Are hexagons the BESTAGONS in Cities Skylines 2?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to City skylines 2 I am on a quest to find the best City layout and as a wise man once said hexagons are the bestag gons so today I thought we'd see whether that was the case in terms of City layouts so we're starting from a fresh map you can see everything is locked and we're going to see just how quickly we can unlock everything and progress using hexagon City tiles now since this is the the entrance to our map you can see the junction up there this has to be one corner of our of our hexagon so I guess we go from there now this is where it's going to get tricky because it's a hexagon I sort of need to work out what length each side is going to be so that the biggest buildings will fit so what if we go for like a nice round 256 B so now in order to get my hexagon I got to do 120° angle like that and then just make it 256 M long like that b then we come around this side do the same angle the same same length Boo and then before you know it you built a perfect hexun which I think isn't that like isn't that what the city skylines 2 logo is based on cool well anyway we've got quite a lot of space in here and you can see down bottom left we got loads of demand for everything so it should probably start painting this up except yeah we got a big gap in the middle now I don't think it's cheating if I were to like grid this up a bit in fact what I might do if I come to medium roads and then grab a four lane road I could upgrade all of these roads if I just do like the outside like that then these will sort of act as like my arterial roads then in the middle will be like distributor and local roads yeah this could work in fact I could even play on the reason why hexagons are the best gun which in case you didn't know is because a hexagon is just like it's just six of the second strongest shapes stuck together so if we just go from one corner let's say yeah inside Lane where they intersect go straight across to this side inside Lane where they intersect and then we just do that for every corner then you see exactly my point 1 2 3 4 5 6 triangles makes a best gun oh man look look at that Junction that is absolute Carnage now what I could do if I was being a proper engineer I could make that a roundabout and that would make everyone very happy but I'm sort of intrigued to see what the traffic does without a roundabout so for now I'm going to leave that as is and then we're just going to start painting up so low density houses there and then oh no we need we need services oh I didn't I actually didn't think about Services I've got to get up to the water really although I don't technically need to we do have water towers we've got groundwater pumping stations ooh hello that could be useful groundwater right on the corner of our hexagon anyway it's 40 Grand 10% of my of my money yeah it does produce a little bit of noise pollution but that's probably fine people they now have drinking water they don't have electricity or way to poop now ah it turns out you don't start with a wastewater treatment plant you got to unlock that and even if I did it's 400 Grand which would leave me with just 50 Grand to do everything else so we can't do that we need a sewage Outlet now I don't just want to pump sewage like just onto the ground so what I may need to do is get a head on my hexagun and maybe head up to the river so I can pollute that so we'll come down to roads should I try drawing this in medium roads basically I think we want to come to that point where everything intersects then we want to take 120° down there with 250 6 M that angle is 180 yeah that looks good Bo okay so then we go off that direction do that and that and that and then we've got our next hexagon but we haven't we haven't got enough hexagon AG we got to get to the water so I think we'll come from this corner and then we do 120 256 like that nice and then oh we got to go over got to build our first Bridge oh and the game doesn't seem to want me to do that that is where I will end up I like this node as well it's saying it's in the water I guess we have to do that and then that okay well we got we got some more hexans in which is good and we do have access to water now so I reckon let's just just get our straight Crossroads in like that and oh actually that's that's not IDE that's a that's a very long bridge with no pillars what you doing game all right so I'm wondering if I were to instead of drawing it like that if I go from the middle to that point and then go up yeah that's a lot better because I think that will allow me to build right to the edge but not only that allows me to pollute over this way and look we're connected to the main sewer Network and yeah I'll tell you what I might I might do the same over this side as well like that nice okay this is actually pretty decent what I might do I might make this my sort of industrial area since we've already got the the pollution going on down there may as well add those in like that and then this is probably where we need to get like power on the goat so how big is a small power plant oh it's pretty tasty so yeah I'm probably going to have to I could well I could put it around the outside but I feel like I just want to build in the middle so I may have to delete a road I'm wondering can I delete like that road yeah coold Power Plant there nice cuz now we are a tiny village but anyway that is in you can see actually we we should probably connect to the outside world now I could use pylons to go from here across my hexagon I don't think I want to do that though I might come to this elevation and go underground connect like that because then we're connected but like no one knows my hexagons aren't ruined but nice we're now polluting the atmosphere we're now making electricity see uh and we we got demand for everything so let's get back to it I think what I might do I might I might keep this one as like a low density area so that's fine and then in this middle one I have I have a sneaky plan now we've got some medium density residential demand as well as commercial demand let's just quickly go around and build these triangles in like that and then what I was what I was thinking for this we add our our medium density housing like that and that's going to create demand cuz there's more people there that will create demand for for commercial so I can shove commercial like say there and there and then as these medium density houses come in the population is a bit thicker which means commercials they have more customers but nice and then my demand completely completely settled there's no demand for anything except for probably some services so let's get some some Health Care on the goat so I can shove Health Care in there and then death care ideally although these take this takes up so much room I feel like for now we may have to wait on the death care and try and unlock a crematorium can I unlock that now so if I head to healthcare and death care yeah I can unlock a crematorium okay let's get that in boo so now in death care we have a crematoriums 240 Grand that's a lot of money anyway let's shove that I don't really want to shove it in the industrial area but it does pollute so what I might do is just Wang it like down there cuz that's like on the edge it's like yes it's surrounded by shops which is a little bit weird I guess go watch your aunt Dora get crated and then do a bit of food shopping on the way home but yeah I think it's better to have polluting building like sort of closer to the industrial than not cuz we don't we don't want to we don't want to pollute these other guys right anyway we got more demand over here low density painted in we've also unlocked some New Roads oh and a new bridge four lane tide Arch Bridge oh can I get that involved somehow oh I can make these Bridges oh yes I'm getting money back for this refund amount how does that I'm sorry how does that cost less than that I am not going to complain though because I I love Bridges so there we go perfect saved money and made four bus oh hang on I've just realized I just ripped my pumping station it's on it's on the outside of my hexagon that is no good I mean what I could do to rectify that I could just Wang a hexagon there and then it's in the middle yeah I think we going to do that oh I need to buy two squares to do that probably yeah you have to buy those that's 17 grand that is a lot of money actually anyway let's have a go can I even I can't even squeeze it in I'm going to have to move this up a little bit so let's shove it there that is well out the way of my roads and we can get a new hexagun in we're going to need it as well like demand is just flying everywhere right that is another hexagon in oh T you what actually I'm not going to be able to get my oh I'm going to have to move it again cuz I want to get my triangular roads in and I'm not going to be able to who keeps who keeps putting this in the wrong place damn Architects that's who we'll move it up to there that's definitely out the way now can then get our small Crossroads in making those triangles the second best of guns but nice that is enough do we actually do we have tra oh we got loads the traffic right hang on is anyone going oh yeah look these guys are going through the center let's see what happens here so straight over motorbike oh my goodness oh I want loads of traffic coming down here it's going to be absolute Carnage there's no traffic lights or anything right anyway we got to get demand quenched so we need we need more industrial let's paint that one in should I paint this one in too yeah I'll paint that one in too in fact actually no maybe I'll make that edge I'll make that edge commercial then I'll do that commercial as well nice then that would be medium d once you get that demand paint those in paint those in that should satisfy quite a bit of demand oh what's what why have we got traffic lights here who put traffic lights on this on this layout I did not ask for that or actually are all the oh all the edge Corners are traffic lighted yeah I think cuz they're bigger roads and it's just the middle that's freefor all okay got it oh look little bit of medium density residential demand cropping up so back to our commercial area let's just paint one square and that should satisfy that there you go few row houses going in lovely JBL all right and just like that we are small village which means we've unlocked schools and education is sort of the key to a lot in this game so how big are schools okay schools are big we're going to have to lose a few triangles oh I am wondering though I may be able to fit in let's say I were to delete that and that oh I'm going to have to delete that road oh I'm going to have to delete that road as well okay delete that road as well though actually if I just delete that part of it I think I can get this to fit yeah like that so if I Wang that in then I think of elementary school yeah will fit behind it beautiful oh they actually fit quite nicely together anyway I've now got I've got demand for days o and look we've unlocked the the actual medium density housing so not just row houses proper medium density houses yeah what I might do paint the rest of these so rather than having row houses in here we got proper medium density which yes has quenched demand significantly but now we've got massive commercial and Industrial demand so I'm going to have to hexagun it should I do like this square and maybe that one perhaps trouble is this is housing so I don't want industrial to go next to that cuz that will get air polluted actually I haven't even haven't even looked at the wind direction oh no the wind direction look at all those arrows oh this is just going to be a city where everyone gets polluted I did not think this through actually I tell you what then maybe I'll expand residential like over that direction and then commercial could go that way or maybe just keep going like back that way so yeah tell you what let's buy some tiles let's buy those two and then this is actually can you see like that's the highway this is like a normal road so people can like Park their cars and walk along there I don't really I don't really want that there let's just pause it for a second let's delete this road like way back to the highway and then we've got an area we can add another hexagon so we'll do that quickly put the crossroads in and then if I unlock highways can I actually afford to do that oh no highways requires three point Point okay well for now then we'll just do curvy Road over to there like that and then we have our new hexagon which is perfect really we've made like a very very efficient like it's like an elephant that's definitely the only thing I see here I mean perhaps it's like Great Britain I don't know let me know in the comments what you see right anyway since this is the entrance to our city I'm not I was thinking of doing industrial down here just purely for wind direction I don't know if I want that to be like what people see as they enter my city s it I'm doing it I'm doing it it's industrial all right and then our commercial demand I think since we got some medium density as well I might just do what I did in the middle here but keep expanding that like over this week so 256 up we got the 120° angle 180 at the bottom as well but then we have our new hexagon we can Crossroad it up and then lovely jubly it's good for painting so I think as we have a commercial there we'll do commercial there instead then the medium density can go there cuz that will help adjacent commercial areas right and then we get oh man now I really have made Britain like that's like Norwich I feel like I've definitely missed whales out sorry whales anyway industrial down here now I don't want to go too close to my medium density housing so I'll definitely do that one but up here where it's close I may want to use like the actual paint tool so let's say up to there so it's sort of like that and then that edge I guess I can just make that commercial doesn't matter if you get polluted while you're at work just not why you're living there right nice oh no that isn't nice so because I didn't do that over this side and we've got the the air pollution heading over our city uh people down here are getting polluted not IDE deal so what I may do I may have to swap some of these if I paint like those ones sorry everyone oh there's pollution everywhere damn wind why you taking pollution everywhere you know whose fault this is don't you it's it's this guy's fault because you decided you have to go in the water and pollute it I decided to build my industrial at this end and we've cocked everything oh speaking of cocking everything look we got we got fire and rescue as well as police demand now so maybe they can go up here where everything's polluted so police station there fire station in the middle as well oh look at the risk of fire it's all green which means low right anyway now we're good to get some more commercial in we'll do all of that square we'll get some more medium density so that can go there oh we'll get the Polaris sweets in so they can go there I guess all right and then City progressing pretty nicely I should probably go let's go have a look go see how the traffic's doing so there's not actually too much traffic like coming in really this seems to be like the busiest intersection but like it's really not bad like there's a couple of cars they approaching at the same time oh dear but yeah to be honest that was actually that's not too bad I don't think we need to upgrade that to a roundabout yet oh why are you getting air air polluted that smog is Miles Away you shouldn't be polluted actually I wonder can I upgrade this like coal plant to do less pollution doesn't look like a can don't see any upgrade button yeah I feel like all these other like small things they're all like low pollution so maybe it's just the coal plant that's causing us issues which I could I could get rid of technically in fact I got five points to play with is there a Greener A Greener type of fuel I could use oh yes we could go for geothermal alternatively we could even go hydroelectric since we have this River coming through right yeah I'm going to do it let's hit poor this could ruin my city but I need I need to get rid of that pollution so let's bulldoze this we get 25 G back which pretty decent to be fair oh no the pollution's still there even though the building's gone I got ripped off that was the bit I was trying to get rid of right anyway that has gone now everyone's complaining about power so I'm going to hit pause but I think what I want to do let's unlock hydroelectric power plant unlock let's see how this thing work oh it cost 1.5 million okay let's borrow some money now I've got 1.8 million which I'm not sure is going to be enough then if we were to go yeah hang on I'm going to have to delete a bridge don't unsubscribe for this or anything but I think if I delete that delete that oh no I can't get away with a 120° angle wait or could I that just says distance too long and in water hang on a sec if I do a little bit of flattening the Earth then make that 120 in what do you mean in of course it's in water I said damn what are you on about game all right I've done it a bit of tweaking we have done it so 1.6 million boost we are now a Grand Village because we have a dam all right and so let's see see how this works oh my goodness what is what is going on there a road connection is required there is a road connection but yeah I don't think they like it now the good news is this is making 14 no 20 killer it's going up all the time granted efficiency only 1% but if we just hit pause we can probably we just do a bit of the a bit of the layout so 256 again all right and then I just want to store water in here now I have I have a feeling What I've Done somehow is I've built the dam backwards like if we actually look at this can you see like I'm pretty sure they're like intake holes and that's why the pylons are on this side yeah I think the Dam's trying to work backwards and it can't so rather than having a curve Dam I may have to tweak how I did this so if I just delete a load of that can I rebuild it across there in a straight line right I think the answer is yes but again Road just gone completely ment what's going on with the dams today yeah maybe maybe that is the right side and the water comes out this side cuz like where there be a building on this side cuz this is like the dry side right I don't know but if I do a little bit of landscaping so just fill that in do a little channel line down to there like that then potentially as this area fills up with water we should start making electricity but yeah if I just hollow out this entire hexagon to make like a hexagonal Reservoir right then suddenly we we sort of have this under control maybe essentially yeah we have a reservoir now we have unlimited source of drinking water should we need it we have a dam which I'm pretty sure isn't working apparently I've built like five dams the Lindhurst Dam the victory D the boulder down the Blackwood downam the Ringwood D I'm not sure if any of them are producing electricity that's fine only cost like 2 million good news is we're now A Tiny Town which means we can add like office demand as well as high density residential now over here I'm seeing there people with very high rent so they probably need a higher Zone density to be able to afford that so what I'm thinking we swap those with mixed housing so they medium density with shops underneath that should satisfy a bit of everything demand oh nice okay that is good what isn't good we still have very much bad air pollution over here maybe it's caused by those chimneys perhaps I should expand anyway that triangle I might Wang some officers in there you know I think that's a pretty good place to have officers there's also some demand for high density now at the moment the only high density I have is low rent housing so what I may do just like replace a square somewhere maybe like that one there I think that will be fine I've also I had a thought as well because we're getting bad air pollution down here and up here there's the commercial if we look at the wind direction you can see the arrows the pollution from here heading straight across here to our to our residential areas so what I was thinking I just add another hexagon in like that this hexagon you could get a couple of parks in which will make people happy but as well as that we could just go a little bit mental with trees literally just paint some trees because trees filter and clean air so my plan is as the pollution heads across the trees the trees should clean them right this is like an air purifier not just not just a hexagonal tile right nice that is going to clean the air surely surely so everyone down stream you should be healthy soon do not worry all right and in the meantime I'll just keep this going for a little bit right so I've been building for a few months and uh things are actually going really really well you can see I've got like loads of like medium density places in the city is actually thriving at least in my opinion we got some big old commercial sectors over here and oh did you hear that we're now a boom town so yeah overall I would probably say hexagons potentially are the bestun particularly when you look at this happiness meter look how happy people are the only thing they don't like is the high noise pollution and polluted air but like once once my trees and bushes grow that problem will be resolved surely yeah there is there is one slight issue over here by the way my dam which has now filled up if we click on this look it's it's making decent electricity 832 KW it is actually working you can see water level on that side way higher than this side so water's going through moving turbines there's loads of bus in the background everything's good except for over this weight um slight leak that street is a little bit wet uh as is that one oh no as is down there oh no oh there's actually loads of flooding going on oh my Dam's a disaster is there anything I can do to fix it hang on let's have a look at Road services so Advanced Road Services yes please and ooh I could if I were to put trees down like that trees drink water we do actually use this like when I when I did Suds at at work that's sustainable Urban drainage to you common folk out there so yeah weang a few tree pits in this flood will be sorted I reckon but yeah to be fair though like when you come out like no one's actually complaining about being flooded so that's good what they are complaining about is there's no there's no workers over here perhaps that's because it's like it's quite a trek to get over there so maybe some public transport to take people over that way but yeah to be honest considering I never put a I never put a single roundabout in any of these Junctions uh I cannot believe how happy people are it's actually it's it's quite incredible all these stupid challenges they're always better than my just normal cities like even if they're flooding like this road is completely underwater and like no one cares if that happened inopia people would be kicking off I tell you that right well anyway due to the happiness of everyone due to the Boom Town this I'm I'm pinning this down as a success the the hexagonal City may actually be winning it's that it's that successful so on that note I guess I'll say peace love and hexagons are the bestag gons bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,088,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: cHERjpjB40g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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