Hidden Weapons that could Save Your Life!

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hey guys this week we're going to look at some hidden weapons that could actually save your life so i'm going to start with the hidden pen knife this is actually one of my favorites it's cool because it's small you can keep it in your pocket the pen actually works on this which is pretty neat and it's actually pretty solid too it's a pretty sturdy blade it's made of stainless steel it's sharpened really nicely you could use this for a letter opener if you if you just wanted it for that aspect that'd be great you know you could use your pen and then if you were opening mail you could you know use a letter opener but this thing's so sharp that you could actually protect yourself pretty well with it if you ever needed it so i really like these pen knives we sell a bunch of different ones this one's called the businessman pen knife and i like it because it looks like a real pen looks like what an executive might use but we also sell them in different colors different styles so just check out the website and see the different pen knives that we sell but it's a really cool weapon to keep on you at all times the next thing i wanted to show you is the this is called the stealth cat ring and these are new this year they're kind of neat it looks like a normal ring looks like if i was wearing my normal wedding ring and um if you ever got into trouble and you needed to you could flip that around and you've got two sharp spikes on your hand that could be used for you know dna extractors or just to protect yourself these things are really great definitely for self-defense they're a really good item so i like it i think they're pretty cool they're made out of a stainless steel they're available in a couple different colors um i think yeah three different colors we've got them in a black we've got them in a silver and then in a gold i personally like the black ones i think they're really cool so yeah check those out on the website all right i'm going to bring you to the weapon room and we'll just kind of look and see what we have over there all right so this is the first thing i wanted to show you i don't know uh how many of you are martial artists but if you're a martial artist you probably have a good idea of what a kubaton is kubotans are used for pressure points they're often used when you're making a fist to kind of strengthen your fist they're very popular in martial arts but this one's special this one's cool because it's not only a close range weapon but if you unscrew it you've got four little throwing spikes in here now throwing spikes are awesome i don't know if you guys have ever thrown throwing stars or throwing knives they're a little bit different throwing spikes are cool because you throw them a little bit different than the other things when you're throwing a throwing star you kind of throw them overhand you kind of throw them underhand like that but you kind of flick your wrist when you're doing it when you're throwing a throwing knife kind of the same way where you kind of flip it throwing spikes are different throwing spikes you kind of want to hold in your hand in this respect and you kind of just throw them like that and the wherever your fingers pointing is where it's going to throw i like them i like a lot of the throwing weapons but you got to kind of get used to all the different types knives are totally different than stars spikes are totally different than knives um so yeah try out different ones see which ones you like so that's a cool weapon um let's see all right then over here i've got one of our this is called the hidden comb knife this is actually the tactical hidden cove knife we sell them in a bunch of different colors got them in blues pinks blacks they're pretty sweet because again like the pen knife you just have this in your pocket pull it out if you need it and it's got i would say roughly a a little bit over two inch blade on it but it's actually a really sharp it looks like it's probably a stainless steel blade but they're definitely could be used for self-defense purposes you could definitely protect yourself with this pretty pretty well i like them because you know something you could definitely conceal really easily and use to protect yourself so these are cool but we also sell brush spikes so let's see i can grab one of these all right this is a hidden brush spike so similar to comb knife um but more in the brush shape we sell these in a couple different colors we sell them i believe in pink and black right now but what's cool about them is they are a solid feels like a nylon possibly a plastic you take off the tip and you've got a really beefy spike that you could use to protect yourself i would guess that this thing's probably about two and a half inches but it's solid it's sturdy the tip is actually really sharp it could definitely definitely protect you pretty well if you needed it and i don't think many people are going to suspect a brush of being a spike so it's a it's a pretty cool little weapon let's see oh this is cool okay so i like this one this is a credit card knife um very popular we like them because you can just fit them in your wallet um nobody's ever going to expect you to have something in your wallet but let's just take a look at this real quick so it's it's thin ultra thin looks just like a camouflage credit card we we sell them in black sometimes sometimes camouflage sometimes pink but they've got a little knife inside and all you do is you kind of take off the safety on the knife and we flip that blade up and then you pull the ends back and you've got like an actual knife and this thing is it's sharp it's an actual good knife i mean it's a small blade i would say that thing's probably maybe two inches inch and a half two inches it's small but that's it's actually got a really good sharp edge on it that you could use to protect yourself so if you want something small that fits in your wallet that you know you just have there in case you ever possibly needed it i definitely recommend these credit card knives they're pretty cool all right let's see um these are kind of neat and we sell these in all different colors blacks blues pinks reds but this is a hidden lipstick knife so again small enough to fit in your purse in your pocket works just like a lipstick where it's got a a blade in it now that blade is small that blade can't be over an inch long um but it could definitely it's got a sharp edge a very sharp edge um could definitely be used for self-defense so i like these i think they're neat they're kind of cool how they work but definitely if you want something to protect yourself real small i'd recommend looking into those and we have a whole bunch of different ones on the site so oh these are cool these are really cool um i actually i'm glad i found one of these because a lot of people question how they work and i'd like to show them off a little bit but this is a hidden belt knife all right so it comes like this and it's just kind of folded up we take off that and then it's got a big nylon belt on it so when you put this on you'll notice it's probably too big at first so we've got to adjust this and to adjust it you just kind of pull that thing open and the teeth open up and then we adjust this to whatever size we're at so let's see i guess i'm probably about there so i'll close that again and let's see yep i might want to adjust that just a little bit more but i actually got the size fairly close there so yeah so we got a belt on looks pretty concealed you need it you just yank it out and this is actually a pretty sweet knife um the blade the actual blade itself i would say is roughly an inch and a half but it's got this extra little area there to kind of keep your your finger in for added comfort but this thing this could be a very fast little concealed weapon if you ever need it super easy to take out put back in i love these things i think these are so cool very cool little concealed weapon so definitely consider a belt knife if you're ever looking for something to protect yourself with definitely recommend all right let's see oh these are kind of neat okay we sell a lot of these um because it's just so handy and so simple and they can they can fit on anyone's keyring so what i like about these is they're actually made to the size of a normal key they look i mean it's a little bit thicker it's obviously wider than a real key but i mean it's about the right size so if you have this on a keychain it's going to be very difficult to notice that there's actually something there that's not a key and all you do is you take out the blade and the blade is roughly i'd say maybe an inch and a half two inches but it's really sharp this is probably sharper than the blades on the other things i've shown you um it's a it's a really sharp knife so you could definitely protect yourself if you needed to um i like it i like it because it's small and concealed nobody's ever going to know you have it but it's there in case you ever need it so that's a really cool little thing little key knife and then let's see one of the things we sell a lot of and you'll see a lot of them on the site is neck knives and necklace knives um here's an example of one of the ones that i really like and this is the hidden dog tag neck knife so it's cool because it's got a stainless steel neck necklace on it and it looks like if i was to wear that it looks like a normal dog tag or the at least the size of a dog tag so anyone kind of looking at it briefly isn't going to think anything of it but just if you wanted to use it you could just rip that off and then you've got a knife and that knife is small but it's still sharp and could actually you know protect you if you needed protection you know so i really think these things are cool too we've got a bunch of different neck knives though so check out the site look at all the different necklace knives and neck knives we have you can just use the search bar do a search for neck knife you'll find a whole bunch of them so those are cool um let's see well let's look at a little a few of the bigger items that we carry some of the ones that are kind of popular that could be used um okay let's check this guy out okay so this thing i'm gonna open this guy up this is one of our fairly popular weapons um i'm gonna be honest it's not one of my favorites uh but a lot of people really like it a lot of people really swear by it so i don't want to talk bad about it um but i'll show it to you see what you think you guys make up your own mind on it so it's uh it's a hidden umbrella sword okay this is how it works okay put the blade in there if we wanted a an umbrella to carry around it definitely works like an umbrella it's actually a pretty sweet umbrella like that would uh do the job that an umbrella would do so it's a good umbrella but if you needed something else there's a little button right here and you push that in and then you pull out the sword and it was a little bit hard to get out at first but that does kind of get easier over time but it's got a blade on it and put that down the blade i would guess is roughly a foot and a half um it's not overly sharp the tip isn't the tip is not overly sharp the blade itself is it's sharpened but not overly sharp but definitely when it came down to protecting yourself you could use it for protection that's why i think a lot of people like these um the handle is kind of like a nylon plastic um it's all right i don't uh i i definitely am not the hugest fan of these um but again we've got customers that just swear by them and uh really like them um so you know it's kind of up to you whether you want one or not all right but i'll show you some of the ones that i think are actually uh kind of cooler weapons we sell a lot of sword canes this is one of the more economical ones we sell a lot of people like these i think they're decent for a for a kind of more inexpensive sword cane i think they're pretty cool what i like about them is they look simple you know the best sword canes in my opinion are the ones that just look simple you get a lot that have like dragons or birds or you know things like that and then they to me they just look off and they look like a sword cane and with all of these weapons you want them to be you know you don't want people to know that they're weapons you want them to know that they're just a cane so if you ever needed this it's got two little buttons in there and you push them in and this thing actually has a pretty sweet sword on it um i would guess that that is i would say two feet easy um but the blade is actually a long blade and it's sharp and it's actually a pretty darn good quality blade so i actually for uh for an inexpensive sword cane i think these are one of the best ones you can get and this is called the traveler's sword cane we've got it on the site so definitely definitely check it out but i'm going to show you one of the more one of the more pricey sword canes we carry that's just a little bit better quality um and that is over here and this guy is just called the hidden sword cane so i'm going to open it up real quick take a look a lot of people really like these that's why i want to show it off so this is the hidden sword cane when you look at this you can just tell that it's a better quality weapon it's uh it's got this really solid nylon handle on it that looks like a standard cane handle and i'd be willing to bet that if i put all my weight on it it probably would be able to hold up pretty nicely it's got a rubber footing on it that's very good quality the shaft is made from a really high strength aluminum um you can just tell this thing is well made so let's uh let's take a look at this oh this is what's kind of cool about this sword cane most of them if you use them you unscrew them and it takes a little bit of time so if you were actually getting attacked you'd have to sit there and unscrew it really quick what's kind of cool about this is that you yank it and it's got a really cool like it feels tight it's like a vacuum sealed where that's not going to come off on you easily at all but it comes off quickly when you need it so this has i believe it's carbon steel blade yeah it's carbon steel very solid very durable the blade itself looks like it starts about here and i would say that you've got a good three feet on on length but then the blade itself has to be two two and a half feet long so this is a really cool sword cane uh definitely one of the best ones we carry um could get you out of some trouble if you need to get out of trouble all right guys well that's all the hidden weapons i wanted to show you today but if there's any more that you see on the site that you'd like me to review definitely put it in the comments below maybe we'll do it in another week in the future so you guys have a great week and we'll see you next wednesday
Channel: KarateMart
Views: 489,292
Rating: 4.7405739 out of 5
Keywords: karate weapons, self-defense weapons, self-defence weapons, edc weapons, everyday carry weapons
Id: ubDjRP7eRvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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