Underwater Welding Test | 3F & 4F Plate | Pad Eye Welding

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welcome back my welcome family my name is jordan moreno add that classy diver on instagram i'm an underwater welder and a commercial diver and in today's episode i've teamed up with weld tube to show you underwater welding in the real world and commercial diving a little bit about me i work for phoenix international we're based out of san diego california i've been doing this for about seven years now my company specializes in underwater welding underwater construction and ship's husbandry all right so here we go we got our pad eyes here that will be welding uh in the wet uh it is roughly around 12 inches wide by 13 inches tall about inch and a half thick uh if you get a little bit closer you can see describe a line here that will give us our fillet leg length we're looking for a 5 8 phillip weld on these this is uh it's about 45 pounds so pretty big pretty big pad eye we got two of these big boys to put in we got two smaller handling pad eyes we call these our shaft handling pad eyes they'll be lifting roughly around 95 000 to 100 000 pounds with uh 25 ton hydraulic voice on them so this will be going in uh hopefully today or tomorrow yeah so this is the dive shack that's our diving supervisor this is where we control the diver's air video and light we keep a video on the divers to monitor at all times yeah this is uh going ahead and uh gonna go get to work here our tenders are checking us out making sure all of our uh hats are camped up properly and nothing's gonna come off in the water and go through our safety checks uh it's going to go ahead and uh go get go ahead and get to work there and this is actually the weld test we have to do in the water every time we do this so while we're doing the job each one each and every single welder diver going to be welding on this project has to do a test every single time every job so what we do is a 3f and a 4f philip weld a single pass and then every time they're gonna we're gonna send it up to service and they're gonna break it and check the penetration profile check for porosity any undercut any spatter on the plate um you know any discontinuities that are gonna fail it and if you fail you gotta retest after two fails you gotta re-qualify so they they do this in in a lot of other fields you know in the in running a pipeline chasing the pipeline these guys they do all that stuff too so a lot of a lot of uh a lot of similarities and and all types of welding so maybe something i'm not a lot of people knew but yeah we we have to test every job everybody dreads the test we don't like it but you got to do it and it is inspected by an inspector every time too so they're always out to get you and that's where the proper workmanship comes into place so yeah i mean these plates can be really hard sometimes you know there's a lot of magnetism in them sometimes from grinding them and can just be nerve-wrecking but sometimes you just gotta stick through them yeah so here we are we're just gonna be uh getting ready to uh fit up this pad eye on here um we had already prepped the area and laid out for it already and um this pattern is pretty big it's about 50 pounds 45 pounds so i'm gonna need a hand uh from my buddy there to go ahead and just hold it up here there's some sometimes you have like a tool that'll help you hold it up there but we just decided to go with the old school uh hey there bud go ahead and hold that up there and we'll put attack on it trick it worked out pretty well for us uh we had already belled this pad eye these ships they're kind of shaped like a u so you have to account for that on these pad eyes to make sure that they uh they fit up without having any gaps so we went ahead and beveled uh might have been like a 20 degree bevel or something like that on there yeah so i just like to always take a look at everything before i call it fit up you know make sure there's nothing i'm missing i need to take it off and do a little grind and i will this one uh this one looks really good so we just went ahead with it i'm probably go ahead and i'll just be cleaning up these tacks here in a little bit um getting it ready for uh fit up verification video which is that something we do on anything that we fit up onto a ship or anything welding in the wet we always do a fit up verification video so top side and our client can see that you know we're we're within spec on uh on everything that we're doing uh right here i got the uh angle finder on i'm just making sure that we're 90 coming off the ship straight up and down we got a lot of weight that's going to be a lot of stress and weight it's going to be put on these bad eyes so we just want to make sure everything's right if you have it at a funny angle or or anything like that you you have you have a chance of possibly fracturing that side loading it's not made to be be like that's me to be uh pulled from a straight up and down so it's really important to make sure that it's fit up correctly yeah so like i said just cleaning up this tacks here getting ready for that video here it is really nice fit up you know uh no gaps at all really um that's what's going to make you have a lot a lot better time wellness staying out fit up is everything as uh any seasoned welder would know a bad fit up is going to give you a heartache all day long so go ahead make it right make it make sure it's right the first time take your time with it it's really really important well so after that after the top side go ahead and give me the go ahead they like it i'm gonna go ahead and start putting in that root uh we'll be running it somewhere around anywhere from the 80 to 95 amps uh all just kind of depends how it's welding there's a lot of magnetism in these ships that we got to deal with so sometimes you gotta jump around a little bit and uh kind of endure the suck of it but uh we'll get that root in there so what you see what i'm clipping off to there that's i don't know who really invented it or whether my company invented it or who else uses it but it's called a magnet chair that's what we call it a magnet chair it's basically a thousand pound lifting magnet same thing you'd use to lift a sheet of steel in the shop uh and we mount that to like an aluminum chair that we make and we put some buoyancy on it so we can kind of float it around where we need it and we just stick it to the ship there and we're able to uh weld wherever we need to without having to weld staging on or anything we can just put that sucker there and we're good to go the type of rod i'll be using uh at this particular moment is a 332 nickel rod it is for high carbon steels they think .40 and above is what we will be using these uh nickel rods on um we use the nickel rod when we don't really know exactly the carbon content what's in there if we can't get a metal sample or if we know it is a high carbon uh such as that hy 80 hsl80 hsla-100 anything like that we'll be using these types of rods on um with regular mild steel rods uh they're really susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking these rods not so much so that's another reason why we'll be using these we run this direct current electrode positive for this particular rod we do that we get a better penetration profile a thicker throat also when welding with just a regular old uh underwater mild steel rod hydro weld broco something like that um you can use direct current electrode positive or electric negative uh they each have their place uh electrode positive is gonna give you a higher penetration profile a little bit thicker in the throat electrode negative is gonna be a little bit less penetration but it's gonna be a very flat almost concave bead and that's okay sometimes you know it just depends on the application and using it for us we run electrode positive some people run the electrode negative uh [Music] i think they're i think they're both good they both serve their purpose so you can see i'm starting on the inside of this pad eye where the angle is the greatest meaning like it's and uh it's an acute angle right there so um i do that because when wet welding you always want to start at the lowest point on an object and that is because of where your bubbles go and where the steam will go basically when you have those two pieces against each other there you got the pad eye and the ship hole uh you you're basically boiling the water behind that so you are creating steam and that steam will blow out on you so if you welded the outside of that pot eye first and the sides and then went on to the inside to weld it which is the lowest point your bubbles and your steam are going to go up hit the back of that other weld and come right back at you kind of just blow out on you and you really don't want that especially on your route that the root is the most important part of any weld so i always want to start from the the lowest point so we use the hydraulic tools underwater you can use pneumatics we prefer to use hydraulics it doesn't create bubbles so you can see what you're grinding on we use hydraulic 4-inch grinders hydraulic 9-inch grinders hydraulic dye grinders and we use hydraulic skill saws for like cutting things off or cutting inserts and and large cuts we got to make we'll use the uh the skill saw the technique for uh that we use for welding uh in the wet is a stringer bead technique always we never use a weave type technique you see me putting the rods to the grind to the grinder there and that's just taking off that that first layer of uh basically uh underwater coating that goes on the rod try to light off and uh it's not gonna light off with that coating honestly you gotta just go ahead and take that tip off there you can do it with a grinder or a knife yeah so now it looks like i'm moving to the outside of the pad i know that would be the uh the last part i'll do to call that root finished there's always always that outside uh joint there once i'm done with the root we'll go ahead and do a uh what's called a root video um that's just a verification for topside to uh double check that we're not trying to cover up any uh any discontinuities or anything like that so and then once we do the uh group we'll go ahead and go to the uh hot pass hot pass fill layer fuel layers cover i can't remember exactly how many layers it took to do this pad out here maybe eight or something uh fill layers to get that 5 8 phillip weld of what we're trying to get when underwater welding we use a same glass lens that you would use top side i use a shade 8 glass that's um that's what i like to use some people like to use a 9 just kind of depends on how their eyes are but i like to use an eight some people use a gold nine they don't make a gold eight i'd really like to have that anybody can find that please let me know yeah so when underwater welding we always use direct uh direct current we never use an ac current um never ever use ac current in the water so yeah and obviously you know all of our machines are uh obviously top side we run welding leads uh 4h down into the wet there and top side controls all the welding machines up there we always have direct communications vr diving umbilical there to top side so we can always hey we want to come up on our amps we want to come down you know you know and then that being said you know with the communications uh safety is always number one um before before ever getting in the water you know you always have what we call a toolbox talk or safety meeting talk about any any hazards that might be present if anybody doesn't understand exactly what the task at hand is we can talk about it and make sure everyone knows what's going on um when setting yourself up underwater to weld and to work you know it's really important you know where all your tools are at all the lines coming in the water your umbilical make sure you're not wrapped around something down there you never know when something might happen that you gotta call for help or you might have to go help somebody so you have to really make sure you really understand your surroundings also a number uh the second most important thing is having a good crew guys you know we're really fortunate we've got we've got a great crew work for a great company uh training's really good everybody knows the tasks at hand what we got to do so it really gives you a good comfortable feeling in the water you're not worried about what's going on up top side if anything's going to happen you know you you can really focus on your job and that really helps with creating a good product for the customer that hires you our crew consists of uh usually a supervisor for welder divers maybe an inspection diver or two and uh at least two tenders um the tender's job is really to take care of all the equipment um divers as well we also help out with the equipment but and to just make sure the deck is squared away and the divers get in the water safely and out of the water safely and you can just see just you know periodically going ahead and grinding my starts and stops that's all important the same workmanship you'd use topside is the same we're going to use underwater it's all really important to take pride in your work you never know you know what they might call my dive short right now because something's going on and i got to get out of the water for a little bit and then my dive will be up next guy comes down and you left them a mess nobody's gonna like that so always make sure you work as if uh you know you're leaving it for somebody else the way you would want to find it it's a good uh good rule of thumb there i've got some really cool shots on this uh video here i can't wait to see what we've got coming up on video number two some people might have a question about you know being electrocuted on the water it doesn't happen how does it feel yes it happens it happens all the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 939,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, under water welding, underwater welding, commercial diver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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