Walking the Cup VS Freehand | TIG Welding

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[Music] what's up well two family it's isaac once again in today's video i'm going to show you how to free-handed cap versus how to walk a cap thank you and stay tuned [Music] all right guys so here i have my six inch schedule 80 pipe um it's nice and flush now i'm going to do the cap first i'm going to start off with walking the cup and then i'm going to show you the difference from walking the cup and free handing all right guys so for my first bead cap i'm going to do wide weaves now some people like doing wide weave some people like doing tight weave um either or is good it doesn't really matter on just your your preference or whatever so i'm going to show you how to do a big weave so when you're going to big do big weave just tungsten facing down you're gonna roll to your right and then you're gonna roll it turn roll turn roll turn roll turn row turn so eventually it's going to look like this [Applause] every step you taking you're going forward tungsten facing down roll to your right look to your left roll it turn roll it turn so the pros and cons of walking the cup well obviously if you walk the cup you're going to get a better design and your weld is going to be more uh it's just going to look nice in my opinion um you know if your pipe does get hot and you're walking the cub you do have the chances of slipping and causing a undercut that's the only bad thing of walking the cup um also you know you might not be always able to walk the cub you know you might be in a tight spot where you're gonna have to physically uh freehand it so you know it's good to know both all right guys so for my first beat cap i did the walking the cup technique um i used uh 1 8 wire 70 six at 200 amps um for my second bead cap i'm gonna walk the cub i'm gonna do a tight a tight tight whip and i'm gonna run about 180 amps with a 187x6 wire as well so for this technique i'm going to do tight whips basically if you want to do tight whips the way i do it instead of weaving like this but i'm weaving like this all i'm going to do is just go right left i'm gonna roll to my right row to my left row to my right row to my left row to my right row to my left row to my right row to my left it's gonna look literally like this it's a little slower but it's just as effective walk to my right right to my left walk to my right right to my left go to my right roll to my left to my right open my a little legs [Music] but it's just as effective all right guys so i'm done doing my uh walking the cup on this side now i'm going to freehand it now whenever you're freehanding um me i like to use some i like to use my stick gloves just because they're a little thicker and i don't want to burn myself um basically the way i do it i just go left right right left right left left right my technique i put my i have my hand like this and i know it's going to be kind of messed up but it's like you're flicking somebody off like this like this that's how i do it so don't get uh don't get your feelings hurt so put my middle finger on the on the pipe like this i'm gonna put my wire in the middle and then i'm gonna go right left right left right left right left now to me this is the easiest technique to do when you're freehanding some other people like to go back and forth back and forth to get the little dime effect i don't really like that way i just like to be keep it simple just right left right left right left right left right left right left right left you want your tungsten always to be pointing down you don't want to be at a messed up angle trying to do it like that if you do it like this you're going to end up balling up the tip of your wire so make sure that tungsten stays facing down facing down right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left keep it simple man it's the easiest way to do it keep it simple as long as you pass visual you pass x-ray you're good you don't have to get fancy with this keep it simple so the pros and cons and doing freehand i will say the pros are that um you know you might have a better control of your photo um you know also you can feel a lot faster than if you're walking the cub you can of you know feed a lot of material into your uh to your pipes so you can flush it real quick the cons i would say that you got more a higher possibility of burning your hands up that's the only thing or you know burning up shrinking your gloves burning your gloves up i would say that's the only con of free handing all right guys so there goes my uh 1b freehand cap um now it doesn't look as nice as me my other ones but it still does look good it doesn't look shitty um whenever you're freehanding it it is a little harder to keep it consistent because again you're resting your finger on something so you're not you're not going to have the control that you have versus uh walking the cup but it's still just as effective um the only thing that matters is you know leaving no undercut no lack of fusion as long as the qc passes uh your visual you're good you know that's all i care about honestly i don't really care about making it look the prettiest as long as it passes and i get my money all right guys so there you have it walking the cup versus free hand in my opinion i would rather always walk the cup now unless i have to if i'm in a tight position that's the only time i will personally just free hand on um freehand does come out nice but it's a little harder to make it look good in my opinion all right guys so if you like this video make sure to hit the like button and subscribe also check out our products at wildlife.com we got a lot of new accessories coming in so make sure you check out the [Music] website you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 122,213
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Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: 20EFKt2plGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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