Ultimate Cities Skylines 2 Traffic Test...I was SHOCKED at the Results!

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traffic lights versus roundabouts that age old discussion well we're going to take it to another level in City skylines 2 making use of some traffic spawners which one is going to be able to take the most traffic stay tuned to find out so how have I set up the test well I've just taken the San Francisco map I flattened out a nice big area in the middle initially I was connecting to the outside of the map which is why we've got all these roads heading out but we don't need those for those of you that know how to use the developer mode and I have a video which will be linked on the screen you can go and check that out afterwards that gives us uh access to this list here we press the home key and if we type in here traffic all the way down the bottom we have the traffic spawner and this is what the traffic spawner looks like I just click on one of these we've got a little box that spits out traffic and accepts traffic as well just a little note when you're setting up your traffic spawners for your test yourself it has to be placed against a road that actually allows traffic to come on and off of it if you place it up against a highway it won't snap and it won't work so the idea of this test is I have eight traffic spawners north south east and west and we are going to see how much traffic The Humble traffic light four-way Crossing setup will take work our way up through all the asymmetrical roads and the roundabouts as well and yeah get some figures and facts together on how good the traffic is in the game so that was an auto saave let's have a quick sipper to start off with and let's hook some of these up so what I've done is I've disconnected the road down here uh when we get to the Roads connecting to our fourway road you need to sort of set it up a little bit like this otherwise you'll get people doing u-turns at the end so if this is got a big enough angle you can then use this little symbol here there we go if I turn that off you've got a a U-turn going straight back up again if we left click there then they'll go straight up and down the road that's what they are for so what we're going to do is we're going to grab the normal roads these ones here we've got them set to parallel .5 and I'm just going to pause the game and we're going to bring that out to there which will activate these two and I'm just going to do that on all four sides so that's one spawner spitting out traffic and one spawner receiving traffic on each side and if we speed up the game we'll know it's working because any second now this one here should spit out some traffic to head off into the city I think we just need to replace them down again and then we'll get some cars coming out and then I'll remove the ones that are next to it as well there we go so we don't get any issues so I've done that on all four sides what I'm going to do is run this on full speed and it's really going to be a thing we're going to sort of see with our eyeballs there's no sort of mods for counting the traffic or anything like that and we're going to see how these work whether it can just keep up with it without backing up with a load of traffic so let's watch this oh and we're going to get that sometimes the U-turn thing there is no way of stopping that that I have found with just a normal four-way Junction so yeah and also of course using the photo mode we can speed this up to eight times there we go so we're going to run this for I'll probably make it 30 seconds and let's see what happens Okay so we've definitely got traffic from all four directions it's no problem at all I know I had a little piece of road that was going the wrong way I fixed that and yeah keeping up with one from each direction is no problem at all so what I think I'm going to do is pause the game there we are going to just jump this right up from one to three in each Direction on each of the F uh four cardinal directions as well so let me just do that so you'll see on this side from from time to time that this one will spoil some traffic and then it'll go up and go into one of these um and that's the same happening on this side if they're all on the straight line this one will spawn traffic it will drive down the road and then go into one of these but I've split them out onto their own Road and I'm actually hoping yeah so that's working this is working yeah so now they can't back up and go into another one all the traffic is going down which is exactly what we want to see so I'm going to put this set up on the other directions as well there we go that's all three all four sides are set up with three spawners on their own Road and that should work a lot better we could even stop the parking on these roads so yeah I'm thinking of more things as we go along so we just pop in a wide sidewalk on all of these then they are not going to park there we go once you get down here onto the nonp parking Road anyway and then that will be the maximum traffic we can get from these three on each side coming in so let's uh see what that does once I've put the wide side walks down we've got it cranked to 8 speed let's give this one 30 seconds and see whether it can cope with it I'm pretty sure standard four-way traffic light will be fine now you will notice that there are vehicles that are despawning now I have seen that in the game and it's normally down to the fact that if you mess around with the road and then it thinks oh I can't get to where I need to before it just sort of breaks like if you delete a road and move a road I don't know the technical ins and outs of these traffic spawners so it may be down to that that we'll see the odd car or truck could despawn in but as the game goes on let's see how that works but so far this one is doing okay right we've upgraded we've now got six traffic spawners coming in on each Direction so let's see how that turns out so I have mentioned to colossal order if possible could we have a no u-turn uh item that we could put down to really stop those trucks swinging around but yeah we'll we'll see whether that gets added they're obviously working on a lot of performance things at the moment it is getting pretty busy but from what I can see it's doing absolutely fine maybe we need to double it again to 12 right decided to go for 14 and I think we're possibly reaching the Max and we are seeing Vehicles despawning which is a little bit disappointed but like we said we are in Devi mode we are using things that shouldn't be used in the game and there's not many that are despawning if rarely any at all but we can see if we just zoom out a bit but the traffic is really starting to back up so yeah I would say interesting we've got more traffic coming from this way than these two ways more traffic than these two ways which is interesting but yeah we've definitely reached the limit so what I would like to try here we slow things down again is yeah we've got the traffic symbol is how much different an asymmetrical Road will make so we' just got two lanes in and two lanes out so if we get a five Lane asymmetrical Road and drag that into the junction there we go so we've now got a dead indicated right hand turn on every on every way in and out there we go and then if we Max this back up to eight again and just see whether that can clear out the traffic from all the way back down these two lanes probably very quickly there we go when the lights go lots more people getting through so definitely asymmetrical roads are helping on a traffic light well what is going to be the max amount of traffic spawners with asymmetrical roads on a four-way traffic light right now we have 20 coming in from each Direction so once again we'll whack this up to 8 speed keep an eye on this whoop zoom in and see whether asymmetrical roads and traffic lights can keep up with [Music] 20 [Music] right we're up to 25 and I'm noticing people are swinging around over here which is something that I'm afraid I can't stop because again we've gone from a road with the median to the asymmetrical road with the Gap in the middle and that is going to affect some of the some of the testing that we're doing here this one they're not doing it so much I think what we're going to have to do do is do a little bit of jiggery pokery in this piece of road here so I think what we'll be able to do is if we upgrade all of these to asymmetrical roads uh we've already got here a no right hand turn so they shouldn't swing around and then that should mean that they just continue all the way down here once they've sorted themselves out let me just upgrade all of these as well going in the same direction so that's that way and that way that one we've done this one here that way and that way and then hopefully we don't see anybody swinging around here cuz we don't have asymmetrical roads with a barrier in the middle and I definitely think we've reached the maximum of the standard four-way traffic lights excellent that's what I want to see look at that gridlock in City skylines 2 brilliant and there doesn't seem to be any traffic despawning now which is good as well so I don't know why we were getting that before for maybe it just takes the game a while to work out how these traffic spawners work and that sort of thing when you place new ones down but look at that we've reached the limit okay so could we add a larger asymmetrical Road in here we've got the five Lane if we add in a seven Lane asymmetrical road so we need to turn this option off here so we can sort of get it lined up I mean it's not going to match exactly is it that's going to give us extra roads coming out as well extra roads coming in and then I'm going to do the same all the way down like we've done before to solve that little issue there we go so a load of traffic just despawned because we've changed the road so what are we getting now we're getting two right hand turns although the middle ones and the left one unfortunately as well is being used as a straight arm but we might just get more traffic now going through let's bump this up to eight speed and just give this a little bit of time to run through oh it's getting hectic and I did see some despawning there okay okay well well we'll see how things go let's just zoom out a little bit I mean whoops it is sort of keeping up with it all isn't it even though I've just said some stuff is despawning yeah there we go look it's just cleared it all out now so interesting so the larger asymmetrical road with a load of traffic and standard traffic lights that can keep up as well brilliant I mean it's getting a bit hectic in the middle but yeah it's still doing okay so let's now switch over to roundabouts and see whether we can run the same test with those right so we're going to have 10 spawners going in to start off with I'm also adding three more on the output side cuz that's sort of backing up a little bit as well so obviously their ability to take in traffic is better than their ability to spit out traffic there we go excellent that should do for now and then what I want to do is just remove all the traffic from the game so I'm just going to delete there we go a junction uh a a segment back from there run it for a second and eventually everything will just disappear okay four lane roads we're going to pop in a small roundabout and see whether that can cope with 10 spawners let's wait back this up to8 speed and see how it goes yeah 10 spawners and just the two roads coming in and out we're seeing traffic despawning although it's about to catch up on these three sides how are we doing down here not too much down here either so maybe once it's got rid of the initial backlog it can keep up which would be pretty impressive if it does I mean that's not too bad at all is it that is not too bad at all we've got no turning around no u-turns at the end we are seeing a little bit of despawning but like we said before that seems to settle down after a while let's just give it another minute yeah it's struggling it is struggling a bit it backs up from time to time so I tell you what we're going to do we're going to pop in an asymmetrical road so we're going to go for the first one the five Lane asymmetrical road with the extra Lane going into the roundabout like so and we're going to do that on all four sides there we go we're probably going to lose the park cars now let's see how that works out on the small [Music] roundabout so that is pretty much kept up with that no problem at all so I have having that dedicated right hand turn on every side is just making that one absolutely fly right let's up the spawners right we've got 15 spawners on each side so that's 60 Al together with the very small roundabout with the asymmetrical roads let me run it for a bit until the despawning stops and we'll see how it can keep up yeah seems to be going okay let's uh up it again right now we have 20 spawners on each side for a total of 80 on the small roundabout with the asymmetrical roads coming in I'm thinking that this one is going to be a problem let's just keep an eye on this for a second or [Music] two I mean it's getting pretty hectic in the middle again isn't it chaotic but when it does sort of clear whether it's through dporting cars or things just just go although it gets to that point again where I'm not seeing I mean I'm not been able to look at every single car all at the same time but they're not despawning again so once again I think it just takes the game a few seconds to work out that there's new traffic spawners new ways in and out I just saw truck despawn and I just saw a load despawn oh it's so frustrating can't wait for traffic manager to come out with no despawning at all but I think we're reaching the limit let's just zoom out and have a bit of a look we're reaching the limit aren't we if it starts stopping in the middle and needs despawning to get going again I think we've reached the limit okay what we can do just to keep it on the same amount of spawners but let's up the size to medium roundabout and see how that [Music] goes [Music] I don't think this one's doing too bad let's zoom out we're getting a bit of backing up in a couple of places but overall going okay what I don't understand is why it despawns sometimes but not other times like we saw before didn't we that it absolutely backed up with traffic yeah I'd say this one's struggling now it's got to despawn to keep things moving to me is like a that's it you can't do it let's go up to the large roundabout and see how that one does still on eight speeds yeah we're starting to get to that chocker block we need to despawn vehicles to keep going all right well we've got one more we've got the very large roundabout let's give that one a run through yeah again pretty much going okay on this one eck's moving through we're getting a little bit of stopping here and there the odd little bit of despawning but you know I mean if everybody's despawning it's the same rules for everybody isn't it I mean you know despawning on every size roundabout but that is managing to keep up the one thing we didn't try on the smaller roundabouts which I'm going to try here is that's the five Lane asymmetrical let's upgrade this to the seven Lane oink there we go and see how much of a difference this makes and I think we're going to get more of a benefit with the larger roundabouts on this one as well because you've got more Lanes on there let's get that lined up in the middle there we go give that a second for the AI to kick in and realize what's going on and oh man look at that all the traffic backing up everywhere and then we'll see how this one goes [Music] yeah we got no problems here that's made the world a difference why don't we go down the sze of the roundabouts and see whether that will help out these smaller roundabouts as well [Music] yeah we can definitely see this one starting to struggle so there we go right so I've po this back to the traffic lights and we've got 25 spawners now so we know that 20 spawners with the largest roundabout with the biggest asymmetrical road is the maximum can we go even more with the traffic lights cuz we didn't actually see the max that that could get to so let's just run this for a second and see how it fares I mean usually a good judge of what's happening is if you can sort of see the traffic light changing and everybody getting through before it changes again that like that truck there was the last one he got through no problem these cars here they're getting through yeah let's up it to 30 spawners so now we are up to 120 spawners in in total oh man let's let this run for a little bit and see how it goes this we could be starting to reach the limit of what normal traffic lights with asymmetrical roads could cope with I'll have a quick sipper because of the auto save if I have to do you know I'm really looking forward to traffic manager 2.0 whatever ends up being called where we can get proper time traffic lights where they don't just all go at once and get in each other's way that is just going to be fantastic right we're getting to the point now where yeah vehicles are despawning look to keep the traffic going because it is backing up a heck of a lot so somewhere between 25 and less than 30 is the maximum amount of traffic we can put on a standard Junction like this now what I was thinking of doing was maybe adding a few little slip roads uh onto the side if we take something like this to help when people are turning left so even if we just sort of went we can get it at 45° angles back here somewhere 45 49 44 I mean that is not too bad and see how that helps out yeah there we go excellent now what we don't want is these roads turning right out of here so if we left click and say no right turn on each of these so they can only be used for going left which is what we want and then we don't want any traffic lights in any of these there we go uh to get the proper asymmetrical we could drop this one down to be what would that be 3 - 1 uh sorry 4 - 1 that would be down to three so a three and a two which would be that one so then hopefully we'll get some proper dedicated lanes and things and it doesn't mess anything else up I've got a sneaky feeling I'm going to have to go around again and stop all the lanes turning in the wrong direction let's just wait until this truck goes oh no it seems to have kept what I've asked it to do all right well let's just have a look at that and see whether this can now take it from yeah look these left hand turns are going pretty quick although unfortunately oh no yeah we got a dedicated Lane yep yep that's going okay that's what we want so can it get rid of all of this build up of traffic we're getting that weird thing where they won't enter a block Junction which is always something we had with City skylines one and we're still yeah people are still turning left here even though there's this option for turning left but that might just be previous traffic that's already left so let me just maybe clear this out there we go a little bit easier to see what's going on what we should be able to do now as well is stop left hand turns on these roads so they will actually there we go use the slip road instead excellent that's good right let's hook this back up again there we go very good so let's let this run and see whether this can keep up right okay now what we getting is people turning right up here down to these little side Lanes which we don't want um so we can also do something good about that we can say no right hand turn there there we go so we we don't get any silly driving around excellent okay it took a second or two for everybody to stop doing it although we're I'm looking down here we're still getting some cars that are doing it which is a little bit annoying and the load of despawned again it might be a case of the game's got to work out what's going on let's just keep an eye on things I mean it's not helping it keep up really is it everybody's still despawning to get through yeah I think everybody's obeying the traffic rules now and we've actually got rid of the line of traffic from up there and from down here as well there doesn't seem to be many cars coming from this direction oh well that would explain why and here they all come they're all stuck behind somebody yeah thank you for that game so this side is okay yeah it's all coming through this side is backing up that side's backing up this side's okay yeah some of them are turning around which I think is happening on all four sides anyway there's not much we could do about that what else could we do to improve this okay what I've done is I've put this back to the asymmetrical Road the same as this one the three and four which means we don't get our dedicated if we look down here we don't get a dedicated left but not many go straight on and some that do it's not too much of a problem and it just means we've got three h sorry four lanes of traffic now coming out of here and instead we get a dedicated right cutting across the other traffic and that seems to have helped this one and this one now the opposite two is struggling but I think let's just leave this one a while and just see whether overall this could help now we can see this one is going down although we are getting to the point of despawning traffic again let's give it a chance and we also getting Park cars which um I hadn't put any sort of sidewalks on any of these roads just to you know the wide sidewalks to stop the parking just a visual thing you can just straight away see what's traffic and what is it now we notice these top two have gone down a lot so if these bottom two can also go down this one has then we'll stop getting the spawning and it can keep up let's just see what happens with this section down here now I'm just wondering whether yeah look a lot of people taking the dedicated uh left turn which is good I'm just wondering whether now that we sort of got to this point where depending on I think you know the time of day people are going to be doing I don't know whether the rush hour thing still kicks in when there's no um places to actually live or work but this is actually keeping up with it now on three sides and it seems to sort of change on foresight this is keeping up okay so could we add in the middle here a small little roundabout and take out the traffic lights Al together let's give everybody a chance to think what the heck's going on the road suddenly changed beneath them yeah I think what we're seeing is this sort of random randomness that's thrown in uh to people's driving which a lot of people say oh it's terrible AI but like that truck that just cut across from here and block other one's doing it as well that sort of Randomness that's thrown in is very realistic people cutting you up at the last minute taking the wrong lane on the roundabout and I think that I think the fact they've sprinkled that in and once we start seeing hundreds and hundreds of cars on trucks and vehicles you're going to spot that even more so then it starts to look like bad traffic AI that's how I'm sort of perceiving what's going on and I think we're probably going to see that when when and if traffic manager version 2 comes out out um by the way I don't have any Insider knowledge on that I'm just sort of speaking off the top of my head I bet there's going to be a tit box to turn off this Randomness yeah that roundabout isn't helping is it and then we're going to see a difference in the traffic AI so do you like it more realistic let's go for a bigger one or do you like everybody sticking to the rules that is the question isn't it I suppose and I don't mind the randomness sort of thrown in let's see how it's all going yeah this is a littleit bit better although they yeah see when they all come on and stop because someone's decided to cut them up I don't mind that Randomness but what I do wish is trucks didn't despawn Vehicles didn't despawn what I've just realized is we've still got left hand turns now up here that we changed the road so I want to ccel that don't I uh no left hand turns it won't let me turn these left hand turns off oh that is weird maybe if I put it on anyway is it just a visual thing let's keep an eye and see where people are going left but not using our little bypass road I think we're reaching the limit of what the AI can do here almost seems like nobody wants to use this Lane even for going straight on they will sort of pull over and go somewhere else which is a little bit odd I'm going to try TR the largest roundabout we're going to oh actually we didn't do this one here did we let's give that one a try and just see how this one goes and you can almost see on every side apart from this one this one here they're happy to stay in that lane and try and go on although they get round here let's watch this truck yeah he'll do it but people won't from here which is really strange and I don't know why if you're spotting something that I've done let me know but as far as I'm aware there's no reason why they can't use this to go straight on oh this white car he did okay so some are doing it this roundabout still not cutting it let's pop in this one don't forget we're more spawners than when we did the test before let's see if the super large roundabout I want them to go through even with a little bit of traffic but no despawning that's the that's the goal I mean I'm not seeing too much despawning but it's going back a bit something I'm thinking that might help again is where this comes on here we need an extra Lane on this side we've got the largest asymmetrical Road uh in here that we can but then we've got this one which gives you the extra extra Lane which is what we want so if we pop that in there let's do that all the way back to there oh yeah we've got some turnaround so we're going have to just do a little bit of work on this one so I not no right hands uh no left straight on I think they'll both work it out between them and then if we come down here again we want no lefts on this bit oh no we do want lefts on there sorry carry on want no lefts on this bit which I don't think again will be visually apparent and then what that means is this Lane here has its own lane and then this Lane coming through has its own lane as well which is what we want so let me just upgrade all sides and there we go we're getting the traffic symbols popping up vehicles are despawning so even with all the asymmetrical rows all the lane mathematics a roundabout of this size cannot cope with 30 spawners well we have a lot of other things we can test and we're going to do that in our next episode looking at all of these Junctions here so if you want to see that be sure to subscribe if you enjoy this type of video leave a like so I know and I will see you all very soon for the next one have a great day take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 427,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, lets play cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 performance, cities skylines 2 Biffa, biffa plays, cities skylines 2 gameplay biffa, cities skylines 2 debug menu, cities skylines 2 traffic, cities skylines 2 traffic lights, cities skylines 2 roundabouts, cities skylines 2 traffic ai, traffic lights vs roundabouts, cities skylines 2 traffic tips
Id: p5D6fTCY4Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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