Apple Motion: Advanced Glitch Tutorial

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hi this is Simon Abdallah hope you're all safe and well and welcome to another tutorial for Apple motion and today we're going to be taking a look at this advanced glitching effect so the glitching is interesting in its own right but we've also got this quite interesting scene with the reflective floor and so on so and I hope you're going to enjoy this one so let's get started so let's just look at our project here 1920 1080 24 frames a second 10 seconds long so first of all I want to set up the element that is going to drive the glitching over the set of elements so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add updated generators urn we're going to use our good ol friend clouds so let's just set this up let's have a horizontal scale of 64 and let's reduce the speed to 0 down here with the layer strength so I want to set both those first two to 0 and the second 2 to 1 then I want to open up the gradient editor so first of all let's come to one second on the timeline and then I want to select the white tab here I want to hit keyframe for its location and I'm gonna set that value to 5% then I'm going to set step forward to 3 seconds and I'll set that location up to 100% now let's also select the black tab it's already got a keyframe for its first position and what we're going to do is set its final location to 90% so now we've got this effect so then what I want to do is I want to add a little bit more gray to this so it's the edges are softer so I'm going to use filters blur Gaussian blur and I'm gonna set the amount to 64 and then what when to do is add the filter that's going to turn this into a glitch element and that is stylized pixelate so let's increase the pixelate value to something like 27 you can see we've got this blockiness and that's what we want and we've got white blocks a lot of white blocks a lot of black blocks and quite a few gray ones as well the gray ones are really important so then what I'm going to do is come to the clouds scale and I'm going to increase that X scale to 300% and you see we've got these stretched out blocks so then what we can do is we can duplicate this to add some variation to it so I'm going to right click duplicate now the way I want to composite these elements is using alpha but there is no built in alpha to the clads so what we're going to do is we're going to add filters color channel mixer and I'm going to set the Alpha off to zero and I'm going to use red for the Alpha and we don't see anything at the moment but as soon as we start making a change to this for example coming over to the generators offset you'll see that we can offset that and work when we're layering these up using the transparency from the luminance so then we want to change up the pixelate value so instead of fit 27 I'm going to go for these 63 and I think that's quite good let's let's table light on and off yes I think that's going to be good so let's have another one right click duplicate let's again just change up that pixel H value gonna hide that charming so let's go for a scale of I don't know 13 let's have some small ones and again let's just adjust that Y offset on the generator and we can also me even just stretch it out on X a lot more like maybe go for 450 so now we've got pretty interesting results and we can always adjust some of these values later if we want to depending on how our glitch works out so I just want to make sure that it's completely white at the start and it's completely black at the end so what I'm going to do is go and take this group and I'm going to add object generators add a color solid I'm going to make this one white I'll do another one and make it black and then just turn them both off the white one I'll select the white one I'm just going to come to the point at which I want it were to all still to be white sir says 107 I think hit o on the keyboard and then where do we want it to be black around about there 301 selects the black color solid and hit I on the keyboard and if we turn those both back on again when safely to black for the duration of the end and we're safely in white for the beginning and and no matter how we change these up that'll that'll always be the case so let's now call this group displace source and let's think about putting it to work so let's close it up and let's make a new group let's turn off the display scroop and let's select our text tool and let's type the word glitch and let's make it about 400 pixels and let's bring it down a bit let's also choose centre alignment and properties just Center it up let's just adjust that baseline a little bit more okay so the next thing we want to do is we want to make this group fixed resolution and we also want to make a displace source group fixed resolution but I'm not going to do that because I just want to show you the difference that it makes so to this new group I'm going to add filters distortion bump map and then I'm going to use our displace source as the source I'm going to set the direction to 90 and I'm gonna set that amount to 4 now it's not looking good at all and that's because the displace source is being scaled to fit the size of that text layer this is the text layer is its own dimensions not the dimensions of the project so if we now make the displace source fixed resolution it's looking good so we're getting that effect so we're well on our way so what I would then going to do is I'm going to duplicate that bomb map right click duplicate and let's adjust some of these amounts let's set the first one to 3 I think the next one to 6 and then let's duplicate it one more time and let's set this one to 8 now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set one of these directions to the opposite direction so this middle one I'm going to set the direction to 270 that's kind of a lot more interesting you see that's 90 it's all just coming in from the left but with 270 that's also coming in from the right a little bit and it's quite like that maybe let's reduce that amount of five so I think we've got a fairly good result at this point and we can move on so the other thing I want to do is I want to add an image mask to this text layer so right-click that image mask and I'm going to use the displace source and we want to set the source channel to luminance and then we want to invert it and so what this is going to do if I turn off those bump maps is it's going to fade on this text layer and that's going to allow us to create our transition from our other piece of text so let's make a new group trips a new group and I'm just going to copy that glitch text into it so alt drag it into that group there and let's give this a different word let's call it fantasy and what we do here is we're going to uninvite the image mask so now our text is changing like so now you'll notice that it's not quite right because we're getting a little bit of transparency before we want our glitch effect to happen and we can sort that out if you remember we added a white solid we just need to extend that white solid to this point so I'm going to hit 0 on the keyboard so that it stays solid it only fades once the glitching happens so let's do a bit of tidy up here this group here I'm going to call text V because it's going to be the second one we see top one is going to be text a because it's going to be the first one we see and close those two groups up let's make another new group and let's put those two into it now I want to do something fancy with a colored glow for this so what I'm going to do is take that group and I'm going to make a clone of it so with a clone selected I'm going to come to filters blur I'm not going to use a fancy blur called channel blur and what I'm going to do is let's set this amount initially to 64 I want to turn off red green and just be left with blue and I think you can see now we've got this really nice effect and we can make it even more intense by just duplicating that a couple of times right click duplicate and just increasing this amount progressively so one to eight for the next one and two five six for the last one and then just adjust these mix values so 30% for the top one and 60% for the middle one so now I think that's looking really rather nice so let's close this group and call it glows which is what it is let's call this group master text let's make yet another new group and let's add those two groups to it and then what we can do is make this group 3d now I want to add a background in order to be able to do our reflection and all the rest of it so let's make yet another new group and into that group I'm going to import the element called floor slab that in I'm good rotate this group through 90 degrees on X and I'm going to bring it down let's say negative 200 so inside this 3d group with the floor in it I want to make another group and this one I want to be 2d and I'm going to put the floor slab into it and I'm going to select the group and I'm going to make a fixed resolution and let's go for a width of 6000 and a height of 8000 and then to this group I'm you to add filters tiling Collider tile and I'm just going to increase that with till we start to see the edges of this tile so around about 1620 seems to be doing it and the same thing with the height increase that till we just see the gap roundabout there so that's 1070 now we can add a light I think just to make this look a bit more interesting already more dramatic but the problem with the light is that it's affected our text which we want to be very very bright so I'm going to select this group here which is the sort of master everything group for the text and I'm going to come to lighting and I'm going to turn the lighting off and what I need and I need to put this floor group behind the rest of it so I'm going to move it right to the back so I'm going to call this group floor let's just sort out this light here I'm going to set its color to be a little bit cooler I think just to match the the light from the text let's set its intense let's first of all set its fall-off to 20 that set its intensity up to a thousand and perhaps just move it up a little bit on why let's go for 200 Oh 200 mm so now it looks like it's being it's costing the light onto the floor from the text okay so let's have a look at doing this reflection which is the fun part first of all I'm going to come into this group here that's got the collider tile with our floor slab and that I want to actually make use of these nice divisions in the floor so I think I'm going to set that scale to about 60 and then we'll be able to see these divisions and I think they're gonna look really rather nice so let's call this group here main and then what we're going to do is we're going to make a clone of it and let's call this one reflection and we're just going to come over here and turn on the layer order button so now what we're going to do is when to rotate it through 180 degrees on X and then just bring it down on Y to around there so the cunning trick to making this look like a reflection is to select this clone layer and add an image mask and we've come in and select this group here that is in that floor group and it's got a Collider tile on it so we're going to add that we're going to switch the source channel to luminance and we need to turn that group back on again now what we need to do is we need to select that image mask and add a levels to it and we're going to take that black value and we're going to crunch it like this so we've got lots of detail in there and then what we're going to do is just take that clone and add a Gaussian blur to it and let's set that value to around one to eight and now if I add a camera and we add a sweep and let's just set that value to about 15 you'll see that we've got a reflection on our floor here now I don't much like what's happening with our floor so I just want to fix that I'm going to come to that floor slab and adjust its scale to 20% and then I'm just going to adjust that Collider tile and let's go for 735 by 475 and it's giving us a lot more tiles and I think that's a lot more interesting now and you can see that effect I was talking about it's really nice to be able to see the reflection being broken up by those those tiled elements now you're probably noticed you won't notice but some there is some speck Ling going on here and what you'll need to do is to make sure that when you render this you select best quality otherwise you'll get some really nasty results on the floor now I want to give it more of a sense that this is lighting up the floor and I'm going to do that with an extra element in this reflection group so I'm just going to turn off the camera at the time being just while I set this up and I'm going to select the Bezier tool and I'm going to come from around here down here there and there it doesn't have to be too accurate but just something roughly like this so what I'm gonna do is set its color to be something like that this should do and I'm going to feather it in so negative 100 I'm going to set its blend modes to add and then I'm going to copy the image mask from this reflection layer so alt drag that onto the bezzie a like that and I think you can see that that's given us a nice sort of to the camera back on again this sort of blue wash and we can play with exactly how that works pretty maybe bring these out just a little bit just to give us the feel that we want so we can we can we can play with that with that light path as much as we like so that's going to help with the overall effect so I think my camera is a bit boring so what I'm going to do is increase its angle of view to 75 and then let's come and adjust its position let's pull out to 600 and I think that's that's looking you're not more dramatic I think so let's also build a little bit more of the rest of the scene so let's make a new group I'll make it at the top and I'm going to call this wall because we need a back wall and I'm going to import its wall JPEG I'm going to set it scale to 500% and it's said position to negative 3000 negative 3000 not 300 there we go and I need to put this right at the back of the scene so now although we're not really seeing it it's filling up that back and once we add the rest of our lights is going to work I'm going to make another new group and I'm going to call this Gerda's and I'm going to import the element called shelving let's come to properties let's rotate it through 90 degrees on said and then let's come to object replicate so first of all I want to switch to 3d and then I want to select box I want to open up the size let's have a width of 13:15 and a height of 360 and a depth of 1500 so let's sort these rows and ranks out so three columns three rows and three ranks and then let's adjust its position I'm going to go for 500 on Y and 500 on Z and we need to put this almost at the back of the scene so I'm going to come to object send to back and actually we really can stick and stay there that's that's actually working it doesn't have to be in front of the wall but so now we've got this really nice parallax and we got that nice glitch happening and obviously the glitch is is being reflected in the floor which is which is a really cool thing I'm just going to push in a bit on that camera because I think we're a little bit too far out let's go for 400 or maybe even 300 and there's a few more things I want to do one of which is to desaturate this blue glow a bit so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select that glows group and add a color hue/saturation I'm going to set the hue angle to be 300 and then I'm going to increase the saturation to around 0.3 and the value up to two and I think that's a much nicer result so you also see it's giving us much hotter reflection on the floor and I think that's going to be good too and let's just make a little bit of an adjustment to our floor I think I like it more when I can see one of these cracks in the light so I'm going to set the Y value to negative 200 and I really like it when we see that light just hitting that gap there I think he looks that looks really nice okay just a few more things before we finish I'm just going to turn off this reflection group because it's slowing us down a bit just for the time being and I want to just briefly turn off the camera and then I want to come to my displace source group I'm going to move that right at the top so we can easily find it so in this displaced group I'm going to import this thing that I've made for you called glitter texture and immediately you'll see we've got this additional layer of continuous glitching or other intermission glitching and we can dial that in whenever we feel like we want some extra in interesting little glitches so it actually it's times to happen more or less with the the main animation so what we can do is just literally just effect its opacity whenever we want to see it and when we don't we want a to disappear so I quite like that to that point there hit'em an opacity keyframe Steph Ward one frame set it down to zero let's come forward a bit let's set an opacity keyframe Steph Ward 1 frame set it up to a hundred step forward a few frames another keyframe there for another down to a hundred again few frames forward another keyframe step forward up to a hundred few frames more forward another keyframe one frame forward down to a hundred and so altogether that's going to look like that with a nice glitch there no one there another one there you know as many of those as you want so with our camera back on again that sweep is much too much let's adjust that camera sweep let's go for about negative four to five or something and I think there's a really nice those just those little extra intermittent glitches so just one final detail let me just turn off the camera and while we do it I want to add some texture to the text so inside this master text group I'm going to make a new group object new group and I'm going to put those two text groups inside it so with the master text group selected I'm going to import the text texture I'm going to right click add image mask and I'm going to use this group that I've made with the text groups in it as the source then let's add a levels color levels and let's just bring the black in quite a bit so you want to start seeing that texture like that and then there's just adjust the texture scale so I'm going to go for about 100 percent on X and leave it as it was so I think that's improve things a bit and there's just one final thing I'm sure you're going to want to know about and that's how to make the text disappear at the end so glitching off at the end so I'm coming into my displace group here I've got my three clouds elements there just above them I'm going to make a new group and put the three of them inside it and then I'm going to make a clone of that group right click make clone there I'm going to move that up to the top and then I want to move that to seven seconds on the timeline so I've come to seven seven seconds on the timeline and then what I can do is with that clone selected I can come to mark move selected to end point and what we need to do with this clone is to add a color negative so we're swapping it around and now you'll see that that's glitching off but we're seeing the old text underneath so we just need to make sure that we come into our master text layer and right inside here that we need to make sure that text a is finished well before seven seconds even at seven seconds if we're going to precise I'm going to hit oo on the keyboard and that won't be apparent once we've glitched off so there you go it's glitching off like that as it as its glitching off we should really think about animating the light so let's do that let's come to the inspector let's set an intensity keyframe at that point and then once it's completely disappeared there 9 15 let's set that intensity down to zero and now we get well what I did was I added a few more lights just so that there would be little there will be something left at the end so they're very very low intensity making them a little bit blue just so there's something left to the scene after we've we've faded and the final thing that I did which is pretty cool and I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about this so I'll leave you to animate it is that I animated the position of the girders so right at the first frame I'm set a position for those girders of negative 3/10 on Y and then we can move forward to I don't know about second 1/2 or something and keep throwing that sorry I should have keep from that set that to zero come back to the start negative 3/10 and so then the girders will well lift up like that but what I actually did I did it with an overshoot behavior so it had little bounce at the end which is which is a nicer way of doing it and then I also just animated them down at the end so around about there and then I set that again back to negative 3/10 and with a nice sound effect that's you know that's going to be pretty cool okay so I have that's been interesting thanks very much indeed for watching see you again soon
Channel: Simon Ubsdell
Views: 23,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OD0r5sdZnYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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