Apple motion Behaviors - Apple Motion Professional Training 6

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra and today we're talking about behaviors in Apple motion behaviors are a powerful way to animate simple things and even complex things like camera sweeps all within Apple motion if you've animated before you've probably animated using keyframes and the example that we're going to use right now is a classic example of creating a realistic ball bounce so I just have a background gradient that I grabbed from our content library so this is included with Apple motion just set that up and I drew a circle and I'm going to go ahead and just try to animate this as quickly as possible using keyframes and so here's my quick simple animation using some keyframes as you can see it's it's not very good I'm going to go ahead and replay that again from the beginning and to create something that's going to look fairly decent it's going to take me a quite a little time to finesse it just right so what we're going to do is get rid of all of these keyframes and create a much better much more fluid animation just using behavior let's jump into our library our library here is where our behaviors are stored so if i zoom in here you can see my behaviors I've got all these different categories of behaviors what we're going to look at right now for this example is under simulations and under simulations here I've got a whole bunch of these different specific simulation what I'm going to do right now is just pick a gravity and if I highlight this guy you can see what it's doing here it's giving me an example here realistically pulls objects down negative acceleration pushes objects up and I'm going to drag this right onto my circle before I do anything else I'm also going to go ahead and grab an edge collision makes objects collide with the edges of the screen I'm going to go ahead and put that on my circle as well jump into my inspector set some parameters we're going to change our acceleration here to 400% and our bounce strength to 50% I also want to turn off the back face front face for this example and let's go ahead and see what's happening the first thing that you'll notice is in my graph editor I've got these really smooth bounces happening here so that's pretty interesting I'm going to play this back and we'll see what's happening here that's already looking a lot better now I don't want it right here at this edge so what I'm going to have to do is just push this back in z space here a little bit and that's going to be my edge there there's one last thing I need to add to this to create that throw motion that happened that last ball bounce I had kind of bounced across here so I'm going to go in my library here and go into basic motion and we have a throw I'm going to go ahead I'm going to grab this throw behavior also put that on the circle so you'll notice now I have three behaviors I have a throw and edge collision and a gravity and I'm going to go ahead into the inspector we want to go ahead and throw this with a velocity going in x-direction it's kind of hard to see exactly what's happening here so I'm going to pop up to this top right corner and open up the head-up display and if I select one of my other options here you can see it's giving me a quick call out of these different pieces here it doesn't give me everything but if I go into my throw it gives me this sphere that I can give directions to and I can actually throw in three-dimensional space so I can kind of throw this backwards so now if I go ahead and I toss that it's actually throwing further out into Z space now that's moving a little slow for me so I'm going to crank up this gravity to about a thousand percent and what I'm trying to illustrate here is just how fast I'm able to make these changes so if I had to do that with keyframes that was gonna that's going to take me a lot of time because I can't just easily move this in whichever direction I want it to go in and what if I decided well you know now I want several of these I want a few different ball bounces and this one is actually going to start here and that this one is going to start here and this one actually I need it to be over here and I need to throw in the other direction so if I go into this guy you can open up his behaviors and we're actually going to throw him in this direction and now I'm able to animate a whole bunch of these all at once now that's not all the behaviors we have here so I'm going to go ahead and close this one this is our intro here let's go ahead and look at a deeper example so I've got another example here that I've put together and all of this has been created and animated using behaviors I'm including this in my tutorial here so you can go ahead and download it following the description link but let's go ahead and start analyzing what's happening in here so obviously I've got a few different layers in here and all of them have these behavior layers let's deconstruct some of this and see what's going on I'm going to go ahead and just start with a plain old rectangle this guy is going to be our background so I'm just going to label that background and let's go ahead and give him a bit of more color next thing I'm going to do is just create some text layers so in my case here and I'm going to go ahead and create a camera so go to my new object and create a camera switch all our layers to 3d so we have our background and we have our text in there now that we have our camera in 3d I'm just going to tilt it to the side here and what I want to do is I want to just move this text so I can do a couple different things we've talked about text sequences before and text behaviors before so I could use those text animation or text sequences but for right now I'm going to use basic motion and what I want to do is I want to move this from point A to point B as soon as I put a move behavior on my text you can see it's wanting to do something I've got this little 3d gizmo and I'm just going to drag it to right about here I'm going to turn off that behavior right now and we're just going to move this text layer all the way to the right so what this is going to do now is over the course of this move behavior move into that position I can shorten this behavior so now this animation of this moving on to the screen only takes that long if I need to adjust this behavior I go into my inspector here you can see we have strength Direction speed and how we're going to move this so if I want to move this from well it's going to start here and move to that other position this little gizmo here is actually our move behavior this is the point in XY and z space that it's going to reside at either to or from so I want to move to here and I don't want that so harsh see how that kind of comes in and slams in we're going to go ahead and ease both of those so it's going to just slide in a little bit and we'll give it over two seconds or so I want this camera to move across at the same time so almost like it's kind of moving around the whole thing so I'm going to take this basic motion now we're going to do is just add another move and I'm going to put this guy on the camera and this guy is going to run the whole time give it a little extra movement so now you can see what's happening is we have the whole camera moving here so it's creating a really nice effect now you remember I had those other lines in there too and I actually had this text kind of come out of nowhere well I'm just going to create another shape here and we're just going to draw a couple lines and we're going to give this guy his own group we're going to put him into a new group or just going to call this one line and we'll go ahead and we'll make him a little blue and we'll give him a drop shadow and we're actually going to make him just a little transparent I want him to exist the whole time so we're going to go ahead and pull him on there and I want this guy to just kind of be overlapping so we'll start him right about here and I'm just making a few copies of him so we've got this been happening and I want all of these to kind of come in at the same time one eye right after the other I'm going to go up to my library again and we'll just pick throw and this throw behavior if you remember from before open up my head up display and we're just going to move it ever so slightly this way and what I like about these behaviors is I can actually copy and paste them and I can change this up any way I want to so what if I did something like this I can take this whole line we're going to take this AV ultra text now we're going to create an image mask and that line it's going to be that image mask so now our words are only appearing where those lines are now that's looking pretty cool but I can't really read what's happening here right so I can go into my lines again and I'm going to go to my very first bezzie here and it's the one that's been thrown through it maybe this direction and I'm also going to add a grow shrink behavior and this grow shrink behavior will keep expanding if I open up my inspector here I can actually scale this across the whole thing here and you can see that that's actually expanding and I like that so I'm going to take that grow shrink we're going to throw it on to other copies here and now we have this nice little reveal so that is a quick easy way to start working with behaviors in Apple motion there's a ton of different behaviors that we can get into some of my favorites are match move or link but for our purposes just getting started with this I just want to give you enough to understand how they work again my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra and hopefully found this tutorial useful
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 46,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stanislaw Robert Luberda, Post Production, Apple Motion, Motion 5, Motion graphics, Mograph, Motion tutorial, Apple motion Behaviors, motion, tutorial, apple motion 5 behaviors, apple motion text behaviors, video production, final cut, AV Ultra, apple, apple motion 5, apple motion 5 tutorial, apple motion templates, apple motion tutorials, Apple Motion for beginners, apple motion tutorial for beginners, motion 5 behaviors, apple motion tutorial
Id: J5BB-18L8XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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