How to Make a 3D Hologram with Particles in DaVinci Resolve // DaVinci Resolve Fusion Tutorial

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welcome you've been brought here for a purpose you will receive knowledge you will receive wisdom mostly you'll learn how to make this cool 3d hologram effect [Music] let's get started [Music] the first thing you need to know about achieving this effect is that your raw footage is very important you need to create a situation where as you move towards the camera your face actually gets brighter here's what i did i used one of the lights i used when i'm filming this video i set up in my closet and i used a pillow case to block the majority of the light coming from it so that when i was against the back wall i was much darker and as i moved forward i moved into the area the pillowcase wasn't covering so my face became brighter once you have footage you're happy with you can load it into davinci resolve and get started so here i am in davinci resolve and i'm going to drag that footage into my media pool so we're going to right click on our media pool go to timelines create new timeline name this come down to use custom settings format and change whatever our default timeline is to 480 by 270 and change the timeline frame rate to match whatever footage we recorded this might be confusing but that's because we're going to go about creating this effect in two major chunks we're going to take our footage shrink it down apply a few filters and then export that to a clip we can pull back into fusion to create our main effect this will help us save processing power the particle effect we're going to be using can tax systems so we want to do everything we can to keep the power requirements low but after we have this timeline we are going to drag in our footage so we can view it on the timeline if you have multiple takes like i do this is where you can review the footage and trim it down to exactly what you want to use for your effect i can see just by my waveform that i have two separate takes here so i'm going to come in and trim that to just that second take that i know i want to use and then with our playhead over our footage we're going to open the fusion page and the important thing to know about fusion is that it will always pull in clips at their full resolution so even though we have a really small timeline it pulls in this full 4k clip another major reason we're doing all this processing on the footage first so with our media in selected we are going to add a color corrector node and then a glow node and you'll see that there are two main glow options we're going to choose the second with this little magic wand in the color corrector we're going to bring it down the saturation show it's black and white pull up the gain and then pull up the contrast as well we're going to find a medium we like and try to ignore that pillow in the background for now and then in the glow you're going to pull down the shine threshold pull down the spread a little bit and then colorize it with this color picker down here and then i'm just gonna jump around my timeline to make sure especially when i'm close to the camera none of these hot spots are way too overblown and that's all the processing we're gonna do on this end i'm gonna go back to my timeline on the edit page navigate to the delivery page and i know our timeline was already pretty small but i'm actually gonna bring this down even smaller to 320 by 180. we're going to pick a destination and export that footage once that is done exporting we're going to bring that export back into resolve into our media pool and create another new timeline in this timeline we will want at the full resolution for whatever we want our final output to be and so for this effect we're going to pull in the fusion composition effect in the effects library onto our timeline and increase that duration to the link of that previous exported video then we're going to open that in the fusion page and you will see the only thing we have is this media out node but we can drag from our media pool that export video down into our workspace so we know this is the footage we want to reference but we're going to let this sit for now and start to build out our particle node tree and the three nodes we're going to use for this are p image emitter connected to that we're going to have p custom and then just like all particle systems we need p render but before i connect my footage i'm going to hop into these and change some important settings in p image emitter we're going to pull down the density to 0.3 on both x and y and then we're going to come over to style changes from point to blob come to size settings and we're going to pull down this size to .01 after setting those we can connect the out of this media in to our p image emitter and pull up p render on our preview and you'll instantly be able to see that it has taken that image and created a field of particles that we can actually zoom in and out and pivot around in z space that is textured and colored to look like our footage but it's still only a single plane of particles to change that we're going to use the power of the p custom node you're going to be blown away at how quickly this powerful node can change the look of this scene we're going to open the picosteum node and navigate over to particle and here you'll see that we have all these options for our particles things like the position velocity and rotation and you'll start to see a little of the code that this is working off of we're going to be looking at position z that is the position of each particle in z space moving towards or away from the camera and check out how simple this is in p custom i'm going to delete that pz and i'm going to press g for green and instantly it will distort this image but if you look you'll see that what it's actually doing is it is moving particles towards the camera the brighter the luminance value for the green channel is that's what this g stands for if i were to change this to red would get a little bit different of an outcome but you'll see right now by default this effect is very exaggerated so i'm going to select that text box again and add a divided by two and you'll see that it will pull back how far it pulls those pixels but that is still pulling those pixels the brighter the luminance value of their corresponding pixel but as we scrub you'll see all of a sudden the pixels disappear and that is because i forgot a very important setting in our p image emitter all particles in resolve have a life span and by default this emitter lifespan is 100 but we want to make sure they reach the end of the composition so that lifespan needs to be longer than the entire timeline so i'm going to add here's something i ran to in this project the footage i exported is in 30 frames per second but i want my final product to be in 60 frames per second if i were just on the edit page i could drop that footage on the timeline and it would automatically double the frames necessary to stretch it out to that time so it would play back in normal speed at 60 frames per second so to get my footage to play back correctly i need it to last twice as long so i added this time speed node and pulled the speed down to 0.5 now to help focus the viewer's attention on my face i'm gonna go back to my media in and add an ellipse node i'm going to increase that so that when i move close to the camera later on in the video i am still visible and i'm going to increase the soft edge of that as well and then if we go back to our p render you'll notice as the image fades out the transparency of our particles goes down as well at this point you can go back and start messing with some of those settings that we set up when we set up our particle node tree so i'm going to go back into p image emitter and actually pull up this x density to 0.35 on each and you'll see in our preview that that will increase the particles on each horizontal and vertical line i'm pretty happy with that so i'm going to move forward but you'll notice this p render node we cannot connect right to our media out which we need if we want to get back to the edit page for that we need to select our p render node and add a renderer 3d node and this we can connect to our media out but if we do that and then preview the media out you'll see that we have nowhere near the perspective we want for this effect so before this 3d renderer you're going to add a 3d merge and in that merge we're going to add a 3d camera and what we want to preview to set this up is the merge 3d the effect we're going for is one where the camera has a very wide field of view but is very close to the subject in this case the particles that way the motion of those particles in z-space as they move towards the camera will be exaggerated i'm on a fairly wide lens now so you'll see that if i move my hand towards the camera it'll get disproportionately large that's what we're trying to achieve with these particles so with this camera selected we're going to pull it back in z space until it's just a little bit in front of our particles and then we're going to ramp up this angle of view i'm going to reposition the camera just a bit and scrub in our timeline to see how that feels i think this is close to what we're looking for so i'm going to go back to the edit page and let this render out so we can preview it in full time and another word of warning especially here you will see how intensive this effect really is this is taking a while on my system which granted is not the best but you should know going in this effect will take a while to preview it will take a while to render this effect is playing back fine so i'm actually going to pull up my source footage in the preview and pull the audio down to sync with that then if we play back we should have audio as well welcome you've been brought here for a purpose and that's pretty cool and i also tossed a few audio effects on the track like changing the pitch and a little bit of reverb to really sell the effect as you saw there are a number of different settings that you can play with to make this look exactly like you want it to i think this one effect has a lot of flexibility and when you think about the fact that we're only changing one small thing on that p custom node the possibilities really seem endless if you create a look you think is really cool let me know in the comments down below or find me on twitter and if you want more videos like this diving into davinci resolve be sure to subscribe thanks i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 15,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a 3d hologram in DaVinci Resolve, holiogram, particles in davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion particles, pcustom node, zordon effect, star wars hologram, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16, How to Make a 3D Hologram with Particles in DaVinci Resolve
Id: j4ABwkpti4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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