I EXPLOITED fruit production and became a BILLIONAIRE!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to fruit Factory now in this game we've got to process fruit to make profit so I've just bought an orange machine so you'll see oranges drop down onto our conveyor belt they then slide along here you'll notice we do have a circular sword but it only pops up occasionally and when it does you'll notice it slices fruit in half so as as fruit goes into here it doesn't matter whether it's whole doesn't matter whether it's half you get you get a coin for each number of fruit there are so basically you want to cut these in half cuz then they're worth twice as much anyway you'll see our XP is going up and up so as we level up we gain some points that we can spend in this place so we currently got three points we can increase the number of conveyors by one sounds useful and then this next one we can increase the income of each fruit by 10% that cost two points okay so we'll do that as well so now you'll notice because we've added this second layer there's now there's now spikes it's like robot wars but like fruit Wars there's now spikes that are chopping any any fruit that makes it down here into quarters and you'll notice only only the half segments fall down the whole ones they still continue up to there where they get one each over this way because they've been hopefully quartered no some some halfes do still get through but we're getting some fat cash now yeah so I think if we spend 10 on our income for every orange we now get two so I should probably buy a few of those I mean I've got loads of money let's get let's get at least 10 every single time and then I think we got the cash to invest in some new fruit so this is Apple so if we add an apple Bo there it is so it got sword which means it will drop down here and then it will get segmented again and apple is worth two straight away by the way I keep I keep leveling up I'm leveling up so fast so let's get some more some more stuff on the goat so we can add more conveyors but it might be worth trying to invest in like some of the money stuff early on so increases the chance of getting a double income bonus by FR that increases to 3% rather than zero cost four points I've only got seven I think I will do that though and then this other one over here increases experience by by 10% let's buy that I've just leveled up again so I got five points yeah increases chance of getting double experience so that goes from 0 to 3% yeah I think that's worth doing early on we got more chance doing it anyway I've got fat stoning cash I'm going to level up my apples and actually probably my oranges as well so oranges are now worth 25 per segment apples let's get that up to 25 oh I can't I can get to 24 then I'm out of money 24 but now you'll see as fruit enters even if it's whole we still get the 25 but remember going down this way chance to turn each bit of fruit from being worth 25 to 100 so not bad there I feel like though I want to invest in another layer so six points I have six points so let's buy that we've now got another layer which down here oh look there's a coin after watching a short promotional video you receive a bonus no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it game I'm not doing it anyway down this way the quarters are there so oh yes did you see that we got like a circle of saw that moves so as the courses fall down they get chopped up into e very nice okay I've got five grand on me should I invest in a new fruit I want to see like all the fruit we can so let's invest is that an apricot it looks like something that probably should be censored but I think it's an apricot so they're worth oh they're only worth seven each oh they level up pretty quickly though I've only leveled it a few times they're already worth 33 let's just invest in that for now it's worth 66 not bad I'm trying to work out though which fruit fools more often I feel like there are more oranges than anything so maybe I should be investing in Orange production yeah I can oh it is expensive I I see what's happening now so every time I level up it costs 788 only goes up by one whereas the lower ones as I level those up that one goes up by two yeah pretty much two sometimes three but I think that always goes up by two and then the bottom one that goes up by like way more so from 66 goes up to 73 so yeah that's why the later fruit although they're less common they probably are worth upgradient now particularly by the time they get to the bottom CU like these like these orange eights 36 each not bad a little bit of aprot in there 73 each now which means we have stons again but let's let's get some more stons on the go I've got 15 points oh we've unlocked loads of stuff now so this one increases the chance to create two fruits at a time by 3% I think let's just get like the percent of everything sort of up so at least there's a chance to do everything so the sale one we haven't looked at reduces the cost of Fruit by 5% oh that's good not bad cheap fruit the watermelon increases the chance to buy two fruits at a time by 3% okie dokie and then that one I've only got three points this cost nine but it increases the chance to double fruit creation speed by 3% so that could be worth getting later on anyway oh these I really want to click on the coins but I don't cuz then yeah the game just wants me to watch an ad I'm not watching ads I got so much money I don't need ads uh what I could do with though is brand new fruit so what is that is that a oh it's a watermelon it's hard to tell like cuz they colored in or cuz they weren't colored in it's hard to tell what fruit it was I thought it might have been like a papaya I don't even know what a papaya is I'm pretty sure I've never eaten one actually I see what it does look like when it's black and white it looks like a dragon fruit ever had a dragon fruit it's basically like a glorified kiwi but yeah that's getting me 20 every single fruit now if I level that up a few times it's up to 99 per piece that's good I got 25 Grand I'm just going to go back let's invest a little bit oh I said a little bit that's all my money gone into into oranges which get me 50 per per segment now do a little bit in the apples try and get that up to 50 I think I need one more there we go or 51 fair enough then the AP cut invest a little bit in them 86 each so yeah we are we are definitely getting stons I feel like though maybe getting a bit more income a bit more XP rather than doing whatever that one was double CH I I do like chancing but I think I'd rather some like a bit more money a bit more XP they're big incre they've just doubled like my bonus do another one of them another one of them all right and then I think we'll buy this FR oh should I try and guess what it is it looks very much like an orange maybe it's a blood orange is oh no it's green oh it's a lime is that a lime it's probably a lime so they're worth 70 each the upgrade price is 6.9 Grand nice yeah but if I do that it goes up oh it doubles 140 oh look we got some lime on the conveyor it's it's got down yes we've got we got quarters is it going to get yes we've got eight so one of them is worth stons absolute stons yeah right let's invest in in the limes 280 each now I'll then go back and pump money in like the higher up ones so they're all worth not too much now to be fair and look we've just leveled up again so let's have a look in here can we afford an extra conveyer level yes 11 points it costs let's get it done so now we have down here oh they get they get stamped they get smushed up into 16 he really testing my four times table but yeah so each oh man 16th is like so I assume it's 16th are they getting chopped in half mushed in half not chopped mushed oh man look at the money look at the money the next fruit cost 29 Grand by the way actually taking us quite a while to get there so it might be worth trying to increase our income a bit we got quite a few points so I've got 50% income bonus now not bad I think I might do the same for XP right and then we're good then we're looking very good worth noticing this is one of those games where it's got like Prestige so each prestige points increases the coin gain by 1% at the moment we've got 20 Prestige points so if we worse Prestige and start again we'd start with like 20% more income so uh that's that's good to know I guess anyway we're nearly up to 100 Grand so I am going to invest into the next fruit I need to try and guess what this could be it's got no seeds it's got no segments and it's round I reckon it might be like a normal melon let's have a look is it oh I don't know what that is what is that it's like it's brown what fruit is that me to be I don't know but it's worth 243 it costs a lot to upgrade but if I do upgrade 486 729 so now we just going to keep an eye on the top right there's one there's one get chopped get chopped oh I didn't get chopped all right this one this one has been chopped so that's down we've got the the half segments down there we've just got a come on come on Spike Spike spike no I didn't get spiked that is a shame I really want some of those to get down there's more there yes okay so we got quarters we got quarters so they drop down now are they going to get s yes okay so follow my mouse we're there we're there now we just got to get these stomped B yes okay we got some we got some so that was actually fat cash we're back up 75 grand already I think I'll put one more in there so they worth 900 and then I'll just sort of work back upgrading all these uh income is going up very very quick though I can pretty much always afford to upgrade something so I'll just keep doing that quickly all right then we're at a point where we're sort of saving again so let's have a look at the oh man the upgrade points f 52 all right well I can buy an extra conveyor where's that going to go oh it's just has it made the conveyor better it definitely added more like little circles to it let's try again so upgrade oh it has it's added more layers I didn't realize I could move down oh wow okay okay so down here o what is going on down here they scoop up fruit and make it big again whereas little pieces make it all the way through there but like they get scooped up so if you watch these they get scooped up into the Scoopy thing and then look they're pooped out where they land down there then that rolls down what's that worth 1.4k so this one that's been cut in half it's melons so 6 and 1 half Grand each whereas a piece of melons should only be worth 324 that really adds value I think it just like clumps them together I'm not entirely sure of the maths there don't know if only I could slow it down or something or if only my brain could work faster anyway we we are making stonks now 250 Grand let's get the next fruit unlocked that is a pair if ever I've seen a pair so we'll buy that 720 9 quid each but it costs 175 to upgrade what all right let's go back to the top let's keep an eye out for a pair there's a pair is it oh it didn't get chopped it didn't get chopped straight into that right next piece pair come on get chopped it's there it's there it's got chopped okay we got half pairs so we got a pair of pairs we need yes we now got a quarter pair of pairs so these on should drop down now we need that to get circular sword oh they didn't they didn't and this is like watching like one of those you know like the penny machines like in in casinos not know arcades you know like the penny machines in arcades like you see them on like the SE front you put a penny in then like you wait for it to like go through a load of stuff sort of reminds me of that this game anyway I got 52 points again I could keep adding conveyors what I'm tempted to do though is put everything into like double XP chance like just go just go gambling crazy we now got a one in five chance of getting double XP so I hopefully this XP bar should start increasing quite quickly um I am thinking about prestiging though I will not not light cuz look the next fruit 742 Grand what does a Prestige oh get us 46% that ain't bad tell you what let's buy some more pairs 2 and a half Grand they're worth now we increase that thing whatever that is go back increase all these oh we're getting some achievements now as well God I love achievement anyway invest more in pairs 2.9 Grand they're worth now we just really need one to make it to the bottom they keep going to the top conveyor I'm not really sure investing in pairs was the plate look they keep just sliding straight past it right this one though I feel lucky about this one right we got a pair of pairs they drop down Bo that spiked front one wasn't that's annoying down here we going to get circular sword yes okay that's good that's good so we're down to eighth pairs B yes we've got 16th pairs so now oh no go in go in oh they didn't go in they go into that one still that was a decent amount of cash anyway oh The Prestige points worth 64 that's gone up pretty quickly right we've now got our orange income up to a very nice round number we've also got the prestige points up to a nice round number so let's hold and Prestige 69% bonus so we start again and let's see how fast this should go up actually incomes already two for those my 69% has rounded up which is decent so we've just got to try and speedrun this so we get to a similar point to where we were before I think just investing in oranges is pretty good we'll get the the extra conveyor unlocked as well and then oh yeah now we're making stons now we are making short-term stons time to invest in some apples right and then let's increase the money gain by 10% I feel like if I I just want to try and Prestige as quickly as possible so probably investing conveyor money and a bit of XP not worrying too much about the double chance stuff cuz that's probably better like later on once you've actually got some decent stons from The Prestige bonus now let's just have a look at prestige again so yeah it does just add on so if I were to prestige again I'd add 3% onto my 69% and because we're starting from the beginning we're earning those Prestige points faster anyway more conveyors please yeah we got some getting down here we've got we got to the eight all right I've invested pretty wisely in my oranges and my apples they are worth a very nice amount now let's get back on the watermelon oh and cuz I increased my I increased my coin thing we're now getting a no we're now getting a 50% bonus they're not worth 69 anymore they're worth 86 oh that's a shame anyway limes are now unlocked I've just got the the weird Brown fruit as well so that's unlocked too I did notice this playthrough though I didn't get as much like XP as I did last time or at least it it felt slower maybe cuz my my cashing increase with the prestige points but that doesn't actually increase your your XP gain hence I've invested quite heavily in XP experience we got 60% bonus now I know what I said earlier but I might actually go back into the double experience chance as well so one in 10ish should get us double experience so we should start seeing that XP got quicker and then we get more upgrades lovely JBL anyway we're back to a sort of similar point I haven't upgraded my pairs at all now and I haven't even got the next l layer of conveyor actually maybe I should try and get that I need 21 points we only got 16 so we got to level up again though I am finding though it feels slower so maybe that extra the extra percentage chance of just doing all these like all these bonus things maybe I should have taken those I think they were probably helping previously without me realizing and this reducing the cost of Fruit by the way that's the the buying upgrades I'm pretty short so if I buy that these should go down so let's look at that one nice round number nine grand if I buy that 8 and half Grand so yeah that makes things quite a lot cheaper which means I can now afford more more pair upgrades and I am remembering to go back and do like the early ones cuz these like look how fast we're we're creating oranges like they are creaming it whereas if you come down to to like the pair look how slow we're making those compared get it compared cuz it's a pair oh brother this guy stinks anyway the prestige points are now 69% again so I think I'm going to reset set whenever we get to 69% we Prestige and then I'll see you guys once I get to the same point I reckon it's going to be way quicker cuz yeah 138% bonus this time all right so I think you get experience for like the number of fruits like the number of things coins are like what each one's worth you just get one experience per one that's through so I don't think it's really worth spending points on this experience like percentage thing you're better off getting like more conveyors cuz then every piece s of can get doubled and the Chance is way higher than 3% it's probably like closer to like 50 maybe but it's not just doubled remember that's like quadrupled then squid wimpled then dimpled they're definitely words yeah the only downside with waiting for the conveyors is like it's a long time you've got to wait in between like leveling where you're not gaining anything but now 33 points let's get another conveyor on the goat and that should really really get us some more stuff although actually I wonder how much xp like each of these are worth presumably the like like they're not just worth like one or two like when they come down here cuz they've been cut in half like that one's not worth one surely anyway we're finally at the point where we can get another layer of conveyors so let's see what that looks like we've got this little bit of fruit down there oh it's it's vertical spikes like spikes from the bottom so 7.6 grand for those wait why were they worth more was it just counting like all of them or was that 7 oh yeah 2.4 each okay so if if things go in together it does just round the number up like it it does a bit of addition for us rather than blurring all of them into one actually what wait what I swear one then was worth like 68 Grand oh is that my chance thing the chance of it being worth way more oh look at all these they all got M yeah 62 Grand why was that worth 62 Grand oh I guess maybe it was one of these that got like really expensive fruit like merged together like if this merges like a pair or something that's going to be worth stons isn't it uh by the way I'm I'm now a millionaire in case you havn't noticed which means we can unlock this new fruit that has like a big seed in the middle 781 Grand that is fat cash what's it going to be worth each 3.8 Grand I don't really know what fruit that is unless that isn't a seed and then it is just like a big melon yeah anyway I need to invest in like the earlier stuff so get some peirs get some of that unlocked look how fast oh that was the double I tell you what I'm going to do a bit of double speed so double fruit creation speed it cost oh it cost so much 10 points just to go from 3% to 6% I've done it though right okay now we got stons I think I'm going to do all of these double ones they do seem pretty pretty tasty so yeah double income as well nice if we were to prestige oh 98% gain that is gains oh the next fruit look at that what is that is that like pomegranate no no no no my 3.9 mil though oh that's expensive to be fair actually a lot of things that get down to this layer they do actually get like they get spiked although all of those those ones just avoided it didn't they yep fair enough ignore me ignore me cheers game cheers for that anyway we're just about to level up again leveling up is going slow now 2 and 1/2 Grand 2 and 1/2 th000 XP is needed and we we're quite a way off getting more conveyors I'd have to wait another round we're at five yeah s it I'll just wait I'll just wait I want to see what the next layer of conveyors looks like to be fair all right okay so finally leveling up I wonder how many XP points we got are up to 39 so we can get another layer of conver thank you and let's increase the income by 20% I think that's a good investment right oh look down there it's a little machine what does the machine do all right let's keep an eye on these three we've got a chance for these to get down here they've all been sliced so they're going down that level they should all get spiked okay the orange one's got spiked they're going down to here so they go into that machine do they all just go in ooh it filled up a bar okay we need a few more here we go here we go will that fill up the entire weight I think it did yes oh it's a block we made a block of fruit 78 Grand that doesn't seem like very much money I feel like we're getting 78 Grand loads of times like up here maybe it was just like a lower a lower form of fruit let's see what this block is going to be worth is it a bit more 2 what 2.3 million okay so yeah it's definitely based on the quality of fruit that goes into it um which means we can now unlock this thing so what is that oh is it a kiwi I think it's a kiwi they worth 13 Grand each not bad oh man I'm excited to see like what the blocks are worth every time so this one is 3 million oh I'm loving this floor this machine is the best machine I wonder what they are like are they like fruit bars or something like a protein bar but a fruit bar all right if I invest back into the Kiwi it's currently worth 13.6 Grand it's now worth all 27 that's quite nice I should probably try and do like the lower stuff as well if I I've just I've just leveled up oh that's the max conveyor we can't go any lower interesting okay so that's as as far as we can go that maybe I should invest in trying to make some more money so now we're getting 60% more from uh from all of our fruit oh there's three more fruit remaining I need to know what they are oh don't know do I want to know what that one is what is that like a like a pepper a pepper is not a fruit is it or is it cuz the seeds are on the inside no cuz strawberries the seeds are on the outside what's the rule with fruit and veg and stuff I don't know well I do know oh if I prge 223 extra points that's on top of these ones and the pr it's climbing up like anything I wonder what causes that to go up I wonder if it's like how much money you would you make like in total if we just have a look down here let's just wait for this to create a new block so it's now we're on 239 points so there goes the block as that goes in it went up to 240 didn't do a lot actually I am going to need Prestige at least once more to like get to these bottom ones though actually increasing money probably isn't worth as much as reducing cost like for these later on ones like 5 or 10% off that's 500 Grand whereas increasing money by 60% doesn't really add up like an extra 10% it's not that much cuz not many fruit makes it down here to this like magical machine most of it gets sort of stuck up the top oh but all of those did what's this bar going to be worth I think there were oranges that made it so probably not that much yeah 115 Grand that's like nothing it's literally chump change oh by the way 20 million I can afford the next fruit I reckon that is a pepper they're worth 53 G each blim me and I think they oh 343 The Prestige points are going up so fast 381 did that just go up by like 40 in front of my eyes or did I just misread it oh no it's going up fast that went up by like 10 when the when the block went through so the blocks are definitely worthwhile I think if it's a big one it jumps up a load 410 that's a four times increase right yeah although we're so close to last fruit I think I need to prestige I just want to see how much it goes up by so let's just wait for this block to go in so that goes from 540 to oh just stayed at 540 yeah let's reset now and then we'll see how quickly can we speed run this game so when we start oh they're worth eight straight up every piece of orange is worth eight already oh my goodness okay so we are upgrading these so fast so they're now worth 55 we can unlock the apples as well I think I might just stick with upgrading oranges to be fair look how much they're worth 130 already oh this is stons this is stons all right and then we're all already a millionaire I can unlock the the brown melon then I won't lie things have started to slow down slightly not much as actually making it to this bottom floor at the moment not sure why all right there we go finally let's get the next layer Bo so that is now maxed out so now we have our magical machine and I won't lie I'm excited to see what these blocks are going to be worth this time with our Prestige bonus so ready here comes a block there it is what's it going to be worth 36 million um oh I got 24 points what do I want to go what do I want to invest in if I make things cheaper yes I can afford it decent boo we've got that it's like a is it a lemon it's a bit brownie it's like an old lemon so we've just increased the chance of like doubling all of our fruit basically I feel like that's probably the thing to do I should probably do XP as well like the earlier I invest in XP the better particularly if I'm not going to prestige again oh although 600 Prestige points already what do I need for the last fruit oh what fruit is that it's like a peace fruit peace love and fruit 441 mil though I tell you what I'm going to have to prestige again so we've now got a 1 a 12,000 per bonus my first fruit is worth 16 this time I decided to vest only in the conveyors and it seems to be paying off like way better like we are flying up the rankings even the XP like is climbing a lot so yeah it took me long enough to realize but I'm pretty sure just investing in conveyors initially is the is the play yeah we're already a millionaire I've been playing about 5 minutes this round we are only level 11 though all right so let's see what our first block is going to be worth it better be good it better be good that's all I'm saying so ready ready 8.2 mil better than a kicking the balls as they say anyway after a little bit of time I swear that had loads of the the lemon going what's that worth 47 million yes we can afford the final fruit boo what is it oh it's red I didn't think it's going to be red for some reason but they're worth 2.4 million hang on where are they look there it is so it got cut in half oh if that gets oh it's been chopped into quarters so each one of those pieces 2.4 mil yeah so down here please yes it's been cut up again so that's going to drop down is it going to get stomped please please please please please yes those little red cubes oh they've gone into that as well okay so one of them has the really expensive fruit in get cut get cut oh they didn't get cut what were they worth I didn't even see I'm sure it was stonks though it must have been stonks right actually I tell you what I tell you what that one there that one there should be worth 48 million that wasn't even down the bottom all right what's this block worth 678 million so now I can double what that's worth there's literally no point in playing anymore so I'm going to say peace love and the peace fruit bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 501,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: 4WfkUBUib1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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