d scene and we can play through you see we have these particles it might be hard to see but they're particles forming and now we can connect that to the media out so far so good but as you can see here we just need to connect these together which is currently impossible because the p emitter has no input it only has an output so what we want to do is connect the mac control to the p emitter and we want to use this as the emitter for the particles that will get rendered by this node to do that with the p emitter node selected go to the inspector we're going to go to region so this is can basically currently it's a sphere or because it's 2d images circles you can see if i move this bigger or smaller you can see it's increasing the region size of the particles we don't want it to be a sphere we want it to be a bitmap so an imaged based region clicking that now we have an input where we can connect the bitmap node which is what we did here so we create connect that together and we're going to get give it a sec you can see the p render node is doing a little bit of rendering and it might be hard to see but there are some particles here so with the p emitter node selected we go to controls what we're going to do increase the amount of particles from 10 to just a thousand just to start with again every time you change something you've got to wait for the renderer to render the particles out you can see the particles they appear actually looks kind of cool like this all right but they're not going anywhere okay the particles basically they are generated from the text what we're going to want to do now is we're going to use some displacement to have these particles basically fly off into the background so we're going to go shift space with the emitter selected and basically everything that affects the emitter needs to go before the render because that's what creates the final image right so we're going to type in p and d p directional force we're going to go add and we're going to just let that render out us for a sec now you can see we have something crazy going on so we play this back now the particles emit and then they fall because that's the way the directional force is having them fall looks kind of cool it's like falling sand obviously we can control that so if we select the directional force we can change the strength and how strong that is we can also change the direction so when we don't want it to go down we want it to go up so we want a positive number so we're going to have 90 degrees again we're going to let the p render node sorted out so now the note now they go up which is good i kind of want a bit more of an angle so we're going to just control the angle a little bit hopefully it comes off this way a bit we wait for the renderer this is probably the worst part about using particles is the render needs to use everything in the scene basically make sure this yep so now it's going in the right direction 60 seems to be good so i'm going to change it to uh actually 45 degrees so it's going to be directly like that and we want to do one more thing because quite at the moment pretty much it's just going up in a straight line okay so it's just it's just going off in one direction it's the direction we want it to go in but it's kind of just a little boring so we're going to do another node after the directional force and it's a turbulence node think of it like turbulence when you're on a plane it's going to displace these particles up here like that so with it selected go shift space p t for this one here particle turbulence rather and hit enter and again as always let the render node do its thing and now you can see it's done a little bit not a lot if we hit spacing see it's definitely doing something so what we're going to want to do is we're going to increase the randomness of it a little bit just a little bit strength over life so we're going to leave that density is fine but we're going to increase the strength a fair bit on the x and z not the wire because the y is going to so x is going to be horizontal y axis is going to be vertical z strength is the depth of the particles we don't want to increase the y strength because then some of the particles are going to go down we don't really want that so we want the particles to go left and right and back like in and out so we're going to increase the strength and then give it a sec let it render itself we might not see a big change all right now we play it now it seems to be doing something cool so what we want to do now is go back to the emitter we've got our force it's kind of going away in the direction we want it kind of looks like it's blowing away which is cool now we just need to control the amount of particles so what i like to do is honestly particles we use you know in like visual effects you know hundreds of thousands millions of particles obviously the more particles you use the more intensive it is i'm going to just bump this to 3000 let it render and i'm leaving it on this frame just so i can see how it affects this exact scene in the so you can see there we go we get quite a bit i'm also going to increase the variances so it's a little bit random change the random of the life span and the random seed there just a little bit so now it kinda looks alright okay but it's going out in chunks which is a little bit weird let's increase the position variance all right by doing that they're hopefully not going to clump together as much because obviously at the moment they're clumping together the position variance should help randomize that a little bit there we go so that is going to help it obviously they're going to be emitted from the same text but then they're going to disperse and it's going to look a little bit more like sand or dust or whatever there you go looks awesome and we're going to add a blur to the renderer so we're just going to do a slight literally like a really slight point one blur to the 2d and that would be about it it's not going to be something you're going to notice too much you'll wait for it to load you might see a little bit of a change here and that's just going to kind of fake motion blur a little bit make it look a little less i don't know dotty as it does now but at the moment if we were to look at the media out node and see what we've got the text kind of fading away so looking pretty good so now we can play around with the colors so in the original one i we go to style and you can see color controls so you got a few interesting ones actually which is with the color controls you can actually have it use style color or use color from region so if say the object you wanted was multiple colors you're using an image you could do that we're going to use style color which is going to use the color from this tab just because we're just going to use the two i'm going to go uh and what we can do is do color over life so we can actually have it change color the older the particles get so it starts off aqua we can have it end white at a point start at aqua so click and drag start at aqua and then add another one here maybe make it a darker so it's going to go darker and then white over time you can see now there's a little bit of a change in how it works this is obviously probably going to be easier if we change the lifespan now so the lifespan set to 276 frames we might not even see it if i drop that right down you'll notice after it renders the color will come in because obviously the particles aren't lasting as long therefore we're going to see that color come through there you go and ends white so definitely play around with how all of this works so you can see what effects you can get but yeah that helps kind of looks a little different all right so now all we want to do is one last thing as you can see the text pretty much is invisible at the start and then our mask comes in and then the particles start to show up so how do we have the text stay input pretty simple we're going to copy the original text node so control control or command c click over here can paste it we're going to merge it in after the renderer so now we can see it perfect change the color of it to match the particles here if we want so it looks better and we can literally click this polygon the original not the instance again copy it select the text paste it and now it's going to use the exact same animation but we just want to invert the mask so we're going to click on the polygon and invert it and then once we've inverted it we also just want to make it solid so as it comes through it will take the text up so now if we were to play this through you can see the text comes through it starts to dissolve and fade off into wherever it's going looks super cool this one even looks better than the original the way it's sort of eating away at the text there i really really like it and we can obviously just add a quick background if we want to finalize this one off drag it in change the uh swap the inputs because we don't want that to be in the front so swap inputs and change the color maybe just a little bit less of a dark to a dark gray and yeah guys there you go that's how it's done so click through and you can see the text basically dissolve like so there you go guys hopefully you enjoyed this video if you enjoy these sorts of more complicated visual effects tutorials on this channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and like this video because more is on the way and yeah drop a comment down below if there's any specific effect you want to see achieved i'll you know try my best to make it happen and until the next video guys see ya
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 10,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17 particle dissolve effect, davinci resolve 17 particles, davinci resolve 17 fusion particles, davinci resolve effects, particle dissolve effect, avengers dissolve effect davinci resolve, avengers vanishing effect in davinci resolve, thanos snap tutorial in davinci resolve, text particles dissolve davinci resolve, how to make particles in davinci resolve, davinci resolve particles effects, thanos particle effect tutorial, thanos particle effect in Davinci resolve
Id: p_SPjxMib1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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