Using ONLY Household Items to Build Apocalypse Survival Weapons!

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there's only houses weapon eat the rocks that's not a brain zombie that's not not a brain what is up guys today we are building household item apocalypse weapon so imagine is you're inside your house all of a sudden zombies show up outside and you gotta build a weapon using only items inside your house in order to fight the zombies all you gonna die so I mean there's gonna be no store runs like we normally do only items in your house so we're each gonna go to our own house to build our weapons and there's gonna be different points that we're gonna be judging the weapons to see which one is the best and you guys are gonna be able to decide which weapon you like the best in a poll let's get dainty we're gonna go to Rob's house first he's gonna build the first weapon meanwhile guys it is raining so hard oh yeah that's why we have to film a household video because it's flippin raining don't you wait Bobby's out there bro belong to MTV Cribs this is my crib and yo yo yo we're in here today we're in this play paper so I have to find stuff to make a weapon out of and I literally only have the bare minimum here so you're at the disadvantage here because you recently moved in so obviously you don't have as much stuff so we'll see what you can do or I'm gonna start on my office so yeah also with a big mess in here he doesn't end in so it's okay one thing I do have in here is a baseball bat alright well that's that's our starting point there's nothing alright people so I found these old pull-up bars somehow I'll try to make them up and out of them I won't Bonnie be come love me dude come here buddy we're almost done taking apart the thingamajigger we have some pretty good-looking parts for some weapons well I wait for Robert to finish up let's let's turn his body with this little pointer Oh that's not it base of it is done it's gonna be like a sledgehammer looking thing Oh spring down fire but I maybe find something we get attached to this we still have these plastic parts from the pull-up bars so I put them together we're gonna put them right on here and then I found some string attached to these binoculars and this uh frightened Fastlane now we're gonna tie it together with cut that off cut that off at a Karambit as a gold Karambit that's cool the threads are coming apart so I'm gonna go get a lighter fuse that together fluffy carpet in your whole apartment goes to blame no the smoke alarms going off I'll let hail it so you got your uh your mighty staff well it's got some decent weight to it actually nice little handle grips just like that all right yeah nice and right now we're gonna take the second one and do the same exact thing all right I think I think I think I I think I uh I think I'm finished dude this is pretty cool let me see it move you know hey don't know you throw at my TV so you know for a homemade weapon it's not bad yeah you got a pull-up bar and you tie the string around it what are you gonna do you're gonna go fill it up bolted it and what did it what are you gonna do Oh what do you name it gonna name it not your average weapon get it cuz there's nuts on this no this small bus through your boy buster bucks cuz you get small using the pull-up bar background nice weapon let's see I do we're gonna head to my house now so we're now in my house and we're gonna build a weapon I [Music] tell me up there really yeah where have you been dude see there he is well I was running away from zombies like some errand run oh well I'm did you get bit did you get be it he'll think so that's good jeez oh it's just from what I took care of the zombie okay yeah here's to see what kind of you gonna make yellow more stuff than I do I'd you got a lot of more stuff than you did bro they ask you how you are you just going to say that you're fine you're not really fine here we go my kitchen I got all sorts of connive bro yeah max he's wet he can't come in leave him out there with the zombies they craved brains so I think he's okay on Christmas house okay this actually was a piece to my truck I could use this and weapon do that the maneuverability of that would be terrible okay so we have an office in here oh dude check this out this rock here that I can use for bashing a brain oh it's my boys Oh Johnny boy I could use this when I was in martial arts I got my black belt we could potentially use this as like part of a lift or something we're gonna be putting all of my supplies here and we'll come back we have an old Apple watch that's broken I potentially could use this guitar stand here okay ooh we can use this old fan potentially there's that mercedes-benz have a board we need some kind of like staff or something well you never know I'm it using that thing not skinny skinny skinny skinny I do have this one curtain hanger here here's this one check it out it's like look at this thick metal here you buy that stuff already you know just make something this is a whale by itself right here well we could tie this black belt to this stone this lava rock here table block going in take one out but now I'm a black belt in zombie killing well let your weapon beauty judge of that oh yeah that actually legit secured this like really well and I kind of want to add some more dangerous to it we're gonna have this Apple watch for so we can tell the time during the zombies killing time what do you think about something to make the other side game gee I can see this going terribly wrong dude if you use this look you got this metal tolling here use that Oh attach this at the end of the pole yeah so now we're gonna tie this epic weapon of epic proportions dude that's gonna fly out it's freaking epic this is my weapon features a meteor and an Apple watch and current hangar so I'm gonna call it the meteor shower so we're gonna go to my house so I can build my weapon we got to be very careful because there's zombies out there Robin Jeff bring your weapons so you can protect me okay I'm gonna use this table we could galaxy I think it's a good idea to like Geoffrey get a whole bunch of stuff see what I'm working with here yes people wouldn't have thought to use a pan I've got plenty of them very great pan okay so this could possibly be something that it's not cast-iron because the last time I use a cast-iron pan it's blue across the yard with a saw blade on it kind of hurts 3 2 1 cookies oh I'm trying to knock it it's dude it sounds like you were letting me I'm gonna put my workstation right here so we got a paint and don't have much to work with straight for you it could use this dream I think galaxy wants you to follow her let's see where she takes you yeah Wow do you just think give me a ton of splinters and that is danger that'll work machine gun I don't have anything else well here's this thing I could somehow break this and you've this bar about this alright yeah pretty weak but it may be all that we have oh wait crutches are in here from when I hurt myself making it filming a danger Pro video so unfortunately I ran out of rope to tie this umbrella on here but every millennial is gonna have a charger as my table sits high plus who needs phones in the apocalypse they're not even gonna work you're right use your resources all right so I've tied a knot here we're just gonna wrap it around the umbrella yeah that was actually really tight so this is my weapon how's it feel it feel balanced I feel like can you go mmm all right Chris what you gonna call it the hungry rainy crippled guy again I'm gonna call this one coming in crutch very nice like clutch you know I feel you so now we're gonna move on to the testing weapons portion of this video the first weapon test is the maneuverability test you have to run pop all these balloons while being chased by a zombie and if you get attacked by a zombie you don't get your point but you have to go into the fart bunker to be safe Roberts up first let's do it Bob how you feeling bro energetic and I have a good swing I guess I don't mr. zombie huh are you feeling realm what do you do with your women the only pop to balloon so he gets two points you jumped you threw your weapon Ryan was really scary okay Robert got two points now my turn Jeff how are you feeling about this this is me hard to to hit a and pop a balloon with so in that okay creeped me out but we'll see how I do what's wrong with a zombie dude what's wrong with you lovey attacked the guy with the balloon there's aa weapon that's not a brain zombie that's not not a brain all right Jeff Jeff you lose both you lose bro thanks for the balloons only got one point only got one all right Chris how you feeling about this round here I think that this is gonna come in crutch if I get bit then I can use this as a crutch right I give you you got 1.0 you do the durability Christy realized that this cancels out your your points to zero I've has two points I have one and you have zero not looking good for me Pam for the next challenge you have to hit three items a watermelon a plank and a break for each one you break you get a point I'm go first a zombie food what are you doing here we go alright good smash the entry fun oh no that crack use your weapon no get away no that's not a break bat bat zombie will you break the wood whoa oh that was a lot easier than I thought no problem will he break the brick I don't think he's gonna break the brick well they break the break let me count yeah you gotta break it like like a whole break that doesn't count two more sweet Oh Oh how's that weapon so strong you get a point for it well missing that okay fine it's the durability point got me one two three point so I'm at four all right now we're gonna see on my weapon do the meteor shower I'm gonna give you a countdown Jeff you ready ready three one freaking meteor shower work so well so strong five points for me in for meteor shower well I'm impressed so let's see if I can come back from this yeah I don't no I can't we'll still give it our best shot so everyone wants to see the pain fly off in it so long why don't you try one more time there we go all right I broke it moving on to the next one you might want to step back I think you're gonna break this cinder block you want to bet you know I feel so confident I'm gonna waste one of my swings just broke it so crazy stories three by four Jeff s PI got five so I'm Davey nerd Paul right here right now boom by the bank would look like the best be there or be square meters show not around coming in crunch swole buster well Buster we are Bureau and join this video click here for the prisoner click here for the viewer maybe I can click on just hat there's another subscribe and we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,580,156
Rating: 4.9151206 out of 5
Keywords: diy, do it yourself, apocalypse survival, using only household items, home depot, walmart, objects, knives, microwave, pots, pans, dangie bros, weapons, weapon, found at home, find
Id: qGcHT-w5j7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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