Can I Beat Farming Sim WITHOUT FARMING CHALLENGE? - Farming Simulator 22 Is Perfectly Balanced

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hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Farming Simulator 22 this is probably the greatest Farming Simulator game in the universe it is immensely detailed highly complicated and sophisticated and fantastically challenging today I will of course be demonstrating why this is a perfectly balanced game with um no exploits at all as perhaps the developers might have left in something a little bit cheeky that I a dastardly British fellow Will of course be exploiting so let's begin a brand new game of farming simulator 22 we will of course be playing on the hardest difficulty imaginable start from scratch a real challenge the economy is tough prices are low and you've already taken out Hefty credit with the bank all gameplay elements are on the most realistic settings that's right this is a brutal farming experience only recommended for the most dedicated of Germans however I will be smashing this challenge by simply thinking a little bit outside of the box soon into the map of h b are on we go but first a word from our sponsor enlisted as a first-person shooter with a wonderful combination of PVP and PVE combat that's available for free I personally play this game and enjoy the mix of controlling my AI Squad of troops and making exciting plays in some of the most pivotal battles of World War II you can play as the Germans the Soviets the Japanese and even the US forces with access to hundreds of weap weapons tanks and aircrafts that you can use to Kit out your squad all Squad roles can be different they can have abilities and skills that will alter the play and your overall strategy that of course you will devise in order to secure victory since I made an unlisted video on my channel there's been a huge metagame update introducing research trees for weapons and vehicles there's even a Matchmaker based on equipment and a whole host of gameplay improvements all developed by and for the enlisted Community there has never been a jazzier time to see the new era of enlisted so go pick up one of the 400 weapons tanks or aircraft available and dive into the rapid quick combat experience that will be sure to leave you positively satisfied so go and play and listed for free now on PC PlayStation and Xbox be sure to use my link in the description and pinned comment to sign up new players on PC will also receive a special bonus pack available for a limited time only with gifts like a helmet rifle and sidearm all for your squad but wait there's also 4,000 silver and three days of premium account time included thanks for sponsoring and on with the video we will of course be playing as the legendary farmer Phil McCracken he's ready to dive into this Dastardly and dangerous landscape and farm like nobody's ever farmed before and here he is looking like someone who genuinely just walked off of the catwalk at Balenciaga farmer filver Kraken is ready to start his brand new life in the Great Outdoors now already you might think oh brilliant you have yourself a house and £500,000 you're in a brilliant spot to start farming and uh the answer is no this is a terrible situation to be in this money is loaned this means I will have to start paying interest on my loan which is very dangerous indeed but with 500,000 the game now expects me to buy a field maybe do some odd jobs forever farmers and watch out for this vehicle jeez Germans am I right but yes the game expects me to farm however farming is dangerous it requires a lot lot of time effort got to make sure there's no weeds in your Fields you've got to make sure everything's fertilized you've got to buy tractors all of this is far too much effort fil M Kraken is an artist his body is a work of art and consequently how can we expect him to Sully his body by working in those dastardly Fields no no no no no instead we're going to take Phil McCracken over to buy our first vehicle and get our business operations set up I have made my way over here to the uh wonderful advertisement for the developers other games but also wait what is this wait H second is this an actual advertisement to a UK farming convention it is the NC in farming of this January what I can go to the UK's Premier farm machinery show enough of that I need to buy myself a vehicle to help me with my businessing now normally this is where I'd buy myself a tractor or maybe some kind of Irish vehicle but no I need to buy myself a car to actually get around Vehicles however are expensive they cost thousands of pounds and we take a look at this Lamborghini Aventador here it's 2.8 million we can't afford that but a go-kart yes I can afford a go-kart so that's our vehicle today here we go it's very affordable because we don't need to actually fill it up with petrol it's powered by um filmer kraken's lovely legs oh I've got to start the engine I forget of course you have to start the engine on a go-kart wee look the engine's going now what is this game anyway I need to actually buy a plot of land to start making some money iide I don't want to buy a big plot of land I want to buy something relatively cheap I mean this plot of Farmland is my entire money it's 465,000 that's just too much well I found the cheapest plot of land it is number 20 here right next to where we started and we can buy it for 81,000 so that's exactly what we're going to do there's a good amount of our starting money gone but uh anyway time to ride my sick new vehicle over to our farm watch out car can I just go Offroad yes of course I can it's a little bit bumpy but off-roading is possible into the corn fields I go all right fantastic this is our plot of land it does currently have some crops on it and so technically we could Harvest them and make some money but once again that takes a lot of time and effort instead I need to get myself set up I need a farm the cheapest farmhouse in the base game is £20,000 and it's not that bad however I have installed a mod to create an even worse Farmhouse this bad boy only costs £1,000 it is an absolutely terrible piece of scrap and corrugated metal but as I said we need to make money we are not going to make our money using crops and Farms no filmer Kraken hair is a genius look he can even levitate we will be making our money using solar panels I have maxed out my loans and I am going to build six of these wonderful solar generators my reasoning is simple this will make us a passive income of almost £99,000 per month per panel and seeing how Phil genuinely believes that the sun shines out of his bottom it seems only fair that he would Embrace solar energy and there we go we have our six solar panels This is how we will make our money exactly the way the developers of this Farming Simulator intended sure we could have cows we could have cattle we could cut trees or we could just put down stationary objects that praise the sun oh praise the sun any anyway into my um lovely little shaky go because it is time to truly generate money and by that I mean we we're going to go to sleep yep that's right uh we're going to sleep for an entire day and by sleeping our solar panels are working overnight to make us money look all of this time is flying by weather is changing and the Sun is blazing and there we go just like that we have lost 1,600 to loan maintenance £60 to Property Maintenance but we made a few th000 off of our lovely panels it's glorious goodbye all of the edible crops that could be solving world hunger I require this land for money making blend it unfortunately £34,000 is not enough to build another solar panel so I'm just going to go straight back to sleep welcome back everyone Phil here is looking great and his Empire is expanded look at how many solar panels we now have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we now have 19 solar panels and this is a brilliant number because for the first time ever every time we go to sleep provided the weather is decent we generate enough money to build another solar panel expanding our production line so we're going to go to sleep with 8,000 in the bank and hopefully we should wake up with around about 100,000 there we go yes it worked we made £97,000 means of course we can build another solar collector meaning that this snowball just keeps on rolling I know you lovely developers who are watching want me to build a farm I refuse I will not stoop so low as to work in the crops you might say well what is the goal of this are you just going to coat the entire map in solar panels and uh the answer is maybe but I do have one goal that is to buy my lovely Lamborghini as well as this giant mansion right here if I can own this mansion in a Lamborghini well then I'll just be truly fantastic and living the dream all right anyway more sleep more panels let's get the cycle continuing Phil has ascended as you can see we have completed an entire field with solar panels we make an astronomical quantity of money so much money in fact that we're now going to need to expand our operation we're going to need to buy more land Place more solar panels but before we do that we're going to actually uh rest up for the night once more I say for the night I've actually been sat AFK on top of that solar panel for the last few hours so we'll see what roughly half a day earnings look like I'm going to estimate it's somewhere in the region of a few hundred th000 oh my goodness it was almost 1 million jeez that's not bad at all 951 th000 property income is pretty Jazzy indeed of course I did spend about 1 million yesterday actually constructing but that doesn't matter if we're able to make 1 million per day then something has gone well I need to expand and I need more land well ladies and gentlemen I just made 2 million yesterday and we are looking rich I I have built a massive quantity of wind turbines to complement my fields of solar panels that you can now see taking up the map like so look at this some would call it noise pollution I call it bank account pollution I am polluting it with money and progress yes I might be playing a Farming Simulator game where I have done absolutely no farming but it doesn't matter I also feel like it's time to upgrade my vehicle and my accommodation so I've built this lovely new Farmhouse and I'm just on my way now to go and see see what kind of new vehicle I can get after all I think it's time for our lovely Balenciaga model here to maybe switch from being go-kart power to maybe something slightly more impressive all right let's go see what they've got right I've gotten rid of the go-kart and we have a new vehicle check it out ladies and gentlemen this is the lizard cono 200 it is a 120 L diesel which means it's powerful probably oh my goodness look at me I look fantastic I let's start that engine up oh hear that baby raar let's go oh it takes a little bit while to get going and um the steering is quite impressive indeed yeah there we go that's more like it wo okay we can get some acceleration on this bad boy wow oh my sorry 75 mph 80 M hour 90 M an hour oh my goodness we're over 100 what is this tiny little yellow wo oh my oh that's a train ah excuse me sorry of course it's a cloud car I love it but yes our economical progress is looking good we're richer than ever before and we're jazzier which naturally space woo okay uh yeah which naturally means we can go to space actually I want to see how fast I can go try and Achieve maximum velocity Bank into a hill and space time oh my goodness this game what the heck is this game right back to our Farmhouse we go I've got some intense Farming Simulator to not do I want to build even more of these disgusting wind turbines that are destroying this wonderful natural landscape the reasoning is simple I'm pretty sure I'm in Germany and so it is a British tradition to destroy natural German architecture be it with a bouncing Barrel bomb or just wind turbine life finds a way ah fantastic I have filled out yet another glorious field with wind turbines and panels I've 2.2 million in the bank but why stop there I want to cover the map I want to destroy this world the world will become my glorious Empire of why they de here Sho you're blocking my sunrays be gone foul beasties but yes I want to cover this map with glorious disgusting wind turbines make me as much money as possible I will buy up all of the arable land Force the local populace to starve so yes I will buy this land buy this land I will even buy this land over here fantastic all right time to get to work building more of these welcome back ladies and gentlemen as you can see my Empire has rapidly expanded the spinny Blades of death are everywhere in fact they are so numerous they've started to despawn you can see their floating heads off in the distance don't worry they still make me money so all is good and we are very rich however I think it's time for us to upgrade our house so I've decided will buy up almost all of the land on this map we own about 70% of the land at the moment and uh I believe it's time I should build myself a new Farmhouse yes because all good Farmers deserve one so I would just slap one down here well bam this is my brand new Farmers Mansion of course all good Farmers need one let me just uh rock on up at the uh the front Gates can I can I get in excuse me excuse me hello this is my house oh dear how do I get into my own house oh go just have to click it fantastic right and I go hello hello security guards that's right it's me Blended wonderful and I mean I guess this is what this is meant to be my my wife or something what is this oh yes classic Farming Simulator of course you go from living in a corrugated Shack to putting wind turbines across the entire old universe and then all of a sudden you live in some kind of giant house with whatever that is and whoever this is H of course surrounded by hundreds of security guards what an incredible property I have what the hell is this oh video games oh of course here's the man cave where you sit on your your gaming chair you look at all of the most manly things in the world trucks and drifting cars God I love those oh what a what a game what a game honestly the community for Farming Simulator is genuinely incredible they have an Esports scene and it's really really fun to watch when I was at Gamescom in Germany I genuinely fell in love love just watching the Farming Simulator Esports scene and now I get to hang out in a swimming pool with a bunch of inanimate human beings truly wonderful is this GTA 6 oh my God guys it's it's Grand Theft Auto 6 in Farming Simulator right time to upgrade my mode of transport of course I don't think the lizard cono is going to cut it anymore uh the only logical improvement from this lovely vehicle a Lamborghini this thing is still fast though look at it Go and it can c like a machine I mean check out this we okay not quite like a machine but it can definitely barrel roll pretty well so I have calculated that our perfectly legitimate German farm is making $22 million per day when we scale this operation up to the year that means that after just 365 sleeps I am single-handedly producing £8 billion in value this means that my entire Farm has more GDP than the nation of the moldes now that is perfectly balanced there we go perfect this is quite a dystopic environment to drive through I mean from a human perspective I've created a nightmare world this is just the worst I mean it doesn't really do the sound correctly but uh they're not quiet they're they're pretty powerful they genuinely cut through the air so um yeah this is you I feel like you'd probably have your ears blown out if you were standing next to 7,000 of them but anyway let me buy my uh brand new vehicle in the car section here it is a Lamborghini Aventador ah it is mine Phil McCracken has earned it he looks exactly like the kind of person who would be driving one of these bad boys and oh it sounds good oh yes hear the raw McCracken hear the raw all right I think it's time I take this up the mountain to go um look down on the world from above like all good rich people let's take it Offroad ah glorious oh oh here's a bit of terraforming I did oops oh I realize most of the land is horrifically disconfigured because I put wind turbines all over it which unfortunately makes driving a little bit dangerous um oh Jesus Christ okay what is this am I flipped now oh dear I appear to have flipped a Lamborghini I feel like I'm going to have to buy another Lamborghini to unflip my first Lamborghini but hey it got me up the hill so that was basically its job I it only cost me2 million and I had to do half the footwork right up here on this hill we have this lovely lovely histo iCal area ah wait hang on a second this is French we're in France oh my God right ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry but I can't possibly stand being in this environment for 1 second longer how did I not realize my Mansion ah God I don't need it anymore right I'm calling in the Empire Charles is that you yes one tactical nuke my location I don't care if it will destroy me it needs to be done we can't let the French government have access to this tax revenue think of what they could do with it all of the Quant they would make push the red button Charles goodbye I wish each the Christmas of peace happiness and everlasting life and there we have it ladies and gentlemen we have indeed seen that Farming Simulator 22 is a perfectly balanced game with a few slightly dubious game mechanics I don't really see the point of calling it Farming Simulator when you can very very easily smash the game using just wind turbines and solar panels in fact it's easier cheaper and faster than actually trying to run a farm a shout out again to enlisted for sponsoring today's giant video don't forget to play it for free on PC Playstation or Xbox using my link in the description or comment section and remember new players on PC will receive a special bonus pack of items 4,000 silver and 3 days of Premium time anyway thank you for watching today's video of course thank you for giving it a like and if you don't well you be getting the next nuclear bomb that's all for now though folks cheers to all of our lovely patreons and glorious channel members I'll see all of you lovely Majestic sausages in the next one goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,145,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can I Beat Farming Sim, Can I beat Farming Sim Without Farming, Can I Beat Farming Sim WITHOUT FARMING CHALLENGE, farming challenge, challenge, Farming Simulator 22 Is Perfectly Balanced, farming simulator 22, challenges, fs22, the spiffing brit, funny moments, exploit, glitch, funny, funny challenge, game bug, game glitch, overpowered, spiffing brit, video game, gameplay, farmingsimulator22, farming simulator 22 gameplay, money exploit, survival challenge, game, fs22 gameplay, spiffing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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