Motion Track Your Masks In Apple Motion (Rotoscoping Tutorial)

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hey friends dylan bates here the final cut bro today we are going to be taking a look at advanced rotoscoping in motion five let's go first things first open up motion if you don't get the project browser go up to file new from project browser after that go to import as project and find the video that you want to import after that i'm going to shorten down this clip down to two seconds because rotoscoping takes a very long time and i gotta keep this tutorial short so just find your two second mark push o and then i can shorten the duration of this project here so what we're going to use is called a clone layer i will push k or you can right click and do make clone layer the clone layer anything that i apply let's say i add in a colorize anything that i apply to this original layer will apply to the clone layer so if i disable that original layer we can make the colors all crazy and the clone layer is getting those same effects applied however if i apply let's do it maybe a defocus blur if i apply a blur to the clone layer and disable the clone layer the original video is not being affected so to rotoscope this guy if we click this down arrow and go to bezier mask we can zoom way in here if we push command plus and then if you push space and then click and drag you can move your image around just like in photoshop or something like that so real quickly i'm going to chop this guy's head out and then i will be right back okay so we have this man's head cut out typically with rotoscoping you need to go frame by frame so we'd push the right arrow move the mask push the right arrow move the mask so on and so forth but i'm going to show you this super dope method of rotoscoping so what we're going to do is go to behaviors motion tracking match move and we're going to apply that directly to the mask then if we drag in this original video we will be given this red tracking marker let's just drag that to a good spot so i like to do just above his eye here it's a point of high contrast and easy for the computer to define and then we will just push analyze so that is going to analyze the motion of his head and you'll notice that our mask is moving with his head as well so that is going to save us a considerable amount of time rather than going frame by frame as it is we have a great track here on this guy's head now if the track isn't quite working one method that usually helps it is if you click this down arrow get your anchor point you can drag that anchor point directly to where you did the track now if we needed to clean up this mask we can go over here to the masking options go to our feather and i usually like to do like -3 in my mask so if i disable the original layer we can see our floating head here is working great and i did a really sucky job on his jaw so i might fix that really quickly so i'll just double click on our mask here zoom in and we can see if we can clean up his jaw a little bit here and maybe we can take the roundness up one there we go so now we have a better roto around his head and we didn't have to do individual key framing so from there let's go ahead and enable the full layer we're going to select our clone layer because that's what we want to actually be rotoing on and we will get our bezier mask tool and you're going to want to overlap over part of the original mask that you did for the head okay so we have the shoulders and once again we'll go up to behaviors motion tracking match move drag in our frame there move this tracking marker to a place of high contrast i find right there on the shoulder works pretty well and then we will push analyze okay so now we can go into our mask and we can set the feather to something like negative three and then we can disable the original and just see that our masks are working well i'm gonna drag the roundness up to two or so just so it looks a little cleaner okay so let's do the surfboard so i'm gonna enable that original layer so we can see what's happening and then we can select our clone layer we're gonna add yet another mask and this is a big benefit of motion over final cut pros that you can have multiple masks for a single layer which is what you usually want to do for more complex objects and i should explain if you click and drag you can get these rounded edges with the bezier if you push command both sides will be extended or shortened if you just select one one side will be extended or shortened and if you push option it won't be moving around so you can get a much cleaner edge so let's say you want a huge curve over here but no curve on this side you can do that with option and that's getting that's pretty good let's go ahead and bring up the roundness to three or so and now i'm going to show you with the motion tracking we'll do motion tracking match move this time we're going to apply rotation as well as uh just regular movements we'll do rotation and position and then we'll just drag in our frame there and this time it should give us two trackers so there's one over here to the right and we can just find a place of high contrast i'm gonna do this end of the board here and then apply the other tracker to this end of the board and then we will just push analyze and it looks like it didn't do too good of a job but i think we can fix that i'm gonna change one to blue so we know which one's which so our anchor should be here for the board so to do that we're gonna click on this down arrow go to our anchor point and drag the anchor to where the tracking is anchoring to and that'll give us a better track you can see that it's sticking a lot better to the board and applying the rotation properly also let's go ahead we'll disable this underlying layer go into our bezier mask we can feather it with negative three and i might even drag the roundness up to four maybe even five okay so now we've got his head his shoulders now we need his knees and toes so to do that once again re-enable this clip go to our clone layer and we will just do a single leg at a time because if you watch there's a little bit of parallax so the spacing between them is slightly different so we'll just go to our clone layer get our mask tool and so on and so forth so i'll apply this match move find a point of high contrast and analyze and let's disable this frame and just see how it's looking it's looking not too bad so now what we'll do is we will add a keyframe here in the mask settings under the control points and we'll just animate the control points on the shorts flapping in the wind perfect let's go ahead and just roto the last leg and then we should be able to call it a day so once again we've done this a million times select our clone layer select our bezier tool and we will just do a quick little track around the leg here [Music] so we've got the leg let's go ahead and apply the track behaviors motion tracking match move drag in our video frame and we will take our point here and i'm actually going to apply the anchor point down to that same area as well select our match move and push analyze and let it do its magic and we'll hope for the best because this takes a long time man i'm done so done okay so we've got our mask let's see how that track seems to have tracked it pretty well let's go ahead and apply some roundness maybe two frames feather it negative three disable our underlying frame and it looks like i missed an important part of our guy which is unfortunate but i will fix that momentarily there we go we seem to be getting a cleaner edge here okay so we have our guy pretty well chopped out i'm not super happy with all the edges and if i was taking more time with this roto i'd probably go in and clean those up for the sake of the tutorial i gotta keep it short okay so we're gonna take in some beach footage i have here we're just gonna move him from one beach to another and uh it helps if your your backdrop looks pretty similar in lighting to your original footage of course that's not gonna work out for everything but you know that's general rule of thumb and let's go ahead and select this group two and we'll push command and left bracket and that will drop it in the group setting there so we can get it underneath our frame now you'll notice that the original footage is actually moving so we need to do that same thing for this underlying footage so we'll just go into our behaviors motion tracking match move we'll drag in this frame and we will find that part of the scene that tracks pretty well his jawline seems to be tracking pretty great so we will analyze that perfect now our backdrop is moving with our video there then we can take the scale on this and drag it up just a bit great okay so now we could go into our guys settings here into our our clone layer we'll go to filters color and we're going to use the color balance and so we can find an area in our image that is completely black so we'll take our shadows and this looks to be completely black so we'll select that and it'll match similarly in the darkness here then we'll go into our mid tones and you can click and hold and find a spot that matches relatively well so this seems to look pretty similar here with this bluish area and then we can go into our highlights and find an area that matches the brightness of what we want in our scene we'll just click and drag and find what we're looking for great so now we have our guy in the scene and what we could do is maybe apply a shadow underneath him to really implement him into the scene so we'll just create a circle here and i will go ahead we'll put it on group two make a circle something like that and it looks perfect let's go into our shape and we'll change the fill to be black let's get rid of the outline and then we'll feather it like crazy maybe shrink the size down just to implement them a little bit more into the scene and this is all you know other aspects of the effects so yeah so now we have our guy and he's in a totally new scene which is great um if you wanted you could add a flare that matches what's happening on him to really implement him but uh i don't have time for that so thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time for a final cut friday tutorial peace [Music]
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 3,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial
Id: k1myQ7Sndms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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