AWS D1.1 Flux Core Weld Test | Dual Shield

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welcome back my world to famous abraham supervisor here at south cold one academy and tonight's video i'm gonna be doing a demon one structural test it's gonna be close call all the way out with a backing strip and tonight's video is sponsored by [Music] everlast [Music] all right guys so just like in the intro uh i said i was going to do a d11 test today structural chest flush car all the way out with a backing strip so the first thing you're going to want to do whenever you're taking this test or whenever you go take any test in general is you're going to want to prep up your uh your plates uh you're going to want to grind off all the middle scale off both on the front side and back side right here okay same thing for the other test piece make sure you clean it up the way you're supposed to okay many qc's out there whenever you go test they look at that they see if your prep up is done correctly if it's not they don't even pass you they fail you right there um again same thing for this test uh this backing strip right here what i'm going to do i'm going to clean all that middle skull off with the grinder all right ladies and gentlemen i just finished uh prepping this plate up okay now i'm going to show y'all demonstrate to y'all how to attack this uh dm1 structural test for the backing strip okay as you can see i got my two plates right here what you want to want to do is flip this one this way this one also and for the spacing in the middle you're gonna use the test strip itself all right this is about a quarter of an inch uh thick i'm put that in the middle right here and then butt up my plates like that all right all right that's gonna give me the space i need uh for the middle after that i'm going to grab my test strip my backing strip by me pop it out i'm going to place it with the clean side obviously facing down right here all right check it check my fitment i fit up right there next i'm going to go ahead and tack it i'm going to attack one one attack over here chain drop it to the opposite side attack over here and i'm just gonna interchange my attacks okay i'm i'm gonna put about six attack in total three on the right side and three on the left side all right let's check this out for this video i'm gonna be using everlast lightning mts275 okay i'm gonna go ahead and turn it on it's a little switch back here let's find it there it goes bam turn it on okay now this machine has multiple multiple processes it can do all right as you can see i can toggle between from stainless all the way to stick it has to take aluminum make stainless make steel make aluminum but i'm going to be doing flux core so that's where i'm going to go bam flux core all right right there okay for my settings right now i'm going to set my wire speed which is right here i'm gonna set my wire speed at 260. and my bolts around 20 24 point uh 24.5 volts okay now if i was to tuck it through the settings uh this has pre-flow uh i keep it set how i want my uh my wire to come out how i want my what wire speed i want my wire to start to have it here at 60. um have upslope burn back uh burn back that features it when you're welding and you want to you don't want to clip your wire your uh your wire you can put your burn back and uh it'll do it for you a spot switch i have that option i'm not gonna be spot welding downslope uh before i was using this machine before and i had that function actually had uh had some downslope on there and all that did was make my uh i would let go of my trigger and i it made my wire keep coming out but i don't want that so i have that set at zero okay all right guys so when i start off i right here it has a really important feature that i like as inductance right here i can control my inductance all right right now i'm going to be doing uh my first bead i do want it to dig in so it ties in really really good so my dunk tents i'm going to set around 75 all right whenever you're doing your fills or your root pass your inductance you want them at around uh 75 to 100 just because you wanted it big so you wanted to fuse really good now when i go ahead and cap i'm going to turn down my dungeon probably to like 30 okay but for now uh we'll start off at 75 see how that feels but i see that it's digging up too much i'm going to go left i want you to dig more i'm going to go up all right go check this out i'm getting ready to attack my plate up let's check this out because i'm just going to be doing pretty much spot wells i'ma go ahead and turn that function on over here we'll go over here highlight it hit the settings button and i'm gonna switch over to spot walls on switch on right there okay it's on already i'm gonna go home i'm gonna go back home now now the fit up for this is very very important okay look at this you want your place to sit flush with that backing strip okay so you don't really have any gaps in between your plate and your backing strip along the edges of the bevel right here okay all right guys i'm gonna go ahead and attach my plate to my 45 in the position that i want it i'm going to make sure it's straight you might want to ask for help for this okay but i'm going to do it myself because i can and i'm happy with my fit up [Music] and just a tip right here okay i recommend that if well i do recommend i recommend that you wear a heat pad on your arm on your dominant hand because close core is the process that gets really really hot and if you are one of the persons that holds the gun like this and you're going up with it this area right here tends to get really really really hot okay and uh you know you don't want to be the fool that forgets it or doesn't have one and you're holding it right there and you keep holding it right there and you know you know you're being all matched and you pretty much end up blistering your whole hand or burning your whole hand all right i'm actually i've been i've done that before you gotta be pretty tough another technique you can use that you don't burn your hand is change the way you handle the gun the way you hold the gun okay you can move your hand and hold it right here that way it's there's a significant amount of distance between the plate and your hand and you can just go up like this okay so the pro to that to that uh technique is that you your hands away from the heat so you don't burn up your hand but the con to that is that uh if you do hold it like he like this you do have less control of the gun depending on who you are okay i've done tests like this where i forgot my heat pad you know i'm right here my my hand gets real real hot so i move my hands from this position to holding it away at the bottom right here okay but if you want to be uh one of those persons that's really precise you want to be precise with your movement then you know you wear your arm pad right here and you hold your gun right here [Music] all right so for my root pass my wire you want to aim it at the very edges of the of the bevel all right right here and right here okay what i'm going to be doing i'm going to be zigzagging as i go up okay all right and i'm going to be pausing two or three seconds on each side so i'm gonna go one two hop over to the left side one two one two one two or you could do three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three you are going to want to keep your uh wire in the middle of the portal not on the leading edge of the portal but in the middle of that portal always all right if you try to keep your wire at the leading edge of the puddle you're pretty much just going to be digging into the plate and it's it's not going to look very pretty okay another technique another thing that you're going to want to do is you want to make sure that your puddle climbs on the walls of the bevel okay you don't climb on the walls with your wire you let the puddle climb on the wall okay so you're not going to be you're not i'm not going to be welding my root pass and aiming my wire on on the walls right here right here right here or right here or right here right here no no no i'm going to be aiming my wire on the test strip on the very edges of the other plate and i'm going to let my puddle climb to the wall i like zigzag from bottom to top so let me put my arm pad and uh let's strike an arc [Music] one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two and like i said you wanna keep that wire in the middle of the portal as you go up okay my heat induction is set at 75 so i do see it digging in pretty well still not too much so i'm gonna go ahead and leave it now guys remember my my spam function was on when i tacked this up and i didn't show that our camera but it did go ahead and turn it back on so uh it's welding and you just zigzag as you go up now something you want to do if you go up you're going to want to relieve pressure on the hand you're leaning on so that you know you can move your hand up all right guys so i just finished my root pass i really like how it's set in all my uh edges are nicely fused with the bevel wall uh i'm getting ready to start my second bead all right now i'm gonna go ahead and weave that beat as well all right it's gonna be the same thing i'm gonna be zigzagging as i go up you can also do circles like you can do uh you know i think people do kind of like an l type of form but repair i personally like zigzagging or circles either way you're going to see in the video what i'm doing a common practice or a good practice to do is after each pass is clean your nozzle okay make sure you clean it [Applause] get it one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two you wanna keep your wire in the center of the puddle not on the leading edge and you wanna let the puddle climb on the wall not your wire but your puddle and as i'm going up i am taking off weight on the hand that i'm leaning on [Music] [Music] oh one two one two one two [Music] one all right guys so i just finished my hot pack it was another week make sure i pause on each side for two seconds now my weave uh the space is getting pretty wide so i'm going i'm going to go ahead and put start putting stringer beads in there i'm going to start my left to right okay all i'm going to do is do miniature zigzags and just go up with it okay [Music] right here i'm just zigzagging and going at a constant travel speed making sure again that my wire is in the center of the puddle and that the portal is climbing on the wall if it helps you can count one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two all right guys so i just finished my first bead my first stringer bead after my hot pass on my left side as you can see i got some peel back that's always a good feeling take it off everything seems to be running really really good i really like my settings guys i'm running that again i'm running at uh 260 watt speed with a 24.5 volt at 24.5 volts um you don't really have to follow these uh these settings you can you can run it however you please too as long as that comes out right and you're following protocol meaning you're following your welding procedures uh that they tell you to follow all right so for this beast i'm just gonna be pretty much just dragging my wire up on the right side now this is all about patience as well okay many people tend to get impatient they think the portal is gonna fall and they just zoom right up and don't they don't let the puddle fill up like it's supposed to okay you have a significant amount of time before your puddle really starts to droop down gonna let that puddle build i just finished my two stringer beads they look awesome i'm getting ready to flush this plate out okay as i'm looking here at this uh space i got right here left i can either do uh two pretty wide beads right next to each other or i can do three uh stringer beads right in here and that should flush out my plate uh these kind of uh situations you want to use your good judgment and um yeah let's get to it so right now i'm just letting my portal go all the way to the edge of the bevel wall so that it can be flush okay guys i just finished my beat on my left side it's all the way flush to this uh to this plate and i'm looking here and i'm gonna use my good judgment like i said and i'm just gonna go ahead and run one more right next to it i'm not gonna go run uh three beads and run just two beats to flush it out i was to put uh three beads in here try to fit three beads in here for my flush uh it's gonna complicate things i'm flushing my plate all the way out now i'm on my final bead of my flush aka the filler passage i'm going to go ahead and turn my uh my bolts down because the plate is really really hot and i don't want my wire to be digging in creating craters in my weld i did go down on both i'm going to about 23 and a half now i'm just zigzagging up all right guys i just finished flushing my plate out all the way out okay i'm gonna get ahead and put a i put a root in there i'll hop past and then after that hot pass i did another weave two fillers and then two more fillers after that okay as you can see you can see two beads right here now i'm getting ready to cap now if you want to if you want to uh technique you can use or something that can help you out to stay straight is with your grinder you can draw a guideline right on the edge of this bevel right here all right i start to cut from left to right i'm not going to do that though i can see this line pretty well what i'm going to do is i'm going to line up the left edge of my puddle with this line right here one two all right guys so i just did my left feet on my left side right here getting ready to do the middle bead and where you want to aim your rod is right on the right toe of the previous bead this is what you want to aim your uh wire right here okay if you aim your wire right there and you keep it right there you put a wool flare out and overlap this to your previous v by 50 just like you want it so all right guys so i just finished a middle beat i'm getting ready to strike up on my last beat again i'm gonna aim my wire right on the right toe the last thing i just laid down and that should be it today's video is sponsored by everlast for this d1.1 test we use the flux core mode on the lightning mts-275 check out their website for more information at use promo code welltube at the checkout and you will get a free noble torch and foot pedal upgrade package [Music] all right guys so the wire that i'm using in this video is the uh kobelco 71t from milesteel it's a pretty much regular first floor wire again this is a dual shield so i am using c25 gas that's 75 argon and uh 25 carbon dioxide again i am using c25 gas for this video all right it's a mixture of 25 argon and 25 carbon dioxide all right guys so there i have it the d101 structural test with a backing strip using the flood score process again this video was done with the mts-275 everlast machine it worked awesome with this if you wanted you can go check it out i hope y'all learned something until next time [Music] hmm [Music] me
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 85,775
Rating: 4.8593645 out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, d1.1 test, flux core, dual shield, 3g plate, everlast
Id: l1LdqZvkDUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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