Testing Day at the Welding Lab | How do I Pass my Pre-Employment Weld Test?

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what's up welcome family it's isaac once again in today's video i'm here at republic testing lab and i'm going to show you guys what to expect out of testing knives your do's and don'ts [Music] first thing you want to do is you want to check in you're going to have to show your driver license they want to make sure it's you not nobody else trying to take the test for you all right guys so i already checked in now i'm waiting for the inspector to come give me my pipe and then i can start my test isaac medrano yes sir that's me i'm scott woodkowski i'll be your test supervisor for the day come on out in the booth we'll get you associated with everything and from here this is going to be the booth you're going to be in you're going to be in booth number eight you can go and put your stuff down we're gonna go over a couple things while you're in the shop we wanna make sure that you're being safe you know so you gotta wear the proper ppe earplugs face shields when you're grinding safety glasses things of that nature if you would read this quick safety requirement and sign your name for me sounds good all welders will wear face shields protect live wear and gloves while testing protective eyewear will be worn at all times while inside the shop or testing area i have read and understand the safety requirements described above i also understand that republic testing laboratories works for and reports all resorts to the company listed above [Music] thank you sir you're gonna be in booth number eight i've got the machine turned on you've got your tig rig in here so basically let me give this back to you first the test you're going to be taking today is going to be a six inch schedule 40 carbon steel pipe nipples you're going to be welding it out with er 70s 2. it's going to be in the 6g fixed position and a 45 okay so that's basically going to be the test what we have here is a copy of the wps the welding procedure and this is going to be your your guide is as of to what your preheat max interpass would be your amperages your voltages for the you know diameters of electrodes you choose to well with we can use 332 1 8. if you were welding in the field and you had big enough pipe you could use a 532 diameter tig wire they've got you know limitations for that on this wps okay what we also have on this wps are our joint details and fit up requirements for like your root face you can be a sixteenth plus or minus the sixteenth for your root opening a 16th plus or minus up to 3 16. okay so depending on what diameter wire you choose to run for your root pass whether it's 332 or 1 8 you can set your diameter accordingly we'll check it once you get the tacks in the coupon and get it fit in position so same thing for your groove angle you're going to be running up to a it's going to be a 60 degree inclusive so the bevels on the pipe are 30 degrees plus or minus 5 degrees and and this will be the joint detail that we're welding to today okay be a single v groove sounds good this thing will be on the clipboard hanging on your booth while you're testing if you have any questions or you're curious about any of the information there's also a notes page on here that goes over some more pertinent information if you you know happen to need that information you're more than free to refer to this document while you're testing as a guideline and you will also be provided these documents in the field when you're welding making production welds for the same reasons okay all right so with all that said we're going to let you get started um you've got a pencil grinder in here to get the inside of the pipe cleaned up if you so choose that you need that buffing wheels grinding discs files all right guys so here i got my pipe and right now i'm prepping it for my test um you want to make sure you clean the inside at least half an inch back um clean your bevels and clean the the face surface at least half an inch back all right guys so here i got my coupons um nice and clean now i'm gonna get ready to tack so i have a 316 spacer right here i'm going to bend it in half just like that sit it right here put my pipe right on top first thing you want to do is you want to run your finger in the inside make sure you got no high low make sure everything is lined up so everything so i'm pretty good right here so i'm going to be ready to attack um whenever you're testing you want to ask the qc um how many attacks he wants if you're allowed to do bridge tags some qc's um might allow bridge tanks some may not so just it's always good to ask before you attack because if you do a bridge tag and he wants penetrate attacks he might bust you out on the spot and he's going to send you home so make sure you always ask what kind of tax he wants in reference to the tax you can put fusion tax in the pipe or you can bridge tack i give you the choice it's up to you okay as far as misalignment goes checking the alignment you're good you're allowed plus or minus the 16th so when you get it tacked up and you get it lined up make sure you're within that range we'll check it prior to running the root pass so as far as the whole points go today you're going to put the tacks in the coupon we're going to tack it in the 6g position on a 45 degree incline fixed i'll come do a visual and at that time i'll check for your gap spacing and make sure your misalignment's good you're high low and then we'll continue on with trying to we'll attempt to put the root pass in sounds good okay [Music] all right guys so here i got my pipe nice intact now i went ahead and did two penetrated tacks um and i did two bridge tax since the inspector was okay with it um i'm attack the penetrated tax at the bottom at six and at twelve i'm gonna attack it like this at the 45 position but first i need to go turn my machine up so i could tack it on there all right guys so now i have my pipe tacked up in the 45 position now what you what you want to do is call the inspector so he can expect the your tax and he if he gives you the go ahead then you're ready to go and start your route all right so isaac's got the coupon tacked in position so as a quality control supervisor the weld test supervisor the first thing we're going to look for is high low in the in the coupon to make sure it's within the requirements of the wps so looking on the inside of the pipe the first thing i want to be checking for is a good uniform fit and as you can see here he's meeting the requirements of the wps the two fusion tacks that he has in the pipe are acceptable and the next thing i want to be checking for is the the gap so right now he's got a gap of about 5 30 seconds just under 3 16 which is within the requirements of the wps all right so with that said we're going to let him continue with the root pass this is the first hold point he's been successful up to this part so we're going to let him continue on with his performance qualification isaac it's all yours all right so first thing you want to do guys is say a little say a little prayer so everything goes good i'll light a candle for you too man okay so now i'm about to start my route now don't forget to turn it down after you tack it because if you forget it turn it down you're gonna end up starting about 200 amps on your attack and you're gonna blow a hole so one of the things that we want to take into consideration that this gentleman's coming in here to take a test i'm sure he's probably got a lot of butterflies in his stomach right now so as a inspector that's going to be administering the test you want to give them a little bit of space so that they can perform their weld so i'm trying to be respectful of his face so he's not as nervous as he you know could be sometimes these welders drive from all over the united states you don't have to take a test before they go to work on their last tank of gas the stakes are high for these individuals you want to make sure you give them the best chance to be successful we're not here to police these guys and tell them what they can't do or not do we're here to help them all right guys so i did the first quarter of the pipe got all the way to my bridge tack now now i'm gonna start on my right side because if i end up doing this whole side it might mess up with my gap over here so you always want to quarter it so right now i'm going to feather the bottom me personally i like to always feather because sometimes you do that tag you might leave a pinhole behind especially with the 70s 2 wires a very dirty wire like to leave a pinhole and if you don't feather it you're going to leave it behind there and if they bend it in that spot it's going to show on your bend test and you know the good thing about having and having the welder two different diameters of wire in his booth is if he goes to run the the opposite side of the weld and the pipe and it starts to shrink on him and his gap gets too tight at that point as a welder you have two options you can either you know run the grinder into the gap to try to open it up more which isn't always the best option or just jump down a smaller diameter so you can you have room to get the wire in the pipe so you can back feed the root pass if you so choose you know you don't always get the perfect fit you don't always have a perfect welding machine so having the right tools at your leisure help you be more successful and as a weld test supervisor those are things that i'm looking for from a welder you know when he asks for things like that i want to make sure that he's successful i don't want to set him up for failure so the one thing that i wanted to hit on as well and i may have forgot to mention earlier is is once isaac gets his tax in we get past that whole point and he starts to run the route pass the second whole point is going to be the completion of the route but also the clock starts ticking a lot of times the companies set forth time limits on this performance qualification test so for instance this six inch schedule 40 tig all the way out we would expect to see that well done in about two and a half hours if it takes longer than that the time and length that it takes him to make a weld becomes a quality issue a good thing to have is a bunch of tungstens because if you're going through tungstens you're going to waste time like the inspector said sometimes you're going to be time and if you're there grinding tungstens it's taken away from from your time of your test as a good point of view or a good checkpoint the test supervisor just handed isaac more wire he should check and make sure that the wire he was handed is the proper wire that's supposed to be used on the test right here has it ridden making sure it's the 70s too sure enough it's correct so thank you something also that i like to see with what isaac's doing is is when he started up on that side he came he didn't just start right up at the edge of the groove where his tack stops he he fired up he initiated his ark slightly back away from the open groove and he's preheating that tack and that feathered area before he gets there so he can make sure that he makes a sound tie-in it's very important that the tie-ins are sound what a lot of people don't realize is 90 percent of the repairs on these big projects pipe jobs and vessel jobs are on the root pass so we need to pay special care and attention to applying that root pass normally the filling cap passes aren't that much of a problem the root pass is the most difficult part of the weld to make it's the most important so you should take the most care and certainty to make sure that you put it in there one time and not have to you know go back and repair things four or five times or find out after the weld's been completely made on volumetric nde that you had a problem on the root pass those repairs are very costly and those are the those are the first things that we're trying to avoid so now i'm i'm finishing my route as soon as you're done with your route what you want to do is inspect it inspect it before you call qc make sure everything's good and everything looks legit so now i'm gonna go get the inspector and see what he has to say about it since isaac's got his root pass complete that was the second hold point of the qualification he's called for me to take a look at it the first thing i want to ask him is isaac did you look at the root pass yourself yes sir did you deem it acceptable yes sir okay the reason why i asked the welders those questions is because if he doesn't look at his weld before he calls me shame on him or her this is your weld you want to make sure that you've got it in the way in the manner that you want once you call for an inspection you're telling me that you've approved it yourself if you call for an inspection and there's issues and indications with this well and you didn't look at it from a test supervisor standpoint we're done welding because if you don't care enough to look at your weld before you call somebody to take a look at it then there that that type of welder is not what the industry is looking for we're looking for people that are quality conscience they're proud of what they can do we want to see that in the weld so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to check this weld for the visual requirement to make sure the tie-ins are made i'm going to use a mirror so i can get down in the pipe and a very good flashlight with today's technology flashlights you can get a lot for a little in a small package so i'm going to do the visual right now i always start at the top and i kind of work my way around and what i'm looking for with the mirror is i'm illuminating inside the pipe to check the back side of the route i'm looking for under fill undercut things on the back side of the root path that you normally couldn't see from the front side and the mirror just helps me achieve that i'm making sure the tie-ins are sound that he's got good transition and workman-like appearance and i'm looking for consistency it's very important that what i see is consistent if the root is really flush on one side and heavy on the other and the tacks are bad and the tie-ins are questionable then this is going to give me an idea of what this gentleman or lady is going to give me in the field what most welders don't understand is even though we're doing this test on a carbon steel pipe with 70 s2 wire his code limitation allows him to weld carbon chrome stainless of all different series 300 series you know duplex stainless so we want to make sure that this welder can weld all those things by showing us what he can do with his or her ability with carbon steel that may not be as easy as it sounds the code gives us that requirement and the company may choose to let that welder weld those alloys with this test in the field so with knowing that as a test supervisor i have to look at this weld as if it's not just a carbon steel weld i've got to look at this weld and see if there's techniques that isaac's putting in this pipe that may cause an issue for an alloy like 308 316l or duplex so i'm not just looking at this weld as it's just a carbon steel weld i'm looking at it for what he's going to be qualified to weld in the field in production a number of different alloys so i'm looking for things that may tell tales that he may be you know give me an issue out in the field with the well that we may not be able to do if he was just welding carbon steel it'd be a different ball game but he's not his qualification range is very broad by code so we need to look at the weld and we're you know making sure that his ability is there to cover all those alloys when i get done looking at the id i also like to take a look on the outside of the pipe and the one thing that i look for are arc marks make sure there's no arc marks outside the bevel and if there are we may have to address them if he's got one maybe two you could probably let him get away with it but if there are arc marks all over the od of the pipe normally that's a problem we need to address it with the welder what i'm looking at right here also is a lot of times you can tell if the roots going to look good by looking at the od of the pipe by just how it looks and how it wets in on the side wall that's a telltale sign by looking at the od of the pipe that the id is probably going to look very similar a lot of times when the weld from the outside of the groove looks rough when you go to stick your light on the inside of the pipe you're going to see that there's an issue there when you have pipe qualifications that are big enough and they allow we also want to check for reinforcement a lot of the codes out there and acceptance criteria give you a 1 8 maximum for bead reinforcement and sometimes it's as less as a sixteenth so i'll utilize a gauge and i'll slip it in the pipe and make sure that he's not over or under you want to make sure that the beads not sucked back as well and below flush we're looking for flush or at least an eighth or less preferably a 16th is all you really need alright isaac the bead looks good i'm going to check it off on the paperwork and you can run your hot pass i'm done with my route the inspector passed it so now i'm gonna do my hot pass for my hot pass i'm gonna turn that up to about 160 amps um also the 70s 2 wire is very dirty so after you do your rule you're going to have a lot of silica on the surface of your roots so what i always like to do is wire wheel it but sometimes even though you wire with it it still leaves a little bit in there so i always like to scratch it with the grinding disc that way i get a clean puddle and not a dirty puddle again this is 70s too 70s 6 it's a lot cleaner um you don't always have to do with the s6 but with the s2 is usually what they have at testing lab so if you're not too good with mds2 i suggest you practice because they're not always going to have the s6 at your disposal for your hot pets you want to make sure you run hot not too hot and you don't want to run cold if you run cold you actually end up going slower and you end up putting more heat in your pipe which then causes you to suck that root out um so make sure you burn pretty hot so my high pass i'm gonna do it with a 1 8. you should when you get here you should have all the things that you need at your hands if it's so forth a grinder or something that you want to bring in or your own tig rig that maybe you like to weld with or your own sting or if you're going to be stick welding or your electrode holder if a welder's going to show up and he's prepared that's what we're looking for because that's how he's going to show up to the job part of this qualification test is not the ability not just the ability for you to weld we're also looking at how you carry yourself professionally if you show up and you're not prepared you don't have the right ppp and you don't have all the tools that you need to be successful in my mind i've got to look as well how is this individual going to show up when he gets to the job is he going to be prepared is he going to show up on time is he going to be late is he going to have his or her tools this test is basically an interview you get one shot to impress the weld test supervisor and they're going to have a direct correlation as to whether you may or may not make it on this project or in that fab shop i can't stress how important enough to make sure that you're prepared that you're on time you pay attention you listen to the instructions and you ask the right questions and there's never a dumb question if if you've got a question about how to make that well successful and it's not on the documentations that are provided to you by the test lab or the company that you're testing for on the wps ask the weld test supervisor for that information i mean this is your test this is what's going to matter whether you go out there and make a job or not all right so there's my hot pass now if you zoom in you can see i got a couple silica right here um little spots so what i like to do um i only grind out where i have my silica spots i grind them off um and that way on my field pass it should be a clean fill pass and i should have no silica so for my cap i should have to do no grinding at all so it's usually on the root and hot pass that i grind all my silica okay i'm just gonna flush it with this pass now normally if this was a heavier weldment we would do an inspection right on the hot pass just to make sure that it looks smooth and uniform so what i'm going to do here is check the root side to make sure that he didn't suck back anything and everything looks really good on the inside i'm going to reach around down across the bottom make sure that everything looks good he does have an arc mark down here on the bottom of the pipe we'll ask him to address that when he gets done that'll be the last thing that he does i mean outside of that the weld looks really good and uniform one thing you got to take in consideration is that the pipe will get hot because of the length of the material so sometimes even though we have time limits on these examinations you need to let the pipe cool down especially in the summertime when it's 100 degrees you know sometimes you need to let the weld cool a little bit because the inner pass gets a little high and when they get ready to cap you'll undercut the top side of that pipe so we don't want to cause a failure because we're pushing the welder to make the weld too fast so the test supervisor needs to have a strong welding background so they can make good sound judgment calls when they're testing these welders inspectors that do not have welding backgrounds do not make good welding inspectors i'm just being completely honest here i might cause some controversy with that statement but i've proven it right a hundred times the test supervisor needs to have strong welding experience to make sound judgment calls to be able to put a welder on a job to be successful i'm gonna leave it with that all right well looks good isaac we're ready to cap so it is summer time here in texas so it's extremely hot and like the inspector said is the pipe is hot so if you want to get a nice cab with um no undercut it's best to let it cool off about five minutes um i'm under my time so i'm good so i'm gonna let it cool off um and then i'm gonna throw a 2b cap and then we're done and hopefully we get to test it do a bend test and hopefully it passes now another thing to keep in mind is you want to keep your area nice and clean if the inspector comes here and you have a bunch of rods on the floor he's going to think you're a safety issue you know so he's not going to you know want to pass you if you're living a big old mess behind no it's a safety hazard so make sure you always keep your air nice and clean no rods on the floor you don't want to slip or roll an ankle or anything like that thank you i'm gonna grind off any arc marks that i have so isaac's got a complete weld here so the one thing that i'm going to do is the inspector is i'm going to look at my time and he's well within his time limit you know if it was going to if if hypothetically speaking he had two and a half hours to take this test we're only sitting at about 45 minutes of our time i couldn't ask for a better you know uh time to take this this test i mean that's that's you know from a scale to one to ten that's about a nine in my opinion for for time managing his time well and and staying with it to keep going so with that said i'm going to move on to the visual part me as an inspector and a well test supervisor i like to go back to the inside of the pipe and just make sure everything's the way it was when he started and it's as i would expect it to be it looks good and clean and uniform now i'm going to go back to the pipe now on a 45 degree angle like this in the fixed position isaac took the uh took it upon himself to put a two bead cap on here which is fine the question always comes up a lot of times on a 45 if you can do a one bead cap as an inspector and an x welder if a welder is confident enough on a schedule 40 to put a one bead cap on something in a 45 degree position and he can make it look good i'll accept it as long as he doesn't have under fill and undercut on the bottom of the pipe there on the top side of that weld or if you do a multi-bead cap it's the same thing we're looking for the same things a good uniform like appearance make sure that he's got good tie-ins maybe that he staggered his stops and he starts if he's got any visual discontinuities like the tungsten artwork that we had on the bottom he addressed i can't ask for a better weld another thing that we look for is in that he put he went with a beaded cap is that he's got at least a 50 overlap on his passes for coverage and he does that so as of right now the weld's acceptable being that we're going to do a destructive test today on this weld the first thing i do is i take my marker and i mark the top of the pipe the asme code requires that we take the specimens out of the quarters so if i don't locate the top of the pipe here i won't know what orientation to take the specimens this is very important so i have to locate the top of the pipe and i'll put his identification number on the pipe so we can keep traceability of it his traceability number is iq and i'm not being a smart ass with that it's just his initials all right with that said we're ready to pull the material i've got my trusty pliers here test is over so where we're at right now is we're going to the machine shop with the sample so what we have to do is remember in the in the booth i marked the welder's identification on here and i marked the top of the pipe this is important to the correlation of how the specimens come out now per asme section 9 and the wall thickness and diameter of this material i have to do inch and a half wide facing root bends so i'm going to bring our technician in and he's going to set this cut up and rotate and locate the material to take the specimens in the right position all right rodrigo it's all yours okay so we've gone from getting the welder set up giving him a test doing the visual evaluation which is one of the most important parts of testing a welder is the vt to you know the acceptance of the visual inspection going to the destructive testing part prepping the material and now we're in the lab where we're going to perform the bins we've got two facing two root bins that isaac has to pass for him to go get a job so we're going to initiate the test so what i'm looking for here is to see if there's any issues indications open indications or discontinuities on this strap and from what i can tell there the faces right there the cap the weld cap has been browned down it looks like a clean bin so that bin is acceptable same thing here we're trying to look at the strap to see if there's any open indications and the weld looks good from here onto the root bins no open discontinuities root looks good [Applause] that bead looks good too so we basically what we have is an acceptable qualification test so this weld is acceptable now we've got the destructive testing complete we're ready to do a certification on this welder and put him to work so that basically concludes the testing today for isaac and uh i hope you the audience you know get something out of this and can kind of see how things are supposed to work in a scenario of testing welders you know if y'all got any questions please comment on youtube and let us know and we'll try to get back with you and see we can come up with all right guys so there you have it um here are my bend tests they've been nicely so i got the job remember to hit the the like button and also the subscribe button see you guys later wow [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 110,141
Rating: 4.9188404 out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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