Using Only ONE COLOR to Build Apocalypse SURVIVAL WEAPONS!

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all right so Santa is getting destroyed you can see he's pretty happy about it [Applause] [Applause] ladies up guys today we're going to be building apocalypse weapons using specific colors so I'm yellow Robert sitting over there relaxing it's gonna be blue so he's gonna go to the store we're gonna pick out items for our color we're gonna try and build a weapon and then we're gonna destroy stuff with them and see whose is the best there's gonna be multiple judging points durability strongest weapon coolest weapon which you guys are gonna vote on the pole for and destruction so let's get game G so the first store we're going to is Harbor Freight we're probably gonna have to go to a couple of different stores to find enough items for a weapon let's go inside there's this branch shredder right here I can't really use that though it's huge there's a lot of red stuff in here but it's kind of hard to find anything good that keys for a weapon I can't use this oh wow I found this and yes these gloves to protect my hands oh also though guys the rule is you have to have something as mostly your color on it so I can have a little bit of different I see mostly I find something I can actually use so I'm thinking that I'm just gonna put this on the end of like a bo staff or something if I can find a red one I'll be sick though also a little baiji but hey that's the name of the game I can make a whale with this I can also try not to get spotted by people who don't like film the income so I've been walking around the whole store I made a couple apps actually and uh unfortunately can't find anything here I don't know why but I always have the hardest time just thinking of cool ideas I could do so I think I'm just gonna get some tools from the next door guys and then they get some heavy-duty cleaning wipes they wipe the tears off of Roberts face after he realized many loses all right so we're leaving this store now I'm gonna give you guys a little store update so I got this bucket the gas container reach have to grab five colored items that we're gonna destroy with our weapon so I have two so far I have one I'm gonna destroy this air tank not pressurize up throwing and robber way over there he's done that thing so far so next door Home Depot Rob hopefully you can find some items here yeah good news I found a pole good crawl under here look at this hey cool that's just why I need so I'm gonna be destroying Santa all right so that's Daly in duct tape because you never know when you're going to need duct tape and it's red so I can use it did you find something Rob no no okay it's a little grabber think leaving Home Depot now we're going to Walmart going to Walmart oh no this is we plan to destroy it's gonna go pop this oh my gosh it's so fluffy I could take a number here I just need one more red item to destroy and then we're good to go the last item for me this is a fun to destroy with the chainsaw okay I got all my stuff well it looks like Rob's got a bunch of blue stuff in the cart oh yeah alright and that will complete our shopping oh my god I've got a pinata so we're back home I have all my materials we have this stick thing now we're gonna be primarily using to create our weapon we're gonna take dig us and make a flail and then we're gonna attach something at the end to make it snatchy sounds Daisy you know I am well so I gotta figure out a way to fasten this so it doesn't fall off because it falls off we're gonna have this crowbar flying and hitting the neighbor's dog are you dealing with that we don't want that hopefully that's not gonna come off oh my gosh this is so danger I gotta make sure this not as good yeah I think this is the dangerous thing you've ever made we'll just we'll just make sure everyone stand back so we're just gonna clean that and then we'll do a safety knot well and this is a really interesting looking job woah yeah yeah I can't this is another guy Pietro you have to make this rough a little shorter I mean it's done you do this great knot I just did and redo it but shorter see let's see my shorter rope ideas gonna work China actually working you all I think this aspect of my weapon is complete I have a couple more items that attach to it so see I wanted to use this tape because I thought this tape was cool what kind of tape is this Oh Jeff you got a reflective tape oh shoot that's the wrong kind of tape well maybe you can reflect all the haters with it good point alright so we added our caution tape hey Phineas I think it looks pretty cool guys couple more things I forgot so we got some yellow gloves we also have this cool yellows costume that's gonna make me look really scary so I have this cool wetsuit and the reason I have it is so I block out all the tears of Chris and Rob after they loose today's video we got yellow bar kills every dinosaur all right guys I'm gonna name this the crow boss if you don't look like a boss in that outfit it looked like more of a level 1 easy enemy to kill zero zero string zero dexterity boots I'm happy with it okay so next person dildo I think rubs X are we have on my uh item setup here okay what you're gonna do with that a lot worse than it is what are you doing I'm sorry little bear your chances of survival are slim to none so you're just gonna this is it no I need you to hold this shot right here so uh you know when it comes down to these videos I always end up without a clue what to do my weapon it's kind of true not gonna lie so your idea so to choke out us innocent stuffed animal and you're just gonna smashed up with that yeah [Music] what yeah this is my weapon it's the duh why did you choose those a hole over there hey pull her bare alright he's like you know he's good on there we gonna call this thing yeah control that's by Plouffe huh okay now it's Chris's turn my turn a bit and build his weapon that all right so we got this red chainsaw so I'm figuring I'm going to attach it to this pole like this somehow curry you're just gonna chainsaw that's already attached to the pole you could but I mean I found one but it wasn't red oh alright cuz it has to be red gotcha you know what the batteries just not coming out I don't need a bro I don't need it to last for eternity I just need a do this is way more day Gina Jeff's weapon I just need less for this video that's it also I know you're thinking you're probably wondering how are you inactivated the chainsaw when you're holding the bottom of the weapon and not the top that's a good question I'm just gonna tape it so that it's always running you know this could go very wrong oh yeah that's on there pretty solid so far all right it's finished you got a sketchy dude this is cool that's actually very cool what do you say Jeff what are you doing what do you think of my weapon oh it's cool dude blank classroom hold on alright need to think of a name solid my cameraman just give me a name for this it's called saw dude got a clever bro like an IV that clever Sadiq now's your chance to vote in the poll whose weapon you like the best so we got crow boss sigh dude I forgot my name fluff ball oh yeah that's my [ __ ] that's my bluff whoa whose is the coolest up in the pole now right there no that's dangerous now we've done this we are going to game to the street do it I will be destroying first reach up 5 items my first one is this little emoji for every item that you destroy you get a point if your weapon breaks you get minus the point however brakes the strongest item get the point so let's start doing this all right everybody stand back this is me really dandy yeah that's why I said we should you are like hell we're going to the hill no we can just go to the hill would help you but I'm having a lot more fun watching you do this all right pinata it's too hard to aim are you getting three swings for weapon all right take three no you're holding it for that big whoa then dance once I put on my stupid handle I don't know you been off it all right here you go all right what's this Joey it's like at a point dude space spreads next item is this fruit give me the fruit whoever the heck this thing is it's gone no it's a squash I destroyed it this is such a nutty weapon I got two points okay next one close this Ryan's toy reviews okay I think I figured out a good way pendulum it and then you step back and you go to the donkey stand what your chai next up is our Tonka mighty builders roleplay helmet there's inside okay I get a point for that one okay guys finally we have a metal air tank one thing about this is this is the most durable item we have so if I'm able to destroy this I probably get we're taking out you know it you puncture it it's broken then I get my point wait wait here we go what oh wait I get I get we get three it we might be able to get it it did that it did dent it did dead okay I'm gonna try all right I get one more shot break it all right so you got a three points Jeff destroying your stuff so I got a whopping three points I'm not worried oh I'm going to get the stuffed animal no I'm certain for my first item I need a volunteer the volunteer you're gonna be holding that up right yeah it's good break that just don't hit me are you Chris yeah ready hold it tighter you have two more chances to break it hold it tight I'm totally in tight don't hit my fingers a little goofy weapon destroyed it I can add him up we got this blue pumpkin Halloween's coming up so you gotta get your trick-or-treaters on a bag dread don't get too excited about this all right sizing up don't wait what classifies as a destruction a abend no okay let's be some sort of puncture honey's all this no oh I know your weapon is fluffy but it's still dangerous fine like that and I get three hits well I think it has Denton Denton Denton yeah so far no your no hair in the system here's Sean number two I mean you could still destroy stuff with this I think I think Rob is just done I don't want to talk about it all right so Rob is just caught by zero point zero zero Happiness zero victory it is now Chris's turn get some exciting items I'm excited to see how this thing works it is time for the finishing items I personally am looking forward to the fan tip because as tradition follows which if that's my fan fest I want to drink some dude I'm really thirsty I want to dream also very odd you don't you go Vic is good what you said you're some of the cameraman Ryan yeah how's a delight to the sense that was a great two likes to say all right we're shaking it up so it's gonna be super powerful so I'm taping the handle do not try this at home so when someone sits on alright so Santa is getting destroyed you can see he's pretty happy about it I think he's okay no examinate no damage wait there was any more than the arm oh there's a tear in the arm oh yeah boy then make to him hey wait I want to do it slower I guess I goes to show you can't destroy Christmas spirit so I'm gonna crush Santa again because this time I say you just try to slice its head off okay good idea [Applause] [Applause] what you did cut the arm so I'd say that it's destroyed all right so Santa's down like you couldn't clean up and give it to some kid how Liz he'd be like what the flip is that lets TV still dances is this is this the test if I get a point or not okay oh oh okay all right so I get a point for that one okay next I'm gonna chainsaw this ball guys oh my gosh you did he did he did don't do it don't do it daddy daddy daughter daily to do nothing ding dong ding dong ding ding ding ding dong ding ding do is that the sound of two stomachs all right next item next item this fluff ball first I have a feeling that the same result is gonna be resulted as a hit Santa Claus okay first let's see if it's a good pillow it's a good pillow is that how her you have harpy her nope I knew it I knew that what happened turn that button off I guarantee you it's frying the motors all right dude Christmas lemons get destroyed Oh Chris if you if your chainsaw doesn't turn on anymore its brother you ever know I knew this what happened - oh gosh oh it came out alright let's see if it turns on there's stuff everywhere alright next item we have this gas canister it's not gonna puncture a hole in this to get the point so five three point three points I get one more I beat everybody I'm just gonna sledgehammer this thing ready ready please don't break please don't break nothing alright okay you know I think I might have to change sides looking real scratched up I don't see a puncture hole no maybe this isn't the best idea for a weapon yeah fine I think yeah I think it would work on a zombie yeah it would like a slice of its face you know well you got three points so Chris you just gotta destroy the panel so if I destroy this Fanta hi endo winner I'm uh I'm gonna wait all the way up here because I don't feel like getting my wet my clothes uh what same z-waves these I'll stay thanks right all right good luck Fanta [Music] well first look what you did to the barrel exploding oh come on so uh completely sad that Fanta in half which means that I win this video so for totals Grayson I both got the durability Point Roberts bro thank you too messy Oh none of us got a straight point because my strongest item ID is unable to destroy which is the air tank and I wasn't able to destroy mine either which was the gas canister so final points five four zero but also we have the cool poll that you guys will decide so maybe you can time you back up so we'll see hope you guys enjoy this video make sure to check out other videos click rate for the previous video click on Jeffrey space for the video YouTube recommends click in the middle to subscribe and tell your uncle that you should watch our videos Uncle Terry to be exact yeah if your uncle's name is Bobby or Shawn no Harry see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,129,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Using only one color to build apocalypse survival weapons, using only one color, eating only one color for 24 hours, eating only one color, 24 hour challenge, diy, do it yourself, walmart, home depot, harbor freight, dangie bros, apocalypse survival, survival challenge, funny, carter sharer, chad wild clay, mr beast, unspeakable, team edge
Id: 7Cd5YA6lnbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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