An Excellent START! - Let's Play Cities Skylines 2 [REALISM] - Ep.1

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hello everyone Darren here and welcome to a brand new series here in City skylines 2 now over the past couple of weeks I've been streaming the game learning the ropes and figuring out what it's capable of and got to say I've just been really enjoying it despite the Jank so I think now I'm ready to get started with a series and use what I've learned on my experimental City to build something that's a little bit more realistic the plan is just to play the game in an organic way not to create a diarama type City but create small problems for ourselves we'll have to w f as the city expands taking on the role of a proper city planner now ultimately I want to push the population as much as we can reaching all the mil Stones building every building from the development tree and a series of the landmarks too we'll want to develop our land sea and air infrastructure and produce as many industrial goods as we can all the while we're still making sure the City layout makes sense and feels like something that could exist in real life no massive train rides running all the way over highrises yeah let's keep it fairly realistic now this video is quite long as it is the first episode and the initial Road layouts can take up a decent chunk of time and I also wanted to get to the Grand Village Milestone so we had a lot to work with for episode 2 but I've tried to speed things up where it makes sense to respect your time and as well as all that I love taking suggestions from the comments on where to build next or what people would like to see so don't be afraid to give advice suggestions even back seat I'll give you a pass it's all good by me so we're going to be building on Twin Mountain European theme with get this leftand drive that's right I currently live in the UK and I just recently passed my driving test so I thought it would go with left-hand drive to put some of that new found knowledge to use we're going to be designing roundabouts and the like given this sort of British and Irish Town feel so it's just best that I have a little bit better of an understanding with what I'm doing just some degree anyway so remember if you enjoyed the series please do consider subscribing and help me get to 100K I could really do it the ego boost and the validation that people click the button on the internet speaking of clicking buttons please do consider liking the video and and if you really do like the series consider becoming a channel member if you want to get videos early be recognized in the credits and my Discord a channel membership basically makes your one view go several thousand so it is tremendously helpful for smaller creators like me so without any further delay let's just begin all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the founding site for the city of Blackwater unlimited potential awaits us now before we actually get into the gameplay which I'm super stoked to jump into and I want to get progressing fast we should just quickly take a look at the topography the terrain and the map that we've chosen we're playing on Twin Mountain one of the best maps I feel like if you're new to city builders or it's been a while and you just want something relatively simple to start with and that's because it has a quite a basic layout it just has a single River coming in from the coast here cutting straight through the center of the map giving it its namesake by creating this Valley with twin mountains on either side not only that but we have a highway that stretches from the edges of both sides of the map from east to west or west to east and that Highway gives us a great sort of future proofing if we ever want to make microt towns exploit some resources or things like that further along the coastline we can easily bring that onto the highway and get those resources off map or create connections to the downtown area of the city along the river that's going to be awesome to work with in the future also we just have a single Highway here with one intersection one Bridge quite simple there are other Maps like River delta that has Bridges kind of crisscrossing over rivers can be quite hard to work with if you haven't played the game before or you're new to that kind of thing we do also have a smaller two-lane Highway that travels all the way along parallel to the river all the way out of the map North which creating another connection point which is always nice can ease traffic somewhat in case you're always trying to get down onto the one Junction down here so I think it's quite a good Dynamic map it should be pretty nice to build on in future the other thing that we'll have to watch out for is when we turn on our contour lines we can actually see that there is a very slow but steady incline all the way up to those mountains pretty much right from where we start so we'll always have have to be cutting into the terrain and thinking about how we're going to manipulate the terrain and try to make things that don't look so crazy cuz the terrain in this game can be a little awkward to work with I think that's possibly an understatement anyways with that in mind we know that we're not going to be kind of flattening the terrain too much because we're inevitably just going to be keep creeping up and up and up so you're going to have to deal with it at some point so we have to learn to squiggle our way up with roads and figure out like smaller plateaus for certain things all right with all that said let's just quickly take a look at the UI just in case we've anybody joining us that doesn't really know the game that well or isn't that familiar in the bottom left we have the time and date the interesting thing here is that 1 month is equal to 24 hours so when the 24-hour day night cycle passes by that's one month that's gone through and the weather I think is possibly tied to the entire day SL Monon I think I'm not entirely sure on that anyways we have three seasons then um sorry we have four seasons Every 3 months we have our name of the town the population the money that we currently have and then of course how happy our citizens are we'll talk talk about all that a little bit later of course we actually can't see anything a lot of stuff is locked for us right now we can't Ford plan that well I'm going to be building a dynamic living breathing City with all the mistakes that come with it redeveloping large portions as we unlock new things as we discover new things like where the natural resources are and as we take suggestions from the comments and things that people want to see I've been streaming the game just a little bit to learn the ropes get familiar with it as I didn't get it before release so I'm kind of playing catch up with some of the other YouTubers but the great thing with taking your guys suggestions is you teach me so much we do things and experiment with things that I never would have tried otherwise so I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with in the comments and say like oh you should build on this thing build on this island make a fishing Town those kind of things are great all right so without any further delay let's just get to building we'll start with our road tool I've got a general idea of what I've got in mind so basically the industrial zones we can see that the wind is pushing northeasterly up towards the river and away from where we're going to be hopefully building our town we have a sort of a little Valley down here between two small hills every contour line you see is a 1 M difference in height so pretty small but then you've got these thicker black ones which sort of indicate an every 10 meter jump so that's where you got to really think about that so we got a little bit of a valley here we're going to build our commercial area down here some of our suburbs down here some Row Housing we're kind of building an English sort of town we've got left-and Drive enabled cuz it's kind of unusual I feel like most people on YouTube don't do that I live in the UK right now I'm not English but I live in the UK okay so I'm going to be modeling it off of a lot of things that I see I just recently passed my driving test at 31 years of age and um you know I've been learning roads and learning roundabouts and layouts of all sorts of things so it's very fresh on the m so I'd like to recreate some of the things it's definitely not the best planned roads in the world uh the UK Road system it's roads on top of roads on top of roads and lots of changes but that's exactly what we're going to be building with this city so what I'm going to be doing is following this kind of black line here the thicker black line around with a medium road so we're coming in off of a highway the highway is called Concord Highway straight onto Crescent Street Crescent Street is going to be wrapping around quite a bit all right so we'll start with a curve bring this up to about there and then start curving it so what I want to do with this then we can see it's 152 M up that way if we could get 152 this way that'd be kind of nice and we can match the dotted line to go parallel to that black line boom and then we'll follow this up with a straight line so we're ah we're actually slightly off I'm going to have to redo that straight away I'll try not to be too finicky with this stuff but just at the very very early onset of it don't want to be making mistakes right at the gate big ones anyway all right we'll go to about there that's on the black line although we have to go just slightly above the black line CU it does rise now obviously we can reshape and change these things the great thing about this game is the road tools are super Dynamic good to about there little change in elevation is not really a problem and we'll follow this around now with a straight line snap it so it's 180 I'll just leave it there it's a good spot the next one then is we're going to create one that goes along this black line here again doesn't have to be super uber precise so something like that's totally fine thankfully the roads in this game can handle little Junctions like this and we'll bring this to about here curve it along here just makes the curves a little bit neater so the turning radius is the same all the way around I guess want a straight line now just for this bit here and then we'll start curving it again I think that's basically what I want all right we'll straight line this for a little bit and now we have that little highway there that I want to kind of bring this up and around to and connect it this will create this sort of closed loop for our outer arterial Road all right there we go a little bit better so I think I was getting a little too crazy with the Curve there when I straightened it out it it worked a lot better all right so there we go that's our general closed loop little weird I know but it's matching the topography we're respecting the topography City planer plays will be very happy about that all right so next thing we're going to start with some smaller roads and actually start working out where the uh commercial area is going to go as well as the actual Row Housing for Estates we're going to have these like very compact little Estates in this area uh so one of the first things though I'd like to do is just follow this kind of black line it does curve a little bit too much for my liking we're going to straighten it up a bit so what I'll do is start with over here where the line is straight or the road is straight grab this might actually do snap to zoning cell length it's worth doing when you are trying not to break your own zones so we'll just break this all the way over keep it at that 90° angle yeah it keep it gives us continuous zones all the way across if you snap to the middle of a road it can actually throw off the zones by a half zone right then that's why things get really messed up uh so I think starting at this point then we'll just bring this in bring it all the way straight to about there then we want to give these guys a way out or a way in if you think want to think of it that way let them curve and join their buddy over here so 64 and 79 let's get it to 72 and 73 that's good enough right I think that's fine cool all right cool so we're starting to make a bit of a grid inside that's the idea uh so yeah what do we do next let me think about it well I guess we need the commercial Zone first right so we'll find a spot here where we'll bring this up by two so we're creating a gap of maybe two Zone cells inside we're coming in a 90° angle so that should be fine all the way across again it looks like the Gap gets wider though don't know why that would be cuz they're both coming in from the same road at 90° so I might just work on that just for a second to make sure that is nice and tidy there we go yeah just something to do with the guidelines obviously was a little bit off but now it's a little bit more neat okay so now we want these series of row houses so what we're going to do is in this game we've got a zoning length of six right there's six little grids six cells that go cross we're going to intersect one I want the houses to be five deep on either side so we're going to cross over one and then what I'll do is I'll build a path that goes through these Estates and we'll go to about there so it's going to be a series of these in a row all the same length hopefully all right cool so very compact indeed and then every second row Road we'll just create a straight road that comes down to create a sort of that commercial area vibe that we want good all right now we'll make a little mini suburb in this patch that we have over here I know there's a lot of forest there but we can go further to get more trees uh for industry in the future so I'm not too worried about that we can get rid of the ones that are right here but I actually don't know where the resources are so hopefully we're not destroying anything too important uh so just bring this all the way over till we hit about three zones keep it at 90° please thank you you all right and then we'll use the curve tool maybe using this Branch Point here bring this up to maybe 144 and bring it across to 144 if we can that's 145 this should work really nicely actually because it leaves five zones here for the Row Housing and then we could have a path that goes straight through it all right bring this down we'll do something similar although it's not going to be as wide so 112 is our length there can we go across to 112 all right there we go now I'll teach you a little trick in a minute to clean up zones like this but we're not going to do it until we actually start zoning things and doing some Pathways uh so that's kind of our residential area covered commercial area in the center we have our outer road this is a very small town that we're dealing with here we're just in one tile right now well I guess technically it's actually three tiles three 3x3 but to give you an idea that it's quite small all right so next up we want to do the actual industrial area so let's turn back on a lot of these we're going to bring this road straight over to the right we've got another sort of flat Plateau right here so I think that would be good for factories and things and it's close to the river blowing all that pollution away from this area so there we go 90° angle stretching all the way across boom no problem with that not really anyway so something I'd like to do is now make this road go straight along with this one so it's more grid line but we'd have to continue this out so let me just try something real quick yeah so that gives us a much more straight road now to work with and just have neater neater zoning on the inside uh so we're going to be putting down a power plant which is bigger than two zones combined I think it's 14 across so we just have to think about that for width all right I'm pretty happy with that layout you know we could do more with it I'm going to add another final Road here and then we can finally start to actually bring in our first building so the last thing I want to do is create an area just roughly a bit further away from that commercial area to our left and bring this road all the way straight down in fact we're going to get rid of this one just for a sec so starting about here two zones in yeah bring this down I want it to just pretty much straight up merge with what's in front of us so it's just going to merge straight into this one although we'll make it a one way so that's a oneway road to get out onto the other side that's 180° okay and then we're going to do a similar thing here right where the road begins its Bend so probably maybe actually where this zoning kind of messes up a bit we'll turn this to curved go straight forward and connect it in there as the first connection point but then curve it and keep it on the left side of the road something like that so now we have this oneway access onto that Main Road out that way um this one would have to cross some streets so this one's going to have traffic lights and things or at least stop signs and when we get some more Road tools we can change it a little bit so the last thing then I just want to connect that road back up over here make that 90° right so it just becomes the one way if you're taking a right hand turn for them or if you're just continuing on it becomes that one way to get out that's the idea there little bit complicated it's nice to mess around with some more complicated stuff one last thing then we'll do just before we actually let things go that's going to be roundabout we're going to have a lot of roundabouts in this one because of course we are sort of in England oh yeah this needs to connect over here how could I forget definitely need another way out after making that a one way there we go better that's so weird that affected the zoning over there all right um yep so that's going to be roundabout Bonk next roundabout will be here that one there don't know if we need any more this road can go no that'll probably be one actually thinking about it and maybe here all right so some of our roundabouts are in place I did forget to do one last thing which is Pathways so I'll just do that really quickly all right so there we have it so there's my pathway so I wanted to make it kind of random as they're going to be sort of Alleyways that appear between houses we'll have a look at it in a moment when they actually come in the last thing I want to do is actually just fix some of our zoning using the pathway tool so this is actually a nice trick that you can do to kind of shape zones a little bit better to how you want them so what we can do is I think these houses are probably going going to be 4x4 so I'm just going to put a path in here at the back and as you can see that's changing zoning already now I don't think I'm going to use any of this so just really quickly I'm just going to do something like that and that creates much bigger plots for us to work with here and similarly I would say that this can go straight across this way and these paths are going to be removed once these houses actually come in and they should stay that way so I'm also just going to build another one along here just to cut the zoning off from this area and you can see it extends the plots quite nicely just do this as well with them changes the plots shape so I I think anyway it might not be perfect but I'm pretty sure I've done this in the past where we can get rid of some of these Pathways then and things like zoning should actually behave itself and stay just fine um so yeah we'll have to give it a shot and see how it happens uh so yeah pretty happy with that we'll remove some of those paths like I mentioned it's just temporary for now and this can come across this way as well just to allow these houses to come in a bit more too all right I think we're finally get ready to get started so the first thing we're going to do is actually build our services and utilities right so Electric I'm going to go with a coal a small Coal Power Plant it gives us 20 megaw low and high voltage it should be more than enough to actually allow us to sell some electricity back to the grid and I was going to place it just somewhere in over here seems like a decent spot for it oh I'm after coming in a little to not far enough I'll have to change that actually just slightly there we go so we have these power lines here that have to be drawn away now there's two ways you can do it you can just grab a power line obviously extend it across and it's totally fine I mean it stretches right over over the road but it actually doesn't matter but I'm actually just going to sink it down underground by pressing page down and just connect it pretty much straight over here so it's kind of cheating a little bit but we're just going to feed those cables underground and off the map just like that so that way we are still exporting our electricity next thing I want to do is actually just build a road that goes across this create another Junction here all right there we go so that's our first utility the next utility we're going to make uh obviously a water pumping station I guess it's not that obvious there are water groundwater aquifers I think that you can actually pump but we've just built right over the one that we have that's totally fine I don't really like these they actually get used up if you put too many groundwater pumping stations on them so it's kind of a guessing game of how much you can pump out of it and stuff like it just tell you the the usage the output but I don't know it's a little messy if it feels like you have to pay attention to it too much so a water pumpy station is totally fine by me especially if you start changing things in the budget panel by the way uh so yeah we'll just pop this somewhere down here and just like that we've unlocked Milestone one your efforts are bearing fruit your city has taken its first steps towards success 600 Grand one development point three perits to expand so for those who don't know you expand your map by going out to the map tiles and then just purchasing them we've just unlocked three tiles that we can do you can do them in anywhere you want and just purchase them we're going to leave it just going to make sure that that's undone yep we're going to leave it we'll expand later probably not even today we'll expand we don't need to but we have a development point which is important and what we're going to get first off is roundabouts you know it after that we'll get Advanced Road Services all right so let's get this road to link up going to start somewhere here bring this down and along like so all right that's our water pumping station of course power and electricity travels sorry Power and Water water and sewage travels on your road Network so if we check the infographics we can see the two types of pipe the yellow one is for Waste Water the blue one is for freshwater uh so everything is just connected automatically with the roads they're not connected via Highway so you have to that's why you need these power lines that stretch across longer distances or bespoke pipes that you build yourself you can build a a jewel combined pipe or you can have separate pipes if you want to uh and that's the last thing we're going to do actually is grab our sew Outlet so the water is Flowing down the river this way away from the mountains of course so we'll just put our Outlet somewhere far away this doesn't need a road connection but the other ones do the water pumping station does so we'll just put a Wastewater pipe feed it into our Network somewhere there and that's totally fine that's done okay so that is water that is sewage and that is power next up zoning so we'll just actually start to Zone these areas and when people start moving in then we can do some of that roundabout action I was talking about so let's do these houses here I said they're going to be 4x4 plots we're going to go to about there unfortunately this little area has is missing too because the way the road curved but I think we'll just have to deal with it not everything's going to be super uniform in fact we could mirror it if we wanted to get rid of those two but no I'll just leave it it's fine uh right we'll do the same here and here all right so that's all of our low density sort of suburban houses built at least over there next up we're going to go with the E medium density Row Housing So to avoid having the if I was just to Zone this entire area some of the houses are going to build off of this road right they're going to latch onto this road instead so what I'm going to do is just start it just pushed in one tile and that should allow the houses to build in the order and the rows that I want and then we'll just add these in at the final and then there's no other option for the zoning but to build that way so that should work out for us as well all right so that's all of our medium Road density housing built in there we're going to start doing a little bit of commercial zones now so normally this Legend would tell you where your customers are and that's a problem a lot of people have in the game it's like oh not enough customers you got to build it on some orange or green terrain if you're building it on white terrain you're not going to have any now we're just starting the game and it takes a while for people to move in and it to calculate how many customers are in an area it's not as quick as it tells you other things it takes much more time for it to let you know where the customers are cuz I think it's based on wealth and everything like that so it can take quite a while so I'm just going to kind of have an educated guess about where I think it's going to be so we just going to Zone commercial in this area this is probably going to be we're probably going to have Healthcare and maybe some parks or something this is pretty much all going to be Commerce as well but I'd like to have some Pathways but I don't know where the paths are going to go I'm thinking that we'll have a police station and a fire station I'd like the pathway to cut down somewhere before those things happen but we can at least put one in for now maybe just coming down this way and we'd have some going along the back like so that doesn't feel like a 90° angle but apparently it was all right cool there we go now we could have trees or something going along the back of those as well all right should we leave it at that I think that's fine uh last thing would be just a little bit of Industry so we could just do maybe one or two pockets here of local industry probably be good just to continue that road down and create a little little mini grid area now again to change the zoning just slightly let's try this out I'm just going to use a path tool we can see that this is latching on from all different directions so what I'll try is just cut this and now they're much more even now let's see what happens if I get rid of it try again hey we're even the whole way down so the the theory Works barely but it does so now we're matching the kind of estate across from us if that makes sense all right nice now things can still break in the future you can build a road and then it says that your zoning change so you never know but should be good enough all right let's let time play it's been long enough 8:00 a.m. June 2023 first people are starting to move in the first factories are starting to get built what have we got here 55 Hickory Street doesn't actually know what company's in there just yet but the building's going in first new and old customers find us at 161 cozy Street ducky toy uh some Commerce yes all right cool so we'll just speed up time once uh some of these houses come in then I'll be comfortable to remove some of the temporary pathways we made but while we're waiting I'll just keep it on medium speed actually we've unlocked roundabouts what I want to do now is get a medium siiz roundabouts for these medium siiz roads like so that can actually mess with zoning as well but we should be okay I think at least in these areas nothing too directly affected just yet all right good don't think we want to oh a large roundabout could be used actually up here where is kind of a highway connection it's a little bit of a weird one um and then this road that's coming off in that angle it's probably going to go into a different direction Al together depends on the topography we'll have a look at it in future new bar is opening up yaku oh actually I didn't realize we've already unlocked Healthcare yeah so we've reached our first Milestone right we've become a tiny village that's given us map tiles some more loan limit potential the city budget panel is unlocked statistics are unlocked we have medium density Row Housing and medium density for the North American style we have new types of Roads medical so we've got Healthcare and death care a medical clinic Cemetery garbage management now landfills and landfill tools so I'm not going to use the landfill we've been doing a stream and I didn't have pretty much any garbage it was actually handled by trucks coming hang on I got to see this plane There It Is by trucks coming in and out of the city um and it seemed to work just fine for us so I'd rather do that I don't have to deal with the pollution or anything we might build a recycling center or something but no landfill if we can avoid it all right we have our first takers coming in nice and smooth so what we're going to do with the roads now is is make some asymmetrical roads so we've got a five Lane asymmetrical road so approaching roundabout now typically it's only really necessary if you're going to have four exits there's only three exits on this roundabout um really it feels like just two for the person coming on cuz typically you're not going to double back on yourself so it's not that necessary but I'm going to do it anyway which is add this upgrade here creates three lanes on one side and just keeps the two on the other side and that way we have the far left lane for just going straight the middle one is kind of an optional straight or to the right because of course there's two lanes here so you can end in the Middle Lane or you can take a right hand turn if you're on the inside Lane ending up in there so you want to do this on roundabouts all the way around but just only facing the direction towards the roundabout right the asymmetry goes towards the I've confused that car he's like oh my God what what do I do but no he'll be fine they'd be fine all right we can continue this all the way so it doesn't look so weird that's kind of nice so as you come off the highway you go yep I'm in one of three lanes plenty of time to make your last minute ditch Choice when you realize you're in the wrong one uh okay this can this can actually go the other way now um maybe we could do that don't have to but let's try it out so we're creating asymmetry here where the dividers kind of change but you can take that lane if you want to just go into the left hand turn straight up or the other two are for going straight the only issue with that is they kind of have to just slightly nudge themselves over to the left a bit that's fine all right I'm just going to do this in a few other roundabout places so we'll just do one uh there one there ah this roundabout is having issues with this saw this before actually when you're building roundabout on an area that was just curved you get this little patch here that you can't get rid of properly anyway so just do this again and see if we can feed this road in so we'll get that five Lane asymmetric Road we'll get the curve but it's going to change how my curve worked I guess shouldn't be too bad though I'm just bring that right into the center okay right now we could just try and upgrade that again so basically on the approach is where you want your asymmetry there something like that so just as the bend starts you can kind of get into that other lane and then go around just keep letting time plate we should be fine with the other areas now because they won't be curving sort of have to decide which one keeps the longer lanes for longer but you can actually determine that based on traffic flow in the future can't do the same with this one cuz it's the same sort of situation that roundabout is being built on a curve all right that should be the last time we have to do that I think all right cool people are starting to move in things are looking good these trees will all go away we'll build some fresh ones of our own soon I might do that in between episodes because that can be a little bit tedious but then over a little bit of time we'll start to see it all come in so lot of demand for low density residential demand the bars indicate which types of zones are currently needed for your city the Dem demand is different depending on the situation of the city so availability of jobs uh you know unoccupied buildings and happiness is lower for whatever for types of uh for them wanting to move into things so we currently have unreliable Healthcare spacious homes though at the moment wealth plus 12 so people are generally fairly happy as they're coming into the city we have 30 people living here now we have our budget panel but we do not have taxation yet so we can't actually change anything or influence things too much one thing I'd like to do though is just start building the medical center so we have a medical Clin basic healthcare for a small area can pick up patients with ambulances it's $60,000 we just call it dollars um to build oh I guess you know we'll call it pounds because we're supposed to be in the UK here so pounds 60,000 lb to build this it's 105,000 upkeep so basically it tells you per month the upkeep but in the bottom panel down here it tells you your current hourly rate so it's a little inconsistent in my opinion so if we go 105,000 divided by 24 our hourly burn rate of this building would be 4,300 it's kind of expensive seeing as we're only at700 now it's going to be fairly large negative here but we'll just pop it down right here good spot for it I think near the commercial zones fits in behind that pathway that we had there so we could actually continue that pathway and if we wanted to continue it all the way across we could actually get that crosswalk going as well like so bring this maybe up to here very uniform indeed normally I like to offset these or or make like a step so one comes down then goes across or something but we'll leave it it's all it's all good um okay see it that's our Healthcare Clinic beautiful so basically it's already has some pharmaceutical stored in there 10 kg it's got 9 out of 12 employees we can see the breakdown of the education requirements for this building it's actually just gotten 12 12 out of 12 so everyone's got a job there now three people are well educated so unlike City skylines 1 people do arrive to your city very early on that actually have education you're not starting with everyone poorly educated so you don't have to take as long to ramp up it does skew heavy you definitely have a higher volume of people arriving on the lower tiers it's not like you just have tons of people arriving that are well educated but just thought I should make the point that at least some of the positions get filled early on all right now we can see Row Housing is appearing we don't actually have any demand for it but that's because it's as soon as demand appears someone is buying a plot of a house or building one and then moving in so we're totally fine there could do a bit more for the industrial side of things so again these zones are fairly disjointed and quite broken up so something we could try is maybe bringing this in a bit further so let's go with a regular Road let's do a straight road don't know how weird this is going to be we'll see what this does so what I'm going to try is maybe keeping a path on this side so that keeps our zoning free on the left here we're going to cut the zoning completely on this side of the road so we want people to be working on the inside so something like that we can break this bit that just helps things a little bit the other one I'd say we could possibly get away with is breaking the zoning here so yeah let's try work with that I guess um we could also maybe bring this up join it in there all right so just cleaner buildings I think generally speaking so let's start zoning some of that indust indust industry so we do have a factory here that would be still attached to that that's not too bad just one or two just don't want to clog up the main arterial road with too many things um what you could also do is just build a little Alleyway off of this perhaps we could try that let's get a little no no actually the pathways are you know what yeah let's get a little creative just even here at the very beginning a little bit so if we take the alleyway a narrow two-lane road with without sidewalks this can actually snap onto just one side and we can bring this straight out just to there and then if we take that path and bring this down here the zoning is now on this Alleyway so that works and it's probably a little bit better cuz I didn't really like things going on to the arterial Road a little bit is okay but too much not good um all right yeah so we can fill that in and you might even be able to fit that tiny tiny little pathway through there if we turn oh we don't even need to turn off zoning or um grids I mean yeah fits between them nicely so this one goes up along the back we could maybe connect in there and this can probably be removed now and hopefully nothing will break seems good to me except for all the level of details I've broken uh let's turn off snapping just for a second we're going to get this and bring this down and then we can put some trees or something along there so there we go just I don't know it's a little more efficient use of space I think and also neater so I'm happy enough with that uh we have more demand already so we'll just Zone this as well well so lots of Industries popping up we're loving it let's keep speeding up time how are we doing we're well on our way to T um the next Milestone which is small village so we have a cemetery one of my pet peeves of this game is that the cemetery and a lot of buildings are massive so we're not going to build it I'm going to wait till we get a crematorium so there's nothing really we can do about that is there anything else I could build to ease time oh yeah I wanted to put this make this a roundabout so there's still a few things I need to do like that so mediumsized roundabout there yeah we can get rid of the pathway here that was just temporary our housing plots have moved in now that's a very big one we just want a minized one like that mediumsized that has the three lane isometric Road leading right up to it so that's totally fine and then the inverse is true heading out of the city you're to good this one interesting news from the city and that one so now the nice thing here actually is you remember we have this we have this um single Lane coming out this way and they have to cross the traffic to join but now we've just added we've opened up a third lane so the idea would be that these two lanes you're just traveling along fairly straight right you just have to curve over a little bit and then these guys come out and they just should more seamlessly merge uh obviously when the lights turn so this will be green for everyone going straight and that'll be green for them I would hope I hope they don't get stopped for to let them out but we'll see how it goes I I'm not too sure with mods certainly in the future things that you could do in City Skylands excuse me again sorry things that you could do was uh time traffic lights and change how it works yourself so while we don't have the ultimate flexibility in this I'm sure it'll be probably fine all right we'll get rid of some of these Pathways now there we go look at that we've got pretty nice little housing plots in here now nice little suburban area quite happy with that it's actually really worked out oh cool what's this oh it's a standing Stone yeah we saw this actually before I just didn't recognize it for a second I thought it was like a dead tree it almost looks like white birch but it's really thick obviously there's a couple of those out in a little mini Park area so we could actually make um little pathway that wraps around here it could look kind of nice and we're still just waiting on more and more people to move in so yeah I think we're good to Zone all of this commercial this bit here going to reserve this area for perhaps doing parks what else could we do um yeah actually down here could be commercial as well and very similarly we're going to just change the zoning just slightly like so I want to make sure they build off of we'll see where they latch onto I guess it's not really a big concern but I'd like them to latch onto this part of the road not this one all right again more industry popping up I need to see the size of the the crematorium building we're close to the next Milestone though we're getting little dings all the time as people are moving in all right so let's um yeah let's plug this Gap in here as well Milestone 2 unlocked boom 700,000 2 development points for expansion permits so the reason I did that and is it straight it seems straight this would be very awkward coming on coming in off this roundabout I admit and is that a mediumsized one yes um but we're not going to let them turn right it's only for people coming who are traveling along this way can turn left onto that road yeah that seems okay now we're latching onto the proper side so I've changed it we're just using a an Alleyway instead I think that's probably better I'm not going to connect to there it is too close to the roundabout I thought maybe it'd be okay with a few other rules in place but it's fine something else I want to do as well quite frequently is three lane asymmetric roads we're approaching this roundabout but from a small road we can still give it a second lane so it can turn either left or right uh so the left lane actually allows you to go left or around and left or the inside Lane just takes you to the inside to the right but that's totally fine it should just give people again more options when they're filtering onto a roundabout I think it'll work out better uh you want to do that in a few different spots actually so like there another one there don't think I really want to do it on the residential streets we could and it would actually eliminate a lot of the parking which is a bit of an eyesore but it's a bit strange on a residential street it's a shame I can't just tell to do just this little bit here here you could probably do it if you change the road layout a little bit it's quite a lot of effort I think I think I'll probably just leave it if it needs it then we'll give it to it yeah that probably makes more sense all right our Row Housing is coming in quite nicely so we've just got two more development points it's heading in back over there Advanced Road Services yes please and Healthcare crematorium so now we can start to actually get some different proper buildings Place we've also just unlocked education so we can build a school all right so the crematorium I was thinking if we have a look at that first could go in somewhere here right around there I don't see why not looks like we're aligned with the bottom Edge 240,000 pounds and 500 XP boom just like that so they're going to be loving it I mean the town loving the access to burial rights and death rights or whatever so next thing then we'll bring a road in this way and we'll make a school at the end of these the street here let's bring this all the way over pretty much all the way to the end there all right and we'll throw in a school so it's just an elementary school straight up like that people are loving that a lot more than the crematorium the kids are living this one and then we'll throw in the playground for them the activities provided by the playground bring increased wellbeing to Citizens so 5% well-being for students 10% wellbeing within 300 M so it is a little because it's on the side of the town probably not an optimal placement to give everyone the well-being they need but I don't really mind we're going to build out this way in the future as well and down this way so this is really just to serve this community to be honest thousand potential students here or capacity a little playground out the back for them to hang out fenced so hopefully safe from the the main road there you can see we're actually deforming the terrain just a little bit next thing we're going to do grab an Alleyway again I think it'll be good here just bring this Alleyway up like that that connects onto the building nicely I'm not going to build any of the other modules the other one is the clinic that can extend on it's too big and plus I don't think they need it we're close to a medical clinic anyway it does give you 5% health for students extension Wing can just be built on top of itself so that's totally fine we'll upgrade it if needs be uh down here I thought we could just add in a few extra houses but to do so we'll have to cut off again you're gonna do this a lot in this series I guess just use the path tool again to cut off some of those houses um or cut off some of the uh zoning so I'm just going to use the regular low density here I'll do by four and they built on the right correct angle as well so I'm happy about that uh we could get rid of this now good all right there we go I'm pretty happy with how things are coming along quite neat I feel like and people are moving in all the time we're actually just past a th000 we're gaining 178 we're losing money hand over fist though but we have just unlocked taxation going to lower taxes quite a bit 6% increasing them here maybe to 14 quite high on the Commerce and Industrial now the reason I'm doing that is to do with how how is upgrading this game so the level is 1 out of five money that is left over after paying rent and upkeep is used by the occupants to level up the building if the occupant's wealth declines the building may end up being abandoned higher level residential buildings have higher upkeep costs but they also consume less water and electricity and produce less garbage residential wealth is based on the residents employment situation and job level so the interesting thing there is if you give people more money it actually reduces the upkeep costs and the import of stone and things like that I assume that's part of the upkeep so it's just like give people more money they take care of their own houses and stuff better they level up and therefore it costs you less don't know how it really works out overall but if we can just level them up to the point where they're fairly leveled up then we can increase taxes again a little bit to make some of the money back after they become development and the upkeep costs become cheaper the thing is though very weirdly you set taxes based on education level not on density of houses which is strange I wish you could do do it based on income um either based on income or the density of houses that you're sorting out because density is now broken down between all these different types and largely you can kind of tell who's going to move into what I think in this game well it kind of depends on land value I suppose people will move into the dense part of the city that's expensive if they have a lot of money but also they'll typically you would expect them to live out in the suburbs if they you know have a nice big plot a 5x5 grid space home out in the suburbs you'd want to be fairly wealthy to have that but I suppose you'd want to be fairly wealthy to live in in like a Manhattan style bougie apartment I'm not sure how the game really calculates that stuff for how it works that out because you could argue that while living in an apartment you're probably just renting a lot of people I imagine who live in Manhattan and stuff aren't the ones that are super rich they're the ones that work nearby and they get paid probably decently but a lot of that just goes to the rent and stuff I would assume anyway we're going off on a bit of a tangent there but that's just basically why I want to give people more money in their pockets to kind of level their houses up effectively uh we can kind of keep track of citizens wealth over time and it'll tell us down here how wealthy they are plus seven at the moment spacious homes Fair taxes abundance of Leisure Time good Educational Services we just unlocked a signature building as well and I didn't actually see what the requirements were for I think it's for having a certain amount of Row Housing it's called vertigo Square it's a one by one or sorry not one by one 1x4 which I don't even know if we can I can latch it on to the road I'm trying to which is here yeah I kind of seem to turn it for some reason but that's where we wanted there we go yeah 1x4 quite a tall building though doesn't really fit the aesthetic but we'll save it we can only place them once so we'll save it for some time that we have some dense area that it could fit in um the nice thing now as well actually is we can get the medium density again and just go along this way anywhere there is houses now cuz we know that they'll fill in correctly neighborhood you can now shop for designer shoes while sipping fancy local interesting all right so it's getting kind of dark so we'll brighten up the day just by turning off the day night visuals and then it's you know it's nearly 9:00 p.m. when it gets to about 6:00 7:00 a.m. we'll turn back on because the city can look quite nice depending on the different time of day and the weather effects and things like that uh so let's see what else we've just unlocked ourselves the road services so we have a road maintenance Depot which can actually keep your roads conditioned good so the road condition color is here and we can see it's already starting to deteriorate on places that are kind of busy so we we would like to have a road maintenance Depot I think I'm going to place it somewhere over here but I'll have to do some terraforming it'll take me a minute so before we do that we're also going to just clean up some of the crazy amount of cars on the roads so what we can do to help that long is one thing yeah we'll go into our roads tool we'll open up the road Services which is just unlocked and add some patches of grass along the edges here so on the left side just like so and then we'll add trees on top of that didn't mean to do it on that side now we'll also want to provide parking when we unlock it but we haven't unlocked it yet next thing is I don't want people parking right on top of the clinic the weird thing in this game is that these places come with car parking spaces every building does it's actually a complaint a lot of people have is there's so many car Parks my complaint would be that nobody uses them they park on the side of the road just go in there go in park go into the building you know she's getting out here I don't know if you're going in there or not but she's got her dog with her but you know what I mean I just like to see people using these places more you do see it occasionally but to be fair no one's actually really in here there's three patients anyway so it's probably just the people that work there that are parking there right now but I feel like if you give them no other option but to do it they will so that's why I'm taking away the access to roads by making wide side oh sorry the access to side street parking by making wide roads so we know that we're a lot of people are going to be coming in off of this road coming in and then turning left I don't want lots of cars parked here so we're going to Bunch that up with wide sidewalks now we could put some maybe grass but no trees just a little bit of something cleaner there although I feel like for a more densely populated area probably wouldn't have grass anyway it doesn't matter one of the last thing as well just going to upgrade this to be a three line symmet asymmetrical Road just like that so you can take your left or go straight do we need to change that anywhere else I would say yes cuz you're not going to be taking a left much more so keep doing that to there yeah that just gives people more options as they come into the city if they're taking this road in which a lot of people probably are the other option is to go that way and around and through some of the Estates not very good of course this is a Highway people are coming in this way too so you got to think about that all right um and I would think about that I would say that is that complicating things too much no not really that should be fine as well and it also eliminates parking so I just feel like that's quite nice all right cool um so what do we have toand for it lots of Commerce lots of Industry lots of regular housing they'll take the other housing though if they got no option I feel like so we'll just leave them now I'm just wondering so the crematorium actually wasn't as big as I thought how big does it get at the back we have a Hearst garage it won't fit on the side I don't know if we'll ever need that additional incinerator you know what we'll just bring this road straight up I was unsure of that initially but I'm fairly sure of it now so we got another Block in here for industry which I think would be totally fine and we'll maybe make a pathway that just goes straight through the back uh and just to break it up somewhat just to be kind of look a bit more interesting give people some options where they come in and out do something like that and then we'll just Zone this to be industry more jobs our new facility at 42 Heather Street for onshore has open positions open jobs hasht work I'd love to make my own company in the game that'd be kind of cool because the really cool thing in this game one of my favorite aspects is the the names make sense with the Billboards and the signs that you have so for instance if we zoom in we can see Caper and then something else that says TNS so te stool Co so that logo fits the name of the fact the name of this particular shop the next one to our left I'm seeing avatu right and then we see also signs for bent zel so yeah there we go aatu IV vatu so that's the name of the building IV vatu on 112 foggy Street um cars for the future so they're selling Vehicles next one over ocean Port Pharmaceuticals they're doing Pharmaceuticals we can see the Oceanport sign right there so I just love stuff like that so it' be cool to make my own sign uh cont like a make a content creator house or something but no I don't know make a game development Studio something like that something cool um and yeah then you can have it kind of represented the game of course we need modding tools to be able to do this so looking forward to that kind of thing being a possibility for the future uh all right so I think I'm going to get to work on this sort of service area here we're going to build a road maintenance Depot out this way the problem is probably have to timlapse it just really quickly CU it's a lot of terrain deformation going on it's going to be a little awkward placing this one so going to pause time get rid of this road and start working on this area now all right there we have it that's the road maintenance Depot now in position we have our first road maintenance Vehicles now rolling out to go patch up the roads this is just a little oh just like that masteran 3 unlocked another 800,000 three development points and five expansion permits not bad things are looking good yeah so um this is just a little Alleyway that I decided to bring all the way down here cuz I think we'll probably also go with the park maintenance Depot so I think if I could just rush towards that area now that' be great we need to get to Grand Village before we do so we got this little alley that comes in and then another smaller alley that curls around down to the water pumping station tried to make the tring to look as decent as I could sort of Cliff Edge but it's a little bumpy it's not as smooth as I probably would have liked but don't need so many hours in the day I decided to hope that trees will largely obus skate what's going on there wow it looks like all of these vehicles are rolling out nine out of 10 just like that and yeah they kind of drive along the road and they stop periodically so you'll see cars get kind of slowed down behind them as they're patching up the roads but if we just take a real quick look at the uh infographic for roads very quickly yeah so we can see that these ones are are starting to have conditions not so good traffic and cars slow down there's an increased chance of accidents and things yeah so and weather make surfaces deteriorate over time lowered road condition forces traffic to slow down and increases the chance of Road accidents uh the other thing I was going to do with the extra tools we just unlocked was remove some of the crosswalks right so we've got these crazy crosswalks here don't need those and out here as well don't need those now the other thing we can do is these guys are joining out to this road here perhaps we could upgrade this to be an asymmetrical three lane on one side so they get given their own lane on the way out I think would work work well for them we just continue that all the way around to that roundabout as soon as we need to anyway so actually make the roundabout bigger but it worked that's cool so yeah it's I I love that I think it's really really neat the way we get to do that on both sides approaching two different roundabouts to me it feels quite realistic being able to do that kind of thing um maybe not this with the weird kind of crossovers now you can actually actually remove the traffic lights and things and just hope for the best they'll basically just have giveway you know and they'll they'll just come out and cross over if there's nothing really approaching on the left kind of dangerous but maybe we can leave it and see what happens um traffic lights here as well totally not needed I would say now because you just have you're just one way merging onto a different thing so I think you're totally fine just give away just be careful all right so we've also unlocked now let's just check it out what we've just got Milestone wise we're at large Village we now have spoke specialized industry won't have time to set that up today but livestock farming Stone mining that kind of thing and those could be placed anywhere when you're actually building them or selecting them they'll show you deposits on the ground for fertility and for ore deposits but a trick something that always trips me up is that they don't need that they can be placed anywhere and they're no more efficient be placed on these deposits just these two categories the other things need to be placed on them but these these two can be placed anywhere so you can kind of get your own livestock and stone industry going regardless of where you are so it's just worth knowing that all right so the next things that we've also unlocked would be fire and rescue and police and administration so we can finally open up these categories see what's going on we have access to a firehouse and a police station so we'll pop the police station down right here oh fits I was really worried it wasn't going to fit without destroying some of the stuff at the back gave it a little extra space actually and then a firehouse right next to that so that gives them the flexibility to kind of they'll drive out this way I think and hopefully go out and go to where they need to or get onto that road they can still come down and take a left turn and go this way as well oh they're coming out this way actually maybe that's where they go in bring the boys into jail and we're adding so many cars to the road These are nice looking police vehicles aren't they nice enough yeah good for them little trick we're going to do as well if you have developer mode enabled which you can do by typing Dash developer mode in the steam launch settings um but I would just Google it loads of people know how to do it if you go press tab open up the shaders we can get rid of the the white lines on the ground now they're actually quite useful for seeing the various Lanes of where people go but by removing them like this we get much cleaner roads I was saying on a stream of mine I'd really like it if we could just tone it down you know I'm guessing in future you will be able to but with mods or something but um if we were kind of calling that opacity 50% when the white was on the road now it's at zero really great to bring it to like five or 10 just so it's very faintly there but just not this like really inyour face kind of looking thing but yeah we'll leave it off for the most part but when I'm doing certain Road layouts and things I will be turning it back on just to see exactly where we're putting things down making sure my roads are connected especially with interchanges sometimes you just don't fully know until until the last moment could we extend this bit further perhaps and add a few more houses yeah don't see why not we have the demand for it might as well use that space let's see if we can so we'll just use a curve again it's not going to be a full curve the whole way around though anymore we could do something like this maybe and then with our pathway trick we can maybe just eliminate some of those zones that gives us more options so these will be 3x3 that's okay don't need to do with them all right yeah let's give some extra houses in here cool all right so what do we up to 1400 population we now actually have taxes oh no we had taxes available yeah that's all good services are now available so we could change the budget on certain things so Healthcare spring that way down bring it to about 80 uh fire and rescue bring that to about 80 as well and police I just reckon we don't need it until the city grows so just save a little bit of money while we're burning some of that in the background and we'd like to we have access to a high school I haven't built that either yet yeah so I'm just going to go with the parking actually for now then and we're going to add a few of these placed around tactically placed in fact I think a good place for one would be actually on the way into the town here so again using my I really love alleys how big are parking lots well actually I need to look at how deep they are not across cuz I'm going to turn them sideways this is three six deep okay that's not too bad so 1 2 3 four five six deep and we start here if we come in all the way up like that our zoning it's really difficult to see but we're actually not placing it on the edge of the side of the road so again that's because of the way the zoning is working for us all right there we go car park although we were kind of building on a bit of a hill but it's not too bad I've seen worse in real life so I think it's probably fine but what we could also do now is connect that alley to a little pathway and it actually brings the car park out a bit too I don't know if I like that or not but I have seen that happen before so you can actually then go in and set the parking fee I would say quite low $5 even though the alleys don't have Pathways people oh my god look people are using it and there's um what the hell is that it's a moose okay well good for him I didn't know that was in the game just one lone moose on its own oh my God watch out jeez oh jeez I don't know if this creates traffic accidents no I guess not that's all good now interestingly the because this is attached here even though the arrows are pointing up and down you'll see look at the cars they are Breaking All the Rules they're just going straight in I actually kind of like that they do that to be honest that they don't have to wait for certain turns to get in there so I might get rid of some of the crosswalks uh here cuz I just don't think they're really that necessary we can maybe keep that one and that one turn off the traffic lights I think you're fine just pull in when you can you know just use your common sense damn it same kind of goes for some of these areas get rid of the traffic lights so what do we have not enough customers already I did see that earlier I thought it would go away by now they they'll be fine what actually it depends on what they're selling food they're making they're selling meals and they require food all right I'm just going to time speed up just for a second because I need to think about what else I'm going to Zone I think more industry and more Commerce is still needed even though it says we've hit our limit for customers we'll just put a little bit down here all right there we go another block of Industry Elk Street and Heather Street outskirt Center boorder at your old job or studying come to work with us outskirts Tannery where's that oh it's the new building that we're putting down here they're requiring livestock and making textiles oh we've had our loading bug again all I'm going to make even more parking just down here cuz this one's filled up really quickly I mean it's totally full so we can put another car park just right off behind it I hope people don't mind right behind their houses is big car park but put some trees up maybe a fence they wouldn't have to see it it's great to see a lot of people using the car park though it's working pretty much instantly I guess that's cuz we did take away a lot of their options when it came to parking in and around the commercial areas in fact I had only meant to do it on one side of the street not on two so let's maybe correct that just slightly so that they can get a little bit closer so we can take away the oh no that's because we made it a three lane road oh yeah oh that's fine then whatever I ain't changing that all right we can actually take a moment to look at our houses that have all come in now 4:20 a.m. and we have our copy paste Row Housing in with all their various little Alleyways it's so uh it's so F the factory must [Laughter] grow yeah it's like I'm playing an automation game or something all right well we still have um we've actually got demand now for medium density residential more Commerce and more industry yet again so I'm going to do something a little bit more creative here hopefully uh which is put down some higher density housing just in this little patch here so the way I wanted to do this way I've been thinking about doing it I was thinking yeah so we've got no zoning on this road for whatever reason so again we have to do our little trick we'll break the zoning here break it on the insides now we have it in here going to try and reset it getting rid of these bits and seeing what we've got yes so now we can go with EU medium density housing do four four ah we're not given the other four though H hang on there's a way to get this right I'm confident H the best I could get is this kind of thing so it's four three and three now I could make it three three and three but I think four deep is probably good but we'll see we'll see how it shakes out I just think it would get similar size buildings that way and it'll look good just having a few of the high density or sorry medium density buildings like this I think it'll be okay uh I was thinking maybe six in total so it's almost like a preapproved little area of apartment blocks that you can kind of think of and it encourages you know it's depends on what people need so they're happy with their taxes and happiness same for both categories it'll often tell you different things like students will have a demand for that Medium density or the excuse me the low rent density so there we go I actually see a little students but we don't have any high school students yet I would hope that no Elementary School students are just living in there on their own but they could be crime scene is just being committed a crime has been committed waiting for rehearse other things we could check actually now that we built this place is how is is traffic right so traffic flow pretty low kind of in the high 70s maybe mid-70s now that's traffic flow so that'll kind of tell you basically how well vehicles are able to get around Road segments with bad flow are places where vehicles are forced to slow down frequently the volume is the kind of the metric from the old game in a way which is it shows you just the how much the road has been used and how many people are constantly on it it's like the cars that are constantly on it so the traffic volume indicates the number of vehicles using the roads so obviously this one is very busy because it's coming in from the highway so a lot of people using that one and so with this one but not much use on the other ones not too bad it's right in the middle you know middle and low middle so that's good I'm happy enough with that just noticing a few things now around the area that I want to kind of clean up which is little bits like this where people are parking on areas where they just I really feel like they shouldn't be then we've got them parking on these medium roads so I don't know how to get rid of this other than just to make sidewalks wide but it can be a bit strange doing that sometimes it kind of forces the lanes to come in a bit but you know from a distance then it looks kind of clear but we do have technically really wide sidewalks now and no one's going to be using that for parking parking here is totally good I'm okay with that we could make another row of uh Commerce here don't want to be massive if we continue this straight over in fact we could do it from we do it from here and just bring this straight down that's 180° so if we break this away you know the drill it fixes our zoning a bit we can fix it even better let's take this away from here there we go all right there we go reshuffled let's get that in now this was actually it's still near an area where it says not enough customers but I'm sure it'll be fine oh my God sorry that was a severe auto save I'm appalled that a healthcare is run this city oh would you stop what are we on Healthcare the sick are injured to 13 out of a capacity of 100 we never low did I lower the healthcare budget feel like I may have actually but I think it's fine it's running at 84% so that makes me feel like I did at some point lower it yeah we brought down to 80 so it's gaining a little extra percentage for efficiency where the hell did I just see that there we go uh yeah so it's gaining it from happiness 7% so its base level would be 107 if we kept the budget up but because we've lowered the budget it's kind of lower than it would otherwise be I'm okay with that I think it's fine crematorium is fine right we're very close to leveling up if I just wait and people keep continuing to move in which they still are even just albeit slowly because we built these extra blocks of houses here going to build another series of houses just behind this that are the exact same and that should be it for our population today now I think to break this area up what I'll probably do is just use an alley again in rather than a full main road now I've brought the alley all the way across and obviously that's creating Junctions and stuff really close by so using the road Services category of our road tools we can get rid of those traffic lights there we can actually just get rid of the crosswalks as well and now it's just a little alley that's only ever going to get use based on the people that are moving in and out of these places but hopefully they'll just walk most of the time occasionally we'll see the oldd vehicle go in here to do road maintenance and stuff but generally speaking I think we'll probably be fine so I'm hoping now we can just bring this straight down connect that over to the alley bring this one down as well that gives us the same layout so that actually worked out now we don't have any demand for this anymore but I just thought it'd be good to have it ready to go in the future all right I think the final thing I got to do is do a little bit of extra industry so we've got this big plot of land right here and up there that's available I was thinking some sort of uh maybe recycling center could fit up there but down here we've got pretty good amount of area to work with more industry so let's begin all right there we go little bit of extra industry has been zoned and it's already moved in with we met all the demand for that pretty much instantly also created just a few extra little Pathways around it to break things up a bit there's still room for more we can cram in a few extra factories there at least they're quite close to this main arterial road cuz I was I'm a bit worried like it is a lot of industry in one spot so the highway is coming in all these trucks that are coming in delivering goods and materials into these places or ex or exporting them depending on what it is we got rock coming in let's see where this guy's actually heading to he's going to Milford just follow him on un likee City Skylands 1 it doesn't actually show you the route that they're going to take it just shows you the destination I'm hoping they improve that in the future oh wow he's going oh milford's just a different town so he's actually just driving through our town cuz he came in off the highway wow he's got nothing to do with this place interesting that using my my city I we should put tolls on that Highway if you're going to use my city for that um so how are we doing we're really close to large Village just have to wait for that to kind of tick on up and keep an eye on things it's now 12:45 so I'm going to turn back on day night VIs all right just like that I've just placed down a new car park and we've just earned ourselves a million dollars or million pounds excuse me doing that four more development points and six expansion permits so it's kind of a temporary car park I say that because car Parks can often just be placed down again to help you level up and stuff and people will use them this is on just a small little alley but I was kind of thinking like well in future you know with public transport improvements and other things that we've now just unlocked maybe the need for par car Parks will be lessened and we can remove this and build something else here that would be the idea so I like to put down quite a few early game and then hopefully reduce them later on we'll see how that all goes so the last thing then is just we've unlocked some parks now so we have small Park Plaza playground dog park campfire site we have unique oh my God we actually have one the Grand Hotel oh we have enough money for it yeah I think you can I don't think you actually have to uh unlock these you just get the if you have the money a grand hotel wow yeah we'll look at those in the future obviously it's way too early we've also unlocked public transportation buses bus routes uh and taxi depos so so I should say bus and taxi Lanes so we'll definitely have both of those I think they could be good over in the service area so what I'm going to do really quickly is go into our parks and wreck uh we're going to unlock Park maintenance and I don't know if we'll unlock anything else today I think we'll probably go with the recycling center we've got four points so we'll probably spend it in the next episode I'd like to see some feed feedback of what people would like to see next but just really quickly I think the plaza fits in here really nicely let's just turn on snapping boom and they actually have different models and stuff so it is just like a little Park area two different kind of styles to it they're going to be loving that and our Park maintenance Vehicles will come out and help it along something else I'll do is I'll start putting down some trees just at the back of this little Alleyway could make things look quite nice and um yeah yeah that's going to have to be it for this episode it's just one the last thing I want to do is just fill in that sort of area and get to that Milestone and see what we have available we've got now 18 permits we can kind of expand wherever we want we're a Grand Village we can create districts we have the production panel so now we can see all sorts of things about like what we have demands for you know be good to set up our own agriculture our own livestock uh stone or mining that kind of thing coal all that stuff would be good if we have a look at our electricity demand and things like that now we're still over over producing so that means we are selling some of our excess electricity which is really cool that's service trade we're making 25,000 just doing that we're still bleeding money though fairly heavily obviously taxes are really low right now though but now we can actually start to think about what industries we want to set up and change the tax rates to incentivize various shops and industries to specialize in things that would benefit them because we have our own local industry set up here we've also got demands for everything now including offices I was thinking offices would go in and around the crematorium I think that would be actually kind of fine but maybe that would be more B I don't know often said I have no idea where crematoriums are supposed to go relative to other things in the cities and the idea for the next episode is going to be to expand down this way and then definitely just make use of all this space so this will be the first part of the city just using all the space here and then we'll kind of work out what we're going to do after the fact um this is really a nice little starter town to get the ball rolling doesn't seem like traffic's like too bad really I'm not seeing anything getting grid locked or super backed up I think roundabouts have helped that and also some of our oneway inss and out even though they don't get used that much but also the three lanes on the way in just clears the roundabouts from getting too backed up when they get busy um so yeah so that's pretty much it we got our the Estates the the working class low tier Estates low density sorry sorry is what I was trying to think of low density Estates before we then have more and more suburbs and then we start thinking about increasing the density of these places by adding more houses like this that can have multiple households within it multiple apartments and things that people live in you can check any of those families then their household wealth is poor they're overall content though they're very happy with the things they've been given if we look at the individual person they're a senior that makes sense uh and then you can see their education level and stuff like that so pretty cool so yeah hopefully you've given you a bit of a sitre as to how everything is going currently 246 in elementary school we need to think of where the high school is going to go so high school plus the rest of the city kind of out down this way start thinking about buses and public transport oh sorry and the very last thing was actually placing that part Park maintenance St oh my God it fits perfectly that was um not planned just fortuitous so we can tuck it in right in here little Services Alleyway that they can use to get in now it's interesting that there's the road just continues around the back there you also have to think about what kind of upgrades they going to be added on so you could always add on one of these to the back as well maybe could be kind of nice see yeah cool that's a nice building actually City Park District Maintenance and grounds facility so I don't know if anything's going to roll out of here because we've only added two parks so they don't really have that much demand to go out and do anything and these have all uh no they've only got one out there now I imagine the road condition is pretty much perfect now yeah all right everybody that's got to be it for this episode I actually had a blast this was like went very smoothly so I got to say things went very well with this one really Keen to see people's feedback on it and also suggestions and things you'd like to see inure future obviously some things have to be done we got to set up specialized industry we got to build a high school and I'm going to be expanding down this way at first but i' still like to see what you guys think of various detailing what could fit in maybe some of these triangly Pockets these uh irregular shapes that we've created and just stuff like that and see what you'd like to see more of in future following people's lives I know some YouTubers actually will feed in the credits of or like the patrons that they might have or whatever I don't have a patreon but we do have Channel memberships and lots of credits at the end of every video we could actually start naming people after that and maybe following the run that would be pretty cool if you think that's a good idea let me know drop it in the comments and we'll do it all right that's got to be it for me thank you very much for watching make sure you hit subscribe if you want to see more in City skylines 2 like the video as well if you have the extra second to do it would appreciate it actually helps me out quite a lot especially on First episodes that's it for me thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 423,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, Cosmetic DLC, cities skylines 2 cosmetic, cities skylines 2 dlc, empire of the skies, cities skylines 2 how to, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 guide, cities skylines 2 what darren plays, cities skylines 2 darren, cities skylines 2 modded, cities skylines 2 best mods, cities skylines 2 beginner, cities skylines 2 tutorial, cities skylines 2 graphics, cities skylines 2 best graphics
Id: Ul3XoFMn5iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 6sec (4566 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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