Best GIANT Apocalypse Survival Weapon WINS!

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ready three two one go what do guys say we're gonna be building the world's largest weapon they're gonna be so huge we might not be able to swing them where you mean basing our weapons off of four different factors swing ability how many people does it take to swing a weapon durability damage and for the final one you guys have been voting in a poll to see which one you like the best jokes gonna be building first let's get started alright here's my weapon no this is mine okay so guys this is gonna be with it in Shane we gotta membrane so many saw blade we're gonna attach them to the join piece on all the way down it's gonna be a giant saw sort of do Jeff you really like so they are really convenient now this is a very hot blade there's a stupid sticker on it I gotta peel off each individual one well it comes off smooth dude you literary pick that up and there's a trash can right there okay daddy does it everything boom there's a dressed kid wait here guys don't worry I no longer going to glitter even though the trash cans right here I'll be sure to make it in each time I give up because laughs don't don't do it yeah yeah you guys I mean you've seen on saw blade oh so there's literally a trash can or hip behind you Chris you're just yours furthering is did you want me to play a blow away you're gonna keep doing it and then he expects everyone else to pick up his match haha instead of taking Zillow hey Chris I'm gonna take off the rubber you take off the sticker and then and then Rob you actually take off the rubber because I'm lazy this is your weapon okay guys one of the points is can you swing your weapon it's good interesting to see if I can even lift this thing up and swing it on my own now all my blades are up let me show you guys the design your clothes coming don't be shy tell my buddy don't be shy you're holding saw blades overhead hey it's okay I'll comfort you I'll protect you I'll hold you men scream nice we're gonna put a blade here we're gonna blade like that and then we're gonna start doing this do this thing's gonna be danger so what we got to do is mark where I'm gonna be drilling these holes in and then we're gonna get drill e and it's gonna get vein G up in this busy Jeff I'm cringing why are you printing the words coming out of your mouth I'm making me cringe okay so we're gonna have our Marquis hole here we're gonna do for each one just so we know exactly where the Joey tall hole here I'm going to make the handle go outs about here I like how you're drinking Starbucks while building the pot close up nothing very manly what was that was that frou-frou drink you just drink a food chain i caramel cloud macchiato I'm done no it was still a kid time so we have some brackets here now we're gonna use like this and then some littler ones because I couldn't find all those big ones we're gonna set these puppies here like so then we're gonna drill some of these guys into the top here oh hey Jeff quick suggestion what what do you want to mount the wood first so then it has something stable depressing this is gonna be really strong I'm not sure if it's gonna look good but it's gonna be strong I have these these plates here for special design features hey rug team grab me that piece of metal right there sleeping no please hashtag not my weapon well fine I'll say that see you when you're building your weapon you I don't need your help hey well no well no well no well no well no well no well no well who's well well well well well well well William William William and squilliam alright this is gonna take a while time lapse Oh reg all these holes now you'll see the favor yeah I don't think you thought this through well we'll see if it works in the end [Music] all right time to put the sauce on a bunch of bolts big bolts to attach these songs on Jeff my theory is you're gonna break your weapon before I even swing it except you know if you put it on the grass it's not gonna crack it all right well my weapon is complete I'm gonna see if I can pick it up thank you [Music] is that heavy well it makes it heavier cuz all the weights at the top oh yeah I'll be able to swing it drop it I don't know if that counts it's swinging okay so my giant sword of death is complete I'm gonna call this weapons is it so tall like a skyscraper if I'm gonna call it the sauce Draper oh nice I like it dude this thing is huge it's heavy and I can't guarantee it's gonna do some damage it's building next building okay Chris what's your little the idea I'm making a giant hammer oh so this is the hammer part oh I was gonna make a cool sound when I hit stuff you just replay a block so it looks like that weapon and uh I'm gonna Super Smash Bros Brawl good I wanted me I wanna make it blue the first things first we gotta cut a hole through here grade they're incredible well let's hope the pencils get a notch well what's your plan here so this piece of wood is actually pretty light so I'm gonna be able to swing my weapon by myself please ooh hey let's see just making it through making its way slowly to downtown slicing slow what liquor the air inside of the compress so maybe we need a sharp sharper brain look at Cooper he's in the water here's his boy you know that thank you again like round 2 round two the first hole is cut let's see if it fits shoot why is there always something that goes wrong smack it give me a good whack yeah we can just use this make it easier this time next step is to put this piece of wood right and they should be perfectly lined up flip this around here no no what they need to go towards me in my left there we go a little bit more just a little bit okay up just a smidge much wiggle a little bit any blue spray-paint just personal assistant Jeff do you give me blue spray paint no this can't go it's how you do it the table everything blue that should be good old ray nice and fast are you trying to hide from the spray paint yeah it's akin to believe don't worry no more spray paints young the statue one satchel on now we got to drill a hole here my weapon is gonna be really fast to build thanks to the wonderful Sun this is dry already yeah I think I don't look better without blue brackets no one to me like that the brackets in detail sunscreen um Jeff you're irresponsible things Thanks no tears responsible things oh no don't you dare okay all right guys just respect that Chris this is a respectable go nice cool nice and quick to build and then it's very clean we're gonna use blue duct tape to make a nice blue handle thinking about line what you're not gonna draw on the well I could Bend those oh yeah oh yeah that makes it look good well do I can pick that up so I'm thinking I'm just gonna make the handle probably right there with the brown wood it seems to be very delicately placed nice and professional it looks cool well it's complete let's see if I can lift it having an impractical but that's how it should because these are the world's largest apocalypse weapons so I'm gonna call this thing the barrel buffer the barrel a bumper popped up in the head alright yo are you ready for my weapon to fail cuz I sure AM I love you I think they're always not thought through there nubby and they don't work I have a saw idea in my head and hopefully it turns out well alright like can't wait to watch from a distance like a relaxed another tree in the pool no for my weapon I like to make things original and I like to have creative freedom but we all have creative freedom with their weapon anyways I'm literally gonna carve my own sword design out of these pieces of wood you're a blacksmith lumberjack a blackjack so I put this to by six on top of this four by six and a cut on lumber remaining piece right here rub your lumber screw it together that's the first step I'm gonna ignore me you're a lumber Smith and then right from over here good close your close and personal I marked 16 inches and this is gonna be the handle all right there we go cutting the first piece of wood that's not gonna be - Rob do you think you're you're laughing look I can make it but Chris was like this is a big roof I wanted to add this to it to give it some more power you know no Rob I'm saying wait fine look this block here move this this block here oh dude it's your ice block like the Carver visualizes the masterpiece inside the block and then cuts it out this is your ice block visualize your sword then cut out puppy out please get some safety glasses no you know what for the danger bro suitcase I knew it that all Safi this is sake we're gonna drop the handle go away right so what I'm kind of going for the handle I want something like on the bottom it's a little bit bigger just so to add some design on there I'm really curious how Rob's gonna do we're just gonna draw the circle out there we go so now we now we gotta carve it out how am I gonna do this there's gonna be a task so I'm just gonna get cutting you guys gonna take a very very long time yeah five more time I can make the handle better but we're just gonna stand down the rough edges right now I got 15 minutes left I don't think you should be called a sawzall I think it should be taught a Saul's some awesome rock why is that gonna snap most likely oh oh this right here I wish I had more [Applause] in theory it's a good idea but we don't really have the right tools guess I'm gonna have to go see me really heavy can you pick it you figure that it would be more comfortable if I had all this room right here but I don't dude I don't know what to do have 13 minutes left dude there's no way you're gonna die man idea we're gonna start hacking away at this thing doors what should be strong enough so what are you doing so it won't crack handle my deal we've never had a - durability point before you even finish the weapon darn it well just clarify dude you have 12 minutes road to finish this weapon nine minutes one more hit with the facts hope you'll break oh no too much it looks like one giant splinter guys I tap out it's finally done it's cool hey guys why don't all right well there you have it folks the giant splitter I mean how are we destroying stuff and stuff I need to lay down I forgot about my large nails it's not done yet where's the hammer well you know it's gonna break your weapon even more right okay this all has some promise about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's over it's all up to you rob there's now a time for you guys to vote which must be night to pay oh this sauce scraper the way Mike Marra skyscraper than yours is look it's the point of the building we have the barrel Bopper and the giant splinter to vote which one you like the best so now we're gonna be moving on to the weapon test so the first test is gonna be a swing test we're gonna see how many people it takes to swing your weapon we're also gonna be smashing a watermelon if you can see you by your shell via three points if you need one other person help you get two points we need all three of us to help you get one point hey Rob you can go first well with me what the failure can I have to pay respect in the comments please help because this is liftable I'm myself all right swing away ah the alignment or a boy so myself a toy boy but a boy boy boy hold on a part by the way rob is disqualified but he's just gonna be swinging because the giant splitter is kind of cool not I'm gonna throw it's like a javelin I just don't like this mail hey do the head hi captain whatever that rids a whole nuts - okay now get out of here it's my turn right I see if I could swing it by myself wait wait hold on is it sweetie where you have to go from the back to forward yeah I think it is cuz you can't just drop a swing is it just a drop alright fine play so many holes in the tar I swung it it's so low there's this when you miss the water hole still he's still slung you have to hit the watermelon while you swing in order for it to count what we're try yeah Chevy you three tries do I made this lady too heavy beside transporter guys like you know they hold a sword like this me right Naruto a lot of freaking blood that's what you guys to help me out here you're gonna have to call in the soldier all right I need you to lift it up and I'm gonna swing you down okay once it gets up I'm letting go okay 3 2 1 go Oh direct contact with two people so that means I get two points dang am i left poachy poachy so you Chris can swim by himself I think you can I think you can I think you can okay are you ready okay broke it it's not very effective though do you see got three points from that I couldn't really get a strong suit because we got destructibility so we got two more items we're gonna be smashing with our weapon the first time for the destruction test is this wooden chair maybe you can break it just substantially ninety-day the point yeah Jeff your weapon is basically a Saab blade holder if that thing is dropped on a foot or suppose our guy Jeff what are you doing Jeff your weapon bro it's slightly broken what yeah we're here because over dude you saw a blazer bent it's okay okay so I'm gonna get one more try we're gonna try to break the stool sitting on its side Jeff's lucky because his weapons too heavy it does all the work for him we gotta get it up to broke yeah I get a point for that I broke your leg okay so now I gotta try and destroy the chair good luck I don't think my weapons gonna break it if you crack it either wood crates you get a point three two one go pretty hard that's not broken look it there you didn't break you hit it one more time okay I gotta hit it right on the link go [Music] on destruction point oh it broke that thing alright thank you mr. Kinnaird steak punch let's see we can get a point since this handle is almost wrote in he's just gonna drop it all right Steve I can get a point I want to get it down though oh that's broken that is broken chris is in the lead with five points Jeffrey has four well all I know is even if I don't break this pot I'll still win thank you I'm gonna try and break it up ready in three two one it's not broken hi Chris you have one more swing no do I have to all right Chris you have two more swings just do one more Hey hi Chris you have one more sweep all right holy a break all right looks like you win with six points I get every single point for today well dang we don't know about the coolest point oh that's true if you didn't vote on the poll from earlier go back in what it is now now and see how many ending points Chris has me well we really hope you enjoyed today's video click right here prayer peace video click right on Geoffrey's nostril for a video you to recommend specifically only for you timmy turner push around the middle describes for everyone else to know cuz it's different for each person oh okay bye
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 3,690,410
Rating: 4.8913054 out of 5
Keywords: we built, build, worlds largest, giant, apocalypse survival weapons, satisfying, dangie bros, survival, how to, survive, diy, do it yourself, challenge, test, testing, drop test
Id: r7sbrXHuJhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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