Thanks! Now My Wedding Is RUINED!

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creditors that had their weddings ruined how and what happened i got hypothermia during the outdoor photography and missed the reception because i was in the hospital with my brand new wife who was still in her wedding dress that's a great story my mom's best friend and maid of honor showed up the day of my mom's first wedding with her head shaved apparently she was in love with the groom and this was her silent protest the marriage only lasted two years and the groom eventually married the maid of honor dang not a personal experience but dad played in a band at a wedding where the bride's uncle dropped dead in her arms on the dancefloor talk about bringing the party to a halt my dad died at his nephew's wedding pretty much ended the party catering never showed up everyone was hungry also the fireworks show that night was cancelled for the first time for whatever reason i worked as a wedding decorator for five years and while this is not my own wedding it's still pretty bad two years ago we did the decor for a really pretty ceremony and halfway through the day we found out it was a surprise wedding basically they were not engaged but the bride planned the whole thing and the groom showed up at the golf course thinking he was just playing a regular round of golf nope he walked into his own wedding saw her standing at the altar and pieced the frick out as he should have i've also seen weddings where fist fights break out and we've had to call the cops there was another where one of the guests was smoking inside and caused a fire causing the entire wedding to evacuate into the rainy parking lot those and countless glasses of wine spilled on wedding dresses that happens a lot my mom ruined my wedding she ruined my brother's wedding too but that's another story she loved my fiance until we got engaged and then suddenly he wasn't successful enough i wanted to get married at the yacht club because an uncle on my dad's side could offer a huge discount she shot that idea down because she didn't want it to look like my dad's side paid for it they're divorced she tried to book the wedding at the same country club where her brother's recently failed marriage took place she shot down every single one of my choices from dress to food to colors and flowers it got to the point where i hated thinking about my own wedding and my husband finally suggested we just elope so we booked a date with a judge got married in secret and asked our families to meet us for dinner where we told everyone what we'd just done my mom couldn't be angry about it in front of everyone without looking like a nutcase 12 years later no regrets it's not about the wedding it's about the marriage this story is amazing i love your conviction i applaud you're not being pushed around by a bitter person i once dj'd a half black half white racist wedding the groom was a skinny white nerdy looking guy and the bride was a larger african-american woman both in their early 20s from the start i could feel a weird tension and hostility in the room but thought okay maybe something just happened at the ceremony that i missed and shook it off the night went on with a rather silent crowd until it got to the speeches first to go with the best man who gave a warm-hearted nice guy roast about the groom but then the maid of honor with an average i don't do speeches love laughter happily ever after cheers and escape then came the parents of the bride they both march up to the podium and the father takes the mic i love my daughter and i know her to be a smart woman i do not approve of this mix crap done walks back to seat my mouth is wide open at this point while i hear major chatter from the crowd the bride and groom must have been used to it cause they just smiled at each other and looked on for the next onslaught father of the groom gets up to the podium so as most of you all know my boy went off to university like a big shot for four years two years in he calls me and says dad i've met a girl that i might marry i say that's great son when can i meet her he brings her home for a weekend back in november and all i can remember is sitting in the kitchen he walks in and she gets in behind him and i'm like bam what the heck is that didn't see this crap coming frick it cheers drinks his wine and sits back down as soon as the dinner and speeches were done everybody but the bridal party left so i said you've got a hall all the booze you can drink all your best friends your new husband wife and a dj might as well celebrate so i set up karaoke and we all sang and got smashed for the rest of the night best wedding ever despite the ignorant people i'm glad the bride and groom were able to look past their family's hatred and still ended up getting married it's good that they didn't let their family's opinions get in the way of their love for each other the only mishap at my wedding was a friend videotaped the whole thing but accidentally used the night vision feature the video is pretty surreal with everything super overexposed with my pale skin i ended up looking like one of the aliens from cocoon i wouldn't call that ruined but it is pretty hilarious my phil's wife of the time attempted to ruin our wedding the week before our wedding she sent my mother an email that i the bride was am too good for her stepson then messaged me that she had decided not to wear the dress she and i had picked out she refused to come to the wedding rehearsal then showed up on the day of in a garish skimpy outfit she wouldn't speak to anyone or smile and just sat there with her arms crossed the whole day we just ignored her even when she threw away all the leftovers from the post-ceremony brunch that my husband and his best guys catered they're all cooked chefs my phil divorced her the following year she sounds awful i live in colorado springs company friends of ours got married last year 2013 they were going to get hitched the year prior 2012 at the flying w ranch a tourist attraction west of the springs but it burned down in a massive forest fire so they rescheduled the wedding for the next year at a b and b in black forest ceo just outside of sea springs another forest fire happened and the mandatory evacuations prevented them from using that venue they ended up poaching a public park near a pond for their big day instead it turned out beautifully not mine but my sisters she got married in a catholic church her father-in-law is venezuelan and doesn't speak english real well he didn't understand the priest when he said not to get out your brownings that old crusty mother didn't even use the modern word for camera photography is not allowed inside catholic churches i guess anyway her father-in-law stands up to take a photo man this part kills me because he was so happy for his son and just wanted a photo of the moment the priest slams his bible down mid-ceremony and yells at him in front of everyone not speaking barely any english and all he was so confused as to why the priest was upset he sat down looking so defeated and confused after the ceremony that krusty dong pickle was bragging about keeping his flock or some crap in line and that you sometimes have to yell at him i still hate that guy out of all the stories here this one maybe made me feel the saddest thankfully krusty dong pickle cheered me up i briefly owned a photo booth business that was hired mainly for weddings the worst thing i saw was the wedding planner showed up drunken or high and disappeared with the best man brother of the groom to go hook up so no one was in charge and the ceremony had to be delayed while people went to find the best man he also couldn't be found for his speech the dj delayed several times they tried to have sex in my father both so i took her by the arm and told her everyone knew she was wasted and they all hated her pretty harsh but even i was pieter as i tried to help the bride and dj coordinate the event the wedding coordinator left during dinner we did our best but the wedding sucked and the bride was pretty upset that nothing worked out she gave the dj and i an extra hundred bucks for our efforts and laughed when i told her that i told off the wedding coordinator good on you for trying your best even if it didn't work out my three-year-old brother got loose and pulled the fire alarm during the ceremony they definitely got their memorable moment our ceremony went off pretty much without a hitch but someone pulled the fire alarm in the hotel on our wedding night never book a hotel for a romantic evening if said hotel is also hosting a prom fifty percent of the people who rsvped didn't come my brother-in-law who volunteered to dj didn't actually bring any dj equipment so our reception was powered by pandora he also said he would video the ceremony and highlights of the reception but didn't bring his video camera the florist forgot to deliver about 50 of the flowers the reception venue took everything we discussed and then decided to do the opposite not enough tables big weird glass centerpieces no dance floor and when we tried to get it fixed the man who was sent to change out the tables stood outside the window of the reception hall angrily smoking cigarettes i later spoke with a friend who has worked with that man who explained that that sort of behavior happens pretty much any time he is asked to do anything so we made a cd of music for my brother-in-law to play before the ceremony began he insisted that he had something better it was two songs played on repeat for about an hour my immediate family was late to the wedding including my sister who was a brights maid and my mother and father they had originally offered to help set up everything that morning but i guess they just got a late start my veil got lost the night before the wedding it still has not resurfaced after everyone was done eating and the cake had been cut i dimmed the lights in the reception hall to change the atmosphere to a more fun party vibe and get people dancing everyone got up and left it didn't go great did my husband and i ended up married and we're still very happy together and that's the most important thing still i wish i'd saved the money from the whole thing and gotten married at the county clerk instead my husband and i got pregnant while planning our wedding my parents found out and moved the ceremony date closer two weeks before the wedding we lost our child not only was that hard enough my mother took it upon herself to cancel our wedding catering music venue guests even sold my dress we still kept our date my parents refused to come to our impromptu wedding because in their minds we were only getting married because we were pregnant also my aunt father's sister decided to tell my father that my husband threatened my mother my aunt was mad because we moved our wedding date before my cousin's wedding be marriage ended nine months later so my wedding was cancelled parents didn't come to my wedding we had the nice intimate wedding we wanted with my husband's family and our close friends we had an amazing picnic reception and a kick butt after party stress aside we had our perfect day in the long run i'm just a stranger on the internet but bravo well done weddings should be about the bride and groom not all that other extra stuff so many things happened my wife's parents were against us getting married that's a long story for another time first my wife's brother is a pastor she wanted him to perform the wedding her parents talked him into refusing then my phil said he wouldn't walk my wife down the aisle then when we were continuing to plan the wedding anyways my mill surprised us by showing up at our door luckily she lived in washington and we lived in southern california and my wife's brother not the pastor was able to warn us that she was on her way we then found out that she had an appointment set up with our pastor and my parents to try to get the rest of them on their side to get us to call off the wedding it didn't work and my mill was shocked when she was told by my pastor they're adults and can make this decision for themselves i've known strider 820 for years and he's a good man that was the final straw we cancelled the wedding and went to the courthouse to get married by a judge followed up by some breakfast burritos on the way home when we got back my mill was trying to get my wife to get an annulment including giving her information on how and where to get an abortion in case that was a factor my wife's brother was upset saying that we were basically saying frick you to the whole family to which we replied well yeah then her parents planned a joke of a wedding where we got no saying who where or what was involved they had the wedding in washington so it was cold wet and gray that also caused the only people from my family to be there to be my parents my best man was my wife's brother who i didn't like at the time as my best friend was too poor to make the trip to washington they basically didn't think we were really married until after that glorified party it really would have been nice if they used all the money they used to throw a circus to help us with a down payment for a house or something instead it has caused issues between me and her parents ever since meanwhile we've been happily married for almost nine years not a total loss for me but here is the setup we are non-denominational and our wedding was held at an outdoor venue in the summer here we all are friends and family gathered in suits and formal wear in the middle of june it's a hot day and people were anxious to get started so we went ahead and got everyone gathered around for the ceremony the justice of the peace we hired has not shown up yet and i'm nervously waiting as the ceremony is supposed to start in a couple of minutes the wedding time comes and goes still no justice of the peace we try to call and go straight to voicemail meanwhile everyone is now just standing around looking uncomfortable a few jokes are cracked about it and we continue to wait several more attempts to call go unanswered and now people are starting to get antsy 30 minutes go by and now people are starting to offer to call people they know to perform the ceremony 45 minutes after it was supposed to begin people are starting to loosen up their ties leave the area to find a cool place to hang out while they wait and a couple of people straight up leave i'm getting ready to call it when i see the justice of the piece strolling across the park towards us she is in no hurry at all when she arrives she loudly proclaims that she had bowel problems and couldn't get out of the bathroom when asked why she didn't call and let us know she just shrugged and said well i'm here now an hour late but at least she showed once we get everyone organized again we make it through the vows no problem then she asks to read a poem that she picked out for the wedding it turns out that the poem is about the plight of the native americans neither my wife or i are native american so this particular poem at this time seemed odd and out of place it seemed to go on forever and ever it was some serious bury my heart it wounded me crap as soon as the ceremony ended the justice of the peace signed the certificate and then took off she disappeared without so much as a goodbye i was just happy that she was gone i wouldn't have paid her it started with the invitations invited 102 people on my husband's side 12 rsvps after talking to his mother she assured me that that more people would come they just weren't used to risking we were having our wedding in his hometown so his family could all attend even though it was a 14-hour drive for us to get to his hometown so i needed to plan everything down to the last detail over the phone but my family was flying in from norway so they are svpd before i ever sent invitations i end up having to call each and every guest repeatedly to find out oh they are coming while feeling crazy because everyone in his family is like oh don't worry so much but frankly i wanted to know if i was going to need place settings and food for 150 people or 75 you don't get a refund if the guests don't show after all on the day of the wedding which i received maybe 80 rsvps well over 100 people show up then are upset because there is no assigned seat for them and because extra tables and chairs need to be set up additionally his family is ultra conservative christian and the highlight of the wedding was a family friend cornering me and saying in a very loud precise tone one might use for a deaf mentally disabled child i love your people i'm like i'm my dad desperately searching for my husband to rescue me i love the jews they are gods chosen at which point i cut her off and say oh i think there is and leave not even bothering to come up with a reason we had little tartlets for dessert as i'm not fond of cake they were on a lovely table at least 20 feet from the food his family just started eating them no worries about waiting for the bride and groom they acted like i was crazy for asking them to not eat them until we were ready for the traditional dessert feeding ceremony the guests immediately started to depart after eating my husband and my family were the only people who danced oh and the best part the town we were to be married and changed the licensing requirements to include both birth certificate and social security cards in addition to how drivers listen to this after we traveled there the passports were no longer accepted as form of id so my husband and i had to elope in a field 300 feet from the church in another county an hour before the ceremony tl dr i got 99 problems but a b ain't one my husband and i got married a month before our actual wedding just for background info the night before the wedding at the rehearsal dinner he broke up with me in a text message told me to pack my crap and get out by monday we were already technically married i was running on three hours of sleep and nerves this was after he was so drunk he could barely recite the vows during the rehearsal he'd been ignoring me for about a week up until that point i went to speak to his stepfather about the text i received only to have him blame everything on my mother whom he called crazy to my face and i have no idea how she was relevant or what she is to be blamed for to this day this started a huge fight between families i mean adults screaming obscenities at each other in public while i stood in a corner and cried on my best friend's shoulder because i was so embarrassed and disappointed and disgusted my husband was screaming at anyone who would listen about how terrible i was my father who did 20-plus years in the army and is retired later told me that he was so angry that he felt he was experiencing ptsd he is 61 years old i have never seen his eyes look so dead and i'll never forget violently he shook i felt like i had aged 10 years that night i was so worried my dad was going to have a heart attack or a stroke i'm tearing up just typing that my parents paid for everything the wedding venue decorations a dj the food bryant's made stuff groomsmen stuff my dress hair makeup everything they shelled out more than 12 k for me to have my dream wedding only to be ruined because i married and butthole with a personality disorder and i don't mean that in a haha what a jerk way this dude has some serious issues that i should have not handled by looking the other way because he was pleasant 50 of the time if even that and no i'm not blaming myself did i mention his seven-year-old daughter witnessed all of this because she did i will also never forget her asking me when we were gonna have the wedding again i can't imagine what she told her mother people if someone constantly says their exes will see and no one treats them right and everyone isn't butthole they are the problem not you run while you can anyway i'm still kind of bitter mainly because it was humiliating and so much money was wasted i had to send all the gifts back people were embarrassed for me people travelled to come share what was supposed to be a special day with me after a while all the pity started making me angry my therapist had a field day with that i still had the party it just went from being a wedding to my mom's incredibly expensive graduation party i'm glad it was an open bar too i drank a lot of bottles of champagne that weekend beautiful beautiful venue it looked like a mansion i never want to see it again not my wedding and it wasn't quite ruined but very much a huge mess last year my aunt got married to her high school sweetheart after 20 years i took the night off of work so i could drink and have a good time with everyone the reception was at their house in the country they are doing quite well for themselves and had a lot of lawyers and doctors attend so you know there would be expensive gifts they locked their house about an hour after the reception started and everyone was there only leaving the house unlocked for their wealthy guests to go inside and leave their belongings and gifts out of the elements the night went as planned until my new uncle decided to show up at my house a week later apparently he had received large cash gifts of fifteen thousand dollars and up and somebody decided to steal it he interrogated me but not harshly i got the feeling he was just asking me man to man since i'm young if i knew anyone at the wedding who might do such a thing of course i didn't a week goes by and suddenly my entire family stops talking to me he lost his crap and told my aunt that she could either keep the marriage or she could continue talking to me and my mother who was also at the wedding then resulting in a divorce he made her choose between her immediate family or her marriage she chose a marriage i used to be pretty big into tech but i'm not so tech savvy anymore whoever took the money disabled their security system cameras and all and set it up so it wouldn't record for 48 hours thus letting them steal the money with no way to prove it according to him because i used to be so tech savvy and am currently poor and struggling he believes that is 100 chance that i stole the money with constant insults about less wealthy folk always being thieves and not working for their own crap threats of breaking into my apartment and cutting off my hands for what he fully blames me of doing and tons of other horrible things i'm an honest guy and i would never do such a thing especially to my own family come to find out he had a really sketchy guy at his wedding that has been known to steal in the past a week later this guy abandoned his business home and fled to another state nobody has since blamed that guy or even raised an eyebrow just blaming us because of our current financial situation not a good time yeah sometimes the shittiest things are done by people when they know they have a good scapegoat to pin it on and unfortunately you were perfect at the time i'm sorry that people are buttholes i wouldn't leave this alone and i would mention mr shady thieving mcfuckface's name as often as possible to anyone who knows your family my mother who has mental health problems got increasingly upset as the attention from the family was taken from her it escalated to her barricading herself in her apartment refusing to take her diabetic medication or eat anything followed by taking all of her medication at once and then calling for emergency ambulance four days before the big one the dizzy is that the person who answered the call was my fiancee's mom mother-in-law to be who was working at the call center and was nothing but professional whilst they got my mum assessed and well sectioned she signed herself back out the night before the wedding citing it as a reason and then continued to cause merry havoc for attention for the whole thing highlights include shouting at the hairdresser introducing herself with a shout i'm the mother of the bride who are you to all changing all the tables and seating arrangements two hours before the reception refusing to state if she would be at the wedding she lived opposite the church people saw her peeking out of her curtains being forced to come being late and loudly complaining that she didn't have a good view from the front as i was walking down the aisle after waiting for her to be seated commenting rudely on people's outfit choices refusing to smile for photographs asking if the problem with my corset making me lightheaded on my dress was because i was too fat in front of everybody who had just gone quiet for a speech at the reception signing the guest book mother of the bride and addressing it only to me and not my husband looking after guest of mine who was staying at her house for the night after by forcing them all to eat full breakfasts at 6 00 am before they left then complaining when their drunk hungover vomiting kicked in picking us up for a drive on the morning after of our wedding and then taking us back to the reception hall and forcing us as newlyweds to help clear the bin bags wash the dishes before the caterers came to pick them up etc etc feigning another self-harm attempt for attention after the honeymoon forcing me to spend my second week married with her in a clinic rather than with my husband sounds like you might have to just walk away from that one if she won't get the help it's only going to get worse from here trust me on this i know from experience next it'll be your kids birthday parties stealing all her hard-earned attention away if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 31,697
Rating: 4.9605694 out of 5
Keywords: ruined wedding, ruined wedding ceremony, ruined wedding dress, ruined wedding reddit, ruined wedding cake, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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